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HAÏE YOU A CHILD? M«nv women Jong children, but because of tome curable physical derangement are deprived if thii greateat of all happiness. The women who« name* follow were restored jo normal health by Lydia E. Ptokham's Vegeta hie Compoun d. W rite and aak them about it. "I took your Com pound and have a fine, strong baby. "-Mrs! John Mitchell, Maa sena, N. Y. "Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound is a wonderful medicine for expectant mothers." — Mrs. A. M. Myers, Gor donville. Mo. I highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound before child-birth, it has done much for me."—Mrs. E. M. Doerr, R. R. l, Con shohocken, Pa. I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound to build up my system and have the dearest baby girl in the world."—Mrs. Mose Blakeley, Coalport, Pa. I praise the Com pound whenever I have a chance. It did so much for me before my little girl was bom." — Mrs. E. W. Sanders, Rowles burg, W. Va. "I took your Com | pound before baby was in born and feel I owe my life to it. ''—Mrs. Winnie Tillis, Winter Haven, Florida. ;|j m «• la él 44 so err ¥ tli it ft Jé liiiii ft Ill <7, g ms i Not a Booklover. After spending the summer in a mountain hamlet In Tennessee, the visitor hired a native to help pack up. As they were engaged in boxing a shelf of books the mountaineer re marked: "Somehow, ah nevah keered much for books; but," he resumed after a thoughtful pause, "ah can't read, an' mebbe that had sumpin' to do wit' it.'' —Exchange. CLEAN SWEET SCALP May Be Kept 8o by Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. To have good hair clear the scalp of dandruff and itching with shampoos of Cutlcura Soap and touches of Cutl cura Ointment to dandruff spots and Itching. Nothing better than these pure, fragrant,' supercreamy emol lients for skin and scalp troubles. Sample each free by mail with Skin Book. Address Cutlcura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. Honeymooners. "I just got back from a trip to Ber muda. There wasn't a single passen ger on the boat besides myself." "That's strange." "Not at all. They were all mar ried." Aii Improved Quinine, Does not Cause Nervousness nor Ringing in Head The happy combination of laxatives In LAX ATIVE BROMO QUININE makes the Quinine in this form have a far better effect than the ordinary Quinine, and it can be taken by any - without affecting the bead. Remember to call for the full name, Laxative Brorao Quinine. Look for signature of E. W. Grove. 25c. Mean Cat! "Algernon called on me yesterday afternoon." "Yes; he told me he had some time to kill."—Kansas City Journal. one Dr. Piercp's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stonmeh. One little Pellet for a laxative—three for a cathartic.— Adv. The woman who neglects her hus band's shirt front is scarcely the wife of his bosom. Write Hurl ne Eye Itemedy Co., Chicago for Illustrated Book of the Eye Free. Men who give advice always save the best they have for themselves._ RestThose Worn Nerves "Eivtr, Picture Telle a Stery" c J, feel all Don't give up. When Y 0 " too unstrung; when family Ç * re *. K , j hard to bear, and backache, dozy . aches, queer pain* and irregula of the kidney* end bladder may Y you. remember that such trouble* often come from weak kidneys and 1 „ that you only need Doan's Kidney you well, when the bdney* to make are wea gravel and Bright's disease lay. Start using Doan s no DOAN'S 50« at all Stores R»«l«vMUburn Co. Prop. Buffalo-^ W. N. u„ Salt Lake City. No. 48-1915. DESIGNS FOR UNINSULATED 1 ICEHOUSES J / v y / s // SAW DOST (T7 m /■ ' let h 'I -|~/QgQ- —j-- r .ft:': ms diwh ***** V» % ft Pole Icehouse—Uninsulated—Fig. 1. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Several typical designs of farm Ice houses which dairymen may find eco nomical have been prepared by the dairy division of the United States de partment of agriculture. Men of ex perience often have different opinions regarding the exact details in the con struction of such buildings, but it is believed that if the instructions and designs given are followed satis factory results will be obtained. Pole Icehouse—Uninsulated. Floors—To consist of 12 inches of coarse gravel tamped into place ac shown in drawing. Walls—Set up posts about three feet centers, as Indicated on drawing, ex tending three feet in the ground, and capped by a plate made up of two pieces of 2x4. Sheathe the inside with one-inch boards. The posts and boards below the ground line should be treat ed with some preserving compound. Ceiling—No ceiling is provided. Roof—The same type of roof may be employed as with the framed houses. Doors—A door may be provided by Cutting out the boards between two posts in the end of the house and clos ing the same by placing short boards across the opening on the inside and packing sawdust against them to hold them in place. Drainage—Drainage to be provided for by sloping the floor toward the center of the bouse so that the water •y N 5Ä -!—r Kim Saw over. m m m St - it ft* \ ICC r 1 5 ■»tv i non Mouats laaomrthan pfeift »MOWN INCHlA -5/Z £ OF ARAMtNQ TO t ÏL AND BRACK. ROOR. < Zf'"* ^"POROU* ORA ltd v Framed Icehouse—Uninsulated—Fig. 2 FILL DITCHES AND GULLIES Are About Best Material for -Water Is Per Stones Filling Depression! mitted to Drain Through. mv R I THROCKMORTON, Kansas ' Experiment Station.) little ditches and gullies that form on rolling farms grow rapidly if neglected, and deep channels with sides result. By stopping the these small The steep flow of the water in streamlets with such material as straw, brush and stones, they can be made gradually to fill themselves. Such ob cause the soil to be deposit ee ditch will be filled up back barrier. If measures are not structions ed and of the taken to prevent the small depressions from growing, they rapidly in three directions, becoming on a slope enlarge deeper, wider and longer. The best way to stop up small and make them fill up is to dam of stones. Stones are ditches make a about the oest material for this pur pose because they collect the Sedi ment and at the same time let the wa drain through, and a water hole is not formed. When a ditch is very shallow, only inches deep, a board held in ter a few _ , . place with stakes is often sufficient stop further erosion. Straw is also good for these shallow ditches, effective in catching the to very It is very soil, but is sometimes washed out by a hard rain. Cornstalks are even bet ter than straw. Brush can be used, too, but is nardly dense enough when used alone. Straw and brush together are better than either alone. If ce ment aams are built, some way must be provided for the water to get through, or else a pond will be formed. Cement dams are really not worth the extra cost. will tend to run to the center. A ditch is dug as Indicated and filled with gravel and small stones. This ditch Is led outside to a suitable point, where there Is a sufficient fall to carry away the water. If advisable, a three-inch porous drain tile may be provided as shown for the uninsulated frame house. This drain should be properly trapped, however, to prevent the en trance of warm air. Framed Icehouse—Uninsulated. Floor—To consist of 12 Inches of coarse gravel tamped into place as shown in drawing. Walls—On a 2xl0-lnch mud sill place 6x6-inch sills. Set up 2x4-inch studs spaced about 2 feet centers, and on the Inside of these nail 1-inch boards. The studding to be capped by a 2x4-inch plate as indicated. The mud sills and sills should be treated with creosote. Celling—No celling is provided. Roof—The same type of roof may be employed as in the insulated framed house. Doors—A door may be provided as suggested for the pole icehouse. Drainage—To be provided for by sloping the floor toward the center of the house so that the water will tend to run to the center. A ditch is dug as indicated and a 3-inch porous drain tile laid, being packed around with small stones and gravel. The tile should be led outside and efficiently trapped to prevent the entrance of warm air. METHODS FOR FEEDING MEAL Practical Experience Has Shown That It Is Most Economical to Mix Meal With Ensilage. The plan for cutting the fodder or hay and mixing the bran, millfeed and cornchop with It and feeding it mois tened is preferable, in ottr opinion, to any other method, says a writer in Baltimore American. By feeding meal dry or made into dough some portion of It will pass into the fourth stomach and escape only partially digested. The plan of mixing the meal with water and making a thick slop Is preferable to feeding it dry or In a doughy state. The meal then passes, as it does when mixed with the feed, Into the rumen or paunch, whence It is passed, after undergoing rumination, into the reticulum or second stomach, in a condition fitted for perfect digestion In the third and fourth stomachs and the bowels. If ensilage is fed, mix the meal with the ensilage. This method of feeding we have followed for a number of years with milk cows and fattening cattle, and after careful tests, know from practical experience that It is the most economical way to feed meal. There is no waste of feed and a larger quantity of milk may be given. Extra Care In Fall. As eggs are highest in price from October to January, it is important that the fowls be given extra atten tion in fall and winter so they will produce the most eggs during this period. On stormy days the fowls should be kept in the house. They should be fed three times a day, in the morning, at noon and late in the afternoon. TUMMY HÂÜ HIS OWN IDEA Parrot, of Course, Could Not Be an Angel, but It Was to Be Promoted. to Two children, a little boy and girl, brother and sister, had been bereaved. They had lost by death a pet parrot. Of course when their first grief had subsided they turned the Bad occasion to good account, as is the way with children, and had a grand funeral. The boy, Tommy, was grave digger, and the girl, Annie, wrapped thb poor brilliant corpse in a silk scarf ready for Interment. And It was a mourn ful occasion. When the grave had been duly pat ted down with a small spade, the lit tle girl said: "I s'pose Polly's 'n he'v'n now." "I s'po8e so," said Tommy, "but I don't know." "He's got wings," said Annie, "but he wouldn't be an angel, would he?" "Only folks is angels," said Tommy. "Well, then, what Is he?" asked the little girl. "I s'pose,'' said Tommy, "he's a bird of paradise now." in Puzzled. A little girl In Newcastle, Ind., has a new baby sister and she has been somewhat puzzled as to the exact status of the new arrival in the fam ily, says the Indianapolis News. She had willingly given up her bed, but something still seemed to trouble her greatly. One day she was found surveying the dining room Just at mealtime. She looked at her own high chair, then Inquired suspiciously of her fa ther: "Where is she going to eat, daddle?" Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Speedy. "I understand young Jiggers has taken up the pursuit of literature." "Yes, but he hasn't caught it yet. Literature is pretty swift nowadays, you know." Superlatively Inconspicuous. Knicker —Does Jones amount to much? Bocker—No more than a horse at a horse show. Its Class. "Forestry is a science." "No, It's an art. Isn't it where all the wood cuts come from?" The beauty of reading a tiresome book Is that you can skip a few pages without realizing the difference. It is seldom that the husband and wife both entertain affection for an other woman. When all others fall to please Try Denison's Coffee. A light diet is the best board of health. Liberality consists less in giving much than in giving wisely. Free with . Skinne rS Macaroni Products ga LSi f Send the coupon below and learn how you can get a complete set of ONEIDA COMMUNITY PAR PLATE SILVERWARE free by saving the trade-mark signature from Skinner packages. Silverware of quality. Guaranteed ten years. Beauti ful Bridal Wreath pattern. Skinner's products are made from the finest durum wheat, in the largest, ^leanest and most sanitary macaroni factory in America. There are nine kinds of Skinner Products—Macaroni, Spaghetti, Egg Kin Cut Macaroni, Cut Spaghetti, Elbows, Soup Rings, Alphabetos, These can be cooked fifty-eight different ways. irith cheap cuts of meat into a delightful dish, *m$al\ se, tomatoes, fish, mushrooms, oysters, etc. / Tjfcek ü' G OVEK. 4M, AY la CHftlMT. 8 NOT ONLY A PRESENTS FOR < VLL AT OUR OUT A CHRISTMAN «O SEE HOW BUY kRY ucts cut down wonderfully on meat bills, and better for your health too. We will Jscipc book telling how to make many you will ask for it. ft» md I -Mark Signatures HOME O packages and send the ~ nil information how to : of Oneida Com- . Silverware with ii Products. Â >: '. •' ft-;. ' A THOSE FOR A + I •._ „„ JJv'ocers k sell Skinner's Ih Products Buy it by the case— H 24 packages U SKINNER A j MFC. co. m The Latten V/ Macaroni Factory in America N Rest. A Omsks, Neb. \ r? I SKINNER MFC. CO. Dept. A Omaha, Neb. Please send me full information how I may obtain Oneida Com munity Par Plate Silverware by saving signatures from Skinner s Macaroni Products. m r 32 I l I ss Name * I Aidrem.. J y L THE NEWEST REMEDY FOR BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM AND DROPSY Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid trou bles bring misery to many. When the kidneys are weak or diseased, these natural filters do not cleanse the blood sufficiently, and the poisons are carried to all parts of the body. There follow depression, aches and pains, heaviness, drowsiness, irrita bility, headaches, chilliness and rheu matism. In some people there are sharp pains in the back and loins, distressing bladder disorders and sometimes obsti nate dropsy. The uric acid sometimes forms into gravel or kidney stones. When the uric acid affects the muscles and Joints it causes lumbago, rheuma tism. gout or sciatica. This is the time to send Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for large trial pack age of "Anurie." During digestion uric acid is ab sorbed into the system from meat to his up Watched Her Step. The lawyer was cross-examining a witness. "Do you happen to know,'' he asked, "what time it was when the wife of the defendant stepped into the taxicab in front of the National bank?" "Yes," replied the ^witness. "It was seventeen minutes past one." "Ah, it was seventeen minutes past one, eh ? Now will you please tell the jury how you happen to be so positive that it was precisely seventeen min utes past one?" "Certainly," said the witness. "The lady was wearing an ankle watch." Her Complaint. "I hear your wife Is ill." "Yes, we called the doctor last night, and he spent an hour going over the history of her case. He even asked her about her shopping trips and made her tell him about the new evening gowns, her new street gowns, her new hats, new shoes and new finery of every description." "That's odd. What d.d he figure was the matter with her?" "He diagnosed her ailment as a very severe case of newritls." Its Species. "Did that genealogist find you a good family tree?" "A good one? It's a peach!" Many a spinster is sorry she learned to say "no." Men laugh ät feminine folly, but it fools them just the same. SSÜIS e behind the dough ij ÎN~gi 2= You may use an old favorite recipe and the best of materials and make it carefully, the oven may be just right, yet you will have a failure if - 'The Power behind the Dough" is not the right one to leaven it properly and make it light, digestible, wholesome. , l Good baking without good baking powder is out of the question. M k /C C Baking Powder has wonderful leavening power, and the double action M —in the bowl and in the oven—make» good résulta doubly certain, f Taka no chancaa of feature—uaa K C and have "good lack " every time. At all Grocer*. A 1 ' dfs •7 eaten, and even from some vegetables. The poor kidneys get tired and back ache begins. This is a good time to take "Anuric," the new discovery of Dr. Pierce for Kidney trouble and Back ache. Neglected kidney trouble is responsible for many deaths, and In surance Company examining doctors always test the water of an applicant before a policy will be issued. Have you ever set aside a bottle of water for twenty-four hours? A heavy sedi ment or settling sometimes indicates kidney trouble. If you wish to know your condition send a sample of your water to Dr. Pierce's Invalfds' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y„ and describe symptoms. It will be examined without any ex pense to you, and Dr. Pierce or his chemist will inform you truthfully. Anuric is now for sale by dealers in 50c pck'gs. Socially Successful. Mr. Brown's colored valet desired to entertain some of his friends, and his master contributed generously to the cause. The next morning Mr. Brown asked Mose if hfs party had been a success. Mose drew himself up a couple of inches above his usual height. "Was it a success, suh!" he ex claimed delightedly. "Well, suh. It's sho' wuz! Dey wuz 16 Invited, and 20 dat come!" He Pleased the Baby. Restaurant Patron (caustically) 1 —I am glad to see your baby has shot up, madam. Mother—Yes, sir. You are the only thing that's pleased him since he saw the animals at the zoo.—Puck. Not Gray Hairs but Tired Eyes make us look older than we are. Keep your Eyes young and you will look young. After the Movies always Murine Your Eyes— Don't tell your age. It is all right to talk of modest worth, but the trombone player in variably attracts more attention than the violet. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. —Adv. Experience may be a great teacher, but a man's experience with a woman seldom teaches him good sense. The man who goes through life on a bluff eventually walks.