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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
THE MERIDIAN TIMES |'iiil|>hnl Karlt Friday. • I .Vi pn Vow: T.V f»*r « Mix»h>. JOHN K. BA I HD. I'bKIWi« t»l Proprietor. f - * - Th» p»pcr ha* enliitcd with the government m the of America for the period of the < ao*e war HI t 1 * Mî I *»* IiI%Ih|o\*h f>* I Mill HKI» ( ROHM. report follow in* ***** »eflvtiifii In th r * T h* u * 'fdMt of Meridian t* mail' uy l*é 4 ' sHfvtah Th« Fstirvie» Red Pro«* Auxiliary j *m Jiim SI. .* { Rcfiv# niFintfiifi un*i VlrHHlR» » 4 * 11*11111 the* «M 1*17# wOlij '19 |h*I 4 tip! nr# ft «*14 iiinittnr »nd f*W wnnlt tit IM hum** Of ill ft v»f ■wr* til fltta iiturli Wftftlli tttttft lllftf«" »«nlitlK* Ihr* 11*'* i Hfl III n Of I lift yftttf I91M 4 grown to *nefc an »»v •y to K '«ft)t*t v h; 4 fiftftft I nth a branch I a* the While Cr«a» I on Jan \ > ki orctuit/i-d «Ith Mr«, ri I Mrs J O Mit« Mri'lcllan, it, chain»«»; «ttlt.i M I » •tart >• Uer. *<t peril»tendon Is Department. and Mr«. •tt|ierintend«nt of the From the .t M He« III at the Mat Kttlttjii, t teint tintent of their or*»iitin<ii.ii to Mar 1'. t Ihiilnir fr» tii of till 11 »* nt her« nl the follow ln« artltcles hi Ole lieu iaCttets i'.i :a Matty tailed .«niltie Many -tailed «ciiltetnt Abdominal Sweater» Wristlet* io*t* Weekly meet in« 4 nit I il «Mt 7« im tifit» **** fir». 13 pr* are held nl tltc I** «lift Miwftr Pftlnrlftw iHvinion. c*»ftfttNt!ng of iH mftiubftr# m gu oi foil On following OtnIfUH.Un. k J. Brown. Mr*. Il K Hull*: ttttper* KulUlita srd with I ht Secretnr, tateudrut of He »tu« and Department*, Mm. Belt* To th* tilt»«* ft March Mb, the #»l ««ri»c nt» have been compte* towing ted hr this division H t '»uvslosceut «hirt« T baedage« Hoch* . , ... ■ . , 3 pr» ■ Th« ('entrai IHvUtou which l* the ihn on head of the Auxiliary eonoista of 3» officer* : and ha* lor in play », t 1 , i uperliticniictit ot I U letter«, suit «up-j " * ! I the mem VV I) Walt; »*■< MnH Orville Alien, tr I'realdeu •ary, Mi Mrs Karl Duncan Mr* O V ttdertt of Knittin«. Mr* ev Weekly meeting« are held i let the following ar* ) >ew »rin I e J. *en cosurtete* Itste '>4 lb •tun« «ult* >ita) is PsMti .to*. 3 Handkercbtel ! I* i ms *ni nhirt* ivah 12« Hand*«* 3 4 pi 3 « prs Heart» Wrist 1 ! in I of ««rtuem* com Red tiftr Pri lb*- Fair vie» »in.* Jau 1 mis. i A ■,4 in tS ■ »; 3 I j. It 1 1 « ( <*r 40» t'aiaiu Halida »blrt* «ult. ■all kief* Haj *btrt irf* i.r I» i»r« j of in \ 0. j i of $ r.*> o j v ha« $ 1 1 « 3!» in the and at Kchool A' It Vie a Ho reh I lieu J Pro ary at tbcl ! jut j j ! •at« drill (of I [of —* ! ! \ m«« Ki I" Hr4 Worn F \gr n — f.. M*w tnwing Meridian 4 4V I. B. LAING t IwTEKNA. tM'EN WELLS. HHPTIC; TA V Ks fll'E EITTINO. ; ITVUN MKT VP AND R4J*AIRED , •thny *4 K*m kl«*t»'« Black- j Mwidian, itiaho. nhti Hh*v „ J^p^p*ftiece«»ed, I Hav* Opeaed a New Kwtaurant ia the building }u»t north of the j \ itioreBi®» Hardware Store and am ready to *err* yoa with ««od food at a reasonable price. Dut- ; œr» form noon to 2 p tu Short [ order» UUttte of Umc lags Give a* a call First Street, on State Highway Meridian. Idaho. .Ha a Triai. NEW RESTAURANT ! ! Os>«a i 1 - Over the Top 4> y - , tar By an American Soldier Who Want ARTHUR GUY EMPEY : w ■ m % When the Lusitania was sunk Arthur Guy Empey decided that he could not wait for hi* country to declare war —so he sailed without orders for England, and enlisted as a Canadian. He recounts this incident in "OVER THE TOP" in less than five hundred words In a few thousand more words he completes his experiences in England and after that hç is in France — for the greater part of the eighteen months before he was invalided home, in the Front Line Trenches." OVER THE TOP" is the first story by one of the American soldiers who went to France, has been a real com batant and has seen long service in the trenches. Sergeant Empey tells what it actually means and feels like : to be wounded seven times; to live for a year and a half with mud and rats and shells; to be covered with "cooties" and never to get rid of them; to go "over the top" in a charge; to grasp for your gas helmet when a second's delay mean's death; \tû m j . . m m. «• I I I The Greatest War Story Ever Written \ to capture a Prussian; to get tangled up in barb-wire with that machine gun working a few yards away; to lie for thirty-six hours wounded and unconscious in For a year and a half, until he fell wounded in "No Man's Land this American soldier saw more actual fighting and real warfare than any war correspondent who has written about the war. His experiences are grim, but they are thrilling, and lightened by a touch of humor as original as the Soldiers Three. And they are True. No Man's Land. I Ws take pleasure in announcing that we have secured serial rights to this remarkable story and that it will « p p— r io ipsta llm a n U It Is the Real Stuff l IN THIS NEWSPAPER H AT THE MERIDIAN THEATRE. On Thursday of each weak. ont* of will be ■ ihn following famous plsvei on the »crcn at the Meridian photo : play house Douglas Fairbanks. Win. », Mari, Mary Pfckford, Jack 1'ick-, i ford. Marguerite I'lnrh. Ann I'en ot I U („nt otl muy iiurkc productions by Griffith ! MERIDIAN THEATRE, J VV HEDGES Look for the ' Son of Democracy'* I I Will ho shown soon. TUI* portray* the life of Abraham Lincoln. i ) i '>4 is - Boise Valley Realty Co. j ! I* prepared to li*t your property ft»r j i »»le or tout. Coil ««d mh* them »I j 3 Room t in Parkin llulhltn«, in Vler itUtut If you h»*« a 4U or SO to sell. call ; ! in and H*t the «am* with us. We I have buyers for several Rood A 1 We have several residence proportion I ■,4 in Meridian for »ale Good bargain» j tS and good terms. »; 3 I Do you «aut to rent your farm? i.htt j. It «Ith u* and «i* «ill secure a rent 1 « ( <*r itmnedlately We have a big wait 40 1»« liai IN THE PltoHATE POURT i.r i»r« j of Ada t'ounty. State of Idaho in the Matter of the Estate of KlUa \ 0. On« Her. deceased j Notice for publication of time ap i pointed (or proving will. etc. o j i'ursnant to an order of said Court. on the lïth day of March. the at made tbcl 191». notice is hereby given that ! Monday, the 1st day of April, 1918, jut 10 o'clock a. m ot »aid day, at j the Court Room of »aid court, at the j county Court House, in Boise, county ! of Ad*, ha* been appointed a* the and place for proving the will drill (of «aid Eli*a C\ Onwiler. deceased. and for hearing the application of I B C I'fattle for the isauaace to him [of tetters testamentary, when and —* ! where any person interested way ap ! t*ear and contest the same Dated March It. ISIS — tin M*w It H Dl'NLAP Clerk, it ; i. , NOTtCK TO CRKDITOKN. j Kstate of Howard Earl Rankin, de . i: Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administrator of the es tate of Howard Karl Rattkiu. dec eased. to (he creditors and all per having claim» against the »aid J^p^p*ftiece«»ed, to exhibit them with the vouchers, within four (4) the j mou ,a» after the first publication of and no ,tf«.,to the «aid admlntatrator ««od h|s nAc ,., 3 ji. 32 j Idaho build Dut- ; Short [ ! Ing. Houe, Ada County. Idaho, this ! being the place fixed for the tran »actum of the hiulne«* of said e» Dated Mar. 15, 1918. DISBAR. i AdmlnUtrator of the Estate of How* 1 ard Karl Rankin, deceased. late W 4 r.-r.t If you buy our Lumber you can buy more War Savings Stamps You get what you order when you buy from us. When you order clear stuff you will not lind it full of knot«, shake or sap. You can not af ford to use poor lumber; we cannot afford to ••II it. You serve your own interests best by buying your lumber from us. ME MILL FI'KM Ml VOIR PLANS FREE. \ Mo E. H. Taylor, * \ f x meridian. y Q. LUj I V > Buy Thrift and War Savings ttg Stamp*. Every postman sells V 'S' V'Xt ID AH 1 ) thsra. Western Soft Fine SB« First National Bann oi Morlan % A George P-kitt, J. \V . H urteil. S. V. Æ.»' \ . u* A ■v i ill open each day at H Ttie Bank ÜH4 ft. Ot* a. m. an,l cltwe at A:04) p. ni. DIRECTORS: Daniel Darker, * mis: cl - - ranch. ( vleridian. ne 4 R 1, Boise. j Hum-, Charles .Mace, K. C. Pfafifie, ! w * - OFFICER»: Charles Mare. PMritimt; (Jeorg K. C, lNalTle. »ec«*nd Vice IN.; J. A. FvHiton A**t. Cashier ; T. tHepheu-. V—t.t Sif. h J. A. Kent '*«■ e Parkin. First Vice Pt.; Arthur Fra/Jer, okkeepea Cashier: . VV. F il» m. Bo 18 For Sait* alfalfa hay. 2 *4 miles s* Cotneri FOR SALK—A good 160-acre stock rauch iu Long Valley, near Donnelly. Idaho Address. J. A. LINDSEY, Weiser, Idaho. 8 of S. E. ,r ' I «35' just nace yoir tue On our nice new stock of Wilson Heaters * 0 * American Field Fence, None Better, A Good Stock of Barb Wire, Vaacum and Rotary Washers Maynard Shovels, MERIDIAN HARDWARE £ IMPLEMENT CO ■ MERIDIAN, IDAHO FAMILY, CHILDREN OR NOTHIN« MORE SUITABLE FOR THE FRIENDS THAN AN Eastman KODAK PRICES - - - $7.00 TO $27.50 The Turner Pharmacy MERIDIAN. IDAHO. and save the Raise which may come at any time, from flic wholesalers that an advance is expected. We Ituy your tires now Warning comes carry the Firestone, Horseshoe and Lee Puncture Proof The very best on the market. Don't forget ns when you need repair work. U'e have a thoroughly equipped repair shop, with a line of parts and accessories. We guarantee all repair work . WE KEEP OIL AND GASOLINE. GARDNER GARAGE On State Highway, Meridian. D. S .GARDNER, PROPRIETOR. ELMER SHARP HARNESS AND SADDLES Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty I will treat you right. Shop on BROADWAY STREET. MERIDIAN Call and see me. Dressing Room Aids Dressing room aids of the highest ! efficiency and daintiest handiwork ! are the kind you are sure of at this The combs,, brushes, mirrors, V ; drug store. j manicure, sets, triplicate I etc., are all of a character refined * $88 ¥ m ;*> Of course we keep I all sorts of toilet preparations, too. i The kind you know are good. : other. women adore. No W Wilcox Pharmacy Meridian, Idaho. Central Lite flssraoe SoGicuj oî the united States TWI'XTY-TWO YEARS OF SYMMETRICAL PROGRESS TWES TY-TWO YEARS OF SERVICE TO POLICYHOLD ERS, HAS MADE TINS RECORD POSSIBLE. OXE OF THE REST DIVIDEND PAYING COMPANIES LX THE EXITED STATES. THE CENTRAL LIFE HAS AX UNSURPASSED REC ORD FOR THE PROMPT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS. NOT AN UNPAID ritAlM ON THE BOOKS. NEVER HAD A LAW SUIT. THE POLICIES CONTAIN THE VERY BEST IN MOD ERN LIFE INSURANCE. ASK I S ABOUT OUR THRIFT POLICIES. J. T. LaFOND D1SRICT MANAGER - - BOISE, IDAHO. Oregon Short Line Trains, O. S. L. trains pass Meridian for Nampa as follows: 170—Connection No. 17 and 18, on main line 2.21 a. in. , », .178-Connection No. 5 knd !9. 4 P .26 174—Huntington passenger.7 31 am 176—Connection No. i : 173—Huntington passgr, 10.59 am 175—Connection No. 4, 1.47 pm. 177—Connection from No. ö aud 19 ( 5.53 pm. 179—Con'ct from No. 6 , westbound j 8.48 pm. pm 180—Connection No. 6 . 7.21 pm. O. S. L. trains pass Meridian for ! Boise as follows: No. 171—Connection from No. 17 and IS, 4.42 a. m. ' I NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Mary McQuaid. deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned executor of the last will and testament of Mary McQuaid. deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the "" ,0 eshlb,t them wlth vouchers, within ten i months after the first publication of : this notice, to the said executor at his offices, Suite 606-609, Idaho building. Boise, Ada County, Idaho, this being the place fixed for the transaction of the business of said (estate. Dated February 19, 1918. CHAS. F. KOELSCH, Executor of the Last Will and Tes tament of Mary McQuaid, deceased. 43-5t