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PAGE TWO 105 WHY HOT RELIEVE THAT COLD NOW? Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey is noted for itseffectiveness YOU’LL find the small cost of a generous bottle of Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey a sum well spent •hen you learn how promptly and efficiently and comfortably it helps re lieve that lingering or new cold or cough. Its balsamic and healing antiseptics are unsurpassed in promoting ease from distressed bronchial tubes, help to loosen phlegm, congestion, and •Haying inflammation. Children, too, Kke its pleasantness. Thousands e\ er > - where use it the minute they feel a cold coming on. » Get a bottle at your druggist’s to-day 30c., 60c., $1.20. . Keep the Family’s Bowels Open. The livers of the young ones and grownups •ctive, the bile flowing freely, their systems • ete-arvied of impurities, with effective, com fortable Po-Do-Lax, the natural laxative. Get H bottle today. All druggists. 60 c. a battle. We Have Just Received a Big Line Os Young Men’s Suits For Fall. It will pay you to look them over. Will save you from $2.50 to A5.00 a Suit. W. J. Josey Clothier Americus, Ga. Poultry Feed and i, Laying Tonic AUNT PATSY LAYING MASH, used and recommended by the largest poultry raisers in the country. We want every one to feed it thirty days and you will see the re sults. Price: 100 lbs. $5.00; 18 lbs. SI.OO. AUNT PATSY SCRATCH FEED contains 40 per cent, wheat and only the best grade of other grains, evenly balanced. We know it is the best made. Order some; convince yourself. Price: 100 lbs. $5.00; 18 lbs. SI.OO. Will sell any quantity. DR. HESS’ PANACEA. The best laying tonic, you need this to get your chickens started laying. Price 30c and 75c. MEET US AT THE FAIR WILL EXPLAIN FULLY. PLANTERS SEED & DRUG CO. Phone 502 Prompt Delivery • Don’t Leave Your Cotton ; I • I j Out in the Weather « * Put every bale in a SPRINKLERED WARE- 3 £ HOUSE where you get the very lowest fire * 8 insurance; where the staple is preserved J from the weather; where you can dispose of * it when the market reaches the point. Our new modern brick warehouse is com- S pleted, measuring 101 by 102 feet, equipped * ; with the latest automatic fire sprinklers, thus * I reducing the insurance rate. 1/aixE our : I ADVICE-ACCEPT OUR AlD.—and J ■5 Store Your Cotton in ; Commercial Warehouse ; C. H. Burke. Phone 59 W. M. Humber When Your Clothes Need To Be Pressed or Clea ned Just Phone 749. The O. K. Pressing Shoo. Charlie Pavne. Mor. HARRIS FIGHTS FOR CONSUMER, DESPITE DEFEAT WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.—Al i though the two amendments of Sena ; tor William J. Harris to the land leas ing bill, which he says will stabilize the price of gasoliine, have been I stricken from the measure by the I house committee on public lands, the Georgia senator has not slackened in j his efforts to make known his reasons for the legislation. , “I want protection for the con-1 | sumer; the producer already has pro-' I tection which is contrary to the inter-1 j ests of the buying public so far as, the price he pays for gasoline,” I dares Senator Harris, following the report that western members of the house committee fear the effect of the ' proposed law on the petroleum pro ! ducers in the west. The majority of the committee members are from the western states which produce petrol eum and its by-products. Senator Harris says “conditions cannot be real which cause the con sumer to pay several cents more for! gasoline in his state than is the re tail price in a neighboring state. The i amendments which I proposed are the | natural legislative steps following an | exhaustive investigation of conditions.' The consumer has rights as well as the producer, and my certainly can have no more destruc- I tive effect on the producer than the arbitrary prices of gasoline have on | the public.” STYLES By LENORE < The Latest Solutions of the Clothes Problem _Jpk ! ; fax\ Lfk I DERHAPS because there has been such a diversity of taste and opin ion as to what constitutes the proper length of skirts, this lady has chosen a dress which gives the long and the short of the fashion; for the panels! at each side hang two inches closer to the ground than the rest of the hem. In fact, irregular hems are | one of the contributions of the! French styles this season, especially! for evening gowns, which achieve, pleasing effects with long panels of the same material, and loops of lace \ or ribbon which hang two to four inches below the hem of the short skirt. The gown is admirably adapted for street wear with a top coat, for call ing, matinee or bridge parties, is made of trappist brown suede cloth, which is the most golden of browns featur-; ed. The trimmings are black chenille I and seal. A crown of biscuit color moire ribbon frills adds height to the black velvet hat, which is larger than most hats worn for afternoon. Love Is Everything. Be sure of it. Be sure that to havt found the key to one he:«rt is to have i found the key to al!; that truly to love is truly to know; and truly to love one Is the first step towards truly loving nil who bear the same flesh and blood with the beloved. . . . All knowl edge is love, and all love knowledge; even with the meanest, we cannot gain a glimpse into their inward trials and struggles without an increase of sym pathy and affection. —Exchange. RELIEVES, TIRED ACHING MUSCLES Buy a bottle of Sloan’s Liniment and keep it handy for emergency IF I only had some Sloan’s Lini ment!” How often you’ve said that! And then when the rheu matic twinge subsided after hours of suffering you forgot it! Don’t do it again— get a bottle today for possible use tonight l . A sudden attack may come on sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles, stiff joints, neuralgia, the pains and aches resulting from exposure. You’ll soon relieve it with Sloan’s, the lini ment that penetrates without rubbing. t 38 years’^ leadership. Clean, econom ical. Three sizes—35c., 70c., $1.40. “1 Cured Myself of Tuberculosis.” Every sufferer from Weak Lungs every one afflicted with chronic W cough should ) read this remark- ig?*/ able history of a J ™ druggist, afflict- ? cd with Tubercu-L- losis, who experi- 80 Pouncls mensed on him self, seeking a jSE road to health: ' With his simple : treatment any ;! cough-raced, tor- ! tured person s/ may find quick Wfe V > relief in a home » treatment. Sooth figtor 5 ing, pleasant; IS3 Founds. f anyone may use it under plain direc -5 tions. Just send name and address on J. postcard to ADDILINE, 239 Arcade *1 B'dg., Columbus, Ohio. (adv.) AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. ■ ENACTS A GREAT ' FILM ROLE FROM , OWNEXPERIENCE i I She’s a little girl whose weight, ar | tistically, is measured in sterling ounces of roy. That is the impres sion of girlish youthfulness until you look into her eyes. Then from the dark gary eyes you would discern shining forth the com prehensive outlook of the mother heart, a smile as wholesome as friend ship, a sympathy as soothing as a lullaby played upon muted violins. I This is the picture admirers of Dorothy Phillips bear with them in their minds’ eyes. This is the con ception that the extraordinary art of the star has made to vary so that instead of the gray eyes of under standing, on occasion one sees the sparkling orbs of the school girl, the flashing irises of the worldly-wise woman or the gleamingly inviting heart-signals of the ingenue But perhaps among the millions of ! Dorothy Phillips’ devotees few know ! that the cinema player is the mother i of a four-year-old girl and one of the i most domestic of wives. It is from her own experience, therefore, that Mis - Phillips’ enactment of the role of Nanette in “The Heart of Hu manity” her newest picture and her greatest, is drawn. In “The Heart of Humanity,’’ which Allen Holubar has produced as a multiple-reel document of humanity based on heart incident in the great overseas conflict. As Nanette, Miss Phillips is the mother-heart emblematic. Too, she is the inspirational force, the repre ! sentation of the woman spirit of the ! world that has won the war for civil ization and has saved thousands on thousands of lives that for lack of the succor of the Red Cross, might i have passed away on the battlefield. I “The Heart of Humanity” will be ' sown at the Opera House on Thurs day and rFiday of this week. Privileged Characters. The old. saying “a bull in a china “hop” is not an idle one when the bull referred to is one of the tribe of tacred cattle of India. In the streets >f Calcutta members of the sacred lerd roam at will. In the eyes of the Orthodox Hindu it is sacrilegious to , nterfere with the cattle's liberty, even livhen it takes them into the city shops I Ind crowded bazaars. Happiness in Appreciation. Happiness comes not from the power of possession, but from the power of appreciation. Above most other th’ngs it is wise to cultivate the powers of appreciation. The greater the number of stops on an organ the greater its possibilities as an instrument of music. —H. W, Sylvester TOO LATE Death only a matter of short time. Don’t wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking COLD MEDAL The world’s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles—th® National Remedy of Holland since T69fa Guaranteed. Three sizes, druggists* Look for the naan® Gold Med at; •very *ad ocTrtpt no inutxrion Re-Built Cars For Sale 4 Fords 2 Buicks -1 Dodge And Others; All Repainted, Thoroughly Overhauled and Re- Adjusted. When We Say “Re-Built,” We Mean Re-Built From The Ground Up; In Good Shape From Tip To Toe -All Ready To Go. - Hooks Motor Co. Phone 16. , Americus, Ga. , ir ilm Star To Be Seen Two Days At Opera House ■ --AH V LL..-ZZF' i poßor/sr pwlups» •<Y the i/rs/vEstAt - jewel mooc/c no* “ M ADVANCE " Some Country! Finnegan, a railroad worker, though not he of “On again, off again” fame, returned to Ireland recently on a visit. On being questioned by his relatives concerning the wonders of America, he described its size as follows: “Phwy, Amer-r-rica is so big that if ye war to dr-rag England through the Shtatef ye. wouldn't lave a tnar-rk in th’ dirt, an' ye could lose Oireland intoirely in wan o' ttiiin gr-reat inland oceans we hov, phwat we call lakes, an' if ye had Scotland to gel rid of there are a thou sand earners to hide her in. an’ nobody could tell pliwere ye (I put her, except, begorra, tor the strong smell av whisky.”—Boston Transcript Test for Diamonds. It may be taken for granted that anything which will scratch a sapphire or a ruby is a diamond. RUPTURE. Let us send you our Rupture Ap pliance on one week’s trial before paying anything. “It’s a pain killer.’’ Holds rupture, instant relief. Per fect comfort. If not satisfactory re turn and you owe nothing. Price 75c. Nothing like it. It is patent ed. Twenty thousand sold in last two years. ’ H. C. Tindall, Maacon, Ga.— (adv.) Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Curet by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There if only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining- of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced and this tub° restored to its normal conditi n, hearing will be destroyed sere ver. Many cases or deafness are caused by catarrh, which u an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cure ! by Hall s- Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All Druggists. 75c. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Tol-adUfc O. YOU SHOULD PROTECT YOUR COTTON At the present prices for cotton, a few pounds picked from a bale damaged from erposure under open sheds will more than pay our charges for storing • for twelve months. Our storage rooms are built of fire-proof walls and con- crete floors, equipped with Automatic Sprinklers, giving us the very lowest insurance rale. Liberal advances on cotton stored with us. We have just received a carload of the Genuine Recleaned Texas Red Rust-Proof Oats Select your Seed and plant early for best results HARROLD BROTHERS, Americus, Ga. p- ill W ., , i ——, , r Kin The Grip Os 1 A Man’s Hand— I You Find Strength or Does Your Grip Show? k \ Have you the firm, forceful power of a \ man whose blood is rich in iron—the VXkind that inspires confidence and wins CA S ! lCCeSS —°l‘ A ave the feeble, h T tat ?? 'yV l Of a skiing, k Nuxated J ln “ lds keen, red- k q blo<>ded men and women. I L y .° U “ re "VI Str, ’ nß or well - yo« owe Ik V Z’^^ r \ I y .' ,U 7 f tO J Btart takirl R Nuxated |h,k C : 'W \ Ir “ nt '”’ la y a “<i watch its strength. Z.Wi giving upbuilding lutwow.-.-k/ SwPHk WLL >1 Cl t T e Bee for yourself . r '' J what . sort Os a change Ek V <)/ JI y, our hand and » r yr iPtA tuo amount of Bhl—wkl Strength and ''"'Liranre iiip youpoMse,,. ~ -ft. MONEY 51$ i Mohpv I nan p>rl on far “ ’"“k at 5 1-2 p * r *•“*• inU ’'- * IVlUliey LiOanea eat and borrower, have privilege- es ' l paying part or all of principal at any interest period, (topping in- I , tere.t on amounts paid. We always have best rates and easiest [ J terms and give quickest service. Save money by seeing or writing G. R. ELLIS or G. C. WEBB AMERICUS, GEORGIA. | «3K*3O3r»lMn»nt»l«<<<«M<3t3t3t3g 3 t3 Cer g 3 g 3C g 3K|3 gg3 Ktw TURNER ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ANO CONTRACTORS. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Lamps, Fans, Motors, Telephons Batteries, House Wiring and Repairs a Specialty. Combination G» and Electrical Fixtures. STORE PHONE 124 Wind, or Avenue. HOME PHONE m. SUNDAY, OCTOBER, 26, 1919. PAYNE PRESSING & CLEANING CO.. PROPRIETORS.