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SEND THIS PAPER HOME CAMP HANCOCK ONE CENT POSTAGE W WIfWWTM fA MO II 1 jUlju 7 7 . ®IIII ’ » WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE* THE AUGUSTA HERALD »p NATIONAL VAR WORK COUNCIL " NJ VOL. 1. Penna. Soldiers Awake To Unprecedented Chance Offered By Gov't ' Insurance Provide for Loved Ones, and, in l Doing So, For Themselves Company C, 103rd Engineers, High Organization With Battery A, *iO7th Artillery Pushing Them Hard The records in the Insurance Office of the 28'th division show (hat the boys fro mPennsylvania ar to realize the exceptional opportunity of fered to them by the United States I government in the form of War Risk Insurance. Company A, 103? d Engi neers, under command cf Captain Harry A. Colie, has the hondi of lead ing the division at. the present time. This Company is from Scranton, l’a.,i and the amount of insurance applied j for .in this organization is evidence of j the high grade of intelligence of the men from this ■an’thracite center. The records show that the One Hundred and Forty-Six Men want one million three hundred and twenty-four thous and dollars of insurance. flattery A, 107th Field Artillery, from South Beth-i leheni, under command of Captain S. W. Baird, has Hie highest average per man and follows closely in amount. They have oiie million twd hundred and fifty-eight thousand dollars from one hundred and twenty-eight applicants. In Company M, of the 110th Infantry, under command of Captain Albert O. King, with enlisted personnel from i Altoona and Philadelphia, ninety ’ per cent of the men have taken out insur ance. The records show two hundred and fifteen applicants for a total of one million one hundred and thirty five thousand dollars. As February 12th draws near organ ization commanders are commencing to j realize that they owe a responsibi.ity to theid men to see th it they are given ample opportunity and encouragement in making application for insurance. When it is too late, to take out insur ance and the casualty lists begin to come in, the knowledge tha the men in* their command are properly protect ed will be a great comfort and many complications and criticisms from > those at home will be saved by acting! now. The men with wives and children or; mother Advanced in years depending on them for support now see the wonder- , ful opportunity' of going across witli the knowledge t.'.at their loved ones are protected. When a man with a wife and children goes over thi; top in or der t odo it with the proper spirit he should know thtft if the worst befalls . the ones at home are certain of regu- I lar income from his insurance policy. It is the young unmarried men, how- [ ever, who are taking out insurance in ; the greatest amount and numbers.: They desire in the f.rsi «'!ace to insure themselves against total and perma- I pent disability and in the second place | they hope, some day, to have depend- , cribs of their own. They may be im-l paired in health and unable, after the war, to take out insurance. They all hope, however, same day to marry so , they decide to take advantage of the exceptional opportunity of protecting' a future wife and children. A change has been made during the; past week regarding the amount- of; Liberty Loan Bonds which can be ter-[ minuted. Bond allotments conflicting i with allotments under War Risk In-j surance act c:tn to cancelled providing, that only' such, number of his bonds are discontinued us will leave him at [ least $7.50 for personal expenses. There is not a private in the service who cannot afford to take out the full amount of insurance, SIO,OOO. even though he gives $15.00 per month to dependent relatives. Take a man aged 22. It will cost him $6.40. monthly’ for SIO,OOO. Add that to the $15.00 and you have $21.50. The government is pay ing for his service in France $33 and for his service in this country S3O. The; soldier still has left sufficient money. I J a relatively much larger amount thanj the French soldier, and he is building I up, at a tremendous rate, protection [ for'the future both for himself and his family, I WASTE NO WATER * RESERVOIR FACILITIES OVERTAXED. The water supply of Camp Hancock is being impaired. There are numerous wastes of water, some of which are easily preventable. The filtration plant of the reservoir supplying water is overtaxed. The water which we use must ail b$ treated with chlorine before it is potable. Chlorine is ha-d to procure. For these reasons soldiers and others are urged not to waste water. With care there will be sufficient for all legitimate purposes. Should the supply fail we will all suffer untold hardships. WASTE NO WATER 150 MILE HIKE Ambulance Corps Makes a Record. Swinging into camp with vigorous step on Sunday afternoon the e nr ambulance, companies of the ,9 <d , Sanitary' Train ending a seven-nay i march filled from the / .11 to arms” to dismissal in the. company streets with well planned military’ experience, dis played both their excellent training to date and a prime physical condition. This body of troops under the com mand of Major F. A. Hartung is com i posed of Ambulance Companies No. 1, of Pittsburg, Captain Sterrett; No. 2, of Philadelphia, Captain McGinniss: No. 3, of Lancaster, Lieut. Starr; No. 4’, Coraopolis, Lietit. Wagoner. All men attached to the section, including Cap tain Farnoff, quartermaster, with the exception of a few small details left behind for camp duties, responded to the bugle Monday morning at 4:20 and ! fifty-five minutes later the longest al] round "hike” so far undertaken out of Camp Hancock was begun. As the boys stepped out m regula tion cadence along the old Savannan Road, it was rumored that a city of Waynesboro was preparing a barbecue in their honor. Even on the first stop i for rest near a grocery store, the boys bought out everything "except baiting powder and Lydia E. Pinkham’s Com pound.” Tents were pitched the. first night about seven miles from Waynes boro and the. town was reached next morning shortly’ before 11 when it was found that the good citizens of the city had made large preparations. At l o’clock on the race track the soldiers I consumed 800 pounds of pork in addi tion'to Georgia yams, rice, tomatoes. I soft drinks, coffee, and all the other 1 trimmings that go with a regular Geor , gla barbecue. Each company' was also I presented with a whole roasted hog, which furnished exce iln n t at" mess next day. With cheers for the hospitable and patriotic city of Waynesboro the march was and continued until 8:30 thus giving opportunity' to make camp in the dark. | Blue Lick Springs, seven miles from i Sylvania, reached , over a by-road i through a turpentine grove made an i ideal camping place Wednesday even : ing, at Sylvania, the Red Cross ladies j served coffee and sandwiches to tne : soldiers, schools were dismissed and j bells were rung in honor of the men in I khaki. The next lap was completed 1 by arriving at Millen at 10 o’clock on Friday morning. Here the soldiers were assembled in front of the court , house and were welcomed by Col. An . derson, a prominent citizen.. Major i Hartung responded. Sandwiches, cof | fee and cocoa were served and the i "hike” was continued. A short stop i was made at an old stockade five miles | from Millen where nortern prisoners i were kept during the Civil War. Col. i Anderson accompanied the soldiers to ; this place and explained many facts in local history with a bearing on national : affairs. The city of Waynesboro was again past-id through at 10 o’clock Saturday morning. During the entire seven days’ march it can be truly said that very' little monotony was experienced. The yery elements aided the ingenuity' of the commander in conceiving circum stances of military value. Breaking up camp and pitching tents in darkness ; and in daylight and in all kinds of i weather; marching on smooth roads, ! frozen roads, and muddy roads, march i ing when the sun was hot, enduring i cold, rain, snow and hail; setting shel [ ter tents and equipment sometimes in I morning covered with frost, and art JANUARY 16, 1918. infinite variety of ever changing con ditions, ah tended to prevent monotony on the march. In addition to the mil itary training received, many facts of historic value were learned by the boys. It was over the same rout.» that Gen. Sherman passed when, as Colonel An derson in his speech io the boys at Millen said, lie was "careless with fire.” Some of the boys, who muscle sore and grumble as Julius said soldiers always do, remarked that they knew where General Sherman got his definition of war. Aside from the military training re ceived and historic interests awaken ed, one thing will surely stand out prominently in the mind of every man as long as he may live, and that is the good fellowship, the free hospitality, the thorough patriotism and American ism of the Southern People. ONE WHO WAS THERE. AMERICAN PIPE HELPED WIN JERUSALEM i The London Graphic gives interesting glimpses of one of the most remarkable and most effective engineer ng features of the great war —the supplying of Gene ral Allenby’s forces with an abundance of good water while they were crossing the Sinai desert on their steady inarch toward Jerusalem. Major General Mau rice, chef director of military operations at the British war office, gives high place to tiie part played by this desert pipe line in the winning of Jerusalem. lie says: “In the canxpa’gn as a whole the great er accomplishment has been not the de feat of the Turks but the conquest of the Sinai desert. The troops which fought al Gaza drank wa er from Egypt pumped through an American pipe line, and were supplied over a broad gauge railroad laid clear across the 150 miles of desert which has defeated almost ev erybody that tr’ed to conquer Egypt for j centuries. Every ounce of material for j the pipe line, the railroad, and the other ' works came either from Great Britain or the United States. “All the time this conquest of the et t has been going on the officii I com munications have been able to say only ‘nothing’ to report' and the public though: we were idle. The fall of Jeru salem was made possible, by industry, organization and help of material from the United States.” “ENGLISH ASSHeTs SPOKE” After the paper was printed last, week the editors cf Trench and Camp noted a caption very unfortunately worded. This fault emphasizes in the first place the necessity of taking time to do a thing well, and in the second place the desira bility of exact use of the English lan guage. A soldier called our attention to this tn the following words: “An article concerning an address made by a certain general against the use of liquor was headed ‘Hit the Booze,’ which might leave the impression that the general himself had used some liquor, even though in. all probability there is but little, to ‘hit’ its litis arid atmosphere of Georgia. Moral: Speak not falsely in captions lest, ye be “censored.” Trench and Camp greatly regrets that an article so excellent was marred by our use of a word of double meaning* Thousands will notice that this week's edition of Trench and Camp has but 12 pages. This is due to a shortage of paper. Back of this immediate cause lies the difficulty of securing ch'crine and some se- I rious transportation problems. Since all these inconveniences are attributable to the war, we may say with the French “Ce la guerre” and with the English “Pack all your troubles in your old kit bag. And Smile! Smile! IStmile! 11” DECEMBER DOINGS New Building’s, Christmas, Watch Night, Government In struction, Church Co-opera i tion. During the month of December great progress has been made in Y. M. C. A. work at Camp Hancock. For a long while two new buildings bad been great ly needed, one between General Logan's Brigade and the Machine Gun Battalions, i ard another near the Ammunition Tram, j Base Hospital, and 109th Field Artllb’rj. j At the conclusion of the fifty million dol lar campaign these buildings were au thorized, and erection has been begun. In addition to these, tents have been erect ed at the remount station for five hun | dred men stationed there, one on the rifle range, and orte for the Field Bakery I and Quartermaster Corps. ; In the buildings which have been in I operation the results have been as sat ; isfactory as can Ire expected considering the inclemencies of the weather. Such ‘severe weather was not anticipated. The 1 fuel supply was not always quite sut | flcient. In spite of this the huts were i often crowded to their capacity. One ; hundred and ninety-five thousand attend ances are reported, and more writting pa- I per was used during December than any 'other previous month. This was due to ■ Christmas and Now Year’s letter-writing. [One building displayed a sign: “Write . that Christmas Letter to Mother.” Popular Gatherings. I Os all the entertainments, the movies are the most popular. Forty thousand ; men attended these shows in the build ings, and in and out more than sixty five reel programs were shown. During holi day week, a special Christmas program was given. There were frequent en tertainments of a general character, a number of sing-songs, band concerts, and special holiday exercises. On the night before Christmas, groups sang carols in our buildings and in company streets. There were Christmas day services, some out of doors. Watch-night services were held for the dying year. One, especial ly varied, had a boxing match to begin with, followed by an entertainment, later movies, then ice cream, and finally a very impressive religious service. Gambling in the division has decreased in part due to Liberty loan bond sales, allotments, insurance, etc., but also 1’ part, to association influences. Twenty thousand dollars was sent home from the buildings. Soccer ball in the early part of. the month was the most popular game but has given 'place to basketball and volley bull. Boxing bouts inside of the build ings are attended by crowds. Some seven thousand five hundred books were taken by the boys from our libraries and many more were read in the huts. A current topic club has been ; successfully organized. Numerous let- I tures have been heard—some military men and some civilians. Schools. The government has used our buildings for instruction purposes. The majority of the men in this division have seen the government moving pictures in addition to our own. This visual instruction has helped the soldier very much in execut ting the commands properly. Brigade of ficers’ school, regimental officers’ school, and in some cases schools for the soldiers have been held in our buildings. About one thousand men are in French classes, and since we. have secured the services of a promoter of French, w« are expecting much larger results. Men and Religion. Religious work has not lagged at all behind the other departments. In one of our huts a teachers’ training class has been in successful operation during the month. There were larger attendances at Bible classes than ever. Testaments were distributed to 1,647 soldiers. Sev eral of these classes were led by "sol diers” who are leaders of men." The religious meetings during the week on Sundays, at Christmas time and on New Year's eve, all evidenced a growing re ligious development among the soldiers. Roman Catholic mass, Episcopal com munion, and Jewish synagogue services have all been held in the Y. M. C. A. huts. In the midst of difficulties, many soldiers practice their religion; some are anxious to be of service. Helpfulness. Addresses of many soldiers were discov ered and sent to mothers or friends in re sponse to letters or telegrams. One boy, discharged from the army for flasifying his age, was befriended. Our secretaries followed the troops on I hikes and to the rifle ranges. Hundreds of boys come to the secretaries with pre sonal problems. Temptation comes to men in the army as well as in civil life, and men need a friend here in time of trial, sorrow or discouragement. Tiie testimony of hundreds shows that they are not disappointed. The morale of the division is fortified by the morat and religious influences established at Cajnp Hancock. I 11 If Ml/H It Ybl Imo? y w® i S 4 \ A ; ATT Hb r I No. 15.