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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1919. I IN AMERICUS CHURCHES first baptist church. Rev. Carl W., Minor, D. D., Minis ter. 9:45 A. M. Bible school. T. Fur low Gatewood, Supt. A great school. Come and make it better. 11:15, A. M. Morning worship. “How to Realize God’s Promises.” 7:30 PJ M. B. Y. P. U. Mrs. Lord president. All young people in vited. 8:15 P. M. Evening worship. At i this hour Dr. Minor will discuss j “Heredity,” the third in the series on “Life Problems.” All are invited to ! join in the worship of the day. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Guyton Fisher, Pastor. 11 A. M. Short sermon and sac rament of the Lord’s Supper. 8 P. M. “Coming Out of the Lit tle End of the Horn,” a sermon to the Boy Scouts. Sunday school at 9; 45 A. M. T. O. Marshall, superintendent. Prayer meeting and teachers’ study class every Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. Note the change of hour for ev ening service. All are cordially invited to worship with us, and strangers are especially Welcome. We Are Anxious for You to Take Advange of the SPECIALS IN Wool Goods and Silks We Will Offer For ' Monday and .Tuesday Every yard of these goods you buy, you save from Twenty-Five to Seventy-Five Cents a Yard. Now, isn’t that a saving. This is where you down H. C. L. _____ ~ - —' '''‘i'' ■ ■ j Messaline Satins All colors and black, 36 inches at $2.00 and $2.25 Yd. Heavy Fairy Satin Colors: Taupe, Gray, Burgun dy, China Blue, white at $2.50 Yd. 40 inch Georgette Crepe The best quality in all colors wide at $2.50 Yd. I Crepe de Chine 40 Inches wide, in light colors, to close out at $1.98 Yd. Crepe de Chine 40-Inch heavy quality in all shades. A value at $2.25 and $2.50 Yd. McCalls Quarterlies CHURCH WELL S See Our Line of Ward- Now on bale. Special ro^e Trunks, Suit at 15c, if Bought With L/Cpi. OIUIC Cases and Hand Bags. Pattern - SELLS IT FOR LESS” CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. George F. Brown, Pastor. Sunday Bible school at 9:30 A M. Sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. and at 8:00 P .At. Subject for the morning, “Prayer and Transfigura tion.” Subject for the evening, “Christ’s Love For Men.” Senior and Junior B. Y. P. U. meetings at 7 P. M. Mid-week meeting at 8 P. M. Wed nesday. A most cordial invitation is extend ed to the public to meet and worship with us. A welcome to all. The program for the Junior B. Y. P. U. at 7 o’clock, follows: Song, “My Faith Looks Up To Thee.” Prayer that God will increase our faith.—Herman Howard. Song, “Saved.” Business and Records. Memory Verse, Matt. 17-20—Mary Morgan. Song, “We Shall See The King Some Day.” Subject “What Jesus Taught About The Accomplishment of Faith. ’ Group IV. in charge of program. Sarah Harvey .Leader. Scripture Reading, Heb. 11, 1-10. —Sarah Harvey. Two Kinds of Faith.—Olin Mc- Daniel. Silk Serge The best fabric for a Dress or Suit you can buy, and it ocmes in colors. Navy, Taupe, Brown, Plum and Black at $2.69 Yd Wool Batiste 36-Inch, in all street shades; fine for one-piece Dresses and Children’s School Dresses, at $1.25 Yd Chiffon Broadcloth 54 Inches wide. Colors, Bottle Green, Navy, Olive Green, Pe kin Blue. Special at $4.95 Yd Storm Serge Storm Serge in all colors. 36 inches wide. Special at $1.50 Yd Our Lack of Faith.—William Dykes. Faith and Salvation. —Ruth Co mer. Faith and Prayer—Catherine San born. Poem, “Faith Will Bring the Bless ing.”—Myrtle Poole. Duet, “He Loves Even Me.”—Ruth Comer and Sarah Harvey. Discussion. —Group IV. Illustration of Faith. —Miss Louise Herndon. LEE STREET METHODIST Rev. Silah Johnson, Pastor. Sunday school, Sunday morning, 9:45. T, M. Furlow, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8. P. M. by the pastor. Epworth League at 7 P. M. Miss Grace Beck, president. Lucy Furlow will have charge of the devotional service this evening. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednes day evening at 8 o’clock. Please note the change in the hour of service for the evening services. Beginning Oct. 12th and continu ing .through Oct. 26th there will be special evangelistic services in this church. We have secured the help of Rev. C. M. Dunaway, of Atlanta, to do the preaching, and Mr. Hamp Sewell, also of Atlanta, to lead the singing. We are very fortunate in securing these men of God, and we ask the prayers of all praying people to be united with ours that we may ' AMERICUS TIMES RECORDER. have an old-time revival. Every ser vice in this church, beginning today, will be in preparation for this revi val; the pastor will speak at the 11 o’clock hour on “Meet For The Mas ter’s Use” and in the evening on “The Glory of Evangelism.” The public is invited to hear both of these sub jects discussed. Strangers and visit ors always welcome. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (SCIENTIST.) Taylor street. Services Sunday morning 11 o’clock. Subject, “Man.” Golden text, Micah, 6-8, “He hath showed thee, O man, what Is good and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.” Services Wednesday evening, 8:30 o’clock., Reading rooms open daily from 10 until 12 (noon.) CATHOLIC CHURCH. There will be a celebration of the Holy Mass this (Sunday) morning at 9 o’clock at the Catholic church, on Lee street. The public is invited to attend. CALVARY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. James B. Lawrence, Rector. Sunday school 9:45 A. M. Holy Communion and sermon 11 A. M. Evening prayer and sermon, 8:30 Costume Velvet In all the leading shades. Navy, Nut Brown, Taupe, Plum, Pur ple and Black. Special at $3.50 Yd Silk and Wool Plaids The newest material out for Separate Skirts and Sport Suits. 48 inched wide; the width makes it inexpensive. Special at $4.95 Yd. Buttons and Trimmings Our Button and Trimming Stock is the most complete in stock. My Style Diary [ BY DOROTHY CLARKE I • f f SEPTEMBER 7. gave us a farewell din ner last night, at the club, and it was then that we told everyone that it was really “Farewell” for a long time, for we were not only just going to the mountains but that we were going everwhere and anywhere, for at least two years— to Japan and maybe Egypt, and London and Paris, and possibly the South Seas—with no set plans for we are just going to wander. Everyone seemed speechless with surprise Marjorie jtst sat and looked me through the long silky fringe of monkey fur that border ed the brim of her large black net dinner hat, that is embroider ed in a tracery of gold threads. I am sorry that she felt so hurt over my not having told her be fore. Clara was the only one who knew. I didn’t tell anyone else because we hated the thought of any good-bye dinners—things like that are a bit nerve-racking and would make me feel as though I were never to see my dear friends again, which would take away all the joy of our trip. Don’t miss this wonderful picture, “The Woman Thou Gavest Me,” at the Alcazar Monday. Open 1 P. M. 20 per cent of the subscriptions to the Victory Loan will be due at the banks on or before Sept. 9th. 7-2 t 1920 Series Model “K”-44 \ J The Buick Model K-S&-M * Buick Three-Passenger Roadster I THE BUICK Model K-Six-44 possesses marked advantages for the man or woman who wishes a car of limited passenger capacity, with an exceptionally roomy and comfortable driving compartment. This three-passenger model makes the most of these desirable features, without sacrificing one whit of the modish appearance that belongs to the type- The body is distinctly a Buick creation, broadening out to accom modate a v ide, deep seat for three, then curving in at the back to form a trim rear deck with a weatherproof carrying space for luggage. The dimensions of the driving compartment insure easy entrance or exit frcm either side, with the control and brake levers well for ward but within easy reach. The French pleated upholstery is built for long wear and comfort. Inclined windshield, handsome improved top of high grade material, side curtains that swing open with the doors. -- V J rx U ___________________ J 1 V I J When "Better Automobiles Are Built BUICK Will Build Them W. G. TURPIN & COMPANY Phone 173 Americus. E. Lamar St. BOY’S and YOUNG MEN’S CLOTHING In a Great Variety of New Fall Patterns WHAT? Yes, have it. The latest models in Boys Clothing in Brown, Green and Blue Unfinished Worsted. They are made of all Pure Wool, waist seam and silk lined. Before buying your Suit it would pay you to look through our Boys’ Clothing Department. Don’t forget the brand MOTHER’S FAVORITE All Colors Guaranteed Prices $17.50, $lB, $18.50 Youth’s Pants We have just received a shipment of Youth’s Pants, made of all wool, hard and soft finished, in Black, Pin Stripe, Grey, Brown, Blue and Navy, Fancy Patterns. We have any size you want, it makes no difference how small. We have them. Buy early and save money. Prices $6.50 to $9.00 Churchwell’s PAGE THREE