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- / <w '"V" '-Jf'i Meridian Times J& VOLUME VIII. MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, FRIDAY, JULY' 7, 101«. NO. ». . *18» The Fourth at Boise Participation in the celebration at Boise on the 4th of July was engag ed in by almost everyone last Tues day. After arrival at the capital city many of our citizens joined in the grand parade at 10 o'clock. A float Indicative of the business and industries of Meridian served to give the town publicity, this being the only float outside of'Boise. Mrs, Arthur Frazier was beautiful in the part of "Miss Meridian" and seated around her was as pretty a bunch of little girls as can be found in the United States. They each held a ban ner, advertising a Meridian business house. The parade was witnessed by per haps the largest crowd ever assem bled on the streets of Boise. It was lead by the Idaho state militia reg iment, consisting of nearly a thous and young men, and they of course, received an enthusiastic ovation al ong the line of march. The dozen Meridian boys were there and were given their share of recognition, es pecially by the people of this com munity. * The floats were many and varied, reprefenting the industries of Idaho in a business and social way. The Meridian float attracted much favorable attention and reflected es pecial credit upon George E. At water. chairman of the Booster club committee, and Percy McFarland, who with his new motor truck, guided the big float through the maze of crowded streets in a safe and satisfactory manner. Prizes were given by the Boise committee for floats as follows: Motor Floats—1st prize, $50, to Washington School, for "Peace".2d prize, $35,to the battleship "Justice" entered by the Natatorium; 3d, $20, Mtn. States Tel & Teleg. Co. Horse-Drawn Floats—1st, Farmers Market; 2d, $35, Women of Wood craft; 3d, $15, Boise Lodge of Elks; 4th, $15, Meridian float. Motorcycles and Bicycles—1st,$15 Immanuel Methodist Boy Scouts; 2d $10,Excelsior Motorcycle Co; 3d,Nel lie Chapman. No. 5. Honorable Mention: — Chinese, Greece, Japanese, Scandinavian, Hol land and Scotland floats. Nearly everybody went to the fair grounds and witnessed the aero planes and races. A new feature was an aerial post-route, a sack of letters being taken from the fair-grounds to the post-office at Boise, by Air man O. E. Williams. He swooped down from an elevated heighth close to the top of the post-office building and dropped the sack onto the lawn. Then gradually ascending to a great heighth, he made a turn and sailed back to the base at the fair grounds. It was a wonderful spectacle and many prophecied the time when our mail will all be carried by such means. The fireworks at night at the Fort grounds were good.Then the Merid ian people returned home, and to use a common term—tired but happy. concerns The E. F. Atwater Co. recently shipped 75 pounds of honey to the hoys at Camp John T. Morrison at Boise, as a present to the soldier recruits. Dunham Land & Live Stock Co. Have one hundred very choice Registered Shropshire Ewes to spare in lots to suit purchaser, from five up to the number wanted. Will give pur chaser contract on all Rams raised from these Ewes for two years if I can have the selection of sire to breed them to. Also Hampshire one and two-year-old ewes after July 10th. Shropshire and Hampshire Rams for flock headers. In Car Lots for Range Breeder, as well. L. S. DUNHAM 4 CASH Paid For CREAM Now receiving CREAM daily at our new station, across the alley from and at rear of Meridian Hardware Co. in Meridian. Highest Market Price paid for Butter Fat CALL AND SEE US. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. MUTUAL CREAMERY Co. J. V. JACKSON, AGENT. MERIDIAN. W. S. MATEER ♦ » * Licensed EmbaJmer and FuneraJ Director CALLS ANSWERED NIGHT OR DAY Night calls will reach me at Broadway Hotel Undertaking Parlors next door west of First National Bank. 9 % # MERIDIAN, IDAHO Doesn't Look Like War The crisis between the United States and Mexico virtually came to an end Tuesday when a friendly and conciliatory note from the defacto government was handed to the 'state department, at Washington.While the U. S. officials would not talk, there is no doubt that the way is,opened for an amicable settlement of the dispute. It is thought that the militia reg injents will now be taken to the bor der.kept a few r weeks or months and then returned to the states from whence they came. The Second Idaho is expected to en train for the border to-day or by Saturday evening at the latest. HOME OUTFIT FOR OUR BOYS. The Red Cross society, through the efforts of two Meridian ladies, Mrs. Ed Hasbrouck and Mrs. J. F. Baird, and a liberal response by Meridian business men, raised about $18 tifis week. This amount the Red Cross society will use in getting Red Cross bags, for each of the Meridian re cruits. These bags cost $1.29 eaoh and contain a comb, brush, mirror, ban dages, soap and several other arti cles, all used with much satisfaction when the boys get into the field, and away from the comforts and conven iences of home. Being of an indi vidual character, the government en courages the purchase of these bags by the several communities and the boys place a higher value on the ar ticles,knowing the source from which they come. The money for the purchase of the bags was turned over to the Red Cross officers at Boise this week, tor gether with a list giving the names of donors and amount. NEWSPAPER BOYS GO TO FRONT W.L.Christie, w'ho has been a com petent all-around help in the Times office for the past year, takes a pos ition in the Leader-Herald office in Nampa this week. He was urgently needed there on account of the de parture of Mr. Jenness Jr. with the niilltia boys., In this connection it might be stated that the newspaper offices of Idaho are furnishing an unusually large .quota of recruits, and while it indicates a patriotic de votion, it leaves the offices in many places short of help. TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR RONDS. At a meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Nampa and Meridian Irrigation District, which was held Wednesday at Nampa, the date of submitting bids for purchase of tfie bonds recently refunded in the sum of $365,000 was considered, but the board adjourned without fixing a date. The bonds, which would have mat ured this year.are continued through a majority vote of the water users of the district cast in the recent elect ion. The bonds are to draw 6 per cent interest and will begin to mat ure after a period of 10 years. The bonds will,when paid, mean a cost of about $13.50 per acre for water rights, the water being under the Ridenbaugh canal. FOR SUPREME COURT JUSTICE A - : .1 MV;' ;. ; ■ f i. N. SULLIVAN JUDGE Judge I. N. Sullivan is mentioned as a desirable candidate for the nom ination to succeed himself as Jus tice of the Supreme Court of Idaho. He is now serving as Chief Justice and a judicial mind and temperment coupled with a splendid knowledge of the law have peculiarly fitted him for, the high office. It is understood that Judge Sulli van will be a candidate for renomi nation before the primaries this fall on the Republican ticket, and he will receive a heavy vote in this part of the state where he is well and favor ably known. VIRGINIA PICNIC. All Virginians ar.e cordially invited to attend the Second Annual Re union and Picnic to be held at the Badley Grove, at the north edge of Meridian, Saturday, July 15. Good speaking, music, and general good time. J. H. Newcomer, President. J. J. Caldwell, Secretary. MERIDIAN —THE TOWN OF— 6heese--SpraHtoney WE DON'T SELL SPRAY BUT WE DO SELL ( HEESE AND HONEY ! 8 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS We appreciate your business. Have added new show cases and new fix tures and will give you better service than ever. On Your Vacation Trip You will need pure wholesome food. No cheap dirty stuff in our store. We feuture quality. We have it. 8 COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY RECEIVED THIS WEEK. SERVICE QUALITY PRICES Tolleths: * 4. Where The People Trade 44 Official Time Card of the BOISE VALLEY TRACTION COMPANY In Effect March 1», 1916. Leave Boise for Nampa and Caldwall, via Meridian:—6:.10 am; 7:30 am; 9:00 am; 10:30 am; 12:00 m; 1:30pm; 2:30 pm; 3:30 pm; 4:30 pm to Meridian and McDermott; 5:00 pm; 0:30 pm; 8:00 pm; 9:30 pm; 11 pm to Nampa only. Cars Pass Meridian for Boise:—0:40 ant; 8:10 am; 9.1*2 am; 10:12 am; 11:42 am» 1:12 pin; *2:12 pm;3:12 pm; 4:12 pm; 5:12 pm; 0:12 pm; 7:42 pm; 9:12 pm; 11:42 pm. Cars Pass Meridian for Numpa and Caldwell: — 7:05 am; 8:05 am; 9:35 am; 11:05 am; 12:35 pm; 2:05 pm; 3:05 pm; 4:05 put; 5:35 pm; 7:05 pm; 8:35 pin; 10:05 pm; 11:35 pm. McDermott Stubt Leave Onwiler for McDermott: 8:02 am; 9:32 am; 5:32 pm. and arrive at McDermott at 7:28 am; 9:55 am; 5:55 pm. Leave McDermott for Onwiler:—7:35 am; 11:20 am; 5:55 pm; and arrive at Onwiler at 8:00 am; 11:44 am; 0:14 pm. ♦Starts from Meridian. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. RECRUITS NOW NUMBER 13. For the size of the town. Meridian is in the front rank of Idaho com munities in sending recruits to fill il> the Second Idaho regiment at lioise. Colonel E. K. Sims, who wa§ afiointed by Governor Alexander to have charge of the recruiting office here, reports that, the number has reached fifteen, all of whom have joined Co. 'll" at Boise. The com plete list of Meridian recruits is as follows: Archie Pardee, Delos.Wood, Arthur Knutson, Noel Wolfe, Jess Evans, Harry Swanstrom, Cecil Scott, Ross McAllister, Austin McAllister. Lloyd Hutchinson, Raymond Hutcheson, Oscar Donoho, Olin Donoho, Walter Nichols and Samuel Neal. NEW <1 ROUER Y STORE COMING. *W. B. Binus, a former business man of Arkansas, will open a new grocery store next week in the building formerly occupied by the Turner pharmacy. Mr. Binus is a new comer to Idaho,arriving here a few weeks ago and is so favorably im pressed that he will remain here and go into business. He invites the peo ple to call and get acquainted. Mrs. BiniiB will put in a line of millinery goods. Dr. Reynolds, who owns the build ing. is having it neatly painted and retinted. O. K. KRIDER SECURES POSITION At a recent meeting of the Rural High school board the following act ion was taken, as noted in the min utes. "On motion duly seconded, O.E.Krider was chosen janitor of the High school for the school year of 1916 and 1917 from among 12 apy plicants; some of whom had filed written applications with the board, while others had made application verbally." By a supreme court decision the Boise moving picture show's are al lowed to open on Sunday. The post-office at Arrowrock has been reduced to a fourth-class office as the departure of the thousands of men who built the highest dam in the world has decimated the popula tion. There will be a civil service examination at Boise July 22d to fill the vacancy caused by the resg nation of Mrs. D. W. McFadden, who has held the office for the past four years. The applicant must be a res dent of the district served by the posirdffice. 4 kWh! I Whines 8 h fy/ v\^v\ E MO TWINE. j hB. / t Ctv >2* ? y f ta *43 \ 1 sgA n •)y 1 a kS. i |\ & V\ ^ * 'W \ V ' ' _ TnEÏÏŒ INLINE I TO BUY THE O K LINE Vhirh comprises all that a farmer needs to harvest his grain in the most tccmomical way. HAY STACKERS SWEEP RAKES CORN BINDERS CORN SHOCKERS CORN PICKER" HUSKERS AND SHREDDERS KNIFE GRINDERS BINDER TWINE BINDERS HE A DER-BINDERS RICE BINDERS HEADERS REAPERS MOWERS HAY RAKES MAY TEDDERS Vickers-Sims Hardware Co. -O A Satisfactory Place To Trade CHEAP FUEL!! LAY IN A SUPPLY AT BARGAIN PRICES. AN EXCEPTIONAL OP PORTUNITY. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WE WILL DELIVER AT MERIDIAN MILL WOOD IN 10 1NUH LENGTHS FOR *4.50 PER CORD. CARS CONTAIN FROM 15 TO 17 CORDS. IF YOU CAN NOT HAN DLE FULL CAR, GET YOU NEIGH BOR TO GO IN WITH YOU. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY. Never has wood been offered at this price in Meridian. SEE E. H. TAYLOR MANAGER I Boise Payette Lumber Co. Meridian Buliuo s Loan ffes n ™Y0U! WE WANT TO HELP YOU TO HAVE A HOME OB' YOUR OWN. THE CITIZEN WHO OWNS A HOME IS OF 1 MORE IMPORTANCE IN A COMMUNITY THAN A RENT ER. IF YOU ABE PAYING RENT YOU CAN BEGIN TO ENJOY OWN ERSHIP NOW FOR THE SAME MONEY, IF YOU OWN YOUR LOTS - m ? ff**] m » (/ © TAKE IT GEORGE PARKIN, President. ALLEN W ILCOX, Sexy.