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THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1919. j SOCIETY | Mrs. Hooks’ Party. Mrs. J. D. Hooke party this after noon was a delightful occasion of the week assembling a dozen congenial players who enjoyed a game of bridge. The house was beautifully decorated with sweet peas and coreop sis and a basket of growing ferns was given for high score. Present were Miss Kathleen Denham, Mrs. D. K. Brinson, Mrs. Walter Rylander, Mrs. E. J. Eldridge, Mrs. Furlow Gatewood, Mrs. Charles Burke, Mrs. Eugene Hill, Mrs. E .B. Everette, Mrs. W. E. Tay lor, Mrs. Clarence Davis, Mrs. T. 0. Marshall, Mrs. George Oliver, Mrs. Stephen Pace. ♦ * * Thursday Bridge Club Meets. Mrs. W. S. Kirkpatrick was the Thursday club’s hostess at a lovely party this morning at her home on College street. A profusion of sum mer flowers adorned the rooms and the top score prize was a box or handkerchiefs. The following guests were present: Mrs. J. L. Sparks, Mrs. D. R. Andrews, Mrs. L. F. Grubbs, Miss Emma Mae Borum, Mrs. Tracy Cunningham, Mrs. Willis Haw kins, Mrs. J. E. Hightower, Mrs. H. O. Jones, Mrs. Carr Glover, Mrs. Lovelace Eve, Mrs. Macon Dudley, Miss Florence Niles, Mrs. B. R,. Boyd, Mrs. J. E. Mathis, Mrs. Hollis Fort, Miss Lula Mat’his. * ♦ ♦ W. C. C. S. Dance. The regular weekly dance at the Soldiers’ Club will occur tomorrow 11l OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT. O’DONNELL MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY PRESENTS I I “BABY MINE” 111 The Star Feature Bill of ttie WEEK I I ~~ ~ ZZ ZZ ji -- is? rr»„, PICTURE CURTAIN 8:30 ||l Popular Prices: 25c, 35c and 55c, War lax inciuaea theatrical curtain 9:oo | | ■ ■ Ks i— . . " Ms* j NEW ERA ~ j! Miss .Bessie Veal was the guest of Miss Leila Doster Wednesday night. Mrs. C .E. Doster. Mrs. M. C. Veal, Misses Bessie Veal and Leila Doster and Cooper Doster, Jr., were visitor at the home of Mrs. C. W. Grant Wed nesday afternoon. Miss Della Parker was a visitor at the home of Mrs. M. C. Tea; Thurs day morning Mis Annie Willis Morris was the guest of Mrs. Marvin Vincent Thursday afternoon. Doster, Nell and Vivian A incent were guests of Little Mn ' -*i and Charles McNeill Wednesday morning. W{ I k i; [\\ Ir'l 11 i I M 1 Jj gy O L JLLiZ-l iill I I [Oil mu,, J In i i litl,1 itl, iiniihhi I s I II i I ii'tar k lM|mh fc I Lffl I in 11' | I I | |M H ■ IImMH i I It 0 ts USH IHf | If* jrwSF ■HMMBr “ ’ i HMr «z xdMMI tL k : | H iillßP'sir " JmWW* flll h 1 llhlM""" 1 iHiiRSH r M awfiil IJi 1 i1 1 = !l gr w WSHfE Bl 1 '! i wOIr Tnnnv red line. II l .||l Copyright Wt» Bas*# WBWi bi I M|HK perfect condition. yjMF J |:| lj|M|k ®|| ® 1~)UT it flush up to Prince Albert to produce more smoke £ happiness than you ever before collected 1 P. A.’s built to WgmimA 7 b fit your smokeappetite like kids fit your hands I It has the | ijjudandiest flavor and coolness and fragrance you ever ran ■ against! ft lOWMf;]■. Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want to find out the double-quickest thing you do next. And, put llf v it down how you could smoke P. A. for hours without wtw M W tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process ■■ ’ HI I <*■"&* t cuts out bite and parch. 13 » Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy’us jimmy I pipe or the papers every once and a while. And, puff to I beat the cards I Without a comeback! Why, P. A. is so I good you feel like you’d just have to eat that fragrant smoke! | £§ll3B 'R* J * Re y nolda Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. night at nine o’clock. The dances have been unusually well attended lately and the return of the college contingent will no doubt increase the attendance. On the reception commit tee for tomorrow' night are Mrs. E. B. Mrs. Thomas Harrold, Mrs. Franc Mangum, Mrs. H. B. Allen, Mrs. D. K. Brinson, Mrs. C. 0. Niles, Mrs. W. A. Dodson, Mrs. David Suttle, Mrs. C. U. Rogers, Mrs. Clarence Davis is chairman of the refreshment committe, and Miss Marie Walker of the decorating com mittee and these ladies are requested to appoint their assistants. The man agers wish to announce that while the dances are primarily for the soldiers at Souther Field the officers are in ! vited also as well as all returned sol diers and sailors. * * * IVomu’s Club Meeting. The Woman's club held its last regu lar meeting until October yesterday af ternoon at the Carnegie library. The election of officers was in order but on account of the nominating commit tee’s failure to meet the election was ' deferred until a called meeting can j be held. No program was given, the ] meeting being entirely given over to the business affairs of the club. * * * Mrs. W. B. Heys is recovering from a recent severe illness. i‘ ‘ ‘ | Mrs. R. B. Winlock of Augusta, is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. B. Heys i at her home near Americus. Fortnightly Soldiers’ Dance. The fortnightly dance will be held 1 Saturday night at the K. of C. Soldiers* Mrs. L. C. Autry, Mrs. Ella Hudson | and Miss Ruby Autry were spend the- I day guests at the home of Mrs. Amanda Autry Thursday. Mrs. W. A. Parker. Mrs. M. C Veal and Miss Annie Willis Morris were visitors at the home of Mrs. S'. M. j I Parker Friday afternoon. Mrs. W. B. Bradley was the guest of I I Mrs. IV. C. Grant Saturday afternoon. ! A. J. Ledger. Dan Ledger, Mrs. S. S. | Ledger, Ruth, Neva and Clifford Led-I | ger were visitors at the home of Mr. ; and Mrs. D. C. Griffin Saturday after- ( . | neon. Miss Eddie Lou Parker spent Satur day night with Miss Della Giles. I Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mercer and Ed-| "ar Mercer spent. Sunday with Mr. and Home, Cotney building. Invitations are being issued. This will be the last dance for the present, as activities at the hall will be temporarily discon tinued. • • * Mrs. Duffy Grimsley of Cordele is visiting her mother Mrs. Fannie Crabb on Prince street. • * » Mrs. W. W. Tucker has returned from a visit to relatives in Cordele. ♦ * ♦ Miss Katherine Buchanan has re turned from Wesleyan college and will spend the summer vacation at home. * . * * Mrs. W. C. Wright is visiting her mother MrssA. J. Long in Macon. • ■ • Mrs. Tom French Mabry and daugh ter, Martha, leave Friday for Richland and Columbus to visit relatives for some time. * * * Mrs. Anna A. White, of Orange, N. J., who has been visiting Mrs. W. C. Carter, will leave tomorrow for a visit to Mrs .1 .J. Murph, in Marshallville. Mrs. White in en route to her home from Orlando, Fla., where she spent the winter. f- * * Miss Mary Rose Brown has returned ftom Wesleyan college and after spending a few’ days at home will leave for Oxford, where she will attend Em ! ory commencement. ********** ♦ ♦§♦♦♦*♦♦ * SEE EVELYN NESBIT IN * * “THOU SHALT NOT” AT THE * i* STRAND FRIDAY . ********** »* s *****» Mrs. A. D. Autry. Thomas and Lester Bradley and Shep Autry spent Sunday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C Veal. W. T. 0. Bray is spending a few days in Dooly county, the guest of his brother, D. C. Bray. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Murphy, Miss , Bertha Edwards and Messrs. Miller and Jenkins were visitors at the home | of Mr. and Mrs.-C. AV. Grant Sunday I afternoon. ! Mr. Mrs. P- R. Cannon and I daugb r, Ne-'.le Claire, were Sunday I I vifcl ■ tha 1K...e of her father, B. | | J. MMcNeal. D. C Bray an ’ Day Fenn, of Dooly | ! county, were business visitors at the I 1 twine i \V. T. 0. Bflay Monday. I AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. _~~ AMUSEMENTS | The O’Donnell Musical Comedy com pany, which has been playing at the Opera House for the last three nights is more than making good. Theater go ers are looking forward to tonight when the famous “Baby Mine” will be presented by this cast of unusually talented players. If you enjoy a good ; comedy you will make no mistake in witnessing this. This comedy is not unknown to Americus theater goers It is in capable hands and will be pre sented by a cast that is in every way qualified to put it over in good shape, if past performances of this company are any criterion. Special mention should be made of Miss O’Donnell’s violin playing which she does between the acts. The au dience is charmed by her flawless playing dan gracious personality. Mrs. Dorsey Olver, of Eastman, is visiting Mrs. F. G. Olver on Church street. Our Grandfathers. drenched horses for colic. That was the old way which was uncertain and unsafe. Farris’ Colic Remedy does away with drenching—is applied on the horse’s tongue with a dropper which comes packed in each bottle. Get it today. We guarantee it adv G. E. Buchanan. ********** *» s ***»** * SEE EVELYN NESBIT IN * * “THOU SHALT NOT” AT THE * * STRAND FRIDAY . * ********** ** s ***»*« FRIDAY -- SATURDAY .ap' TWO WORE DAYS ONLY Pre-Inventory and jgl Anniversary Sale We are celebrating our NINTH ANNIVERSARY by giving to our friends and customers an opportu- f nity to purchase some very attractive SUITS, SPRING WRAPS and DRESSES ala price that means I a saving worth while. Very soon we must take our inventory, and to reduce our stocks we have for gotten costs and put figures on these goods that will clear them out very, very rapidly. Small Women’s and Misses Dresses v About twenty-five beautiful voiles in dark <BO CIO • and light colors —worth up to $17.50 - ■&T - . Suits- Plain Tailored, all wool, Silk Lined Suits—Good Styles, worth up to $37.50, to Close $15.22 N. B. New Suits for Fall like these will be SSO tos6s. Gossard Complete New Silk Wirthmor Corsets Hosiery Line blouses 6 Underwear Waists PINKSTON COMPANY LAMAR STREET WINDSOR HOTEL ±~ - .ST; TIN ROOF OPENER LOST BY FIRE DEPARTMENT Anybody here find a tin roof opener? No? Well, then, would anybody here know it if they had found a tin roof opener? To make it all clear and brief, a week or so ago, while making a run to the vicinity of the Gulf Refin ing company's plant with the smaller hose wagon, the fire department lost a tin roof opener. It is a steel tool with a wooden handle painted red. de signed to cut tin roofs to get at fires when quick action is needed. They would welcome its return. Times-Recorder Want Ads are busi ness “go-getters.” ■■ - SUNDAY ANDWEEK-END Fares to Savannah-Tyhee and return byway of Seaboard Air Line Railroad. Sunday round trip fares to Savannah, $2.70; 30c higher to Tybee. Good ' for date of sale only. Week-end fares to Tybee and return $7.70. Sold for all Saturday and Sun day trains prior to 12 o’clock noon; final limit to reach original point prior to midnight Tuesday following date of sale. Correspondingly low fares from va rious intermediate points between Americus and Savannah. For further information ask ticket agent. SEABOARD AIR LINE Miss Margaret Laney, of Colum bus, will arrive tomorrow to be the guest of Miss Dorothy Cargill for some time. * * • ********** **£****** * SEE EVELYN NESBIT IN * * “THOU SHALT NOT” AT THE * * STRAND FRIDAY . * ********** ** g ****** ass Mi as gw Graduation day is not far away, plan an exchange of photographs with all your classmates. Keep Hie class of ’l9 together—a picture history for years to come. THE M’KINSTRY STUDIO I 14 Jackson St. ■ Spring Wraps Number Capes, Dolmans and Coats, good styles and colors, Worth up to S2O. To Close SIO.OO Gingham Dresses $3.75 18 Gingham Dresses, fast Colors, Attractive Plaids. Sizes up to 46. Worth $5.95. To Close $3.75 BABY BASKETS WHITE WOVEN I' ; SPLIT WILLOW We have succeeded in getting some of these very attractive Baby Baskets that have been in such demand. They make most appropriate gifts to the new baby. PRICES: $1 and SL7S HIGHTOWER’S BOOK STORE PAGE FIVE