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6 CHURCH ADOPTS POPULAR RULE First Christian Congregation Elects Whole New Board. Sunday in Other Parishes. The First Christian church has adopted a new plan of organization. With the election of 30 otlicers, ,-;x elders and 24 deacons, bv the entiu congregation yesterday. the church has substituted a complete form of popular government for the former method of delegating the poweis of the ehurc h t a self-perpetuating board The new officers elected were: Elders for three-year terms. John Cooper and F. M. Robinson: eiders foe two-year terms, A. G. Moser and .1 P Downing; elders for one-vear terrm. C. V. LeCraw and L W Hudson Here after elections will be held oner a x ra in December, for one-third of the offl cers, and each term will then be for three years. Deacons were elected ns follows: Foi three-year terms, Harry A. Jones. XX C. Stanley, B. 8. Mct'ash, W. F. Mat thews. H. M. Patterson. P B Erd, A » M Beatty and Leroy E. Rogers; fm ' two-year terms, George A Clayton. Foster Williams. SY. S Watson, Frank M. Stewart, R. A. Burnett. A M. Bald ing. E. B. Martindale and C G. Han- ' nah; for one year, T. B. George, F 1.. Eyles, W. Scott Bell. J. N Bell. J B. Bowen, A. N. Jenkins. 11. C. Hall , and T. M, Summers. Methusaleh Surpassed. Dr. Hugh K. Walker, of the First Presbyterian church, said Sunday In the course of his sermon that there ar< men of today who lived ns long as .Me thusaleh. "Man today can do more In hie al lotted three score and ten years than the ’oldest man' did In ten centuries." "The Devil's Detective” was the sub ject of the aartnon preached by Dr W W. Orr at the North Avenue Presbyte rian church to a congregation of young men. Ho took for hfs therm "Be sun • your sin will find you out." Members of the Highland Park lia; - tist church took occasion yesterday to welcome Rev. N. B. O’Kelley, the church's new pastor. Th s -rvlee was presided over by R‘v. B. I’, Robertson and the most prominent divine- of the Baptist denomination .n Atlanta were present Motion pictures were introduced as :< • prelude to the services at the Wesley Memorial church on Sunday. A Him representing the sacrifice of Isaac . last ing about fifteen minutes. was shown before the sermon. Dr. W. R. Hendrix, pastor of the church, declared that th. pictures were increasing the church :P --tendance. Labor and Capital Problem. Dr Dunbar Ogden, of the Centra; Presbyterian church, spoke on the problem of capital and labor, the first of a series of sermons on “The Social Messages of the Bible " He held to th front the golden rule and the Injunction, "Love thy neighbor as thyself," as th. solution. "This poor, sinning world will never be saved so long as it wears the devil's yoke,” said Dr, A R. Holderby, of the Moore Memorial church, Sunday morn ing in the course of his sermon on "Ths Toke of Christ or the Yoke of the Devil T* Dr. Hugblett. of St Mark Methodist church, spoke on the text. “The mem ory of ths just is blessed, but the name of the wicked it not.” The Rev. H. ji. Proctor, of the First Congregational church, colored, said that the seven conditions productive of crime among the negroes in Atlanta were: The importation of liquor, the use of firearms, the existence of the slums, insanitary negro quarters, in sufficient school facilities, loose family relations and the neglect of the church. ATLANTAN DEDICATES V. M. C. A. THOMASVILLE. GA., Jan. 13 Thomasville's new Young Men's Chris tian association building has been com pleted and was formally dedicated yes- 1 terdav afternoon. The speech of dedi cation was made by W. Woods White, of Atlanta J. V. Read, state secretary , was also present. On Friday the build ing was formally opened with a large reception j Effective Home Remedy For Lung Trouble < It is a serious matter when the lungs { f are affected A trip away or io i< saua ', torlum is not only expensive, but It In- ; J volves separation from home and > friends. Some are benefited but few \ (can safely return Eckman's Mtera- ' tlve Is effective lor home treatment f For example: 231 S. ktlantic Xve., Haddonfield V I "Gentlemen In the ta i ..f M I CUI ,J J tracted a very severe cold, which s e t- < tied on my lungs At last i began to S raise sputum, and my then? > told me 1 must go to California fin-< ’ mediately At this time I was ad < I vised to take Eckman's Alterative [1 stayed at home and comment ed taking < it the last week in October 1 began < to Improve, and the first week In Jan- ' U»ry, 11*06. 1 resumed my regular occu- ? pation, having gained 25 pounds, fully ( restored to health. It is now fix. year's j since my recovery has effected ? and I can not praise E<Aman's Altera- ! tive too highly I have recomnienacd it ( with excellent results.” (Signed) W. M TATUM | ( Eckman's Mteiative is effective hi I I bronchitis, asthma, hat fever throat > 1 1" and lung troubles, and in upbuilding! the system. Does not contain poisons ' opiates or habit - forming drugs fori sale by all of Jacobs' drug stores and other leading druggists Ask f, r book- , let telling of recoveries, and write to < Eckman Laboratory. Philadelphia Pa for additional evidence. Fifth Regiment Ml s tary Tournament Tick ets on sale at Daniel a Bros. MAIMED. ARTIST MASTERS HOLIN i College Professor Whose Hand Was Mangled Two Years Ago Delights Audience. • Those i usic lovers of Atlanta who attended yesterday's concert at the At lanta theat.-r are discussing In amaze ment the triumph of a man. who. with his left hand badly mutilated and the forefinger missing, lias, tn two years, proved that where there Is- sufficient ' ambition, art can triumph ovei physi cal imperfection. The nan was Professor Alexander V. nSkibinsky. a Russian violinist, who two years ago was professor of muaic In Shorter college, Rome, Ga. It was while • ngtg.-d In this work that the young violinist endeavored to celebrate bls first American Christmas by shoot ng a firecracker. The cracker explod ed in his hand, blowing away the fore finger and mangling the hand badly. At tile time It xvas said he never would play again. Resigning his position, Professor Ski binsky began a hard study to overcome his deformity. At the very start he found it necessary to change his mode of playing, and now, barely two years aftei the accident, ho finds himself again professor in the college and wa able to render a public concert which thrilled hls audience from start to fin ish and proved a triumph of art. Accompanied by the Atlanta Phil harmonic orchestra, the young Russian threw into his work the emotion of the soul and the rare skill of the fingers he has acquired since the accident. His greatest triumph was in the rendition of Saint Saens' "Dance of the Skele tons." Several other numbers also wore rendered remarkably. PETRIFIED HORSE’S HEAD IS FOUND IN WISCONSIN BURLINGTON. WIS., Jan. 13.-A I* -trifled “tone, shaped like the head of a horse and which has imbedded in Its surface ten perfectly petrified hickory nuts, is now on exhibition here and has attracted the attention of archaeolo gists. It was Used as i boat anchor luring th>- summer season, and finally camo into the possession of George Mull. :. BLOODHOUNDS TRACK BOY FIRING SCHOOL QT’INCY, ILL., Jan. 13.—Dave Oster* mullvr confessed to burning his father’s barn and lumber yard, which entailed a loss of over $15,000. Oetermuller also made an unmucwful attempt to burn a school house. Bloodhounds trailed the hoy to his bpd He was hold to the grand jury under bond of $3,000. He is 17. SOLDIERS TO BUY GIFT FOR MISS HELEN GOULD LEAVENWORTH, KANS, Jan. 13. X movement to raise money to buy a wadding gift for Miss Helen Gould was started by the soldiers at Fort Leav enworth. AT THE THEATERS MISS ILLINGTON HERE TONIGHT. (Commencing this evening. Margaret ll lington In Charles Kenyon’s new Ameri can play, “Kindling. ’ will be the offer ing at the Atlanta fur two nights and a Tuesday matinee. The story of the play treats of a con dition that is of vital interest to every one who has children’s welfare in mind. Mag gie Schultze, wife of a steve<lore. living in a squalid tenement in New York’s thickly populated tenement district of,the lower East Side, is about to become a mother. She fears to tell her husband of her condition, as he says “to bring up a child In the miserable surroundings in which they live is worse than murder and that he would kill the child that came to him under these conditions.'* Maggie hears about the healthy open-air country of the, West, and decided that they must go there In order to raise the money to pay the expenses of the trip she aids a crook, who Is living in the same tenement, in a “job” and he agrees to divide the spoils with her From this compelling situation the interest centers around and works out intense gripping. • throb thrill ing. interesting circumstances that make the play a masterpiece of dramatic writ ing “MERRY WIDOW* IS COMING. Arthur Wooley, who was a member of the original company which played “The Merry Widow*' at the New Amsterdam theater. New York, during the year's run there, will again be Nish In the new and lavish production of the great operetta which Fhmry W Savage will offer at the Atlanta theater Monday. January 20. 1913 Seats go on sale Thursday “THREE TWINS” IB LYRIC S BILL. There happened to he a billposters’ strike in Boston recently and in eonee quenca the lithographs advertising several theatrical attractions in that cltj were not on the billboard® in sufficient num bers to please the various managements. Some < f the shows submitted to the neg lect, but not so with “Three Twins” Thia ■ ompany numbers several suffra geties in its cast. When they heard of the iidvertising predicament In which their attraction was plunged, sleeves were rolled up. and, with paste brush and paste imckt t, the feminine members of the ee Twins" company started out to do their own posting “Three Twins’* plays the Lyric all this week, opening tonight. BIJOU HAS FEATURE BILL. \s the headliner of the Bijou aggre gation. tl.o Harrison trio, in comedy sing ing. talking and dancing, will prove a drawing card Next In popularity will be , th» Sandor brothers, equilibrists, who will d<» some unusual feats of balancing The Murph} Mushal duo will furnish a comedy musi al act, and Blanche Colvin, singing < ••rnr<Henr.». will complete the bill. There ! will .d* H . usual motion pit tures Vlati!e«< at» givri every afternoon at * "-bcL. exceo’. or. .s u tur«ia>. when two ■ -•<••• SO god ♦ Nlfht -i;< w•* a' 7 3u and *' THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. MON DAY. JANUARY 13. 1913. Up and Damn Peachtree ' Proper' ’ Turkey Trot Too Tame for Him. The propriety of* the "turkey trot" ' still i<> questioned by social Vaders. though it’s the vogue at all the dan* » s at the Capital t’lty an<l Piedmont I*rlv ing Hubs. "Tlie Athletic club's published state ment that the dance was barred from that club, at the requests nf mothers and sisters, is »not far from wrong," said one of the leading members of the 4 ’otilllon dub. ‘’The dan- “ is very, very proper when danced as the i< form- s urge; no one can question that." And then a bit mournfully: “But it’s so d —d uninteresting then.” Shadow Picture Makes Eight Hearts Ache. There are four young men and four fair maids who are not on Hpeaklng terms today as the result of one inno cent little shadow picture. The four young men ail vow they have done nothing to earn trapped glances from their "ladies fair," and It's a sure thing at least three of them haven't, but— Here's what it's all about. The shadow picture appeared in The Georgian. It showed a man and a maid kissing. The enraptured sil houette on the window curtain had been photographed by some fiend in human form and a cruel editor had MILITARY DRESS OF ALL NATIONS TO BE SEEN AT TOURNEY A spectacular feature of the Fifth Geor gia military tournament will be the ex hibition of uniforms of all nations, worn by squads of men from the local militia. Some of the uniforms are gorgeously colored, and the effect will be most Im pressive. France, England, Germany. Spain, Russia, the Confederate States of America and the United States will be successively represented. Flags will be unfurled, and the national air of each country will be played as the men march through the arena. The music will be furnished by the Sev enteenth United States Infantry hand from Fort McPherson and the Fifth Regi ment band. The ticket sale is progress ing splendidly at Daniel Bros. The boxes will be occupied by people prominent in social and military circles. Governor Brown and his staff, the Depart meat of the Gulf, Fort McPherson, Fort Oglethorpe all will be represented ST. JOSEPHS ACADEMY TO GET $30,000 FOR CHAPEL AUGUSTA, GA., Jan. 13.—A $30,000 gift from a Savannah woman to St. Josephs academy for the purpose of erecting an elegant memorial chapel will prove a great acquisition to that Institution. A brick building to cost $50,000 Is to be erected on the highest point of Monte Sano and the foundations will be laifi so us to permit of an addition to the build ing that will double its size. This will be the main college building The school for novices of the Sisters of St. Joseph will also be moved here and the headquarters of the entire order for this section of the South will be brought to Augusta WOMAN WITH PERFECT FOOT SEEKS A DIVORCE ’’HICAGO, Jan. 13.-Mrs. Clara Smith Houston, well known calendar and stage model and owner of a “perfect foot,” wants a divorce from Nat C. Houston, wealthy banker, rancher and broker of Omaha and Denver, and nephew of the famous Sam Houston, president of the Republic of Texas*. Mrs. Houston declared her husband be came angry when she displayed her foot In public. His answer, she said, to a demand that she be allowed to engage in business was that she must put up a "for women only” sign. LIFESAVERS RISK LIVES TO RESCUE COLLIE DOG CHICAGO, Jan. 13.—William Preston. No. 1 of Captain Carland’s life saving crew, was scanning the lake for vic tims of accidents or wrecks of ships. A dark object appeared on an Ice floe about two miles out. "Man out in the lake." he shouted. "Get out the lifeboat." The crew bat tled with the floating ice, narrowly es caping being jammed and sunk several times, and then reached the object. It was a brown eollie dog, almost frozen to death. ENGLAND IN CLUTCHES OF SEVERE BLIZZARD LONDON, Jan. 13. —A I severe bliz zard is raging over the greater part of Englund, causing damage to property, destruction of live stock and suffering among the poor. In some quarters, notably in this city, the stormy weather was accompanied by heavy log, which caused congestion to railroad traffic. Tin storms extended off the coast, ■ doing conslcerable damage to shipping. | XX hen you want a reliable medi- ' Icine for a cough or cold take ' 'ham beriain's Cough Remedy. It can always be depended upon and is J pleasant and safe to take. For ; sale by all dealers. > NEW COMPANY AT THE BONITA THEATER THIS WEEK i I This week The Bonita, 32 Peach- S tree street, will present a brand new ! musical comedy company in a se- ; ties of high-class shows that are < said to be the real big noises on the ) popular-priced circuit The compa- ■ 1 ny referred to is the "Bert Hum- / < pht'ies Musical Corned) Company,” J > c arrying a large east, and a bevy of > < swell chorus girls. On Monday, Tuesday and Wed- ' ! nesday "Dcm't Lie to Your Wife” [ j will la- the attraction, and the bal- I (am. <»f th- week "A Day at tin J ‘ Jta< es" Will be off' red B. HUtffUi ! > !i*. A IhOtiolJ VHI }*• li ; after each ;wrfotman< < .•:<» usual done the rest without mentioning names. Now. profiles are deceptive, and never more so than in this case. A benevo lent who lives in Cartersville clipped the pl, ture and sent it to a gay young nephew in Atlanta, with the in jum U<>n to be more careful in his oscu latory exercises. , Each of four young women who live tn a- many different parts of the city were certain "her John” was one of the figures in the picture, and equally cer tain she was not the other. There was trouble. Pleas and arguments were in vain. They still don't speak as they pass by. It's a sad world. Wine Before and After this Spread. A prominent politician prepared to do honors to a number of his colleagues at a dlnn r party at the Capital City club. The menu of the dinner provided for the whole gamut of drinks, but qs a new administration is just beginning, he took no chances on a lack of good fellowship. "Let's have an appetizer,” he sug gested in the room of the famous lock ers, before escorting his guests up to the (lining room for the banquet. "What’ll you have?” "Oh, I'll have a champagne." said one, nonchalantly. “Same here," said a second. Thus the party began with a 34 quart of "extra dry,” for the host was game. NOTED STATESMEN AND ARTISTS WILL MEET IN ATLANTA As the result of the work of Governor Brown, ex-Mayor Winn, the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and the local news papers. the Lyceum Bureau Managers as sociation of America has accepted the in vitation to hold its 1913 meeting here and many men of prominence will be seen in Atlanta when they gather. The news of the acceptance of the as sociation was brought to Atlanta by S. Russell Bridges on hls return from Chi cago, where he met the association com mittee. In addition to the various managers of the association throughout the United States who will attend the convention here, there will be gathered a number of prominent statesmen, opera singers, art ists and theatrical managers. The convention will be held in Septem ber apd will be the first of its kind ever held in the South. In addition to seeing these people in the city. Atlantans will have an opportunity of hearing them as several concerts will be arranged. KAISER HELPS FIREMEN FIGHT BLAZE IN CELLAR BERLIN, Jan. 13.—Emperor William acted as a fire chief during a blaze in the Potsdam palace today, when he took charge of the situation and di rected the operations of the firemen. Under the directions of the emperor, the tire was soon under control. Then the kaiser ordered up wines, from the imperia] cellar. These he distributed among the firemen. BLOOD POISON FROM ANGRY HEN’S PECK MASSILLON, 1 OHIO, Jan. 13—John Martin, a farmer, is dying today as a result of a peck on the hand by an angry hen. which objected to Martin taking her eggs. The hen drew blood and blood poi soning developed. ROOSTER'S KICK MENACES NOTED HORSEMAN’S LIFE t’l FTSBURG. Jan. 13.—Harry Pinkerton, a horseman of note, was kicked on the wrist by a rooster Christmas day and hls condition Is serious as a result of blood poisoning which developed. CLEANS THE HAITI AND MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL-ZSCENKDANDERINE” In a few moments your hair looks soft, fluffy, lustrous and abundant—No falling hair or dandruff. I Surely try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and draxx it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time: tills will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil. In a few mo ments you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possetsali incomparable softness, ius , ter and luxuriance, the beauty and I shimmer of true hair health. ) Besides beautifying the hair, one ! application of Danderine dissolves S every particle of Dandruff; cleanses lulSi' Y v |>» m<uM «? h. ltr(. nsmtor o- Fall get teeth SX.OO >»•(• bMn to wilt Uoid cruwn g ;r n 4.., o ow <..,«* Br “ ,se * ork *a.<» cue e.n SI >♦(• WHALCB >VE> •»»•>> Gold fillings s(x . B _ 'j tr uo etrvngw I g-i'.st piM* Be»t eliver fillings . icowg gaanßUed »> ytgrg Palnleas extra tion c.Ngar method!.. .Free Our reputation is established We a-e here to stay. Railroad fare allowed for 15 miles Impresstons taken In the morning—teeth same day All operators experts Open dally Sto I, Sunday 10 to 1 Examination free Lady attendant Appointment e. nbe mads by phons—M 5»2»-J EASTERN PAINLESS DENTISTS 5!"2!. 38'6 Pasohtrae Straat VxJ 1 —• Entrance Between Elite Theater and Arcade keataurant. CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK LAUNCHED New Trust Company to Have Branches at Big Factories and Industrial Plants. The Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company will be launched formally this afternoon with strong financial back ing and prospects of striking success. The organization meeting will be held at 3 o’clock in the Chamber of Com merce rooms in the Empire building. A charter to do a general banking and trust business already has been granted to the company, which will start with a capital stock and surplus of SIIO,OOO. An interesting feature of the new en terprise will be the establishment of branches at a number of the largest factories and industrial plants in the city, besides two or three independent depositories to be started at the outset. From the encouragement already re ceived, it is believed that tills conve nient plan will make the new institu tion widely popular. The bank will make mortgage loans on improved At lanta property, and will provide a safe and profitable place for the earnings of all persons. Among the prominent business men who are interested in the bank are the following: Dr. Joseph Jacobs, George W. Parrott, F. E. Mackie, W. H. Schroe der, J. G. Clark, John L. Calhoun, George J. Yundt, Keats Speed, Claude Douthit, W. J. Franklin. J. H. Lewis, Edwin Camp, Dr. M. T. Benson, Hugh M. Willet, J. R. Smith. H. C. Bagley, B. Mifflin Hood, P. E. Wilkes, Dr. C. F. Benson, W. D. Manley and W. E. Haw kins. TRY TO DROWN U. S. REVENUE OFFICIALS SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 13. —Trapped in a water tank of the Pacific Mail steamer China, into which they had crawled to confiscate $3,000 worth of smuggled opium, two United States customs men were nearly drowned when the pump suddenly started. The men were dragged out in the nick of time, exhausted, but hugging 230 tins of contraband drug. Investigation is being conducted by the customs de partment to determine how the water happened to be turned into the tank. The men were Ephraim E. Enlow, cus toms inspector, and John W. Smith, special agent of the treasury. POOR OF CHICAGO TO GET FREE SHOES CHICAGO, Jan 13.—Once- every year Chicago will have a shoe day, when poor children will be given shoes free. A fund of $5,000 for such a day was left by Mrs. Sarah Eddy, whose will has been filed. Mrs. Eddy aJso gave SI,OOO for the Newsboys and Bootblacks home, in Chi cago. The shoes will be given to inmates of St. Marys Episcopalian Home for Chil dren and the Home for Destitute Cr<p pled Children. WAREHOUSE FOR CULLODEN. CULLODEN, GA., Jan. 13—C. W. Battle: W. A. Chatfield, I. H. Castlen, V. S. Fuller, T. M. Haygood, J. J. Hay good and H. D. Fincher have filed a pe tition for charter in the superior court of Monroe county for the Culloden Warehouse Company, with a capital stock of $2,500. purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showe:» of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life producing properties cause the hair to grow abundantly long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, ' lustrous hair,*and lots of it, if you i will just get a 25-cent bottle of , Knowlton's Danderine from any drug Store or toilet counter and try it as . directed. BUYS FRUIT FARMS. PERRY. GA.. Jan. 13.—J. P. West brook, of Carrollton, Ga.. has bought the Tivola fruit farm and Union Fruit Com pany's property, about six miles east of town, and has located a large number of white families from north Georgia on this property. iHEADAGHY.CONSTIPATED,BILIOUS, TAKEOELIGIOUS “SYRUP OF FIGS" < Removes the scum from the tongue, sweetens a sour, gassy, bilious stomach; cleanses your liver and 30 feet of bowels without gripe or nausea. If headachy, bilious, dizzy, tongue coated, stomach sour and full of gas, you belch undigested food and feel sick and miserable, it means that your liver is choked with sour bile and your thirty feet of bowels are clogged with effete waste matter not properly carried off. Constipation Is worse than most folks believe. It means that this waste matter in the thirty feet oif bowels decays into poi sons, gases and acids and that these poisons are then sucked into the blood through the very ducts which should suck only nourishment to sus tain the body. Most people dread physic. They think of castor oil, salts and cathar tic pills. They shrink from the after effects —so they postpone the dose until they get sick; then they do this liver and bowel cleansing in a heroic ■ P-R-I-N-T-O-R-I-A-L-S ■ NO. 6 IDEAS! 1 DEAS are the offspring of Originality. Applied to Printing, they produce a— gratifying advertising prestige and profit, and unqualifiedly prove the value of the united ef forts of a large establishment, in preliminaries, planning and production. Our plant for completeness and modern appointment ranks second to none in America. Our work is a testimonial of our advertising statements and pledges. Perfected 1 f ‘ e d " C o' p e per JU JL JIVJU PRINTING CO. PRINTERS—LITHOGRAPHERS BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS ■ 46-41*50 W.-ALA.-ATLANTA-Phones-M.-1560-2608-2614 | MENTOR \V arm Sanitary T\ Underwear //\% / ) First Aid To Good Health UNIONS Our Underwear Department is stocked with the Best Makes of American or Foreign Products. Every size may he had, from a Youths size to a52 measure. Stouts, Leans and Regulars. We huy only such makes as afford the wearer a perfect fit, the greatest amount of com fort and serviceability. Mentor Unions—mixed $1.50 to $2.50 Mentor Unions—wool $3 00 to $4.00 American Hosiery drop seat Unions $3.00 to $4.00 Wright s Health Underwear, wool fleece lined, garment SI,OO Australian Lamb’s Wool, garment SI.OO Heavy weight gray, wool mixture, per garment 75 Light weight wool, per garment SI.OO Medium and heavy weight, white, gray and fancy, per garment SI.OO and $1.50 Imported heavy weight cotton ribbed, per garment. . $1.50 Heavy weight Merino, white and fawn (American Hosiery Co.), per garment $2.50 Heavy weight white Lisle mercerized (American Hosiery Co.), per garment $2.00 Medium weight blue Cashmere (American Hosiery Co.). per garment $3.00 Imported, light and heavy, silk and wool, fancy, per „ sui .t ••••• $7.00 to $9.00 Pure silk, light, medium and heavy, per garment, „ $3.50 and $7.50 Heavy cotton ribbed, per garment 50c and SI.OO Heavy blue, fleece lined, per garment 50 Imported, medium weight cotton, per garment $1 and $1.25 Scriven’s winter weight Drawers, up to 46 waist SI.OO 46, 48 and 50 waist $1.25 52 waist ".’.’ $1.50 Medium weight, Lot No. 50 75 Agents for Everwear Guaranteed Sox— EISEMAN BROS. Incorporated 11 l3—lo—l7 W hitehall Street VISIT STATE COLLEGES. ATHENS, GA., Jan. 13.—Half a hun dred of the farm demonstrators” Georgia were in Athens last week Vr iting the State Normal school, stat# College of Agriculture and State uni. versity. way—they have a bowel wajshdav That is all wrong. If you will take a I teaspoonful of delicious Syrup of Figs ! tonight, you will never realize you ■ have taken anything until morning when all the poisonous matter, sour ! bile and clogged-up waste will be moved on and out of your system : thoroughly but gently—no griping— ! no nausea—no weakness. Taking 5 Syrup of Figs is a real pleasure ; Don’t think you are drugging your self; it is composed entirely of lus- i clous figs, senna and aromatics, and I constant use can not cause injury ' Ask your druggist for “Syrup of ) Figs and Elixir of Senna,” and look for the name, California Fig Syrup Company, on the label. This is the genuine—old reliable. Any other Fig Syrup offered as good should be re fused with contempt. Don't be im posed upon.