Newspaper Page Text
> T ) g #G he [Jews.® T est v —— e AIME By E. L. RAINEY. it e DAWSON, G A., Nov. 20, 1889, OFFICI&E. OTGaN OF THE COUNTY. e e e —— Advertisers shonld remenber that the News ig the Official payer of both the Town and County Oficors, and we guarantes our Cireulation to equal the combined coculations of the two wther papers publishea an the county. Cles2 Up the Rauks. The eourt house election is "only twenty days oft. The News has persistent!y and earnestly advo cated the impertince of this pros posed and muchsneeded improve~ ment in Terrell county—the erece fion of a modern and a larger court house. We will be none the less persistent and earnest ‘until we see instead of the dis gracetol old hull that now does ‘d\j}y as a court house a handsome brick structure. - This improvement is not only important i itscli, but in the ef feet it would have upon the future growth and prosperity of flxel county. The county, oreity, that‘ stands still iz lost —in these days of progress we caanot affhord to stand still and auy we have done enough, = We hope this proposel improve ment will have the cflect of unit ing our people and cause them to work man in the interest of themselves aad th ir county. Let us all unite in placivg Ters rell in the march of proress. We have got the miterial and ouly need united effort to succerd. Close up the ranks and let fors ward be our watchword on clec tion 2ay, the 10th of next month Delay of the Law. 5! The fall term of our Superior | ecourt will convene on next '\’mn-\: day mworning, and before it ad-| jonrns it is to be hoped that oue or ‘ two cazes « f reveral years' standing will he tinally cisposed ef. Oue case, particu'arly, has proved to be very burdensome tov the county, costing the tax payers several hundred dollars each term of court. Witnesses and jurors have bad standing engagements for years to be on hand jwhen court meets twice a year. In tact, they do not expect anything else when court {ime comes. Lawvers have bled clients, witnesses have paid for dinners, drinks and cigars antil they are about busted, and the county has paid their expenses un til the people are thoroughly sick of it. > A Saving Bank. Dawson needs o savings bank. ® A savings bank is one of the most necessary and usefil ot avy of our monied institutions It isof such importance that men, especiully of Jimited meangshould hear constant lyin mind by their every day practice, that +4little sands" ave the begionings from which the land and ocean made their start «Take careof the dimes ard the dolls rs wili take careof themseives.” It we wonli provide for the fu ture, sn as to have) semethig on which to place our hands when the rainy days come on, a beginning must be made, and this beginning must at first consist of small things. A savings bank encourages econs omyand rewards the thrifty by providing a safe place with good interesf for such smallamounts as cannot find investment elsewhere. The practice of economy und thrift in small things is the hesinving from which Stewart and Astorand Vanderbilt made their colossal foriunes. e Patrior SxeLsox tendered his resignation as o member of the legislatur« on the last day of the session after drawing his per diem and went home in assumed dis gust at the manner in which the other members had squandered the nioney of the tax-payers. ;:‘ i ee A= " Tue Georgia legigiature made a stupendous ass of itself on several occasions, but the crowning foily was the passage of the law prohib iting Georgia newspapers from publishing lottery advertizements, ; N « At the closing of the Georgia Benate President dußignon an nounced that he would retire tems -porarily from polities. This was ;‘;)lgulnt news to the self-announced ww ,of several months % ] 3 NOTICE. Evefy man in arrears with the NEws is carnestly asked to settle his account during court. We need the money that is now due us. Please femember. The State Koad Lease Bill. The final passage of the bill su thorizing the lease of the Western & Atlantic railway was nearly the last act of the Georgia legislature, before the sine dic adjournment. The bill had been passed by the IHouse several weeks ago, but the Senate put on amendments to which the House wou!d not agree and then conference committees were appointed. The chief point ot difference was the time for bids to be advertised for and submitted. The bill provides for the lease of the road, including all its houses, workshops, rolling stock, depots.appurtenances of every kind and character, to any party, coms pany or corporation making good and sufficient sccurity. The time for the lease may be for 20, 30 or 50 years, and the price not less than $35,000, 40,000, or $45,000 per mouth, aceording to the time ‘the lease is to run: the reutal to be paidl month'y. | The governor shall adve.tise the lease within 60 daysafter the pas ‘ sage of the act for 4 weeks in 4 papers in Georgia and one each in | Chiengo, Ciuveinnati and »New ‘ York, The pids must be submit ' ted to the Governor on the 27th 1; ot June next, and the gov« l ernor comptrollz-general of state. treasurer and attorney general shall open to July Ist noxt and decide which, if any, shall be accepted, the rirht to reject all, if nol strietly up to the provisionsof thelaw. Each bidder shall depos itin a bank within the state $25,. 000 as a guarante2 of goou faith, Re~advertisement is provided for if all bids are rejected. & If a bid is accepted and the bid ltlm‘ fails to comply with said bid, the bidder forteits 25,000 and s 1 liable to the state for any damage | that may oceur. . ™ot . . . \ T'his lease bill will go into eftect when the present' lease expires. The lessess shall deposit with the state treasurer £50,000 in vals id bonde, as a guarantee that the contract will be carried out faith fully. He Lived in 'Terrell, Not in Dough erty. The Albany News mukes the following mention ofa former well known and extensive plauter of Terrell county : Mr. 8. B. Machie, who has been in Florida for t"e past three years, kas come back to Dougherty couns Ay, his first love, Mr. Maghie was at one time one of Dougherty county’s larzest and most prosper— ous farmers. He wes sttracted to Florida when its popalarity was at its zenith,but has returned to stay. Mr. Maghie said to an inquiry i¢ be had come to remain: “Did you ever kuow a man to live here as long s I did not to come back ? Why he will return as sure as he lives, andit he dies his sprit will visit the scoves that were so beloy—- ed in life.” ; Gorton’s Minstrels, | Gorton's famous New Orleans Minstrels, including the marvelous Japanese ariist, Prince Tanaka, will give cne of their refined per. formances at ILirts Opera House Friday evenino, Nov 22nd, This company was heve last year and gave the best of satisfaction, and the public aive usanred that the present company s even botter than that of last seazon, The Japanese artist show is said to be worth the price of admission, for his performacce is conceded to be the most wonderful of any of his race now in America. Prince Tanaka comes direct from Japan, where he wos a member of the Tycaon's Royal Troupe of Jug glers. AP AP G e e Advertised Letiers, Dawsox, GA. Nov. 1811 y, ’'B9. The following is a list of un claimed letters in the Duwson P O. which will be sent to the Dead Letter Office if not ealled (or in 14 days. W. R. Barpwix, P, M Adans Jobnie A, Bell Miss La via, Brown F, M, Danicl Peter, Jones Abe, Jones F, T, Lewis Henry, McGill Berncrd, Morris Eddie, Moore Mrs, Mary, Moore Miss, Dora Thomson W, H, (ccl)) Thoruton Mrs Elizabeth, Williams Allen, Bush Berry, S Notice to My Customers. T am etill in the market business, and propose to continue to sup. ply my customers with choice weats, My competitor i 8 now run aing too wagons. My patrons should not nustake one of his for mine, but wait for me if | am not around to see you first every morning. Expeeting a libera! share of the patronage in the future I am, Yours tru'y, 1, T PAYmen; THE COLUMBUS SOUTHERN. Last Sunday’s Columbus Enquirer gave a short history of the Colum= bus Southern from the time it was prujecied until now when it is nearing completion. The road has bad many ups and downs, lut the clouds have passed by and everything is now brizht. On December 27, 1886, the charter for this important line was obtained. In July, 1887 the peo ple took up the question of a small subscription to the Columbus Southern. The company was or ranized and the right of wuy pro cured, and everything made ready to begin work on it, and complete it iatwelve months from October, 1837, at which ditea contract was ready for signature by the West Georgia uafort unately happened that about this time there arose some loeal liti gation in Columbus, in which the parties snbscriving to the new work felt they had been badly treated and they withdrew, and for a while things looked blue enough for the new railroad, % 3 x® On November 25, 1887, a con tract was signed for its cou pletion with he Chattahoochee Brick Company of Atlanta, the contracs tors arranging with,Mr James W. Harle,of Atlanta,to furnish the en tire melal for the rcad. In a few weeks Mr. Harle failed for nearly a million doilars, and again the prospects ot the Scuthern looked blue enou rh. On January 1, 1889, grading was begun on the Columbus end ot the road. Now there is: fortv miles ot track dewn; all the grad ing will be completel in another month; by March 1, trains will run between “olumbus and Albany. * * * The enzines have all been pur chased, and five of them have r-ached Colum' us. They are of the Rhode Island Locomotive Works mak:. The passenzer equipment is elegant and made by Jackson & Sharp, of Wilmugton, Del. The rails are steel ard of standard weight. The bridesesare all iren ard mad= by the Phenix Bridge Company, The freight equip ment is made by the United States Rolliz Stoek ¢ ompany of Alabama. The Columbus Southern is en ele~ gantly equipped road. The stations on the railroad will be: Van Horn's -10} mudes from ¢ olumpus Cusseta—lB miles from Colums~ bus. Gobblers Hill—23 miles from Columbus. Green Hill-—27 miles from Co- Jumbus ; Pearson’s--34 miles from Colum bus. Richland. .38% miles from Co~ lumbus, Weston—4s miles from Colum bus. Parrott’s—s6 miles from Co famibus. . Dawson—643 miles from Co lumbus. . Station near Susserville—72 miles from Columbus. Station near Oakland—7s miles from Columbus. Stations near Palmyra—Bo miles from Columbus. Albany —87% wiles from Coluin bus, The amouuts subseribed hhy the different counties iv round figures are: Musaogre... ..o,y o, 500000 Chattah00chee............58,500 BRwWurt.. ... iiiieibe s REANE Webster. . oo oo a 4 .88 oD derre11.....0 Jooisiivei e BRGENA D0ugherty......e0..444.825,000 * * The appreciation in values in ajl these counties, with the road yet unfinished, has tir exceeded the appropriation. The best farming section in oeorgia is traversed by this rosd. he coming section of the State lies along its route. FOR SALE: Will be sold to the highest bid. der ou Wednesday, the 4th day ot December, at the residence ot the late C. F. Lynch, three head of mules, cae hundred and fitty bush els of cotton sred and two huos dred bushels »f corn. Sale will begiu at 10 o'clock, a. m, H. B. LYNCIL . . , Administrator's Sale, Will be sold at the late residence of Jumes H. Hayes, deceased, on Wednesday, the 11th day of De cember, 1889, within the legal hours of sale, the following props erty, to-wit: 5 mules, 11 head of cattle, hogs, goats, corn, todder, Wagous, cart, plantation tools, ete. said property belonging to estate ot suid dec used. The sale to con tinue from day to day until prop erty issold, Terms cash. J. H. HAYES, Adm'v’r. Nov. 14th, 1884, ELECTION NOTICE. By an act of the Legislature approved 0ct.24,1889. To author ize the county commissioners of Terrell courty, to submit to the qualified voters of said county, the question of the izsuance of county bonds, for the erection ofa court house in said county ; it is hereby ordered,that an election be held at the severa' precinctsin said couna ty. on the 10th day ot December 1889, in comformity to the lew, and that the sane be advertised 30 daysin the Dawsoxy Nuws. Dore by order of Board County Commissioners, Nov, Hth, 1889, J. W. Roßerts, Clerk B. C. C. | Application for Years Sup port. | Ordinary’s Office. Oct. 28, ‘B9. Notice is lierehy given that Vary J. Bea), widow of Richard Beal, deceased, has npplied for years sup. port for herselt and minor child, The commissioners have assessed as said support the sum of two hundred dollars, and T will pass upon the same on the first Mon day in December next, st 10 o’clock a. m. J. W. ROBERTS, Ordinarv. - For Leave to Sell- GEORGTA-—Terrell County. To all Whom it may Concern. W. R. Baldwin and A.J. Bald win, executors of M H Baldwin, deceased, have iu due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell | the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and saxd application ! will be heird on the firsc Mfm:lnyl in December next, 1889. J W ROBERTS, Octoher 25, 1889 Ordinary ‘ g e SR O os R SRR L L For Leave to Sell. GEORG!A—Terrell County. To il whom it may conceru: J. | H. Hayes, administrater of the es- | tate of J. T Hayes, deceased, ! hasin due from applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said applim—\ tion will be heard on the first Monday in December, 1889, | . J.W.ROBERTS, 1 Oct 28th, 1889. Ordinary. For Letters of Administration GEORGIA—Terrell County To all whom it may eoncern W B Cheatham has in due form applied to the ardersigued for per manevrt ictters of administration on the estate of € A « Leatham, late of county, deceased, and I will .pass upon said application on thefirst Monday in December. 1889, Given under my hand and official sizoatuTe Ocrober Oth, 1889 | Jw ROB%EPCI"‘S, ; } Ordinary Terrell County - For Years Supports OrplNaY's Orrick, Oct, 21, ‘B9, Noiice is hereby given that Viary J. Hayes, widow of J. T. Hayes, deceased, has applied tor a years support for herselt and three minor children. ; The commissioners have assessed as said support the sum of five hundred dollars and ¢ll the house— Lold and kitchen furniture except one wardrobe, and I wil' pass upon the same on the Ist Monday in December next at 10 o'clock a. m. J. W. Roserts, Ordinary. ' . ~ . 2 Application for Uismission, GEORGIA —Terrell County. Whereas, O. B, Stevens, ad misistrator J. W. R xg:m.rfi-ceasedg represents o the court in® his pes tition, duly filed and enlergd% record, that he has fully adninis< tered the estate ot J. &'. Ragan ‘This is theretore to cite all persons coucerned, kindred and croditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said sdministrator ghould nat be discharged {from his administra tion and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in Febru ary, 1890, L J. W. ROBERTS, Ordinary, Nov. 4th, 1889, \ For Leave to Sell, GEORGIA—Terrell ounty, To All Whom it May Concern: J. H. Bnm, guardian of Georgia A Lasseter, a minor of Sophia Lasseter, deceased, has in duc form appiied to the undersigned for leave to sell Georgia A Lasseter's interest in and to the lands belonas ing to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Moaday in December next. J W. ROBERTS, Ordinary. Nov. 4th, 1889. For Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Terrell County., To AUI Whom it May Concern: J. J. Thompson. adwinistrator of W. J. Thowpson, deceased, hasia due form applied to th: uuder signed for leave to sell the Jauds belongiog to the estate of said de ceased, and said applieation wiil be Gheard ou the first Monday in December next. J. W. ROBERTS, Ordinary. For Years Support, Ordinarys Offige, October 31st, 1889 —Notice is henebyociven that Melissa J. Thompson, Widewiot V. J. Thompsou, 3"’- has ap plied for a year's support lor heg self. ‘The commissione:: have Ige sessed as said support one hundred and seventyefive dollars in cash, and I will pass upon the same on the first Monday in Deceniber next at 10 o'clock a. m. | J. W. ROBERTS, Ordinary. ¥ % lfl"' B R TR TTR R LT RN ey irrm’ ?%@AE,FE‘“ RT e o T R R e T o i S ety T)o AT TTeNN s AR WIS T BRNTS R 3"'-'7-'-‘?";'%"’”"3‘;:" s ‘??f‘?f-'t‘:‘"‘.:-‘:‘?:“frlfi’ Sl eAN ee e L eePR R S L R R iil APO geN e L Ll St BRS Re S e e Boas P s eSR Sl eT R BT gSR RS R R .'-.~. se e . e '}v 44 O R ReLA e A SR RRy -:‘{"fx Y s 2R (24 b },.»K S g j;g ot et Wfi“‘x‘e’:: LT A ent SRe e (Y g dirar | EEGN e w%\i‘g ot e RSN Rs e e e e A TT S eT e Akt T MT TR T s v R e 'flgrrwi‘i‘jsl AR ' inAaE ST et L ssmc btriva ke daas et .',fif-;?.“:-{—-’*f‘i{&é’?-'i«i MR Eee o B :?:-;‘:} gl a ‘ IS fi“gfifif ’B;} eoD(i e S ,a"f‘é;_"’“vi;r NAR il LA eBRI W e RS rma sil o\ g Sl BGTS L e Ogk LR Bs B e R L e TR e e SR YR A N S O ATPNGe e o LT SR SLR YR TSRR e TR Fob G g atiay k- pabinaiee iy 0 GIE 0 T Gt Telarl TR os o AN AP e Y NG BRI LR T GRI [ §5 w-\.,-.;ga-..;_x-.f-‘f-h;aa»,.-.&‘.‘..»f-(;wa_ g B q\wt—;,/ SO \CEREE e tfi“-‘- (Bl -‘!%b*'fi:”- wSR BT NS SS LT SERES YA i A o\ \"i*" et Beh T, "‘»'L{ ‘%t*"f{-j,é :E'i Lty yea sSReI ¢ A "-*f"“*’-“:’“‘i‘:’:jf 2 SREELS oRtGt db 1 'ss';—%- i:,;“zg‘*‘,fifig%&wvn‘ P 0 ey ettt “‘ly**"?‘g Loy : sM s e e e TSR R &7 WA Geeyst ae el fosea TSIE s >-;-_'fi:‘:t3i—:g_§-*"‘s's3"?-—-i%,'}. £ i \g)@‘ (‘\«" (1“’ 0 Bet s TRy ‘ii‘;:f-sfi &;‘:ié’v FRET AT Mot iR Gt e oot Y o NG ssa e Sz o s 1-"‘;‘:‘?”5;%?%2 45_4;;-;:;'.;_‘,3;‘s*‘:::" & .\+ < ’-‘ Tl ,::-.‘ TR ‘-V:*;:;:—-‘;f::‘a ,-:‘(; e it S ’ S N Aele o by WL O % e ; i AL 1 i_'__p;&s._m?"}%:iifif}—f Stira AR RS /‘/\?’ .‘\g\ \U\ \i‘ ><o \‘)\v‘ & S, A g ~qi;s~§ys;,;):~ e e e Fre 7 {:'-i_f;a":v;;-’,i.‘-.‘,-»ei'.t.l_ffai;"}:- TS oo (O A gt n SOe R S A YO o S gt se e SRR i e Ss g gQYWY Qv (LS LR Geeßey Y A el P e A e Sabig soi e SR YTR o ¥ T ranas eTeTR T AT R Y R : SRz ST S R =D N Ay AR S AT LeL RS R RS, g;h {‘!.- s}_ AR T e f S O O SEARRIE Ssy e Rty -’“&':M{-‘ 2 Z,r._m%,:f:a a 5 Q!:f";“ TR *&-" ToY(O N ATEE AT e A e A oy e !.xiffiv,%" . iROO 0 AT ERE e Qe ng‘e’f’f‘ e AR s A Ry P Tpiaes Lo gt ns AR R ale g i B v e N A 0 eee e P S RS e RPN NNNiSetegt e e 1 ML YR SRR T, LI R e TR PeAT A Sby i oAR EES gP e T S 7{} .PRy C et eiadiene ’iia,iff"»‘.‘.fi Le SR ‘?lm;-v'!- p gl R T ORI et B N BTy P Ul e P e i vaL PN i B SRR e U SEMBNE LR TR O o s PRGBS SR A Se e FRPET R Sl eel et I e L I R S i;;{{;fi}fiéfiff: %%_g&%fi%‘“{% N :——’_'??:k, GSO eKT ':1 Ry Silod 38 ‘i‘:.n.&.~k-hu§.;i -'-ui‘."fl FASTE ;:‘f,?w,,s—.-*\f;h«!;fii;,.“,x; "é:";;':‘a?.a-'.dg ¢ ,"..‘;x'}f"i’"_n RTR L e SEETai BXdiias] e T b é‘—%\j‘%‘:’.éfi&fi’i‘fixjfifigfiifim’%&w?fi-%fifl:fié,':g‘}{ ‘{,Tou._ FRT AT ¥t BN ST AR e i prpr S s ) 4 B RsASR SR Te s g e s LRSI eelßoe e &1 e R LTV oo g ’i*m’*‘%!w*w‘«flhfiffi LSRR TR eeMR < B e e 4 Ll Sy BbTR Bl e s iRI iRt Sy Sy B e R T =2 s Rfi’{’:\“-:-.-:q- GEdad et e 7,;-«:’::"“3-"‘9'5‘; Sy ar}’i‘- PRAc k - eAR e T i AN P HER SR BT e Be o T AE R BRI el i 2] 2RvD SR R R eeL T v o e g ,“Sf sk] S CENIERR VRERO Y bRy Se AT T SRR et o Be 4 : i’zr},fi?{;)z o 4{3{5?_5-—% Eia ,:_-%‘..,:,:'.t,» Eat }é_‘-:“' -?i fr""’:‘v:%i RAk e R \ setgSLN e e T PARSRT NAtY B MR WSS gap e TS 0 TR e eoi YA T ey A =st Mecalfa 3 Pl ASR e R Dkl asin ol GS e R e 5 Ll AN T \‘«*‘9 B ?‘:— ISR Ts e B RTe el ) g ':_;"4 %;Ag‘;‘;" b "‘s7\-"":";—:?3-” v ‘.';‘“ P 8 i_;_'fe’f'_,‘_;._g,l;-‘;‘; . \i'f IO SA A et o Y T Sh =g fere fea B G SRR SN ER ‘:{"3’3 FEaamai\ TN s e : e : i 3:( )-.~;?'.:7",fi\f»;v*".if'-?x‘-.:.»fi—'f‘fs".. Sekeuks [bk Ae Ao R IR L cadrr e U 7 esl B A T Fd SR eiR e e e s i B T eSDRT SR A m s RSB SN SRL AT (LD Ve E S(e SF AT HUN RAT lE, iTe et T e FHENET T G Ras-w e Feser Sl AR T N epATeTRR N R T L Y it ks £t LAT ex e ' 2SR g e TR PR AR Wt :fo:-:.‘:t-;'.{\u:‘m-“;,‘::_ ,;-’ s- T e e o :4 ’ AR REM £ sealrea bA b o A s A T ¢ 4 %= o ® L. a What Arc You W a‘.i.'tmg‘ Hor? “ OUR STOCK IS LARGR. OUR g R ‘ . oe—— e .:.::_;Zf_’:;-..;:‘_._iv;:.if‘:,'T:;;f::_’_‘,,,,:‘:.:::." - .--f.—vli,,. - »C}-Q‘AO I)S N \&r. O U I:{ PRIGI: S h() ; : AKE A. BUSINESS OF MAKING BALGAINS IN—~ 7 = y S g Nien’s, Youths’, Boys’ and (hildren’s Q(Glothing, PBats ; 3 ‘ 5 ; ap . GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, BTOC. | THEI-\"“"‘ o\ N\ N )" y v : -h_—-—'\;’— = (LATEST IN STYLE, INIE FINEST IN QUALILY, THE UILMO3: IN VARIECY, lIAVE : y MIG o ik Y, (lAVE BISEN COMBINED BY U 3 @NE Bl B F- PR eL] 3 T D Al —"'_"l'—"z—_‘*v——T"'“A“f”;‘——" ININIPE %V 27 SOT 0§ NTZ7%7 oLo i '()g]_f:“’l"\ LLAND WINTEXZ OFFERINGS WIILL N( )'i‘mi"v\"_l}"(r\\;"\* D B <il ; ) s :-: ; - - _:_.____.—___‘_—_______;____‘,______‘_,A__A . ) & . 39-2 i A " ‘A.—— 1 reis a limit below which honest goods cannot be sold: We place our I’riv*c:_:;t——t'T—i_&“_\\"”‘mQ*l_ml_)i‘ 2 s % ces at the Liow Water Mark tor sa‘e aud. reliahle (la ek iark tor sa‘e and reliable Go Sl narantee, WWW , 2000 - BEBLLIGIOO DIODOIOLODD SOB L 5 lILS-08 GHOBBLSOOOOB BN N S T TTL O o L T o e ey s ossssßonsasasaves 200000seveseososessnressssesoss tsesontutstiocouutst nttrtecsses S UN. BKNOW. U mesine $ g ANDYOU W X 009.00 500000000800 00¢0040006007000080000008 £650540.400005660 oiedosal TRt T ANDYOU WILL FIND WE DEAL FALRAND SAVE YOU DOLIARG g e .-e i : i VOOV ITVe Y VYT "‘“‘V\ vow Y UV ST T e ‘L . \‘ e CVTVOEIVN f«wv‘w;}'vv-mwirvv?“' ‘ S RS G 2 i3y o 5 i 2% . ‘f?’ ) § : . L €5 o 2 Ny AV +On January Fourth T will distribate as Preseuts to my Cusw. ers Fitty Dollars as follows: ~ 20 b P &b s et Ist Present,; $40.G0 Set Furniture. - 2 o A Qe a I > 2nd Present, $lO.OO Saratoga Trunk. These presents cost you nothing. You simp'y pay for your goods and get value received for your money, ard for every cash puichass of one dollars worth of goods at any one time you will receive a chance at the presents. Foroversix months T haie in this way divided with my customers part of my profits. It isa free gitt. Awmong those who have gotten presents in the past ure Mr. A, B. Hay, Dawson, $40.90 Scwiug Machine—first prize in 4th Jualy drawing. ; Mze. J. J. Buckhalt, $lO China Water Set, Hrsgd erry Parmer $2.00 pir shoes. M B.T. Bridges 87.50 Oil Painting M.\ . M. Hobbs 87.50 Oil Paibtina. - Silla Murry, col.. 87.50 Qil Pamting. ; ~""wriuh Keitn, 87.50 Oil P inting. ~ Aniounting to $82.00 worth o: presents divided with my cus.omers i six months. The best investment with the best economy is to trade With J. W. Turner and receive for every doilars worth bouzht one of his Prize Tickets, which gives you an interest in his 4th duy ot Aca JANUARY DRAWING. Come and make your immediately while you' can make a choice selection. ,'. 3 & { i . » ¥ . q Who Wants a $40.0) Set of ifuriiture? I guarantee that every customer will have precisely an equal chance. It cannot mutter to me where the presenis go, or to whow. as every customer has precisely the same chance. JW ’ h A 7 g HERE’S COMMON SENSE. No other house gives von such achance, and J. W. Turner’s is the best aud cheapest place to trade. Then why not do the sensible thing? Come and buy as many dollirs worth as you can spuare betore the 4ih day of January. FINAIT.I, Y. Don’t buy just tor the purpose of getting a present. Take the gonds on their merit, If you doa't think they are the best and cheapest you can get, don’t take them. DBut it vou do think so then take them, and it you get a present you will be happy. It you dont you will be hups py auyhow. Remember you must trade before the 4th day ot January in order to geta chance at these presents. Very Raspecttully, . YT IR LT IS J. W YT i TR, HONSelold Farisang Goods Of nearly every description. “TOVES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, TIN AND WUODENWARE, Groceries, elc. We are now ageots for the celebrated Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges, fi!fii’ch‘ being so v.ell known, n_vf‘d no reecmmendation. Call and ex minesour stock. As tir asprices are concericd, we know we can suit you. " : Exnmineourfl%gyl-h'lexible Back Curry Conib. Just the thing for ALIL: horses, specially h} gious and Sensitive Ones. : & SONS, T £ e e T T ST, ? F g OB Lfig:t_’? ~.r-’fi E:‘: #e p i i’“ gi i o §‘s( [ it pd F} A : o e rhal) ain skt We are now receiving the Largsst and most vari Steck of Gioods it has ever been our pleasure to handle, NI £ ISR 74 WE GFFER YOU Dry Gouds, Noions, Boets, Shoes, Haruness, Furnitu Hardware, Ilour, Sugar, Coffee. I'obicco. ete, etc, prices which canwot be undersold. Give us your patronige and we guarantee satisfaction. We invite SPECIAL ATTENTION to our FURNITUR nL - PIND. My £ 'm - THE FINEST ON THE MARKET FOR THE PRIC Iv addition to the above we carry a full line of BURIAL CASB LIOWEREBEY: & ORR 2 ARTIN S 1% TQRI'AS( BABIESARE ALWAYSINSEASO And so are ry BABY CARRIAGES, of which I have just recei a large line and offer av very low priees. e My Walnut, Oak and Muapl: Bed Room Suits are most artisties desiuned, nicely fivished, and well put up. Noshoddy ufl“‘!»“- Parlor Suits in lush and Brecatell 1 invite special attertion to, these goods are sold tor less than actual worth, In Book Cases, Writing Desks, Music Stands, Side Boards, Paintin s and Cartain Poles, you will notfind a L“'g.-y assortment where in Southwest Georoia, ™ Just got in : O 000 B T W >4 PH > (}G(} j\@igfinh‘r \% IXEJL I AL And all decorations for eeiline, Samples sent on :1;\1)'37'?».-:.1:2011- A large line of China snd Glassware. Heinvites special attent to his Hevilands Fretuch China Dinver Sets. i i In tactif you need anything in the line of House Furnjshing wrile M. D. Newman aud he will quote you prices as low as reason will per Window Shades at all prices from The. up, at 0. N TEORANE N A ALBANY, : . : : : : : GEORG EAN CHEATHAM & DEAN, »~ 0 7 ¢ o & Druggists and Pharmacists. G Lee Street 4 - Dawson, } et s EA AN )St KERP ALWAYS ON HAND ~>FRESN DRUGS and CNEMICALS > RESN DRUGS an JALLALD: Toilet Articles, Faints, O 1 Yarnishes, Brushes. &O Both of us being physicians, a d h:iving in onr 9“";:::5 M. W. B. BraNNON, a clerk of efperience in our P we claim advantages not puseese'i“}{y any I?rngd ):1 .4 Physiciins and layety alive can aflways d*‘l"”“_ y ‘niuns for pure drugs and aceurately comppounded prescrif . 3 ol L . ro X ,()r Cheatham & Dean, - - Pawson. Geols