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t The Meridian Times VOM MK Vin. MERIDIAN, ADA OOCÎTTV, IDAHO, FRIDA V, A IO r ST II, 101«. NO. 14. A. w! // SSI '/ , m. Â '/ 1 Sr y W jg m nn V>V/. f, m % 7 ror. a Cio.i.i. Th» Flag and the Man! HEADACHE This Disorder Is Only a Symptom of Internal Derangement. ( By Dr. R. R. Daniels. ) There are many kinds of head aches, but the most of them indicate one thing, viz.: an excess of waste material in the body. The principal exceptions to this are the headaches which come out of a result of eye strain, and those which are caused by disease of some of the nasal sin ues. Headaches due to eye-strain are usually accompanied by blurring of vision when the eyes are used to any extent; the headache is also brought about or increased as the eyes are used. Headaches due to dis ease of the nasal si nues usually ac company colds in the head. However, by far the greater per cent of headaches are the result oi accumulated waste material in the body. The "sick headaches." the "bilious headaches," and the "nervous head aches" are all due to poisou in the system. While a headache may often be brought on by some immediate disturbing incident, still the real cause of the headache lies still far ther iiack; the poisons that are the real cause of the disease have been accumulating for some time. This is particularly true in the case of chronic recurring headaches; be tween the attacks the poisons are ac cumulating for the next attack. What is the sources of the poisons of headaches? The food: undigested unused food. Persons who are sub ject to headaches eat more heavy food, such as meat, potatoes and bread than they can digest and use up. This excess food is connected into waste material, a part of it fer ments and decomposes in the bowels and forms poisons. The faithful liv er destroys a good part of the pois ons so formed, but there is a grad ual accumulation until the body puts forth a special effort to destroy them. The headache is only one incident in the destruction of these poisons Coffee, tea, and tobacco, all con tribute towards causing headaches; they are noisons in themselves, fur thermore, they prevent the élimina tion of the waste material. * * ■v -A m . 4 isK<8 . : Ü: c / 4 lip . m : ■<> . . . - •• - V I v.r : . D. W. DAVIS (Remember the Initials) Election, Candidate for Republican Nomination for Governor, September 3th. I h i mar y STUDY HIS CONSTRUCTIVE POLICIES. FOR SHERIFF •* : p. T RM MITT 1'FOST Candidate for Sheriff on Democratic Th-ket subject to the will of the vot ers at Primary Flection Sept. 5th, S|ten«i Sunday with the Folks. They will be glad to see you! Half Fare excursions every Sunday. Also low rates, Saturdays to Mon days. See O. S. L. Agents for details. I —— - YELLOWSTONE Park Excursions. : - August 12th., via Hotel Route, August 14th via "Wylie Way." ! See O. S. L. Agents for details and folders. J. O. JORDON FOR ASSESSOR Subject to the Will of the Republi can Party. Sixteen years a resident, of. Ada County, Mr. Jordan is a builder and has built many fine homes in Boise. He is well qualified to serve you as assessor. Health Notes. Beware of the picnic lunch: it is usually the lunch and not the water hat is responsible for the stomach md bowel tiisordeds that so often follow a picnic for the average stomach. Green corn is a highly nutritious food; furthermore, almost everyone can digest it without difficulty if he chews it thoroughly and avoids acid foods and meats at the same meal. Take a nap for fifteen minutes just after lunch on the hoi days. Have a large plate of fresh vegetables made up in a salad as a part of each din ner. Do not flood the stomach with wa ter while it is filled with food. The best plan is not to drink for three hours after any meal, but to drink freely between the meals. Tea and coffee both add to our hot weather discomforts, not so much on account of the heat they may carry into the body, but by reason of the bad effects they exercise upon the nervous system. For the average stomach, lemon ade is not a wholesome drink follow ing a digestion of the bread and po tatoes. Lemonade is a better drink for the late forenoon or afternoon when the stmach is empty. Ice wa ter is one of the stomach's greatest hot weather enemies. I VF A VTI LE PA HAL V SIS. X I By Dr. R. R. Daniels. From everything that has been which fiuds lodgment in the mucus 1 learned up to date of infantile paraly-1 sis. the disease is caused by a germ membrane of the nose and throat, and of the stomach and intestine. Here the germ multiplies rapidly and forms its poison: these poisons are taken up hy the blood and carried to all jiarts of the body. The effect of these poisons u;«on nearly all parts of the bdy are no different from that of most other germ poisons, except that these poisons are particularly in jurious to the nerve cells in the spin al cord, which govern the muscles of the limbs—particularly the lower limbs. In an attack of the disease the partial or complete destruction of these nerve cells takes place in a few hours, hut the full effects are not apparent for several months. Make the Child Disease-Proof. Inasmuch as the germ of infantile paralysis seems to be disseminated by flies, a systematic extermination of these pests Is important in the pre vention of the disease, keeping the child in a high state of resistance, in the best of health, is „ of even greater Importance. Germs attack only those whose disease-re sisting powers are low; germs find a portal of entry in a weak spot in the body. In the case of infantile par alysis, the "weak spots" are the nose and throat, and the stomach and in testines. If we are to avoid this dread disease we must keep the child's air passages in healthy con dition and keep the stomach and bow els in good shape. It is significant that this disease attacks children at the age when they are weaned and taken to the table and fed anything and everything. Avoiding colds, sore throats and catarrh in children by proper feeding and plenty of fresh air; and keeping the stomach and bowels in good condition through careful feeding will go a long way toward eliminating infantile paraly However, vot and as sis. THE NEW GROCERY STORE IS NOW OPEN AND INVITES YOU TO • * CALL AND GET OUR PRICES. + F 4 * PROFITS COURTEOUS SMALL OUR MOTTO IS QUICK SALES. TREATMENT AND HONEST W EIGHTS. Î I i WILL TRY AND KEEP A FRESH LINE OF FRUITS AND CANDIES ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. ♦ x 0 STAPLE GOODS, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Meats, 11am, and Baron. PRICES RIGHT. I 4 » * 4 and Millinery Goods Bought, which . We have a Nice Line of Notions will arrive in a in nit 30 days. 4 t . W E WANT TO GET ACQUAINTED W ITH YOU, You dont have to buy to come int«> our store, just come around ami let us nn?et you. I WE ARK YOURS'TO SERVE » W. B* Binns Grocery PHONE No. Ü4. NEXT DOOR TO PICTURE SHOW MERIDIAN, IDAHO t J I Dunham Land & Live Stock Co. I Have one hundred very choice Registered Shropshire Ewes to spare in lids to suit purchaser, front five up to the number wanted. W ill give pur chaser contract on all Rams raised from these Ewes for two years if I can have the selection of sire to breed them to. Also Hampshire one and two-year-old ewes after July 10th. Shropshire and Hampshire Rams for flock headers. Lots for Range Breeder, as well. In Car DUNHAM I MERIDIAN, IDAHO m . - PROBATE JUDGE R. H. DUNLAP Candidal«- for Re-. Nomination on the D«*mocratir Ticket. The sixth annual picnic of the Pay ette Boise Water Users Association will be held at Larson's grove, 10 miles west of Caldwell. Wednesday. August 23d. Prof. Stewart, the band leader, plans* a visit with his mother in the east, in a few- days. X • y. > p* 1 br* T-' : ■ i/| '_i I bringing Home the Bacon That's the solid satisfac tion of hog raising — to tfring home the bacon. It's fine business to count a good round profit at the end of the season. Every pig saved helps bring in the money. Dis ease robs many a fanner of his reward. Build a good h«^g tueuse. It will help you raise healthy pigs. Drainage and sunlight are the best natural advan tages that a hog house can have. The material for construction need not be costly. The main thing is that it be wisely selected. Come in and let us help you decide. „ • GEM STATE LUMBER CO. Max B. Milner, Manager. Meridian, Idaho. IrAuL IHI^MK21U>WA\1^)S UfCv'LaitwJ r * MM TV! M K. p=T MtCOHHlC 'S/ —^ A *' CIY ✓ r y I *13 s .eçû r % % 53 ST m ■— * n & h IÏŒINLINE |\ f Mil m TO BUY THE OK LINE Vhirh comprîtes ill that a (armer Reeds to harvest hit grain in the most iconomicai way. HAY STACKERS SWEEP RAKES CORN BINDERS CORN SHOCKERS CORN PICKER* HUSKERS AND SHREDDERS KNIFE GRINDERS BINDER TWINE BINDERS HEADER BINDERS RICE BINDERS HEADERS REAPERS BOWERS HAY RAKES RAY TEDDERS Vickers-Sims I Hardware Co. -o Satisfactory Place To Trade \ - Meridian ßulidino & Loan flss'n WE WANT TO HELP YOU TO HAVE A HOME OF YOUR OWN. THE CITIZEN WHO OWNS A HOME IS OF MORE IMPORTANCE IN A COMMUNITY THAN A RENT ER. IF YOU ARE PAYING RENT YOU CAN BEGIN TO ENJOY' OWN ERSHIP NOW FOR THE SAME MONEY. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOTS S FOR gg g 1 III «ni; pi 3v © TAKE IT GEORGE PARKIN. President. ALLEN WILCO-Y. Secy. • * f * + 4 F 4 4 + THE MERIDIAN PRODUCE CO. 4 * F Î - 4 I i E. E. Him :• r ♦ x + 4 0 Located at Old Union Cool A- Feed Co. HuiltUng. B I 4 4 4 4 » . * RESIDENCE PHONE ;!17. PHONE 317. 4 4 4 4 4 t A NEW STOCK OF STATIONERY * I We have a fine, new line of Stationery, envelopes and paper, linens and bonds in a variety of shapes and colors. You are sure to find something that pleases you here. Combination boxes of envelopes and paper at 25c to 75c. We have calling cards, too. » t J The Turner Pharmacy I I - TT t ■ Meridian Lunch Room « YOl WILL FIND IS JUST SOUTH OF HOWE'S STORK WITH A COM PLETE UNE OF LUNCH. A GOOD SANDWICH AND CUP OF COFFEE FOR TEN CENTS, Leonard Schoepe, * Meridian, Idaho. x> »