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say affect any portion of the body where the oucous memtwane 15 fouid, W@ catnark of e head is by Tar all 205 t common, and. the qiost liable 10 Le neg{cclc-l. It canuot be cured Uy focal applications. Being a consti tational diisease it requires Rin ging A con‘sfitufiuu:u I:('mu‘.y |.ike g Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which, NOIS@S i rking through the tood, eradicates the impurity whick causes and pros wotes the eatareh, and soon effects a perma gent cure. At the same time Hood's Sarsae garilla huilds up the whole system, and makes one fedd renewed in strength and ealth. 3 you sulfer Impure om catarrhy be sure to ilnv Hood's Sarsapaviila, B'OOd “1 used Hood's Sarsapariila for eatarrh, and geceiwed great velief and benefitfrom it, The catarth was very disagreeabie, especially in the winter, causing constant discharyge from my woese, vinging noises Hood’s iny cwrs, and pains in . lie baek of my Lead. sarsaparilia The cffort o clear my pead in the morning by hawking and spitting was painful. Hood's Sarsaparilla gave me relief immediately, while in time I wasg en tirely eared. I @t Lever witheut the medi gine in my hiouse &s Ithinlk it (s worth its weight in gold.” Curesg Mus. G. B, Ging, 1029 Eiglith . &t., N. W., Washiugion, D, C. Ca;arrh I was troubled with that aunoying disease, pasal «catarrh, and never found relief til} 1 took Hood’s Sarsaparilla,’” J. L. Rourr, Marksburg, Ky. N. B, Be sure to get . Hood’s Sarsaparilla Boldbyall druggista. #1; sixfor @5, Preparedonly b C. L. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar SPECIAL NOTICES. " BRUSHES! BRUSHES! Afine line of Hair Brushes. A fine fine of Tooth Brushes. A fine line of Shaving Brushes. A fine line ot Blacking Brushes. A fine line of Horse Brushes, A fine line of Serub Brashes, A finelire of Paint Brushes. T. D, SALE, Druge st. COTTON SEED WANTED. We wiil give 20 cents per bush el for cotion seed. DAWSN OIL (CO. T WANTIED. I will pay twenty cents per bush. el for fifty theasand bushels of cotton seed. L. C. DURHAM. WANTED At The College. 25 Cords Wood, for which spot cash will be paid. See me at once. LEONIDAS JONES, Ypecial Netice. Alter the first of December | will positively quit keeping books, aud all work must be paid for cash. B. B. WELLBORN, The Barber. RUST PRTOF OQATS. My oats were not all lost by the fire, and those wantine Geruive Rust’ Proot Seed Oats should leave their orders at Melton Brog'. store. B. F. MELTON. Money to Loan O farming lands in Perrell coun tv, from $309 upwards. On the instaliment plan. Apply to G Wi WARW! K, Smithville, Or Wa. KAYGLER, old 3. Dawson, Ga REST* BRANT. Test in the city, Menls sorved at auy hourday or nizht. The best the market aflords. Don't fail to call around when in the ci'y, T Y. ¥ ARTIN . ’ Notice to Creditors. Parties owine me will please call at onee and settle, ss I "am veeding the moaney to cettle my debts, The « amount each one owes may he small, but a larze namber of small elaims will settle 8 Lrce ones, My headguarters are at T, D, Sale's drag store, and [ will to receipt your aceount at any time, W. C. KENDRIUK. AN APPEAL. All parties indehted to ‘me are urgently reqaested to cil and mike setilement ay once. My loss by the recent fire was heavy and the amunt you owe is greatly needed. It is my intention to azain be:in busiiess as soon as pos sible, aud promp:t settlements will freatly aid me. Tris appeal is in earnest and [ hope my friends will heed i, D. D. DAVIS, ! for G. W. Eabinks, FOR S:iLE Two cottaze homes on College Hill, just in front of Mrs. Me- N“l'y’.s. Titles geod. Good wa ter. Just the place for private Yome. Near enocugh to the busi- Ness poriion of the city, depots and churches, and a“join the col. lege lot Neighborhood the best. Wil sell vegy cheap for cash, or one halt cash and balance vext fall, with interest. or will exchange for 2 small farm near the city. Also a spanking pair of povies, mork well, periectly sountd and gentle Also double haruess and b"!'-'."- For tull particulars apply ot this offi e, IT is 52id that the State Agris Cultural Socicty has held its last f""“- Macon is talking of organ- P 2 g exposition company. #The News. % o ivE The People’s Ticket, The following ticket wil, be sup ported for Mayor and Aldermen for the euswing year. Election Wednesday, Deceriber 11¢h, FOR MAYOQR, W. B. CHEATHAM. ¥OR CLERK, J. L. JANES. FOR TREASURER, F. W, CLARKE. - —_— FOR ALDERMEN, FRANK BETHUNE, CHAS. DEUBLER, li. L. RAINEY, Wy, KAIGLER. | 1. R. HANNAH: | | Eatly planted oats are growing nicely. Only » month and four days until Christmas. New cane syrup is selling here at 33 cents per vallon, Judge W. D. Murray has moved biack to hLis farm. Gorton's minstrels will appear at the opera house on Friday evening next, The indicativns are that the Terrell pork crop will be extra large this winter. - 1 Oscar Crouch’s fine pig, weigh ing four hundred pounds, died very suddenly the other day. | Rev.H. C. Brown, the new Presbyterian preacher, did not ar rive to fill his appointments last | Sunday, as announced. ' Dr. W. B. Cheatham was elect ed a trustee of the coliere last Friv day to fill the vacancy caused by the death of his tather. The News is under chligations to Mr. M. E, Jennings tor several stalks ot fine cane. "he shortest ‘ e was seven and a haif feet in | le~gth. | Mr. George Geise keeps the oil wi's going at their full capncity all the ti e, This is one of Dw son's most successful and valua ble enterprises, ‘ The proudest man in. Terre'l| county is the man who drives a team of mulesto town and gncs! hone with a tew bundles for the good wite and children. | Mr. F. M. Jenzings has hought an interest in the mereantile busis nes of M, E. Jennings and will become a citizen of the city soon. Dawson is glad to have him. Dr. J. M. Bosworth, the gpe cialist, has artived in the city, and is rendy to reccive patients. Az everybody knows, Dr. Bosworth has an excellent reputation. The Central railroad has not yet pai | for the co'ton that was burned in their yard several weeks awo, bat it is thought that the losses will be adjusted without suit, Frank Bethune will open the Excelgor Saloon on Saturday and will be glad to see his forwer fiiends and customers, You will find himin his new building just above Wooten’s bank. Dawson now has ten daiiy traing —six passenger and four freight. A fast train wag put on last Mone dav. Goingz east it arrives here at seven o'clock in the moening. ’ and goirg west at 8:5 in the even- mg. Dr. W. B. Cheatham, who is the Central railroad's physiciar at this poiut, went down to Cathbert a few days avo toamputate the (cot ot a negro who had been injured ia an aceident at Smithviile Judge Guerrv heing disqualified in a ureat m jority of the civil suits in this county, Judge Bower, of Bainbridee, wiil proside for him next weel. Judge Guerry will, however, open court aud charge the graad jury. Mr. G. W. Bellfiowor, one of our thrifty tarmers, will leave to. day with tamily for Dale county, Ala., where he will in fawre re side. Before leaving he called in and paid for the News for one year, which will keep him posted abou? Terrell uffairs, Stealing Frem Each Other. On iast Saturday morning Baiiidt seGahee arrested Will Wave and tienry Kimball, both colarpd, and turned them over to Sheriff ['hora ton, who laced them jo jail. It seems that Ware and Kimball farmed together this year. Their erop and toois were diviled an'l their pavtnership was dissolved. Kimball began missing his part ot the crop #nd suspected Ware. Ware's was also going in 4 myss terious manner and e suspeeted Kimball, Etch sued out a war rant for the other and both were arrested in the eity Sarurday morn ing by Mr. MeGuhee in a tew feet ot euch other. Sl sdib Change at the Telegraph Office. Mr. Jim Cioude was appointed manager of the Weston Union Telesraph office io this city List Sunday, viee Mr, C. B, Holiday:. who has accept 2 position with Melton Bros Mr. Holidy dad beet operator here oV a onnber o years and voluntary gave up the position, e is one of the best I operators in the state and gave unt versal satistaction. il Just Received. A lot of Ammoniated F ntiliger for tall grain. J. B, Mercer & Co. " PLANS FOR NEW BUILDINGS. The Good Work of Building up Daw ’ son Goes Steadily On. . After the NEws hadgone to press last week Mr. A. J. Carver sold his lot on Main street to Mr J. W. F Lowrey and McLain Bros. & Co. Mr. Carver was making arrange ments to rebuild bimself before the sale was consumated. Mr. Lowrey and McLaia Broths ers will build two handsome two story beildings, with a front of thirty feet each and "one hundred and twenty feet deep. They have written to au architect for plansand specifications and will begin builds ing as goon as possible, Saturday Davis & Dozier bought the two lots of Judge Rodgers and the lot facing Third Averue oppo: site the Farrar House. They paid £2,500 for these three store lots and will erect eostly and handsome buildings, : - Mrs, Junes is nearly ready to begin rebuilding on her two lots. She will also ereet nice buildings, The workmen are going along rap‘dly on W. F. Locke’s handsome ‘building, and 1t w.ll soon be ready for necupancy. LR s Dawson’s Marriageable Timber, Since last week the News has been taking the census for the beneht of the unmarried people of ovr city, and below we give some facts and figures true and correct, it not startlsing. Dawson bus to-day more mar riageablc timber than any town of 2,500 mhabitants in the state. ‘ie will take the widows first. There are at this time, by rctual count, 36 widows, beiween the ages ot 25 and—well, say fitty, for a widow never gets older than fiity years. Besides these 36 widows we hav sixty-five young ladies betwee: the iges ot 14 and er—er—well tweanty. But of course there is not a single one o tiem twenty. Now for the voung nien, bach elorsend widewers. We tind there are ixty of them ranging from 21 to sixty-five years of ave This gives a total of 161 who are enjoyinr a state ot single blessed ness in Dawson. Will Leave Us, The many friends of Rev, B. W, Davis will regret to leave that he will leave Dawson after this year, He has heen elected principal ot the riendship hizh school, and that place wili be his future home. During his pastorite here he and his interesting family have great ly endeared themselves to the people of Dawson aud the best wishew ot our entirs community will tollow them to their new home.. Professiong!. | De. Hisussw, '~ ° In SaLe's DruG STORE, 11,000 Bales. Dawson continues to hold her own as a cotton mwarket. The receipts have been small +he prst week, but the prices paid were vood and induced wany to brig theic cotton here who would have carried it elsewhere. Cotton was sold ia the city yesterday at 9% conts. N G RN A Gin House and a Negro Burned. Mr.J, N, Porter, the large and suecessful planter of the ‘Third diss triet, was in the city Saturday and . reported the burng of a gin house and a balf grown negro girl on the Walker place, just beyon' the Terrell line, in Dougherty eounty, on last Friday. The girl is supposed to have been asleep in the lint roon. e Married. On last Sunday Miss Mattie Ox ford, daughter of the manager of the Alliance Ware-~ house, was married o Myr. John Wall at the residence of- Yy, G, A. Cole, Squire Avera, of Brouwoud, pertorming the ceremony. They have the last wishes of the News. Snakes ! While cut gunning ane day last week Prof J. W. Lowrey encouns tored three large moceasins in adiss wnce of a few yards. Mr. Lowrey became suddenly nervous ard weary of the sport, and after killing the reptiles returned home. L e Personal. Hon. (. B Wooten was in the city on last Thursday. Fhis diss tineuished geotleman has many friends and admir. rs in Dawsoua who were glad to see him. sr. Otis Thornton is now in Colnnbus, havingsecured a posis tion in the Georgin Midland rail road offise as stenographer, Mr. '.G. Parks, of Atlanta, came dowa last Friday and remaivs ed until Sandsy with his brotaer, Colovel J, G. Parks, Mr. Robt. L. Statham hus been here this woek visiting ths ol folks aud selling dry gools lor Nusshauni. Prof. W. E. Christia je at home 1o spe il his vacatiag. tle hada flouzishing schoolia Serrica coun ty. Wil ilarper was dowa from Americus Suunday to see Dome fulks ‘ Mr. C. A. Allen is here tron Cincinnati visitiag his parents, Que car lnad Salt at M. E. Jenning' GOSSIP GATHERED UP. - While out driving a few days afo Miss Georgia I&cMicheal and Mr. J. B. Knighton, of near Sheil man, were married in the buggy, the Rev. Mr. Sauls officiating, | : ¥,k o udge Guerry :nd Tax Collector Crouch made several big raids on the squirrels last week. It isa commou occurrence for them to go to the swamps and return with six ty or seventy-five ot the little-tel lows. | Bob Farnum, an old Dawson boy, has resigned his position with | Swith & Gordon and is now sell ing shoes tor WV, R. Singelton&Co. Robert hobbed up serenely ia Daw son Jast Friday aud remained until Tuesday. Singelton & Co. have done well in securing his services. Ak : Major Hood says he has emphatic instructions from the Chattahooche Brick Co. to press the collection of the notes due the Columbus South ern railroad. Mr. Hood says he has been told, where partics are worth the amount of their notes, “eitl er to collect or make the nope ey. *** The Columbus Enquier Sun says oue of the wuolesale merchants of that city has, two car loads of freight ready for shipment over the Columbus Southern as soon as the road is open for business as far as Kichland. The Southern will open up a fine terr tory for Dawson avd Columbus. *, 5k “There ure more strangers in Dawsou than I ever noticed before,” reyuiked a wellsknown citizen. I think it u good sign. The city is growing rapidly and we are gain iug new citizeus every day.”" The abservation ot this gentleman is the experience ot many others. s Tax Collector Crouch says the people ure slow in payicg their taxes. The state treasury isin a depleted condition aud tne offivials a. Atlanta are pressing our collector tor moaey. Howevs er,the books will not be closed un til the 20th of of December. %k A promineni farmer told the NEws Saturday that the cotton crop is about all gathered. He says it wi'l only be necessary to go over the fields once more to gather the scatering locks. This gentles man thinks the crop is shorter thau many expected. Judge Wooten, who was a cons spicuous figure in the Senate aud the author of the substite for the Western and Atlantic lgase bill which passed, is strongly inclined to cross swords with Congressman ‘Lurner. Mr. Wooten is & good law+ yer, a forcible debator and culturs ed gentleman, He bas plecty of means and is very popular. He wonld doubtless make it iuntere t ingz for Mr. Turner it be decides to run.--- Columbus Enquirer, The people rfTerrell can vote | at any precinctin the county. As many suppose, they are not com- | pelled to vote at the pr efit of the l district in which the &w«?e' 3. | Keudrick published a noties that | a bill would be introduced ;ol change out registration iy ‘;flpq each voter would have'to wote in his own distriet, but he récg .] ed and let the matter go by without making tug change. The county is said to be full o toot peddeleys this winter. O’ nary Roberts requests the News to warn the peop'e against them and tostate Jlut not a single ooe of them has the license that is res quired of peddlers. In this cous nection we would state that Judge Roberts is making a very populay t and efficent ordivary, Dawson reul estate is as zafe an ‘ investment asUnited Btates bonds, and paysa great deal better. Forg the past four years there has heen | a steady and healthy, and bctterl than afl,a prrianent increase in its value. Men who have buu'_rht,‘ and sold real estate within that period bave never failed to find it profitable. Those who have bought it and held itare still better off. About two years ago Mr. A. .. Carver bought his warehouse lot ! tor $5,000 and last week disposed oitau a peofitof $1,200. T'nis in oue of many travsactions of like character that are constantly occurring here, Tuere is a reason tor this, It is becanse no city in Southiwest Georgia posesses super- Jor advantages to Dawson, and ‘l fev caun equal it. e<@ @B e e e ' It Was Extinguished, | Felix Lee's (col.) residence ! caught on fire Monday steernoon, but the blaz: was extinzuished be fore any great damage was dove, An Appreciated Commodity. ‘ _The possum industry is petting to be quite profitable. Last Fri day nizht Bud Arnold went out with his possum dog, aad the re. ault was six fat possuns. Mr. Ars nold brought these juicy *“‘vaps mints” o the ity Saturdy gl g nextly dressed, audSHOUNd ready sale” for them#db 'ty and soventy fivegrcents each, n-tiing himemoe than three dollars tor {hiS Dights' hupt. 'm isa verv highly aps | preciated commedity 10 Daweon, } JUST_OPENED!"”f 0000 WORTH OF NEW GOODS The Greatest Bargains we Have Offered Yet 15 TO 25 PER CENT SAVED TO OUR CUSTOMERS BY OUR ~=-===TRIP TO NEW YORK----- COME'TOSE R US EBEREFORE YOITBEBITY Dress Trimmings without end. Striped urabs, Persian Sitks. Persian Bards Yelvets Plushes. Fead Trimmings, Braids. Passamentrie, ete. A beautiful lot of Jerseys and Wraps cheap, A nice Black Jersey from 50¢, to $1.25. e oT N We SeILE. . REITS & Zellr Bros, L Shoes--Best Made T DAVIS&DOZIER— Hosiery. I shall show you the best line of the season. Styles vew, pricos ur. JoW, TurNer, | See Talbot for choice groceries, Buy the Eagle Tip School Shoe from J. W. Turner. Sale's Drug Stove i 3 headquars ters for painter's supplies. Go to Slade’s for fresh groceries of all kinds at low prices. Johu Turner sells the bes: har ness for the money in the city. Talbot, the grocer, pays the bizhest prize for country procduce. Buy the Eagle Tip School Shoe from J. W. Turuer. Buy Guns, Rifles, Pistols wnd Uartridges from A. J. Baldwin & Co. _Slade’s liquors are the best in the | city. His corn i~ psrtieularly fine. Staple Shoes and dry goods guar anteed rock bottom prices at M. E, Jenning's, Over 2,000 yards of carpeting from 25c. to $1.50 per yard, at A. J. Baldwin & Co.'s. J. W. Turner is now receiving a large and well selected stock of tall coods. See them, { Be sure to see Cheathamd Dean’s | famps betore buyin . Largest and cheapest line iu tawn, It you want the prettiest wod | finest China dinner set in town, go | to Marlin & Sons. ~ Blade’s trade is increasing every §9‘ ay. Good Whiskies and choice Graceries are duing it. Al the latest pills and patent medicines just reccived fresh at Cheatham & Deans. - Beware of all kinds ot Cough Medicines that contain Morphine. Brewer’s Lung Restorer has rone. Just received at Davis & Locke’s 24 dozen Factory Bhoes, which are beiug so'd at johbers prices Get Cheatham & Dean’s prices on lead and oil and other paints and | paint brushes before buying. | It you want the purest patent { medicines and druzs you will find them them at Cheatham & Dean’s Talbot has everything imagina~ { ble {u the grucery line. He is | *“The Leader,” and his goods are . the choicest in the city. | Examine our stock of Furniture tand Carpets hefore buying, and we L will muke it to ty:nur interest, 1 owrEY & ORR. It will be to the interest of ev-i ery man, boy and child to visit Davis & Locke's store within the‘ next twenty duys, & ‘ t Price our Cashmares, Henrie(tas and Mohairs betore you buy and \ we will save you money. ‘ Lowgey & Org. ' We have now the most complete line uf ¢ ouse Furnishing Goods in town. 1t will he @2 your advans tage 1o give us a Gk ‘ | MAMIN & Soxs. ‘ We have on lhand an elegant line o'Carpets aud Furniture at prices t hat would please you. it Lowrey & Orr. ) wils @ Leke are selling the L 8 o, hsavy bottom, at BG.OO. Ven up to be the besi shoe in ‘ *im;ket. Evory pair guarans ~ Divis & Yocke have just receive ~ed auother log of fine clothing and can fiv the smaliest boy up to the largest mun. ‘Their ciothing als ways gives satisactian baily in | nslityand prices, 1,000 yards Chambray, worth 10 cents, for Tie. Beautiful double-width Wool Cashmere, 15¢. worth 25. 100 pieces Wool Dress Goods, which we are bouud to sell, price or po price. 500 yards Seersucker, worth 15 cents, for 83. THE— " Leading Grocer JUST RECEIVED: Fresh Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Cab bage and Irish Potatoes, Col Mish : and O nv ions, Cheese and Mao caroni, the best Teas and Coffees in the market Patent Flour, Buekwheat Flour, Graham Flour, Florida Oranggps, Calitornia London Layer Raising, *‘New Crop” Best Rice, Cream Kmose, Goshen Butter, New Cane Syrup, McFar land’s Lard. Canned Fruits angd Ve tahles, Pick - 18 8 and Sauee Can- dies an d Nuis, Apples and Banan nae, and 1,000 other good thirgs in pro pors : tion, I want your trade and have got the goods I will make the prices. W, F. TALBOT, THE LEADING GROCER, BROBEPRERPERAE | W. J. SLADE'S Rostaurant —=Saloon. Parties who wish something fine to dirnk iu the wey of Beers, Punches. Wings, ete., should call on W. J. Slade, who cayries oueof the finest lines in Southwest Georgia. Over his Saloon you - will find his el "N ¥ | RESTAURANT where you can get meale, nifiht or day, to suit the most fastiduous. He also carries a nice line of - Family Gm‘ee‘:riés’.'-1 Give him a call. He will treat you royally, 2,000 y’ds Ginghams fiom 83 to 10 Beautiful Tab'e Damask, 30 cents, worth 50, Big bargain in Ticking, Bleaching, and Sea Island. All wool Flannel, 18¢, worth 25. 100 cases new Shoes that must go. 4,000 yards Jeans from 15¢ to 85, worth 25 to 50 T. 0. WHITGHARD & ¢O., ARE NOW PREPARED to MEET COMPETITION, Our- Groceries Are Fresh and Faney. LOTUS PATENT FLOUR, WM. HUME'S CUMBEREAND SNOWFLAKE } Patent FLOUR| RIVER SALMON. VEACH'S FAVORITE FLOUR. | ALLIGATOR OYSTERS. ROYAL BUVPER TOHAOCC. | AR\ OUR'S LUNCH [ONGUE MAGNOLIA HAMS. | IMPORTED SARDINES. ARBUCKLE'S COFFEE. ' EVAIPORATED FRUIT. —() ——— Just Received: CNE CAR WHITE SACK SALT! ONE CAR BRAM, RYE AND BARLEY, OXE CAR TEXAS RUST-PROOF SEED QATS. 500 BUSHELS GEORGIA RUST-PROOF DATS. S IVE US A CAL Leics T, O, WHITCHARD & CO. Mrs. Anthony —— 18 RECEIVING —— New Millinery ——— FOR~ —= Fall and Winter, Enibracing the latest shapes in Canton, Miian, Felt and k’elvet Hats and Bonnets, [.adies and Misges Straw, Felt and Velvet Sailors in assorted colors. Walk ing hats, Turbans, and Toques, New Ribbons in colors and black. Also selvet ribbans. Fanco feathe ers, Birds, Tips and long Plumes, Give hep a call, sie isdetermins ed to pleage in quality of goods and prices, Mrs. M. M. Anthony YR e MILLER ORGAN Isthe Finest and Best. = el S ) E I, ii y “:b‘\:ml . 2 e T S f;;‘ " ‘E”L}:’v‘ (7 %: D 20, "V"‘.'_;‘!q;-:-:“;_‘:w g >,‘ > [Ei - N o ECHITPETRONEEN < R e 1 VIR 5 ~ A;; fi" Wiy || lARREE = Bl AR N PRERAN [OEe l:b B T ey It stands at the bead ofall good | organs. ~ Those who desire to have the best. organ should acquaint themselves with the merits ot our ingrruments. Don't take our word for what wesay, but see and test our instruments. It no dealer gells our organs in your locality, write to the factory, = BUY NO OTHRR. Addl’?fis . Lo Miller Organ Co, LEBANON, PAr t . Catalogue, ete., free, 10,000 yards Calico He. tar Te. Sheeting and Checks ‘&t fctory prices. : 500 yards new Satteens at 84, worth 12} i Hose, Handkerchiets, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Gloves, Hoods, Underwear, Ribbouns, ete., for a song. T. Y. Martin, Lot DAWSON. GA. Always on hand the freshest FAXCY ANDFAMILY GROCERIES, At my Bar will always be fouud' a complete and choice line of Dos ‘mestic and Imported - ‘Whiskies, Wines, ~ BRAMDY AND BEER. Duiing the Summer you will als ways fd ot my store’ DELICIOUS ICZ COLD Kez and Bottled Beer--the best in the city. Pickled Oysters Are an excellent table delicacy, and can be found at my store. Try them. I nvite the continued patronage of the public, and can e found at my old stand on Main Street, next door to A. J. Baldwin & Co. T. Y. MARTIN, Agt. —_ . Has Received a beautiful lifle of ‘ MILLINERY and would be pleased to have the Ladies call and examine her goods. Dress Malsing- I am also prepared to do Diress Making, and the ladies would do well to bigg;their work to me, 1 sell the Domestic Sewiag Machine. Pamsillon .. c° g 'ROGERS & JANES BLOCK, DAWEQN, GEORGIA.