Newspaper Page Text
gy E 1. RAINEY. "\ N \\. o N N /' b £ "g . & ? e 0 e /fu‘ i) /{‘;\ =N/, N / o d ( /// N, ' / //// A/ 3 AR ) A 7 Ny 7, 7 // T A R WA ? -% 7/ (22 /%, NV I ) 7 ¢ Y =Y }7l o G > S e \?1), e - e & ~ HE MARCHED WITH SHERMAN TO THE SEA; : mdipd all the way on foot, over mountain aod through morass, carrying knapsack and gun, slept on brush heaps to keep out of the mud, caught cold, from the effects of which lis friends thought he wonld never récover. Lingering with glow cnnsmngfinn for many years, e saw Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical fils covery advertised in a cunntrx newspaper, and he determined to fry it. few bottles worked & chmlgm; six months' continued use ‘aured him. Always too independent to ask his country for a pension, he now Bays he needs none, Fle helped save his country, he @ved himself ! Consumption is Lung-serof wis For scrofula, in all its myriad forms, the *Discovery ' is an um-lsunk-d remedy, 1t tleanses the system of all blood-taints from whatever cause ariging, samd cures all Skin end Scalp Diseases, Balt-rheum, Tetter, Eeoze ma and kindred allments, It is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all discases for which it B recommended, or money paid for it will te refunded. Soid by druggists. Copyright, 1838, by WORLD'S Dls. MED: AsS'N, DR.SACE'S CATARRH REMEDY cured.the worst cases, no matter of how long standing. 3 cents, by druggists, i LT, Marlin P ER LR T Lasremt. DAWSON, GA. 10— During the year 1889, I will keep a full and com plete line of FANCY AND Family - Grecerics, Whizki s, 7 » Wines, - leer, &c. and invit: the patron age of the public generally, 1 can be ! found at my OLD STAND B 8 W T next door to A J Bal dwin & Co., on MAIN STREET, i '?‘ - ! M L 1 Mactin» i@y a _Peb.2o, 1889, . S@O O = - e Rl RE L B nog C BT e o STEEREC £ NepZmTegl & feirmit? § w¢ B S w-:;.:‘..E g ¥Cwn © » ‘g__mfl-&;c"!‘ -t ® S PROM RG | B o’ TE .28 !B '-qf‘dg -ggg.‘mgns‘:s o gmß e Bl = NoemnwozEre ny L= O o ere 23 IR B @ 8 & P, gg‘n”; = ‘I By :-’:fl' ’_"'Cq':g e -fi:-flg__:":l 020 88273 o AT ESEE B FoE " 2 .O:;_q;:’:’:‘ g 3 EEdn M eo == s RG99 e=7 5= pUEEFSBEeZETE FERSEzSaLE P 2R 2 o= AT dagis s 8 2~=E . B A Aaßas 3558 & .22 98¢ | € gy I - U o e g 3 g €8 ® e "fiflg b’“’wca‘ cwB ;' ..-.:::_’.‘—-:r QER /& F = ? wasflc O‘GE BHg3gsE @ EsgSgsazi®se & E. 2 - ooF% e = © S H s . 88 m me- PExESS - 9o W EEessp iy <— 0 - 3.“.<.=.- Bh < 3o geoecaEm RO ‘*fltgfnig.agffi=" CLEERERS o Pige “MMENZE "o S THE DAWSON NEWS, Gents' Clothi ents’ Clothing, We have an elegant line (t Clothing that will recomn end itsolf as being entirely new, and of the latest styles. The Isrgest line of Fina Clothing in Dawson. Can furnish suits trom $4.00 up to $3O. HATS, HATS, HATS, for everybody at all prices. McLAIN BROS. & COMPANY, m—-'_——,‘_—_— THE REIGN OF !.[OUOR. - i L e SRS 6 Y === Which Is Cpening Up in the Capital of - Mississippr. A special from Jackson, Miss., on the 10th inst., says: Jackson has not had a fire to-day nor a riot, but strangers who did uot understand the situation this afternoon thought that Hades was to pay. The oceasion was the opening of the first saloon afte: the two years reign of prohibition. It was known that the city authox ities would grant license to the Lawreuce house,and a crowd gath~ ered in front of the saloon, press ing and squeezing each other in the manser of voters, waiting for the polls to opes. Allsorts, kinds and conditions of the city’s populas tion were waiting to TAKE SUGAR IN THER'N, Finally the proprietor telephon= ed from tle city hall: “I¥s all right, Pete, let her go The doors swungz open, and scores of men who hadw’t had a drivk on the square, open and above board style, for two long, dreary and desolate years, faced the counter and named their pizen with the alacrivy of men who held winning lottery tickets, The good news spread like a a prairie on fire, aud the thirsty dropped work ard speedily betook themselves to the spot where lager flhywed and red Jiquor bhubbled. Tha colored brother, espevially, rezacded it as a new emanc’pation and the dawning of 2 new era,and were on haud to the extent that their cash would allow. Every« tling is full, but no trouble has cusued. The only apparent dan ger was that the suloon keepers, who have just puid 32,000 license, | will start ganning for the blind ti~ gers which have, on the quiet, disvensed the vilest liquors extant since the town has been dry. 1 A V:ting Machine. i The St. Paul Glohe prints this deseription of a voting maehine, now on exhibition in that eiry: I A small box like thing with glass | sides that show the machinery in- | side, is what the voter sees whei ‘ he approaches the opening to the httle booth in which ezch voter must enter to record bis c!micv.l; This booth is the same s those used in the Australian system, and ! is necessary to the secresy of the ballot. The voter approaches, litts the lid of the box, which act causes a bell to ring, and the voter finds himself in the presence of an apparatus very much like the fin ger board of a type writer. There before him are the names of all the candidates, all those of cach political party being printed on paper of one color. You press the button of your choice and you have voted. The machinz records accurately the number of the vote, aud also re cords the whole number of voters who have opened the machine. Repeating is impossible. You may push away at the button tli day and it will just as persist “ently keep on recording the sume 'number. Not until the cove of the box has been closed can an ‘ other number be recorded. It a voter attempts tu close the cove of end vote again the bell rings and properly cousigns hiwm to the por rid e, “When the polls close the face of the machine shows the total num ber of voters and who have cast these ballots. Unlock the machine and the papers inside show just the number ot votes for each candis date. - The judges verify the elec tion, seal the votes and go home, or they may hasten to the tele ' graph offce to bear the raturcs ' jroto OUBEC Precinos. Dress Goods] 2800 yds. that must go, price or no price. Double width Wool Cashmere at only 13¢ per yard. Fine yard wide new style Cash. mere, all colors, at 25c¢ per yard, Elegant lire all wool Henriettas, worth 75¢, to be closed out at 50c. pes yard. Full line of new Persis an Band Trimmings to ma‘ch eve ry color. McLAix Bros. & Co. vAL TAS QEOLB RLAT.... .. Scomes to Capture Ex-Presidant Hayeos and Senator Fair. A decided sensatton was caused thoughout the city yesterday by the publication’ in the American of the proposed project of Mexican brigands to capture Mr, Robert Garret,and hold him fora large ran som Among his personal friends and acquaintanes intense interest was mavifested as to the result the change in theATp Wottk~hwee upon Mr ’(i::-ett’s health. The Alexiqnn/t;llr, it was thought by his physicians, would be very benefi cial to Mr. Garret and when it was first proposed to him he seemed ea— ger to start at once on the journey. While the sudden change in the plans will be a disappointment to Mr. Garrett it is not thought that the effect will produce any change for the worse in his condition. Several of his friends, who are familiar with the Mesxican froaticr, after they read the American’s special expressed no surprise that an attempt to stop the party had been contemplated, as that sort Hf thing they said. was of common oceur rence down there. They thought Mr. Garrettacted wiscly in giving up the trip. I'he plot to eapture Mr, Garrett recalls a similar scheme of the Ars Lzona cowhoys to make & prisoner ex-President Hayes and General Skeridan when they were swings ing around the circle toward the closeof Mr. Hayes terms.” It was curreatly reported at the time that the capture of the distingai-hed travelers was to be attempted while they were staging that portion ot the rout between Deming, New Mexico, and the terminus of the Atchison, Topeka and Saute Fe railrogd, which at the time lLad not been completed. The report of the plot having come to the knowledge of the DPreisdents friends they at once applied forand received an escort of a body of cavalrymen then stationd at ort Bowie, who saw the party safely through the territory name:above, ' During progress of tha jeurney | of a band of cowboys made L]xeir] : appearance, but becomin ; alurined 1 TI by the preszeuce of tue cavairymen | they attempted no assault, ! When Senator Fair,the bonanza king ot California, returned from Washington to San Francisco, about seven years ago, it was known that a plot had been formed { to kidoap him and hold him for ! a reosom. He took the lower, i Calitotnia route, and passed sutely] | through Ban Simon, however, the | point at which the attack was toI { have been made. ¥rom there his. ciptors intended to tuke him to i Sonoro, thence to the Sierra Mad | Tes. These mountains for the most { l part are inaccessible, so the Sena | tor's rescue would have been als | most impossible. Why the plot | miscarried has never been learned., l —-Balilisore American. e I /t Stands Alone. 1 There are many blood mediciues“ x:ul\'ertisgd, buc only one that is’ backed upby its manufucturers, | l with a certificate of guarantee, and that one iz Dr. Pierce’s (jnldeui | Medical Discovery which is wars | rented to benefit or cure in all dise | enses for which it is recommended or wouey paid for it will be prom- | ptiy retured -It cures uli skin, | scalp and serofulousaflection, sores | and swelling,salt-rheum, tetter and kindred ailments. DL i Buckien’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap~ ped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, and all Bxin Eruptions, and positively Lcurcs Piles. [t 18 gnarauteed to ' give perfect satisfsction, | rougded. Price 25 centd per poz. b Zor 3ale by Crods Bros. DAWSON, GA., WEDN ESDAY, APRIL 24th., 1889. An elegant and complete tine of Hose, Handkerzhief, Shirts, Underwear, Collars, Cufis, Para~ sols, Gloves, and in fact anything and everything to be had in a First Class Dry Goods Emporium, Your patronage is cordially solic ited. . McLAIN BROS. & COMPANY. FIVE WIVES CLATH JORN. 1 ' APPROACHING TRIAL OF JOKN HMORMCH NELMS AT BLAKELY, Three of His Wives Have Arrived to Swear Against Him--All Were at Church Sunday - Looking Fretty--Nelms is Gay. In my nowadic life for the past Mr amid the S the busy city or the peace ful repose ot a country villaze, nothing has been more of a revela tion to me or so convinced me that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction than-the story told to me to day by a denizen of Early county, In the county jail at Blakely, awaiting trial on the charge of big amy, is John 0. Nelms, whose connubial instincts aud tendeucies have certaiuly given hima history. Nelms was raised in Goraon coun— ty, near Phinviile. eis of good family. His father and brother are excellent citizens and John himself iz a man of pleasantaddress. He is of medium size, black hair and dark eyes, ard there is nothing in his mein to indicate his mormons like character. Farmer Gunn resided in a pleas ant country home not far from the Nelmses. Jobn Nelins fell in love with Miss Guuin, a pretty lassie of 18, and oo the 20th of August 1882, led her to the matrimonizl altar. They lived together tor three years in Gordon couaty und moved then to Branchville, Ala, His neglect and unkindness soen caused her to seek the parental roof once more, John Nelms weut at once to I'exas. There he won the affections of Miss Maggie Beaty, ot Bonhn, Texas, and married her, He lived with her only eight months, MIBS GUNN IS CAUGHT OUT. In Blakely was a young and ins nocent girl, of poor but honest pas rentage. She was a correspondent of Aunt Su~ie’s column in the Ats lanta Coustitution, John Nein:s read one of her short letters while at Bonham, Texas. He opened up a correspondence with her, and soon came to Georgia to see his fair correspondent-—inuocent Mat: tie Gunn—and they were married here in March 1887. ile remained here in Blakely with her for sever. al weeks, when it was whispered about that he had a wife in Gordon county, Ga, John then suddenly left for Tennessee. In a short while the gay John had wooed and won Miss Katie Hensley of Ball Play, East Tennessce, and this time under the name ot lenry Grady, and his Tennessee wife is known as Mrs. Heury Grady. Though a pleasing woman, yet Johu stayed with her only ove month, and departed for Arkansas in December 'B7. Then in the springtime of 1888, when all nature was budding fortb, the birds singing sweet carols 10 one another, John became infatua ted with Miss Carrie Tucker of Arkanses, and married her, not as Mr. Grady, but as Col. John Beaty, taking to himself the l'mi~i den name of his Texas wife. Te soow left her and resided awhile in the Indian Territory, and before the | year was out cawesto Branchville, Alabama. } BACK TO THE OLD LOVE, | Here his tirst wite, Miss Gunn, was living—teaching school. e ioisted on waking up with her and back. She positively refused. To be rid of him she had a warrant issued against him. The sheriff of Gordou eounty, Ga,, and the sheriff of Birmiogham, Ala,, had a hard time in arresting John. The lover turzed ‘into & bully. Armec with a repesting Speacer Whi ite Goods. 500() yds. in all the novel ties from 6to 25 per yard. Swiss and Piquet Flouncing, all grades and prices. Large line Chulleys and Crepelines, 6 to 15¢ per yard. 4000 yds. Chatsworth Lawn, ~ McLAIN BROS. & CO. ifle he Mfigb@a;pkg from the officers of the law. His gun missing fire nlone saved the life of the Dirmingham sheriff. But Nglas was safely lodged in the Gordon county jail. The ever watchful sheriffof Ear ly county read in the papers of the proceedings, He proceeded at once with his bigamy warrant to Gordon and brought Nelms to Blakely, Ga. - And he is here now awaiting his trial, Mrs, Nebins, nee Miss Gunn, and Mrs. Grady, nee Miss Hensley, are here to attend the trial. They are rather pretty ladies, very pleasant aund quite young. The lascivious John certainly exercised good taste in his selections. JOIIN'S THREE WIVES IN A ROW., Mrs, Nelms, nee Miss Gunn, res sides here, and oa last Sabbath all three of the young wives attended the Methodist church, and when | the sheriff told Nelms about it he jocosely replied that they were fine ‘ girls and he would like to see them. He jokes about Lis escapades :mdl seems to zare not for the hearts he | has bruised and the unhappiness he | has brought, Nelms has emploved able couueel, however, and will be‘ defended by Col. R. H. Powell of Blakely. Col. Jim Guerry ot l Dawson, will ussist Solicitor Griggs | in the prosecutivn. : Mrs. Nelms No. 1 and Mrs. Gras l dy No. 4, are boarding with sherift | Black., They are pleasant visitors —they sometimes laugh over how i Nehos deceived them and then | grow angry and rebuke themselves fur being taken in. The sad story of the deception of this man points the moral that our young ladies ought to make inquiries about their lovers aud look Lefore they leap. A Snake in Court. It there is anyoue in the world who can beat a backwoods member of the Legislature cating roasted ground peas, that person is the avs erage Superior Cqurt bailiff. Now there is a bailif in Albany who is uoo exception to the rule. One of bis frieuds kuew this, and Thurse day he set atrap for the bailiff, The friend fixed up a smail paper bag, witha few peanuts, and a smail dead snake init. [le valked into the court room, eating away on some ground peas that he had in his hand; the bailiff, like a war borse scenting battle, caught one whift of them. It was too much for him, he couldu’t stand it, so getting up from his seat he walked rapidly by his friend, jerking the bag, snake and all, out ot his hand, With a chuekle of delight oft went the officer to a corner of the court room. He turned up the bag to pour the coveted goobers into his hand, when, horrors ! ont came the svake. That man just gave oue look at hishand—the snake seemed to'move —and with ths single ex~ clamation of “Oh, my God,” the peanuts were scattered broad cast over the floor, and now Jim Greer swears that he will never eat anith es ground peain court as loas as he lives.--Albany News. | et AP e | A Kemory of Early Days. Baue of childhood’s tender years, Swallowed oft with groans and tears, How it made the flesh recall, " Loathsome, greaey castor oil ! | Search your early memory close, | Till you find another dose ; LAI the shuddering frame revolts | At the thought of Epsome salts ! | Undgrueath the. pill-box lid | Was a greater horror bid, | Climax of all inward ill, | Huge and griping old blue pills! [ What a eontrast to the mild and | gentle action of Dr. Pierce’s Pleas "unt Purgative Pellets, sugar-coated, | ensy to take, cleaning, recuperas | ting, renovating the system with , out wrehching it with ageay, Sold oy deuggisa, Shoes&Slipgers i PPers, EVITT BROS. SHOES, The largest and cheapest line in Dawson, from 50 ecents per pair up. Can give you anything made in Shoes, at the very lowest prices, with quality guarauteed, McLAIN BROS. & COMPANY. A Vision of Sudden Death Sert from Heaven. I was to be shot. i No bandage was put over my eyes, I stood facing the file of sol diers in the middle of the quad rangle and noticed that the officer with the drawn saber placed him self at the extremity of the line, composed of six men. In that su preme moment I also noticed that their uniform was bright with steel zccoutrements. Their helm. ets were of steel, and their car bines, as they raised them and pointed them at rae, glittered with the same burnished metal. There was a moments pause while the men took aim; then I gaw the officer raise his bared sa bre as the signa! to fire. It flash ed in the air. With a suddenness impossible to convey the whole quadrangle blazed with an awful light. It crossel my brain with instantaneous conviction that this amazing glare was the instantane ous couviztion of being shot, and the bullets have picrced my brain and heart,aud evueed this srightful sen<e of all pervading=-flime. “It iz over,” Isaid; *‘that was tha bullets.” But presently there forced itscli upen my dazed seuses a sound—na coa‘usion of sounds—darkness sue cecding the bright flash—steady ing itgelf iuto gloomy daylight: a tumult; a hieap of stricken,tumbled men, lyisg stone-still* before me. Then it all burrt upon me with dis tinct conviction. The storm that kad been gathering all the morn ing bad culminated its blackest and most electric point immediately overhead. The file of soldiers ap pointed to shoot me stood directly under it, Sparkling with bright steel they stood shoulder to shoulder, a eom plete lightning counductor, and at the end of the chain they formed the offieer, at the critical mo:sent, raised lis shining, naked blade tos w.rds the sky. Tustantaneously heaven opened, and the lightning fell, attracted by the burnished steel, I'rom blade to carbine, hels met to breastplate it ran, smiting every man dead as he stood. They tell fike a row of ninepins. The electric flame licked the tife out of severr! men in a eecond --not one moved again.—Dreams. Sam Smali’s Sensation. ! Bam Swall eonducted one of the most exciting temperance meetings of the prohibition campaign at Pittsburg, Pa. e was ucnounes ing the liquor dealers vigorous'y as lawsbreakers when Jacob Kol lar, a weulthy old liguor dealer, objected. “He is one of them,” cried a man in the audience.§ *You're a liar,” cried Kellar, The latter bscame demonstra tive, and was ejected from the church amid great excitement. Resolutions were passed requesting the court to refuse Kellar a renew al of licenss. Oae old lady be came $o much excited that she rushed up to Kellar #s he was leay~ ing the church, and struck bim in the tace with her fist, i e oot e S ‘ Suflerersfrom dyspepsia and liver complaint, feeling weak, nervous and debilitated, should not use remedies tout physie the bowels, Such treatient does wmore harm than good, They should use B, B, B. (Botavie Blood Balm), a rems edy that will strengthen the diges tive organs, heal the discased surs faces of the stomach, liver and ‘and bowels, purify aud cleanse the ‘blood, avd restore. perfect. Lealth and sirongt 10 every part of the ‘_.’god_w. SATEENS ! SATEENS T Foreign and comentie—plain | with fizured to match, with exqui site eficet. The largest and choies est stock in the city, and selling fazt. Also just received Noveleties in Brocade Stripe, and CHINA SILKS, Stripe Sashes, and numerous other choice noveleties not to be found clsewhere. Call and see them, McLAIN BROS. & COMPANY. " DEATH GF A PHYSICAL FREAX. A Cincinnati Boy Who Enjoyed Seeing Kis Flesh Roastsd. A Cincinnati special announces the death of young Jobn Walsmith, cne of the strangest ‘“freaks” ever in this country. The boy's death was due to foreign substance in the stomach. He had been under & phyeician’s charge for four years and had given a greatdeal of trouble. He was as strong as a giant, but had no physical feeling. He haid placed his hand on the hot stove and watched it roast. Nothing seens ed to materially injure him or give bim pain. He had been rua ove, by John Robinson’s circus wagon, He had fallen from the top of the bridge over Spring Grove aves uue, a distance ot 4) feet and once walked out of a two story window. Any one of the casualties would | probably have killed a boy in a ! uormal condition, but he never | broke a bone. He is seared all ! over,sergeons having sewed upgreat cuts while hie sat uud amoused hin- | self, Although he was a bright! child at 4 cr 5 years of nge he sonn % began to grow stupid and was - | clined toidiocy. His hearing hed nearly goue and he had ceased to talk, In his stomach was found strange variety consisting of agreen bull of yarn, marbles, nickels, a Lirze undizested apple, coen and oti er smali articles. The cause of | Lis death was the greea ball of yern, which contained a la:ge nees i dle. It stuck at his stomach en< ‘ravee and killed him, I | An Astonishing Proposition. ‘ The Birmingbam Crrozicle wants to remodel Georgia and Al ! abama, making one state of north | Georgia and norih Alabama, and | another of scuth Georgia and south l Alabawa. Our ecoatemporary favors this | division beeause it would place the three leading industrial citios— Atlanta, Augustn and Birmings ham—iu an industriai State full of ~working white citizens, i it goes withsutsaying that there - are many difficulties in the way of | such a scheme, and its supposed i beaefits are not clearly sét forth. | Just at present what is most | necded is not the reorganization of ‘ Gcorg_i:x and. Alabawma, but the re | orgaization auad remodeling of | souies of their citizens: and in this ' class may baiacluded the dreamers who believe that a new map wil I bring about a new commercial and ; industrial developwent. We must | depend upon men, anl not maps, I for our prosperity. —Constitution, 1 Hot Buiit That Way. The most contemptibie fellow on the face of the earth is he who hor ‘roweth his neighbor’s paper, and trieth to do business without ads vertising in the same, but worketh yeeditor for a free €5 puff. Veri ly we sre not built in ibat manner and if ye would be wise and progs perous in this generation and divide yoar filthy lucre with ye printer, but if ye don’t ye will bea long way behind the proces sion in company with the little vel low dug. 2 A Chamberlain’s colie, cholera and Dierrhoea remedy isa pleasant and offective cure for the various forms of bowel complaint. It is powertul- Iy diftusible and almost instantly relieves iutense péin and uiets the nerves. It has been ia use in the Northwest far fitteen years,and the muanufacturers are tie oldest makers of such remedies in that sections The remedy has been ex tensively used in several e‘l)idemio' of flux and dysentery aud stands begter in the opiniou of uru§gists than any other preparatiou of the kind mude. It has saved thous auds of lives and is guaranteed to etlect a ruadical cure. Manuiact~ ured by Chamberlain & Co., Des \Moiuez, lowa. Sold by al] "drug gise. u, VOL. V.—NO. 49. STRAW HATS. We bavé awn extra large siock of Straw Hats, all sizes and styles, and propose to sell them ut aston. ishngly low prices. 5 s v : ‘- OUR IYRIENDS and the public zenerally are speci ally invited to" call aud ~xaming our gouds and, note the stves and prices. McLAINBROS, &CO, 5 o W o it 8 'é"' £l :‘ SUTRY = Lt WHGET g \ e ot LT, e <O . :f;h o, WP ‘,‘.n{,: "&%‘Qfi‘ 4‘; d P NSD )sk : ' W e o i ;mxbl y’;,'::"“ N ‘\ A:\‘v .‘;h‘.__.—- . Qg & Brer il fi u el ' L B Aduks ) 25 4 %’% D ‘g‘ (fi_.“" : y . TR I ’ s 1. T Absoiuvtely Pure, This powder never varies, A\x marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mote eccuomica than the crdinary kiuds, and can' not be sold in competition with the multitude of jow test, short weight alum or phosphate rbwdm." Sold onlyin étens. KOYAL. BA K ING POW DER CO,, 10¢ Vall SN Y. ; SRR ol - T "‘:_‘——‘T O 108 TTE FRITESY YOUR EYESY o e e ARIRSCHBER : 2 - s 5.§ s§_§ g:a -, . ‘ofit° b'fgo i - ’ . i 23 . T : P . NEd ®mi3T ; .ge C =3 %83 |BB . e CTAC Lz g'o %:-~ . : _.~§ "8 ey 4 -éS E: g"'—'c».g Py \’QE Es a , Rod Ry ¢ 3 g -—P-. v . o ¥ o ; K 223 220 ¥ : = EuS :-:.2*3;::..;8 P; & Lo o Dol I ¥ >3} N £2% - 28ga— ‘£ e """“?”‘[.' i R -!75‘ e¥ T | =*"»os! G NP g RO Sey 7 Filiiloepew iy e2oEERN|o R et e\ e i-&Ry. P & ) - i .__,'. b e i Vw3 A "~::, 'SLe=SSS it : i 1 ADT BARK - e y’fga-i- a-fi.“:v.%-'fi by [ Y NN\ reamn Bk B= & 5E28582s |=s A Y DOB R i R 5%; {\j’:{ g,f\.-,,5. YATeI Al i 2 v TEX LN ie DS g:‘:' 1"""'“&‘* ,'&2’ ‘f_'[fi“‘c_‘?‘\j‘. ey 1 ‘}m»fl % ‘:1..) “': TOFu 02 ::: N .;R g~ > “‘fi-g- S i i ggsok ST g fus? ™ e ligs P | el7.v- P! - oo bgt »_,:‘Qx_fl‘"'.'" If poai ieLßygMo®oD © ~ 5= ; ! 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B eL N Foep e o o @Y e R 3 - T =2B -ok A !rWS o W SELT o B - SSE2R KA =SAm = { ,yfl Bz -.‘-.?f.:v’f-‘j-‘i;‘fl AR ST T A e ! e N e o W Me. H HIRSCHBERG The well-known Optician of 629 i Olive streot St. Lnais, has appoints el Dr, W. C. KENDRICK. !uf Dawson, Ga,, as agent for his eeickrated Dismond Spectacles and Eyealusses and also for lus Diamnend Non-Chanzeable tpectacles and Eyeglasses. Thise ylisses. are the greatest fnvention ever tinde in Spectacles. By a proper construo tion of the Liens a person purchas ing a pair of these Non~Changeable Glasses never Las to change theso Glusses from the eyves, and evs ety pair purchased dre fiudr-, aunteed go that if they ever ieave the eyes (uo matter how scratched’ the I):ensvs are) they wiil furnish the party with a new pair ot (ilasses free of charge. : DR. W. C. KENDRICK hasa fuil assortment. and invites all who wish:s to satisty themselves ot the Great Supe iority of these Glasses over any and all others now in use to call sud examine the same &t DR, W. C. KENDRICK'S Drug NMTore. ARCEIE MAUND. Jg . ° Whea you want a good Shave, nice dar Cut, in all the latest siyles, u buss Shampeo, or “your huir, beard or mustache Dyed, call and give me a trial. ¥ . LADIES - Desiring work in this line can he waited on at their residences. Pos lite uttention to all. Skop over Slale’s stora. CLidOPILECRR A CORDIAL, WY Sedupanr Gy b safe and certzin cure for all A aflections of the bowels sueh as Dysentery, Diarrhe:i, Cholers Morbus and that dreaded discase Cholera Infantun, also the derangs el bowels of teetuing infants etq, —PREPARED ONLY BY Br. BR. T QILLVAN, FOR SALE BY~— CROUCH BROS.Dawson,Ga. Priceds. . ...,....00¢, e ey FOR $5O, We will convey yoir sawdust an reasonuble distance from your milz it you will allow us the use of the exbaust steany from your engioe, Putent ‘a]pp:iud for, J. A. Wann axp J. D, Laaye, Dawson, Gq,;,;;gluv.T- s 4 g%