Newspaper Page Text
■ppure of ili<* Child'* \osc. Hnysical examination of school Hl'thow 8 that in le* they breathe through the til because they cannot breathe ■K or sufficiently through the Jifotnay be due to bad habits in |j§to keeping the nose clean, HwJority of instances, 'm which is known as "adenoids" Jj&ieh stops up the back of the Kin either case, the air is not (lied through the nose, and the EBÈecomes what is known [HT breather." Btant breathing through the ■K causes the child to become prestless in its sleep and dull in ^Bas. The child often speaks ^Kit had a cold in the head. Hgptl.v there is an almost con ipiischarge from the nose, pith breathing renders a child ■lily liable to contract tubercu fti.d other infectious diseases, H the child has very little re i#ce to disease of any kind. ■pry child should be given a Ikerchief, and be taught to thor îlÿ blow the nose several times Say. If, after doing this regu |&the child is still unable to ||ie properly through the nose, it tollable that an adenoid growth Blent. Such children should be & to the family physician for fur • advice and treatment. % not wait too long in the hope the child will outgrow the con tion, for the effect of adenoid ■gplis persisting throughout child W/Bm' may injure the person for life. Have your child's throat and nose examined one month after measels, ■carlet fever, or diphtheria. many in or, to a as a as received a large consignment of WffîffîgL ___ e . .piloter wrapper paper, of superior jpplitr and will assure you that th« printing will not rub off on w_ _ _i . . HHKputter. We use only the best butter- wrapper blue ink and paper andt guarantee satisfaction. 150' for $1, 500 for $2. Call or phone _i _ _ _ . „ andt get wrappers same day orderen. . ^Httable Children Often Need Kcika poo Worm Killer. M^ rhere is a reason for the disagree have HHpiness and irritability has a cause, Give Kickapoo worm Killer a chance and if worms are there this human |y harmless remedy will eliminate fÜßie annoying parasites. 25c. a box. Tbe Meridian Times office has able and fretful nature of many child ren. Think of the unrest when the child's body is possessed by tiny TTsrms sapping its vitality and clogg ing its functions. Whatever may be "that children wèrms is a fact. Your child's peev the caus Jjfçltheumatism and Allied Cains—Thoy Must Go! 1 The congestion of the blood in its Bllow causes pain. Sloan's Liniment Htpenetrates to the congestion and ^»starts the blood to flow freely. The Hbody's warmth is renewed; the pain gone. The "man or woman who Hhas rheumatism, neuralgia or other ^Bpain and fails to keep Sloan's Lini gl|i>!i';ent in their home is like a drown Hiug man refusing a rope." Why suf Bfor. Get a bottle at Sloan's. 25c Hsnd 50c. $1 bottle holds six times ^■as much as 25c size. [ CHARLES CLIFTON, LAWYER; [Domestic,also civil und criminal law; : titles quieted, mortgages foreclosed; notary public; office Suite 243-245 Sonna Building, Boise.Plione (122-4. Casper MARTY'S CLEAN-UP SALE Having decided to leave the val ley, I will sell at public auction at the T. S. Risser ranch, a half mile south and a half mile west of Meri dian, on state highway and Inter urban car line, Thursday, Dec. 2, Beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp with a big free lunch at noon. 3 Head Horses, one well matched sorrel team, # ing and one mare, wt. 3100 pounds, coming 8 and 9 yrs old. 1 sorrel Gelding,'coming 3 yrs. old, wt 1300 lbs., broke single and double. t ( 13 Milk Cows, all good milkers, part of them fresh in Sep tember, three coming fresh in December, others fresh in spring. 1 2 year old heifer. 1 yearling heifer. 5 Steer calves and 3 heifer calves. 3 Thoroughbred Red Duroc Boars but not registered. 3 Dozen Rhode Island Red Chickens. FARM MACHINERY One Single Harness. 1 spring Wagon. 1 Riding Cultivator. 1 14-inch plow. 1 New Grindstone. geld one One Double Harness. 1 3 1-4 in. wagon good as new. 1 hay rake. 1 Two-Section harrow. 1 Corn Drill. 1 De Laval Separator, 450 lb. capacity. Garden Tools. 1 4 bbl. galvanized Water Tank. 1 Range, and 1 Round Oak Heater, good 8-day clock, 16 ft. galvanized Pipe. as new 1 Old Trusty incubator, One shoe repairing outfit. , p . 1 Oil Stove. 1 One-Mmute Washer I Couch. Chair., Rocker., Cupboard, Kitchen Cab.oet, Table, Bed., Stand, Drewer, Cooking,, lome Fruit. Other Articles too numerous to mention. one $10 and under cash. On sumo over $10 * 5 per cent off for cash on sums E. C. PFAFFLE, Clerk. TERMS OF SALE: All sums a credit of 10 months' time at 8 i COL.^MARSTERS & SON, Auctioneers. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. I „ Lucas County, f ,s - Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney * Co., doing business in the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the. sum of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaeh and ery case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. _ FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON. __ Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu. cous surraces of the system Send for testimonials, free. _ F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists. 73c. Take Hall's Family Pills lor constipation. to is (*V (Seal) The ladles of the Christian church are making preparations for their an nual bazaar which will be held a short time before Christmas. A SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER As a present to our subscribers, we have arranged a holiday offer to be given now, in order to get the papers and magazines started be fore the holiday rush. To any one paying at the Times office one dollar for a year's subscription to the home paper, we will send for an additional dollar, (making $2 in all) the fol lowing: Sunset Magazine, (10 months) $2.00; All Outdoors, (6 months) $.75; The Woman's World, il year) $.35; The Boys' Magazine, • 1 yearl $1.00; The Farm Journal, I 5 years) $1.00, making a total value including the Times of *6.10. All for $2.00. Get your order in early. Notice of Election. Nampa & Merid ian Irrigation District. Notice is hereby given that Election will be held in the several precincts of the Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District on December 1 4th., 1915, at which time there will be elected one Director for Division No. 1 of said District to succeed Daniel I ": Barlt cr whose term of office ex pires at that time. Election precincts shall be as fol lows: Perkins precinct shall consist of al ! *! iat I * > , o " i , 0n « £ th< ? I)i , stric l t 1 ly '" g within Division No. 1 of said Dis triet and the voting place shall be at Scott's Store, Perkins, Idaho Meridian Precinct shall « .insist of all that portion of the District lying within Division No. 2 of said District and the voting place shall be at the office of the Board, Meridian. Idaho. Nampa Precinct shall consist of all that portion of the District lying within Division No. 3 of said Dis trict and the voting place shall be at the office of the Board in the Dewey and Scales Building, Nampa, Idaho. j The polls will open at 8 o'clock A. M. and shall remain open until ; 7 o'clock P. M. of said day. No registration shall be required in any irrigation district election but in lieu thereof the judges of election shall require every elector to sub scribe to an election oath as a pre requisite to casting his vote. G. A. REMINGTON, Secretary of the Nampa & Merid ian Irrigation District. an Now is a good time to start making butter again, as the hot weather is over. Step in to the Times office at Meridian and order 500 of those su perior butter wrappers, guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. They will cost ?2, and are worth many times the price of the cheap wrappers secured elsewhere. Com pare the quality, and the pure white FOR SALE—Cheap, a farm team | weight between 1100 and 1200. ! quire at Meridian hotel. Eu A COLD (By Dr. R. R. Daniels) A cold is the result of an excess of waste material in the body; this waste material comes from the food and is in turn the result of indi gestion or of poor elimination due an over-crowded condition of the organs of elimination, or both. Over eating, overworking, overclothing the body and too little fresh air, all ov erload the system with waste mater ials and get ns ready for a cold. It true that the contagious cold is due to a germ, but let us remem ber that germs never attack healthy tissues; before the germ can success fully invade the body, our disease resisting power must be lowered by the above mentioned factors. Sit ting in a draft or getting chilled is not the real causes of a cold; it is the spark that causes the explosion. To Cure a Cold Quickly. To cure a cold quickly it is neces sary to hurry rapidly out of the body the real cause of the disease. This may he accomplished, first by stop ping all food and taking nothing but water, fruit and fruit juices, until the cold is "broken." Withholding food in this manner, not only pre vents the formation of more waste material, but it enables the body to turn Us entire attention to eliminat ing the accumulated waste, bowels and skin, the body's great sewers, should be kept stimulated into unusual activity. Hence, at the beginning of a cold the bowels should be cleaned out with a saline cathar tic or one or two enemas. This should be followed by a hot bath of twenty minutes duration. The Rest Is Important. Rest from food is not the only rest needed to cure a cold quickly; physi cal rest is quite important; going to bed for the first half day or full day of a cold will reduce the time of the cold by half. A cold is a more serious disorder than is usually supposed many serious and fatal diseases fol low in its wake. By the "rest" method as outlined above, an ordinary cold can he brought to a close in twenty four hourk or less; a severe cold, in half the usual time. The Meridian Times will print and send butter wrappers by mail if you will write or phone in the order. The extra cost is about 10c for 500 wrap pers. SMITH'S NEW GRIST MILL. I have fitted up a grist mill to do all kinds of grinding, corn meal, gra ham flour, chopped feed, etc.,and will also keep bran, shorts, baled hay and grain of all kinds for sale. Location at the D' ncan warehouse, next to the Nlday hotel building. On Broadway street. Meridian. Mr. Smith desires to announce that he will take grain in exchange for grinding. . WILL EXCHANGE FIRST-CLASS COAL FOR GRAIN. WATHA LUMP. .ALSO, WANTED— GRAIN FOR GRINDING. GOOD HIA G. G. SMITH. H, F. NEAL, M. D, Office Over First National Bank. MERIDIAN, IDAHO. ELMER SHARP HARNESS AND SADDLES Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty I will treat you right. Shop on IDAHO STREET. MERIDIAN Call and see me. Power -3v«* Light Our electric current is always available day or night at the turn of a switch. 8 Idaho Power & Light Co. The Cost of Running an Automobile "The popularity of the Auto is largely due to the fact that so little is known at present about the actual cost of running a machine." "Just as soon as Jhe actual cost of owning and operating an Auto is fully understood more and more people will come to the conclusion that they can not afford such a luxury." The U. S. Reclamation Service Cost of Kiiniuug: 1 _ 5 Passenger Bnick 26,661 miles (includes interest anil depreciation) 1 _ 4 Passenger Ford 15,205 miles (including int. and depreciation) 10.7c 3—2-Passgr. Ford 36,308 miles 20.5c per mile 09.2c -o IDAHO TRACTION COMPANY'S PASSENGER RATES: 3c per mile One Way Rates Round Trip Rates, approximately 2\»c per mile 4 c per mile •» I Family Coupon Books Sunday Excursion "Loop the Loop" Rates 1 3-5c per mile Monthly Commutation Tickets l l 4c per mile Monthly School Tickets le per mile. Idaho Traction Co. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1(11(1 Almanac. of The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 Alman ac is by far the finest, largest and best ever before printed. The Hicks storm and weather forecasts for 1915 again have proven their truth and value, and this splendid Almanac for 1916 should find its way straight into every home and office in Ameri ca. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Magazine, World and Works, and his unique Almanac should always go together, both for one dollar a year. The al manac alone is 35c, prepaid. Send to World und Works Publishing Com pany, 3401 Franklin Aw., St. Louis, .Mo. Oregon Short Line Trains. O. S. L. trains pass Meridian for Nampa as follows: 62—Connection for No. 17, east bound on main line, 2:21 a. m. 04—Connection No. 18, 3:21 a. m. 66 —Huntington passenger, 7:31 a. m. 68 —Connection No. 4, 12:36 p. m. 70—Connection No. 5 and 19, 4:26 p. in. 72—-Connection No. 6 , 7:21 p. m. O. S. L. train pass Meridian for Boise as follows: 61—Connection from No. 17, 3:41 a.m. 63—Connection No. 18, 4:42 a. m. Huntington passenger, 10:59 a. m. -Connection No. 4, 1:42 p. m. 69—No. 5 and 19, 5:53 p. m. Train No. 71—Connection from No. 6 , westbound on main line, 8:48 pm. 67 T. S. RISSER General Law Practice, 203, 205, 207, Mode Buildinq Boise, Idaho. * ANTISEPTIC ItARliKK SHOP is yours; you are entitled to the best Try it for a safe smooth shave. CAREFUL WORK Idaho Srreet, Meridian, Idaho. CLEAN TOOLS DR. HERBERT C. SPENCER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN SPECIALIST IN OPTOMETRY Eyes Tested Free. Rooms and Office in Harrell & Pfaf fle Building MERIDIAN, IDAHO, A GOOD SOURCE FOR AN INCOME HAVE A TALK WITH US AND GET OUR PRICES ON A FEW GOOD BREEDING EWES. WE ALWAYS HAVE THEM ON HAND TOGETHER WITH CHOICE RAMS. LONE TREE SHEEP RANCH, BISBY & CO„ PROPS., Meridian, Idaho. Tel. 05J. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Dora Bowman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Dora Bowman, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the ■ necessary vouchers, within five months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator at the offices of Oppenheim &. Hodgin, 602-3-4 Idaho Building, Boise, County of Ada, State of Idaho. Dated November 15, 1915. ROBERT P. M'APEE, Administrator of the estate of Dora Bowman, Deceased. OPPENHEIM & HODGIN, Attorneys for Administrator. Date of first publication, Novem 28-4t her 19, 1915. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Maud Mary McMillan, De ceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Maud Mary McMillan, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessarry vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator with the will annexed at 321 Idaho Building, Boise, County of Ada, State of Idaho, this being the pla^e fixed for the transaction of the business of said estate. Dated November 15, 1915. WILLIAM C. DUNBAR, Administrator with the will an nexed of the estate of Maud Mary McMillan, deceased. 28-5t. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the Third Judicial District of the State of Idaho in and for Ada Coun ty. James A. Brown, plaintiff, vs. Eth el Brown, defendant. Alias Summons for Publication: The State of Idaho sends greetings to Ethel Brown the above named de fendant. You are hereby notified that a complaint has been filed against you in the District Court of the Third Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Ada by the above named plaintiff. This action is brought to recover a dissolution of the bonds of matri mony existing between this plaintiff and this defendant on the ground of desertion, which has existed for more than one year last past and for the care and custody of the two minor children named In plain tiff's complaint, and you are here by directed to appear and answer the said complaint within twenty days of the service of this summons if served within said Judicial District and with in forty days if served elsewhere; and you are further notified that unless you so appear and answer said com plaint within the time herein speci fied, the plaintiff will take judg ment against you as prayed in said complaint. Witness ray baud and the sea', of said District Court, this Fourta day of November 1915, STEPHEN UTTER, Clerk. THOS E. POWELL, Deputy. W. H. Savidge attorney for plain tiff, residing at Boise Idaho. (seal) W. H. TYER —Attorney at Law office IN YATES BUILDING Boise, Idaho Æ Ûk /Ä! I Ik No f # RS Y Ai. h ln f '■-.m f i'I-JS H . t. J \p' Best of Chews One chew of Spear Head will convince any man that there's no other tobacco on earth so rich in fruity sweet That's because r ness. all the natural juices of the choicest Burley leaf are retained in Spear Head PLUG TOBACCO Each golden-brown plug of Spear Head is thoroughly saturated with the delicious fruity flavor that's a joy to the tongue of the dis criminating chewer. Get a plug to- À \\ wm % mi m mm day. ' ipla W'/Æ THE AMERICAN TO SACCO CO. IN THE PROBATE COURT County of Ada, State of Idaho. In the Matter of the Estate of Levi Baker, Deceased. Notice for Publication and Posting of Time Appointed for Proving Will, etc. Pursuant to an order of said court made on the 8 th day of November, 1915, notice is hereby given that Sat urday, the 4t.h day of December, 1915, at* 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the court room of said court, at the County Court House, in the Coun ty of Ada, has been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said Levi Baker, deceased, and for issuance to William C. Dunbar of Letters of Administration with the Will annexed, when and where any person interested may appear and' contest the same. Dated November 8 , 1915. R. H. DUNLAP, Clerk. 2 7 - 41 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeeting of the stockholders of the Prospectors Mining & Develop ing Co. Ltd., a citizen corporation of the United States, organized under and doing business by virtue of the laws of Idaho, for the transaction of any legal business that may properly come before the meeting and the elec tion of a board of three directors, will he held at the office of the Co. in Sec. 28-3N-2E at 9:00 o'clock a. m., Monday, January 3, 1916. By order JAMES F. CLARK, President. t Attest ) HOMER I. CLARK, Secretary. Dated November 15, 1915. MERIDIAN GARAGE LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF BROADWAY STREET and STATE HIGHWAY IN MERIDIAN. AUTO LIVERY, REPAIRS, SUP. PLIES AND TIRES, GASOLINE FOR SALE. Phone 74(1. ELLIOTT & HARMS, Proprietors. k7g7 fin cTTäTco. TAXIDERMISTS MOUNT BIRDS AND ANIMALS TAN HIDES, MAKE FUR ROBES DO ALL KINDS OF WORK IN TAXIDERMY. MERIDIAN, - IDAHO. AND RUGS. SCHRIERER & SIDENFADEN Undertakers and Kmbalmers (U)O-fill Bannock St. Half Block from In ter urban Depot. Boise, Idaho. Phone 130 No extra charge for funeruls in Mer idian. percy .McFarland Proprietor MERIDIAN TRANSFER & FEED BARN LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING Good Rigs on Short Notice Phone Livery Bam Ind. No. 210. (fruit packing cards at the Time# office. Call and see samples. 1