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Page Two I When Nurse Edith Caveli at Last Came Home w 2 * i i a I WmHMif I I i^cwgWMMMM Jj, &£,_&/£ ’l, I%* ’ 7 ’*%**k < ,w.-.w-.-; Jjy /I ' * sjre BE3fevjw* - 1 *j. B®feslW§( ■ 3*fcSiKy ~ftrjWBMWSSg Ax • ■'- I*' - w|BOSl|Bfe'L H^Dr^ i ■-«& * i® I IwCgBP 'llJf r Jr The cortege of the heroic English nurse, shot by the Germans in Belgium, passing the House of Commons, London, on the way to Norwich, her native town, where sh e was buried, (c) Underwood & Underwood. GEORGIA, Sumter County. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that S. R. Heys as administrator on the estate of Lorin B. Smith deceased having jmaMMMMmaMMMnanflMiMaißnMaßßaansiHsm I I ■ I J!L>i><ETS THE PACE | ! 2Year | i I '"THE sons and daughters those who first drove Oldsmobiles find their old time comfort and pleasure g greatly enhanced by the splendid appointments and mechanical perfections of g the later day models. <sioe> ■ I* RR I a IPH IS Six-Cylinder models are built in Touring d _ m Cars and Roadsters, at - - - ■ g « Eight-Cylinder models are built in Touring d, S Cars and the Pace.rial er - - ytiyOO ■ . ■ f. o. b. Lansing, Michigan S ■ ■ . ■ ej m •* DEMONSTRA TION OR FURTHER INFORMATION BY ts ■ ■ H ts» H • , ■ g GEORGIA MOTOR COMPANY Cole Olds Reo Dort | I ■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB CO HEN’S “THE SATISFACTORY STORE ZCOHEN’S GREAT SALE OF MILLINERY ALL THIS WEEK » These hats were bought from concerns represent ing the largest trimmed and shape manufacturers in this country; their entire sample lines of summer styles. We are offering for this week some bjr gains in hats at this time of year that have never been excelled in our 47 years of business. These are the last words in summer styles, and there are no two alike; values up to sls. * Hats from $3.00 to $4,25 at - - $2 50 In iInR ■ “ “ 5 - 25 to 8 - s ° at ’ * s * oo 111 LiVlO | o 4 , 900 to 15.00 at - - 8.75 217 W. Lamar St. COHEN’S Phone 596 applied to me by petition for leave to sell the equity and interest of Lorin B. Smith, deceased ,in the following described property, to-wit: A certain tract of land located in | the 27th district of Sumter county, | Georgia, containing 725 acres of land ' in a body and bounded north by lands 1 formerly owned by W. L>. Tranyham I and H L. Mize, east by lands of L>. D. | Ranew, and E. C. Speer, south by land formerly owned by E. C. Speer and ’ Mrs. E. D. Cordell, and west by lands I of Rafe Tyson and Mrs. Jno. T. How ell, said lands consisting of the whole of lots of laud Nos. 28, 33 and 58 con- ; taining each 202 1-2 acres more or less also all of the south half of lot No. 32, lying east of the public road running i from Americus to Ellaville, contain ing 40 acres, the northeast corner of No. 59, being all of said lot lying east j of the above described road, contain ing 50 acres, all of that portion of I lot No. 57 lying west Os Parker’s mill i creek, containing 30 acres. An order was made at the June term : 1919, for citation and that citation is sued, all the heirs at law and creditors i of said Lorin B. Smith, deceased, will take notice that I will pass upon said ; application at the July term, 1919, of ! the Court of Ordinary of said county i of Sumter, and unless .cause is shown ito the contrary, at said time, said leave i will be granted. The equity and interest of the said Lorin P>. Smith deceased, in and to said | lands being an undivided one half in terest, subject to the payment of a ! balance of the purchase money, prin ! cipal $5,250.00, besides interest and one half of two loans on the whole fee of said lands, said loans being for $6,000 principal, besides interest, and $963 principal besides interest. This 4th day of June, 1919. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Sumter County. To All Whom It May Concern: Hayes luawrence Dickman having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Lt. Col F. T. Dickman, late of said county, this is to cite, all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Lt. Col. F. T. Dickman to be and appear at my office within the time I allowed by law and show cause if any they can why permanent administra tion should not be granted Hayes Law. rence Dickman on Lt. Col. F. T. Dick man’s estate. Witness my hand and official sig- AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER nature, this 2d day of June, 1919. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. - I GEORGIA, Sumter County. To All Whom it May Concern: George C. Price having in proper form applied to me for permanent let- i ters of administration on the estate of ; Austin Congleton, de bonis non, late of said county, this is to cite all and ; singular the creditors and next of kin of Austin Congleton to be and i appear at my office within the time | allowed by law, and show cause if any they can why permanent administra tion should not be granted to George i C. Price de bonis non, on Austin Con- ' gleton’s estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature this 2d day of June, 1919. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. , GEORGIA, Sumter County. Whereas John F. McMath, adminis trator of Wm. M. McMath represents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Wm. M. McMath’s estate: This is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kinared and creditors, to show cause, if any they can why said administrator should not be discarged from his ad ministration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in July, 1919. This June 2, 1919. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS GEORGIA, Sumter County. Notice is hereby given to all persons having demands against S. B. Hawkins, late of said county, deceased, to pre sent them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law so as to show their character and amount. All persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to me. This 4th day of June 1919. E. C. PARKER, Executor. CITATION GEORGIA, Sumter County. To All Whom it May Concern: G. W. Barrow having applied for guardianship of the property of the minor children of Mrs. Elizabeth Bar row late of said county, deceased, notice is given that said application will be heard at my office at 10 o’clock a. m„ on the first Monday in July, 1919. This June 2, 1919. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. 1111 fl ' XI fl rX 11 1 tY> /X MODIUIHe 7"'.-;’ f 'L ®® B,B ® BBBil ® flß American | M B ■ v-L / /]/ A K // ' | ts/ .1 The superb drink for the American Home and Family—rare flavored, invigorating, refreshing, ® atisf y in » pnii nourishing, The perfected re- ‘ | BU^t 1 “ ore 65 years in the making of ff T l3l **/’ absolutely pure, cereal beverages —such is I WzZj llliwl Ol I I 1 teJax if 11 I : \ J « \ Aj y . Or 111 . £ j u Ju ... | iaK I' | If/ - A iv i’Awm r il > A»i \ , x MiaMa f 1 f V Ki I IIOMII 7 ' \ |f 2a y A' I* B dry flavor satisfies thirst and - < i'li# ag '.d |S K P* invites good fellowship. Here’s a drink to ; - ' I CTk II \ / I ** nie y° u,rc diirsty. A drink suitable for f lljwl )-y I every occasion—parties, luncheons, after- / ‘''XtX O J/ / theater suppers—adding sparkle, zest and *W'i 'Wi; ~ wholesome refreshment. 'T ; '-T; / Enjoy a bottle with a friend at Soda : 1 / Fountain, Case, Club or Restaurant. '4 t X Four Grocer will supply your needs by the case or less. SHERLOCK & CO, Distributors P W Zs PHONE 7—AMERICUS My Style Diary > ' BY DOROTHY CLARK. r F - 4 ■ "I ' Rf ■ >i \'P • f. #■ I . . & JUNE 10. THAT really was/ one of the best looking wrap for sum mer afternoon wear that I’ve seen—the one Mrs. Marcus wore on Saturday. It was made of dark brown chiffon taffeta and lined with two thick nesses of georgette crepe. The taffeta was in bands joined to gether by uncut frings of the same color. The collar was a wide, straight piece of silk, laid in pleats across the back of the neck and continuing loose down the front in scarf ends ending in tassels. This -scarf effect could just be knotted and hang long or else be tied in a large bow, giving a chic, French touch to the wrap. Our Grandfathers. drenched horses for colic. That was the old way which was uncertain and unsafe. Farris’ Colic Remedy does away with drenching—is applied on i the horse’s tongue with a ’dropper which comes packed in each bottle. Get it today. We guarantee it. adv G. E. Buchanan. Ask for Chero Cola at founts. There’s none so good. 9-ts NOTICE Change of Schedule EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, JUNE Bth nn. th i l i mil im ■mu ii ■ nun i iw— a muudii-i _ June Bth to Sunday, September 7th inclusive, Sea board Air Line train No. 13, will leave Savannah 6:00 o’clock P. M. EASTERN TIME each Sunday, to accommodate passenger holding Savannah-Tybe j Excursion tickets. Seaboard Air Line 11. M. SELLARS, Agent ® IT TLE WHAT YOU SURELY NEED is a healthy, active, Industrious liver. Small doses of these pills taken regularly insure that. You may also need a purgative sometimes. Then take one larger dose. Keep that in mind) it will pay you rich dividends in Health and Happiness. Genuine Small PUI sisnature R? c ’’ • ROSY CHEEKS °* Y EA ( LTHY color indicatea bon In the Blood. Pale or tet-as-af carter's iron pills r 11 i ARROW COLLARS | LAUNDERED OR SOFT THE PEST THAT YOU r">"' H CAN BUY AT THE UAL J V. PRICE YOU PAY WdF MONROE duett, Peabody <f Co., 7-ie„ Troy, JT. y. SOFT TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1919.