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Published weekly at the National can
tonments for the soldiers of the United
H C. Aller. Chattanooga Times.
C. H. Allen. Montgomery Advertiser.
W. T. Anderson, Macon Telegraph.
F. S. Baker. Tacoma Tribune.
TV. W. Ball. Columbia State.
John Stewart Bryan, Richmond News-
Harry Chandler, Los Angelos Times.
Amon C. Carter, Fort Worth Star Tele-
Elmer E. Clark. Little Rock Democrat.
Gardner Cowles, Des Moines Register.
R. A. Crothers, San Francisco Bulletin.
Chas. Diehl, San Antonio Light.
E. K. Gaylord, Oklahoma City Oklaho
ma h.
F P Glass. Birmingham News.
B<-uce Haldeman. Louisville Courier-
Clark Howell, Atlanta Constitution.
James Kearney, Trenton Times.
Victor Lawson, Chicago News.
Charles E. Marsh, Waco Morning News.-
G. A. Mastin. El Paso Herald.
Frank P. McLennan, Topeka State Jour
na I.
A. L. Miller, Battle Creek Enquirer-
D. D. Moore. New Orleans Tlmcs-Plca
v u n e.
Frank P. Noyes. Washington Star.
Bowdro Phlnlzy. Augusta Herald,
lion C. Seitz, New York World.
W. P Sullivan. Charlotte Observer.
Chas. H. Taylor, Jr.. Boston Globe.
James M. Thompson, Now prleans Item.
11. T Warner, Houston Post.
Published under the auspices of the Na
tional" War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A.
of the United States with the co-operation
of tlie papers above named.
With this issue commences the
publication of “Trench and Camp,”
a national paper for the National
Guard and the National Army.
Never before in America, and nev
er before in the history of the world,
has a paper been published simulta
neously at .32 points, to give the men
of a great army the same news and
the same messige, and through the
medium of the written word to keep
those men in close and vital touch
and relationship with the activities
of all their brothers in arms wher
ever they might be. From Tacoma
in the Northwest to Boston in the
Northeast; from Los Angeles and El
Paso; from San Antonio and New
Orleans; from eighteen cities in the
South; from Chicago,. Battle Creek,
Des Moines and Topeka in the West;
from New York, Trenton, Washing
ton, and Richmond; from Louisville
and Little Rock, there will be issued
once a week at least 125,000 copies
of “Trench and Camp,” in order that
the men who are gathered from these
states, and from all the other states
where no camps are located, may
learn how fares the war in Europe,
and how progress the preparations
of the United States.
Through “Trench and Camp” all
the soldiers will be kept informed of
ihe activities of the army. They will
have news from home, news from
the front, news from their own
camps. With the aid of the news
paper publishers who have made this
great work possible by their patriot
ism and their generosity, with the
endorsement of the officials, with the
co-operation in news-gathering from
the separate interests in the canton
ments, we hope to make “Trench and
Camp” a vital, living transcript of
the life of the army that has been
formed to keep aliVe civilization.
Although “Trench and Camp” is
not primarily designed for civilians,
it will still keep as its ideal first and
foremos'. to be a newspaper. It will
seek to print the news, to inform, to
stimulate and to help relieve the te-
A CENTURY and a quarter ago there
mustered and marched in France an
army of citizen-soldiers—in all
things brothers-in-arms to the great army
now gathering in America.
That army of France was called from the
farm, the loom and the factory. It was un
trained in military tactics. It was unlearned
in the arts of war. The campfire was its
cantonment. The wrathful guns were its
drill sergeant. The hardened old grenadiers
of Prussia, the Hessian hirelings and the
Austrian hussars looked with pity and con
tempt on those raw recruits brought to the
slaughter-pen of battle.
But the reverberations of the footsteps
of those recruits were the rolling drums of
liberty. Here was a new fact in history.
Here was a force that kings had not reck
oned with and could not control. And when
the monarchs of Europe sought to crush
that raw army of France, they found it
illumined by a spirit that has always been
invincible. It was the spirit of national-
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Copyright by Brown Bros.
General Eli D. Hoyle
By Brig, Gen. Eli I). Boyle,
Commander Eastern Department
It has been my privilege and
pleasure to observe the wonderful
work of the Y. M. C. A. in the
Army, both in the United States
and in the Philippine Islands, and
to note the great good done to' our
I understand the Y. M. C. A. is
now about to make a new venture
—that with the approval of the Sec
retary of War, they will soon begin
the publication, in each National
Army Cantonment, of a real live
Army paper—Soldier’s paper—for
free distribution among the sol
diers. Such a work, if well
ducted, Avill add to the soldiers’
pleasure and contentment, increase
liis interest in his duties and in
military life, and develop esprit de
corps. I have confidence that the
Y. M. C. A. willsucceed in this new
field as they have succeeded in so ’
many others. There is a growing
belief among our people that the
National Army is going to be a
most representative and valuable
part of our war forces, and that
the selective draft principle is just
and right.
In the words of President Wilson,
the task before the American fight
ing men is to bring about a “Peace
based on Justice and Fairness and
the Common Rights of Mankind.’’
dium and monotony of camp life.
And for those unfamiliar with mili
tary routine, “Trench and Camp”
will be a graphic account of the life
of our soldiers, whether they are
drilling or fighting, at home or “over
“Marching Into the Dawn.”
ism. It was an ideal above all material
gains. It was the illimitable possibilities of
the new birth of freedom. Thus inspired,
that army freed France before Napoleon
was known, overthrew Prussia’s discipline,
with the enthusiasm of youth, and humbled
Austria’s pride.
When France’s citizen-soldiers caught the
inextinguishable luminance that lighted up
the whole world, they knew they were the
torch-bearers of that radiance. They felt
they were warring for democracy, for free
dom and for humanity. That was why cold
could not chill their ardor nor defeat impair
their morale. That was why they were able
to bear the hardships, to suffer the priva
tions and to gain the prize of lasting vic
tory. In the light that never failed, through
doubt and darkness, uncertainty and suffer
ing, they felt as though they were “always
marching into the dawn!”
Over the very ground, up the same
heights and through the same forests that
the army of Sambre et Meuse swept free
of foreign invaders, the soldiers of the
By Maj. Gen. William P. Duvall,
Commander Southeastern Dept,
The invitatioii of the Y. M. C. A.
to address the men of the new army
through the columns of its new
Army Weekly is to the old officer
of the old Army a new proposition.
Io find that he welcomes such an
opportunity to speak thus publicly
though unofficially to soldiers is to
him a new sensation. Everything
is new. We live in a new world,
and “I thank whatever gods thero
be” that at three-score-years-and
ten I am young enough to see it
and to grasp the new while keeping
firm hold of the old essentials of
soldiering, which always re
main conservative.
So to the men of the new army
1 would speak of the new and of
the old.
The new is only too visible to
them in its material foym: the
rough and roadless hillsides of their
camps, the crude harsh lines of the
barracks, the raw lumber yet to
be constructed into housing or
strewn about in the chaos of hasty
creation. But in its spiritual aspect
the new is present there in such
volume and power that from these
camps, soon to be moulded by its
energy, will presently march forth
the strength of the Nation——our
manhood, trained and disciplined
for war.
The new is theirs. They are of
it. ' The invisible new world lives
in their heart and brain, and they
will know how to build the future
of the Nation guided by the fresh
ly illuminated vision ‘of our old
ideals. The future of our country
is as dear to us whose work is near
ing completion as its past is beloved
and cherished with pride, and we
would have the new Army know
that our hearts are with them and
that we confide the future tb them
with proud confidence.
Os the old in things military, 1
would say to them, respect it. Let
democracy advance, let equality be
made real, let social and political
If you like “Trench and Camp,” how much more do you
think “the folks back home” would like it?
They will be interested in any paper telling of your activi
ties in words and pictures.
When you have read this paper place a one cent stamp
on the front cover and send it home.
I believe in the justice and hon
esty of the cause for which America
is at war.
I believe that my country needs
me, and to this end, that victory
may come swiftly, I pledge my ser
vices to her without reservation.
When I am sent to a foreign land
whose customs and laws may be un
like those at home, I will observe a
decent tolerance and wise control,
not forgetting that by my actions
■will strangers judge the character
of all Americans for all time.
Because I am williug to give my
youth and strength to my country I
believe that my country loves me
.and is praying for me, and to this
end, I shall demand as little from
her as may be, knowing that her
prayeys will give me strength to
fight with courage, and to take my
hours of recreation with a clean
' • I
Photo by Clinedinst.
General William P. DuvaM
freedom break over every obsolete
obstruction; but in military disci
pline, routine, customs, and. proper
ties let our sons who are new at
soldiering seek in each detail its
fundamental use before anything is
discarded or lightly disregarded.
The true soldier, whether an officer
of the highest grade or a man in
the ranks, finds nothing trivial or
unnecessary in the smallest mili
tary courtesy or duty. Earnest sub
jection of the will to discipline,
faithfulness in little things, atten
tion to details make the soldier,
whether the detail be one affecting
smartness of dress and appearance,
or the nice care of the mechanism
of a machine gun-or heavy artillery.
I would say to every man of the
new Army: With you rests the hon
or, success, and happiness of our
country; it is to you we look to
show the world what Americana
can do when their country is isl
Obedience is the crown of the sol
dier. His willingness to obey, with
out question, the orders of his su
perior, is the proof that he is fit to
be called a soldier, whether he is of
the rank or file.
‘‘Therefore doth Heaven divide
The state of man in divers func
Setting endeavor in continual mo
To which is fixed, as an aim or
So says Shakespeare and so is all
history illuminated with acts of obe
' dience on the part of soldiers that
led to glorious victories. Obedience
I in the army is nothing but co-opera
-1 tion under leadership.
American army will bear a like standarc
of freedom in the spirit of revolutionary
France. When our battalions camp on the
field where the hosts of oppression were
repulsed and defeated by the soldiers oJ
1793; when our flag leads where more thar
a century ago the tricolor swept away the
eagles of selfish aristocracies; when out o
the darkness of his nameless crimes agains
the bodies of the living and abodes of thi
dead, the enemy shall be driven by oui
troops—the faces and the banners of ou:
men will be radiant with the growing ligh
as they march into the dawn. Into the
dawn of humanity, into the dawn of dem
ocracy, into the dawn of a day when there
can come no more the terror of such a wai
as this; into a dawn the brightness o
which will drive from German hearts the
lust and brutality that made this war pos
sible —into that dawn American soldiers
will march. The world will envy and ap
plaud those in whose hearts and abou
whose heads will linger forever the glori
of that dawn.