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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1919. AMERICUS SOCIAL EVENT* I Department Conducted by Mrs. H. B. Allen. Office Phone 99; » Residence, 466. MISS HODGES GIVES PARTY FOR MISS DAVENPORT. Miss Ruth Hodges honored Miss Mary Ella Davenport at one of the week’s most enjoyable parties yes terday afternoon at her home on the Andersonville road. Quantities of golden glow, zinnias and roses dec orated the veranda where the tables were placed and Miss Davenport was presented a set of silver vases as guest prize. Miss Vera Foy, of New York, who was a special guest of the occasion, received a box of embroid ered handkerchiefs. Present were Miss Davenport, Miss Foy, Mrs. W. G. Hooks, Mrs. Thomas McLendon, Mrs. T. B. Hooks, Jr., Mrs. H. O. Jones, Mrs. Lucius McCleskey, Miss Louise Williford, Mrs. T. O. Mar shall, Mrs. Hollis Fort, Mrs. Lin wood Jeffreys, Mrs. E. J. Eldridge, Miss Cornelia Shiver assisting Miss Hodges in serving delicious refresh ments. * * • MRS. GRUBBS IS THURSDAY BRIDGE CLUB’S HOSTESS. Mrs. L. F. Grubbs entertained her bridge club and a number of friends delightfully yesterday morning at her home on Lee street road. The large living room where the guests assembled was beautifully decorated with yellow flowers and the high score trophy was a pack of cards. Mrs. Grubb’s guest list included Miss Martha Cobb, Mrs. Lovelace Eve, Mrs. J. E. Hightower, Mrs. W. S. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Willis Hawkins, Mrs. Hollis Fort, Mcs. Linwood Jeff reys, Mrs. Macon Dudley, Miss Em mae Mae Borum, Mrs. W. D. Ivey, Mrs. Crawford Wheatley, Mrs. J. E. Mate. Mrs. Fred Arthur, Mrs. Cliff Williams, Mrs, John Council, Mrs. H. A. Smith, Mrs. Harvey Mathis, Miss Sara Cobb, Mrs. W. B. Stewart, *♦ * . COLLEGE GIRLS TO GIVE DANCE TUESDAY NIGHT. The girls who are leaving next week for the various colleges will entertain at a farewell dance on Tuesday evening honoring the boys who have done so much for their pleasure during the summer vacation. Wheatley’s orchestra has been se cured to furnish the music and in vited to chaperone are Mr. and Mrs. Carr S. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Macon Dudley, Dr. and Mts. 11. B. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodson, Mr. and Mr--. H. O. Jones. Opening Fall Exhibit This Week Commencing Tomorrow, Monday, Sept Bth Will be our FIRST OPENING of the second floor for LADIES READY-TO-WEAR and MIL LINERY. MONDAY we will commemo- WmM rate this event by offering a fCwlk 20 Per Cent /ORoWa Discount I 7//jK\ A on and SUIT, DRESS, // WAIST, COAT or LADIES’ /AW f /fft■ V\ VA or CHILD'S HAT bought on I / '|/W this second floor. '7 J ' r ’wi A cordial invitation is extend- jl •AV ft / / M ed to every one to be present / , fl \LT ? 1 <at our FALL opening for 1 919, If | \ i which commences tomorrow. ; J V'B B Our entire store will reflect the j V| \\ | spirit of correct FALL FASH- « . y// ;IwL ■, IONS and each department, ' \ .\ // jj| / ,-WwM ■k// whether for LADIES’ READY p Auffi / i/// Bn /Ww TO WEAR or GENTLE- i \ ilw MEN”S READY TO WEAR. 11 ill litij Mi' I MILLINERY, WAISTS, 111/ ffiW. I SKIRTS. SILK and WOOL MMW ' IIF IM 1 DRESSES or WASH FAB- JM’y 1W Ml' I RICS, CHILDREN’S WEAR. , \' r gU SHOES or HOUSEHOLR Ac- m jWf cessories will contribute its full Y V v U / ’ I share towards making this a // memorable event. v Vi ’ We wi»h to announce to the ladies I jS that MISS WINNIE CLYDE HILL 'Me*'** Jr will have charge of our READY-TO- I” I®'*- J WEAR and MILLINERY DEPART- \ V7 Ji MENT, and will bid you welcome. /j I COHEN’S ■ 217 W.Lamar St. Phone 596 SHEWG-JOLF CLUB GIVES DELIGHTFUL DANCE. The Shewg-Jolf club’s dance on ' Friday evening was largely attended ' by the college set and was one of 1 the most enjoyable of the many dan- I ces which the club has sponsored dur j ing the vacation season. Among, ‘ those present were Mr. and Mrs. Council, Mr. and Mrs. Carr S. ' Glover, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Castle ! berry, Mr. and Mrs. Macon Dudley ; and Mrs. Pulaski Holt, Miss Mary ; Dudley, Miss Eugenia Parker, Miss I Clara Glover, Miss Gertrude Daven- I port, Miss Bess McLeod, Miss Thelm ;ma Easterlin, Miss Ruth Council, Miss Alice McNeill, Miss Mary , Walker, Miss Katherine Hamilton, i Miss Queenelle Harrold, Miss Mary ' Sheffield, Miss Anna Murray, Car roll Clark, R. E. Allison, Jr., Neill Ray, John Phillips, T. M. Lane, Ar : thur Rylander, Douglas Ivey, Bill ! Ivey, Bob Smith, Theron Jennings, Junior Easterlin, Pulaski Holt, Edwin Ryals, H. B. Graddy, W. J. Hill, Dan j Chappell, Henry Clay, John Butt, - John Taylor, Joe McMath, Henry ; Lumpkin, Charles Payne, George : Lumpkin, E. H. Allen, Frank Mar shall, Merrill Wheatley, H. E. Al i len, Stewart Prather and others. » • * HUNTINGTON GIRL BRIDE OF GAINESVILLE MAN One of the prettiest of home wed dings was that of Miss Annie Lee Johnson and Thomas Blanton Mount, of Gainesville, which took place Wed nesday evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnson, at Huntington. The rooms were beautifully decor ted in Southern smilax and pink and white roses, the color scheme of pink and white being carried out in every detail. Just before the ceremony, Miss Ruth Ranew sang “Because,” with Miss Jewel Bridges as accompanist. Miss Bridges also played the wedding | march. Rev. E. T. Moore performed the ceremony before an altar of j palms and pink roses. During thej ceremony “Love Never Endeth,” from Faust, was played softly. Miss Laurie Johnson was her sis ter’s maid of honor and her gown was of white georgette crepe with short veil. Her bouquet was of pink rosebuds tied with tulle. Little Miss Edith Gleaton, of Arlington, was flower girl, wearing a dainty dress of pink organdie, and carrying a basket WILSON GIVEN IBIG RECEPTION IN REED'S CITY (Confined from Page One.) ' There are only thirty-four of them, I am told. There is a closer monopoly of power in Moscow that there ever was in Wilhelmstrasse. And a man more cruel than the czar is controll ing the destinies of that pepole. “And if we don’t want the little groups of selfish men to plot the fu ture of Europe, then we must see to it that little groups of selfish men do not plot the future of the United States.” The President said the people had ■ been misled about the treaty by men ; who look at it “with jaundiced eyes ; of those who have some private in- I terests of their own.” of pink roses on her arm. Her es cort was Master James Franklin Johnson, a cousin of the bride. His suit was of white. The groom was attended by Bruce Threatt, of Pavo, who was best man. The bride entered with her brother, Roy Johnson, who gave her in mar riage. The bride was lovely in her wed ding gown of white satin and egor gette with pearl trimmings. The veil i was beautifully draped about her dark hair and her flowers were bride’s J roses, showered with valley lilies. A reception followed the ceremony at which a large number of guests were entertained. Punch was serv ed by Misses Bessie Gleaton, Sarah Summerford, Mary Belle Greene and Alice Perry. After a salal course, cream and cake of the prevailing color scheme was served. Many beautiful presents in silver, cut glass and china were received. ] Mrs. Mount, as Miss Johnson, was one of the most popmar girls of the community. Her lovely disposition and charming manner had won her, hosts of friends who regret that her marriage will take her to another city to reside. Mr. Mount is a young and prosperous business man of Gainesville. Mr. and .Mrs Mounts left at 10-51' D r Wash : igtci, D. C., and several places of iuieiest in Noe, i Carolina.! • « • D A ppr C nF CLIP* HOLDS ITS REGULAR FEAST! The members of the Barbecue club enjoyed their regular meeting yes terday at their grounds on Lee street AMERICUS TIMES RECORDER. HERE’S CHANCE TO BOOST A. L. I. RE-ORGANIZATION IVANT to help the re-organization of the Americus Light Infan ” try? If so, fill this out and mail it to Major James A. Fort, or, J if you can’t sign it yourself, see that some eligible young man does sign it; I agree to enlist in the Americus Light Infantry and will report at such time and place in Americus as may be des ignated by proper authority for muster into service of said company. Applicant Sign Here. Applicant recommended by Age Entered the Service Discharged Military History Company and Regiment. Address, Telephone No. Etc- When filled out mail to JAMES A.FORT, Americus, Ga. with a number of visitors present. | The usual delicious barbecue lunch- : eon was served. Among those pres- ' ent were Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Gate- i wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hixon, Mr. and Mrs. John Council, Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Allen, Mrs. Linwood Jeffreys, Mr. and Mrs. Furlow Gatewood, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hooks, Mr. and Mrs. ; W. W. Dykes, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. i Murray, Mrs. W. G Turpin. » * * MISS EVELYN BELL IS COMPLIMENTED WITH PARTY Miss Evelyn Bell was honor guest j at a bridge party given Saturday as- - ternoon by Mrs. William Randolph. After the game had been enjoyed | for some time, a dainty salad course was served, with apricot ice. The . guest cards were /boxes of face pow- i der, and the prize for top score in ■ the game was the same. The fol-1 owing was the guest list. Miss Lois McMath, Mrs. Eugene Cato, Mrs. Middleton McDonald, Mrs. A. B. Turpin, Miss Anna Murray, - Miss Elizabeth Eldridge, Miss Louise 11 Miss Lucy Barrow Taylor, j Miss Elizabeth Davis, Miss Annie Lu- ’ cile Allen, Mrs. Chas. Hudson, Mrs. George Andrews, Mrs. Harold Ahearn ! and Miss Bess McLeod. ♦** • I HORTENSE TINSLEY SOCIETY TO MEET. The Hortense Tinsley Missionary ‘ society of the First Methodist church, will meet at the church Monday as- ] ternoon at 4 o’clock. *♦ ♦ I Miss Nell Hamilton returned last night from Macon where she has | spent several weeks the guest Mrs. i Paul Sanford. « • • Mrs. Fred Sawyer returned last ! night to her home in Jacksonville after a visit of several Weeks to Mrs. T. E. Brooks, on Lee street. ♦ * • ; Mrs. E. L. Gulatte, Miss Wenona Pouncey and Miss Lily Smith have < returned to their home in LaGrange | after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. I Pouncey. * * * Mrs. Robert McCaskill, Miss Ange ! lina McGaskin, Margaret McGaskin, ! Miss Katherine Webb and Herman ! Rutherford spent several hours yes- ‘ ; terday here en route to their home in De Lanark Springs, Fla. » • < 4 , Mrs. Clark Poole and children are! I spending some time at Pablo Beach, i where they went a week ago with Mr. . Poole, who returned here yesterday.; • They will be there about a week I ’ longer. ♦ * * Mrs. C. 0. Sanborn, of Macon, is | ; visiting Mrs. George Van Riper on I Brown street. * * * Mrs. George Van Riper has return ed from Athens where she accompa nied Miss Mary Belli Van Riper, who entered the State Normal in that city last week. ♦ * » M’.ss Leola Pouncey is visiting Mrs. E. L. Gulattel in LaGrange for a week. FAMOUS HALL CAINE NOVEL IS PICTURIZED A magnificent picturization of “The Woman Thou Gavest Me,” by 1 Hall Caine, the most famous novel by the Manx aucior, will be seer at the Alcazar theater next Monday. High Ford, tne "f the most exieii enced of stage and screen producers, went to California to make the pic ture with a, powerful cast which in cludes Katherine MacDonald, Milton Sills, Theodore Roberts, lack Holt. Fritzi Brunette, Katherine! Griffith and others. “The Woman Thou Gavest Me” was produced upon the stage by Der went Hall Caine, son of the author, in 1917, in Boston with success As a novel it outsold all other works of Hall Caine. As a picture it doubtless will prove one of the screen’s greatest triumphs. The tremendous story of Mary’s I struggles after being sacrificed upon I the altar of wedlock to a man she hates is unforgettable, and as the story covers a wide field—Egypt Af rica, India, England and the South Polar regions—it will be not only powerful dramatically, but colorful and fascinating in every other way. The production has practically an all-star cast of players. Miss Mac- Donald. a prime favorite, has the leading feminine role, and Jack Holt has one of the best roles of his screen career. Admission 10c and 20c. NO. 79. Leave to Sell Property GEORGIA, Sumter County. Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Annie L. Howell, administratrix of the estate of J. I. Howell, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the real estate and personal property of de ceased, located in Sumter, Lee and Terrell counties. If no objections are filed, leave to sell will be granted at the October term of this court. Sept. Ist, 1919. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary Sumter County, Ga. Simply Had To. A little girl was in the hospital fol lowing an operation sols appendicitis. Her people lived out of the city, so she was lonely, and cried a great deal. Finally a nurse gave her a nickel not to cry. In a short time she called to the nurse: “Please take your nickel, I’ve just got to cry.” I Rebuilt Cars For Sale Every one of these cars is guaranteed just as represented and to contain the maximum of value. Some of them have been run only a few thousand miles—just enough to get their engines in the best sort of shape, and all have been thoroughly gone over by our expert mechanics and put into fine shape for immediate use. Mark the distinction. » between “used cars" and “rebuilt automobiles.” These are rebuilt and will give good service, with careful handl ing, as long as a new car. We trade in those cars which represent an actual value, and in passing these on to our friends who choose to pur chased a used car, the profit goes to the buyer. We do not charge one penny more than the actual cost of rebuilding used cars, and the profit that other dealers take for handl ing used cars is passed direct to our customers in this de partment. Look over this list and let us tell you more about the car you prefer. Maybe there are some good points you’d like to know more about. One Buick “Six”, good condition. Driven about 5,000 Miles, A good buy. b Buick “Six”, good tires. . Looks like new. Runs fine See this car. i Cadillac Touring, ’lB model, 8-cylinder, cord tires al! round, perfect shape. One ’lB Dodge Touring Car, spare tire, good shape. One 19 Dodge Touring, perfect condition. * j f One ’lB Ford Touring. & , One ’l6 Ford Roadster Truck. | One Ford 1 -Ton Worm Drive Truck Every car on this list was traded in during the past week. Come quick and let us show you these cars. The demand for rebuilt cars is heavier now than usual and at the prices placed on these they will be sold rapidly. Hooks Motor Co. I Phones 16-J 16-W W. Lamar St. Americus, Ga FAIR TO EXTEND THROUGH3DAYS; SHORTCOMING The big Sumter county fair, first j announced as a one-day show, then a two-day, will extend through three days, according to announcement yeste day afternoon by Secretary I Joseph Fcrkins The dates will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oc tober 16, 17 and 18. “Owing to insistent demands of the farmers of Sumter county, who have shown themselves to be greatly interested in the fair we have de- i cided to lengthen the period of the | exhibition to three days,” said Mr. I Perkins. “The extension of time ■ was decided upon to permit every ; man, woman and child in Sumter man, woman and child in Sumter county to attend at least one day. It was realized that many people who might not otherwise come to the fair might combine their Saturday trip to market with a visit to the fair. “And there is going to a fun fea ture added, which we have been keep ing secret up to this time,” he add-, ed. “We are arranging for a big amusement enterprise to exhibit in connection with the fair, to provide an moment fn.- those woh like the I carnival spirit with the exhibits. Final arrangements have not been amusement for those who like the rccnt on this amusement feature can be made as yet, but this will be ccnpl withi’i a day or two I tiirk According to Mr. Perkins, plans for the big fair are going rapidly forward, and a fine lot of exhibits is assured. No admisison fee will , be charged at the gate. PAGE FIVE DRS. WISE TO BE INVITED BY 1 TRADE BOARD (Continued from Page One.) 1 arranged for a conference with the 1 Drs. Wise at Plains Monday. The members of me Chamber committee are L. A. Mcygan, chairman; Frank Sheffield, vic| chairman; D. R. An drews, George” R. Ellis, Frank Har rold and J. E. Mathis. The members of the Rotary committee are: Carr I Glover, chairman; Frank Lanier, Walter Rylander, John Sheffield and W. W. Dykes. City Marshal Sales GEORGIA, Sumter County. Will be sold before the courthouse door in the City of Americus, Geor gia, on the first Tuesday in October, j 1919, between the legal hours of sale, the following described prop erty, to-wit: One house and lot sit uated on the north side of- Pepper mint alley in the city of Americus, Georgia, and bounded north by prop erty of Robert Wade, west by prop erty of the defendant, Missouri Biv ins, east by property of W. T. Mc- Math, south by Peppermint alley Size of the above described property being 90x210 feet and levied on as the property of the defendant, Missouri Bivins, to satisfy a certain city tax ft fa issued by E. J Eldridge, clerk and treasurer of the City of Ameri cus, Georgia. Said fi fa proceeding in favor of J. S. Bolton, transferee, against Mis souri Bivins. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law. This the 30th day of August, 1919. I C. B. POUNCEY, City Marshal.