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PAGE TWO Still in Wild State. The neighbor’s little boy came to play with baby Carol. After trying to play with her a while without much ■access he exclaimed, “Well, she isn’t ▼ery tame, Is she?" 13 £t—lhen Decide , ~ ’ j ij itv,.r ■i.f'f a -JI !!U ' . ■<> <_*.•.!'■ I. '~ ~ ■' ~~— VZo '?:!! Ler-d You An Auto Strop Razor fez a 30 day trial u you the i choice to keep ii, pay us so it, if not, return it. No Risk —No Goi; gation Any responsible party can make ar xangement over our Cutlery counter foi this Free T rial, which means you need not even deposit its value. If you lave a Charge Account, write to u» and we will aend it to you by mail For Sale By HIGHTOWER’S BOOK STORE A Complete Stock of OFFICE SUPPLIES FILING CABINETS Loose Leaf Ledgers, PHONE 246. USED CAR BARGAINS 1 Haynes Six Touring Car, four-passen ger roadster. Looks and runs like a new car. 1 Oldsmobile Little Six Touring car. In ex cellent shape. 1 Big Six, Seven-Passenger Oldsmobile Touring. A splendid big car at low price. 1 Reo Speed Wagon, equipped extra seats. V Run only a fe wweeks. An extra good buy. Cars Below must go this week, real bar gains: 1914 Ford Touring Car $200.00 1916 Ford Roadster $150.00 Grant Touring $400.00 Dort Club Roadster $450.00 Georgia Motor Company 229 Lamar St. Phone 133 COLE-DOR T-REOOLDS REO TRUCKS Do You Love Your Dog? Then Get A Package Os VAN WYCK’S Three Day Black Tongue Sure Cure. Absolutely Guaranteed to Cure Black Tongue, or Your Money Refunded. AMERICUS DRUG CO. Distributors. ‘ “You Want It. We Have It" Phones: 75 or 121. Keep Doorknobs Tight. Doorknob screws often work out and et the knob come off. This may be prevented by removing loose screws, •overing them with glue and screwing hem back into place. You Pay For Results Only HERE Special Reduced Prices on All Dental Work During the Next 30 Days. Let me give you an estimate on what your work will cost you. DR. N. S. EVANS DENTAL OFFICES Jackson St., Near Kress’ AMERICUS, GA. 17 Years Experience SANDRA THE JEALOUS | a new serial story by < JANE PHELPS. Author of ‘ The Promoter’s Wife,” and Other Stories. < (Copyright by George Mathew Adams.) ? THE DETECTIVE IS TOLD OF THE RAIROAD TICKET. CHAPTER LXV. lI7HILE the doctor was examining ” the butler, Mrs. Gray went up stairs with the officer. They pound ed on her door, the noise of the of ficer’s stick reverberating through the house. Then I heard the sound of splintering wood, and knew they I had broken in the door. ( All was quiet for a time. I was so nervous I could scarcely stay where I was. Finally they, the officer and Mrs. Gray, came down. “He’s gone!” the officer announced laconically. “Now we’ll see what he’s carried off with him.” , “He’s all right now,” the doctor said. “He will not need me any lon ger tonight. I’ll dop in in the morning.” The butler was resting quietly in Everett’s bed after the bullet in his shoulder had been ex tracted. It struck me as so comical. I laughed almost hysterically, then sobered as I followed the officer and Mrs. Gray to my room to see what the burglar had ‘lifted’ as he face tiously remarked —altho I could see nothing funny in the idea of having my belongings stolen. When we switched’on the lights in my room, it was evident it had been ' hurriedly ransacked. I had given ; I the burglar his opportunity when I | fled to Mrs. Gray with Hetty. Bu- ■ reau and dressing table drawers were ! pulled out and their contents scat- ' ■ tered over the floor. Every bit of ; jewelry save that which was in the i libarary was gone. The sapphires ( ' which I had taken from my bag and left on the - .'dressing table were miss ing, as well as other things. My purse a handsome gold one Everett had given me, was gone. It held what money I had, my ticket to New York York which I had not thought to redeem, and some toilet articles. ,“You made is mighty easy for him,” tjie -officer said dryly, when I told him <ff the ticket. “It ain’t every crook who gets his getaway with his swag.” i Nothing was missing save from my room. Finally the officer left, ! and’ we were again a normal house hold. But none of us thought of , sleeping. It waS about 2 o’clock |so Mrs. Gray proposed we go into the dining room and that Hetty .should find us something to eat. Cook evidently had heard nothing, and Mrs. Gray said it would be foolish to call her. She slept in the same part of the house as did the butler, and so was ignorant of all that had happened—as he would perhaps have been had he remained at home as he expected to in Everett’s ab sence. We had some milk and sandwiches I then Hetty went to"my room with i me. After insisting' that Igo to bed again, she laid down on the divan. I would not have remained alone for anything in the world. , 1 forgot to mention that the bur- ! glfir had taken the sheets from Mrs. j I SAI u I tin®. a ij-wji ■ T i .. ii i i i. || Bleaches and clears sallow complexions, removes pim- || pies or blemishes, and causes the skin to grow ? 3 g lighter. \ A A 25c a box at druggists and toilet poods deal" ers ’ cr sent P oat P a id on receipt of price. \\BHT 1 ( I AGENTS WANTED! Write for terms. s<i '• JACOBS ’ PHARMACY COMPANY. Atlanta, Ga.|^^ v • TERRIBLY SWOLLEN Suffering Described As Torture Relieved by Black-Draught. Rossville, Ga.—Mrs. Kate Lee Able, of this place, writes: “My husband is an engineer, and once while lifting, he in jured himself with a piece of heavy ma chinery, across the abdomen. He was so sore he could not bear to press on himself at all, on chest or abdomen. He weighed 165 lbs., and fell off until he weighed 110 lbs., in two weeks. He became constipated and it looked like he would die. We had three different doctors, yet with all their medicine, his bowels failed to act. He would turn up a ten-cent bottle of castor oil, and drink it two or three days in succession. He did this yet without result. We became desperate, he suffered so. He was swol len terribly. He told me his suffering could only be described as torture. I sent and bought Thedford’s Black- Draught. 1 made him take a big dose, and when it began to act he fainted, he was in such misery, but he got relief and began to mend at once. He got well, and we both feel he owes his life to Thedford’s Black-Draught.” Thedford’s Black-Draught will help you to keep fit, ready for the day’s work. Try it I NC-131 AMERICUS TIMES Gray’s bed and made a rope of them down which he had slid to the ex tension in which the butler and cook slept, from where it was easy to drop to the ground. Exhausted, I feel asleep and did not waken until my usual time. “What has happened, Hetty?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. “I have had the most awful dream.” She was standing by my bed with my break fast tray as was her habit when Ev erett was away. When he was home, I always breakfasted with him. “The burglar ma'am—and the storm.” “Then it was true?” as it all came vividly back to me. “Indeed it was, ma’am! Such an awful night!” “How is James?”’ “Fine, ma’am. He’ll be about in no time—a week or two.” Before I ate my breakfast I looked through my things to assure myself of what was missing, and found nothing more gone than we had dis covered the night before. “Do you suppose they will find the burglar?” I asked Hetty. I was to tally ignorant of burglars, but thought Hetty might inform me. “No, them police ain’t no good,” she sniffed, and I recalled that she had been engaged to a policeman and he had jilted her and mar eirdanmeO he had jilted her and married an other girl. She might be biased in her opinion. “Well, I’m glad Jamas frightened him away before he got into the din ing room.” “Mr. Graham is going to be badly put out,” she replied with the free dom I had made easy for her. “He won’t have no butler nor no chauf feur. And he thinks a heap of James and Thomas.” 1 made no reply. But as I drank my coffee and munched my toast, I wondered if Everett would blame me for all that had happened—if he would say that had T remained at home and studied or practised, Thomas would not have been hurt; and that had he been at home per haps he could have helped James catch the burglar. Then I wondered what Leola would have done under the circumstances, and if he, Ever ett, would have blamed her no mat ter who had been shot, or what had happened? Sunday—-Sandra is Frightened. He;l for Slippery Weather. A nen shoe heel for use in slippery weather has a number of adjustable points which are pushed into position for use by a lever on the back of the heel. • The Strong Withstand The Heat of Summer Better Than T{ie Weak Old people who are feeble and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depressing heat of summer by tak ing GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. You can soon feel its Strengthening, In vigorating Effect. 60c. LADIES! DARKEN YOURIW HAIR Use Grandma’s Sage Tea and Sulphur Recipe and Nobody will Know. The use of Sage and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray hair to Its natural color dates back to grandmother’s time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attrac tive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a bottle of "Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound." you will get this famous old preparation, improved by the addition of other In gredients, which can be depended up on to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two, it becomes beautifully dark and glossy. Wyeth’s Sage arid Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It is not intended for the cure,-mitigation or prevention of disease. * ’TWAS WORTH MORE THAN THOUSAND DOLLARS TO HER MRS. REESE DECLARES SHE HADN’T BEEN WELL IN YEARS UNTIL SHE TOOK TANLAC— TROUBLE GONE. “I wouldn’t take a thousand dol lars cash for the goocj Tanlac has dohe me,” said Mrs. Lula Reese, who resides at 1559 Hicks street, Augus ta, Ga. “It may sound strange, but I had suffered -wth stomach trouble, rheu- ' matism rrd neura'gia until I got to the place where I didn't care whether j I lived or died. Everything I ate oured on my stomach and made trou- - 1 ble for me and in addition to the \ rheumatism, I fell and broke my arm I 1 and it seemed like my other troubles I kept it from healing up like it ought to. I just lived in misery all the I i time and couldn’t get any relief. “I have just finfshed my second i bottle of Tanlac, and it is surprising I how I have improved considering that i I have not been well before in fifteen I years. The rheumatism and sore ness is gone from my arms, my stom ach is all right and I can eat anything J want and digest it. I have gained some in weight, am able to do all my work and feel good all the time. I want everybody to know that Tanlac has restored my health.” Tanlac is sold by leading drug gists everywhere. adv $ I illite 1 /// f^ord ' 'N° b b»‘ ’Chain’ 'Vsco' ’Plain’ Extra Miles We can show you—and prove to you— that there is a genuine money saving in the use of United States Tires. The extra miles they give mean just so many extra dollars counted in real money. And there are further actual economies in the saving of gas, oil, repairs and depreciation. The reason of all this is in the tires them selves—their liveliness, ruggedness and sturdiness. There are five United States Tires——a type for every make of car. United States Tires are Good Tires i We know United States Tires are good tires. That’s why we sell them. HOOKS MOTOR CO, Americus, Ga. W. J. HILL, Cobb J a HILL Smithville T G.A. 4 W.G. TURPIN, America., Ga. J. E. MOSES’ GARAGE, A. S. JOHNSON DeSoto m’ a’ dcttv Y n SONS ; Ella ’ ille J - L - HORN, Preston. JOE ROOKS, Andersonville. » CO t Uniform J No matter where you buy it.Luzianne coffee is always the same high standard of excellence, fEvery pound is sold in an air-tight tin can. f Luzianne retains its full rich Flavor. directions, yo i are°not n«at isfied in every respect, your grocer will refund the money you paid for it ZL WZIANNE coffee The Reily -Taylor Company w New Orleans 1 » i r~ —MaMUßaßaßMaMMßsaaaManas ■iiwnr - >; / Ne»V \ POSSESSING remarkable beautifying proper. /’’Sw wZS. vy ’ \ T,ES YET absolutely harmless. ALL SHADES. r a®* m -rfart* Xs. Wah '’l DEFIES DETECTION WHY NOT RETAIN YOUR YOUTHFUL 9* !• • PT ‘'■’’wT'-’ : APPEARANCE? ASK your FAVORITE DEALER FOR i > I”; v“ Z< J “DARLING” holdtight ROUGE, 35c a box V' * B ° R WR,TE ADOLPH KLAR : T V / 221 FOURTH AVENUE .»» ixro.™, NEW YORK > FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1919.