Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1919. I The I promoter’s I Wife By JANE PHELPS. ; I (Copyright, George Mathew Adams) I MJI- is GRATEFUL FOR FRED ERICK’S HELP. CHAPTER CXVIII. ■ in; were settled in our new home. VV It was neatly but plainly fur nished by the owners for renting. A strange contrast to our luxurious New York home. But how happy Robert was. We had a nice big yard and he lived out of doors. It was early spring, and Neil at once started his garden, working in it a little while each morning and at night until it was too dark to see. It was doing him good. He has lost that gray pallor which had clung to him ever since the papers exposed him, and in its place was gaining a ruddy brown that I told him was vastly becoming. He worked very hard in his own and Mr. Frederick’s interests. It had been widely remarked upon that: “Neil Forbes, the former mining promoter had been made Eastern representative for the vast interests of ‘The Fredericks Co.’ It was also mentioned that “he had settled with his creditors to their satisfaction.” When Neil read it he said rather bitterly. “I wonder if they would speak so kindly of me if they knew Scott’s side of the story.” “But you will pay him back—some day.” “Yes, if I live—some day.” “Then dear don’t worry. You are doing well. I know Mr. Frederick will give you every chance.” “Sometimes Bab I wonder just why Frederick has done so much for me, for us.” Fortunately he was not j looking at me or he might have not- ■ iced me flush. “It seems strange that a man would yor pure kindness go so out of his way to help a fel low. He could not have donb more for a son.” “You are almost young enough to be his son.” “But I am not, you know, and it passes my understanding why he | has been so good to me. Why Bab, I never told you half he did in those days when I remained in his rooms. How he saw ugly excited people who i clamored not only for their money, i but what we, I, had promised them | besides. Women as well as men , •me to him and demanded all they d been told should be theirs, not only demanded, btrt threatened. I j never could have gone through what i he did for me; not with my nerves in I the condition they then were.” “We are very fortunate to have such a friend.” I scarcely knew how to reply when Neil praised Freder ick’s kindness to him. 'I was guiltily conscious that it was for my sake he had done all thpt he had, yet there was no least feeling of guilt as I recalled my intercourse with him, or of regret. I had accepted for Neil’s sake more, far more than ever I could have accepted for my self. This Frederick knew. “Fortunate! we are more than that. If I were a religious man I should say we are blest.” Then he added quietly: “I shall some day prove my gratitude. It may take a long time, but I shall find away.” And I knew he would. In all my life I never saw a human being pos sessed of tenacity such as Neil al ways had exhibited. He had a bull dog way of accomplishing anything he undertook that brooked no de nial, that no disapointment could cause him to abandon. Real dis couragements, things that wouli have made most men give up in des pair seemed simply to drive him to greater exertions, and to increase his tenacity. It was this quality in him which had made him such a suc cess along wrong lines; it made for his success when applied to legiti mate business. When I told him what Blanche Orton had told me before she went to Europe, he had replied: “That woman will some day make i some man supremely happy—if ever she runs across the right man. But women will never appreciate her. scarcely like her. She is emphatical ly a man’s woman, while being more feminine in some ways that any woman I have ever met. lam glad you parted friends.” Os that part of his life spent in her home with his conferes I could not get Neil to talk. I became sure he was a bit ashamed of it, although at the same time I was assured there had been nothing morally wrong in association. I often wished he •ould talk more freely with me about what occurred at those little supper parties, but when I broached the subject he invariably changed it immediately. Once he said: “I believe you are still jealous, Bab.” Was I? Tomorrow—Neil’s Conscience Trou bles Him. Ask for Chero Cola at founts. There’s none so good. 9-ts : ►*♦»♦♦♦♦<♦**«*******************< HARRY HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law. ;I Offices in Wheatley Building. j! Phone 52 '*^^#sr#sr#srsrr#**<***^*************** > GOVERNOR DEFENDING CHINAMAN’S SLAYER Vr—— ATLANTA, June 12.—Governor Theodore Bilbo, of Mississippi, arriv ■ ed in Atlanta yesterday to aid in the j defence of James M. McDonald, for mer Mississippi politician, whose sec j ond trial for the killing of Joe, Jung | widely known Chinese citizen of At j lanta which began in the criminal di vision of Superior court. McLonald I killed the Chinaman in a dispute over concessions at the Southeastern fair in Atlanta two years ago. A mistrial I resulted at the first hearing and Mc- Donald has been at liberty on bond. “Bully." The word “bully” as a familiar term of address was employed in the time of Shakespeare and no doubt was old even then. In the sense of praise worthy, excellent as, “That was a bully dinner,” it is used both by Americans and by British subjects. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given of intention to apply for the passage of a local or special bill at the 1919 session of I I the General Assembly of\Georgia of I which the title is as follows, to-wit: A BILL i To be entitled an Act to Amend an j Act entitled “An Act to amend, re ivise and consolidate the several Acts I granting corporate authority to the j City of Americus, and for other pur poses,” approved November 11, 1889, j so as to provide a budget system for I the City of Americus, to create an! I establish an “Efficiency and Econo | my Commision,” authorizing and re quiring said Commission to prepare and submit a budget of estimated rev enue jind recommended expenditures for each fiscal year; to prohibit ap propriations or expenditures in ex cess of the estimated revenue; to re quire detailed reports from each de partment of the City Government at the close of each fiscal year showing its expenditures during that year and its requirements for the ensu ing year; and for other purposes. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an act of which the following is the caption will be introduced into the next ses ion of the General Assembly of Geor gia, at the request of the Mayor and City Council of Americus Georgia: AN ACT ENTITLED An Act to Amend the City Charter of the City of Americus so as to author ize the Mayor and City Council of Americus to levy an advalorern tax for the year 1919 to 1923 inclusive of one-half of one per centum in ad dition to the tax already authorized and to provide that the amount raised by said levy be kept separate and distinct from the other funds of the city, and to be applied only to the payment of present outstanding floating indebtednes of the City of Americus and to supplement the public school fund of rhe board of public e Vacation for the City of Americus to pay nnnig expenses nc.t to exceed two mills of such one half per centum to authorize the Mayor and City Council of Americus to execute notes and sell the same in anticipation of this tax levy, and for other purpos es. This the sixth day of June, 1919. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF AMERICUS, By E. J. ELDRIDGE, Clerk and Treasurer. (SEAL) DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Plenty of bright, safe, clean electric light .No more hot, smoky lamps. /Sy '< 4 n IbLo H. F. BYRb, Windsor Hotel, Americus, Ga. | STRAND THEATRE ADMISSION 10c and 20c. THURSDAY Fox Pictures Presents ALBERT RAY —IN— “MARRIED IN HASTE” FIVE ACTS Be Sure To See This. FRIDAY SELECT PICTURES Presents Attractive CONSTANCE TALMAGE —IN— LEFFINGWELL’S BOOTTS FIVE ACTS You Can’t Afford To Miss This SATURDAY UNIVERSAL PICTURES Presents Charming MARY McLAUREN —IN CREAKING STAIRS SIX ACTS AND CHAPTER 111 “TIGER’S TRAIL” Don’t Fail To See These. Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE —Nice 5-room house; every convenience, garage and garden. Will exchange for small farm close in. Address Box 274. 23-ts I GAS OR GASOLINE engine for sale. Ten horsepower; cheap. W. 0. Barnett. 10-ts FOR SALE—At sacrifice, fixtures !for drug store, including modern soda fountain, refrigerator, show case, electric soda mixer, ice cream tables, chairs, etc. Will sell as a whole or selarately. Arles Planta tion Co., Americus, Ga. 10-7 t WANTED—TO RENT WANTED —Six room house with modern conveniences. H. C. Cannon, Phone 723. 8-ts WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges. R. S. Broadhurst, Jeweler. 110 Lamar St., directly in front of postofiice. WANTED—A three or four room house. Phone 559, after 6 p. ; m., night engineer. 10-4 t FARM AND CITY LOANS— 61-2% interest. Terms easy. Quick service. W. W. Dykes. 4-20-ts LOST AND FOUND LOST—Bunch of keys. Reward if returned to Times-Recorder. 10-5 t WANTED —4 young men or two cou ples, and table boarders. Apply 130 West church. Phone 577. sun-wed-sun LOST—One Kappa Sigma frater nity pin. Finder return to owner and receive reward. T. D. Jennings. Phone 451. 10-3 t "Costs teas per Month of Servtca** FOR PROMPT and satisfactory truck service phone 303. Clark’s Transfer. 7-ts BABY BASKETS WHITE WOVEN SPLIT WILLOW We have succeeded in getting some of these very attractive Baby Baskets that have been in such demand. They make most appropriate gifts to the new baby. PRICES: $1 and $1.75 HIGHTOWER’S BOOKSTORE Alcazar Theatre ADMISSION 10c and 20c. • “ I THURSDAY PARAMOUNT PICTURES Presents Attractive DOROTHY GISH —IN— “BOOTS FIVE ACTS • See This Sure FRIDAY Blue Ribbon Feature Watch this space for Announcement SATURDAY Paramount Pictures, Jesse L. Lasky Presents Charming VIVIAN MARTIN —IN— “YOU NEVER SAW SUCH A GIRL” FIVE ACTS Don’t Fail To See This. i AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WHEN YOU NEED WOOD call City Wood Yard. Phone 499. Prompt delivery guaranteed 9-30 t Ask for Chero Cola at founts. There’s none so good. 9-ts f WE WILL BUY YOUR LIBERTY BONDS, ANY ISSUE OR DENOMINA- TION. Allison Realty Co. R. E. ALLISON Office, Room 5, Allison Building. Phone 849. Downstairs Office, Allison Furniture Co. Phone 253. FRATERNAL ORDERS COMMANDERY MEETING. DeMolay Commandery, No. 5 Knights Templar, meets every thlr Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. All visiting Sir Knights have a cordla invitation to meet with us. W. F. SMITH, Eminent Commander FRANK J. PAYNE, Recorder. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. day night In W. O. W. Hall. All visiting Sov oreigns invited to meet with. us. vitea to meet with us. C. J. CLARKE, C C NAT LeMaSTER, Clerk. ® M. B. COUNCIL /y, LODGE, F. and A. M. meets every First and Third FrldB ’ / \ nights. AH visiting brothers are invited to attend J. E. SHEPPARD, W U NAT LeMASTER, gecretarj F. and A. R. * AMERICAS LODGE /v F. & A. IL, meets every second and Fourth Friday night / X a t g o’clock. 8. L. M’DANIEL, W. M. S L. HaMMOND. lE mH? 1 op ' M inm Y Il J|Mk IIM II! li ill HI II Ila ■ fl m ft!l Inllm jMSB The above is a picture of about the biggest buy you can make for sc. Americus Bottling Co. J. T. WARREN, Manager. Children’s Logic. “Do you know,” said a little fellow of four years of age, “what I thought dark was? A great, huge live thing, the color of black, with mouth and eyes.” Another assured his teacher that the wind was alive, for he heard it whistling In the night. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ;; DR. E. E. PARSONS i Dentist I; Office Commercial City Bank Bldg. ;! I; P. O. Box 442. Res. 112 W. Church.;! ;; OFFICE HOURS: • <> I; Btol2 a. m.—l to 6p. m. ;• ; I Night 7 :30 to 9 except Thursday. C. P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon ORTHODONTIA. PYORRHOEA Res. Phone 316 'ifice Phone 818 Allison Building | DR. M. H. WHEELER DENTAL SURGEON. Bell Building. Office Phone 785. Res. Phone 854.; > MISCELLANEOUS KIMBALL HOU E, ATI ANTA Z in The Centre ot the Wholesale ! Z and Retail Districts J 400 ROOMS. RATES MODERATE. ] IL. J. DINKLEH. C.L.DINKLER, ; Proprietor, Manager. ; 1 AUTOMOBILE Americus Taxicab Co. X Phone 825. Res Phone 6469 L. L. COMPTON. 6 ■; B. H. ALLEN. Metal Worker. •; ;; Tin, Copper, Galvanized Iron Work “ ;■ Metal Celling, Sky Lights, Metal ;■ 1; Roofing. ;; !: Auto Radiator Repairs and Gener- !; al Job Work. 1; ■ ! 122 S. Lee St. Phone 703 TAXI CAB PHONE 49 | B. C. Vaughn. j J 1 Z Ino longer get my calls at 825. Z ( Z Always call 49. Z • RAILROAD SCHEDULES Arrival ants departure of passenger ] trains. Americus, Ga. Central of Georgia Railway Trains Arrive j From Columbus (Seminole) *12:11 a m ’ From Jacksonville (Seminole) * 8.40 a m ( From Atlanta-Macon ....* 5:18 a m J From Albany * 6:37 a m < From Columbus 1110:00 a m ; From Columbus 111:45 a m ’ From Atlanta-Macon * 2:17 p in ‘ From Montgomery-Albany * 2:17 p m ■ From Columbus 1 7:15 p m From Macon * 7:85 p n From Montgomery-Albany *10:54 p m , Trullis Depart. ] For Jacksonville (Seminole) *12:10 a in ; For Chicago (Seminole) 8:40 a m ; For Macon-Atlanta * 6:37 a m , For Montgomery-Albany ..* 5:18 a m ; For Columbus 1 7:10 am ; 'For Macon and Atlanta ‘2:17 pm ; For Montgomery-Albany .* 2:17 p m i ! For Columbus 1! 3:00 p m ! For Columbus 1 2:30 p m ; For Albany * 7:85 p m For Macon-Atlanta *10:54 p m •Daily. !Except Sunday. IlSunday ' only. SEABOARD AIR LINE BY. Passenger Train Schedule. Time Table Effective 10:01 A. M March 31, 1919. Eastbound. DEPART- For Cordele, Helena and Savannah. 1:31 P. M. Eastern Time. For Cordele and Helen , 6:15 P. M Eastern Time. For Cordele, Helena and Savannah, 2:20 A. M. Eastern Time. Westbound. DEPART— For Richland, Columbus and Al bany, 10:00 A M. Central Time. For Columbus and Montgomery, 3:10 P. M. Central Time. G. S. & F. RR~ Trains leave Cordele: 2:00 P. M., for Jacksonville, Valdosta, and Palatka. , 6:35 P. M. luocal for Ifton. 3:30 A. M„ Xor Jacksonville, Valdosta and Palatka. 5'40 A. M. for Jacksonville and Val dosta. 2:55 A. M., for Jacksonville, via. Tif ton. 8: SO A. M. Local for Macon connect ing for points North. 2:10 P. M., for Macon connecting for points North. 3:23 A. M., for Macoi and points North (Dixie Flyer). 3:25 A. M., for Macon, connecting for points North. 11:55 P. M., for Macon and points North (The Southland.) Schedule shown as information to the public; not guaranteed. C B RHODES. G. P Macon. Ga. 7 COOL OFF With a Westinghouse Fan Owing to the large stock of fans we purchased last year we can offer you fans at real bargains. Get one before this stock is exhausted. Every fan carries a guarantee. ' J | Americus Lighting Company Telephone 555 a DESTROY LICE AND MITES NOW « We have complete stocks of Lice and Insect Powders—also Lice Liquid and Fly Knocker. Remember we have only the best made. Conkeys, Dr. Hess, Le Gears, Pratts and others. Now is the time-Don’t put it off-Phone 502 Planters Seed Co. S ] MONEY 51% i A ' J MflMF v I fIAMFD on ,arm lands at 512 per cent ? j nIUIILJ LUfillLU interest and borrowers have priv- < 2 ilege of paying part or all of principal at any interest J a period, stopping interest on amounts paid. We always ! a have best rates and easiest terms and give quickest sei; j J vice. Save money by seeing or writing us. : G. R. ELLIS or G. C. WEBB | AMERICUS, GEORGIA '' ' I Vulcanizing Nothing But Vulcanizing ' It is because we SPECIALIZE in vulcanizing— because we do nothing else—that we CAN and DO render BEST SERVICE, QUICK service, SATISFACTORY service. FREE AIR OPEN SUNDAYS | G.E. BUCHANAN, JR. VULCANIZING : PHONE 4 LAMAR ST TURPIN BLDG. < I I 1 I! ' i 1 JfJJff j, tff rro«i>ffff^***********************************mf******** j e.- — ! 1,1 1 Oral |jr ; READ THE T.-R. MT ADVERTISEMENTS THE VACANT HOUSE Is it fully insured? Don’t go away this summer without fully protecting your property. Phone now for rates. HERBERT HAWKINS ’ r Page Seven