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By E L. RAINEY. e e ey ————— _,.«,i“v(.;: % PR ~.‘fxu:fi‘ ':‘ i ’ ‘-""s t’ B e 2 B g’ i e hasH A N B § Tule WEIGS T » ) REYAL R o Ay 2 i : ES O 2TY e DO rend UL 3 '.;. ey ~ % i:’,‘h‘;..ajflfi;‘ 2 fl'h\;:q-.r) el TN AP z‘..' Ry = & e ’ n bR g = & Thoth B | <e b o . S VR A ;‘ P ety 3 2 ¥*: v o ¢ s bavd I 8 B | & 4 Absoiutely Pure, This powder never varies. A narvel of purity, strength and vholesomeness. More econe nica han the ordinary kinds, and ean wt be sold in competition with he multitude of low test, short veight alum or phosphate powders, \old onlyin eans. ROYAi BAK. NG POWDER C 0.,, 10¢ ¥V7all Nk 'THIS ; ~ MILLER ORGAN Is Tonx FiNest Axp Besr., < gt =) e ~ ) R < i T} A2y 3 AR S = g 8| SR N~ 3 LR Ag N g : = ‘“f“] ~ = e e ~ N e = ~ ey R ' ~ R Cmrgs | SR O L Vi mmße e P ~._}'.j’?z“'.‘fgm(;‘ A & U YEniEsee |BSIEEEE : L; fl SoErEd = £ ;.- ,f\;i. F»MI ‘I. E< . . ‘fx -‘ = ;“"1 S . ~ ST A LTy e (e, It stands at the head of all wood orgens, Those who desire to have ehestorean shoutd acqnaint theu selves with the merits ot our instru aonts. Pou't take our word for Woat we say, but see and test our Prtruments, It o dealer sells our “gans in your loca'ity, write to the I\lli)l"\" BUY NO OTHER. AbpßESss, MILLER ORGAN CO. Lebanon, Pa. ®Catalogue, &c., tree. Sept. 26. | “‘%m, 24 o\ \ ol b= ek > '3.:; /:\—\ b PG = TZEESSEEE o &d g TaFw | < r s s R gteas 8 & g D, | T = Z:SE:QZ—Z‘ e @ & n:}‘ o e SRS :"‘i. H Fer T N DRI Pt ISS 7 5.% O Bhmes ¥ ~c.¥§, N 7Ty Chormmss AR T T / . i N Y 2.8 == gD gAY __ Sit b, s ! - N L 2 aeEs R : mcen v g 4 o v Sus { s trer @ 5 . 2 & | ESa3E£zs & o= g;*“”“f R /'é;{//?\.\\f fE s | - s = 2T ki TN = ey | 2L & ,&-. : & ZPEN Ve = = oL o = = s i TRO S/ RS o] & n | o aoeuß BT o o &1 22 . .t C"’-‘»' - 1283 . = N s s . Ghgße s £ sz s 0 o o o= 1| . ! <€ b g E - Q SEg;7B3s¢ g ;,,»T*\nl Hirig: < em SRS L BE Se O Sl . A ‘-%—a\/-:‘ f2:id I I s =z =2 e = = ST ;fi& S RN & S o Beeo - .| «< ey g S i : \ = e LYad s ¥ w o~ o e 2 = == e : o AR HI | B A ' e o @ e S S ~f,,, } o 2 = = w TEe sl N X P NG o SLl| AP i 4 ey I g .80 ke wg B I R BB s AN &F 5 =t = ¥ <. Eam e S %/ CASAgi S R O f e yox &ls g yr o 2 ; : 3N t;\-»"fl‘i“''- £E3% » b P B S = o AR G ey PaL il g = 3 s S E S = -2 e g e vy LR Shetaisimii ol b. 5 ROULARS. . { 2 E b o g ot s as =S o e b 7 2 g AR p bisa 33 - I CEE S E =3 = i 7 2 AND @1 -~ =, 2 pPEEES Y “ Nl 1 MY s 2 AN, C= =z = = & u = SEND FOR PRICES e ' N\ ’ 85 e - A S _coZné ER A 0 g o il I ; % ‘g A i fLee S 3’ e PRI AR e A o 2 H O ——""-'-'-‘3-‘s%' 3. % & = Je i 4 { fa “ : o T e O 3 P c 5 =1 g ' g~wa=egesSCsND|tL A e T et e 24 = - S f Z e T 1 & LS --™ ) P £E3 7555 TAeN e o I STZASESE z" BT Lo\ IF’ =& Ted - s ; '“_"s j/L//‘ s THE “"Eoweße- @ % O ez 2 3 e |v_‘ e=m | w s Bag =@ o it;; T : s.AR gl " so§p(‘; - - - = ’__“ ¥ _#{v b' E 8 r“:’:?’ De % ) Fiz % <<, z.b St : o 9 E- 4 Aj|4 v ! “ UREKA - 2 fsc S 5 AR AN APoTS = ¥ Naigoda 2.8 - e 3 . % bsS. g R N - eEE 220 AT, oV S g ..7:2c:.‘=s'§_> W . s=7 3 P d ~/ E ‘ Two-wheel $8 & > SEF E 553 KN Gt . EFZ3SSB e e Abiii: Eas s 287 ee ~ H“ & . Sag:Sz .Nbt 2, *‘,_-—--—-———*- -& g g.;,g..; 5B @ 5 T e Q N .§ :E eive ek PTV.e"-= e ‘e B @ s iERZ 35 ’ TN >‘ ' ‘ Carrlage, ;U 2 =E2dEoCC QY LSNO) STAATTVIDINA 5 zZasezeaz 5% E2zE 258 §555 Esaf 2 &30 R 4 “A-o. =B oy LAY LS? :2 A% SRy ==& 2T =~.@=2og-= -~ By e o == Aey 2 = 52sS e = = NOIL)L —-"Ne=S=2ao&=3Bo& = =} % - 8 S 0 = -3 @ ] =y 2.3 o | '\)fl co., P 2 sEEriii; “EEIRREE, FREEEREEEG ZR22EZ § TF9RT =s§ =52 B | DT @ hean ! S% = EUREEA . Q === EToi-&'@Ts===STss - @ e o = o P g g @ O w 3 o S S SZE > eum | Ns g songss THE .v G nig XN i s sgEDP =g =B6 x 5 "’o‘s-1:- =y 55&5 o s 8 > "1:! eTRo, e g ] EO& & 3. %== S Sgeant, ov . A Rock Falls, ° . SRt -&EL=aBSseß;=3[o-=-&o3 = - P 3 O @, o o- € e 1] S ! =3 B : I N/ = %,e “EUREKA . oty oo m0«358.88= 28 =5 g § Pgu—=‘°>m o > HEa &= =y Ra,B=a" o | e 3 T NG/ £= 5 __—‘——‘————"—a:‘:vf-r-Q z 2& B D thier oeW & e e :-:'.:.‘"—--c << B 8 L. [T Et -~ 3)&- o @ = 3 ~ B | e o Cc‘f:'—--:-‘-'”:” = = —["‘-x-_.@ =o= = - 2.5 2®Y9o=e g Do g @ ag'm': e - 4 = - g i \ Phaeton. esoge e B = = = c.._-“..-_. S=o=2o= - = o o ~ > Tk A i 3 Two-wheel SezER. Iy i - o:fl--—_.—-.--- ='='-'°='m o=e o s = 5--‘:::'l'%s‘ -] = = Q'Hu-os o= 62 = = - :;:"-.o—-; =Bee= a B 8 = o Eeem <e2"63 2 o 9-,..-15:"" 2o e > >2,¢- eSS o= ® 46 O N 52 we e ..OCWma_caq— =. ceoeß-S~=s.%==o=2<7 09 0% = 8 m M =2 & = o = S -«.l e i _——'—;T;'—':T——O—:- ey eSBE S Q"‘—ls ":CD('.":_-:- e<=&<-mB==S@ 2 3 T eo &g s o g ¢ = ‘Q\" -"<o B HQ-I i| e 1 z 2 3 . 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B o @mmamn o g N Chas, G, Mercer, n TATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ‘l‘.““"s m, i ¢ Georgia, M over 4 heatham & Dean'’s Drag istope, o : by M Attead promptly ta al Wos | g,]i e, THE DAWSON NEWS. EDITORIAL Squiss. Mr. Cleveland will go into histo "y 88 the great veto President, He vetoed 278 bills, 157 more than all predecessors 2ombined, : One hundred and fourteen Mor mon elders have enlisted for servi. ces in the South, They will be warmly received—with clubs, There will probably be an extra sescion of Congress,so that the Dem ocrats can be turned out and the Radicals turned into the public money crib, After being out for four years,the Rads ave almost fam -Ished. i People die horrible deaths these days. Harry Genet, known as “Prince Harry” among New York peliticians, has a fungous growth nnder his tongue, It has already pushed out two of his front teeth and will kill him. The average yield of cotton per acre in Georgia, according to the ceusus report, is only 137 pounds, and in Alabama it is seven pounds less peracre. The farmer who plants all cotton and does not m ke more than double the average crop, will remain poor until the end of his life. About one hutdred harrels of Georgia cane syrup have been bought by Perry merchaats this season, the product of South Geor gia farms. Calealating that Fort Valiey has Lought as much from the same source, ahout ‘52,000 has been sent out of Houston county for syrup. | —_— | The convicets in the Sate pries ons and prison reformatories of this country amount to nearly 100,000, and involve an annual cost. of aliout $15.000,000, which according to tie New York Inde. pendent, is ouly a smal part of the actual loss to the conses quence of er me causad mostly by strong drink, ]‘:vel'_\' in the Statedon't f:l-i vor the re lease ot ihe Siate Rail- 1 road. It-should be soll and the public debt paid with the proceeds. I It is bad policy tor the State w own { property in competition wich her own citizens. The money wnuld' not be squandered, when it is used { to wipe out the public debt. The Woolfork trial is again in progress in Macon Captain Ruth erford, attorney for Woolfork, wade a motion for a change of ve nue, which was de .ied. le then asked for a continuance on the ground that an impartial trial 2ould not be had in Bibb county. Wools folk is anxious to go to trial, The bill which has been so long before congress providing for the adnmission ot Neorth and South Da kota, Washington and Montana to statehood, passed both houses last week. Four new stars will be add ed to the national flag; forty-two states and six territories will con stitute the union. The political tepet of the newly admitted states is supposed to be evenly divided. 1 Things have undergone a change. | A white man was sold at auction by a negro constable in Arkansas the other day. He had been fined tor carrying concealed weaponsand did vot desire to go to jail, and did not have enough money to pay his fine and costs. Under the law as it now stands, and as the county convict farm has been abolished, the white man was put up for sale by the negro constable and sold to the highest bidder. A larger area wili be planted in tobacco this year in Decatur coun ty than at any time in over a quar terot a century. Thase who plant ed it lust year say they realized rom 25 cents to 50 cents per pound for their crops. The DBuinbrid.e Democrat says it has been clerly demong rated that the elimata and -oil of Decatur eounty are well wispted to the growth of the finest varietios of cizar aud smoking to accos, tnd that 28 a crop it pays erter than anv other that ¢on be srotgecd tu the entive south, SOMEHOW OR OTHER. Lite has a burden for every one's sheulder, None may escape from its troubs le and care; Miss itin youth and ’twill come whea we're older, And fit us as cluse as the gars meonts we wear. Sorrow comes into our home nnine vited, Robbicg our hearts of its treas ures of song; Lovers grow co%d, and our friend ships are slighted, Yet somehow or other we worry along. Midst the sweet blossoms that smile on our faces Grow the rank weeds that would poison and blight: And e'erin the midst of earth’s beautiful places There is always something that isn’t quite right. Yet oft from a rock we may pluck a cay flower, And drink from a spring in a deselate waste They come to the heart like a heavenly dower, And naught is so sweet te the eye or the taste, Every day toil ts every day bless ing, Thoush poverty’s cottage and crust we may share, Weuak is the back on which bur dens are pressing, But. stout is the heart that is strengthened by prayer., Somchow or other the pathway grows brighter Just when we mourn there were none to befriend; Hope in the he.rt ms ke the bur den grow lighter, And comehiow or other we get to the end. A Wise Negro. l Here are seme words nl‘gnl«lunl wisdom from a negro-—worthy of trame in every negio home, and of hright italics in every megro in the Luind. Bishop Arnet is the speuker. The Atrvican Methodist Episcopal church conference at Charleston is the place, and the race question the inspiring thewe, ead the ue gro bishop’s words. | *Rewember that you and ! have a part in solving the great race problen of this country. The Af vican Methodist church is one o the greatest lactors in the solution of the question. I believe that you must furnish not oniy the men, but you must furnish the rule by which this race probler shall be solved to | the satistaction of the people and to the glory of God. In order ij do that we must cultivate in every man a personal pride, in every I home a family pride, and in everyi individual a race pride. The true solution of this problem is educa- l tion for your head, religion for your heart, money for your pocket and intergrity for your conduct. Time must also be considered as a neces~ sary element in the solution. These four ingredients taken every morning,noon and night fora reas-I enable length of time, would solve the prob'em. One of the duties of the true mixister of the church is to teach the people that labor is bonorable and that God hassiid that by the sweat ot your brow you shall make you bread. It wecould only stop the stream of emigration to the towns and cities we would subserve the best interests of our state. Eversince the proclamation of freedom our people 1o the south have been going to the towns, leav ing the country,leaving their farms, leaving their homes; standing on the corners ard leaning against the corners, going to jail and some to the penitentiary. Let us teach them that it is just as honorable to fabor in the country asin the town, and that it is just as creditable to plant rice «na pick cotton as to carry the hod and wait on the ta. ble. “The time has come when we must not ouly enjoy education, but we must pay something for it, ard show our app.eciation of the.oppors tunity by assisting the friends of the race in mawdtaining among us schools for our children.” Wl e A voung lady in Milton county has a bisuit envked by her brother i 1961 DAWSON, GA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1889, l A TELLING SPEECH, : —_— Mr, Turner's Brief and Stinging Reply to Kennedy of Ohio. Mr.Turcer of Georgiasaid: Mr Chairman, during the debate on the tariff bill during the past sum - er my attention was called by one ot the pages of this House to a I speech which was printed in the ' Record by the honorable gentleman from Ohio, [Mr Kennedy] which contaived statemeuts in reg:rd to Soutbern elections so manifestly un fair and oujust as to ghock the sens sililities even of the boy who gave me the informstion. [Laughter and applause.] I sent a notifica tion to the gentleman from Ohio I would endeavor, if the opportunity were offered me, to reply tosome of his strictures on Southern elections; but before I could do so my cols league from Georzia [Mr. Crisp], who bas just addressed the commit tee, returned to his seat, and as he ~was the victim of the chief denun ciations in that speech I transferred ‘the fight to him, I was willing to fight and skulk from this redoubtable gentleman from Ohio [laughter aud applause] and hide mysel! underneath the arm of my able colleague from Georgia. And I supposed I had nothing more to do with an issue ' which to me is ouly the subject of scorn and contempt, but to~day the gentleman has again dragzed me into the controversy without excuse and without provocation, and it is a duty to mysclf and my constite ents to offer a briet reply. I Iu the carerr which hus been af forded me in this congress, whichj is somewhat longer than wesaally aflorded to those who Liave seats on this floor. I have rvveri:-u'n-ticnhl ally said ove word which w:s eals culated to stir or inflame sec.ional reseulment 1f that statement is ‘untrue I ask any gentlenan to stand up here and confuic it now, And, sir. T believe the very worst encnies of the publie peice, or the welfare wnd ot the prosperity of this country, the ve y worst foe to all its highest intercsts, is a man who avails bimself of every slight pretext to stir up those old wounds and ficht over again battles which nonorable gentlemen have met ou the field and adjusted long ago. [Applause on the deluocraticl side. ] Talk about Graut—peace to his ashes—and of Sheridau and others and of Kennedy in the same breath. I [Laughter and applause on the democratic side.] Mr. Chairmao, I would take my chance on any arcua, and submit any public qucs- ‘ tion involving the interests of my section to any fair tribunal consist-{ inz of old soldiers who confronted I me in the late war [zreat applause]; but a man who invokes these bit ter memories in order to shield himselt from the imputation of un fairness and injustice s not a man entitled to my respect. [Aps plause.} | Mr. Chairman, that gentleman here to-day, although he has on this floor o colleague who is a living imonument to the fairness of thei democratic House of Representa ' tives, and who if he had stood in his seat while he was delivering the I slanders on myself could have Iplaced his hand' on the Leal of ’ that colleague—l refer to the gen tleman from Ohio (Mr. Romies); I ask that gentleman, if he will,3to stand up bhere now in the presence l of his colleague, Governor Ken 'nedy, and say whether or not my ‘administration ot the affairs of the commi.tee on elections was intae mous. Mr. Romies—l did not know what my ecollea:we was going to ‘sav, but lam a living witness to the fairness of the geatleman from Georgia,and am prepared to shy so, [Applause ] ; Mr. ‘urner of Georzia —! am ~glad here and now to recoznize the fact that in the old state of Ohio there still survives the spirit of fuir ness and justice which will rebuke’rnction even in iis own ranks, | [Applause.] It the slander which the gentles lm“u Li.s brought against me and my ascociates on this floor should chance to ewrculate in districts where perhaps I am unknown and where my reputsation is far less limited than hi¢ own, I wish to call ‘attention to a few other circum stances in the statement which that gentleman has made which ought to go along with this day’s pros ceedings. He has not only arraigned me and arraigned my successor as chairman of the committe on elec tions, but I know and here state that he bas regklessly and merei-. leasly traduced and asssiled two or the most bonorable gentlemen who sit on the other side of the House, among them one ot his own col leagues, the gentleman trom Ohio, Mr. Cooper. [Applause.] He talks about the “‘reckless haste,” with which the committee on elec - tions of the House determined the election contest between Thoebe and Carlisle, and yet that gentle man from Ohio, bis colleague, and that other gentleman on the com mittee, Mr. Rowell, with shom I ‘have had so many honorable con« teste in cases of this kind [applause) reported to the House that Thoche ‘had no case, and asked that Mr. Carlisle be awarded his seat. [Ap plause on the democratic :ide.}— They signed the majority report and agreed to the conclusions of the committee, | Will the gentleman from Ohio say that tlese gentlemen who it on his own side of the House are also infamouz ? [Applause on the demo cratie side. ] 1 have no desire, siz, on this sud~ den emergency to do injustice to any oae, much less my assuilant from the state of Ohio. 1 have en~ l deavared on two or three oceasions heretofore to show that he bas n; rockless disregnrd ot the facts | whivh ought to cause gentlemen lo‘ suspect his statements and not fit-i tich to them ail the weirht to! which they would seem ta heenti~ ‘ tlel. 1 wish now to (-ullait(:lxfiung to another variance with recorded | bistory whicn the gentleman has | perpetrated, it the I'unurcerimmll Directory can be enlled o nimiter ot history, and it is about all of the iistory to which some of us may as pire. [Laughter.] Now, the gentleman from Ohio the other dey, m grouping and scheduling and cataloguing the( brigadiers of a certain section who had incurred his wrath and resent. ment, included in the list, which I was the humblest, the gentleman from Teonessee (Mr. Butler) asa rebel brigadier. [Laughter.] 1 understand, Mr. Chairman, that that zentleman was a licutenant colonel on the other side. [Laugh~ ter and applause.] Will the gens tleman in order 1o make the case against my section do injustice to the trath, and also to his own {riends who live in that region ? But, Mr. Chairman, I have pro coeded with this matter farther than ,was necessary, and farther, perhaps. | than was consistent. with propriety. I thank _the committee. [Loud applause.]—Congressional Record, ‘ Spicy Developments Expected. It is more than probable that the Atlanta University (colored) anu the state appropriation will figure conspicuously at the summer sess ion of the legislature. It is under stood that there have been some rather uwexpected developisents with reference to the status of the appropriation and the position of the management of the institution v hich cannot fail to add greatly to the interest the question will excite when it comes up. Certain corres pondence is now pending which has a close and lively bearing on the question, which may be furnished the press later. Ricently Presi dent Bumstead, of the Atlanta Uniyersity, made another applica tion for the appropriation. Tt is understood thut the university comruission has been foreed, nader the law, to reject it. Whot course Bumstead will pursue nextis uot known. Will Talbot deals exelusively in Fancy anid Stiple Groceries, nl gives the Lest quslity ensistent with 2z Louedt uantity, GOVERNOR GORDON'S DOGS. { He Ordered the Purchase of all the Dogs in Lea County--The Yelping Curs in a . Box Car. ] The Fort Valley Mirror pricts a I curious story concerning the effort | of Governor Gordon to stock his t Flint river farm. The story reads [ thus:: | ADVISING THE GOVERNOR. ’ It is generally known that our good Governor Gordon is at the head of asyndicate ravch in Tay ounty, Iying on Flint river, having been fitted up and stocked for the purpose of raising all kinds | of hogs, cattle, sheep, goats, mules and horses; particular attention be ing given to the propagatien of t.hel species of the latter known as Tex as ponics, Major C. B. Howard informs a reporter of the Mirror that a friend ‘ of the governor told him he should by all means procure some good coon dogs, as couns were quite nu= merous in the swamps and very | destructive to corn and unless thcy' were hunted down and made to migrate corn raising would be ul-l most impossihle, | “‘And then, governor,” contin~ ued his friend, “vou should have a 1 pack of fox dogs, hoth tor the pleas~ ure of the chase—when visitors are on hand, as well as to promote a suczessful and thrifty pig industry. After this you should get several bird dogs, as many friends who will be with you will preter bird shooting to fox hunting,” THE BUGGESTION ADOPTED, The governor could not do other~ wise than adopt the suggestion of his friend, who secemed to advise wisely and well. Colonel Shep aerd, of Columbus, was applied to to gasher up a lot ot dogs and ship | o ileywolds, bt Shapherd was dilatory in complying with the governor’s wish, so he ecalled on Colouel Lee Jordon, who under took the job of getting up the dogs if hecould find them in Lee coun-l ty. The Colonel ealled up his nu~ merons colored tenants and Inrml hands and inquired about dogs. He was told that there was quite a] number su his places and neighbor hood that could be spared without serious detriment t, the farming interests of the section. “Bring all {ou can get on 4 cer tain day to Albany ard I will give you fifty cents apiece for them. | THE DOGS AND THE MEAT. On the day designated about seventy-five were brought up, d:Fs of" all sorts and sizcs, for which the woney was paid and the dogs put in a box car. Before the train left, Colonel Jordon looked in on the lot, and judgi-ng from agpearances thata good bait of something would be much appreciated by the quad rupeds, he bought about seventy~ five pounds of beef and had it cut up and thrown into the car, which was consizned to Governor Gor don’s agent at Reynolds. Fight ing and snarling hegan as the train rolled awzy. and was Ig;ln up so terociously and determinedly, that when the agent opened the door to turn out the pack, the condition of the consignment was such that all the parties agieed that it was not a safe busiuess to put seventy-five dogs and. seventy-five pounds of beef in a locked box ear to ship to Reynolds or any other place. SRR A Cancer Which Eats Beefsteak. Mrs. William Galloway, who lives in Trempealeau county. some years ago was attacked with a cancer. It increased in size, and the physicians said nething could be done to help ber. But some one made the discovery that it was a “‘veefsteak” cancer, and prescribed beetsteak as a remedy. Overa year ago it was thought she could not live from one day tili the next. The beetsteak was applied. and ic was found that every twenty-four hours the cancer would eat soven pouads of beotsteak. When taken from the cancer there is nothing left of the beel hut the tissue and tough parts of it, und every par ticle of moisture will be drawn out, the remainder being as porons as o sponze. Mrs, (}ul]nway is no worse than she was a year azo, the cancer living on beet instead of ber.—kt, Paul Pioneer and Press. ; st St - e o i There were four vegroos buyjed n Cuthibery Mopdav, | THE HAUNTED HOUSE. A Story of Interest From Rabun County: Possibly but few people are familiar witl: the bit of ground in Rabun county, known as the W hit- I mire Hill. Its chiet claim for no~ toriety lies in the fact of its being ‘ popularly supposed to be the play~ ‘ ground of & number of disembods ied spirits. Situated one and a half wiles to the north of Clayten, between two ‘frowning mountains, with a deep gorge on either tide, and clothed with sad sombre pines, among whose boughs the wind continually plays a msountul reguiem, it is cer tainly a spot calculated to bring all that is superstitious in man’s nature to the frout. The high road from Clayton to Frauklyn, N. C., leads directly over the top of this hill, and just on the top isa level spot in the road, perhaps twesty yards in length, where all these wonderf{ul sizhts and sounds are seen and heard. . Often has the traveéler’s cars been saddenly startled, by the mournfull hoosboo or demoniac iaughter of the great horned owl ard the eldrich shriek ot the night hawk, or perhaps the first sound that greéets the ear would be that of a so!'t whir of wings, accompanied by a vicious snapping sound, as it some one was rapidly striking two dry sticks together, to be almost instantly fullowed by the tremulous wail of a little screech owl, Being placed by nature almost before that great natural gateway in the Blue Ridge known as Rabun Gap, it is almost constantly envel oped during the summer and au tumu with the dense togs and mists that rise out of the fertile valley ot the Littlo Tennessee, which lies sume tew miles to the north, and as | a matter of courre, everything is} favorable“to the development of thuse phosphorescent gleams known us fox fire. T'he belated traveler is often startled upon turning an ab rupt Lend in the read by being conironted with immense shi ets or | beds of this substance, lying spread | upon the ground in fromt and w} either side. | It appeared from the story of old citizens that there were a couple of foul and nysterious murders done at that level spot on the hill long before the war. The persocs mur dered were strangers, and 1o clew to the perpetrators were ever dis covered. lltis eaid that on certain nights between the hours of one and two o’clock, thatauy one gos ing north is almost certain to meet a phantom in the shape ot a gigans tic headless horse, coming at a fll\i rious rate from the north, and | seeaiingly trying to use every en~ deavor to run over and trample under foot the unlucky wight t.Kat may be so unfortunate as to be in its way, bt just as it gets to them the phantom vanishes, and the tres men-dous clatter of hoofs upon the bard and stony soil instantly ceases, Some years ago a very bold and adventurous . man by the name of Fountain was going over the hill with a stoat hickory cudgel that he always carried, and was met by this phantom horse. Fountain instead of giving it the road, grasped his cedgel firmly, and as it came upon him, dealt it a/powerful blow. The phautom gave a terrible scream of murder and fell over in the road, kicking and struggling as if in the ugoniws of death. As for Founs tain, he said afterwards in relating the oceurrence, that the moment he struck it his arm and shoulder felt as if he had received a powerful eléctric shock, and was so sore for several days afterwards that he was | deprived of the use of it. In ai short time the horse became still, and Fountain was certain that he tiad killed some one, and hastened after assistance, rousinz up two or three of his friends who lived not far trom there, they returned to the spot, but the moon was shining ! placidly, and no horse, man or | phantom was to be seeq, nud the earth at the spot where tha phan tom tell was emooth awd undisturh. ed. Fonutain was murderel a short time afterwa~d by being struck across the head with the | barrel ot a Kentucky rifle, Other str.nge sizhts have beeni witnessed there, Men of the ut most veracity sag' that at times iu! passing there they have licen a»} ‘sailed with a perfeet shower of = <=ks and stones, VOIL. V.—NO. 43. THREE GOVERNORS - Now Seem to be Doing Uuty in West ¥ir gias A specivl from Charleston, W, Va., says: Promptly at noon to day General Goft, the republican candidate for governor and claims ant to the office, took the oath in one of the rooms of the state house set apari for the use of thegovern. or. About the same tine in ane other apartment, President Carr, "the senrte,aleo took upon himself the prescribed onth, and was em powered to transact the business of the office, whilé in Lis private office, E. W. Wilson, who has filled the position for the past four years, continued, in forn at least to dis charge his accustomed daties, while in and about the state house thero was gathered a tremendous erowd ot people, abuut cqually divided between the two parties. About 12:30 o'c'ock General Goft and several {riends came into the eapis tol and proceeded to the private office of Govornor Wiison, who was also surrounded by a number of friends. General Goff mounted a chair and addressed the crowd which had assembled in the room, He claimed that he had received a clear majority of the votes cast, charged Speaker Woods, of the house ot deqegutes.with having taile ed in the performance ot his consti~ tutionnl duties in not declaring the result, and said : **l am now mfl‘y in the presence of those people of my state, to kiss the Holg Bible, and commit myself to the destinies that await me by virtue 6t the pars tiality of my fellow citigers,” The oath was then administered by H. C McWhorter, atter whieh Geveral Goff proceeded to Governor I Wilson'’s private office and demand ed possession, Governor Wilson was surronvded by a dense mass oi his triends and party leaders. In raply to the demand, he said he was of the opiniva that the legistature, as a 4 co-ordinate department of the “Levetuinent in joint assembly, had exclusive jurisdiction to ascertain and declare the result of the elecs tion, and no title could come from any other source. He felt it his duty to continue in eharge. Fresis dent t'arr wade » similar demand, after taking the outh. and was sime ilarly retused, and thus matters stand. | Chained in a Cave. | e | The Franklin Naws tells a sensas l tional story abvut & Heard county ' man. It seems that Mr. A. N. Hill dise appeaied last full with $7OO belong. ing to somebody whose name is not given. A few days ago Hill res turned with thirty-five cents. Ho said that he had walked all the way trom the Mississippi river, and had sutlered great hardships. The triends and neigh“ors of the returned wanderer naturally des manded an explanation of his ahe sence, but what they heard was too much for their belief. : Hill stated that when we wvasstand. ing on thestreet in LaGrange vne duy he was arrested by kidnappers, handeuied and carried to Atlants ou thefive o'clock train Just before starting he tound a chance to slip the money into a hiding place near the depot, His kiduappers took him by way of Kansas City to a rer ote part of New Mexico, where he was chained in a cave and held until the 20th ot Jaivary. Duriag lus trip ouc west he was uot allowed to talk, and the oaly reason his gaards gave for his seizure was that they thouzht his name was White. Atter many efforts he loos ened his fetters,and while his guards were at breakfast he mde a dash for one of their horses anl rode 0% at full speel. There wasa hot purs suit, but he reached the motintains and ofeaped. He sold the herse in the Indian territory and walked th » remainder of the way home, Would it surprise you, for us te tell you that from 25 to 50 wagons are here every day, hauling cut guano and furm supplies ?—Dooly County Viadigator, N, it doesu's surprise us a bit, “That's the way the mongy goes.” But it wou'd surprise us if the sun: men who are Mlanling ot fuano and fara y{p‘lies" Bow ar? aot heard carsiug luck, micrefisate and guano agents next full. —Cuthe be -t Libegal * o L g S, Patriok’s day omes nz thg