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PAGE TWO FANS BESIEGE WORLD SERIES CITIES' HOTELS CINCINNATI, 0., Sept., 26—(By Associated Press.) —Baseball en ♦thusiasts from all parts of the coun try will come to Cincinnati to see the “Cincy” Nationals and the Chic ago White Sox clash in the world se ries games, if letters requesting seat reservations and hotel accommoda tions can be relied upon. President ‘Garry’’ Herrmann of • the Cincinnati Nationals was besieg- j ed weeks in advance of the closing ' of the National League season for ' tickets for the games by Cincinnati 1 followers of the "Reds” and by ’ “fans” from every section of the country, who desired to witness the games to be played in this city. Ho tels also reported that hundreds of . requests for rooms had been re ceived. To give every attention and conveniences to visitors during the world’s series games, the Cincinnati i Chamber of Commerce planned to co-operate with the Cincinnati club management. Acting on the request of President August Herrmann the convention and publicity department of the Chamber of Commerce named a spe itrial committee of five to devise means Tor best meeting the desires of Mr. i Herrmann. ; A Lodgers Bureau. The committee arranged to estab- : 'lisb a hotel bureau, in charge of a ■ icompetetnt staff to look after all re < quests for accommodations. It was • decided to list every available room in boarding houses and private res- i Don’t Let- Rust Uplbur Car Paint It It’s an easy job—requires no experience—** only a few hours’ work and your car will look like new again. Repainting prevents rust, adds at least an extra year of service to your car and increases its sell ing value. You will obtain the best results and lasting satisfaction with a Auto Painting Outfit Complete, $4.00 Contains everything needed for painting a Ford or similar size car, including top. Follow simple directions given on each can. Every item in the Pee Gee Painting Outfit is guaranteed. Aj’AL/’or "Pee Gee Auto Finishes in Colors AMERICUS DRUG CC. Phones 75 and 121. |r tablets - HOWELL’S PHARMACY. ™ Li i Sches and clears sallow complexions, removes pim- TBjk or blemishes, and causes the skin to grow \ lighter. 25c a box at druggists and toilet goods deal' ers, cr sent postpaid on receipt of price. AGENTS WANTED! Write for terms. 2 WL. ' SM. JACOBS’ PHARMACY COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. iHSmR 'bi ly e AND 1 r ’ < \DUALITY J V : . \ POST OFFICE BOX 81 AMERICUS.GA. •■■■SHBBBBBBBMBSSBMBMBSBBBBHSHBBIBSMBBMSSSMM V ■BnHGSMr ■nrMSMUMMBMMMSBM] Cincinnati Fans in Line to Buy Tickets For World’s Series Games nHMHi --. I , * •• 4-kJ• idences where visitors could be lodg ed. All these rooms were to be in spected in advance so there could be no question concerning their de sirability. Word was sent to Washington, D. C., requesting the co-operation of the railroad administration in the matter of obtaining desirable park ing places for special Pullman cars carrying large private parties to the games. It was expected that many visitors would utilize their cars for sleeping purposes while in the cfty, providing they had parking places. Arrangements were preparation for suitable parking places for the visitors and for parking places in the vicinity of the baseball park dur- | ing the games. No Place for “Dips.” For the protection of patrons vis iting Cincinnati and Chicago during the playing of the series detectives who are specialists in dealing with pickpockets and auto thieves will be very active in both cities. A large number of Chicago plain clothes men will be on duty here while the teams are in Cincinnati and in turn the lo cal experts will mingle with the crowds when the scene shifts to Chic ago. Time was when pickpocket clans gathered from the four corners of ' the country to follow the pennant j winning baseball teams to the fields ’ of worlds series combats. But times have changed, say the police, and now it is easier to steal automobiles than to extract a fat purse from the pocket of an excited fan. The professional “dip” still attends world’s championship battles but his profession has fallen into decay. The ' one-tinie adept at snipping a spark ler from a scarfpin whose artful methods combined courage and a sort of legerdemain is as scarec as radium to detectives. Picking pockets always was hazard ous and stealing automobiles has be come profitable with even less ele ment. So the pickpocket fraternity has lost many members to the easier means/ of unlawful profit, say the plain colthes men. the Stations. Besides, of late years the police have catalogued the pickpockets pretty thoroughly. As a world se ries or other national gathering takes the stage, detectives go on watch at ♦he railway station. Th e light fin gered gentry ar’e met by the recep tion committee and escorted to rooms at detective headquarters j where they remain, as guests usual ly, until those with whom they hoped to brush shoulders have gone away. Some “dips” escape the net, how- ; ever, and practice their art with mor. or less success. A world series ' game invariably is the scene of op- I erations for a number of them. Oth er thieves are there, too. *The au tomobile thieves predominate. In three days of world series be tween the Chicago Cubs and Boston Red Sox in Chicago last year, the police arrested 85 suspected pick pockets and auto thieves. Nearly I 100 motor cars wer’e driven away from the vicinity of the baseball park by persons not their owners. The majority were recovered but many were not. IF KIDNEYS ACT ” BAD IMF» days Backache is a sign you have been eating too much meat, which forms uric acid. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it gen erally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; re moving all the body’s urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water sealds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a ♦ables]>oonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your 1 kidney’s will then act fine. This famous j salts is made from the acid of grapes | and lemon juice, combined with lithia, j and has been used for generations to ; clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, I also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder ’ ven knees. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular . at eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot ! njtire and makes a delightful, effer- I descent lithia-water drink. I AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Rally Day Program Os Sunday School Out The following special program has been prepared for Rally Day next Sunday at the First Baptist Sunday school: Prayer—Dr. Carl Minor. . Welcome—Supt. T. F. Gatewood. Entrance of Beginners and Cradle Roll. Reading—“ln the Desert of Wait ings.—-Miss Susie Stallings. Quintette —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan, Mrs. Ervin Lee, Miss Edith I Ryals and Edwin Ryals. Alphabet of Scriptures—26 Little j Girls. Lesson Period. Musical Selection.—Sunday Sphool Orchestra. Song—“ Love.” —Juniors. Vocal Solo—“ God’s Smiles.”—Mrs. J. W. Harris, Jr. Books, chapters, verses, words and ; letters of Bible—Class No. 8. Government Store Jammed At Opening ATLANTA, Sept. 26.—Enormous , crowds wer e on hand to patronize Uncle ISpm’s retail establishment, which opened here yesterday and which will sell commodities of every description including groceries and provisions, clothing, household uten- — 1 Err ' m. = «^>.. »b|wWali T-W the w *~i2||| 111 Jg Highways WL. fc • ■-'-■r x- W /ffW X J INA S=Hl\ Ilfßl BOTTLE Il ~ r-> THRU A (country stores are ready to * TRW /j=BII IS === serve you with the same ■! |IBI wholesome and refreshing I 11 Chero-Cala W W w?A 111/M **^ n a e —Through a strav) VBa jtX that you have been enjoying at the > £?‘y fount and refreshment stand. X The same everywhere served only Sa,lors a Job-Sheg ,n stenhzed bottles. Pure, whole- D.,«rv« tt. /'-.’ some and refreshing. \ '7™l ""Sk ■ im m .xsgas P I >/ I hfw l ** I al* w l bngru'LOia l\ HIM ■ IJiinnWi HI BUM Mllf %. t ■■■■!■■■ OWQgiX TRAINS RUNNING i ON TIME IN DIXIE REPORTSREVEAL ATLANTA, Sept. 26.—1 n the campaign for on-time passenger train service in the Southern Region, the Illinois Central railroad in July again led all other lines, bettering ! its fin’e June record by putting 98.5 per cent of all its /rains into final terminals on time despite delays for any cause, including slow connec tions. During the month 6,644 trains were operated by this road, and 6,- 550 of them reached their terminals on time, while 6,557, or 98.7 per cent maintained schedule or made up time. These percentages com pare, respectively, with 96.6 and I 96.8 in June. Th e general average for all rail roads during the month did not equal the high records set in May’ and June, although it continued to be good in comparison with earlier rec ord. There were 5.3,256 passenger J trains operated by the twenty-nine ■ roads. Os that number 49,248, or 92.5 per cent, maintained schedule or made up time, while 47,774/ or 89.7 per cent, arrived on time at final terminals. Among the larger railroads, the 1 Southern, operating 15,875 trains, ■ stood near the top of the list with 14,508 or 91.4 per cent reaching final terminals on time, and 14,964, or 94.3 maintaining schedule or making up time. During the month of July the Sea board railroad operated 3,227 pas senger trains, of which 2,985 arriv ed at final terminals on time, repre senting 92.5 per cent; 3,021 trains during the month maintained sched ule or made up time, representing a sils and a wide variety of equipment of use in every day life. Prices are far below those charged by private retail establishments and the jam which greeted the initial day of op eration of the government store on Stewart avenue testified to the eager ness of the public to take advantage of the situation. Not only Atlantans, but residents of other section, were on hand to buy and visitors from all parts of the state were discernible in the crowd. The store will be kept open daily except Sunday until the sur plus allotted to this district has been exhausted. CONCORD. Rev. J. W. Tinley filled his reg ular appointment at Sunday morn ing and a large congregation was present. Owing to the bad weather he did not preach Sunday night but will preach next Wednesday instead. Miss Damares Holley entertain* j ed the young people with a singing j Sunday afternoon. Those present were Misses Bertha Kate Lassiter, ; Kate Johnston, Susie and Mary Mor rell, Kati e Young, Bertha and Tom ; mie Kidd, Vera aDrden and Mary’ i Wynn, Messrs. Uriah Morrell, Joe ’ Johnston, Floyd Lassiter, Walter I Darden, Charlie Kidd, Rufus Davis, I Keith Dupree, Fitzhugh Wynn and i W. H. Tyner. Mr. and Mrs. Powell, the Misses ■ Youngblood and Miss Manning, of I Leesburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Holley. Miss Lilia Echols and Miss Guest I spent the week-end with himefolks ■ at Andrew Chapel. i The great market place of the com munity—Times-Recorder Want Ads. Luzianne is such a coP ree as you long have wished for-of distinc tive Quality and of fla vor unsurpassed. It is literally true thatyou will never know now good coffee can be un til try Luzianne. coffee The Re ily-Taylor Company Orleans FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,191 9 . To abort a cold and prevent com plies. take The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. Need Something? A Want ad in The Times-Recorder will get it.