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THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND THE MODERN HOUSEWIFE AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION BY DR. ANDREW M. SOULE J THE LINTER SITUATION Linters are a by-product obtained as a result of cleaning cotton seed preparatory to their use in our oil mills. Through the agency of the gin the greater part of the fiber of the cotton seed is removed, but there is still left on the seed a very con siderable amount of short fiber closely matted about it. Linters, of course, vary considerably in charac ter and quality, and the amount ob tained from a ton of seed differs ma terially, according to the process of cleaning Instituted by the oil mill. For a long time the delinting of cotton seed was a very difficult and expensive undertaking. In recent years, however, machinery has been invented which makes this process comparatively simple, and it is now possible to so completely remove the linters from cotton seed as to give them the appearance of Sea Island or Egyptian seed. Ordinarily only from 25 to 75 pounds of lint was cut from a ton of seed, because there was not such a demand for linters as to justify the removal of more of the lint. The world war, however, changed this whole . situation and created an enormous demand for linters on account of their value in the manufacture of explosives. As a result, during the war period the United States government required the mills to secure as high as 140 pounds of lint per ton of seed. There are instances on record where as much as 200 pounds of lint per ton was secured. This end was attained through the invention and use of more improved machinery than had IFdukel WOjDOO.OOOtsI I “ FURS ■ and will pay higher price* than any H M boose in America to. get them. ■ We have such a big demand we must have more k ■ furs quick- Write for new book —Trappers' H M. Partner, regular price lists and tags —all free g ■ ' Don't sell your furs until you get Fouke’s price* K M Write today. ■ FOUKE FUR C0.,32 J Fouke Bldg., St. Loui», Mo. . c _ | furs S Bring Bl* Money. 5 You can't get * alonj without F our Fur price Het WnMFj: * and catalog of K trapper' ■ euppilee. rfSSjSfflMjS 6 Write today J* M| f J gfr P«pLNo. 135 A We Will Help You Start This Home Orchard of Eight Fine, Assorted Apple Trees! We want to interest you in fruit growing! Every garden should have at least a few choice | A UjZ ; There has never, in any year, been nearly enough apple trees, and we will help you plant yours. \ really good apples grown in this country to go half- Our Home Orchard Collection is just the right size, V s way around. The only way to be sure of having all and contains just the right varieties to make an ideal the apples you want is to grow them. home anole orchard. ■■ . i i Each Home Orchard Collection is Unconditionally GUARANTEED Yellow Transparent *-i 'to arrive in good condition, and to GROW TO YOUR SATISFAC- TION, if the simple Planting Instructions are carefully followed. i These Eight Apple Trees are Easily and Quickly Grown ' We will send you, postpaid, our Home Orchard Collection of Eight Choice Apple Tree Grafti, Two Each of Four Splendid Varieties! They are produced by a method that insures every good quality of rapid growth, early maturity and heavy yield, if given the care they deserve. From selected . JgHy trees, the bright new branches, called "scions,” are cut off, and each sciSn is carefully grafted to a one-year apple l root, and wrapped with waxed twine. The apple tree graft, complete, is about a foot high, and is ready to plant. ; > TWO of Each of these FOUR Grand Varieties • i TWO GENUINE DELICIOUS. The finest win- TWO JONATHAN. Handsome, sweet, juicy. ter apple grown. Os wonderful beauty, flavor and deep red apples in abundance, and a good crop ev aroma. An early bearer of heavy crops. ery year. A splendid keeper. TWO YELLOW TRANSPARENT. Bears the TWO WEALTHY. One of the m profitable second year. Juicy yellow apples in June andUuly. fall varieties on account of its immense yield of high I Fleah firm, crisp and delightfully tart. quality apples. ' All Sent to You POSTPAID! y | and GUARANTEED to Grow! ’ Think of the value of an apple orchard of eight thrifty, healthy trees! Apples with- out stint, from your own trees, through early and late summer, fall and winter! Think of the beauty of eight apple trees in bloom around your home, each tree a billowy mass of fragrant, coral blossoms! Think how quickly these four splendid varieties grow, W -O A Fruit Tree Graft how soon, -- just a few years when they will be yielding bushel after bushel of the finest J'-?’ Actually a small fruit apples grown. Remember, WE TAKE ALL THE RISK. If this Home Orchard tree, s* ft has both a Collection fails to arrive in good condition or to grow to your satisfaction, IT WILL in U d can beXXTd BE REPLACED WITHOUT CHARGE! cared for in tie same . • xxrr 1 XkffilgJScjJiE'-' manner as larger trees. Take advantage NOW, TODAY, of OUt Liberal Offer, and you -Genuine Delicious are of superior quality. Can GET YOUR HOME ORCHARD STARTED This Season! OUR OFFER—We will send this col- T he Tri-Weekly Journal, Atlanta, Ga. lection Os Eight Apple Trees Absolutely Gentlemen: Enclosed find SI.OO for which send Frpp Postnaid if vnn will send ns OO me The Tri ' Weekl y Journal for one full year and rree, rOStpaia, ir you Wl se UUS JSI.OU a^so me y OUr p ree p rem i um , Your Home Or- for a Twelve Months subscription to The chard Collection of Eight Apple Trees. Atlanta Tri-Weekly Journal. Use the Nome Coupon, and address all orders p - O. - The Tri-Weekly Journal, Atlanta, Ga. R ' F ' D State THE ATLANTA TRI-WEEKLY JOURNAL hitherto been employed. The best results in delinting cotton were ob tained through what is known as the carborundum system. Upon the ’ conclusion of the war the govern ment had no further use for the im mense amount of linters being pro duced in this country, and hence the mills went back to an average cut of presumably 65 pounds of lint per ton of seed. In other words, they began to make what is known , as mattress linters. Linters resemble Immature or un developed cotton fibers in many re spects. The fiber is often short and the staple weak. The color natu rally varies from* gray to greenish yellow. It is difficult to obtain a white linter. The colors predomi nating are the natural colors of the short lint of cotton. As a rule, lint ers range from one-eighth to one half inch in length. The longest linters are obtained ordinarily from the earliest picked cotton. There are about 800 oil mills In operation In the United States. Twenty years ago the output of linters was about 114,000 bales, equal to 1.2 per cent of the cotton crop. In 1920 it was 608,000 bales, equal to 5.4 per cent of the cotton ! crop. Under the conditions of War, necessarily the output of linters rose as high as 1,331,000 bales, equal to 10.9 per cent of the cotton crop. Linters are handled much in the same manner as cotton, being baled and covered with bagging and tied , With six iron bands. Linters iw* bought and sold very much on the same basis as other cotton. The commercial value, of course, varies from 2c and upward. Linters are useful for many pur poses. While they are mainly used in the manufacture of mattresses and explosives they also serve man ! ufacturers in the following capaci ties: First, as batting or wadding. Second, as materials for making pads, mattresses, cushions, comforts, horse collars and upholstery of va rious kinds. Third, as absorbent cotton. Fourth, for mixing with shoddj*. Fifth, for mixing with wool in hat making. Sixth, for mixing with lambs wool In the manufacture of fleece-lined underwear. Seventh, for low-grade yarns for use in the manufacture of lamp and candle wicks, twine, rope and carpets. Eighth, as an aid in the manufacture of artificial silk, paper, and the basis for explosives. It will thus be seen that the varied uses for linters create a ready market for a consid erable quantity of them. Undoubt- I' ?dly new fields will be found -vhich they can be employed to ad vantage. In spite of the fact that a I much larger proportion of lintgrs • can be manufactured, therefore, ; than is produced at present, it j would appear as if a satisfactory ■ rse could ultimately be found for • them. The market, of course, is i overstocked at present, but times i .ire abnormal. When the readjust : ments now in process are fully con ! summated there is every reason to ' believe that the supply of linters which has accumulated will be ab orbed and a demand created there for that will necessitate the almost complete delinting of the seed on : the basis followed during tne war period. To many it will no doubt be sur prising that the very comfortable and desirable mattresses so exten sively used throughout the country are made from the lowly linter. Many will also bo surprised to know that linters fc’ni the basis of so deadly an exp'.osi r e as gun cotton. The fact that our armies and those of our allies weie supplied with an abundance of tnis material was a factor' of some importance in decid ing the war in our favor. The Ger mans tried to make substitutes therefor from wood cellulose, and succeeded to a considerable extent, but they were never able to fully overcome the handicap which their failure to obtain an abundant supply of linters imposed uiYm their manu facturers of high explosives. The linter, in a sense, is of rather lowly origin. Its value and possi bilities have been but slowly recog nized. Comparatively little atten tion or consideration has been given to it in comparison with the diversi ty of uses to which it may be put and the latent possibilities which lie ahead for its development. The war taught us something of the value and essential character of linters, but now that the v necessities of the hour haVe been satisfied it is tend ing to drift back into the unimpor tant position it previously occupied. The people of the south are tremen dously interested in the linter prop , osition. Anything which can be done to improve their character and increase their usefulness gives an added value to the cotton seed and the fiber of cotton itself. Research along the line of linter utilization should be instituted and promoted in every southern state. If this were done it would soon be possible to standardize this product in a man ner which has never been underta ken in the past. Undoubtedly new uses for linters would be revealed which would greatly increase the de mand for the same. If this product were standardized many of the dis putes and controversies now arising relative to what constitutes a desir able grade or quality of linters would be obviated. This would save much money and time and a good deal of liSgation. If some organization were created to analyze and study the possibilities of linters much valuable information relative thereto could be widely dis tributed. At the present time the great majority of our people know nothing about this subject. One of the crying needs of our country at the present time is for an adequate supply of cheap paper. The exhaus tion of our forests, from which wood pulp has been obtained in the past, is near at hand. We face the time shortly when we must either limit the use of paper or find another source of supply. Obviously it will soon become so high priced as to limit its distribution. It appears now, however, that a very high grade of paper can be made from linters. This is one of the recent facts brought to light by investiga tors. The possibilities of utilizing linters in this direction are still un known, because only a limited amount of experimentation has been undertaken as yet. If it should be proven, as I believe it will, that linters can be made at a reasonable cost into the highest grade of paper the entire complexion of rhe situa tion as it relates to this proposition will have been changed. What an important matter the discovery and realization of this fact would be to the farmers, oil millers and manu facturers of the south generally? A ready market at our very doors would be created at substantial prices for infinitely more linters than we would ever be able to pro duce. This is but one illustration of value which research may be made to our people. It Is another evidence of the fact that we are res ident over undiscovered and unu tilized gold mines as potent as any which have ever been discovered in the world and as Inexhaustible as time itself. There is an old saying that “the stone which the builders rejected has now become the head of the cor ner.” There is a possibility that this may be true in the case of linters. We have seen in this generation the marvelous transformation of the cot ton seed from a nuisance and a waste product into one of our most valuable and important economic as sets. Through the agency of re search we may see a change of equal economic significance and impor tance take place with regard to the lowly, despised, and unappreciated linter. Tanning Beef Hides at Home G. A. 8., Martin, Ga., writes. I have two small beef hides I wish to tan for home use, such as hame strings and other uses on the farm. There is no market for the hides. Can you give me a home method for tanning the hides? We have had many requests for information as to the best method of tanning hides at home. The follow ing is a formula recommended by responsible parties: In preparing hides for tanning the first process they are put through is what is known as soaking and fleshing. This is done to soften them and remove the salt, blood and dirt. After the hides have been thoroughly softened and cleaned they must then be fleshed. This consists in removing all fleshy and fatty mat ter from the flesh side of the hide. This can be done entirely by hand with a sharp knife if one exercises sufficient patience. On a commer cial scale this work is now done by machinery. The next process is to put the hide in a vat containing milk of lime to loosen the hair and epidermis. Hides are then placed in what is known as sweat pits or dark close rooms where the air is stagnant. This finally causes the hair to loosen so it can be readily removed. Before hides can be tanned they must be put in a deliming bath of lactic or other weak acids. Hides are then pickled by paddling them for about an hour in a weak solution of sulphuric acid and salt. __ Home Stills Looked On With Disfavor BELFAST, Ireland. Dec. 3.—Home stills are regarded with much dis favor by the members of the Irish republican army who have been making an extensive sweep of them in North Donegal. Altogether 40 of them have been seized and one which escaped an initial search was later discovered hidden down a 600-foot precipice. B s Aunt Julia’s >3 Letterßozx “Help for the Helpless—Kindness to All Dumb Things* RULES No unsigned letters printed. No letter written on both sides of paper printed. All letters not to exceed 150 to 200 words. Dear Children: I want you to begin right away passing along your Christmas suggestions. Come along boys, I know you do something at Christmas to make the people around you feel happier because you are there. Help the other boys along by telling those things. Christmas isn’t just to let the girls make something for each other, for father and mother and you, but it is to give you a chance also to give that outward visible sign of your spiritual happiness because our blessed Saviour was born on that day. Lovingly, AUNT JULIA. Dear Aunt Julia and Cousins: I want to join your happy band of boys and girls. Well, I will describe myself now: I have brown hair, brown eyes, medium complexion. I live in town, but I am visiting my aunt tn the country. I sure do enjoy the country, being among the horses, cows and chickens. How manv enjoy music? I surely do, but I enjoy singing the best. I have been go ing to singing schools. Some of your good looking boytf' and girls write to a new cousin. GAY REYNOLDS. Dalton, Ga., Route 4, Box 70. Dear Aunt Julia and Cousins: Here I come again. Will you please open the door and let a little Florida girl in? I have a lots to tell all of you as I haven't written in a long time. How many of you cousins are going to school? I am going, my teach er’s name is Miss Mayme Smedley. She is a good teacher r.nd our principal is Miss Shepard. I guess all of you cousins expect a good Christmas. How many of you girls would like to exchange Christmas presents with me? I will be glad to if there are any_ girls that wish to do so. Please write me, will answer all letters and cards received (JALLIE PORTER. Ocala, Fla. p. s.—Will some one please send me the paper that has my letter in it, as I don’t get it any, more? Dear Friends: How is everybody today? I want to know if you will let a new cousin come in. I have read a few of your letters, but we do not take the paper. I guess you would like to know who I am and how I look. Am 5 feet 4 inches low, have blue eyes, light brown hair, fair complexion and am just "sweet sixteen,” and would like to get letters from any of the cousins. Re member me as your new cousin. MAMIE HARRELL. St. Paul, N. C. Dear Aunt Julia: Will you let another girl join your happy circle? I have read a few of your letters and like to read them. I am in the seventh grade and like to go to school fine. I will descrioe myself. I am 5 feet and 6 inches tall, have brown Lair and brown eyes, aad fair complexion. Am 15 years old. MISS BERTIE CARLYLE. Lumberton, N. C., R. No. 2. Hello! Aunt Julia and Cousins: Here I come like a little bird. I hope I will be admitted to your happy circle of boys and girls. I have read some of your letters before and I like to read them. I am going to school and like it fine. I guess most all of you cousins are going to school now. Well, I guess you all are wondering how I look. Listen, and I will tell you: Five feet five inches high, dark hair, blue eyes, dark complexion, weight 100 pounds. I will let you all guess my age. It is between 13 and 18. If any of you cousins would like to write let your letters and cards fly. By by. Love to all. MISS ALMA WILLIS. Lumberton, N. C., Route 2. Dearest Aunt Julia and Cousins: Here I come again, tapping for admittance into your happy band of boys and girls, and I truly hope that I am admitted. I suppose you cousins remember me. do you not? I certainly did receive a lot of letters from different stages, anl these certainly were appreciated to the highest. Os course I did not answer them all, but I answered most | of them lam bringing several cousins with me. All you cousins write to your old cousin, MISS MYRTLE WILLIS. Lumberton, N. C., Route 2. Dearest Aunt Julia and Cousins: Here comes a North Carolina girl to join your happy band of girls and boys. I have read some of your letters before and I like them just fine. As I am a new member, I will describe myself. Here I go: I am 5 feet 6 inches tall, weigh 108, have light brown hair, fair complexion and blue eyes. Let your letters fly to your new cousin, MISS ALMENIA HOLDER. Lumberton, N. C., Route 2. Dearest Aunt Julia and Cousins: Would , you let a North Carolina girl join in your happy band of boys and girls? I live in the country and certainly do like country life better than I do town life. I certainly do enjoy reading the letters that boys and girls write, and it is so nice of you to give us a page in The Journal. Now I will de scribe myself. Now, don’t laugh: Age, 16; weight, 135 pounds: 5 feet 6 inches tall; have dark brown hair and eyes, dark com plexion. I guess I had better hush my chat. Any letter or cards would be appre ciated from any of you cousins. Your new friend. MISS BESSIE HOLDEN. Lumberton, N. C., Route 2. Dear Aunt Julia and Cousins: Here comes an Alabama girl, but I live in Florida now. I live on a farm. I go to school now, am in the seventh grade. I will describe myself, please don't run: I have blonde hair, dark brown eyes, between dark and fair complexion, 5 feet 4 inches tall, and twelve years old. I like to read the cousins' letters very much. I hope Aunt Julia hasn’t any billy goat. Please print by letter. Mr. Wastebasket might get it. I will be glad to get any letters or postcards and will try to answer all letters sent to me. I am a friend' and schoolmate of Eula Mae Dukes. Your new cousin, BERTHA LEE DARTY. Sumica, Fla. P. S. —I inclose 5c for the orphan. Dear Aunt Julia and Cousins: Will you please let a little North Carolina girl enter into your happy band of boys and girls? I Hive in Albemarle, N. C., and go to the A. N. I. J. to school and like it fine. I have auburn hair, brown eyes and fair com_ plexion, weigh 110 pounds, height 5 feet 2 inches, and am sweet sixteen. How do you all like my description? Well, as I am nfraid Mr. Wostebasket is near, I will close hoping to hear from some of you good looking boys and girl real soon. Your niece and cousin. NELLIE LOWDEN. Albemarle, N. C., Route 4, Box 156. Dear Aunt Julia nnd Cousins: Here come two little girls from the lan dos flo ' Ters knocking for admittance. Guess everybody is in school. We are and are having a good time and learning fast. We haves a dear teacher, of whom we are proud. We, like most of the cousins, live on the farm and are proud to say we do. Guess you all are wondering with the greatest wonder what we look like, so if you all will get blund 26 EGGS A DAY FROM 30 HENS,JOINTER Mr. Miller Has Been Getting Results Lite This For Years. "During the worst part of last winter, with cold, blustery days and damp ground, we got 20 to 26 eggs a day out of 30 hens. Have used Don Sung for several years and always with wonderful results. Ana tl ‘ e eggs are better, larger and heavier. —E. E. Miller, 509 Lamar st., Fort Worth, Texas. With the right kind of help, your hens will lay all winter. It’s no trouble and costs nothing to try. Give your hens Don Sung and watch re sults for one month. If you don’t find that it pays for itself and pays you a good profit besides, tell us and your money will be cheerfully refunded. . Don Sung (Chinese for egg-laying) is a scientific tonic and conditioner. It is eas ily given in the feed, improves the hen’s hea’th and makes her stronger and more active. It is guaranteed to get the eggs, no matter how cold or wet the weather. Don Sung can be obtained promptly from your druggist or poultry remedy dealer, or send 50c for a package by mail prepaid. Burrell-Dugger Co., 214 Columbia Bldg., In dianapolis, Ind. —(Advertisement.) PEACH & APPLE ”8"83 FFQ REDUCED TRICES I direct to Planters Small or Large Lots by Express, Freight or Par cel Post. Pear. Plum, Cherry, Berries, Grapes. Nuts. Shade aid Ornamental Trees. Vines and Shrubs. Catalog FREE: TENN. NURSERY CO.. Box 21. Cleveland, Tenn. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921. MARY MEREDITH’S ADVICtI TO LONELY GIRLS AT HOME Dear Madam: Will you please tell me through your columns how much does a hemstitching machine cost, and where I could buy one? Do you think It would pay to do this kind of work ?. country town, or would It only pay in a city. Thanking you for any advise y’Du can give me, I am Yours truly, CARMEN. Answer—Write-to C. G. Lambert, general agent Singer Machine com pany, Grant building, Atlanta, Ga., for (information regarding hem -stiching machine. It may pay you to own one. Perhaps you can take orders from the towns near thg town in which you live. I would like to learn millinery. I have a desire to go to Athens. Is there any place in Athens where millinery is taught? If so what do they charge to teach any one? Does Athens have a Y. W. C. A. or any place of that kind for working girls to board, and what do they charge for board? Thanking you in ad vance for your' information. X. X. X. Answer —Yes, there is a Y. W. C. A. in Athens, Ga., also Y. M. C. A. If you are seeking Information in regard to these places write to sec retary of Y. W. C. A., Athens, Ga. and you will get direct answers to all questions asked about millinery or any other kind of work or pro fession. I am coming to you for advice, but not about love affairs. lam a married man of twenty-two years. I work on the farm and I do not like farm work. I would like to get a Job on the street car in Atlanta, if there is any chance. I can make anything farming. »I am not able to do hard work. If you could give me any advice whether I can get a job or not it will be appreciated. I hope to see this in print in'The At lanta Journal. Yours truly, BILL. Write a letter to Mr. Wade H. Wright, Georgia Railway and Elec tric company, Atlanta, Ga. If he can find a place for you or thinks you can fill the bill, as motorman or conductor on street cars here, he will inform you. However, you can write the letter, try him and see if you can get a job with the railway company. We are two lonely girls seeking your advice. Will you please help us out? I, Kate, have been going with a boy one year. We are engaged. He loves me dearly, and I love him. I am twenty-three years old, have blue eyes and light curly hair. He is twelve years my senior, and has blue eyes and dark hair. Do you think he is too old for me? Please answer. Please advise me what color t» be married in, as I anj to be mar ried this winter. I am twenty-one, have bobbed hair and am a brunette. I am going to runaway to be mar ried. Thank you, sign our name “PALS.” Answer —Your future husband is thirty-five and you are twenty three years of age. He isn’t too old for you. Better a little old than too young. He may bring you years of happiness. He knows what he’s about, having had ample time to select a wife, and there is no rea son why you and he shouldn’t marry and be very happy. Bobbed hair brunette, why are you going to run away to marry? You are of age. It would be much nicer and more gen teel to be married at home. Mo rocco-colored duvetyn trimmed in squirrel would be fetching on you. Brown or taupe trimmed in moleskin would be pretty; also the everlast ing midnight blue trimmed in gray wool embroidery, a black satin hat would be In keeping. The purse has a great deal to do with the style and costume. Just now teh shops are offering real bargains in suits and one-piece dresses. the door we’ll describe ourselves. I, Grace, have dark brown hair, brown eyes, fair complexion, rosy lips, am 5 feet 4 inches high, 16 years of age, and m the ninth grade, weigh 120 pounds. I, Delma, have black hair, blue eyes, fair complexion, rosy lips, am 5 feet 4 inches tall, 16 years of age and am in the ninth grade, weight 120 pounds. We are great chums at school. Any of you boys and girls wishing to write to us, just let your letters fly. We’ll as sure you an answer. Listen, Lewis Sutton, let your letters fly to the Letter Box. Your nieces and cousins, GRACE O’BRIAN, DELMA GAYLORD. Altha, Fla. « Dear Cousins: Please admit five school chums into your happy band of boys and girls. We are all in school today. We do not enjoy school life very much. We live in north Georgia and like ou? home fine. We will describe ourselves and go. I, Irene, am still in my teens, have gray eyes and light hair; guess my age. I, Birdie, and still in my teens, have brown hair and brpwn eyes; guess my age. I, Clyde, am still in my teens, with black hair and blue eyes. We would like to hear from boys anil girls in Georgia and other states. BIRDIE HUFF, IRENE DAVIS, CLYDE JACKSON, THELMA CHANDLER, LE MONA MOSLEY. Rockmart, Ga., Route 4. Hello, Aunt Julia and Cousins: Have comes a South Carolina girl knocking for admittance. I, like lots of the cousins, live on the farm and like it fine. I have never lived in town, but I don’t imagine that I would like it at all. Daddy takes The Jour nal and I enjoy reading It, especially the letter box. Sister- ha* written to the letter box once, some of you may remember her, Ruby Farmer. What do you cousins do for pastime? I tat, read and have picked some cotton. I am somewhat tired of the latter. I will give a hurried description of myself: Five feet 5 inches low, weigh 115 pounds, have blue eyes, auburn hair and my age is between 16 and 19, the one that guesses my age, I will send them my photograph. All you who write me will receive an answer, for I am crazy about corresponding. The best of wishes from (Miss) LOIS FARMER. Greer, S. C., Route 4 ; Dear Aunt Julia and Cousins: May 1 come into your cozy band of boys and girls? What do you cousins do for pastime? I read and help mamma in the house. . I live on the farm, but I can not say I like it. I will describe myself and go: Black hair, brown eyes, medium complexion, 14 years old. Who has my birthday, February 17? All of you cousins let your letters fly to LILLIAN CRANH. Dacusville, S. 0., Route 2. The Country Home BY MRS. W. H. FELTON AMERICA AND IMMIGRATION Any student of American history understands that the United States opened its doors wide Wnen the country was young—to all the down trodden and oppressed peoples of the old world. Those who were per secuted for their religion or their allegiance to kings who lost their thrones, or who like the Irish, came here to get bread to eat—and pay for their labor—were welcomed to our shores. As the years rolled on, this open door became a subject of dispute and of political contention. In 1855 • the Know-Nothing party came into existence with the slogan: “America for Americans.” I have in my pos session an old set of documents which were used in organizing a chapter or klan, with this idea of having Americans kept in author ity, in lieu of foreigners who were crowding into our country, and who were ignorant, not only of our laws and traditions, but of our lan guage. I have the names of the men who composed that particular organization in the community. It was a political issue state of Georgia. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens was the recognized leader of the “open door” immigration, and Hon. Benjamin H. Hill was the ora tor on the other side. The newspaper files of that era would furnish interesting data, and the young people of the state know next to nothing of the heat and fury of that gubernatorial campaign. Hon. Herschel V. Johnson was elected governor in 1853, and he, with Mr. Stephens, were the leaders in the politics of that era. I wish some of our fine reporters for the present-day newspapers would take up this subject, and let the flashlight shine on the political excitement of that stormy time in Georgia history. This was before the Civil war — which became the vital issue-based on the retention of the institution of domestic slavery in the southern states. The slavery question drowned out the immigration ques tion completely. Foreigners residing in the United States took sides for and against slavery. Foreigners entered both Federal and Confederate armies. There was no time to consider who came over from the kingdoms and empires of the old world. After the Civil war, these immi gration questions were almost com pletely sidetracked. President Hayes placed Carl Schurz in his cabinet — and Schurz had been forced to flee from his native Germany—to save his neck. This immigration question looms up now. It is a vital issue. On its solution depends the probable ex istence of our own republic. For Consumption ' The following preparation for treating consumption is reprinted by request. • x The distinguished Dr. Hoff, of Vienna, has made public a remedy for consumption. It is the result of years of practical investigation and is fortified by his experience in the treatment of the disease accord ing to the formula he has recently proclaimed. We here give this for mula, or prescription, as he has communicated it to the world through the medium of the Central News agency: “Acid, arsenic, .1. "Kai. carbon, dep., .2. “Acid cinnamylic, .3. “Aqua destill., .5. “Coque usque ad perfectam solu tionem; deinde adde cognac, 2.5. “Extr, laudan. aqua., .3. “Quod in aqua destill., 2.5. “Solutum et deinde filtratum fult.” Converted into plain English the formula runs as follows: “Arsenic acid 1 part, carbonate of potash 2 parts, cinnamyllic acid 3 parts, and distilled water 5 parts; heat until a perfect solution is ob tained, then add 25 parts of cognac and 3 parts of watery extract of opium which has been dissolved in 25 parts of water and filtered.” And next comes Dr. Hoff’s state ments and specifications: “Dr. Hoff’s directions are: 'At first take six drops after dinner and supper, gradually increasing to twenty-two drops.’ “He states that he has tried the remedy on 200 patients from the low est classes, who had been long un der observation. “Mild cases were quickly cured, and partial cures were soon brought about in severer cases. The appe tite and weight were increased steadily, the fever lowered, night sweats, Insomnia, and asthmatic symptoms lessened, cough decreased, and rattle stopped. The patients are asked only to keep the kidneys in order. “The duration of the treatment de spends entirely upon the condition of the patient. Mild cases are cured in two months, bu the more severe require a year or two. “Dr. Hoff says he does not claim for the solution the power of a magic wand, which cures at touch; but he can state this—that one of his patients had cavities in the lungs big enough to put one’s fist into, yet he was cured in about two years. It is absolutely necessary that the solution should be taken after eating, when the stomach is full. “The treatment must not be forced by increasing the doses. As long as the patient shows signs of improve ment the dose should not be. in creased. It is sometimes beneficial to reduce the dose.” Evidently, Dr. Hoff is not a quack with a nostrum to sell or a prophy lactic to exploit. He is a professor of medicine, recognized as high au thority in the scientific world, but he submits his remedy on its mer its, without money and without price, solely in the man kind and for the honor of the benef icent profession he represents. At least it is worthy of thoughtful con sideration. FORD AND EDISON READY FOR TRIP DETROIT, Dec. I.—Henry Ford, accompanied by Thomas A. Edison, will probably leave Detroit tomor row night en route to inspect the Muscle Shoals nitrate plant, in Ala bama, which he has offered to pur chase from the government. Mr. Edison is going with Mr. Ford to assist in making an estimate of the cost of completing the project. Mr. Edison is expected to join Mr. Ford here tomorrow. The party plans to travel byway of Cincinnati and Nashville. The party, which will be in charge of Edsel Ford, expects to arrive at Muscle Shoals Monday. DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 35-cents h,uys a bottle of “Dan-. derine” at any drug store. After one application jou can not find a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance.—(Advertisement.) SALE OF —■ WOOL JgßtSfe, Embroidered f&ISERGE jtfl DRESSES it Don’t miss this etnas ing bargain! Only ■ few of these stunning >a style, fine quality 18 feab'SweU n Serge Dresses to go at this sensationally lowprice. Fashioned from extra quality. gstf Vbi Serge;alwayslooM nice and gives ex -tiw eellent wssr. Bsaa-i SaOl tlfally daslaosd Jssffin wtllehed wool am ;|«| I bnokiwy In twohar -4Z tnoniiingeolon— will not pull out or run. 1 WZal novalty pockets; amt rwajujßS'lg F»terial sash belt; iull length sleeves. I SEND NO. ■MSM MONEY IW Bo sure ere we that you ® will ssr this la the moat wonderful bargain yoa MwASyeSKtfrgf'KiaKa ever saw .we send it with- MtAmwJHKgHQTSM ootonepennyinadvincs. tfSSaiSJjgSbMiHVMj/fl Just your request brings iJavGifiHraJlvY - kJM this charming dress. But ISgydMS don't d-lsr-th-rwlllge reel ACT NOW! 5. * s-nd no money now-osy sale S*M' [ f KA Wt WBa PI IntenulioMl Mail Order Hom /J Dept. Kl9ll 3311 Ogdan Avenue, CHICAOO W' sS,*~|MZrnstlonal Mall Orc er House W Oeet.lUWii-aailOsSae Avo_CMaaee ’ VSk Please send me quick Bargain Berge Dress. Will pay postman sBB and’postage on arrivJ. U not delighted you will, refund my money. Name 1 Address ~wl City... Stats...i SUFFEREDIDT A WOM4NCOULD Mrs. Meyer Finally Found Relief and Health in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Orange, Cal. —"I always feel yery grateful to you, as some twenty years onago three doctors | said I had to have | a serious opera | tion. . I had a tu | mor, and ulcers | which would gath ler and break. I ? had displacement I so badly that I I could hardly sit | down at times, and it seemed as if ; I suffered every thing that a wo man could suffer. Then some one advised me to take Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, and I took it until I was cured and saved from the operation. I have told wo men of your wonderful medicine times without number, and I am will ing that you should use these facts and my name if you like. I also used your Compound during the Change, and I can do all my own work but the heavy part, and can walk miles every day as I help my husband in the office. ’’—Mrs. J.H Meyer, 412 South Orange St., Orange, California. A great many women who suffered like uiis have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I / I 1 For Three Generations JI IV) Have Made Child-Births /jl i IlK) Easier By Using SOLO ...... - , BYALL 1. Fl 0 RUS I i 1 ! Ifvi 1 STO3ES •{ V-M’V FA N1 write for booklet oh Motherhood ahd the baby, fre, Bradfield resulatorCo..Dept.9-D.Atlanta. Ga, This Beautiful FREE Sleeping Doll You can have this Beauti ful Doll. She has closing eyes, movable arms and legs, turning head, real hair. Dressed as you see her in this picture. Dress can bo X taken off and put on. She Z K.rTjri also wears socks and baby bonnet. We will send her free, all charges paid, for selling 12 packs of Post Cards at 100 pet' pack. JA Jones Manufacturing Co., IflA Dept 451. Attleboro, Mass. Send us $12.50 and express offices and we w send you One 40- lb. New FEATHER DEI One Pair 6-Pound New FEATHER Pu LOWS, and One Pair ful 1 alze BH or BED SPREAD. 4 l))l II clean, sanitary feathers, be iSUmllllllll' ‘ ' onr A.C.A. featherproof tickini Biggest basins you ever sew. About half store price. Mona □ack guarantee. Mail Money Order today. Catalogue FF.SJ tatto Feather ft Pillow U. 15 CreeubmlU 5