OCR Interpretation

The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 01, 1904, Image 12

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Even If the Proposed Trip la Aban
doned. the President and Hia Cab
inet Will Probably Be Invited
Here. When the Sew City Hall Is
Opened—Mayor Myers Says Ther£
Is no Oeeaslon Sow for the City
to Invite Mr. Roosevelt.
If President Roosevelt decides upon a
trip South as is thought, he will be In
vited to come to Savannah.
Mayor Myers made this announce
ment yesterday, though he said just
at this time there is no occasion for
the city to issue an invitation.
An invitation from the trade bodies
here at this time might be all right, the
Mayor thinks, but he does not believe
the city should issue an invitation un
less there is some special occasion. If
the Southern trip is positively deter
mined. the Mayor says Savannah will
Otic President Roosevelt to come here.
“I think it would be a very desira
ble thing to have the President come
to Savannah," said Mayor Myers. I
think he would understand the people
better after a visit to a Southern
Even before the Southern trip for
the President was suggested. Mayor
Myers had been thinking of inviting
the President and the cabinet to visit
the city on some special occasion.
He intimated yesterday that this
might still be done, regardless of
whether the trip now proposed is made.
The opening of the City Hall will prob
ably be the occasion for the invita
Though no plans have been made by
the city officials at all yet, it is known
that the completion and opening of
the Citv Hall will be marked with
elaborate ceremonies.
The occasion will be a gala one, as
the erection of the building is gen
erally regarded as marking the pro
gressive era upon which the city has
The probabilities are that President
Roosevelt and his cabinet officers will
be invited to visit the city at that time,
as guests of the city, though an invita
tion may be issued at an earlier date.
Among the Improvement* Proposed
for Next Tear ly City.
Among the minor improvements con
templated by the city officials for next
year is the laying of an artificial atone
sidewalk on Oglethorpe avenue adjoin
ing Colonial Park. The brick walk is
badly worn and the new pavement is
Now that the city offices are located
at police headquarters, the walk is
used a great deal, not only by the
city officials and employes, but also by
the public generally. The walk, bound
ed on either side by beautiful palmet
tos, is naturally one of the prettiest
In the city. With a stone pavement
It would make one of the most attrac
tive promenades in the country.
It is also proposed to move the poles,
which mar the beauty of the avenue of
palmettos. Those officials who favor
the improvement say the walk can eas
ily be made the prettiest in the coun
try. Connecting with the cement walks
already laid in the park, it will make
the park itself much more attractive.
Deputy Marshal Expect* to Find
Healthy Increase In Trade.
The annual business census, which Is
pepared by the city, was started by
Deputy Marshal Hussey yesterday. It
will probably take a week or more to
complete the census, though a large
section of the city was covered in the
day's work.
"X, of course, have not yet progressed
far enough to tell how it is going to
turn out this year,” said Deputy Hus
sey, “but I am satisfied there will be
quite an increase in almost all lines
of trade shown. The new places I
know of having been opened during the
year leads me to this conclusion.”
The business census is prepared for
use by the marshal’s office in collecting
specific taxes. A classified list of ev
ery individual and firm In the city en
gaged in business is made so they may
toe readily found when licenses become
Ilreet* and l.ane* Feed Order Goes
to Ontnide Firm.
The grain combine received another
blow yesterday, when bids for furnish
ing the Streets and Lanes Department
of the city with feed for the month of
December, were opened. This contract
as well as the one for furnishing the
Are department with feed, was lost by
the members of the combine.
Dougan & Sheftall were awarded the
Streets and Lanes contract. There
were only three firms to submit bids.
Two of the firms named prices that
■were the same. The bid of Dougan -i
Sheftall was much lower and the con
tract was given that firm.
The loss of city contracts will prob
ably break up the combine for a time.
Several months ago firms outside the
combine entered bids and broke it up
for a time. After a few w3ks, how
ever, the combine again got together.
Mr. W. J. B. Adams, while riding- a
bicycle on Bryan gtreet, near Bull,
early yesterday afternoon was run Into
by an automobile of the Electric Sup
play Company, knocked from his wheel
and badly bruised. The bicycle, which
new, was demolished. The auto
mobile was driven by a negro. Mr.
Adams claims the accident was due to
carelessness on the part of the driver
of the machine.
Ynnr Attention, Ladles!
No lace curtain sale to-day, but an
awfully big one to-morrow. Manufac
turers' sample curtains and manufac
turers’ slightly Imperfect curtains. The
latter are three and three and one-half
yards long. The most exciting lace cur
tain offer ever known starts at 11
cents to-morrow at 10 o'clock.—ad.
N#( !•#
If you wen* a Mtelnway piano for SIOO
you can find It at Murphy's Wars
r*ema. Itt Hull street, under Guards'
Aid. Dixon Hh* Thing* to Say About
Baltimore Pete.
"Chairman Daffln of the Park and
Tree Commission is for all the world
like an old setting hen that has lost
all of her chickens—He's always
scratching for trouble.”
The above from Chairman of Coun
cil James M. Dixon yesterday was
prompted bv the fact that Chairman
Daflin of the Park and Tree Commis
sion had stated, in an Interview in
the Morning News, that only the squir
rels put in Forsyth Park by the Com
mission are there, and that he had seen
nothing of the Baltimore squirrels.
"Chairman Daffin is always looking
for trouble,” said Alderman Dixon,
“but I cannot permit his latest state
ment to pass unnoticed. I know he is
never happier than when rowing with
somebody connected with the city gov
ernment, and while I dislike to give
him the pleasure of knowing he has
managed to pull a shot or two from me
I cannot, under the circumstances, re
frain from having a word to say.
"The readers of the Morning News
knew that several gray squirrels were
to be shipped me by the authorities in
Baltimore, and they knew when they
arrived. I was accompanied by a rep
resentative of the Morning News when
I released the squirrels in the park.
They were carried out in a wagon from
the police department. Now it may
be true that Chairman Daffin has not
seen them. But there are so many
things he does see there is no wonder
a little thing like a squirrel should be
“Still the squirrels have not starved,
because the very excellent chairman
of the Park and Tree Commission has
not seen them. No indeed, for quite
a number of people have told me they
have seen the squirrels, and some of
them have induced the little fellows to
eat what has been offered. The squir
rels from Baltimore are much larger
than those that were put into the park
by Mr. Baffin's commission.
"Of course I know Mr. Daffin is not
jealous of the Baltimore squirrels, and
I am equally as certain he is glad to
have citizens, or even city officials, put
the proper sort of pets in the parks and
squares. This takes me back to where
I started. Chairman Daffln appears
never to be happy unless he is in a
quarrel with someone.”
cqronerTays 'shooting
Negro I*nt Victim'* Body in Wheel
barrow and Carried It Home.
Coroner Keller yesterday morning
investigated the killing of Albert Har
ris by Stephen Bond at Montgomery
Tuesday night, and decided that the
killing was purely accidental, the facts
showing that the boys were engaged
in a scuffle for a gun. No report of
the tragedy was made to the authori
ties until yesterday morning.
Both of the boys were about 12
years of age, and were scuffling for the
possession of a gun which belonged to
Robert Barney, aged 15 years. Ac
cording to statements made to the cor
oner the gun was accidentally dis
charged, the entire load entering Har
ris' right side, tearing him to pieces.
Coroner Keller says the slayer did
not run away after he had killed Har
ris, but put him in a wheelbarrow and
carried him to the dead boy’s home.
Deputy Sheriff Meldrlm was detailed to
go out and investigate the case, and
if possible to arrest the slayer. Up
to a late hour he had not reported.
Announcement was made yesterday
by the officials of the Southern Bank,
that Mr. Joseph Hefternan, correspond
ing clerk of the bank, had been pro
moted to the position of assistant cash
ier, effective to-day.
Mr. Hefternan is a popular young
man, both socially and in a business
way, and the announcement of this
much merited promotion will be a
source of gratification to his friends.
Mr. Hefternan first became connected
with the Southern Bank in 1890, and
has been gradually promoted to his
present responsible position.
There were sixty-one building per
mits issued by the city during the
month of November, against seventy
two issued during the same period of
Though there is a slight decrease in
the number of permits, the value of
the buildings for which they were is
sued greatly exceeds the value of those
in November of last year. Under the
system now in use one permit is often
made to cover a number of buildings.
Senator-elect John E. Foy of Egypt
was in the city yesterday morning to
answer a subpoena to appear before
the United States grand jury. Mr.
Foy was present when the grand jury
met, but was not called before that
body. So far as ts known by Mr. Foy,
no indictment was returned in alleged
peonage cases.
It developed yesterday that John H.
King, under arrest in New York for
the alleged theft of sllO, and who gave
his residence as Savannah, did reside
here a short while. He was here long
enough to do thirty days on the chain
gang for passing a worthless check
for $5.
King passed the check on a Chinese
laundryman and was arrested. That
Is about the extent of his residence in
Savannah. It was not long enough for
his name to find its way into a city
Lieut. Col. J. 8. Cone of the Forty
seventh Regiment, Georgia Volunteers,
Confederate States army, in a note
dated Statesboro, the 27th. and ad
dressed to Col. J. H. Estlil, says:
"Capt. De Witt Rruyn commanded
Company K of my old regiment and I
would be glad to aid him In getting a
Notice is given the members of the
bar that on Saturday the civil and
criminal docket* of the Superior Court
will he called for the assignment of
cases for trlsl at the December term.
If you want practical aid In select
ing, full value, one price, no misrep
resentation, square dealing and hon
•at instrument*, call at Murphy'* Pl
ano Woraroom*, >44 Bull street, under
i Guard*' Armory .—ad.
How City Department* Will Stand
nt End of Year—Some of Them
Will Have Small Balance*, hut
Only Waterworks Department
Will Carry Over u Large Sum—Offi
cial* Are Beginning to Figure on
Next Year’* Budget.
The careful watch which Mayor
Myers is keeping on all the depart
ments of the city has disclosed the fact
that a number of them are already
overdrawn and that others will be be
fore the end of the year.
The Mayor has given instructions
that the bills of all the departments
that have used up their appropriations
be held up until they are submitted
to him, and only expenses that are
absolutely necessary are to be allow
Among the departments that are
overdrawn, or will be before the end
of the year, are the health department,
fire, the police, the harbor and
wharves, house drainage, house drain
age maintenance and storm sewers.
Other of the departments have a very
narrow margin and some of them may
exceed their appropriation. To avoid
this, if possible, Mayor Myers is care
fully watching all bills.
Financial Statement.
A financial statement of all the de
partments, showing the appropriations
and the amounts that have been spent,
will be prepared for the Mayor as soon
as the bills for the next meeting of
Council are put in. A similar state
ment was prepared just before the last
meeting, and It was then learned for
the first time that some of the depart
ments had gone beyond their appropri
Though the number of departments
to overdraw this year is larger than
usual, the total amount is not excep
tionally large. The fire department will
exceed, its appropriation by almut sl,-
500. This department has the distinc
tion of always overdrawing. The po
lice appropriation will be exceeded by
a small sum, probably not over S2OO or
S3OO. The overdraft in the health de
partment will probably be larger, but
the exact amount is not known.
How Other* Stand.
House drainage will be overdrawn
about $2,000 and house drainage mainte
nance only a small sum. Storm sewers
will be overdrawn something like SI,OOO
probably less. The overdraft for har
bor and wharves is only slight.
The waterworks will carry over a
good balance, the largest of any of
the city departments. The City Mar
ket now has a small sum on hand and
it is not thought this will be over
drawn. The dispensary likewise has
a small balance. A small portion of
the appropriation for incidentals will
be carried over. The scavenger depart
ment and the streets and lanes de
partment will each be within its ap
propriation, it is thought. The appro
priation for the scavenger contract with
the street railway company has been
exceeded, but this is due to the fact
that the county has not paid its share
of the money.
Preparing for Budget.
The officials arp now preparing to
got to work on the budget for next
year. When the statement showing
the condition of each of the depart
ments is prepared for the Mayor, it
will bo made up on a blank with
spaces left for next year’s appropria
tions. The aldermen can then see,
while they are deciding about next
year's appropriations, just how each of
the departments came out this year.
The actual work on the budget will
not begin until after the next meet
ing of Council, but already the officials
are at work. The moat important item
in next year’s appropriations will be
the sum set aside for the City Hall.
Until this amount is determined noth
ing will be decided about the budget.
It is known, however, that any in
crease in regular appropriations will be
opposed by the Mayor, and it Is not
believed any will be made.
Jane Brown swore out a warrant
for attempted assault against Isaiah
Jones before Justice Wickham yester
day. Jones is charged with attempt
ing to strike the woman with an ax.
The trouble arose because Jane, with
out the permission of Isaiah, used his
blanket Monday night. Isaiah claims
when he recovered the blanket and used
it Tuesday night, the possession of
his bed was disputed by strange bed
fellows. When he mentioned the fact
next morning, Jane did not seem to
like the insinuation. By way of ex
pressing her extreme dislike for his
remarks, she caught him in the collar
ahd proceeded to give him a strenuous
lecture. Isaiah remonstrated by pick
ing up an ax with the mild intention
of stopping Jane. He was prevented
from carrying out his intentions, it is
alleged by several negro women.
A determined effort is being made
by the police to stop the continued vi
olations of the bicycle ordinances
which have been much In evidence re
cently. Riding on sidewalks and rid
ing at night without a light are the
chief offenses complained of.
John Cuthbert was arraigned in Po
lice Court yesterday morning on the
charge of riding on the sidewalk and
also with not having a lamp on his
bicycle after dark. He was fined $3
or five days.
There will be a meeting of the So
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals this afternoon at 4 o'clock
at the Catholic Library Hall.
The election of officers will take
place and the work of the aociety will
be outlined.
The public Is earnestly requested to
attend the meeting.
Lave Curtain* Start at lie.
At the manufacturers' lace curtain
sale to-morrow at 10 o’clock. Rush
scene* live after being seen at Adler's,
but the one here announced will be
the largest of ail. Adler's.—ad.
If you want a Guild piano for s*s
you can find It at Murphy's Piano
Warerooma, 34 Bull street, under
Guards A IVY to i y,—ad.
Mayor Myers Favor* Repairing the
Street With Brick.
Now that the Gaston street paving
case has been withdrawn from the
United States court it is probable the
street will be paved with vitrified brick,
as was proposed in the ordinance to
which the residents objected.
It is not thought that the residents
will again object to the pavement. A
number of them, who formerly op
posed it, have expressed themselves as
not objecting to it now. The city de
sires to pave the street and will do
so if there is no objection from the
property owners. It has been suggest
ed that the owners be credited, when
the street is paved, with the amounts
paid on the old shell pavement, but
it is not believed the aldermen will
agree to this.
Mayor Myers stated yesterday that
he favored repaving the street. The
pavement now down will be examined
by the proper officials, the Mayor says,
to see if anew pavement is needed.
If they report it is needed, an ordi
nance for the paving of the street will
be introduced. If the property own
ers should make serious objection to
the pavement, the city will not press
the matter, the Mayor says.
"There are too many streets where
the owners want the paving,” explain
ed the Mayor, “to bother with this
street if the owners are against it.
I think the street should be paved,
though, and I doubt if there will be
the same objection this time.”
Isaac 'Whitehead Called Heavenly
Host* to Witness.
Isaac Whitehead, an aged country
negro, was convicted yesterday in the
United States court of having made a
false claim for pension.
The old man was very ignorant and
Judge Speer stated under the circum
stances he thought a light sentence
should be imposed. He sentenced the
prisoner to pay a fine of SIOO or serve
60 days in jail. Whitehead goes to
The feature of the case was the way
the old man plead his cause. His voice
was loud and his gestures wild, and his
expressions were far from those usual
ly heard in a court room. A plea of
guilty was entered by counsel for the
old man and then, when asked to
make a statement he said:
"In the name of God, before the most
noblest man In our state, I am thank
ful to know I’m prepared to talk for
myself, trusting in the Lord and pray
ing that everyone in this house may
take notice of what I say. In the name
of the Lord in 1865, I was mustered
in as a soldier and in ’66 was muster
ed out and come home.
“I made application for pension dur
ing Mr. Harrison’s term, but let it
lull during Mr. Cleveland’s term. In
Mr. McKinley's term I made it again.
They say I haint got good sense. My
head has been busted open and I lost
part of my wit. I know by the way
tt comes and then goes away from
me. If I have done something dis
legal, I don’t know it and I don’t aim
to do nothing wrong. In the name
of the Lord, amen.”
Chained Together MUler and Kline
Taken Aw ay.
Miller and Kline, the convicted Guy
ton safe blowers, were taken from the
Chatham county jail yesterday morn
ing by Capt. Harvey Of the state camp
at Jakin, Ga., and carried to Jakin,
where they will commence serving their
sentence of ten years.
Owing to the desperate nature of the
two men, they were heavily manacled
and locked together by a chain. Capt.
Harvey was accompanied by Deputy
Graham, the first man sent for the
prisoners, who decided not to attempt
to take the two criminals alone.
Forest City Harbor, No. 36, A. A.
of M. and P. of S. V., held its regu
lar voyage at the pilots' office on Bay
street, east, last night, and elected
officers for the coming year.
The officers chosen were:
Captain—J. W. Daniels.
First Pilot—J. A. Brown.
Second Pilot—L. W. Fleetwood.
C. C. and Purser —W. T. Daniels,
Chaplain—W. T. Daniels.
W. T. Daniels, Jr., was also chosen
representative to the grand harbor,
which meets in Washington, In Jan
uary, and W. T. Daniels was elected
alternate representative.
A smoker was enjoyed by the mem
bers after the election.
Owing to the indisposition of Supt.
Maguire, of the fire department, no
step was taken yesterday towards the
removal of the hundred or more poles
that have been condemned in the west
ern section of the city.
Bids were advertised for and one
was submitted. It would have been
opened if the fire chief had been well.
It will probably be opened >to-day or
to-morrow. Supt. Maguire wab In bed
all of yesterday, but he was some bet
ter last night, and It Is thought he will
be able to be out soon.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tenic. The first
and original tasteless chill tonic. 50
At Adler's to-day, Friday and Sat
urday, Mrs. Dean of New York, the
expert corset lecturer, will give an all
day demonstration In 'behalf of the
world-famous La Vida corset. Mrs.
Dean understands like no other corset
expert In America does to fit and ad
vise on the style of each particular
figure, and gives advice free.—ad.
A New Train to Washington and
Now York.
Southern Railway announces reln
auguration of Us palatial noon train
out of Savannah for the East, leaving
1 p.m..Central time, dally. This, a solid
veitlbuled train,with most modern day
coaches, Pullman drawing room sleep
ing cars of latest design, and the fa
mous unequaled dining cars of the
Southern Railway. Any desired lnfor-
D.ation given or Pullman raaervotlone
made bv city ticket office, 141 Bull
street; 'phono* 850.—ad.
To-day at Adler's, demonstration of
the world-famous La Vida corsets by
Mrs. Dean, the well known corset ex
pert. Mr*. Dean demonetrates to-dev.
to-morrow and Saturday, and though
her lectures are of the widest benefit
to women, there la no tdrlcaHid,
Deputy Sheriff Britt Says There IB
no Doubt of the Identity of the
Negro as He Made a Confession
When It Was Mentioned He Would
Be Taken to Augusta for Identifi
cation—. Jefferson Still Strenuously
Denle* Hl* Guilt.
Miss Zadie Bouyer, accompanied by
her brother, is expected in Savannah
to-day to identify Charles Jefferson, the
negro who was brought to Savannah
from Augusta Tuesday for safe keep
ing. Miss Bouyer was expected yes
Jefferson strenuously denies he is the
man wanted, but Officer Britt, who
brought him to Savannah says he is
the man. When seen by a Morning
News reporter yesterday Jefferson
made a statement which was confus
ing. He talked at random, referring
to the crime with which he is accused
as little as possible. He said he was
at a brick yard near the young lady’s
home when he was arrested and had
been there some time. He said he
could, prove this by several witnesses.
According to Deputy Britt’s story
when Jefferson was arrested by Coun
ty Policeman Belden his first question
was what he was wanted for. The
officer told him he would find out pret
ty soon. When Deputy Britt started
to the jail with the man to have him
identified by Miss Bouyer he confess
ed he was the man and begged not
be carried to the city, it is alleged.
After a hasty consultation over the
telephone with Judge Eve the prisoner
was driven to Mcßean, a small station
on the Central of Georgia Railway,
and brought to Savannah.
Was Alone In Houne.
According to Deputy Britt’s state
ment, Miss Bouyer was alone in the
house at the time. The door was
standing open at the side entrance and
she was near it. Jefferson came to
the door and asked if she had any
wood to cut. She replied in the nega
The negro still stood about, and Miss
Bouyer attempted to close the door.
Jefferson spra lg forward, grabbed Miss
Bouyer and endeavored to close the
door. The young lady, very much
frightened, struggled to free herself
from the negro's grasp, and almost at
the same time began to scream.
The negro made a desperate effort to
cut off her screams by choking her. Al
though leaving his finger prints on her
neck, he was evidently unsuccessful in
securing the proper hold on her. He
also tried to gag her by forcing his
hand into her mouth. Miss Bouyer
continued to scream and tried to bite
his hand.
How Negro Eneaped.
Failing to stop her screams, ni:d
knowing help would soon tie oh' the
scene, Jefferson pushed her to the
flodr, and dashed out of the house. He
was met on the sidewalk i>y several
men, who asked him what the trouble
was; and he replied that someone was
beating his wife.
The men were thrown off by this
statement and hurried on to the house,
letting the negro go. Jefferson ran to
Greene street and disappeared. When
the men heard the true story he was
oui of sight. The alarm was quickly
given and a crowd gathered.
Mr. Bouyer was notified and imme
diately went to his sister. The cxcHe
ment was intense for some time. Miss
Bouyer suffered from nervous shock.
She was in a pitiable condition even
later in the day when at the jail,
where she remained to identify Jef
ferson. She was confident she would
be able to identify him, as she had
often seen him in the neighborhood.
Jefferson appears very nervous, has
shifty eyes and a crafty look. While
talking he shuts his eyes rapidly and
stutters slightly, repeating his sen
tences. Although he talked for twen
ty minutes yesterday he wandered so
in his statement that the whole could
be summed up as but a general denial
that he was the man wanted.
Becoming disgusted with the hilarity
of its very aggressive master and the
two dusky soubrettes in the hack be
hind it, the horse drawing John Proc
tor’s cab kicked to freedom early yes
terday morning, leaving the cab and
occupants standing in the middle of
Oglethorpe avenue while it galloped
back to the stable.
Attached to the resentful beast was
the harness and shafts of the vehicle,
and it is said by an eyewitness that
such varied and perfectly aimed kick
ing has never been witnessed in Sa
vannah before. According to this very
appreciative bystander the old nag
aotually kicked Dixie on the dashboard,
until the shafts finally gave way at
their moorings.
To Captuliis, Masters, Mates and Sail
The latest New York, Boston, Phila
delphia and other dally newspapers;
weekly Journals and monthly maga
zines; books and cheap literature; let
ter and note paper, pens and Ink. at
Estin’s News Depot, 18 Bull street,
corner Bryan street (near U. S. Cus
tom House). —ad.
If you want to save SSO to SIOO buy
your piano at Murphy's Warerooma,
844 Bull street, under Guards' Armory,
loir F.xcnrslnn Rate* Darina Holi
day* via Atlantic Con*t Line.
On account of Christmas holidays
Atlantic Coast Line will sell tickets to
all points east of the Mississippi and
south of the Potomac rivers at rates,
one and one-third fares for the round
trip. This includes all stations on the
Atlantic Coast Line and connecting
lines in the territory described. Tick
ets will be sold Dec. 23, 24. 25 and 31,
1904, and Jan. 1, 1905, with return limit
Jan. 4. 1905. Tickets at same rates
will be sold to teachers and students
In schools and colleges on presentation
and surrender of certificates signed by
superintendents, presidents or princi
pals, Dec. 17-24, Inclusive, with return
limit Jan. 8, 1905.
For further Information apply to
ticket agents, I>e Soto Hotel; both
'phones. No. 78, or Union Station; 801 l
285. Georgia 911. It pays to patronise
the best servl ’s.—sd.
Tf you want a Berrnnre piano for ISA
you can find It at Murphy's Plano
Waremoms, 144 Bull street, under
Guards' Armory.—a 4.
Will Be Sent Back ta India by Em
igrant Commissioner Carrie.
Desk Sergeant Baughn was present
ed with the knottiest problem in the
history of his connection with the city
police department when Israel Bonano,
a coolie cook, was carried to police
headquarters by Emigrant Commis
sioner Currie yesterday afternoon for
detention until the facts of the deser
tion of the man from the British
steamship Indrimayo could be ascer
tained and arrangements be made for
returning 'the man to India.
Bonano deserted his vessel about a
week ago, and was arrested by the
ship’s watchman yesterday. He was
immediately turned over to Commis
sioner Currie. When he was carried
before Sergt Baughn the sergeant pre
emptorily demanded his name. The
appearance of the prisoner suggested
he was one of the specie usually
brought up from Yamaeraw on Sat
urday nights. The man stared at the
desk sergeant in blank amazement,
and Commissioner Currie informed the
sergeant that the man was a coolie.
The sergeant, while not an expert
linguist, can make himself understood
fairly well in most of the modern ver
sions of the English language, but he
is a little backward in his Tibeto-Bur
man dialect. After making due ex
cuses to the commissioner for his ig
norance of what the prisoner was try
ing to say the sergeant entered his
name on the blotter as Charlie Ka
man, which is sufficiently in the prox
imity to the title borne by the coolie
ip his native land. The coolie will be
deported to India.
Fnneral of Mr*. Johaiinah Englcrt.
The funeral of Mrs. Johannah Eng
lert was conducted from the family
residence, No. 404 Henry street, east,
at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Rev.
J. Y. Fair and Rev. W. A. Nistet
officiated. The floral emblems were
beautiful and numerous. The pall
bearers were Messrs. H. C Harden,
Joseph Phillips, L. E. McCarthy, J.
T. West, J. B. Murphy and Henry
Precht. The interment was in Laurel
Grove Cemetery.
Free Test Distribution of Drake'*
Palmetto Wine Being Made in Sa
Less than twelve months ago the
name of Drake’s Palmetto Wine was
unknown to readers of the Morning
News, but it is now a household word
among thousands in Savannah and
surrounding territory. It is a matter
of no little surprise that a meritori
ous preparation can win its way into
the homes of so many in this brief
space of time. The secret, however,
can be told in a very few words. The
manufacturers, knowing its curative
qualities, advertised their preparation
and at the same time distributed sev
eral thousand test bottles among those
who desired to give it a fair trial. The
immediate calls upon the druggists for
the regular size .bottles demonstrated
the fact that the article was one of
These same druggists will also bear
further evidence to the fact that
Drake’s Palmetto Wine will do just
what it claims, these facts being glean
ed from words of praise from satisfied
customers who, after giving it a fair
trial and reaping benefits therefrom,
desired others to know its merits.
In order to further establish Drake's
Palmetto Wine among those whom it
will benefit, the manufacturers are
making another free test destribution
in Savannah, a sample bottle of which
may be obtained from the following
druggist, Masonic Temple Pharmacy,
102 Liberty street, west, corner Whit
The reproduction of nearly 100 tes
timonials, selected at random from
several thousands, speaks volumes for
the merits of the preparation.
They do not try to prove what it will
do for you. A test bottle and fair
trial will demonstrate in the most forc
ible way. If you are sick and look
ing for a cure, they claim to have the
remedy that will cure you. Call and
secure a test bottle before the supply
is exhausted.—ad.
Canily Selling at Adler’s
Opens to-day. America’s famous can
dies, “Powell’s,” in every kind known
to fine candy making, are placed on
sale this morning. Every piece fresh
and pure.* Boxes, sc, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c
and 50c. Adler's.—ad.
If you want an upright piano for
$l5O you can find it at Murphy's Piano
Warerooma, 344 Bull street, under
Guards’ Armory.—-ad.
For Sale, Pare Olive Oil.
We have the most delicious olive oil
in stock that can be had; there is
none superior; we guarantee this olive
oil to be absolutely pure; It is Import
ed by us through the United States
Custom House direct here from Nice,
France, which place is celebrated for
the best olive oil that is made; we can
give you this splendid olive oil in bot
tles or one-half gallon and gallon cans;
it is with pride that we offer this
oltve oil now, as we have never be
fore had the good fortune to be able
to get so pure an article as we have
now. Llppman Drug Company, comer
Congress and Barnard streets. Savan
nah, Ga. —ad.
If you want an artistic piano tuner
and repairer’s services leave your or
der at Murphy’s Wareroo#B, 344 Bull
street, under Guards’ Armory. Georgia
’phone 810.—ad.
Two Train* Daily to Eastern Cltlea
via Southern Railway.
Southern Railway has resumed
double dally train service be
tween Savannah and the East,
leaving Savannah 1 p. m. and 12:15
a. m.. Central time. Both trains car
ry Pullman drawing room sleeping
cars to Washington and New York
elegant day coaches and the finest din
ing cars In the world. All trains now
operated over the new double track
through Virginia and the Southern
Railway double-track bridge across the
Potomac. Pullman reservations glad
ly made or information furnished upon
application to E. G. Thomson. C. P.
& T. A., 141 Bull street; 'phones 850.
ad. _
Hi aboard Air Line Railway. Rest
Line to Jacksonville, Florida,
null Nonth,
The Seaboard Air Line I* the short
line, operates Pullman service on all
trains to Jacksonville and Tampa, and
makes the quickest time. Only four
hours, Savannah to Jacksonville. Tick
et office. No. 7 Bull street; 'phone 28.
If you want the best piano or organ
on earth you will find It sit Murphy's
Plano Wardrooms, 844 Bull street, un
der Guards' Armory.—ad.
“B/ue Streak”
A wheel that has many
friends in Savannah. It is
full of worth and Is never
disa p pointing.
Many Tribune riders are
buying new models. Our
easy payment plan just Suits.
19 West Broughton Street.
Remember not a need that
drug stores supply but by
coming here you can get it of
the best quality and at prices
as little as you can afford to
pay. Maybe it’s only one of
those co-cent guaranteed hot
water bottles—but, remem
ber, not a need!
“Get It at Rowlinskl's,”
Broughton and Drayton.
Shoud never be overlooked
In the treatment of skin
diseases. It is sure- to
cure! It is an ointment
you apply to the spot and
It kills tile germs of the
disease. Healing, cooling
and soothing relief cornea
from its first application
and the germs being de
stroyed nature proceeds to
heal the affected part, A
box 50 cents.
Anthracite in all sizes.
Jellico Soft Lamp.
Both Phones 507.
Lumbermen Supply and
Equipment Go.
The newest thing in dry kilns.
Pries lumber In 24 hours.
Costs less than others.
Vulcanite asphalt roofing. '"ttw
Vulcanite Rubber Roofing.
Sash, Blinds, Doors,
Paints, Oils, Glass,
Lime, Cements, Plaster,
20 Congress Street, West.
Fruit, Produce,
Hay, Grain, Etc.
122 Bay Street, West.
Telephone 858.
Murray Comedy Cos.
presenting To-night,
Sat Mat —“Foxy Grandpa.”
Sat. Night—" Trap by Treachery.”
Specialties between the acts. Prices
10c, 20c and 80c.
The Comic Opera,
“Sergeant Kitty,”
will be here To-morrow Night.
Orchestra $1.50 and SI.OO, Balcony
SI.OO and 75c, Gallery 50c.
Next Mon. Mat and Night—" She
rlock Holmes." .
Leo Frank,
Congress and Whitaker Ml*.

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