Newspaper Page Text
3 ¥ ‘,~'§ 1 I ne Fowg, ke | fohk I LOVWSK i %:‘:‘:tr:::‘.:, S i 3 S AREY - By El Lu flf“.i}\Lf- l B s e e A A 1 MORMGNS AND THE SCUGGLN, The Mormens tn Utih ave iz;-‘ creasing vapidly. In 1880 there | were about 149.0 0 of themw. New, | accordin to the lenort of the govs ] eraor of the teirito y v the Fc«~i : i ! retery of the Isledior, thare nre] 230,000, an inercase of 90,000 in | nive years. Toey show no dispo~ siffon o abonden their relizion. | Ou the eontrary, they sre se firms« ‘ £ly ctinched to it as ever, end as| {dot( rmined to propagzate it, They | “@re not as outepoken about polyg- I o By o they onee were, but, they , - Bawe no: civen it vy andapparen.e , ? B 0 vot intend to. There sre) S : | . frq - onE nett s a it ,!‘,.:.: ~s - SRR .‘!'_: %; : y clesely nom the pub Ig ‘ Mm there ore arve now very few | R . { M~ for }‘-Efix}‘fr:‘»ln‘\'.‘ ‘ i ; ’tkfifln that is sttracting the | sttendigiio! oonti'es in Utah now ‘ "'Vbibfi BNERe . Intoniion ol the dore e j\h& 2 2 g 3 Eons SOy ¢ cchools of tiedr own, “3a whieh tl.c Mormon theology l . e .'fl mav bfli‘?’f{m}u, THe Gevernor i} z 7R E Gt { his report says 1 Uwis o em ! of pablic sehoois, uitheugh ‘or ' e ~ trom what 3@o\l‘.'l Le, is yet al very fair one. - Thore iz a want of | mouney for school purposes, ana th ‘ Mormons are not villing to \w{ taxed for'the aup{v.rt of the puhs : lic schools. Thereason of this is| understcod to ba that they are pre- i paring for denominational schools, | Io fact, in a cood many of the counties there are now schon's tns der the ruspices of the Mormon church. [t is evident that i the territory is to have a good svstem of publre schools congress will have to enact laws which will in gur: them support, There is no desire, of course, anywhere to interfere with the Mormcns, so far ag their religion is concernel, ns long as they do not viclate the laws, The acts of congress have thus far been direct ed only aguinst polyzamy. These acis have not had the effect of causirg the Mormons to abandon polygamy ; they have had the effect of causing them {o conceal it. It was thought that when_com munication between i states and Utah wagestablished by railroads, “fmhigration would be #o great that the geutile population would soon be greater than the Mormon. This £ has not proved to be the case. The governor thinks that it will be many years before the gentiles will equal the Morwans in num ber, beeause the Mormens hold all the good lands—the lands that can ; be easily irvigated, Tt is evident that the Mo non probienis a tons | way yet from being sciici $lO,OOO Found inan <ok Durrel A New York ragzpickeris report- | qd to have found 10,000 in o neh | barrel. This was a rare piece of | good luck, but Low much more ‘ MFLBnte 1 tha anTaras foom " samption wheo fcaras that,ulthough } Ihe doctors may have pronounced l Ris case lhopeless, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery willcure | him. Consumption iz 1 serotulous | disease ofthe lungs, The ¢ Dis<i eavery,” which is the most poten | bleod purifler of the ace, strikes| right at the root of the evil, and ! there is no vesaling it, if taken | in time. In all serofulous or oihe| er blood tapts, skin and sealp dise | eases, old sores ind swellin s, it s g.lraranteed to cure, or money paid | it promptly refunded. Dy | druggists. | A Safe Lavesiment, Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, ®or in case of failure a return of pur chase price. On thissafe plan you ean buy from our advertised Drug gist a bottle of Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consamption. It is guaranteed to brinz relief in every case, when usea for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consamption, Inflammation of Luones, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whoon ing Cough, Croup, ete., ete. It ie plesint and agreeable to taste, pers feetly safe. and can always be de— pended upon. Trial totties free 8t T D, Sale’s Dru: store, Merit Wins, We desire to say to our citizens, that for vears we have heen sell ing Dr. King's New Discovery for Covsuniption, Pr. King's Ne w Life Pills, Bucklen’s Arnica Sulve and Electric Bitters, and bave rever handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such upiverssl gatisfaction. 'e do vot begitate te guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to vetund the purs | chase pflef, it satisfactory re-ult do not f{r‘inuw their use, '“l(:-o‘ remedies have wou their great pop ularity purely on their merits, .D, 3 Sale Diugrist. \ : | AEES i ~ "7‘ i A S l PeulL TG &) : fßovaL soisg B Bt asute iy o o i \;( oy b = ol E 7 S e el -afigw‘v" S g Wk | BAER Aleolutely Pure, This powder never vafies. @ A narvel of purity, strength and vhoiescmeness. More economical han the ordinary kinds, and ecan e sold in competitich with the nuititude of low test, short weight um or phospbate powders, Sold nivin cane. ROYAL BAKING POWDIER €O, 106 Wall St., N AT e Xy % ; T AP o o UURES IN FROM® &P one o five days, S 5 *7% Ig{ - Manufactured only by | I ¥ T 0 § s :n <y Sa’e’ [l] o BL2 DAWLON, - GA. Bl Lly Pyee - s IIJ;(CNTISTRY. rEY 1 B T. H. Thurmond, DAWRSON, GA. gmeees=a Satisfaction Guarans s A 2 g : - “LTY Y ¥ teed in all kinds of Den tal Work. Old plates repaired and made good az new, BEST LOCAL ANJFSTHETICS USED for Puinless Extraction of Teeth. Patronage respectfully solicited Office up stairs over Tolbot's store. , I ‘l. » R. I, Simmons, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAWSON, « 116 G A Prietice in all the eoutts. Parties | haviug land for gale should eall on L nie. | ; aace il | Y yoryg o b y Lol (s L(HH'(/, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, | . DAwsgN . Ok Pionpt attention to all business o B YAV i Janes & Graham, ATTORNZYS AT LAW, | DAWSON, o+ (K, - Businoss respectfully solicited, J. G. PARKS H. 8. BELL J. G. PARXS & CO., FlR?_—* TATID ANOT AAT M ; o LIVDU D BNLD ATHINID AWEBON o GA. All kinds of property msuved at veasonable rutes, Losses satisfaes toriiy adjusted and promptly paid. Companics ropreseated all strong liberal and relic! i Office over druo siore of ¢ heat~ bam & . ean, north side of Publie Square TORETIREY lam Hanny s WUty ol GEORGIA MILIT 'Y AND s=AGRICTULURAL -~ s 8l 1. G X CULIIBERG, GEORGI A, 0 mvext session hooins Sept. 4th Full eorps of professors. e TION FRE®W. Board £9.09 yor month, sSend Fae ¢ ataloeye, To o VL BLARK, Peesil ¢, NN A e NN o PROTEUT YOUR EYES, | WYIRSCHBER QROVED Diag, \“\G ‘\ECTAC LE(\“D - v & %'(mgx%‘@% \‘/”LL’\I\Z HARI e O £vegLasses- O BATS JULY 121 1870, MP. H. HIRSCHBERG, The well-known Optician of 629 Olive strect St, Louis, has apnoints ed Dr. W, C, KENDRICK of Dawson, Ga, as agent for his codebrated Dimond Speeteeles and Eyeglascs and also tor s Biamond Nou-Chanzeabic pectacles and Eyeglasses. These glasses are the greatest juvention cvér made in Sneetelas, Dy PrOPEr Construe. tion of the Lens o person purclhas ing a pair of these N n<Changeable Glasses never has to change these Glasses irom. the eyes, and eve ery puir purchased are guars anteed so thut it they ever leave the eyes (no matter now seratehed the Lenses are) they will furnish the party with a new pair of (ilasses free of charge, DR. W. C. KERDRICK hasa i full assortment. andinvites all whe wishes to satisty themsalves of the Great Supeiority ot those Glasses aver any aud all others now in use to eall fnd cxamine the same at DR, W, C. KENDRICK'S Drug Store. ¥r l Way Down Unon the oW Uy , SUWANNEERIVER. | Fion: Branford, Fla,, ei!nated} upon the romantie Suvannee rived, | Messrs, Rouse & Thomes write;, nn- ! der dite of Aug. 10ih, 1839 Please forwerd vs anathier gross of Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonie. Have sld out every boule ot last gross npon your strict gusrantee, | and not one bottle returned, | L ePR Froma Leétt l'.f',‘!u." Graniteville, S ' C., dated Jugust 26th, 1889, At the age of 50, with twenty~ | five years of aective practice, I am a cairelni observer and cautionsin iend:az'fing proprietary medicines, bt I ean censcientiously endorse l your Johnsor's € ll and Fever| Tone s ene of the Lost C*.-:n!'»im‘z-i tion reme ties jor Chill and Fever L have ev rseen used. It coirects the vitinted secretions of the liver, relieves costivenessand promotes the atsorption and asfimilation @1 food, thus tahi ling ail the indica tions ciatined for9e. .{u'!"\‘ SR ! 1.2 EDWAYRLS VD Fernandiva, Fla., Aus. 6th. A, B. GmmearbprEav, Bavanuah, Ga. I) ar Biri Please seul us afic gross of Johrson’sOhillan 1 Fever ;'i.«vhi-' It is the bLest selfer we |ll:l'\'n‘ for malarial toveps, Parsnr Bros: The claim made for this wed. icine is & modest one. W& maiy tain that itis 100 times better than quinine, and 100 yeurs in advavee of the profession in the troutment of all fevers, from the most malig nant types of Bilious Hemorrhagic Fever to the simplest form ot Chill and Fever. Tor sale by ali Drug oista, A.B. GararoeauSole Proprietor, Savannah, Ga. ING MADE CHEAP bUILDING HMA ) —BY CONTRACTING WITH— CEQ. V/.PACE, . g DAWSON . GA. ——— ’; -(). }. e Contracts tor all kinds of builds ing taken at lowest rates, and ma terial furmshed when desived, 1 have been in the business for fif teen years and kvow my business and guarantee my work, Rill Worlzg." ) I have had a large experi -nee in this live, and guarantee to do good and cheap work on pew mills or repairing old ones, Gin Worlk., I have had twelve yeurs experis ence with machinery and a foll sef of tcols cen make your old gin work likea new one. [ have res paired n lar.e nnmber of gins and have yet to heur ihe first complaint of my work or price. I sharpen gizs by machinery or hand and all work done will be mada payable October Ist, 1889, I will call on you duri g the spring and summer months. This is allowing you a showing, and I hope you will hold your work for me. My address is Lock Box 224, (ween, Ga. GEO. V. PACE. i"ch.2o, 1889, PLEASANT PRUPARATIONS. | & RESULT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES Intallible in early consuniption, rheumatism, catarrh serofula, ma. larial fever, chills and fever, diar. rhoea and dysentery when every other remedy fails,” and prevents contagious and infeetions diseases. ¢ . . - Ray’s Germicide His pronounced by leading chemists l;l very valuable remedy, and en tirely harmless 1o the most deli cate patient. It cures dise ses by destroyiug the Germs or Microbos that infest the svstem Price- §3 per galion, 81 per qumt. Sold by ‘ CHEATHAM & DEAN. ~ ’ l RAY'S | UNG BALSAM A pure vegetable preparation eoq taiting no opium or other Inju rious Drags, and warmsted: to cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma' and' Bronchitis. Bosrown, Mass, April 2, 1889. Rivs Gericme COMPANY, Gentlemen:—ln reply to your Linquiry as to the quality and power |of Ray’s Lung Balam, will say I i have nsed the medicine for ovcr{ | forty vears: in my prociice and |found it the very best medicine for 01l lung diseases and weak | i¢h wis. T)R. [4, X }L\LL- i { Price 50 cents. For sale by {Cheatham & Dean, | | heal St | 194 X Pr ooy R 1 | RAY'S PERFECT PILLS. ; Permanently cures constipation, | sick_headacho, and. all discases of | tie liver, stomach and bowels, und! aliords tonic effects to the whole of ’Lhc intestinal system, Ray's Per fect Pills are particularly recom mended for ladies and childres, beiny mild in their action and pleaany te take, Price 25 cents ’p(‘x‘ box. Snld by | CHEATHAM & DEAN. Capt. Johin A, Falton Is igent tor the Americus Re corder, The Atlanta Constitution The Sunuy South and The New ¥ork Ledzser 014 the ‘weon Telen gra;si AP BARCHER Hardware. Furnisre & Stoves Tam BOW res ceiving a large stock of gpoods for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE, und I guarintee ROCK BOT TOM PRICES on everything, ALLMY GOODS ARE SOLD AT THE LOWEST FOS*IBLE MARGIN AND I COHDIALLY ASK A CALL FROMEVERYRODY: . s ) LT AR ) S B A P UATCUFER & STATHAM & FARNUA, 3\F3 < "\L'(,"\ AR e L Nt Livery and Sale Stables DAWSBON, : . GA : —_—oo ———— The best Carriages and Buggies for hirein the city, Horses bosrded at 10. PER MON I'tl, and sent to any part of the city at all hours Heapquarrers For Dovers, ""."éT‘..Tg‘?:»"CTT?'fiV‘-’ B En 2R U 0 e T | e By O £ ¥ N T oy Uy k- g’"."t} | HE&n 0l | ‘ i BEm TN FN e oey am : »,‘,‘-;4;;;',;2 o R e L 5 7 acl oz £ i g 3, TR Fo iy Phatil Ry g’i“:i;_;g Rt R Belenian sl N | m ¢ Bs gy | En &:;‘2 & B 3 83 | il Lz wia siaz B 3 TEX R PARTIRAD | FIFTH LNRUAL | DRI RDS ¢cay | ‘ i iR, WRLL | 0 in RAie e i lJ;fl.i'-:.- l U g, i, “}v:i 8285 000 = \-) 3 BBy | Worth of Flanng and Crgans f Lravy besd makers to fie ¢ fored outregardicss acosi o vaine, 3 Stock tosinr.e. Pho-vigonvers | intocaskhordn-tallment g eeg, i Homa, -.'nlircl:—/-vf;: AV INSTRY. { MENTS ot ssed 5 dey, ! Some, Neariv Now—wmed o !‘(e'fl‘; wouthis oniy, | Somesneda vearon;a, Seme. | uzed Cwe o dicen veaee, | Bome. fnesiccont o -trken | in exclinize. and made vew fn | ourregair ¥ actary. eaaiired —Heeatrava. e srcd in Toye and Actinmgind muds geod oy Yeuars of servicoe. BARGLANS, LYRRLY GNE, AQY TonASL ENJ)‘H .E?a‘h":sh’l l Your GWN T3RMS giwmost. | Very light Mouilly Davments, or Smetl Cask Puyiisent red bide snce whin you get rendy. 98 fmEmyioe, = P GASH BEVS CHEAP.| Givze yon all the thwe wanted| - but G ¢ Caviit wilt sve yon' money. WY Us OGN, wWe wiil mee! yois every thine, 23 9 22 FPIANOS] | A 478 8 N e I G(nn ¢5O (TLB. % 3 3 3 pal %1, SO, $lBO.O ORGANS ® / N ; wy A oy f A D - |JE 2 %1-513 ud \%‘i’- | s2r‘; 335, €5O 475 by Uy Gl s VWRITZ 703 BARGAN SHPET. AR ARahGE SALE L CLEQN.‘M%{: b SUMNIER 1889. LOREN 2 FOTES, SN LHDEN S BETE O 800 SAVARNAN, 24, | YA/ TEY R Wl Liewis, FANCY A N FAMILY G R O‘COE RIES TOBACCOS. Sold by the box at"fuanufvcturs er’s prices, and'very low by retail. " ; Dried Beet. | MotisCider A lot of the cels l Peach ebrated “K e n~ I ple always “on tucky” just|hand. Sodaand received. Lemonude. THE ALLTANCE Is especinlly wivited to look at wy tohaccos before buyviog W. T, LEWIS, FURHITURE: FURRITURE: ; L AND . | | | | STOVES ;‘ SPECIATIES. 1 VS ity L cTOORT TED . =——]Ss HEADQUARTERS FOR—— Stapleand Fancy Groceries Hardware Tinware Kto. SALT PIAH. rRUITA and VEGRT ABLEA Mackerel and Mullet in Season. | and everything else for the table CANNED GOQDA. BUEBAR, COPPRE, RIGR of every description and cheap. as low as the loiwest. Goods EXelivered in any part of the e tyv., Give me a eanil. : sofkh gq -3 S T N i 3 T W. Eaic Donald, Dawaon, Ga. LTy A 1 . ¢ Y S UATS, OATS, OATS. 20,000 bushels Genuine Texas Rust Proot Q. ts. B “= 7800 bush«ls Ganroia Raisad Oats, = 50 bushels Southwest Georoia Haised Ry B 0 busiiels North Georgia Rye. 59 bushels Bariey. Syrup Barrvels u 3 100 New Orkeans Tyjress Barrels. 50 N w Orleans Second” i and Barrels. 290 Neow Uypress Barrals, Cane Mills & Evaperators FOR SALERBY Ue ) N N. F. TIET & CO. TR .;',;::Ez‘.""f se i : T e N YS X SO e DRUGS! DRUGS] el ; }_A_ 4 ; : e () m——— o "rv"h:? ¢ : oy & o’ . ?%&4 -fiz--hn&nm% Hes purediied Mosers, Hillmon & Wadd's immenss stock of S T AN FIIDD T BES < 3 B Bd b ] LL) LAZNE LA/ S |l . : o | « i '.;f ~531 “;; e And wilbd#ils -incss af tne svne stand, The members of the firm are OB S’f ISN 5, AL J. BALDWIN and T. D, SALE, and they pro v;';.,.‘x Lne of che best and most reliable Drux Sto-es in the state. VERyERMIT 1 the way of Dhugs, Pate.t Medicines, Paiuts, Oils, Vars nishes, Feilct Articles, cte. ete ,of the purest and best makes will Le "r‘E; vays in stoek. : hey also carry a fine line of the purest Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, £te . tor medicinal use, which they bonght low and are going to sell low. ~ Mr.T. D SALE wilt have chiarge -t the businessand will be glad to see sll of Lis old friends and make new oves, Give them a call and be convinced that they mean business. 7T i Gy e enims g . D). AY K RAI T A A oI AOD ST o 3 Y EYUR CRD, Ay [esy : : J. R. MERCER & CO m HYp EvdimßEliiadß K Y B ~\VILL sELL YOU A— a 4 = 2 Waqon, Buqay Road Cart S R ) ¥ sabaid v ~ b ; Carriage, Surrey or Phaeton On as easy terins 2s any house in Georgia. Call on them ac their New Iron Repository, where vou will find Me. J. W. BROWN ever ready to waiton you, (& ol Nov s Pre‘erae tv Money, Don't forget e gt TSy et g Ty e o if e WE SELL 7Y:ii: FTioT WAsScNS MADE. The Stydebuker, Tennessce, d Ik vy, tinota, ¢ Hatcher Iron™ and Peidmont. : AN E s OINT N. B. BARN ‘l}:. §"a.° i fg_ ~l¢-.j} ES. TS Watches, Jewelry, wilverware, Clocks, . epectacies &e, . s e Repallngm o colz Bottom prices Blein Street P eaguson, Ga. Ra. member I make a SPECTALTY of FURNITURE and STOVES;»ud it will always pay to call on me IF INNEED OF ANY. THING “IN. THIS LINE. JAMES MEA GO’S BOATS AN ;SB Q F . The best testimonial we ever Ithd.—* James Means & Co, are the bears of the market. They have revolutionized the business by viaking high priced ifflmlsunsnlabln."io'l(":agguw B r T ERIC” EENQ AN EWwe’ IS . oF A\-fl\‘ s;‘.- JM\‘ES I’fi‘.;.'.i'}‘ul ér’:fiius : 'XE.“‘;X\S ; gt ° % Ve X CLICOD & 5 oIIMm™ V¥ Gyt WY& $3 SHOE 34 SHOL fihas B Cooore \ L UNEXSELLED IR CANNOT SAIL f: SRy | B \OTYLE UNEDUALLET sy 70 e £ ooy : INDURABILITY @ a~el ¢ b W 27 ey | T Nh SIS A o ' A ST § AME" S‘f,,):;;. ANT) sl oMt 190 I‘(“'fv~ F’;}fl?? ! - e oy e ArA B e 2 R = Y &01‘;/' » s \4.3{{%3§‘LQ[,;,3{ THE MOBT ,'Q_S’t‘.-‘.i.’." ‘e r@fix.//% > 8 sev N & L 2 S ol ? s NS OF FIT. ?MS‘:le‘{‘-«‘,.’?.‘(“ e % ; MLES Oet et R e A Q'.!QE“ et S W foad S Wy, rii NS Sep wlivhs PV e o GSHO;' 5 ‘.pg:;‘“-“.'!‘n"""“ L 1 EsR v e Y e, SAVT TSRS e sl Rt ] D, B A e AR NG v gB S G N ) e "Lr_-%fiiflif: D, e e "»S..K".'_;ffl O i 25 r’? -;PS p_‘r! CURDA f?" - “.{;‘}\ ,’ JAMEb MEANB BOG giitl SNULY ?\:‘\ g;.‘"# E i . Aro Unexcellsd in Blerit SEESNNE & & q_g-j-. Positively none genuine übitess vavine our rame and price .‘:Et*‘_f\:?l-\\\:"i{“’ Wiy g&mpod plainly on the soles. Yonr reraitor wili sipply yon wicg ! SRS e e e, DOts all Shoes po stamped it you juaist npon s deing S 0 i youdo R e e ot insist, someretailers Wikt Conx §ou oby g Inferior gocds ‘ TSRS S SR R ui:ou which they make a lavger prott. Oqacs are theorfeinnd £ ang TR e R 81 Shoes, and those wio imadtat: our sceiom o bnsiness wie unatie § ARSI Ne - s to compcie with us in guality 6f (sefory prodneis. v Gue Sos | SN ST STt we are the largest manurncti sin¢! ¢ Uoiled States. EANEES T How your boy does '-\‘l'.'\l'““.:”w shimes! LIS RSN EET T James Means' 2 Shoes for Bovs will outwnar auy siher R isa s gvw e T boys’ shoe ever made. You ean buve tace or biiton, : r "";."1..’ i EEICARAC aET 5B BT ot o RS ¥ Pods s e i 1%}},3:; $2 60 Buys the Dogb Fammars’ Thick 33ct. RN e b 2 e 9" en A : A TNrSy: Saine g B JAMES MEANY AN RlasadE ?‘ »"‘r:fi#:.’ "3 el ‘;\\"hfi,—'@if A So T wr eMyER S ™~y see U S SN S S/ QUARTER EAGLE BOOT - BUIEETS e 24T ' - % ; e A Rollgble Ein 350 t for Parmoers. N e 10 Mills maka ene Cone; . st fli@&“ N > - BRERE SRR TR B E I 10 Centa mukie aue Dimes PEIRIEE St 10 Disnes smake ane Mallnrg ARSI RS 19 Beotinrs pinte ene Dagle, Aren R And with a Quarter Foagle any Paraey in tho P ~'~‘}:i\¥s Country can now buy, a bocy thae witi<atisfvs b, ‘K s ISTreNT TR Farmers have boen looking for st & Dot foe Hmaets RS e 8 long time and now fi e eone, ‘,,,:"»( Ai T Boots and Nhaes £rooB sur coichPnion eeeearralUN SST USNEN SL e g fuctory are gold hy wide.awal 2 retnilera @ SENTIEFT o - AbaESs sestat In ndl paves of Ihe conutry, Voo D Blace ot ABRIL T eSS VR RS T SRR them easily withiln FOuP €lO 12 BLy SLALe (1 a 0 AR s gty e|sk g et Territory it you will Invest voe Coat B posyai eadg i VI VT g pEsE( card and write tous, SRI I = o S B at 38 T ia B AT T Ry 3 wpEClal Cffar on tha damas 3 Qoh s cang [UE Dante G Faveapea. Inorder to immaodinte Iy divieibute samnloe of ticas Ponig 1 (%0 the countre. wi vu‘.‘,'.-“'v . transportation propatt, uny i ida e [laos wie 0 Lher §. 0 feons oo «s ) ,:_;,'\l‘“'{'.'"””“’ them Territory of the Upitad Sintes, | Wasviieesd thom 5y exnivas or B 3 it itk uls :_A"{-' nuy State op partation to destination pyenadd b ovlfeatvor on Pt GO7 e cuias price, 90, 500, ‘?t‘\l BUR tor trang. Office order or registered logtor, We will sereipt Thnd ol S n oot nge Sid i :‘,,r'»: .]—,‘l!{';‘?”"" by ll""‘t' In orderto get o norfey i, takin vpde 0f fugnr Abd prace. N Tun i 60m (£t il dallay, ghape of your oot Keeiiay 3 e penchs vl ti toe fool all (ha Wavsrenid. Thi ,‘.‘{:‘,"','_"".‘ aut tiie wiich youl wore, antd mark onut the shape of that oth e sando was . Vo witd il \;.”-.1-.(;l.-‘,l: the lagt boot day we re‘fl;'i'-'tv it Take grent core (o De YOIV Leeurale, nie e sUre (o give o 8 v},«r' (v.|l'j-.r|(|‘?(;-:”,fi;::’;l” county &nd State or Terryiory. i we Mare i Cor'sr : whilh g Car Zoods 10 YOUr fown we e town, buywef Bim, we do neg wint you 1o el oe 5 cix\ i 1 ‘",n‘u:. s 1“\u'.',1,'.;;,1:" ,r;;.‘.'.\',f,.‘: "“.‘rl‘m’o“ to goods, but we are glalt to.aupply Yo i rovrdeaicr wilhnoe, Any boot snd shoa retaticr or 0 Bell oup store-keeper can sunnil, ¥iu wilh our Lo 1 fie Wants 10, it Sonic deatiTe il i 3 '..,,,.“;',‘."-f““"“v goods on which thoy m.:—!:‘c'- a !:17.::\'.;\.:1u!: thanthey cugit to ask tor. In that case, ssnd tofil.n e - & R 3= eI B gn¢ ine < s JAMES PAEAMS & 203, 41 Linsoin €4, Boston, Mass, . s —FOR SALE BY . 9 o 3 o™ 2 : oY o " te by 8 50 R AR AV ‘%&i s ° o*J ~ \ DT | Ay MAIN SI'REET, .- —_ —_ DAWSON, G\, . % 0 N 0 ! 1 BmEEg \ T n s %3 Ef i i L i o \.._‘ért((’:' gg 3 . Ay 86 A¥T3&4 kR efe g 2s j 3 EEEESS EE 81 & Y W i N&z}‘.‘lfl‘n'"‘ i 2 - . 5 ssi e Leade the state Having superior railrod tacilities she ean pay mora fur cotton than any town i this section, She especially caters for r \Ewt?lygfig 7 (1 TRTIVY YN TV )"'Y FERRELL COUNTY COTTON . Aud Terrell planters may rest assured they will get the top prices, We have purchased the Large warchouse of Tifi &Co and have su= perier :aciitties for handling cotton. Bring your cotton to Alba ty and stove with us, and we will convinee you that what we say iz true. “ oA - - ARIER & 1 a 7 JEAEN B LAY é,{; 2dih, o YN LY ~ 2 Cl7lYy v srar \ At TIFT & CO’S OLD STAND, : : : ALBAXNY, GA« TYCEVi Irang T rgy o WITH ITS OWN VOLITION 0 M B N = 2Ej Y ” lf"% & 4 B b ik i : 4 gi : ',,. o kii’,;‘ By E'J_.fld" y & g waa —-———-—.‘)——————-— Like the Great town of Pawson, it is carried on to SUCCESS by MERIT ALONE. Y. i _,s_fi:l_g The Southh~xrest Co.. MIEIRCANTNTIILICH OUSIS Is a 8 tull of good things as are the ferti'e farms around Dawson, ——e() e—— €C-rm 77 I E €0 A Is the word, and we propose to head the procession in our line. Ve feel that our eflorts wo nand'e oy ey wofls (x - . First-Class Goods. at prices that defy competition, have hien appreciated by_ t\hc penph_fl this and surroundine counties, and makes us more thah ever dl.!'f‘rmlxu-_: ed to fill every possible wart that micht ar'se. We are in the lead and prepose to stay there, it LOW PRICES, ENERGY and FAIR DEAL ING will do it. Farmers, Mechanics, Pro‘essionals, and all others, call in aud look ot the handsomest stock oF ! Ano ATIAYD BT un™ DRY €2ODS, HATIDHS, BNOTS, SHOES, £es 5 ’ FATS, BARDWARE and FURKITURE Lo Southwest Georgin. When we have feasted your eyes en the goods, your pocket Look will fly open with its own volition. AL d. BBATLDWIN & 00, The Chean Mercantile Houss, - - Pawson Ga 10 TR OF ‘ : F - v 1 [ERRELL & ADJOINING COUNTIES. In this, our NINTH ANNUAL CIRCULAR, we deem’ it unuecessary to parade before you the usual advantages that we have been giving our customers, s they are well known, however we wili say that we propose to do all that we have been doing for the past BIGHT YEARS. ; Now we are offering NEWV ADVANTAGES to which we wish to call yonr atiention, We will carry an “open policy” of insurance on all cotton in our warehouse, which our customers can have advantage of at the low rate we obtain by such a policy. We will also pay ONE FOURTH OF A CENT per pound on all cotton sold us-on account in Augnst, ONE BIGHITI on all in September and OXNE SIXTEENTI i October. | | We hope ouar fricnds will figure on this proposition “}‘d see if it will pay to take advautage of, We kfl()\\"l't“”!l- We will retail to onr customers, BAGGING and TIES at cost on the usual tim». Mr. 11, O, Thornton will assist ovr regular corps of mes in the warehouse department, We guarantee satisfaction and promise that your patron age will be appreciated. Yours truly, Duwson, Ga, July 20th J. K. MERCER & CO.