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PAGE SIX . - Now Theyre To Confiscate the Last Sacred Symbol of Man. ’ FASHION'S DICTATE DECREES IT The Question Is, Will Women Obey the Mandate? llt's the End Many Have Been Striving for, and Cer tainly Would Be More Comfortable Than Skirts. Some of the New Garments Are Already on Exhibi tion in New York. NEW YORK.—The girl of 1909 will wear trousers. This is no mere prediction of a blatant feminine, but the stern decree of the only absolute monarch left in the world—Queen Fashion. What Paris calls the ‘“‘Robe Andm-‘ gyne,”’ already on exhibition in _\'(Jwi York, is a frankly bifurcated garment | suggesting pictures of the peg top trousers of the early '7os. ! Granted that the projected newl fashion is calculated hideously to re-| veal defects of the female figure and | to conceal its beauties, what is it but the logical sequel of the sheath gown? It has veered a little, that's; all. Now those shortsighted men | who admired last winter’'s fashion as| shown mainly in the show girl will| realize what disaster has followed in| its wake. Man has yielded woman his neck ties, scarfpins, sweaters, all the minor masculine paraphernalia that go to! the construction of the tailor-made! girl. But will he permit her to weart trousers and so confiscate the last | sacred symbol of superiority? Never. Moreover, it is guestionable wheth er any woman after seeing the ‘““Robe Androgyne’” will consent to wear it. Granted that there are many who would rather have their feet eman cipated than their heads few exist who would purchase freedom of | either variety at the cost of unsight liness. Fashionable dressmakers are unan imous in saying that New York wo men will not take kindly to the new | model. One of them, Miss Ada] Walsh of 126 West Eighty-third | street, laughed at the suggestion thutl any of her exclusive patrons would | adopt the bifurcated gown. “I have seen models of the ‘Robe Androgyne,”” she said, “and 1 cer-| tainly don’t think it in the least | beautiful. 1t may find a brief favor | on the stage, just because of its nov- | elty. But even certain women for | whom dress is an advertisement, fa miliar types in nearly all New York restaurants, will not take it up, fO"i it is not an advertisement, but an | appraisement.” g “Fashion is such an arbitrary and uncertain thing,”” Miss Walsh con tinued, ‘‘that it would be foolish to say positively that notwithstunding‘ the efforts of the Parisan dress makers no trousers or anything re sembling them will be worn by wo men in New York. But I really be lieve that if Paris should persist in the style Dr. Mary Walker would be the only woman in the city in the fashion. “The trend of fashion has always | been to emphasize woman’'s femi- & & ;e < PR TR 4 S s L = efi}:%m\‘, y o ‘:"/ “ (- m“ f /A s S | ';.‘*-:3‘.;l\ /L':*v \ / ’ N, e A % m“{)’/J/b —_— ! o // J‘ ;‘:‘ b o 5\ - - S . ' TR Y A T L e > oeuiec ¥ TT—— bz . = coevaignil to enjoy a drive in the open every day and see how much sweeter your wife's temper will be. Keeping in doors too much makes one morbid, and brings on ‘“‘all the ills flesh is heir to.” We have a superb stock of up-to-date carriages for speedy driving in style, or for family driv ing, at prices that will prove at tractive. Don't fail to see our line before buying. E. B. Dutham & Co. DAWSON, : GEORGIA. R S TR SR TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: We are glad to announce that we are now in a position to ofter you $20.00 per ton for your Cotton Seed. We have some attractive propositions that we would like to submit to you on exchange of cotton seed meal and high class fertilizers. Call to see us, or call the office over the telephone. Dawson, Georgia. Y Farmer’s Oil annd Fertilizer Company ninity, to exaggerate those charms | for which man admires her. | ‘““Men, vou know, make to some ’o-\:uz' the fashions. At least they ;}3::\"~ the same voice that women have | concerning their marriages—a veto ' power. For a fashion that the ma | jority of men find unattractive never !!&I.\l\. | “1 am discussing the ‘Robe Andro ' gvne’ quite apart from any question of its propriety; on that ground it is really less objectionable than some !of the very tight directoire gowns lor than what is known as the ‘‘Pa quin’ skirt. i “In Turkey, of course, women wear 'the trousers and men the skirts. 'And yet Turkish women are of the most exaggerated femininity. So the mere wearing of trousers can’t be said to be unsexing. . “The fashion has all sorts of pos ((-v~ \ o e "Ny .?JJ,{ 2\ s @ '.,,«_."'1“., ,\l'4‘;:;,;.'. '?-.,:‘4'_ I', oy & ;"[ MN"\ .'.’ 2 SO e " %‘}"4" f~1::' AN ‘,.:‘-:”y; ;_\\H‘ :::_‘ ¢ ~:; . o/V o fi // s T \ 7// :// g ; o\ & ! &3 T & W\ >\ P W \Y b, 7 AV s D VS B LTg § \i/ (b ‘\V{ ¥ \( ‘/ \ 5\ Y { /% \{") w\ v : ® K " [ I 8 W 77 | L\ { \ ’ { \ é ( \ * t /[ 2 j ( i . Y /")(’- &?, xl.-: C A o This Is It. sibilities. For instance, there would have to be short robes for rainy davs that one could turn up at the bottom. Think of the effect, particularly on a woman with big feet! “The thought is quite distressing, but perhaps when the new fashion really takes hold it may be less so— at any rate 1. gives the down-trod den wife her only chance to wear the trousers, and so may bring her bifur cated bliss.” YOUNG TEMPERANCE WORKERS. Met at the Methodist Church Sunday Afternoon and Organized. A meeting of boys and girls be tween the ages of 6 and 16 years was held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon, when the organi zation of a Loyal Temperance Legion was organized with the following officers: Miss Will Anne Gurr, pres ident; Miss Elizabeth Patterson, vice president; Miss Rebecca Laing, sec retary; Delegal Loyless, treasurer, and Miss Zuleita Clay organist. Thirty-one names were enrolled. The object of the organization is to promote the temperance spirit among the children, and teach them the evils of alcohol and tobacco. Children of all denominations are invited to join. . SHELLMAN TOOK THE GAME. Beat the Dawson Boys Playing Bas ket Ball. The first of a series of basket ball games between the Dawson High School and the Shellman High School teams was played in Shellman last Friday afternoon. The game was hard fought from beginning to end, and resulted in a score of 5 to 6 in favor of Shellman. Dawson made three field goals and one foul goal, which gave them a score of 7. It was discovered, however, at the end of the game that one field goal was made on a dead ball, and the game thus went to Shellman. The next game will be played on Friday af ternoon of this week at 3:30 o’clock on the Dawson baseball field. It promises to be an interesting game. City Court Jurors. The following jurors have been drawn to serve at the April term of the city court: J. Z. Turner, F. M. Daniel, Alex Helton, G. S. Crowell, J. M. Bridges, W. C. Timmerman, G, A, Gibson, B, L. Watson, Wm. . Danlel, J. O. Cannon, W. G. Cham ' bless, A. E. Jennings, W. C. Wills, A. Lawhorn, T. A. Saunders, M. R. Holman. ALDERMEN LOWREY AND M'NUL TY ISSUE STATEMENT ABOUT NEAR BEER SITUATION. To the People of Dawson: In the report of the political meeting held on Sunday, January 17, 1909, print ed in The Dawson News we no tice that we were indirectly re ferred to by Mr. W. H. Davis and Mr. B. F. Melton, who seem to have been prominent characters in the meeting. It is true that a card was published signed by us and another candidate for aldermen stating ithat we would use our best efforts to enforce the prohibition law. We still stand on the same platform. We not only pro pose to enforce this one particular law, but we propose to use whatever little influence we may have in an effort to enforce all laws. As to the matter of voting to license near beer we have this to say: We do not know whether the ordinance passed by the council authorizes the sale of alcoholic drinks or not. It was our purpose to have our ordinances so framed that they would not conflict with laws of the state, as the lawyers all say the city council of Dawson has no right to pass a law in conflict with the state laws. Owur ordinance reads as follows: “Each dealer in such drinks or liquors as are authorized to be sold under the laws of Geor gin. Judge Edwards was representing the prohibition element at the time this ordinance was passed, and ad mitted before our body that in his opinion the city council of Dawson had no authority to prohibit the sale of any article which the state of Georgia licenses; that so far as he knew near beer may contain alcohol, and :nat if this drink, or any other, is licensed by the state of Georgia then the city council of Dawson is powerless to prevent its sale in Daw son. When our city attorney was called upon for an opinion on this question he gave the same opinion as Judge Edwards did. We are also informed that our higher courts have decided that a municipality cannot punish a con federate veteran for selling near beers in violation of a city ordiance, provided the beers are not intoxicat ing—even though they contain some alcohol. We cannot believe that it is our duty as aldermen to disregard the laws of Georgia. If the people of Dawson want the laws of Georgia changed they have a right to so pe tition the legislature. J. S. LOWREY, B M, MNULYY. IMPROVING SCHOOL GROUNDS. Should Have Been Begun Before, and More Should Be Done Now. During a part of last week the street force were engaged on the grounds of the public school. This is a step for which the city council should be congratulated. The city owns a very fine property out there, possibly unequaled in the state as a sehool site. With a little work each year it could be made a most beauti ful and attractive place. Why not organize a school im provement club, ladies, and see what can be done toward beautifying Daw son’s school grounds? EXTRACT OF SMOKE. From the New York Press. ‘“‘Extract of smoke,” said the can ner, dipping his brush into a pot of brown fluid. “Extract of smoke?” repeated the dazed reporter. ‘‘Smoke extract,” said the canner. He took up a fresh herring, painted it with the dark mixture, and laid it on a hoard beside a long, long line of brother herrings. ‘“Now, in the past,” he explained, ‘“‘vyou smoked herrings by hanging them up for days in smoke houses wherein smol dered fires of costly aromatic woods. That process was slow and expensive: we have quite improved it out of ex istence. We paint our herring now with this really quite harmless chem ical extract of smoke—a coal tar product—and as soon as he is dry he is ready for the market.” The reporter tasted one of the herrings. “But this isn’'t halt as good as the smoked herring of my boyhood,” he protested. ““Not as good, perhaps,” agreed the canner, ‘“but ever so much more profitable.” There is no case on record of a cough, cold or la grippe developing are quickly cured by Foley’'s Honey and Tar has been taken, as it cures the most obstinate deep seated coughs and colds. Why take any thing else? Dawson Drug Co. Try Hermans Tailoring This Spring THE DAWSON NEWS. —_— me have bought the entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Clothing and House Furnishings of J. W. F. Lowrey, and will continue business at Mr. Lowrey's old stand. This big stock of high-class merchandise was obtained at figures that enable us to give some sure enough bargains to the public, and we would be glad to have you call and take advantage of them. It you are looking for quality of goods and tempting prices we are certain we can please you. We will be glad to serve you. 1. S. & G. B. MARTIN LOWREY’'S OLD STAND Dawson, Georgia. SASSER SIFTINGS. Mr. Bass Elected Marshal of Rich land. Child Bit by Mad Dog. Mr. J. E. Bass, our former mar shal, has been elected chief of police in Richland. Mr. Bass’ many friends here wish him well in his new home, and assure the citizens of Richland that no purer, braver or better officer ever adorned the buttons or toted the billy. Some one should start a move to plant shade trees along the side walks of Sasser. Beautify our town this way and monuments will be left to perpetuate our memory years and centuries to come. Can’'t some one start the move? Mr. J. H. Davis’ little girl was bit ten by a mad dog Friday. Drs. Cranford & Cranford are treating her here at home with the Pastuer rem edy. Chief Jennings arrested two of the dusky-hued citizens for carrying con cealed weapons Saturday night, and sent them up to the Hotel Slade. From evidence of the growing oat crop in this section ‘Sasser’s farmers will not have to wunload much shipped corn this season. What about our city fathers put ting a tax on the worthless curs? Think we have had enough trouble with them of late. Rev. R. M. Allison will preach af the Baptist church the fifth Sab path at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m. Mr. Hamp Fuller visited his par ents here Friday. Hamp is attend ing a business college in Macon. Rev. S. J. Hargrove of Bronwood preached at the Baptist church Sun day night. Wells in the vicinity of Sasser are nearly dry, water now being a scarce necessity. Sasser now has some street lights. Let’'s have more of them. Miss Winnie Carter visited home folks at Sylvester Sunday. Guano is now arriving here with its odoriferous smell. Sunday school a 6 3 p. m.. Lét everybody attend. Miss Pearl Bridges is visiting Mrs. Ji AL Brim, Brave Fire Laddies Often receive severe burns I)nt-l ting out fires, then use Bucklen's Ar- | nica Salve and forget them. It soonj drives out pain. For burns, scalds, wounds, cuts and bruises its earth‘s’ greatest healer. Quickly cures skinl felons; best pile cure made. Relief is instant. 25c¢c at Dawson Drugi Co’s. We beg to announce to the planters ot this section and surrounding counties that we are prepared, as we have been in the past, to offer first-class fertilizers the com ing season, embracing —M M Guano, Nitrate of Soda, Kainit, Muri ate of Potash, Acid Phosphate and Cot ton Seed Meal at Reasonable Figures. M M We offer goods of our own manufacture, and it is use less to go into details of the merits of the same, as planters all over this country have voluntarily given their endorsement of the high class goods we make by actual experience. We would be pleased to have an interview with you, as it will mean as much to you as it does to us. Lowrey Bros., Dawson, Ga. MM—_ Q_——_' WE CO-OPERATE WITH OUR PATRONS e ssamwme We take special pride and interest in helping our customers build up and increase their business. An increased business for them means a large business for us. ““ N \— -\“ In every way consistent with safe, sound banking and the full pro tection of the funds left in owur care—loan them money, help them with advice regarding investments, help them in establishing a larger credit—in many other ways. Wouldn’t this assistance be useful to you? If not now, a little later? Why not start an account with us NOW and protect your future? Come in and talk with us about it. - > FIRST STATE BANK Dawson, Georgia. JANUARY 27, 1909,