Newspaper Page Text
TIT Y Y ¥ ~THE NEWSs 4 L 4 B ey Rt s = < - 1, By E. L. RAINEY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THL COUNTY. BANEON. G A Max 22, 1889, Sl et B T S ——. e R S index to New [dverl semenis. Bank Natiee, Brown's Iron Bitters, Town Property for Sale. 10, Whitchard -1 oeals, Notice to Incorporate Parrott. Davis & Diozier—Redaetion in ])l‘_\‘ Goods. CLvERAL enterprises are be ing camesily talked of in Daw son, and there 18 a general feeling that the present is the time for aes aion. A compress, a publie school system and a guano factory ore among the projects suggested. Any cne of these would be a good investment, and would help amaz ingly to build up the city. Let our talk now erystalize into action. A Disgaace. i The depot at Dawson is a dis- | grace to the city and 1o the Cen- | tral railroad alike. i A petition has been sent from ‘ here to the authorities of the road | asking that we be given a new and | madern building for a depot. Why ) Dawson has been so lonk digraced by the hull now in use sa nmm‘r‘ that is only Known by the road’s anthorities.. There 18 no rmsun‘ except pure cussedness on the part of the railroed officers why a city l o' Dawson’s size md inumrt:mool should not have a depot that wonld do justice, at lexst, to our vim and enterprize. For years Dawson has been bads ty treated bLp the Ceatral. Our treight rates have been bhighcr than those of any other town on its line, and it is a wonder that paszengers have not been {orced to flag the treins down to get aboard. Give us a decent depot, gentles men of the Central, and vou will be partly forgiven. New V. line. With this issne the Nrws be. jns its sixth volume. If, since taking control of the prper, the expectas tions of our friends have vot been aatistied, the lack has vot heen {or a determined effort on our part, The acme of our amibition is to % uildup a paper to answer the wants -of the people - keeping even pacs with the advance of the times and discussing dispass’onately those is «gneg in-which every citizen of the county shoull teel a deep interest, “‘Many men ¢f many minds” scause differenccs and sone time antagonismes, but our readers should weizh dispassoinately our thoughts and arcuments, and even rthough sur seeming prejudices may uot chime in with the dictatcs of their better judgments, yet let the «wiil be taken for the decd. Wheth «er right or wrong ave expect *o «do our own thinking and express ~our opinions openty and fearlessly, “Wedesice toseatter no firehrands, stester no cores,rakc vy nosmouldor- Jingembers. We'd strergthen {he vweek Jight np the dark places, help «the reedy and encournge all alike, We are going to put forth un vprecedented efforts to produce & “better paper than ever before, ¢lf the people will hold up their pa _per it will ably reflect heir senti ments and join henrt and hand io s gheir matevial advancement, That the News isin a healthy ~eondition our wellfilled columns of live, attractive advertisements show, and ave guara- tee advertis _ers that oursubseription list equals - the combined lists ot the {wo other papersin the connty. ML S e - Come Frepered. “We desire to notity our delin- Aguent subscribers. that we will he . 01 the war path duzing court, and »will be extremply anxzious to haye . asettlement with them, We yill ~tackle every one who owes for last year’s subsgcription, whether hLe is worth £lO,OOO or not able to buy a square of tolbacco. We caunot publich a newspaper for glory, 1.0; «<an we live on air and water. Now, next week don't say “T de clare, I ain’t got a cent; if I'd just &nown I could bave broucht it t to son” We put you on notice zow to bring it aiong with you, for , we are going to dun you. Gentlemen, cone prepared 1 ,pay ue, and if you have a {riead ~ who daesu’t take the News tell ';"l,im he ought to do <o, wnd by ’#lnl}g fl’d()”'nl' lor h;',"' Sigrs < f Progress in Dawson. A few days ago the NEws stroil ed over the eity locking at the won derfal progress that it is m=king io the way of buildings. No matter in what direction we went, we were rever out of hearing of the saw, the bammer or the trowel, Indecd our Leauntilul eity secms to have heen touched by the wand of some wighty magiciin, Her waste plac ¢z are rapidly passing away, and shie is nobly winning the proud dis tinetion ot beiug the most progres sive city in Southwest Georzia, One of the wost powertul fue~ tors that will aid in the future building up of our town “.\ the building and lo n associa in that was oraanized here a jew days ago. This will periit the ereetion of howes by the working classes which could not otherwise be r. adi ly secured. There i 3 no doubt that the foun lation of the thrift of the working people of New En gland is small monthly savings pt t where they will return ten fold. The Nuws has repetedly ureed its readers to follow this course, Those who depeid on salaries for a livelihood should prepare for a rainy day. By proper mavagement every wage-earner in Dawson could be able to lay aside a sriall shm from his mouthly earnimgs. These savings invested in a building and loan association world urable him to build a home at very little cost Let wagesearners think about this matter. They ought certainly to have an eye to the future, The Road Eongress. The road congress will meet in Atlanta this morniog. Terrell couns ty will be ably :epresented in the 1; ecting by Geor O Hill W. D. Murray and J. C. Simpson. ! There is good reason to hope lhm‘ convention will be so well attended | as to arouse a general and just ap- ‘ preciation of the importaace of tl:e‘ objeet which it has in view. | The matter ot the durable ime lpm\emont of the common roads of the state is not a county or sec ! tionzl allair. It comprehends the who'e state in its scope, and the localities tarthest from railroad fa cilities will be most benefited. llf a scheme of gereral substantial i~ provemeut can be set on foot, it will soon eflect for farmers all over the state a considerable saving in botli yearly road duty and in haul inz their produce to market or to the nearest railroad It will also be a great help to our people in | the desirable economy of “living { more at home,” because the easior t #nd cheaper marketing of their pro ‘ducts will enable them better |t|) compete with distant secticns for the supply of the home E demand. : In every view which can be tas| I ken of it, this movement in favnr‘ | of better common roads is a nmsti 'impmtanL one, and it is very des { sirable the convention may be alle t to present so practical and feasilJo a scheme and with so stron £asups port as to secure tavorable consids eration for it by the legislature at {its approaching July sesion. 1 | e L i Mistaken Comtemporary. | I, “In anotker column of this morn [ing’s News and Advertiser will be | found a notice that Col. G, Gunby !.Jnrdan and associates intend to ap l-ply for a charter for the ‘Alabama, l Goergia and FMlorida Railroad coms { pany,” baving in view the construe | tion of a railroad running through ! the counties of Muscogee, Chatta | hoochee, Stewart, Webster, Rans | dolph, Calhoun, Early, Baker, | Mitler and Deeatur, of this State. i This looks very much like the an« souneement of the finul aban ! conment of the ‘Columbus South ] ern.” The above from the Albany g News and Advertiser goes on to | sy that the “abandonment of the {Columbus Southern is a vary ses ; riousblow to Albany.” We tuke , great pleasure in informing our j contemporary that it has made a | mistake. The Columbus Southern s hix not and will not be abandoned. { On the contrary,arrangen:ciyts have ijust been pertected which will jn. sure the speedy completion of this ‘ very important line. Columbus is i not in the habit of aban loving her ir.xilrmu! projects. Our contempo y rary ought not to have allowed 1t« éwlt' to huve been frightened by the fanvouncement that Columbus had Fecided to build stid another road é.\'nul!l. Let joy again pervade the [ News and Advertiser sanetum, - ‘ Columbus Enquirer. | i | Toe News has received the industral issue of the Atlgata Jour- L nal, Notling equal to it was ever before . issued from g Georgia press. Tle Journal is one of g}« Lest pepers in the stote $ Pest the Streets. Dawson’s steady and rapid growth demands tlat the streets be posted for the convericnce of our citizens ard strangers, It would be of trifling expense, and the Npws would su gest to the city couneil that it be done at onee. Corn. Arpert R. Layar, term er cditor or the Macon Telegraph and the ablest and most vigorous writer ever connected with the Georgia presz, died in Maco) on last Saturday vight, T THE BALDH-AD:O EOGYS Gatliered in bty a Pumbug--A Poem Fed icated to Them. Last Thursday there appe red iy the ety 2Dy -C. T Davidueon, parperting to eepesent some kind of medical concern for the restoration of hair to bald heidds. Atter guihiug a few ot our most prominent eiti zens to the amount ot several dol lars each he was found out to ie a fraud, and that mact was telegra phe ed to Albany, where Davidson had gone trom heve. So sore does one of the hairless victims feel he penpned a tew lines and stuck them uuder our office door, presumably for publication. Here they are: : Once upon asunmer’s day, As we knocked the flies away From eur heuds so slick and bild, Wisbing *hat we had wore hair On our heads g 0 bald and tair, Suddenly there struck the city A *“‘Hair Doctor” full of pity For those heads more bald than witty. He said he’d pat back securely The bair that left so prematurely. For this man we long had waited, But to tell the truth, we hated To pay the ““five” which he stuted Was a sort ot entrance fee. “No mun no hair;” we gave the V, But where, oh! where are the locks he said Would return again to our lockless heads? > Do they slumber, Orr are they dead? Will they not wave as of yore? Icho answers, **Nevermore.” As we ponder o’er our fate, To live and die with hairless pate, Our bleod boils up and we get mad, And if that Doctor we only had We'd make hiw teel infernally sadl. We'd shave his lied slick and bald, We'd take hot water and proceed to scald, We'd kick his pants, we'd pull his nose, We'd dress him in tar and {eather clothes, - We'd bang him up by dis thumbs | and toes, In fact there’s no telling what we might Do to this infernal blatherskite, But where, oh! where is the cash we paid? Where, ob! where are the locks he said Would return egain to our lockiess heads? Where, oh! where is the “son of a cun” That gulled usg g 0 and stole our mun? Where’s our “mun,” our hair, * that lout? Echo answers ,““All slid out.” The Goming Commencement. The comn encement of the S. (1a M. & F. College in June will be un usually attractive, Rev. A. G Wardlaw, of Atlanta, will preach the commenecenient sermon. The literary societies ure having some trouble in securiog a speaker. Hon. R. L Berner was toreed to declive on account of a previous engagement, und for some reason no reply atall has been res ceived from Judge Ewmory Speeg State School Commissioner Hooks has been invited o deliver the lit erary address, and a reply is duily expected from him, Hundreds of visitors will be here during our commencement and we hope ample accomodations will await them. With such a pretty prospect in view it would be too bad to have our visitors poorly treated or to hear their just com plaints, Let the people invite their rela. tivesa d friends to pass eommence went week with them, and let all who break bread with us go home satistied and gratified, : Our people have in this 2ollecea powertul factor. Let them cherish it. It will tring back the bread cast on the waters, We throw out these suggestions in advanee, Lops ing that othors may take the cue and improve on them. G Ceaa “All spirits produced by Distill ers who use other matericls than Apples, Peaches ar Grapes, Must be entered in Distillery. War:house and be stamped with xarchouse stamp, (this makes firgt stamp on barrel) and when withdeagri® trom Distitiery W arehouse on payment of tux, the tax paid stamp ()\\'hi('h is the second stap on and is the largest) must be affixed.” The above is the law on af® dis tilled goods aud goods not distil'ed donot come under this rsquirement, but are forced to he stamped with one stamp oely. th F. Berauye, A I Yorß nack ACHFES Or you are all worngat, really good for noth- B A ES gendga! dobilfty. Try - f It w flll‘ ’(in":l {:.v? ~:.,’l{-“3\,. BITYLLiS, . Sl Tl e o oo mpreite P | 'The EXCELSIOR Saloon | —AND . I BILLIARD BAL Ly ' For Fine Liquors, ‘ ' Domestie and Imported, | STANDS HEAD. ' Ice Cold Porter, ; ALE and KEG BEER, " | Soda and Mineral Water | ! All on Draught. | Milk Punches ? ! And Milk Shakes. : | Mint Juleps,&e. . &e. | | Only 2 stamr “ HARDSHELL | 1 CORN " in the city. i . F. Bethure, Proprietor. 3 § . Bank Nctice. ! Thestock bLolders of the First National Bank are rcquested to meet in Duwsou on Monday, the ! 27th inst, at Y o'clock A. M., for| the purpose of organizing and | electing officers, May 22,1889 oo gee e Notice 1 Is hereby given that at the sum- | mer session of the lie islature a bill wili be introduced to ineorpo rate the town of Parrot, in Terrell county, Ga., providing tor a May~ or and Council of said town, and for other purposes, | May 22ud, 1889. | For Sale. The livery stable on Main streat and residence and lot on Church street. Thisis all desirable prop. erty, well located. zood huildings, and water plentiful, Terms cash. For information and particulars call on or address C. N. Bryax. May 22,1889. Bronwood, Ga. EY Cotton Seed Wanted All seed left from planting can be sold to the Dawson Oil Co., at the highest price. Bring them in at once. Dawsox OIL Co. Citation, | GEORGIA—Terrell County: ) i Ordinary’s Office May 6, 'B9. | | Whereas it .ppearing to the court that on the 28th day ot Aori!, | 1889, Jus. T. Hayes, late of said | county, departed this life and lmv-' iz made and published his last | will and testament ot which he ! nominated Jas. [, Hayes hisexecs utor, and wlereas Jas, H Haves has petitioned the Court of Ovdin ary of said ecoanty to probate saidl will in solemn form on the first Monday in June next, and w'iercas Thos. S. Hayes, one of the heirs, lesides out of this state, therefore all iuterested are herely notified to show cause, if any they have, why said will should not be probated ia solemn torm on the first Monday in June, 1889, at Terrell Cou t of Or dinary. J. W. Roperrs, may,6,4t, Ordinary. ‘1 - L Terrell Sherift Sales. GEORGTIA—TerreII County : Will be sold before the court house deor in Dawson, Ga., said county, en the first Tuesday in June within the lepal hours o! sale the following property, to wit: Lot of land No, 121 in the thivd District of Terrell county, levied on and sold by virtue of a tax fi fa, issued by J. H. Crouch, Tux Collector, azainst W. M. Martin, agent, for State and county taxes tor 1888. Levy made and returns e towe by D. A, Meoahee, L. €, T. R. THORNTON, April 30, 1889, Sheriif, 9 A Executor’s Sale. By virture of an order ‘rom the Court of Ordinary of Terrell coun ty, will be soll betore the court house door,in Dawson in said coun ty. on the first Tuesday in June next,withia the legal hours of sale, to the hirhest bidder, lot of land No. ninety-six (96) in the Twelfth District of Terrell county Georgia. ‘Sold as the property of the estate of W. T. Campbell, deceased. Termscash. T.R. dayxyam. April 30, 1889. Executor, kY T eaaene Notice to Teachers. Dawsox, Ga., May 4th, 1889, I will hold a public examination in Dawson for applicants for teach ers’ license on Thursduy and Fri day. the 30th and 31st days ot Muy, 1889. Thursday will be set apart for the examination of color ed applicants, and Friday for the white applicants, All who wish to be examined will come in early on the days sot apart for the examination, Gro. KAIGIER, C. S. C. Found Ahout a mide fron Dawson on the roadt leading to Leary a citcular saw on April Sth. Owner can get the same by callire on me at Richard Reed’s, identifyine the saw and paying the advertising fee of $l. SuePrPArRD CLOWERS. - N - Don’t Fail To ask your dealer for Kidder's best Patent Flour. Kidder's Chief 'atent Flour, and Kidder's Vieter Extra Fancy, or halt Putent. Thoey are the best brandz or. the market, feh.6,1889.6in0, . ) o Griggs & Laing, ~ATTORNEY-AT-LAW-—— Dawson, : ' Georgia. Prompt aiteution to all busis ness, y \ e ey B 0 1D | Is prepared to furnish his castomers and the public zenerally with the freshiest nad best FANCY and FAMILY GROCERIES of ali kinds, | \ Keep constantly in steck a complete assortme: t of Bread, Cakes, Iruits, Nuts rnd Caudy, wnd icels coufident that he ean You at least TEN to TWENTY per cent. by inspecting his goods and prices beiore purchasing elsewhere. Wiil reczive whatever you order and will get the exact weight of what you bargain for. Is what meves this world along, so the old Clown says. Send me your orders and get value received for vour money. 4 ! J. . Turner ° 30 7. 1 e Will Sell His Soul 3 . ].‘ ()l. s’}. Such an acnouncement is caleu lated to send a thriil ot astonishs ment and surprise through the community,. scarcely greater than the correct aunouncement T W, TIURNER WIIT QLTT J W TURNER WILL SELL T TN 7_‘ HIS SOLE FOR $3. Turner’s soles are a specia!ty| and have made a reputation when 1 connected with a stout, strong up per, as the best shoe ever offered tor the mouey. Ihe sole and upper of Turner’s shoes are strongly attached to each other. They cling to each other in fair weather and in foul, for better or for worse, No amount of bad usage will part them, The soul of love is not more stead~ tast to its star than Turner's soles are to their respect. | ive uppers. | \ 74 v RLL WH) LOVE PERFECTION . - in footwear;” who seek for case and cconomy; tit and fashion; finish and tineness; the lozury of lichts ness aud the satisfaction of strengtl, and all who want a perfect shoe are invited to call o r ry" J. W, Turxser, DAIWSSY, - = A, Yt foeei ‘Unus IN FROM ' s A g 4 one to five days. | I I % Manafactured only by | NG | Bl : m &= Crouch Bros. ! D e DAWION, -.. GA. e - . L Price - SOcts. II G. PARKS, H. S. BELL | 2 Banlo k ! o'. (’o l (‘l'}\b fi\ C()-’ ] FIRE T SORANCE AGENTY : R i \ FIRE T SORANCE AGENTE, ‘ DAWSON, GA. All kinds of property insured at reasonable rates. Losses satisfacs torily adjusted and prompt'y paid. Companies represented all strong fiberal und reliable. Office over drug store of ¢ heat ham & Dean, north side of Public Square. > ] XN \\' D »N\T Braca ELLBORN, THE BARBER, DAW ON, . GEORGIA. N ' 1 EITHER HOT OR COLD BATH, Call and try my elegant new chair. Polite attention to custom ers, good work and neatness the rules of the shop. = Dallas Beck worth’s old stand. - CowrecTione Y When needing Candies, Crack ers, Apples, Oranges, Banannas, Lemons, or anything in the Con~ fectionery line, eall on C. L. MIZE, at his old stand on Main street, where you will always find a first c.ass assortreent, FRESH AND NICE. I contiaue to make a specialty of Books, Stationery and Art Goods, T aiso sell the Domestic Sewing Machine, which leads them all. Come to see me and I will please you. C. L. MIZE, Dawson, Ga. S R. F. Simmons, Dawson, - - - - Georgia. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND Will practice in all Courts ex sept hisown. Al persons having land tor sale and desiring to thor oroughly advertiseit and their see tion should eall ou me. Chas. G. Mercer, ~—ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Dawson, 3 $ Georgia, Office over Cheatham & Dean's Drug Store. Ber=Will attend promptly to all busines< entrnsted to me, A P HATC;HER Bis & i W i 1 | { SUCCESSOR TO | L. D. HATCHER & BRO, DAWSON,GA. —_— 0 0 —— GROGERIES U ) SUCH AS Sugar, Coffee, Meat Canned Goods Hard-ware, y » Furniture, STOVES, And everything else Lept ina first-class Gener al Store. s ) eLe () My stock is futl and complete, 1 guarantee ny pl'il es to be as Low as the Lowesr, and cordially ask a trial this vear, Respectfuily, 9 5 P P. HATGHER fi‘gl 8 4 ‘!. I'ehl3, 1889, -4 K S Heo O i EEZ;\ Y S : 2 E?iA DO W l_?u F% O Has Roceived a beautiful line of ! a’ a - ! 5 . Spring & Summer MILLILINERY and would be pleased to have the Ladies call and examine her ooods, Dress Rdalsing. I am also prepared to do Dress Making, and the ladies would do well to brins their work to me, I sell the Domestic Sewiag Machine. I am still on ROGERS & JANE'S BLOCK, DAWNON, GEORGIA, DENTISTRY. 3 r\g . Dr Tl Tharmond, DAW??';QIJ., GA. Sarieny Satistaction guaranteed LYY i ull kindsof Dental Work. Old plates repaiced and made good as new. BESI LOCAL ANESTHETIC USED FOR PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETII, Puatronage respecttully solicited. Office vpsteirs over Talbot’s store. N 1 1 , I 41 ‘ ! ‘ 1 . KU 88 4 9 ~—DEALER IN— Dawson, Georgia. L L L Dr.J F. MeMATII, Physicianand Surgeon, Offers his nrofessional services mj the .« scople in and around ! Parrottvillé., | Calls promptiy.: ttended day and | night. Can he ough ot [‘arrnttvillel in the day time andi: u‘sidencel of Mr. Hennry Teg vhe GREAT REDUCTION in PRICE RT DAVIS & DOZIER'S THIS WEEK, Cut Prices in All Departm'ts Liace Flouncings i From 50 cents to 85: worth 75 to $1.25. Lovely Swiss Fl.,uuinul from Tdcts. to-$1.65. Beautiful Hemstiched Flovneing at $1.25 ! These goods ure very desirable aud | sell tast. Big Values For the money in Wool Goods. Beautiful double width Ca.~:ll|neresl at 15 cents per ya-d. i Lovely Henriettas in all shades 30c. Surahs an Persian Bands to mateh. Silk and Wool Henriettas at 98c. These goods must be sold, so come carly and seccure the best values for the money. Beautifyl Surahs, All shades. from 65ets. to 81 00 Check Muslins, Plaid Lawng, In dia Linens, Piques, Stripe Lawns 2t YOUR O\WN PRICE that will be sure 10 please, Towels, Napking, Table Damasks and all kinds of Linens cheaper than ever. Qiults belowW their value. - Hous2 Furnishings bave their headquarters at Davis & Dozier’s. Desirable Dry Goods T Tho Vern P{n The Very Lowest Prices. e o e ks e e e e . e e e e ) R ; 7 1 i TGRS ey Male iB3 Ed !!;;3 i v i!j 8 iisfi% o il ~ Weare not foud of spurting and blow ing, but we do propose fo save money to ‘those who favor us with their patronage. ‘We are carryvine a veiy large line of Dry CGroods, NoO - tions,Shoes and j FURNITITURE i Besides a full aud comple assortment of | PHOTDIFQ AND BT ANTATING TSP i GRUCERIES AND PLANTATION SU.PLIE TYY : ) HARNESS and SOLE LEATHER. 1' We would be pleazed to show these goods and we guarans tee prices agsinstany place or any people. We invite ‘fi.('i""‘“l atteution to LACES, RIBBONS, TUCKINGS, RUFFLINGS and | WHITE GOODS in general. gWe offer you the Celebrated Grand Jury 'ffobacco at SSO cents per pound, alt otlier goods in the same ratio, Come and see us and we will do yu good. Yours truly, .t LOWREY & ORR. X 7 NE ) N T WITH ITS OWN VOLITION lO B 3 gl' E S B v e e() e e Like the Great town of Dawson, it is carried on to SUCCESS by MERIT ALONE. 5 el ] Thhe South~wrest Ga ~aul T 4 MIEERCANTIIL I HOUSh Is as tull of good things as are the fertile farms around Dawson. —————o——-— e 77 3 GO 453 N . I« the word, and we propose to head the procession in our line. V feel that our eforts to hand'e First-Class G-oodS: at prices that defy competition, have been appreciated by the pflf’l“".:;i this and surrounding ecounties, and makes us more than ever dt‘t"rln"l 1 ed to fill every possible wart that might ar'se. We are in flm,h‘m‘ :l. propose to stay there, it LOW PRICES, ENERGY and FAIR DLIJ 'r: ING will do it. Farmers, Mechanics, Professionals, and all oth:™ eall in and look at the handsomest stock of DRY GOCDS, !{OTIONS, BNOTS, SHOES, E HATS, HARDWEARE and FURNITImh:3 [a Southwest Georgia. When we have feasted your eyes on th goods, your pocket hook will fly open with its own volition. A.J. BAT.DWIN, & CO. The Chean Mercantile House., - - - Dawson Gfi‘ Outing Flannels 26¢ts. values for 124, ‘ Chantilly Lace Finuncings, | Valenciennes, : Egpptian Lace Flouncings, Cheaper than the cheapest, Liadies, J\ e sl a shoe that is better th Zeiglers tor less money. W yij cuarantee evety pair ot E. P, Re & Co's, Hose and 1-2 Hose, Men’s Shirts, Collars, Cuffs an, all kinds of furnishings, We gr headquarters and can please you. | e s _,__\__ll‘ . \ hovely Challies sto Thets. 1000 yds. best Law at be, worth Te. Beautiful line French Batiste at 10 cts, Elegan line Satteens 10 to 25 cts. Lae Stripes, Lace Checks, D«)ttej Lawns, Plaid Organdies at your own prices this week. Beautiful Ribbons Undervests, Hosiery, Handken chiefs, Parasols, Fans, Corsets | Gloves, Laces &e. for a song.