Newspaper Page Text
THE MERIDIAN TIMES j Published Fach Friday, 81,110 per Vear; 75c for tl .Mom lis. JOHN F. BAIItl», mil Proprietor. Publisher v 8 t Vlf Î* JP "Mi country, may she ever I* right, bill rlgkl or »ning^mj country.*'— «tqillMI Hi'IHIIU',' 114 II. DANGER FROM HOME OF OUR STATESMEN. Some American reform statesmen Instead of being of vwlne to our gov ernment during Hits time of peril, are an actual hindrance The chief example of this tyi*e is Senator Lu Follette. of Wisconsin. Many peo ple think that during the past year he has been deliberately working in the interest of the Kaiser, and that his constituenta, composed largely of Germans, are satisfied with the ree d he has mads A few years ago he succeeded lit getin gthrough congress what la known as the LaFoIletie shipping bill, or rather an nntl-ahtpptng bill. This is also known as the seamen's bill, and was favored by the Sea men's union and Huiuual Gomiw*rs,of the American federation of labor. This was prompted by a mistaken demand'* of the public for antt nierchant murine legislation result lias been that American ship ping. already on the tol>ogxun slide, has been practically wiped off the sens The Japan has added 50 steel steam er* of 230,Otto tons carrying capac ity to her merchant fleet, and 60 wooden shit*» of 50,000 tons, under lllieral laws Inviting capital and en couraging marine labor But of 70« ships now being hiitlt in our conn 1.500.000, try, with a tonnage nearly all are for foreign ship own er Order in Which Drafted Men Will B« Called. The first uunibgr is your registry number, the second the serial num ber or order number la which you will be called: 145 Venter Klndall Williamson James G. Ferrell Hertiert Thotua* Cook K. Francis Clements Everett Hambo Ralph K Ford Harry Warrick Frank S Merrill Ueo K McKinuls Geo. Hogge Clyde D Potheel K 11 Fulcher Herman Sandy Hobt H Davidson Geo A Nourse Frit* Groesbeck Jus Harley Htugman Geo F Spencer Leon A Headrick Guy M G rooms Hutdn A Howry Edw It Ellis Jos J How bury Buell II Hawkins Tray G Williamson Bernard J Grosso Alvin A Schoepe Arthur K Lamb John Hobt Krewlteky Ja* W Matlock Webster I. King Lewis A Hoalst M Albert Schoepe Hex K Fuller H ugo Sorensen Milford Prow Harley II Hedges ltulpb B Soucie Lloyd K Frazier Geo M Holler Leonard J Starkey Alex Stalker Letser L Adams Clinton Rodk Maw Cal Guy Vickers David J Frazier Albert Mabee Carlos II Rhodes Max B Milner Richard Virgil Chas L King Frank Rogers Herb G Endsley Ora J Morton Alph B Cox Paul Le H Voss . Ben F Drake Lester W Lewis Jno B Watters Logan Grice Glenn E Sebern Harry E Rlploy Harry Rogers Henry Post Jno C Lane 14« J 01 588 147 856 149 D4Ö 157 287 321 158 162 320 9 50 814 163 1 «7 169 848 175 4 70 170 3X2 182 858 191 91 192 (32 193 336 198 199 622 200 586 202 323 857 438 441 203 204 206 212 216 639 217 562 226 655 228 435 231 232 236 339 935 450 15« 567 940 241 43« 243 396 24 4 2 46 560 256 563 268 261 843 400 269 430 277 281 «2 4 5 70 28 2 54 4 283 37 8 296 «19 299 34 4 300 824 442 7,93 262 566 301 302 308 310 315 581 316 582 590 322 326 327 444 447 332 393 336 851 778 4 5« «17 337 339 350 353 «09 355 «13 356 546 360 342 366 !■: Ralph K. Allen 368 LÜ TTZ, îftf /no it' Clark"' ' :',kii'ï Waiter a nice . fcnsfl It Melv Wood ». ■ AOl Ed H Vielter» • Kay , f' yr«ory ' 40« J Mil- *Hj,p<i#FP , ® t ' r 41 « • .Vi, ft V 4 1!» 445 ■'V*|pSje*ter Kaisner 423 &Ï2 Saylor J Brown 425 Nor ville W Booth 4 28 Cheater C Minden 430 Chas II Wilson ltoy K Matthews Huger M Lewis Kämest A Shane Frank F Stock well ! lira ni Mills Clint A Waggoner Geo H Rea Robin 8 French Wtn A Denton Hobt G Duvall It F Fink Grover A Rvnns Kenneth O Sedgwick David Matlock Jos A McCarty Hobt I. Ililt Eugen» C Crawford Jus F Stott Harland II Hutcheson 520 034 j 427 «20 «03 «18 382 818 44ft H 27 •% ■ ♦ 8 . ' l. ♦61 673 4 211 432 43« 4 4 5 4 39 *2 2 442 2 :: 2 443 711ft 44« •Mil 448 4 67 84« 358 847 852 468 4(10 4«7 652 473 426 482 10 It 12 13 1 15 18 19 490 497 501 453 376 «15 453 502 508 507 833 437 «14 523 817 612 68 « Angus McDonald Ollle p Morris Chas Rogers Arthur Frazier Karl Hoalat Cassius C Mwnsey* Jno M Fountain Chus A Gibson Addison I Eater Chester F Jennern A V Tallman Blaine Starkey Carl Terry Jno K Ross Jusou Young Ed L DeClodt Ben) H Marcum T B llawktns Otl« Palmer Starr Ralph Anbury Ray 11 O'Bryan Orrai R Prow Albert Ballev Tom Gerhart Jus A Pack Jr Everett 8 Qotn Jno T Walker Wm K Bell Guy K King Jno F Grlllln Mark U Lelninger Homer K Coleman Jno Wolfkiel Frank Seberu Lester Shaul Ueo E Johnson Fred Post M H Peterson Jas W Butler Elmer Voss Percy McFarland Frank 31 Huntington Geo W Lyle Bertie Goble Fr C Hudson Lloyd II Bailey Lloyd F Adams Harold A Salisbury Orlto Fr Martin Frank J Howland Chas K Parker Jus K Buffington Kd Finley Scott P M Plnder Orville Jackson Garland It Rea Jas K Duncan Eugene A Eudsley Harry Sheen O Wm Waltley Porter L Biddle t'lar Jus Matlock Willard F Turner Aaron Bryant Harry Ople Albert F Matchum Wm A Snyder Oscar Chapman Victor C Eggers Dana K Yost Carl A Zatnzow Guy Waltley Jos P Pettet Bernard Lee Thos Sandy Merlin J Pettet W Alleu Wilcox Denver B Headrick Henze Hamming Julian Tucker Lorrln L Caldwell Chas J Onwiler Floyd D Mitchell Alouzo Robison Chris Jensen Lyle F Hudson Walter F Hayden Felix Lopez Viuospre 526 542 696 655 941 55« «31 560 562 566 683 .3 914 845 569 653 573 574 575 «25 594 «28 4 26 627 595 «01 605 «08 «10 «12 «17 «19 «24 «28 «30 «32 «36 «38 «39 «40 «4 6 «55 65« « 5 7 « « 5 «7 4 1 428 850 865 54 0 579 559 534 16 «30 17 803 94« 812 654 454 319 543 339 844 381 594 545 787 « 7 9 «91 «9 8 7« l 70« 707 710 380 47 58ft 834 443 712 »51 7X5 389 «<>5 725 728 54 1 735 677 739 741 5 84 Nil 747 377 752 952 753 755 757 595 849 607 758 374 925 675 759 783 790 387 33 8 793 334 794 38« 8U3 687 807 340 814 568 815 538 822 439 823 820 829 610 840 632 599 841 4 847 324 46 864 635 857 853 871 986 878 626 269 879 591 277 895 637 281 901 399 2 903 448 283 914 434 296 923 385 299 933 813 300 396 945 384 301 37« 302 946 192 308 949 578 310 951 611 315 316 HER RETORT. 322 He—My Income is small, and per haps it is cruel of me to take you from your father's roof. She— I don't live on the roof. 326 327 332 336 The Union Pacific folder showing the U.S. army camps and much other Information, can be secured free at the O. S. L. depot of Agent O. J. Morton. 337 339 350 353 355 THOMAS M. ROBERTS, ATTORNEY AT LAW Parkin Building, Meridian, Idaho. 356 360 366 !■: Town Topics: Everÿ%>ÿy is talking about the delicious Avalon £ £. 7 ; T Ice Cream and Sherbet Served at the «jC • J • ♦ + * ■» + + + + + WILCOX PHARMACY I 8 4 : ♦ . ' l. ' .H 1 ** " 1 " - 'ggüIJ ' igg g .g> r ELMER SHARP HARNESS AND SADDLES Harness ana Shoe Repairing a Soeolalty 1 will treat you riff lit. Shop on BROADWAY STRltET. MERIDIAN Call and see me. 1 I Ai 74 Aut) COUflty S rirst 144 75 7« 80 81 8 2 83 84 85 Clifford M. Tucker, It. 1). 86 4, Boise. 87 7 337 Willis C. Skeen, H. 1). 88 8 «7« Emil SJodln, Barber. 85 5 275—Johnnie R.Erickson, Kuna 10 509 Harvey K. Bark, R, I). 1, 90 Boise. It 5« 4 -Wm.A.Dewhirst, Meridian fti 12 945.Calvin J. Cleek, H. D. 3, 92 Nampa. 13 596- John C.Carringer,Meridian 93 1 4 536-—Christopher C. Anderson, 94 15 548—Cam N.Davidson,Meridian Melvin G. Hurst, Ustick. 95 781 Luther Young, Stur. 18 755- George Eagos.Fleve,Greece 96 19 107 George C. Fisher, R.D.3, 97 Boise. 20 616 Walter A.Palmer,Meridian 98 21 373 Don M. Yost, Ht. No. 1, Meridian. 99 22 775—Grove Fetters, RDI, Eagle 486— Uns Olson, U.D.2, Boise. 692 Albert Seelye, Barber. 600- -John K. Morris, Meridian. 2« 810 Love Bruce, Meridian. 27 507 ■ George Aldridge, Boise. 38 309 Ralph W. Leighton, Kuna 39 437* Alpha Hay HokIc,M eridian 30 «04 Ralph Hedges, Meridian. 31 924 John Otl, Star. 32 420—Jesse B.Montgomery,Boise 33 514 Harry K. Baker, U. I). 2, Boise. 34 433- Opal LeRoy Peer,Meridian 35 10 -Ulysses Clair Lyon, RD.l. Boise. 36 487—Fred C. Curtis, R.D. No.l, 797 Wm Elmore Casper, R.D. 1, Middleton. 1 38 140 Floyd Dade Carter. R.D. 2, Kuna. • 39 432 Ben Wilson Robison, Mer- 1 idlan. 40 675 -John E.Deversdul, Barber 41 343- Bascorn Dewitt Rice, R 1 Meridian. 42 726 Arthur Neal Fancham, Mountain Home. 43 15 -Claude Harsh.31 Madison, Boise. 44 906 - Alvin W. Long, Barber. 45 933 Hobt. J. Brown, R. I). 1, Meridian. 4« 18—Wayne Ricks. R. 3, Boise. 47 65 2—Elmore Hansen, Barber, 48 927- Geo. Wm. Sandy. R.D. 1. Meridian. 49 739 Howard B. Bee. Mt. Home 50 601-—Harry Howry, Meridian. 51 600— Harley J.Turner,Meridian 62 182- H^rry Wesley Hawk,Kuna 53 513—Orville Ilogle, R. 2.Boise 54 4 «_ Verne A. Rowell, Eagle. 56 223—Virgil Rider. Kuna. 56 117—Clayton Raymond Ander son, Rt. 2, Boise. 57 602—Volney Clement Watts, Meridian. 58 890— Theo E. Holmes, R. D. 1, Meridian. 59 75—Leonard D. Hoffner.Eagle 60 778— -Fred Merl Wehr, Star. 61 721- Donald McDonald,Orchard 62 786—Henry M.Horrell, Eagle. The following 144 name« were drawn for the first, allotment of 72 77 men from Ada county to serve the 7 government through draft, The first number Is the serial uum- ; 79 her, thn second Is the registration number: 258—Daniel Roberts, H. 1). 2, Kuna. Ueorgc it. Adams, Kuna. 1 2 232 468— Fred J. Harrell. Meridian. 854-— Jas. M. Branson, Meridian 783—James Mershon, Star. .3 4 6 8 37 16 12 « 17 ■!4 26 37 280—Loren Aubrey Small.Kuna 757 — Pernitvjos 63 Paijakostos, 64 Fteve, Greece. «8 868—Orle Jensen, It. 4, Boise. «6 832-—John Chester Opie, R. D.l Meridian. «7 379—Edmund Hex Carter, K. 1 Meridian. 68 542—Wilbur Albert Dixon. Meridian. 69 194—Lewis Elmore Newcomb. Melba. 70 R74—Wright Stacey, ft.4, Boise 71 552—Lewis Heury House, Meridian. 72 298—Carl B. Hose, Kuna. 73 472—Raymond Carey Ht. 1, Boise. I at J. Kavird, 74 355— Chas. C. Hoffman, Eagle. 75 r,30—Clarence Norman Pine, Ht. 1, Boise. 7« 809— Jack Pettljohn, R. No. 2, «46 —Robert Constad, Barber. 218—Harry France« Anderson, Kuna. «20— ICdwd Bartlett, Meridian 80 550—Ueo. Wylie Hill, Nampa. 81 574- Jesse Harvey Hedges. 8 2 31—Geo. Hobt Henrickson, III Boise. 83 770 -John Alvin Means, Star. 84 822--Gerald Clifford Whittaker Boise. 85 677 -Charles Edw Kemmerer, Barber. 86 749—Thos. J Booth, R 3, Boise 87 525—Leo C. Golding, Boise. t 88 760—Lyle C. Caldwell, Regina. 85 183—Joy Burrltt McClelland, Kuna. 90 56—Chas. Fauro Forkner, 30 and Resseguie, Boise. fti 792—James Cleek, Meridian. 92 5—Parley Clarence Harrison, Ht. 1, Boise. 93 360—Holla W. Thomas, Eagle. 94 54—Leslie Alger Wattlou, Rl Boise. 95 870—Harry Ed Wooford, K.D.4 Boise. 96 549- Ralph Hushel Hell, 97 440—Floyd Alonzo Davidson. Meridian. 98 711—Thomas Earl Crump, 9tli and First North, Payette. 99 841—Wm. Roy Heater, R. 2. Meridian. 100 638—Harold Wynlner, Barber. 101 «23 Homer N. Lyon, lit. 1, Meridian. 102 269—Andrew Jos. Page, Lenox. 103 685 -Oscar Theo Stewart, Bar her. 104 335—Orvillo Coate, George town, Illinois. 105 493— Ralph C. Kemp, Straw berry Glenn. 10 « 923 -A. L. SSamgow, R. D. 1, Middleton. 10 7 34 1 Percy Charles Perry, R. 1 Meridian. 108 39 1 — Russell U. lamt, H. D. Meridian. 109 353 -Karl Hurt) R. 3. Boise. 1 10 639 -Chas \V. Bedwell, Barber Ill 360- Harry E. Turner, Dry Creek, lit. 3. 1 12 571 Joe Forges, Meridian. 1 13 488 Chas E. Marion, Rl Boisa 114 704.Irving J. Hasbro lick, Bar 1 ber. 115 72—Arthur J. Allen, R. No. 1, Boise. 116 356—-Jos. B. Shearer, R. D. 3.. Boise. 117 M3— Krank J. Smltchger, R.2 118 128—Peter Ola Brown, R No. 1 1, Boise. 1 19 679— Einer Olson, Barber. 120 805—■Nick Karaboyas, R. D. 2 Meridian. 1. 121 118—Fred J .Clayvllle, R D 2. Boise. 122 900—Henry Oral Mack, Barber 123 383—John W. Stanton, R. 3, Boise. 124 6—Frank E. Patterson, 32 and Madison, Boise. 125 327—Charles Kroeger. Kuna. 126 664 —Hcbco F. Murphy, Rarher 127 93—Charles R. Shape, Eagle. 128 345—Arthur P. Magee, R. D. Boise. 129 103—James Akin Morrison, 1, Eagle. 130 556—John Russell Hilt, Merld ian. 131 154—J. Ralph Jackson, llstiek, 132 512—Albert Fred Farls, 7th and Garden. Boise. 133 717—Robert H. Carey, Regina 134 30—llenj. H. Minger, R. D. 1 Boise. 136 199—Frank Lester Laflin. 137 388—Amos Elna Hoyt. 138 773—Charles Allen Rice. 139 608—Robert Raymond Piost, Meridian. 140 406—Eugene Carl Irminger. 141 319—Earl averne Hoisted. 142 25—Carl Alfred Gustauson. 143 392—Glenn A. Lant, R. D. Meridian. 144 889—Walter Hauk. 77 7 g ; 79 * » D.l 1 SECOND-HAND LUMBER. I have some second-hand lumber for sale Enquire of George Atwater. is EQ » I lV ; Vj 8 m V ! yAre You ShorTX of Kitchen Utensils' Do you have to Keep the folKs waiting for their meals because you are shy on cooKing utensils? You can't mahe few pans answer many purposes and at the same time get up a quicK meal. You are foolish even to try it, considering how little it would eost to get everything you lacK. WA Our Kitchen utenr sil stocK is very com plete. We have many little time and money saving devices which housewives can ap preciate, besides all the usual necessities. 'a} ' ~r ' C J IjA s t 1 2 2. 3, 32 1 D. ! . • VI v 2^ ■4 Comeinandseeus the first opportunity you can find, if it's merely to looft around. Mahe a list of what you need — then get eur prices. HARDWARE THAT STANDS HARD WEAR AT PRICES THAT STAND COMPARISON JpS Ju I The Satisfactory Machine, American Field Fence, None Better, A Good Stock of Barb Wire, Vaacum and Rotary Washers DEERING MOWERS Maynard Shovels, MERIDIAN HARDWARE £ IMPLEMENT DO. MERipiAN, IDAHO mo ONT LET YOUR _ wk MONEY BURN AH 0 IE 38 IN YOUR POCKET ! \ t >Y I <J 0 Dff< RIF r J o \Ol £ 10 V. I MPRESS on the young man who is burning the candle at both ends and who is spending his big salary as fast as he makes it the VALUE OF A BANK ACCOUNT. Start him on the RIGHT ROAD today. If he is not hopeless he at once will see the error of his ways. The open ing of a banlj account has put a stop to many a youth's wild detire to bo a HIGH FLIER. First National Bant oi Meridian H. B. Carpenter, George Parkin, J. VV. Harrell, 9. M, Burns, Charles, Mace, E. C. Pfaffle, J. A. Fenton. OFFICERS: Charles Mace, President; George Parkin, First Vice Pt.: Cashier; Arthur Frazier, Asst. Cashier; T. Stephens, Asst. Cashier; W. F. Hayden, Bookkeeper The Bank will open each day at 9: 00 a. m. and close at 4:00 p. m. DIRECTORS: E. C. Pfalfle, Second Vice Pt.; .J. A.Fenton, * « » GLOBE OPTICAL CO. # » * * 908 MAIN 8T„ BOISE IDAHO. « * OLDEST AND LARGEST OPT CAL HOUSE IN BOISE. WE HAY ALL THE LATEST INSTRUMENTS FOR MAKING SCIENTIFIC EXAM. INATIONS OF THE EYE AND ALSO » * » * * * # * «■ * 1 A COMPLETE LENS GRINDING PLANT AND FACTORY. THIS IN SURES Y'OU PROMPT AND ACCUR. ATE SERVICE. * * » » * EVERY PAIR OF GLASSES GUARANTEED TO FIT. 1 « # DR. P. A. SIMMONS, Mgr. DR. GEO. W.WILLIS, Secy. * « NOTICE TO CREDITORS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Estate of Michael Banks, Deceased, j Notice is hereby given by the un- I dersigned, Thomas Wheeler, Admin-. on ' th * c »r Une) W. L. Straub, Min i8trator with the will annexed, of the j later. estate of Michael Banks deceased, to way and Meridian streets (on the creditors of and all persons liav- I)no , lng claims against the said deceased, Phone No ' to exhibit them with the necessary 1 Regular services as follows: vouchers, within four months after Bible School at 10 am. W. F. Hay the first publication of this notice, to the said Thomas Wheeler, at the law office of D. T. Miller, No. 321 Yates Building, Boise, County of Ada,State of Idaho, this being the place fixed for the transaction of the business of said estate. Dated the 17th day of August, (Comer Meridian and State Street, Residence SW corner Broad car 354. den, Supt. Preaching at 11 am and 8.00 pm. every Sunday (except 4th Sunday.) Preaching at Ustick fourth Sunday in each month. Ladies Aid meets every two weeks as anounced. C. W. B. M. meets first Wednesday in each month. 1917. THOMAS WHEELER, Administrator. 16-5t