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SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 1919 Knnig.nou man > f X WHEN I ,NTO * VvELL, 1 .-a u hl * Ow * Sirs ii M MfiOl - I The Promoter’s Wife I By JANE PHELPS (Cnyright, George Mathew Adams.) < BARBARA VISITS NEIL IN HIS NEW ENVIRONMENT. CHAPTER CXX WHILE we saw so little of each other at this time—he often came home just in time to go to bed •—I think Neil and I were closer to gether in spirit than we ever had been since the first days of our marriage. He talked freely to me of his busi ness, what he hoped to accomplish beyond what was expected of him. In all that was personal he let me share while never talking of things which he thought belonged entirely to his employer. He had developed a nice ty of discrimination and was not di verted from it in any particular. One day I visited his office. I sel dom went into town. It was not nec essary, and so an extravagance. I was really surprised at the difference in the appearance of this and the old office, so immaculate, There the desk was clean, everything locked away. Here the desk, a large table strewn with papers, pigeon holes all bulging a work desk indeed. Neil and the of fice force all working together in harmony. Someway the difference impressed me more than anything that had hap pened with the stability of Neil’s work as compared withJiis promoting projects. Here was real business, work that had no need to be hid den, because no false representations were made. Office doors were not locked, although they were so busy one had to be announced. In every slightest detail was the contrast im pressed upon me. I wondered why I had not suspected long before I did that all was not right. Had I, I might have tried to persuade Neil to—here my thoughts halted. I realized that— as Neil was then—nothing I could have said would have made any dif ference. As he was now, he would have seen the wrong and righted it himself without any interference. Neil had charge of the manufactu ring end of Mr. Frederick’s business. It had grown enormously since he took charge, partly owing to the war. His commissions amounted to far more than his salary, far more than either of us had dared hope. But if his health should fail under the | strain what good would it do? At times I thought I should have to ap peal to Mr. Frederick, so anxious did I feel. Then I could not bear to ask anything more of him, and simply pleaded with Neil to be careful —to no avail. Meanwhile the days and weeks were slipping by and Fate or what ever we may call it, was quietly, steadily, persistently working out her own ends, and our salvation, as is her wont. Then suddenly we, the United States were in the war. It had happened almost over night, at least the realization had to those of us who had scouted the idea that we could have by any possibility be drawn into the frightful vortex con vulsing the Allied nations. Among the first to offer his re sources to our government was Mr. Frederick. His vast manufacturing plants were turned into munition works, his immense fortune put to work to save the world. And because of his quick grasp of affairs Neil was made chief of his many lieuten- ' ants. Frederick had said to him: “You have vison Forbes, and that is what we need. You ar? execu- I tive, that also is what we need, and you have patriotism, which we must : have. I believe you are the man for the place. Will you undertake it?” The salary was very large, but Neil earned every bit of it. He would have liked to have joined the army had his obligations not prevented; also the belief that he could do more for his country by remaining at his post. We talked it all over and both agreed | he was needed at home. He was too old for the draft, so would not be j taken. If he had worked and slaved be- ' tore he worked and slaved a hundred limes as hard now. He had no thought if self, no care save to make good, lis life was often endangered be sause of his business, and his out spoken views. Robert and I lived in DO YOU KNOW WHY - - So Many Women Can't SeeAJoke ? our little home, sometimes not seeing Neil for days together. Often the mills were threatened they had found more than one bomb, and he kept a constant surveillance over all Freder ick—who was now in Europe—had intrusted to him. When men who were working for the best interest of our government were mentioned, Neil’s name was invariably near the top of the list. Men were forgetting he had been blacklisted because of his schemes. Events crowded upon one another so swiftly that yesterday was forgotten. It was today, now, that counted. To be continued, A GOOD FRIEND. A good friend stands by you when in need. Americus people tell how Doan’s Kidney Pills have stood the test. Mrs. Alice L. Cobb, of 530 For syth street, Americus, endorsed Doan’s ten years ago, and again confirms the story. Could you ask for more con vincing testimony? “I have suffered off and on from kidney trouble for several years,” says Mrs. Cobb. “I had pains in the small of my back and sometimes had dull headaches. I felt languid had but little energy and was finally advised to try Doan’s Kidney Pills. I got a supply and they made me feel like a different person.” (Statement given March 28, 1908.) On April 24, 1918, Mrs. Cobb said: “I have the same faith in Doan’s Kid ney Pills now, as when I endorsed them before. I use them occasionally and always receive fine results.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Cobb had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs,, Buffalo, N. Y advt Call your grocer for Chero Cola. 5c 1 nWhlw Hfin I 111 fill The above is a picture of about the j biggest buy you can make for sc. Americus Osgl&ta Bottling Co. J. T. WARREN, Manager. Classified Ads I CLASSIFIED ADERTISING RATE. First Insertion, Minimum 25c Each word over 25 words, first insertion I c Per word, each subsequent in sertion I c FOR SALE DODGE CAR—For sale, 1918 model, good shape, fine order; can be seen at Claude Mauk’s garage.B-eodtf FOR SALE—Nice 5-room house; every convenience, garage and garden. Will exchange for small farm close in. Address Box 274. 23-ts GAS OR GASOLINE engine for sale. Ten horsepower; cheap. W. 0. Barnett. 10-ts ; FOR SALE—At sacrifice, fixtures for drug store, including modern soda fountain, refrigerator, show case, electric soda mixer, ice cream tables, chairs, etc. Will sell as a whole or selarately. Arles Planta tion Co., Americus, Ga. 10-7 t FOR SALE—Business college course won in Times-Recorder con test. Mrs. G. W. Boone, phone 644. 15-ts FOR SALE—Dodge automobile in good condition, cheap to an early buyer. Sufficient reason for selling. Phone 371. 14-3 t WANTED—TO RENT WANTED —Six room house with modern coi veniences. H. C. Cannon, Phone 723. 8-ts WANTED TO RENT—A Reming ton Typewriter till September. Phone 595. 13-ts FOR RENT FOR RENT—Small apartment for light housekeeping. Phone 794. 146 College street. 143 t WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS "Coais leas per Month of Service** i - 1 FOR PROMPT and satisfactory truck service phone 303. Clark’s Transfer. 7-ts WANTED—A three or four room house. Phone 559, after 6 p. m., night engineer. 10-4 t hARM AND CITY LOANS— 51-8 7e I interest. Terms easy. Quick service. W W. Dykes. 4-20-ts LOST AND FOUND LOST —Fountain Pen near Plant er’s Bank. Return to Public Health Service. 13-2 t LOST—Between Americus and Andersonville on Dixie Highway, one Goodyear Cord tire on rim, 35x5. Finedr please notify W. G. Turpin & Co., and receive reward. 13-3 t i Two Discredited Prophets. Among other nineteenth-century false prophets might be mentioned the ex-naval officer, Richard Brothers, who predicted that he would be king of Jerusalem, and Private James White, who founded a religious sect known as the Jezreelites. Cold Water as a Purifier. Fresh cold water is a powerful ab sorbent of gases, therefore it should be greatly used in a sick room or in one which cannot be frequently ventilated. A bowl of cold water kept in such a room and changed daily is of great as sistance in purifying the air. Ink Stains on Furniture. To remove ink stains from tnahog i ny, rosewood or black walnut furnl ure, put half a dozen drops of spirits f niter in a spoonful of water and ouch the stain with a feather wet with the mixture. As soon as the stain disappears, rub with a cloth dampened with cold water. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WHEN YOU NEED WOOD call City Wood Yard. Phone 499. Prompt delivery guaranteed 9-30 t WANT TO DO YOUR tine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges. R. S. Broadhurst, Jeweler, 110 Lamar St., directly in front of postoffice. WANTED—4 young men or two cou ples, and table boarders. Apply 130 West church. Phone 577. sun-wed-sun WANTED—Good second-hand re frigerator, 50 pound to 75 pound ca pacity. G. C. Stallings, 1007 Lee street. 15-lt See my line of silk shade portable i floor lamps. All new designs. Come early before they are picked over. W. W. McNeill. 15-5 t LOST AND FOUND LOST —Bunch of keys. Reward if returned to Times-Recorder. 13-5 t WE WILL BUY YOUR LIBERTY BONDS, ANY ISSUE OR DENOMINA- TION. Allison Realty Co. R. E. ALLISON Office, Room 5, Allison Building. Phone 849. Downstairs Office, Allison Furniture Co. Phone 253. FRATERNAL ORDERS UOMMANDERY MEETING. DeMolay Commandery, No. 8 Knights Templar, meets every thlr Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. All visiting Sir Knights have a cordia Invitation to meet with us. W. F. SMITH, Eminent Commander FRANK J. PAYNE, Recorder. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD day night in W. 0. W. Hall. All visiting Sov oreigns invited to meet with us. C. J. CLARKE, C. C. NAT LeMASTER, Clerk. a M. B. COUNCIL LODGE, F. and A. M. meets every First and Thlrd / \ , nights. All visiting brothers are invited to attend J. E. SHEPPARD, W. IL NAT LeMASTER, Secretary. F. and A. M. ® AMERICUS LODGE F. & A. IL, meets every second and Fourth Friday night / XXz/ \ at 8 o ’ C iock. 8. L. M’DANIEL, W. M. ■ L. HAMMOND. MISCELLANEOUS KIMBALL HOUSE, ATIANTA ' In The Centre of the Wholesale , ; and Retail Districts ; 400 ROOMS. RATES MODERATE. ; L. J. DINKIER, C. L.DINKLER, Proprietor, Manager. (AUTOMOBILE Americus Taxicab Co. A Phone 825. Res Phone 646 g L. L. COMPTON. 6 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. E. E. PARSONS I; Dentist ; Office Commercial City Bank Bldg. 'I I P. 0. Box 442. Res. 112 W. Church. ; l II OFFICE HOURS: ;l[ 11 Btol2 a. m.—l to 6p. m. 11 Night 7:30 to 9 except Thursday. ]; C. P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon ORTHODONTIA. PYORRHOEA Res. Phone 316 >tlce Phone 818 ; Allison Building DR. M. H. WHEELER : DENTAL SURGEON. Bell Building. ; Office Phone 785. Res. Phone 854. • - HARRY HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law. I; Offices in Wheatley Building. I Phone 52 ; I RAILROAD SCHEDULES Arrival an<7 departure of passenger trains, Americus, Ga. Central of Georgia Railway Trains Arrive From Columbus (Seminole) *14:1(1 a m From Jacksonville (Seminole) * 8.40 a m From Atlanta-Macon ....* 5:18 a m From Albany * 6:87 a m From Columbus 1110:00 a m From Columbus !11:4» a m From Atlanta-Macon * 2:17 p m From Montgomery-Albany * 2:17 pm From Columbus I 7:15 p m From Macon * 7:85 p m From Montgomery-Albany *10:54 p m Tinlns Depart. For Jacksonville (Seminole) *12:10 a m For Chicago (Seminole) ..* 8:40 a m For Macon-Atlanta * 6:87 a m For Montgomery-Albany . .* 5:18 a m For Columbus 1 7:10 a m For Macon and Atlanta * 2:17 p m For Montgomery-Albany .* 2:17 p m For Columbus H 8:00 p in For Columbus ! 2:80 p m For Albany * 7:35 p m For Macon-Atlanta *10:54 p m •Daily. I Except Sunday. 11 Sunday only. SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Passenger Train Schedule. Time Table Effective 10:01 AM March 31, 1919. Eastbound. DEPART- For Cordele, Helena and Savannah, 1:31 P. M. Eastern Time. For Cordele and Helen , 6:15 P. M Eastern Time. For Cordele, Helena and Savannah, 2:20 A. M. Eastern Time. Westbound. DEPART— For Richland, Columbus and Al bany, 10:00 AM. Central Time. For Columbus and Montgomery, 3:10 P. M. Central Time. TAXI CAB PHONE 49 ;( B. C. Vaughn. I; lno longer get my calls at 825.1 I ‘ Always call 49. 18. IL ALLEN, Metal Worker. Tin, Copper, Galvanized Iron Work : I Metal Ceiling, Sky Lights, Metal I Roofing. Auto Radiator Repairs and Gener.;; al Job Work. 122 S. Lee SL Phone 703 I; Ask for Chero Cola at founts. There’s none so good. 9-ts Drawn for this paper By Fl'sltef !fi ffi 801 l Weevil Death CALCIUM ARSENATE By Government experi ments has proven it will kill them—and their expe riments show gain of from 250 to 1007 pounds of seed cotton per acre. Mr. J. L. Glawson will call on the farmers in our interest. Literature will be ready Monday containing government experiments and full information FREE. WIRE, PHONE OR WRITE US. Planters Seed Co. Hi Bi COOL OFF With a Westinghouse Fein Owing to the large stock of f ans we purchased last year we can offer you fans at real bargains. Get one before this stock is exhausted. .MS .< Every fan carries a guarantee. Americus Lighting Company Telephone 555 Vulcanizing ' i Nothing But Vulcanizing It is because we SPECIALIZE in vulcanizing— because we do nothing else —that we CAN and DO render BEST SERVICE, QUICK service, SATISFACTORY service. FREE AIR OPEN.SUNDAYS ! G.E. BUCHANAN, JR. { VULCANIZING PHONE 4 LAMAR ST TURPIN BLDG. THE VACANT HOUSE I s it Mly insured? / V? Don ts° awa y this summer without fully protecting your property. | Phone now for rates. HERBERT HAWKINS REirißE Lk W JDVERTMEMS PAGE NINE