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CORNS LIFT OUT! COSTS FEW CENTS Drops of magic! Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little Freezone on a touchy corn, instantly that corn stops hurt ing, then you lift it off with the fingers. No paint Try it I Il II of If to 1 Why Wait ? Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of Freezone for a few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or com between the toes, and calluses, without soreness or irritation. •Freezone is the much talked of 'discovery of the Cincinnati genius. I? ABSORBIne k* TRADE MARK R£G US. PAT. OFF Reduce« Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore ness from Bruises or Strains; stops Spavin Lameneii, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. $2.50 a bottle - at druggists or delivered. Book 1 R free. ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind—an antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It heals and soothes. $1.25 a botjle at drug ore if you gists or postpaid. Will tell youth write. Made in the U. S. A. by W. F YOUNG. P D. F.,310TsstslsSi.,Sprlngllsld, Milt, "Home Grown" Drugs. War conditions have cut off our sup ply of digitalis, and we are obliged to turn to our own resources for the drug. Tinctures made from the wild species —foxglove—common in Washington and Oregon, compare favorably with those made from the Imported article. Cuticura Kills Dandruff. Anoint spots of dandruff with Cuti cura Ointment. Follow at once by a hot shampoo with Cuticura Soap, If a man ; next morning if a woman. For free samples address, "Cuticura, Dept X, Boston." At druggists and by malL Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv. All BuL - Grandma—He'd make you a good husband by all accounts. Bessie—All accounts but bank ac count. Money makes the mare go, and mar riage niâmes the money go. No, Herbert, you cannot have your boss arrested because lie fires you. - L -Lîg> j 573j . T kSssÿ. Building-up for the Spring Attack at the Front is a good deal like putting the body in condition for an Invasion of the germs of grip, pneumonia or "Spring fever" here at home. At this time of the year most people suffer from a condition often called Spring Fever. They feel tired, worn out, before the day is han thru. They may have frequent headaches and sometimes "pimply" or pale skin and white lips. The reason for this is that during the wintertime, shut up with in doors, eating too much meat and too little green vegetables, one heaps fuel into the system which is not burned up and the clinkers remain to poison the system—a clogging up of the circu lation—with inactive liver and kidneys. Time to put your house In order. For an Invigorating tonic which will clarify the blood, put new life ln the body, sparkle to the eyes, and a wholesome skin, nothing does so well as a glyceric herb extract made from tGolden Seal root, Blood and Stone root, Oregon grape root and Wild •Cherry bark. This can be had in con venient, ready-to-use tablet form at all •drag stores, sixty cents, and has been «old for the past fifty years as Dr. Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery. By of the nerves feeding on the reason blood, when the blood is pure the aerves feel the effect, and neuralgia or other nerve pains disappear because sueto pnia is the cry of the starved nerves for food. When suffering from backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there, or that constant tired feeling, the simple way to overcome these disorders is merely to obtain Dr. Pierce's Anurie from your dr u g gi st. Tn tablets, sixty cents. is no more necessary than Smallpox. Army experience has demonstrated the almost miraculous effl , of Antityphoid Vaccination« TYPHOID Cacy, and banni Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It is more vital than bouse Insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for Hava you had Typhoid?" tell In* of Typhoid Vaccine, results from use, and danger frees Typhoid Carrier*. THE am« LABOttATOtY, BERKELEY, CAL »aooeciae vacciuss • ssauss #«u u. a. aov. ucimm COUGHING annoy a others and harts yon. Relieve throat irritation and tickling, and get rid of coughs, oolds and hoarseness by taking at one« PISO'S I I CRUSHING OF GERMANY CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED ONLY BY OUR FINANCIAL AID. RESPOND TO LIBERTY LOAN Appeal to All True Citizens to Help Eliminate the Diseased Tree Lying Across the Path of True Democ racy. (By WINSTON CHURCHILL, Who Recently Returned From the War Zone.) Germany may he likened to a great tree that has fallen across the path of democracy. The trunk is being chopped through hy two axes, the mili tary ax and the propagandist ax. If the trunk is to be nevered and the obstruction removed, neither ax must be spnred. Americans must con tribute willingly to help their allies, to support their army and navy, which will be the deciding military factor in the struggle. Our American president was the first world statesman to mnke clear that while a military victory is es sential, it Is not in itself adequate. The great significance of this war lies not on the battle lines, but behind them. It is a war for human liberty, and that which restricts human liberty, not only in the German em pire, but also in America and England and France and Italy and Russia must be abolished. We are beginning to perceive that the future progress of democracy depends on national un selfishness and international co-opera tion scientifically conceived. Issued World Proclamation. In a series of masterly state papers Mr. Wilson has announced to the world that America enters the war unselfish ly, and has defined the true Issue for nil the peoples of the earth-even for those deluded portions of the Ger man population which, because of a false system of education, have hith erto upheld the hands of the worst enemies of liberty, the junkers. Until quite recently, one of the most dis quieting symptoms from the point of view of the allies was a discontent with, if not an actual opposition to, the war of large elements among the work* ing classes of the allied peoples. In Russia, where democracy was most cruelly suppressed, where conditions for the peasant and the workingman were hardest, a revolution actually took place—a revolution that has sounded the keynote of our times. The world service which our president is doing Is that of enlisting the alle giance of those masses Jor the war. He is convincing them that it is their war. the evils of an outword economic sys tem have pressed hardest, and who hitherto have seen little hope that vic tory over the Germans meant their own deliverance. Mr. Wilson has is sued a world proclamation of emanci pation from economic slavery. Make Their Own Treaties. He not only declares that powerful nations shall cease to exploit little na tions, but that powerful individuals shall cease to exploit their fellow men. He declares that henceforth no wars shall be fought for domination, and that to this end secret treaties shall be abolished, their representatives shall make their own treaties. And just as national democracy insures to the individual the greatest amount of self-determina tion, of self-realization, world democ racy shall insure self-determination to the individual nations of the earth, in order that each may be free to make Its own contribution to world democ racy. a a And these are they upon whom The peoples through at or a Fighting for Oppressed. This is the spirit in which America has entered the war. We are fighting for the oppressed everywhere. equally determined that the In justice and inequalities that exist in government, the false stand ards of worth, the materialism, the luxury and waste shall be purged from our niidst. We shall seize this oppor tunity to finish up the cleaning of our household. To sustain our army And we are our own own and navy in the struggle for such n cause, to uphold our, president, to aid allies who have fought so long and bravely, these are worthy of our sacrifices. I am confident that the re nt the American people to the - sponse third Liberty loan will be generous. or Bonds Feed the Boys. Every fanner knows how his boys like to eat. and apple dumplings and pumpkin pies haven't a chance ln the world when the boys sit down at table. Lots of farmers' boys are in France and the fanner doesn't want them to go hun gry over there, food for them. Mother's fried ehteken Liberty Bonds buy Don't Bury Your Bond. When you and your neighbor have bought your Liberty Bonds, don't take them home and hide them in the cup board. hanker and have Mm give you certifi cates of deposit for the bonds. Your banker can take these bonds to a Fed eral Reserve bank and borrow money for your use In case you suddenly 9nd yourself in need of funds. Hiding a bond is as bad as hoarding money. Keep the bonds and tV money in circuio tton and the country will pull through ibis crisis ail right Take them to your country sal at so it! Spring Colds Are the Worst They lead to catarrh and pneumonia. They weaken the entire system and leave it unable to resist the sudden changes. They interfere with your digestion and lessen your ac tivity. Neglected they soon become that dread disease known as sys temic catarrh. Don't neglect them. It's costly as well as dangerous. PERUNA Will Safeguard You Have a box of Peruna Tab lets with you for the sudden cold or exposure. Tone your sys tem up with a regular course of the liquid Peruna, fortify it against colds, get your digestion up to nor mal, take care of yourself, and avoid danger. If you are suffering now begin the treatment at once. Give Nature the help she needs to throw off the catarrhal inflammation, and again become well. Peruna has been helping people for 44 years. Thousands of homes rely on it for coughs, colds and indi gestion. It's a good tonic for the weak, as well. I The Peruna Company OUa Columbus, I ! Animals Admitted to Heaven. According to the Mohammedan re- | ligion, ten animals were worthy of ud- j mission to heaven. They were: The dog Kratim of the Seven Sleep- j ers of Ephesus. These martyrs were walled in a cave and slept 230 years, : the dog sleeping with them. Balaam's ass which reproved the prophet. Solomon's ant which reproved the sluggard. Jonah's whale. The ram of Israel which was offered in sacrifice by Abraham in place of Isaac. The camel of Saleh. The cuckoo of Belkis. The ox of Moses. A1 Borak, the marvelous steed which carried Mohammed to heaven. The ass on which Jesus rode into Jerusalem.—People's Home Journal. is GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in stomach and intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimen tary canal, stimulates the liver to se crete the bile and impurities from the blood. Sold in all civilized countries. Give it a triai. — Adv. Sentiment for a Pessimist. "This is old Grouch's birthday. I suppose I ought to say something to him about it." "Wish him many unhappy returns of the day." Not to Be Expected. "Josephine had a quiet wedding, didn't she?" "Oh, no; she had to be there, you know." Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative, three for a eathartic. Ad. Smoking is said to calm the nerves. In other words the more a man fumes the less he frets. « Send for s s Swift & Company's 1918 Year Book It shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from a steer for less money then the live steer cost ! Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, selling expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift & Company's 1917 figures as follows: Average price paid for live cattle per Average price received for meat . Average price received for by-products 24.09 Total received . This leaves for expenses and profit Of which the profit per steer was There are many other interesting and instructive facts and figures in the Year Book. We want to send our 1918 Year Book, to anyone, anywhere — free for the asking. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. & s n K steer * 68.97 93.06 . r 8.61 1.29 I a E n Swift & Company, U. S. A. £ Æ » w A physician needed a nurse's medl- '' sal chart, but had none at hand. The man's wife was nursing him. so he drew lines on a sheet of paper to rep- « resent a chert. He instructed the wife how to fill it out and left. Next day the physician called, looked ! at the chart and was puzzled to find I so many remarks registered, fur re moved from things medical—remarks most irrelevant, in fact. He asked an explanation from the wife—and he got ; it! Wifey motioned the'physician to | follow her into the adjoining room, j whispering to him that she did not wish husband to hear the apology she WHY CHART LACKED DETAIL Wife Found It Simply Impossible to Put Down All the Remarks Hubby Had Made. "You see, doctor, I couldn't put down j all the remarks he made, even if you ■ did want to know them. must make for him. I'm awfully sorry—but—you—see—he used so j many swear words about you, doctor, I because you wanted to 'know every | word a man said.' " His Fear. "Are you not tempted to retire from j politics" "No," replied Senator Sorghum ; j "that's a proposition concerning which ; I fear compulsion, not temptation." I Many a man's belief In his superior j ! wisdom makes a fool of him. re- | - j when you bury an old animosity : never mind the gravestone. Aged Womeiv m w* wi <6 7/y m Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troubles. ÜS I -v f Freemont, O.— "I was passing through the critical period of life, being forty-six years of age and had all the symptoms incident to that change-—heat flashes, nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me the best remedy for my troubles,which it Burely proved to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since ing it, and the annoying symptoms have disap red."—Mrs. M. Uodden, 925 Napoleon SL, Fremont, ? - yt, m m y as \ At; I•] 7a pea Ohio. North Haven, Conn.—"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- (j hie Compound restored my health after everything else had failed when passing through change of life. Thera is nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms,' —Mr», Flobesck 1seixa,Box 197, North Haven, Conn. i࣠r **✓31 1st Such Cases I LYDIA E. PINKHAMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND I W I ms the gsrotest hr ûm greatest f md I LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN.MASS. Because I saw the grate ] I Why did you make an open fire in this room?" I opportunity for one." ; J ! i Most men who are willing to do good are not In position to make good. What "His Bit" Really Means. As first used In England, "His Bit" was Intended to convey the Impression of "his all," but the term "bit" as used In this country rnther minimizes the task before us. Men think of one doing ; '' t his t > lt " ln a 8en f of smal '" ess th * n ' n » ° f consecration of their , »»• Let s find some new expression « tro "« er > emphat.c, more a 11-em bracing, and yet not profane, which conve ? s th , e , tl T I g,,t that we , nU d ° ! ! ° or *" world war '~ ! I Manufacturers Record, ; needle?" | "Very, if you refer I« the gramn j phone needle."—Boston Transcript, Pity the Neighbors. "Is your daughter fond of the ; More Than One Way. . Jonah entered the whale. j "Another way of saving daylight," ■ he remarked, Carter's little Liver Pills A Remedy That Makes Life Worth Living You Cannot be Constipated j and Happy A j [Cartels WITTLE IlVERl PILLS.] j ; Genuine bears signature Small Pill Small Dose Small Price j j C ARTER'S IRON PILLS will greatly help most pale-faced people A BSENCE of Iron In the Blood is the reason for many colorless faces but ! "I thought I knew what it was to j ] have responsibilities," said the head I I of a large concern. » "Bur you found yourself mis Has His Hands Full. j I taken?" "Yes. . My wife went away, leav HAVE YOU A SWEETHEART, Son or Brother In training f* camps in the American ' Army or Navy ? If so, mail him a package of ALLEN'S '•3 FOOT=EASE, the antiseptic at powder to be shaken into *1 the shoes and sprinkled in itJ the foot-bath. The Amert 'lÿ can, British and French JJ troops use Allen's Foot 3 Ease, because it takes the » Friction from the Shoe and I freshens the feet. It is the greatest comforter for tired, K aching, tender, swollen feet, and gives relief to corns and Soldiers us« Foot- e»** bunions. The Plattsburg Camp Manual advises men in training to shake Foot-Ease in their shoes each morning. Ask your dealer to-day for a 25c. box of Allen's Foot-Ease, and for a 2c. stamp he will mall it for you. What remem brance could be so acceptable ? W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 15-1918. ! ing a poodle, a Maltese cat and a bowl j goldfish in my care." I - Her Duty. j The girl at the counter who sells two I yards of ribbon to the customer who wanted only one is also doing her bit. .