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9 The iWerïtlicin VOLUME vni. MERIDIAN*, ADA COUNT!*, IDAHO, KRIDA V, .MARCH 30, 1917. NO. 47. EDITORIAL MENTION. Under the direction or Ned Has. brouck, state highway force of men are at work this week repairing the highway between here and Nampa. overseer, a W. G. Scholtz, director of farm markets, sent jjn his resignation this Nveek, and B. Harvey Allred, speaker of the House, is slated for the appointment. late A letter to the Times from Con gressman Burton L. French states that he will go to Washington, D. C., this week to assume His duties as representative from Idaho. The new congress will convene April 2d. Con gressman Addison T.Smith is already on the ground. W. J. McGee, II. S. subtreasurer at San Francisco, has announced that ** no föderal farm bank loans will be issued until after July 1st. He says that confidence men are representing themselves to be government officials and offering to make loans with the prpviso that $50 He advanced. PROCEEDING DELIBERATED!'. Everywhere the arming of Amer ican merchantmen is interpreted as meaning war. Yet no nation ever set out upon such a venture more calmly than America is going into the pathway of hostilities. To those of us who can recall the feverish days of 1898 and to that fewer num ber who remember the excitement of 1861, there is something uncanny about this. The mi.itary condition of the country, to be sure, is not such as to excite enthusiasm. Quite the contrary. And we hope that the calm seriousness with which we are ap parently marching into war means that the real mind or the nation is finally concentrated upon our needs with a determination to go through to the end with whatever is neces sary. PLANT CHERRY TltEEB. The United States Department of Agriculture has sent out a special communication about the planting of cherry trees in the spring, and tjiis we have printed in this week's issue of the Meridian Times. If you have fruit trees you will profit by reading the article. Meridian Parent Teachers Notes. The afternoon meeting of the Par ent Teachers Association was held Thursday afternoon, March 2 2d, in Prof. Fuller's room. The paper by Mrs. Harry Yost on "How to Amuse the Young Boy in the Home" was full of practical suggestions and was helpful to those who had boys. A lively discussion followed in which all present took part. * The next community center meet ing will be held Friday evening.April 13th, at the rural high school. This meeting will be in charge of the teachers of the school. On Thursday afternoon, April 26, the election of officers will take place. All members are requested to be present. The Five Mile P. T. A. has a mem bership of 15,and mets once a month at the school house. The price of stamped envelopes has been advanced, it is announced by Postmaster J. J. Caldwell, paper wrappers will also be more ex pensive. The department is issuing four new styles of stamped envel opes. News Sloan's Liniment for Rheumatism. The torture of rheumatism the pains and aches that make life un bearable are relieved by St.oan's Lin iment, a clean clear liquid that is easy to apply and more effective than mussy plasters or ointments because it penetrates quickly without rub bing. For the many pains and aches following exposure, strains, sprains anl muscle softness,Sloan's Liniment is promptly effective. Always have a bottle handy for gout, lumbago, toothache, backache, stiff neck aud all external pains. 25c. All druggists, Worms Make Children Fretful. Childrn suffering from worms are dull and irritable, puny and weak,of ten grind their teeth and cry out in sleep, being *a constant source of worry to their parents. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a mild laxative rem edy in candy tablet form that child ren like to take. Promptly effective, it kills and removes the worm from the system. Irregular appetite and liowel movement, lack of" interest in piay are sure signs of worms. Re lieve your child of this burden. At all druggists, 25c. It NOMINATIONS FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEES. At the mass meeting held last Mon day night at the Booster club hall there was a large attendance and af ter due consideration • the following ticket was selected, to be voted on at the coming village election: A. W. Garrett, E. E. Sims, Henry Taylor, LeRoy Adams and George Swlnderman, This is known as the Citizens Tick et, and while not pledged, the candi dates are supposed to be favorable to public improvements to a consider able degree. The meeting was pre sided over by J. S. Dewhirst and J.F. Baird was secretary. A rival ticket was put in the field as a result of a well-attended meet ing in the Reynolds building Wed nesday evening, and as a result there will be two tickets from which the voter may choose on election day. This is known as the People's ticket. This caucus was presided ver by J.M. Anderson, and A. N. Salisbury acted as secretary. The ticket consists of J. ». DewhirSt. Dr. H. F. Neal, S. H. Griffiths, W. H. Johns, and Clem Hedges. The platform is "Economy in Phldic Expenditures." Each ticket is composed of good men and worthy citizens and an in teresting contest is expected on el ection day. There has been a query as to how many names should be certified ■ up to the village clerk as nominees of a mass meeting, and it is said that in times past ten names have been so certified. Attorney. T- M. Roberts hands the Times a copy of the law, which reads as follows as regards to a primary: Section 386, Revised Codes. $ tifiegte of nomination shall contain the names of more than one candi date for each office to be filled. No person shall join in nominating more than one person for each office to be filled, and no person shall accept a nomination to more than one office. a as o cer J. R. TORREY GOES BACK TO DRY FARM. After spending the winter on the Bush place, 6 miles southwest of Meridian, J. R. Torrey and family left this week for their ranch near Regina, 12 miles southeast of Boise. They have a dry ranch of 320 acres Mr. Torrey says he had 140 acres of grain in last year, mostly wheat. He says fall grain is the main crop and the bad weather last fall interfered with fall plowing and this has re duced the acreage. The late spring will also reduce the spring wheat acreage. He raised some good sum mer fallow corn and he intends to sow a big crop of beans this year. He will sow 17 acres of Sudan grass. This year from one load of bundles of Sudan grass he secured $76 worth of seed, besides having the straw ror feed. \ 7 & / wllay i V Customer's Aid You know more aliout your needs that's why you than anyone else should build your house or barn Just the way YOU WANT IT. It's part of OUR JOB to help in tills. That's the why of our plan books anti onr "Service Bureau"— —TO SHOW YOU HOW YOUR NEIGHBOR HAS BEEN DOING IT— » —TO GIVE YOU THE BENE FIT OF HIS EXPERIENCE, THEN — TO EXPRESS YOUR IDEAS IN WORKED Ol*T PICT URE FORM. It makes building an easy matter. Try it out and see. GEM STATE LUMBER CO. - = • ra MAX B. MILNER, MANAGER. MERIDIAN, IDAHO. NOTICE OF ELECTION. - Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, the J4th day of April, 1917,anj election will be held at the City Hall: I« vi ÛP i,n„ r . , r% . _. in Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, for the purpose of electing a board of : ,, , ' five trustees for said Milage of Mer-ij idian, in the manner prescribed by law. - The polls for said election will be opened at 9 o'clock in the morning and shall continue until 7 I open o'clock p. m. Dated at Meridian, Idaho, this 28th day of March, 1917. ELMER E. SHARP. Acting Chairman of Board of Trustees. Attest: W. H. PEER, Clerk j r 2 :i i y A FOR THOSE EASTER a CLOTHES ,-£■ wm p ' wMm> / Shoes, English, $6.00, I 1 \ TANS BLACKS A : i ! '>S I I Neckties, 25c, 50c, 75c. h - v ALL SHARKS rrl if ! \ Hose, 25c, 35c, 50c. » If % l BLACK WHITE TAX © SERVICE QUALITY PRICES Tolleth's Where The People T rade 44 44 f I i FARM LOANS: Residents of Boise Valley recognize the unusual liene rils derived flora business dealings with ns. A recent Boise death claim was settled in two hours. We render personal service to our IKilieyholders. We loan our fluids on improved farms at minimum rates. We charge no commissions. Your abstract and fire policy kept here. There Is pleas ure in dealing with principals. Quick service. IDAHO STATE LIFE Empire Building. Boise. » : Idle Hour Theatre MERIDIAN, IDAHO. Monday Evg., Apr. 2d. D'ARTS Musical Comedy Co. * * PRETTY GIRLS. GORGEOUS COS TUMES. FUNNY COMEDIANS. ) CATCHY SONGS AND GOOD DANG* 1XG. 2H HOUR SHOW. ft ! lÿCTUHES FIRST. IF YOU DONT WANT TO LAUGH, STAY AWAY ADMISSION, 25c and 59c. Notice is hereby given that I will Illv . ,. ne at wy office in the Od<I bellow« building, in Meridian, on the four : q-,, ' Saturdaxs preceding election as foi OW8 . NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. March 31st, April 7th, 14th and 21st, 1917, between the hours of 8 a ' m ' an< * *' P- "*• for the purpose of I registering voters for the village el ection. All qualified electors who did not vote at the last village elect ion must register in order to vote. W. H. PEER. Village (Merk, j Meridian. Idaho, March 28th, 1917. f « Diamond Edge 99 e e TOOLS make glad the heart of toed users. They are sliarp, ready to use, hold their edge and make work a pleasure. CoBt no more than '* the other kind. I s> -*■ % HATCHETS, CHISELS, ft i • AXES, FUJB* *»!*> SAWS. * ' • I • : • i • I • • • Vickers-Sims Hardware Co. O » \ A Satisfactory Place To Trade Ttie Maonola I Talking Machine 9 The latest and liest thing out. t ome jl in and see them and hear them play. You «ill be surprised at the priee, too. This machine plays all kinds of disc records. r We Al*o Have New Rugs liotli large and small.. Beils, Springs, Mattresses, Chairs, Rockers, Dress, ers, Chiffoniers, Baby Carriages. COME IN AND SEE our GEM - INE CEDAR CHESTS, THE VERY THING TO PROTECT YOUR WIN TER CLOTHES AND FURS FROM ! MOTHS. THEY ARE BEAUTIES. 9 Q r j J. M. Anderson it ta MERIDIAN, IDAHO. Otticial Time Card uf the BOISE VALLEY TRACTION COMPANY lu Effect Mardi i», i»i«. Leave for Nampa and Caldwell, via MeritUa»: 9:00 am; 10:30 am; :39 am: 7 : .AO aw;. 12:00 ui; 1 ;:10pm; 2:30 pm; 3:3o pm; 4:30 pur to Meridian and McDermott; .*»:0o pm; 0:3« pat; H:O0 pin; »ran pm; II pm : to Nampa only. Cars Pass Meridian for Boise: tt:4tl am; 7:4« »tu: 9:12 »ui; Id: 12 am; 11:42 »au 1: 12 pin; * : 12 pin;;i: 12 pm; 4:12 pm; 0.-12 pm; tt:ia pm; 7:12 pm; 9:12 put; 1 1.42 pm. Cars Pass Meridian for Nampa and Caldwell: 7:«ö am; t:l» alii; 9:;I5 am; 11:05 am: 12:35 pm; 2:05 pin; 3:05 pm; 4:05 pm; 5:35 pui: 7:05 pm; 3:35 pm; 10:05 pm; *1:35 pm. McDermott Stubi Leave Onwiler tor McDermott: 3:02 , am; 9:32 am; 5:32 pm. and arrive at .McDermott at 7:2» am; 9:55 am: 5:55 pjq. Leave MeDermott for Onwiler;—7:3 arrive at Onwiler at M:Otl am; 11:44 am; 0:14 pm. 'Starts from Meridian. 11:20 am; 5:55 pm; and am; SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. * / Forty Years Experience. Repairing tom plicated Jewelry Made to Order.. Diamonds Reset. Ceut Commission.. Watches and -Clock*. Sold <>n"10 per Yau Save Money by Trading at a Low Expense Store Diamonds R. II. THE WATCH DOCTOR, New Location: 1015 Main Street At Bnrt Owens Paint and Wall Paper. Store, opposite Cash Bazaar BOISK Watch Main Springs, $1.00. Watch Crystals, 25c. Watch Cleaning, $ 1.00 Alarm Clocks Cleaned, 35c. We Buy Old Gold, Nuggets, and Diamonds. a .3i