Newspaper Page Text
A, e R e T -*-v_—‘w NE Gfl [-fific:mfl,n\r BIROTHERS - ___he Day of Bargains DSgartoth Nk i " The firstfall month hag begq". and we intend making trade livelier by spl'lix?{g_;’- L'm;h(“h:per than evm::w()ur MR. I\I‘(_;T,TA*I‘—N?"ST,M“ J{E&&Tr&“thcl\&?fim mar= Kets, \\’lmerg‘_!lig_vigpf_fq_ h}\y omfall_ ~s‘tnck, -md we now off'elwa rare and superior inducements in the shape of GENUINE DRIV IS, ;—‘——_—\‘fi S e AR e ey ; . ‘ DRESS GSOOoODs. | The largest }mc ot DRLSS GOODS ever offered to the trade in Dawson. Double width wool Cashmere at 123 to 15¢ per yard, all wool Hearietta, vard wide, heavy q‘\mlity. at only 35¢; Lndlers Suitings, two yards m(.le_, the yard, all colors in hoth cheap and fine dress goods, with Trimmings to mateh; Prints sto Te; Ginghamws 7to 10c: Wool Flannel 15to 80¢; 'l"‘f"‘sh}f)_“_"v‘l up, :\!] ‘ wn(fl eans 25¢, 59 por vert s:xvvml on Jerseys and W raps; Uhacks, Sheeting and all_Domestiec Goods at your own prices, g = T o et e OB Rt : . SEIOHME AIND ETA TGS, ; MELODES —We take much pride in our shoe dop:mnwnt, and can unquestionably lay in the shada any eompetitor in prices and quality ot goods. We scll Evitt Bros. famous Shoes, the ladies favorite. Al li]l}(lfl of Mena's Fine Shoes, A zood and solid Brogan for $l.OO. : : : I H‘T,*‘,Tllf’,,‘f‘f_"'Ci_'if_“fl_i’_r_et_‘“'?_‘.F‘,_’f’"'f‘,"f, ats in ”,’,",('i,t'-v ‘or 81.00, $1.25 and $1.50. No'such prices ever before offered. All styles and shapes. e ?‘_—__————M_\.;;M 5 e : ee e - . Ol O ET TN -, : CLOTEL IN G —Our stock of clothine was bought in New York at very close prices, and we can sell you a suit cheaper than anybedy. All quality of goods. Men's Suits at $5, 810, $l5 and $2O. We make a speciaity of Boy's Suits, from 83.50 up. Children's Suits from $2 up, R w T T : "‘ Te A R e st === YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY, COME TOSEE US--—-- ‘E\ & . n." McLAIM BROT] ON, ok & eV N/ ehPuiil @ sia ? ’ . You can get more : SIT‘}AR, : : GRITS, CHEESE, FISH, , MEAT, CANDY, NUTS. GANNED GOOD=, CRACKERS, SAUSAGE, FISH ROE, SALT, Ete. Ete. from M. C. Mims than any other Bouse in the city for the same mon o, ; - ™ 00 CLOTHES MADF NEW ¢ DOC FLETCHER, COL. [inow located in Dawson to Clean, Repaiv and Dye garments. All lors always on hand at first ouse below Mr. Hart's carriage op. ts. Anthony . IS RECEIVING . . New [illinery —— FOR- all and Winter, Enbracing the latest shapes in (anton, Milan, Felt and Velvet ats aud Bonnets, Ladies and ises Straw, lelt and Velvet ilors in assorted evlors. Walk ¢ hats, Turbans, and Toques. Yew Ribbous in colors and black, Ao relvet ribbons. Fanco teaths , Birds, Tips and loag Plumes. Give her a call, sie isdetermins to please in guality of goods d prices. Irs. M. M. Anthony © You a Mason ? | () Wim ESE GEOMETRICAIL SYMBOLS ficate my business and methods ey are not hard to understand, tthose accustome 1 to trade w th - Strangers may need somc in retation. The signs are to be lerpreted in this way: The lare stands for X" STTARRIS ? DEAILING Very one trading with me gets Yuare deal or nothirg. I Il stoop to prevarication or Dthe devil around the scump. L tel) you fair and square i you're buyingz. What's the oflying? The goods won't lie. T Wil tell the truth and give MWay at last. The upright line ds for 3 Iy Perpendicular PRICES. J are straizht every time. izht, that's the word for ‘em. bt wan't all I could get b enough to make an honest fit aud ng little as possible =0 bthe huyer may come back to " Our prices are all right. The Mond stands for \r IA “OND % IBARGAINS "oy bargain I offer bears the *relation to ordinary so-called 20s that g dismond does to Matores, 1t is the king and Mot all. Some denlerschristen Ming a 5 “bargain’’ and trust e nane 19 gell i, My hbar- W are cennine ju name and na aud beat all hargaing ever . The parallel Jines show fact that Goods Are Without Parallel fhe Warkets and stores of men. > O the principle that every I makey g buyer, and g 0 [ firstelagg goods, and notbing fi:" my shelves, and gell them :ure" that are lawer than oth (' make. T will prove [ the most liberal dealers Yer spent money with. W, rMUTRNER.- - 4#The News. l Over 2,000 yards ot carpeting from 25¢. 10 81.50 per yard, at A, J. Baldwin & Co.'s, Buy Guns, Rifles, Pisto's and Cartridges from A. J. Baldwin & Co. l An elegant line of children's cribs from $1.50 to 815.00, at A Baldwin & Co.s. A. J. Rildwin & Co. have just received a magnificent and well a 4 « - soried line of window shades. Price our Cashmeres, Henricttas and Mohairs before you buy and we will save you money. Lowrey & Org. The largest and handsomest line of carpets ever hrought to Dawson now on exhibition at A. J. Buald win & Co.’s, Buy the Eagle Tip School Shoe from J. W. Turner. John Turner sells the best har ness for the money in the city. We have on hand an elegint line of Carpets aud Furniture at prices that would please you. : Lowrey & Ogrnr. J.W. Turner is now recoivin%a large and well selected stock of fall goods. Sec them. Get Cheatham & Dean’s prices on lead and oil and other paints and paint brushes before buyin.. Examine our stock of Furniture and Carpets before buying, and we will make it to your interest. Lowrey & Orr. It you want the purest patent medicines and drags you will find them them at Cheath.m & Dean’s Derma-Lotion,” an unrivaled remedy for cure of Tetter, Ecze ma, Itch, Summer Heat, Eruption of Skin aud all Skin diseas s. For sale. by W, €. Kendrick and Cheatham & Dean. tHosiery. I shall show you the best line of the season. Styles new, prie-s tair, * J. W, TuRNER. ——a e It will be to the interest of evs ery man, boy and child to visit Davis & Locke's store within the next twenty duys. o ——— - e Martin’s Restaurant Will open to~day. Meals served at any hour day or night. ‘ihe hest the market aflords, Don’t fail to call around when in the city. T. Y. 8 atmx. Advertised Letters. Dawsoy, Ga. Oct. 28th, "89. The following is a list of un« claimed letters in the Dawson P 0. which will Le sent to the Dead Letter Office if not called for in 14 days. W. R. Barpwin, P. M Barnes, J. L., Carter, J. C. Jr., Camuver, Mrs Violet, Coclran, Miss Moilie, Cutts, Rev Louwis) Grayham, Wm, Gieen, M s 3 Chappe!, Herrinzten, W F, Jack sor. Thos, Johnson, Mrs Lou B, Johnson, Geo, Lewis, F, Moore, Miss Mattie, Pearman, J A, Rob inson, Miss Frances, Robert, Emanvel, Sawyer, Mrs Elia, Spears, Rich, Stewart, Miss Elener, Seviles, Mrs M J, Thomson, J I Serious Accident to a Lady. | Mis. Sarah Jordan, a most esti mable lady of this community, was seriouslyinjured last Tuesday eve ning bybeing thrown from a bugey to which was hitched a ronsaway Texas pony. Oue of Mrs. Jordan's shoulders was badly bruised and one of her jaws was slightly frac tured. Io the buggy with Mrs. Jordan, at the time, were two lit tle daughters of Mr. Barney Puce, who were also thrown from the buggy, but sustained only slight injuries. The pony ran into a bug gy being driven by Mr. Barney Pace and almost demolished it, but ‘Mr. Pace was unhurt. The aceis dent occurred a short distance from town, while the parties nared were about to gtart to Terrell county to visit relataves, Dr, Paull attended Mrs. dJors dan and says she will recover.— | Leary Corey. Avoid experimenting with dif ferent medicines advertised for colds, and use Brewer's Lung Re storer that has been proven to be the best medicine for colds and coughs that can be made. BARRENTINE BAILED. y A Pleasant Mission--Our Pet Billg.. Heavy Hail--New Preachers Gther Local News. * BICK JAILOR. § = Jador Bishop is eritically ill with preumounia, but ut last reports was some better, PATTERSON ACCEPTS. Rev. W. 11. Patterson, the new ly elected Baptist pastor, has ac cepted the call to Dawson. BUILDERS. Mr. W, Littleton is erecting a new residence on Lee street, and Mr. W. N. Lott is crecting a prets ty cottage on Colleze street. NEW MERCHANT. The store lately oceupied by Crouch Bros. is being fitted up for Mr. E. B. Bridges, who will open up a stock of geveral merchaudise, THE RAILROAD. Parties in the city from Webster county Monday reporied rapidwork on the Columbus Southern. The grading 1s now withio thice miles of Weston. MOVED TO TOWN. Mr. J. M. Mariin has moved to the city and is occupyinga resi devece on Lee street. M. J. W. Turner has also moved into his new residence un College street. - ON A PLEASANT MISSION. Rev. J. W. Weston left Mon day for Collee county, where he has gone to rec.ive his brother, Jesse D. Westou, and wife into the Methodist church. The mission is one of peculiar pleasure to Rev. Mr. Weston, CPENED AGAIN, The fire didu’t destroy Bill Tal bot's energy. e has alveady re opned at Kempuer's old stand an eatirely new and fresh stock ot fancy aud family groeeries and is again ready to serve his former frieads and custemers. Every ure ticle in his store is fresh. THE MONEY READY. Qur Methodist friends have been very busy the pust week colleciing subseriptionz to pay for the lot on which to build their new church. The note is tor $1,500, and is pay able on the first of November. {he money is ready and the pay ment will be promptly male. HAIL SATURDAY. There wasa severs hail storm north of the city on Saturday last. The stones fell thiek and fist and were aslirgeas a plum. Mr. J. C. Johnston, who was on his way to the city with a load ot cotton, was forced to stop in the middle ot the 10ad and take his mules from the wagon, BARRENTINE BAILED. Lee Barreutine, the young man trom Randolph county who ens vaced in a pistol practice with Chief of Police Savaze about two weeks ago,was released {rom jail ou List Tuursday ou 48200 bond for his appearance at the November term ot court. The fine of §35, impuas ed by the Mayor, was also paid. CERTIFIED COPTES, Eon. W. C. Kendrick writes us that he has seat Ordirary Roberts certified copies of the court house and school bills. It now remains tor the county commissioners and the city council to order elections on these questions. The court houze measure will be before the commissioners at their meeting next Tuesday. PRESBYTERIAN PREACHER, Rev. H. C. Brown, of Tidings, Chattooga county, will serve the Presbyterian churches of Dawson, Tort, Gaines and Mr. Tabor, in Schley coaniy, -next year. He writes that he will preach his fi=st sermon 1 Dawson on the third Sunday in November. He will probably make Dawson bis home. L Coming Back Home. We regret to learn that Mr. J. R. Jolly, of the fourth district of this county, will lezve usthis wins ter. He will remove to Terrell county, near Dawson. Randolph will lose a good citizen and Terrell gain one,—Cuthbert Liberal. Mx.Jol!{ isa former esteemea citizen of Terrell, and is merely returning home after a short stay in Randolph. He will be giadly weleomed on his return. e THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION, One of the Liveliest Flections in ‘ tie History of the City Promised. It is just ferty-two days from to-day when the municipal election will take place, and it bids fair to be almost as lively as some of our former campaigns in Dawson. While there has beea no formal | announcements for mayor, it is known that there are several prom-~ inent gentlemen who are not averse to the honors. The names most frequently mevtioned in this con nection are ex-Mayor Wm. Kaig ler, ex-Mayor Walter B. Cheat ham and Col. J. G. Purks. All three of these gentlemen are pop ular, and a race between them would be hotly contested and a full vote brought out. . So lar Col. Janes, for clerk, and Fred Clark, for tressurer, have no! opposition. They bave held these positions for years, snd would be hard to defeat. In the race for aldermen fun and excitement promise te be plentiful. Several young men may make the race, and within the next few.days the names of the “racers” may come to the tront. The city offices should be filled with liberal and conservative men, whose main object should be to build ap ths city and make the ‘necessary improvements. It is picasant to note the fact that the young men sre coming te the frout in state aud municipal polis vics. With the young and con servative ..ea to guide her munics ipal affairs, Dawson will make such rapid strides forward in the next twelve mouths that her sister cities vill be left far in the rear. Romantie Mnrn*ingz i Mr. R. E. Patterson ca n Schiey county, and has heen'engag ed at the saw will ot Pritice & Laing. Heboarded with Mg, W, E Prince, k. Mr. Prince has a young anel afs tractive daughter, and the consiang essociation of the ~young eoupld goon blussomed into an ardent casy of love and they resolved, as all lovers do, to unite their destinies, Me. Prinee was opposed to the marriage, but that was a ma.ter easily overeome. ‘lve yonnr lady went to visit a friend, Mr. Patters son soon followed anl at the resi dence of Mr. Julius Sears on last Thursday night, Mr. R. E. son and Miss Mattie £rince were united in marriage by 'Squire J. W Sears. Just received at Davis & Locke’s 100 hoys’ suits. - Pricices as cheap as the cheapest. R R e . Two Items for the Girls. Scientisis 2ssert that the excoss ~ive use of chewing gum impairs theeyesight,disior.s the featuresand produces wrinkles. If this be true we are zoing to have some of the oldest yoang giris in this communs ity ever seen on earth, We confess with regret that the “dude’s clutch”™ has hecome quite popular in Dawson, and every one wi h obzervant eyes who will aiv iend night services at the churches can see some of the most vigorous and enthusiastic gallanting ever seen on the American continent Even the colored people have caught the eraze and reduced it to a seience, S Just received at Davis & Locke’s 24 dozen Factory Shoes, which are being so'd at jobbers prices. Rev. B. W, Davis. Rev. W. 8. Rogers, who has been serving us faithfuliy for the ast 18 mouths, resigned last Suns gay for the purpose of taking charge of the Barnesville churchs to the regret of his many friend, and breifixren. Rey. B. W. Das vis, of Dawson, will likely succeeg him.—Shellman oorrespmui‘;zwc il eral. o The best ¢ AC L “ ‘ _j 'mw'lho a 9, haiabrfUslies and combs at "WHO WILLIT BE ? A Contest Over the Postmastership, Until last week no one had an idea but that Mr. W. R. Baldwin, the present popular and efficient postmaster, woald be retained un der Harrison’s wdministration. ‘l'here now is more or less un certainty, as Uapt. J. M. Alexan der is making a strong effort to secure the prize, and ay one time last week it was reported that the appointment had been made and that Capt. Alexander was the lucky mar. This rumor proved untrue, bowever, and Mr. Baldwin is yet attending to Uncle Saw’s business with as muech composure as if he had a life tenure on the ofy fice. Captain Alexander is equally as confident that he is Dawson’s coming postmaster,and is watching and waiting for his appointment. Personal. Mr. Perry Crouch arrived in the city Saturday from Augusta. Charlie Ward now greets his triends from behind the counters at Mim’s, Janmes Harper, Esq., took in the Piedmont Exposition at Atlanta last week. g Mr. W. T. Dasiiel arrived from Graybom, Ala., Sunday and ens tered collece Monday morning, Frank Bethune will leave to day for Cincinnatti to buy fix tures and whiskey tor the New Excelsior Saloon, Judze R. F. Simmons, Col. Jim Griggs, Judze W. D. Mur ray and Col. R, E. Wilkinson are attending the Grand Lodze at Macon, Mes, Minnie Crouch and little Incz returned from Augusta Suts urday. ‘iheir many friends will be glad to learn that the Jitile girl | will be succesfully operated on. { Col. C.G. Mercer was in the !ici:y Saturday and Sundny. The Colon:] was enroute to Macon, where he will make his future hone, Mr. T. D. Sale went up to At lanta last week. stood his exami vation and was ficensed as a phar | maeist. Tom Sale is one of our cleverest and best business young DY -t M. Tibbsand family have ar ‘)"Jl“om Michigan and are oc, ‘eupying the Crouch residence on Johinson street. Mr. Tibbs is a brother-inslaw of Mr. F. A. Ruog gles. Vessr<. F. B Bridyes and J. J. Bradley have rented their farms and wi'l live in the city next year. They are prominent and substnntial eitizens and will find a hearty weleame awaiting them in Dawson. Mr. J. E. Jay, ove of our good eitizens aad prosperous favmers, has given up the idea of moving to another county. He has bought ‘ lands from Mr. I T, Kenney and Dr. 1. D. Graves and will fiv him up asauxdittle home. The Patrick hm?’f? have pur chased Mr. W. T. Arnngton’s plantation ir the Southern portion ot the county. The plaes contains between four and five hundfcd‘ acres and is well improved. Mr. Acrrington will locate near Dawson, 1 in Terell county. —Quitman: Press. Mr, and Mss. L. D Loekhart, of Americus, were in the city last week visiving Mrs.© Loekhart's mother, Mrs, F. A, Harper. Prof. Lockhart has accepted ‘a position‘ with a wholesale and retail piano and organ dealer in Columbin, 8. C., and left Americus last Monday l for that place. L | Fixiug to Rebunilde | The burnt district will not lon | disfizure bright, prosperous gng | progressive Dawson.” Ajready workmen are engaged in tearing down the old walls ggfliiboniev% eral buildings cwill rear their bandsome propbrtion in view. T g »,n‘&;-v" ‘ed: Messtidl C. Foreman and Jerr Lt ;;T‘f‘; * Qischarged from 'Bih{) ‘eounty jail on lest Saturday after mprisonment ot one week for il lieit distilling. Sttt el ©Qi v st Buy the Eagle Tip School Bhoe from J. W. Turner, A MODB IN MILLER, The Lively Expericnce of the Miiler County Sheriff Wilh a Frenzicd Meb. Solicitor~General Griggs return ed from Miller superior court on last Friday afternoon. Ile reports lively times at Col~ quitt, the county site of Miller, during the week of court. One night last spiing Bill Sapp, a negro, entered the bed room of a young daughter of Mr. Johu S~ Lendon, a prominent farmer ot that county, and attempted to outs rage her. Supp was captured and carrried to the Buinbridge jail to escape Iynching at the hands of an curaged populace. : At the texm of court last week the negro was to be tried. The suspicious movements of MecLens don and his friends attracted at tention and it was feared that when Sapp was returned to the county he would be a promirent fizure it a lyrching bee. With the view of keeping the prisoner out of the reach of vielence as much as possible, Tudde Bower, who was presiding for Judze Guerry, started Sheriff Montgoms ery to Bainbridge for Sapp one night after comrt adjourned with siructions not to return to Col quitt with the prisoner until after court convened the next morning. The sheriff made his night trip safely, and soon after court opened the xext morning appeared with Lis man. Forsome reason the trial could not Le had that day, aund nightfall found Sheiiff Montgomery with the prisoner on band and a mob assembling to take that prisoner’s liie. Sheriff Mcentgomery was as des termined to protecy his prisoner as the wob to lynch him. With four gu.rds and the prisoner the shenff took refuge in the swamp of Spring Creek uoder the cover of darkness, where he successfully dodged un til day a mob of seventy-five or a ‘bundred armed men., The sheriff stated that during the night he had to cross the creek several times with his prisoner, and that on one occasion they and the mob were but a few yardsapart. At the break of day the mob gave up the hunt and dispersed, and Sheriff Montgemery appearcd at court with his prisoner ready for trial. Sapp plead guilty, was sens tenced to twenty years in the peni tentisry and was hurned out of the county before another night would expose him to the enraged fither and his triends. Sale's ia headquarters for paint er's supplies, TERRELL’S JURORS. DOrawn to Serve ot the November Term b of Court. The grand jurors are: J. F. Lark, 1, L. Timmerman, Lott Jennings, G. W. Rhodes, Renajah Christie, J. H. Little, Theophiles Daniel, J. B. Reberts, Dock Chambless, J. J. MeLain, E. T. Kenney, W. W, Farnwp, M. E. Jennings, J. P. King, Isaac Hay,d. A. Fulton, J. H. Davis, James Greer, J. H. Lansford, 8.1, Christie,N.Howell, G. W. Bass, G. E, Hiller, W. H. Gammage, J. J, Kennedy, B, P, Tood, J. C. Joiner, &. H Brown, Daniel Waton, J. H. Andrews, The traverse jurors for the first week are J H Lamar, J 8 Ken, ney, J H Pritchard, Hiram Cook, R U VUletcher, Wm M Jennings, W J Lay, Frark Nasworthy, C I Swith, l%li'ah Stevens, Jobn SBums merford, gfl W Kiog, J J Jones, Gt Breedlove, J \%’ Baldwin, J S Henry, Frank #uft, W J Baty, FM Bozeman, TJSeot,J M Griffin, E W Smith, Willis Mar. tin, Wm U Spier, Johnathan Bridges, I W Mann, T W Had dock, H H Hay, G T MeLuin, L D Hatcher, J S Lowrey, H H Blizzard, E 8 Pinkston, Robtert Watsen, J K Holder, = Traverse jumrs for the second week ure J E Foreman, I* 1 Jen nings, O S Pace, 11 J Palmer, J B Kenuney, J W Baldwin, G R Can non, 3 T Lawhon, H L Green, JC Nelms, EROrr, J A Miller, A J Kennedy, I B Height, J F Orr, J A Fouche, M H Crawford Jr, L 31 Jumper, H O Thornton, 3T Mc(iill{) R © Peeples. W I Felts, G W Preedlove,J. M Hay, Wil Davis, K W Ham Pfig Mott, T O Whitebard, W Fletcher, A I Kergey, Jordan To-. ler,J] E Wall, G W Varner,J P Allen, Wm Livingstone, J J Ad~ 8. The Bill Introduced. While here last week Represent ative Kendrick told the News that he would pot ntroduce the bill providing for the stock law on the west side of Etchaway Notchaway creek. A delegation of citizens interested, headed by, Mr. Willis Lay, went to Atlanta in the interest of the bill the first of last week, aud on Wednesday following the biil swas introduced. It is now siid that a delegation will go to Atlanta to defeat tbe} passage of the measure. There is astrong gentiment in that distriet both for and against the stock law, Attention is calied to the adver tisement of W. E, MeDonald ‘in another colnmn. He emrries a line of Favey nud Fanily Groceries. Give him a call,. - THE ALA. GA. AND NORTHERX. | The Railroad From Dawson to Mid way, Fla. Hon W. ¢. Kendriek has in troduced a bill to charter the Ala bama, Georgia aad Northern rail road, the line by which it is pre® posed to connect the Columbus Southern and the Florida Central and Peninsular system. It will be remembered thet two routes were suryeyed last summer tor this road, one from Midway, Fla., to Dawson, and another from Quincy, Fla., to Riehland, via Cuthbert. It now seems that if the road is built at all it will be compelled to come to Dawson, as an amendment has been tacked on to the charter by the legislature prohibiting it from paralleling the old Bainbrige and Cuathbert road. A Columbns correspondent writes as follows to the Macon Tel egraph: The amendment tacked on the charter of the Georgin, Ambama, and Florida railroad, prohibiting it from parrllelirg the road of the proposed Bainbridge, Cuthbert and Columubs roal,met with great disapproval in this eity. The evi dent intention of the amendment was to defeat the bill granting the charter. The Rainbridge, Cuth~ b:rt and Columbus road bed and charter are said to be owned by certain lawyers, members of the legisluture, who had sufficient in fluence to tack on the amend, wille inz the biil, ‘L he road bed of the proposed Cuthbert line has been lying un finished since ahout 1870. Several attempts have been made to form a| company to push the roud to com pletion, but they always failed. 1 Now when a new corporation comes in its field and proposee! building a line {nrnllnd to the Cuthbert 10al, the bill g anting the charter is weighted down witfi an amendment which precludes its. being built. The parties whe proposed build ing the Georgia and Alabama:road ard not speculators and it is cer tain that they will decline to*buy the road bed and charter of any company. Se thai he puriies own ing the Cutkbert charter will not. succeed in foreing the prejectors of the new road to buy thewr chars ter and roadbeds. Everybody warntmg Clothing will do well to call on Dawis & Locke. They are offering bar gains. Small Locals, The Dawson cotton market is still on top. Don’t forget to put in a good crop of oats. Have {'ou paid the printer what you owe him? The stock law isstill a failure in tha castern. partof the city. The cigarette law does not dis concert the small boy of Dawson. Terrell has been slimly repre sentcd at the Macon and Atlanta shows The military spirit in Dawson seems to have died out. This should not be so. Just Received. A lot of Ammoniated Fartilizors for tall grain. J. R, Mercer & Co. On last Baturday a military coat of navy blue goods wus taken from my storé in g box. Itsreturn to me would be very hizhly aps preciated. TOM MoGILL. B(T AN W ANTEID. I will pay twent eents per bush el for fifty thousand bu-hels of cotton seed. L.C. DURHAM. LAST NOTICE. All persons indebted to me for Guauno, Bagging, Ties, ctc., are no tifted to come forward and settle im~ mediately. I need what isowing me to pay my debts, now falling due. Come at once and save trouble and unpleasantness, L. A.LOWREY. = Oct 22, 1889, Parties “indebte to me will pieasd gettle thc accounts at once. My books were not lost in the fire, 80 there will be no diffi culty in learning the amount of flour indebtedness to me. I ean e found at Durham’s store, where Lwill gladly receipt you for the tmount yeu owe me. ; W. F. TALBOT. - AN APPEAL. ATI parties indebted to me are urgentiy requested to eall and ma?e settlement at once. Myloss by the recent fire was heavy and the amount you owe is greatly needed. It is my intention to again begin business agsoon as poss sfifie. and prompt settlements will greatly aid me. This appeal is in earnest and I hope my friends will i heed it. D. D. DAVIS, l for G, W, Eubanks, TO THE PUBLIC. 1 will socn be prepared to‘aguin serve you. My uew office will be over McGill’s store. T. H. THURMOND, Oct. 12,1889, Dentist. " FOR SALE. A Valuable Farm, T have for sale a valnable farm in Terrell county. It is ten miles east of Dawson and adjoins the lands of General Phil Cock. 175 acres of it is cleared and in - gaod state of culiivation. - Buildings and fences in good repair, and good water. This place is known as the Martin MeLendon place aud is a very desirable farm. For par ticulars apply to or address * MES..A. E. McLENDON, - Dawsou, Ga. NOTICE ‘ To These Owing Me ~ Parties indebted me will fivsdftlicir notes and secounts in the hands of ¢, 15, Farror. He is my authiors ized agent and wil receipt in my pame for any mouney due me, and I will be beund by any settlement. made with: hin. i’lense dou’t wait to see me, but settle with him at once, as lam badly in necd of the money. i have 'ost three thousand dollars by the fire. « I was consid erably in debt before, uud conse quently must now dependon those who owe me for the means to pay my honest indebtedness, W. C. KENDRICK. Money to Loan: On farming lancs in lerre!ll coun ty, from $3OO upwards. Ou the installment plan. Apply to G W. WARWL K, Smithville; Or Wn. KAIGLER, 016 3m. Dawegon, Ga. - THE— 'T i) : l ' i . TC THE FRONT AGAIN. Just opened at Kempner's old stand: the Freshest. Fancy and Familv Gro ceries inthe City. -JUST RECEIVED-- An Entire Stock of New and Fresh Goods, a List of which I will Give ‘ You Next week, W. B. TARBOT. PLEASANT PREPARATIONS. A RESULT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES Intfallible in enrl{. consumption, rheumatism, catarrh scrofula, ma larial fever, chills and fever, diar. rhoea and dysentery when every other remeay fails, and preveuts contagious and infectious diseases. Rav’s Germici d ay's Germicide is pronounced by leading chemists a very valuable remedy, and en tirely harmless to the most deli cate patient. It cures diseases by destroying the Germs or Microbes that infest the system Price 83 per gallon, $1 per quart. - Sold by CHEATHAM & DEAN. RAY’S | UNG BALSAM A pure vegetable preparation con-- taining no opium or other Inju-- rious Drugs, and warranted to cure Uoughs, Colds, Asthma and’ Bronchitis. Bosrox, Mass, April 2, 1889.. Ray's Gerazcine COMPANY, Gentlemen:—ln reply to your inquiry as to the quality and power" of(‘hay's Lung Balsam, will say I have used the medicine for over forty years in my pracrice and found it the very best medicine for 1l lusg diseases and weak chests. Pg. L. C. HaLL, Price 50 cents. For sale by Cheatham & Dean.. RAY'S PERFECT PILLS ° Permanently cures constipation, . sick headache, and all diseases of the liver, stomach and bowels, snd aftords tonie effects to the whole of the intestinal system, Ray's Per fect Pills are particularly reeom~ mended for ladies and childeen; being mild in their aetion and: pleasent tr take. Price 25 ceuta: per-box. Bold by - CHEATHAM & DEAN..