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Subscription Rates 010YeRr....5.. $1.50 S'x Months. .iveiec, 205 Tt ree M0nth5....... .50 Official Organ Ben Hill County, Grand Jury Presentments. We the Grand Jury for the A‘p"ril term 1912 of Ben Hill Superior Court, beg to make the following General Presentments. Committees were appointed by the foremanto examine the books of Justices of the Peace, Tax Receiver, County = School Commission ers, Ordinary, to iaspect Public Buildings, Convict Camp, pension list and pauper list, the limited time at our disposal compels us to make a rather hasty examination of the coungy rccords. The committee reports all books and records and offices examined andneatly kept. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, (i T “We find the Court House in good condition with following ex ceptions: The roof seems to need repairs in ‘a few places and some attention to be given the plumbing, ask that the janitor watch during wind and rain storm and keep windows’closed. The Jail we find in fair condition, would suggest that cuspidors be secured for all the cells, an the colored section be cleaned up, thoroughly, 1 | We find the names of seventeen persons on our pauper list, and | recommend that John Clements be added to the pauper list, with an] 4llow: ne of $5.00 per month, i d? ' The Pension roll, we find correct with the possible exception ofl Wesley Dorminey. We recommend that the record of this party be investigated as to his being eligible and.if found ineligible to be dmp-}‘ ped irom the roll. ' | : ROADS AND BRIDGES. ; We recommend that.the R ad Commissioners together with Coun ty Commissioners—use their best efforts to get .all the roads leading to our County Site in good condition., We also recommed that the: old River Road te worked and put in good - ¢condition, also the Wil liamson Mill Road through Luke’s settlement. . | . ' : ‘4 & We recommend that the bridge across House Creek at ‘Bowén’s Mill be put in good repair, ‘ We also recommend that bridges be built across Red Bluff Creek on the River Road and across Little Sturgeon Craek on the Irwinville road. ; : ; 4 {350 " We recommend that notice be given the proper officials of Ocilla Southern Railroad to observe all street and road crossings and con form to same. T : It is reported that some parties make a practice of throwing trash in roads and plowing out in the road, and ditching and leaving dirt in the way of vehicles and pedestrians, We request the parties obstruct ing roads in this manner be asked to remove same by proper authori ties. _ : FISH AND GAME. LAW. T as We find upon inquiry that these laws are pretty generally en forced. : S L L We recommend thas our Representative, Hon. W, T. Paulk, use tis influence for the gassag’&of a I&w abolishing the-office of- County. Treasurer dgsigna_ting a County Depository. ot 00l We further recommend that he introduce a bill to abolish the City Court of Ben Hill county and to provide for four terms of the Superior Court two sessions with a Grand Jury and two Sessions without a Grand Jury. T , i St We further racommend that he introduce a bill at the next session of the General Assembly, allowing the voters of the Abba D striet of Irwin county to vote to annex certain territory to Ben Hill county, We recommend to the County Board of Education that the pres ent rate of taxes levied for school purposes 3 mills be maintained, We also recommend that the salary of the County, School Superintendent ‘be placed at six hundred dollars per year, fis'?t}le law r_eciuiresgand that he (the Superintendent) be required to visit each of the County schools at least three times each during the school year. - L 1 . SLOT MACHINES. It comas to our notice that slot machines have been operated in our County for profit by some party or parties, in as much as there has been a recen. decision holding this to be a-violation of the law, we trust that these parties will not resume operations again, and that ' 32in. Renfrew Ginghams | - “They will not fade’’ 50 pieces in daintiest Spring ‘and *Summer - ! styles—also solids—a gingham that’s worth a quarter for 15¢. Stvles for school dresses, children’s dresses, waists . .+ . . ' Unusual Offerings--Cream Serge and Fancy Suits Just 25 of these new Spring and Sumrfler suits. Beautifully tailored, correct styles, and the newest thing of the: season. You'll need one if you’re going away and they’re the dressiest thing at all for these coolish days at home. Axminister R ugs 97x54 inch size in fine patterns —OQriental or Floral, $2.50 val- 2 ue for . 2 : ; : Pillow Cases 20 dozen 42x36 or 45x36 sizes, C a dandy 15¢ case for this sale, 1 2 each . « 2 : - 1/2 Mohawk Valley Sheets This is the genuine Bluetick- » - et make 72x90 size, fine and 650 ready for use s . . B R NI 2 SRR T S B -AR e ;w,'fi‘”’. 2 THE FITZGERALD LLEADER. FITZGERALD, BEN HILI, COUNTY GEORGIA, APRIL 9, 1912.3 Cream Suits, values to $15.00, now $12.48 | Cream and Fancy Suits, values to $20.00, now $16.48 Cream and Fancy Suits, values to $25.00, now $19.98 Dainty Summer Dresses $1.25-$3.50 New dresses for Juniors—the 13, 15 and 17 year old girls. In White Lawns, Madras, Linen and Chambray. Very attractive styles just opened;at $1.25, $1.50, $1.69, $1.98 and $2.50 'SALE of $5.00 9x12 MATTING Squares for $3.48 - Full room size Art:Squares in Oriental and Floral p"“refl: : "“M 180 warp’goods you’ve been ; paying 85.00 for. ' '24 in this lot. 'While they last §2:48: <~ : P e AR N LA e L SRS St ee i e IR IR AT AN NN NI ST TN . SEMI-WEEKLY the subsequent Grand Jury will investigate them should they do so, | Committee appointed to inspect road gang—reported camp m‘ good condition, sanitary conditions are good, convicts seem to be well fed and clothed, Tools and implements in good shape, stock app:tearsl in fair condition. CLoER ‘ . Petition of Daniel Newbern making that West half of land lots— Nunibers 27, 28 and 29, in the 4th Land District of Coffee County, Ga., be attached to Ben Hill county so 88 to get benetit of Stock Law, ‘passed our body on'second reading. ~ The fellowing bills were ordered paid. - 'Billof D. W. M, Whitney, C. S. C.,issuing 102 subpoenas at 15c—515,30, . ' | Bill of B. F. Barton, D.S, Ben Hill Countv, Ga., serving 78 subpoenas at 50ct—529.00 . Bill of C. C. Dozier. D. S. Ben Hill county, Ga., serving 24 sub~ ‘poenas at 50c—512.00, | We recommend that Z. V. Barden be paid $2.00 per day extra for his service as clerk. | There appears to exist some indiffgrence on tte part of the ar resting officers of both the city and county in the enforcement of the }law, we urge that these officers be more vigilant in the exercise of their several duties in suppressing crime. i We recommend that Fitzge_rald Leader and Fitzgerald Enterprise ;print these presentments and they be paid $5.00 each for their services, : We desire to thank Hon, W. F. George for his charge to our 'bodv and to Solicitor General, ‘Hon. Max Land for his able advise and courtesies extended us. 1 ; - ¥ N Respectfully submitted, Isidor Gelders, Foreman, | o -+ Z.'V, Barden, Clerk. i The #bove and foregoing general piesentments received and read %in openficqurt. - Let them be entered upon-the Minutes and published as prayed. This April 5 1912 1 W. E. George. 'Max E. Land, Solicitor General. Judge B. H. C. 8. C. /’/{ ‘/" ® : . < WE HAVE JUST HAD A LITTLE ARGU MENT with a man, who tried to sell us pretty little postal cards with which to advertise our bank. which would ¢ost us about One Hundred ‘and Fifty Dollars a year. He stated that news paper advertising did-not pay, but we are con vinced that it does pay. ; We have told the people in the newspapers “time and time,gg?in.jcigf m‘;r#@wer{ul and unus “ual 'stren'gf?l, and they have learned (o Know that we are an exceedingly strong bank, and this is why many people have deposited mugch money with us. until there are not many banks "'in South Georgia who have as much deposits. Our daily study and aim is to grow stronger * apd.stronger, to be more and more liberal, and more and more useful. ' . New accounts invited. and those with which we are favored are continually apprsciated. THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BAK. ‘ Capital Stock Strength $200.000.00 | Deposits $400.000.00 —————————————————————————SS S T R T oek s { |o4 - i : : »I‘l Mg ' .;,,r,,A\ vs S : ! SR Ry e _ : 7 | eW| o i l 3 N s | W R BOWEN, Prosident J A MURPHY, Manager ] R </ THIRDNZ S(NATIONAL )= % oA %@S S Superior Court Y Holds Short Session During the brief session of Ben Hill County Superior = Court last week, four cases were disposed of and eight cases transferred to the City Court of Fitzgerald. The following were disposed of: State v&. Peter Stovall, misde meanor, verdiet 6f not guilty. State vs. Jesse Stokes, Forgery, verdict of guilty with recommen dation. : , i State vs. Jake Johnson, Willis Miller, Arthur McLendon, Burg lary, verdict of not guilty as to Jake Johnson, - : . State vs, Jehu Hungate, Keep ing Gan bling Room,: Verdict = of not guilty. wd i i - Toose transferred to the Gity Courtrof Pitzgeraldiare. | . " State va. Mrs. M V. 4 Fussell, Cheating and Swinling. . State vs. L.L. Hall, Ille:al Sale qf whiskey. b : ' State vs: Will Stevens, Illegal Sale of whiskey. ' * Qtate vs. Lott Grantham, illegal sale of mortgage property. _ State vs. M. B. Mobley, illegal sale of Whiskey e ‘State vs. M. F. Donnally, illegal sale of whiskey. State vs. J. H. Mays, illegal sale of whiskey. State vs. W. E. Boggs, Larceny after Trust. ~ Subscribe For The Leader. - - 45 inch Pretty White Lawn | “Sheer fine 20c quality’’ i This is a great value—one of -the pick-ups R we're able to buy occasionally. You ; should secure some of this, only 500 yards, : l while it lasts, a yard . : . v % : | T T s e eL S e : J B 0 oy ogh by Parmers' Onion Mfle*t ~lng at Roanoke' There will be a Farmers’ Union meeting Saturday, April 13th, at the Roanoke School House, to which the general publiciisinvited. There will be good speaking' and an all ’round good ‘meeting is be ing anticipated, Come and tring a well filled basket. =« - 4 Tax Receivers Notice First Round | I will be at the Court house on Saturday April 13th, 20th, and 27, and - will ~be at Ashton Mond: morning, April 29th,, at Dixo" Mill Monday.evening April 20th, 4t Bowen’s Mill Tuesday mornir April 30th, at Vanghn Tuesds evening April Botk e g Wil liatisod’s MiHl W edngsday mory ing"May Tste - e e B l :For: the.‘purpose of receivii state and county taxes for i }year 1912 April 9¢h 1912. g di A 4 i J. B+F. Dixon, | oo Rax, Reseiver, ] Geo, Minix Dead *’ Mr. George Minix, who "Has been sick for the past three months, died last night at his home ‘on the Ashton Road. The deceased wids a member in good standing of the Methodist Church and was a highly respected citizen. His many friends-morn his loss. Children’s Parasols Ruffled and Bordered Para- ju g sols of best Sateen, values : Oc to 75¢, for . . . . Dainty ocolored Dimities 50 pretty corded Dimities in 1 : dainty colorings, 10¢ value at 8 c yard > . < : . 2 : Boys’ Blouses #8551 *‘Champion’’ - Blouses, in white and best Percale & c Madras for . ; i - Officlal Organ of Ben Hill County. $1.50 a Year. YOL. XVII, NO. 26