Newspaper Page Text
A B.OJLAR PINT GF LAY |’ - ——— 1 Can = "2 Beceive Damagss for !7ju riex Becoerved Before Eiris? Irs 0 weil known sayine amonys Yowvers that there’s wotkinz new, 1 Jaw «ed thet in every case o matter how sirange and peculiar it mey ie there c:p slwaws he found same wiicre in the mousty law books proc dents thst witl govs ern it in x zeling judicial decision. Lawver 2. F. R ahermel how ever eviivad a lical conundram | thatis the talk of the bar aud| which. prohably e nre i 3 seitled, | will | e the canss ofnneh disscusion smong the variens Lw ‘ourpals ot this cou tiv 2ud Enzland, as e Yogal pricciple! widorlying tiel Conrse o instice of both couneris -is thes:ne. The yuestion which the Judges o) tke common plens court zre ea’led upon to pumle over is whether a chiid esn recover for personal i juries reccived betore its birth. Mr. Bothermel brought his suit yesterday. He repre ents the infant chid of Mary Jones and the suit is a-ainst the Second and Third Sticets Possenzr Railway Company. Nrs, Jone e;":;“ Novewber 1887, while in a ear on that Jine, was Jurred aud received pornapent in- Jurics by ber spine Leoause of collis ion of the car with u passine wag on. She brought cuic assinst the milway conpasy and recov -ered a verdict for $2.230, Six months after the accident her <hild was born, aud ever noe hos been a sufferer from fits and spingl trouble. The faculty of a proni nent wedical schoo! has exunined it and they zre unanimous in their opinicn that the sufferinz an! Lelpness covdizio: of the infaut are the resul of injuries recieved af tie game time with the mother. The railroad company is suet for dam ages done 1o the child, and as the injuries are perinawent it a verdict should be lecovered sgoinst i, i probuably wiii Le for a hard-ome gum. {u the Listory of the law there is 1o reecrd of any case havive ever been brought simiim 1o (Lis ane It is a well setaded priveiple, however, un anborn ¢hild can be come entitled to an inheritanee and enter into he possscion und enjoyment of it alter birth, bat wiether 2 uit can be breught for any other purpuser by such ine fant is o ques.ion that all the le gal bouls are dumb upon. The triz] ofthe case will be watched with groat interest by the bar i wiev of ¢he noveiques'ions of law -which Luve been rzised by Mr, Roihermel. ——From the Puiladel phia Ingurer. The Seorgia Wiy of Treaing Him. | Up in Dul:on, Gu., the whiie | people have a peculiar way ol'ireat- | ing poor, eppressed aud down tred- ll den negrees. Ore of these untor | tunute wards of the naiion, named i Abe Lincoln Love, owns a !itrh-{ farw iu that veizhborhood. Abe has | been sick off and on all the spring | and the absence of his industrious | habits was sadly telling on the | coming erop. The poor ui_'_avrg hed a reputation however to sus-i tain him in his time of need.! lis white ueizhivors secins that !wi was about to lese his crop, elubbed l iu, went to his rescue and worked | out his crep. That is a North 1 Georgia way of treating the wmxf! thy brothcr,in Llack and Abe eve| idently epyreciate it more than 'ln.*! would a perpetus! siream of syco- | phantish tears_ avd philosaphic] habbedashery. ; o PSRN ! We Can and Do. ] Gruarantee Acker’s Blood Elixir for | it has beeu fuilv demon:trated to | the people of this country that it is | superior to all other p:opm:ztim‘.s‘ for blood discases. It isa positive! cure for syphilitic poisoring, Ul cers, Eruptions and Piwps. It purifies the whole system and thor- | cuzhly bmlds up the constitution. | Bold by W. C. Kendrick. | Kerit Wins. We desive to suy to our citizens, that for years we have been seliing Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption,Dr, King's New Life Pills, Bueklen's Arnica S:ve and Electric Bitters. and have never handled remedics thot sell as well, or that have given such universal gatistaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time,and we stand ready to refund the purchase grice, if satisfuctory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great populanty B“rdy on their mirits, Crouch ros., Druggists, R L A CHild Killed Anotlier child killid by Ihe use of opiates given in the form of Boothing syrup. Why mothers give their chi‘d:en such deadly poison is surprising when they can relieve the clild of its peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby Soother, It eon taing 1o Opiam or Morphire. So'd by ¥.. C. Kendrick, licrdeman for Gorvern: r. The Augusta Chronicle says: “Another promineit casdidate avnounend lor Governor, Hon, ’ honins Hardeman is in the field, td wili be n hard wan tor some udy to beat.. © Fhais an cld war. orse and is strong wik the peo ‘e, Heis popular with the far rers, and it is thonght will dis ate the ivfluence of the present coders umong the Georgia agris ulturists. This gives Macon two andidates, and the storm centre i the next campaign, as usual, vill e somenbere in the neizh- Lorheed of Libl county.” gl The Vercict Unenimous. W. D. Rults, Drugzist, Bippus, | [od, testifies: *“I eun recommend | Eleetiie Bitters v 8 the very hest ! remedy. Every lhottle sold has| zven telier in every case. One man too six bu'.t!as,.a:':d wiis cur-! ed of Rlieumatism of 10 years' | standing " Abinham Hare, drugs | cist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: *The | mst selling medicine I Lhave ever handled inomy 20 vears’ experieres, l is Electric Bitters.” Thousanda ! of utlers bave added their testimo- | av,co that the verdict 1z unanimous t tit E'cetrie Bitters do eure ull diss eaces of the liwr. Ki(‘lll(“\'s ()rl Bload, Oniv 2 haltdallar a l*-otrh:; at Crouck Bros'. Lrugstore. | L e ! Chamberlain’s colie, cholera and | Diarrhoea remedy isa pleasant and | etivetive cure for the various forms % of bowel complaiat. It is powertul- | Iy dufurible and uhmost in>tantl_\') relieves intense pain and qniclsi the nerves. It hes beeu in use in | the Northwest for fiiteen vears,and | the manvfacturers are the oldest makers of such remedies in that gection. The remedy has boen exs tensively nsed in several epidemics of flux ard dysentery ard s[:mds! tetter in the opinion of druzgists | th.n ary other prepar-tion of t'n(-! kind made. It has saved thous. ands of lives and is guaranteed to | eflect a radiczl cure. Manuiact- | uged by Chanberlain & Co., Des | Meines, lowa. Sold by all drug-| 1 . i " RS R : TRy x T i BUILDIRG HMADE CHEAP. GEO. Y. PACE, . DAWSON . GA. ———— A’l -0- p ——— Coutracts for all kind- of builds ing taken at lowest rates, and ma terinl furmished when desived. I have been tn the business for fif teen years and Kknow my business and guarauntce my work. M¢ill Worls. I have had a large experi nee in this line, and guarantee to do good and cheap work on new wills or repairing old ones. Gin Worlk, I have had twelve yeurs experis ence with machinery and a full set of tcolr ean make your old gin work likea wew one. I have res prived a larre number of ging and have yet to hear the first complaint ot my work or price. I sharpen givns by machinery or haud and all work done will be made payable October Ist, 1839, I will call on you curing the spring and summer months This is allowing you a showing, and 1 hope you will hold your work for me. My address is Lock DBox, 224, Dawson. Ga, GEO. V. PACE,. Feb. 20,1889, 3 | b and Creans for | =ule, ! Tuning and chairing'flone in First-Class | coty'e | s | Remember that T will keep vour | Pianos in perfect order for ten dole laes a year. That means tuning, Ir‘p!:\cing broken strings, new un | dereloths, felting chack pads, key Hifter pads, faciug regulating pads, L wedaing out key mortises, relining Cdamper sockets, rebuilding damp- L ers, felting buft stops and recover ing hammers. All work guaran- Cteed T oam prepared to do all kind - of Piano repairing. 1 Respectfully, | L. D. Locku g, jr. l Dawson, Ga. | with Jas. Fricker & Bro., Ameri | eus, Ga F oS e . ‘m 1T Who are Weak Nervous | RE 818 and Debilitated and suffer- L E 4[' ing from Nervous Debili- AVBRA Ry, Seminal Weakness, i Nizotly Emisions, and all the ef | fects ot early Evil Habits, which IHead to Premature Decay, Consump | tion or Tusanity, send for Preak's | Treatise on Diseases of Mun, with { particulars for Home Cure, ‘ C ures g'uranteed, No cure no piy, J. 8. Prags, ! - 612 and 614, Church St. Nashyille, Tenn, "951\ 7> ~ e (, 5t s YA _;.\,5 ! < o \ N £ vi.s i\’gj‘r o S e N oo\l el X X ' ) RT3 KELA e % - AN Ao 3 (7 14 b -:"}.?.Tx: jw;":o o W\ RERS A, ST IR A MNP T A7\ WS I AN == [ T A ¢ 1 7y s o - i = VAR Y / | -#&;%r\‘fir I@‘-‘, 4 l 1 w RSB/ ; ?Ir§;gifj/l/J P SN A IZN=—=F "= *lf & woman iz pretty, To e 'tis no matter, Be she Llonde or brunette, So she lets me look at ber.” An urhealthy woman is rarely, if even beautiful. The peculiar disesses to which 8o many of the sex erc subject, are prolific causes of pale sa'low faces, bistehed with un aightly piinples, dull, lustreless eves and ema ciated forms. Women so afilicted, can be per manently cured by using or. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription: and with the restoration of heaith comes that beaviy which, eombined with good gualitics of head and heart, makes woinen angels of loveliness, 3 ecgpe—y | Fuavorite Presceription” is the only medicine for WAHRAHTEB § women, sold by druggiats, 2 ‘Bunder a positive RS guarantce tfrom the manufactirers, that it will give satisfaetion In every case, or mouey will be refunded. It is & positive spceific for ull those painful dizor ders, rregularities and weakneases with which 50 many wowmcen are aflicted. Copyright, 1883, by WORLD'S DIS, MED. ASS'X. lERCE'S PELLETS DR. PIERCES P IR e 3TN TL A T W TBO A I WA Purely Vegetable ! Porfzctly Harmless ! UNEQUALED AS A LIVER PILL. Smallest, Cheapest, Easiest to take. One tiny, Sugur-coated Pellet 1 dose. Cures Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks. and ali de rangements of the Stomach and Bowels. 2 cents a vial, by druggista. SBEEEBEBPa3cBEERI 2 2L 235 &= = 23 e 2 = b 85 -8 E B = EEEGI S 20 = e E ""-1-—4 E;‘_i ::;:;'< IO srEar .5 =2 a ot = filg .;‘ ‘ R 7 A .2 v-ejzls-"_-_j < T D e 2 oA B W e o 3 = -== - y o e B 08y e = o i i = 7 o =D = / = \J‘ =S = i "":1 oy -~ s 3 B O® =2 € @ = & te A B :qu.. y--q"‘—‘ N7Te ey e f e T WE N - r haoe pg set B : e D g ooy -t ":c_. e @ o g PHiz= B 32 . | & = Hatm Bl 5 '>=""'“ M :rv;l'fif‘ g 5 o 5 by S| =N = = :-,E- J ?:27 * = —_—— & FF w 0 Sey L L - @ 5 = c_‘o = =] ) o :—t’;‘_‘ = " e S = I o e EZE St % s v s M eed @ E=" = = e lemn & Y & = g‘ r *A"':é (E-:. :’f: .y o - an < T 3 = & éx e =S 3 s 8 o e N s e = > Bey = -5.’ g = 2 UL < e H. ey ——:fi‘ i L foscesn ~ 9'3 o == 7 B : o 2 O=s ey ] tn # 0 m |—-m_' fi pcroranesed = = fas e oy = ' peewgpoeessd Central R. B. of Georgia, gx‘?‘ {'f;;q:a,“ T "E‘T!:'Y Tf‘ SR e R AL €BBI A G e e The Southwestern Divisiou 1§ e Lv Macon 10 Uam ar 6 10pm ar 't Va'ley™ 11 2lam 5 05pm “ Mat'ville 11 38am 4 47pm * Winchester 11 43um 4 43pm “Mte'zuma* 12 05am 4 20pm * Oglethorpe 12 10pm 4 15pm “ Aunderson 1230 pm 352 pm “ Americus™ 12 J2pm 327 pm “KSmith'le 1 20pm 3 00pm “ Bronwood 1 56pm 103 pm “ Dawson 2 10pm «12 Hopm ¢ Shellman 2 Spm 1229 pm ¢ Cuthbert®* 2 Hom 12 58 ¢ Morris 3 10hm 11 48am ‘ Hatcher’'s 3 20pm 11 39am * Greorgetown 335 pm - 11 23am ¢ Eufaula® 3 43pm 11 15am “Spring Hill*4 23m 10 s6am “ Midway® 4 £2nm 10 15am “ Un'n Sprigsih 10pm 9 45am ** Pike Road 6 10pm 8§ 22am “ Mont'gry* 6 45pm 7 45am Trains going North Read up. Telegraph station. Connects ut Fort Vally for Perry; at Smith ville for Albany and Blakely; at Cuthbert for Fort Gaines; at Euv faula for Clayton. WY OOUEET Y A h&aéié!fl rGYE e b g eredld » r-w-—-.—-—-—.-_—. ~.,...n‘_—-—--— "n N nt Parlor O X, = Q e 100, o SO ~‘ taves, 8 sets of reeds, 10 Colpfam ey siogs, 2 Koo swela.” Rl ;I}E‘fl. AV] $33.00. Witk richt and loge Iftim a 8 ‘;va'-rz“:r. " Waranted for 6 e T ‘ Ao fifl%m | ot L t?r,.)'o:-')::a--lcr,n-z‘vr:(-;:i:‘yl or I‘@ xh' TYOR e P €xpress teent avd the Organ BN !W-, Al Le elity ped promptly on A 8 SPR el ten .‘n_\.« tosd :;‘;2!‘ ’i;’“f;g,g kl?_' Clreninr frea 1o an, TR e Be sure to wrilo me, aod ssva money, Sclid walnut cases, Mentlon Paper whera this CADY ig seen, Re-¢lected Mayor ;{.‘l;l ;,-MI‘BSB, by a large maiority, H. W. ALLEGER, Washingien, : Warren Conaty, ¢ Wow Jersey, l UNITED Svaveg o AMEAICA, i e . »ey 3 TEYY &Y 1 ) | FEIC t BUT BUSINESS IS BUSINESS! | ’ We have warned our competitors time and again jo keep ont of the way, but they seem to pay but little heed t> eur warning. and now they must take the (_-()ncvqnmlcvq.! Life is too short, you know, and we give notice now that we intend to down ’em even" time they cross the dead line, That “dead line” is fair and honorahle competition, and ' woe be unto him who passes the mark for as Sampson slew the ass with the jawbone of » i Philistine, even so and in like manner will we fall upon them, and in an hour when they reck not we will smite them hip and thich A word to the wise is svficiert. | But this is neither here nor there. Time flics, and we have some remarks to make on a subject of vital importance to the dear people which must now be made. In fact we have some. 4‘ | | 5 4 | J:i N | to se'l, and they must be sold. Tt woull tive vou it we attempted to deserib- with anything like minute i uess the large and varied assortment of CLOTHING which now cumber our counters an decorate our | sbielves, Suffice it to say that we have the largest, handsomest and meost complete stock that we have ever | carried, and are offerinz them at prices that will take vour breath when you see the coods and hear the fiz ures announced. Suits that sell eisewhere for 835 and 840 we are offering at $290 and £3O. Suits that can not be bought either in Dawsoa or Mucon tfor less than $lB and $25, we are seliine ut 812 and §lB. We | have a few nice business suits that we can aftord to turn loose at 810, and two or three dozen pairs of good l(':i;-‘f\'il!l(‘l‘c pavts (ot jeans) at 32, hut we don’t count them. Of conrse we don’t make anything on these | goods searcely, and dow't care to. We want to satisty the people that we are their friend, and it is in turths | crance of this determination that we are offering these bargaius There are n» flies on us. | 1j you want a Prince Albert suit we can fit you, If you pre‘era Prince Arthur, we can piease you, Or { It, perchaunce, your taste inclines to a 4 button Cutawsy, a 3-button Cutaway, or a Sack (with round or square frent,) we can suit you with either. We have also a few pairs of extra fine I'r Ich Worsted Pants, 1 , oA s : P {for evening wear, at $5 and $8 per pair. They ure beauties. | Come and see us. You will be surprised, we know, but we want you fo come and hehold these things ’ with thine own eyes, | AR VIS & LOC K B S.l ? ? : strict y Pure Faints. —_— : We call the attention of Painters and everybody to our Celebrated PURE : READY : MIXED : PAINTS. which we sell under the following positive guarantee : We guarautee our Ready Mixed Paints, when properly applied to a good surtace, WO'T TO CRRACIL, CHALIK, O PEKIL, and to give perfect satisfaction as a first-class paint, aod if alter Three Yeurs Wear, it fails to meet the above require ments, we agree to furnish paints free ot charge to repaint building. ‘The Ullmann & PPhi pot M. Co. A full stock ot these paints on band ard for sale by | - » - D 11 Yy NPy O CROUCH BROTHERS. AT roa l 3e : Watches, Jewelry, ! Silverware, Clocks, | spectacies &e. | CATxE . O ' . BARNES | Repairing at Roclz Bottom prices ! Main Stieet, Dawson, Ga. ) H.H. P H. H. P. 1 What is . EI. P, l H. I, aliquid Panacea. Pleazant to the taste—that relieve at once, SICKHEADACHE, CONSTIPATION and DYSPEPSIA, ] H. H. P. acts gently, but eflectively on the bowels and liver. H. H. P. does not nauseate or gripe, {I. H. P. is guaranteed to please you or your money refunded by ] G. BARRETT & CO, Augusta Ga. | IR nNeT i T 3 nn I JERSRY - FLATS - CHILY - AND - FEVER - CU2R ] {3 warranted to cure Chills ana Fevers, Bilious, Intermittent, Remittent -orany kind ot Fevers and Chills. !\VITII JERSEY FLATS, IF THERE IS NO CURE, NO PAY. i Remember Jersey Flats stops shakes and agues. JERSEY FLATS, - Warraated by G. BARRETT & CO., Augusta, Ga., TN ) Y GILDER'S LIVER PILLS Are Purely Vegetable and the best for all diseases of the Stomacl and Buwels. Try Gixder’s Liver Pills. G. BARRETT & CO., Prop’s. Augusta, Ga., T ~ YT N lANTT MCS IRISH LINIMENT Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds and Swellings. Does not blister or remove the Hair. Try a bottle of Mc’s Irish Liniment } Manutactured by G. BARREIT & CO., Augusta, Ga. BN TN NPEYNPE 9.0 7QY N} Ny FAKE“BARRETT'S TONIC | For an appetiser, | Cures Heartburn and Indigestion. Relicves Sour Stomach. DBARRETTIS TONIC,” } For Sleepuess and Nervousness, Has no equal. G. BARRETT & CO., Prop’s. Augusta, Ga. These Goods For Sale By All Druggists, WHOLESALE BY | HILLMAN & WADE. | ' IVAWSON, GGA. r R I'NIYDR TV @ ? = &l / 4 W. C. KENDRICK ~———DEALER {:f IN——— s Yy DRUGSEMEDICINES 5 MaIN STREET, DAwsox, Ga. Beinp unable to sell my stcek of Druzs, Tam still at my OLD STAND on Main Sireer, Dawson, Ga., and will keep a full and well selected stock of everything usually found in a HIRST-GLASS DRUS STORE, and will sell us cheap as any house in South-west Gaoryia, erreny wa ; ~m B e e e Coin SR Or to Prompt Paying Cumtomers e 19 0T 8 Parties owine me are earncstly requested to SETTLE AT AN ARLY DATE. C. E, Farßraßr i 3 authmized to make Settles ments and receipt, in wy name, tor any money duc me. BBy fair dealings [ hope to merit a liberal share o: | PUDLIC IPATRONAGI. | - W.O. KENDRICE, M. D l V‘jni"d:&kfls{‘&\ U:E:;';(i“a’-‘: a S 1 QTR B 0 l ‘\J. I)E‘JLBLE‘J l: ":'*‘i‘; N GEEI - DAWSON, G6h %5 o —EREEDER OF pafud Qin sl s ° R NTENGR T & NI Ao £t A 5 DANGSHANS fi iy g 8 AND Eda sT SR RN, B Brown Leghorns. Siinidinn inA R Eggs in season £2,00 per. 13 5 :-, : S aSiar Givehimaecall. =~ - s 2 ll Ul |? Americus: Cra, ' Yy Y I» Y 1 JEWELERS and DEALERS IN \ Pi & O Pianos rgans. WE keep constantly on hand the finest and larcest assortment of goods in our line to be tound S) uthwest Georgia. CONSISTING in part ot Watches, Diamonds, Solid Silver and Fine Plated Ware. Clocks, Jewelry of ail kinds. Gold and Silver Head Canes and Um brellis. Fine Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors and Opera Glasses. Sewing Machine Needles, Oil, Parts and Attach ments. Dentists Gold Foil, and everything else usually kept in a Frrst cLass JeweLry Srogre. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. Badges and Medals made to order. GOOS WE SELL ENGRAVED FREE. Our Music Department is filled with First-class Pianos and Organs, Violins, Guitars, Ban jos, Tambourines, Aceordions, Strings and ‘l'rimmings, and all such other Goods as belong 10 that line. Orders for Sheet Music will receive Prompt Attentisn. Our Mg, L. D. Lockuarr, JR., will go anywhere in Southwest Georgia to tune and Repair Pianos avd Organs, or call upon those wishe ing to buy. Nohouse inthe State can underse!l us in either line, BE-Write tor Catalogue to - & Y B James Fricker $ Bro. ® Sfln 2 merlcus a sept 19,1888, e L, 1. e, Lasgent. | DA“’SQ)N, GA.| During the y(:.:u—_—l—&“f), I ! will keep a tull and com- i plete line of { FANCY AND { Pamily - Groceries,| W hiski s, | Wines, | Beer, &¢. and invite the patron age of the public geuerally, I can be l found at my i OLD 4 STAND! k3L XL i next door to A J Bal- | dwin & Co., on “ MAIN STREET. Sfl YEz i i 1Y Maptm' BETIR-FERILL T a T HE / D 4 MILLER ORGAN Is tue FiNgst Axn Besr, ~ | Q ~ . metrdnale sl N = RS -j S 2 pfiiiagdl - R e?a--‘:fi‘«i@::; 3 = pEOTETNSIE O N gSeSE SR N ~ GAS e N » S G o o o jise ey “'i’!l"fiifi?%i S SRRt Ny Q ist S = EREsagEdn W S SO R s S oo PRUACL RO gk N s PP “ L It stands at the head of all gooq organs. Those who desire to bave the best organ should acquaint thew. scives with the merits of our instru. ments. Don’t take our word for what we say, but see and test our instruments. Tt no dealer sells our organs in your loca'ity, write to the factory, B Y NO) OTHRR, ADDRESS, MILLER ORGAN QD! | Zebancn, Pa, g&F=Catalozue, «e., tree. Sept. 26. | | \ | IO is now prepared to r o doJOB WORK > » 1 l‘ 3 of every description at unusually { T s£sWS T e T Ty @m e % ‘3;»- BEEG™ A AN 0@ AR P g cashiad Pl ks i IR oy [ 'Q&E A V] L T G : \;ii - e (aA ¥ 4,,;v; o ‘l-'--~—r~. ?;1(: # (o =2\ 7 B Caerinng A ik : s ‘) 3 A N\ & . o ! (l‘ f{-ij, £ "'x Pt Tt 1 o 2_5-: ¢ 1\ (RINE Fa o T [ R N e aar i, |4 o .'\‘ »"f’("‘i";{“;‘ :‘ ¢ "I\ il :_'_?.L 1 AW gl 04 By, S \_~%l R e, ),"” i i e sl TS gl PO piRE LT 4 1 i P RRd Blran- 2L R A R Tl SRR AR A B g 7‘~‘-"iiz‘ 3B g AhigEDsd, ! Ty en 2SR B ety e B DRI ; s e | THE LADITS! PAVORITE i NEVER OU ¢F { If youdesirntorr-'ase i ine 1 askourarcntnt ) {ors ‘-::. | prives. I¢you carodp o nr. }_“ SCEIBEL S e LR MEW S3OE QR sannilicn ALCE BESE I‘!L“il\jfi:(_'\;i.é-.z:, L o CHICAGO = 22 N:Ti SUUARE NN - L-l‘l!. sx Louis, wo, ATLANTR S 0 . weschin et e D R. N. PURSLEY, —AGEND— DAWSON, GA. < RFASo ey Y ©RE 5% o B jarßoEr LRI lé .",__-:. jlv ‘ < ¥ <, o'y:;‘(E Corahs e seandid |, it AR Tg e e, S i AT Bl bR v '. : !‘%n San Eva . - T ha 28 x ) . A “w q hiue s & - - v e w o pj eEE WA WY 8 TGN LAS iAN PEDAUEN 1¥ WAS Vil DRETS ;.",u.i\zi':','“ » 2 ol A i R RS sy 11 b*' A; i e j:} | lf_:»ii::',.i’_-:-.‘.l . el 7.-.,_%". ‘ d:f;]:‘:‘-: s rn} EnEat ey ,«/;Ql e jif 3 A tal = e g 4 FioaX o NGRS N i '..,'; .!:":,(. i .‘"."i -‘?0 e éE _"1 - '—»l B B, . GEN P e Q"“*' AR et W AN g € ' s 44 RlSeay epnii 2y rHe s ‘T Lie Ly Fata:d . 'y Forie doca »mal; et t® t srorie Bammis 55l e ad Fuctwy Ptk EVESY BAT s i eRa g lus 0 ,::\Egn Bek e W * o '_:_.,“.;l‘fi St Gaad in e e TR, I Trane : % =TT M g o itas st i) Gl U JULtE LI an dllaee e ¢ BHLUIDRIE,; ke i e ie S L G el -- . m s AONTIT AND NOARD ?"\ :‘.‘nfr'c‘ms-s';gmmnp,:n.u‘k!“; = ,;.. PP ‘Cenchors, Btuaeats, oF mll‘""-la‘. X ench county, 1. e W lilwi.m,_ Book Abovesa ary G hixiiost cominlissn oy Lrelanivo tex mtory, 80 dnysevcdits S VL AEBUER & L 40 Chcoiiat 80, P G e *soddßl UO S3TT] PAd PASSOLD PUT Xfl'm“’f:l‘:q euuuon ‘23oq sed (o°ls 31 49N S 8 1 PUATHIONDL sunosfud 2T g] MO S sseag] IR Visdddsad uod x: