OCR Interpretation

The copper era. (Clifton, Graham County, Ariz.) 1899-1911, September 14, 1899, Image 2

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89053851/1899-09-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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Arizona Copper Gompany
Dealers In
tell you what it in, ray countrymen, that
is the time in a man's career that makes
him glad, ami does more to strengthen
his belief in an ever-watchful and all
kind Providence than all the thirst-producing
Sunday sermons ever preached.
I never knew a man who liked to play
poker who would not square up his debts
when he made a wiunins:, or who didn't
have the energy to rustlra for another
stake when he made a losing. I have
known more young men who learned to
sing psalms and pray devout prayers to
turn out seducers, defauller and dead
beats than I ever knew to do so who
sought solace and recreation in jacks-np.
"You cau judge a man fully as well
by the poker lie plays as you can by the
company he keeps."
There appears to be a concerted move
ment among the republican newspapers
of Arizona to laud the territorial admin
istration and ascribe to it all credit for
what measure of prosperity Arizona is at
present enjoying. Republicans were
never burdened with modesty, and in
this instance they are taking advantage
of fortuitous circumstances and favorable
conditions entirely separate from any
political significance, to felicitate them
selves and recoup their waning fortune.
The people of Arizona are too enlighten
ed to be fooled by such bombast. Ari
zona is prosperous in spite of i he success
ful efforts of the McCurd and Murphy
administrations to saddle an illegal debt
upon the territory and to deplete the
treasury by paying interest for which
the territory is not justly liable. Al
though the valuation of assessed prop
erty is more than a million dollars great
er this year than last, yet the territorial
tax levy is higher, which does not sup
port the claim of economy in public ex
penditures. The fact is Arizona's pros
perity is due entirely to natural causes,
the growth of the mining industry, the
high price of cattle, and the demand for
hay and grain from California where for
several seasons crops have failed. Poli
tics and politicians never made a state
prosperous, but Arizona will continue to
grow in wealth and her industries to ex
pand despite political machinations.
Globe Silver Belt.
President Diaz has accepted the invi
tation to visit Chicago at the laying of
the corner stone of the new Federal
Fashion Barter Shop . .
Four doors Bouth Clifton Hotel.
Hot and Cold Baths attached ; porcelain
gj&CV ing Ladies' and Children's Hair
a Speciality.
W. C. BLANK, - -
Clifton Shoe Shop,
Clifton, Arizona.
fJT Boots and Shoes made to order.
Repair work done promptly and neatly
Santa Fe Route
From Doming or El Paso,
To all northern or eastern points
Close connection made at Kansas
city and Chicago with all the
northern and eastern lines.
All meals not served in Dining
cars are taken at the popular
Santa Fe Route Harvey Eating
Houses. Full information cheer
fully furnished upon application
to - - -
F. B. Houghton, Gen. Agt, El Paso, or
W. J. Black, Gen. Pass. Agt, Topeka, Ks.

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