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THAT CHANGE IN ...... „ ..... . llf HM A nl'V I ICC numAri o urt T .1 O _ u M r *; ^f d Y, en J. e, OW May be Passed in Safety ! and Comfort. _ ana v-omiort. ; Fremont^ O.—"I wa. paaslng through « critical period of life, being forty aixyeara of age and SÄ es, nervousness,and was in a genera! run down condition, bo it was bard forme ujy work. Lydia E. Ptnkham's V egetabie Com pound was recom mended to me as the best remedy for my ——--troubles, which it surely proved to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since taking it, sla«®? ESsaSïîîK poleon St, Fremont Ohio. Such annoying symptons as heat flashes, nervousnsss, backache, head ache, irritability and "the blues," may be speedily overcome and the system restored to normal conditions by this famous root and herb remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complications present them selves write the Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to overcome them. The result of forty years experience is at your service and your letter held in strict confidence. m\ %• [Carters ■ ITTLE IlVER fi PILLS. For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable Small Pill, Small Dose, Smr.ll Price Carter's Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron in the blood, as most pale-faced people do. Take Car« of Yonr Horses! Nothing els© will do keep them in fine condition as Dr. David Roberts* PHYSIC BALL and HORSE TONIC once every three months—makes a sleek coat, prevents worms, etc. Read the Practical Home Veterinarian ■ MÉ ID tl.Nl Send for free booklet m Abortion In Cows If no dealer In yonr town, write •r. InM Robert«' ht. Co., ISO GraaN Ihm, Wauknh», Rh. The Suspense That Kills. Stranger—There doesn't appear to be much lawlessness about your town. Bad Bill—No. We won't stand fur it round here. Stranger—Ah. I suppose when any had character drift: into your tow you immediately expel him. Bad Bill—Well-er-most frequent we suspend 'em. Sometimes a train of thoughts gets ditched because it lacks the proper terminal facilities. !!!!£!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 Vienna Sausage A Favorite Dish Everywhere Prepared from dainty bits of choice, selected meat, skillfully seasoned and cooked by Libby's own expert chefs—these sausages have that delicacy of flavor, yet spicy zest that makes them favor ites everywhere. Order Libby's Vienna Sausage today. You, too, will find it a savory, satisfying dish and easy to prepare! \ so 5? I £'(■1 Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago is! Sapolio doing its work. Scouring for US.Marine Corps recruits. Join Now! APPLY AT ANY POST OFFICE far ' SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM this ,0 emblem •r* U.S. MARINES tone cn ground frozen ages *go| Scientific Explanation, of Fact Which H ** Puzzl «d Miner. Who Have *"***_***. n ' 1 ' 1 familiar witfi ^ ma ' n Alaska arc ' uware that n n,dn y pine«* the ground in that country is permanently frozen. e«pt on the surface, to a depth of -00 and even 300 feet. 1 ex While this ha» popularly attributed to long continued low temperature in winter, the interesting theory ha» recently ,K-e " advanced by a »dentist that the <w T oa '* ,hK - to fai - ier ^t»t obtained in some pre vious 3 <? e > anil that protective vegera linn on tiie surface has kept the frost in the ground permanently since then. It has been found that ... , , ot tll, ' »round» -frost seemed gradually t0 descend. If such is the case, it may »how that present temperatures are not low enough to freeze the ground to the great depths cited above.—Fop -» «-*«»* »•*» when moss has been cleared away fur mining or farming,, the upper level open-cut SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS ! [ There is only one medicine that really Btands out pre-eminent as a medicine for | curable ailments of the kidnevs, liver ! and bladder. ; \ Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for the reason that it has proven la«» J ust »v e re m e <Iy_ needed in thou sands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription for j special diseases, makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect is soon realized m most cases. It is a gen I tie, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi um and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, X. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Adv. The Wail of the Injured. Two brothers, Angus and Duncan, who worked a small farm, had the misfortune to lose by death their sts ter. who was their housekeeper. They tried to do the housework themselves for a time, l.ut it wasn't a sueee one day Angus, the elder, said to his . brother: "Duncan, we'll need to look : aboot an' see if ye canna get a wife." "Na, na," replied Duncan ; "you are the oldest. Angus, an' the farm be longs to you." "But you are likely to live longest, Duncan," continued Angus, "so you'd better be tiie ane to tak' a wife." "Oh, ay !" said Duncan resignedly ; "it's aye the saute way here ; when i ever there's any thankless job to be done it's me that has to do it." So Have a Clear Skin. Make Cuticura Soap your every-day toilet soap and assist it now and then by touches of Cuticura Ointment to soften, soothe and heal. For free samples address "Cuticura. Dept. X, Boston. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv. At druggists and by mall. Unusual Weapon. John was asked to go to the store to get a dozen of eggs. On iris way a boy took away his hat and John began to When he got to the store the man "Who hit you, John?" "A dozen eggs," was the reply. cry. asked : Domestic Example. Stella—The lark sings above the guns. Bella—That's nothing; I've kept up my music since I married. j in the gEM STATE a das» of «7. counting of 30 young wn ami 2* young men. wax grailu The Meridan State bank, tor wWiji a charter wax ohtaineil .several mouth* 1 ago, lias opened for business. a led from the Twin Falls high school. A play put on by local talent at 1'ocatello last week was a success financially, one performance netting J.VN» for the Red Cross. Tiie prune and apple orchards in the vicinity of Coll ist er were damaged hut little by the late freezes and the crop promises to tie large. Organization of a women's depart ment of the Canyon county farm bu reau was authorized last week at a meeting of the executive committee. Two thousand dollars in interest money on the first $100,000 worth of Liberty Loan bonds purchased by the state land hoard reached the state land department last week. Crop condition*,in Idaho as a whole were never better than this spring. Harvey Allred, chairman of the com mittee on final supplies, conservation and transportation, announces. "So excuse whatever exists for the fuelling of wheat, to hogs and chick ! ens. anil this feeding must iminedi [ ately be stopped," according to an edict issued by U. F. Bicknell, food ad minist rator. | ! ; The Ht. Hev. Daniel M. Gorman, the \ new bishop of Idaho for the Catholic church, delivered his first sermon in his new diocese at Boise Sunday , morning, his words being addressed . . . j specially to tiie Knights of Columbus, j Requisition pajiers for the return of George E. Keilv from Spokane to , .. 1 1 lummer, were i- ued Inst Week. Kelly ! ' al '*'-'ed to have resisted arrest at ! i'lunimer wheit the I own marshal I misdemeanor, ; ; ! from : sought to take him in custody for a iiKir With several counties yet t* drive. Mrs, Theresa M. Ln*e chairman foi mit tee. Thin! the women oi bond*, tot al - Graham of Coeur d* A lent j Idaho of tl j Liberty Loan, v I the state have I ling $1,156.000. There is an increase of about 25 women** | | ! I ; i*1 planted to wheat j per cent in am ; in Ibis over that of li)17. and tiie con ditiou of the wheat's growth <»n May tiie condition 10, as compared wi on tiie same date one year ago. is at :b least 25 per cent lietter. The Ellison-White Chautauqua sys tem has announced that the dates ol the Gooding Chautauqua will be from .June 21 to 27. Gooding is one of the liest Chautauqua towns in the west and last season ranked sei'ond in the state in point of attendance. The acreage tracts south and west of "Gooding have been formet! into a water district by the state engineer. It is planned to rotate the use of water in this district in order to give each owner sufficient j which to irrigate at each time, water with Idaho's branch of the I'nited States public service reserve has not expend ed a cent of federal funds and neither lias it spent any of the state's money, according to O. G. F. Markhus. direc Mr. Markhus draws a salary of No other salaries are paid. tor. $1 a year. known as Star Iasi John Smith, popularly "Buffalo" Smith, died at week from the effects of a paralytic stroke, which he suffered several days He was a pioneer of the previous. Boise valley, and saw it grow frein sagebrush to its present productivity. Three young men, Biaine Mi-Gee, of Lester Stickney, of New Plymouth; Robinette, Oregon.' and Jake Tuliis, of New Plymouth, were arrested at Pay ette last week and charged with Young Tuliis is only stealing stock. 16 years of age and had iteen working He admitted the guilt of for McGee. all. At an informal conference called by the Boise members of the Woman's Boise, resolutions were at party, passed calling on President Wilson "to end this intolerable delay" and to use his great power as leader of his party to secure the passage of tile national suffrage amendment through the seu ate. On June 3 and 4 the Idaho Bank ers' association will hold it* fourteenth annual convention in Pocatello. Elab orate pains are being made by the committee in charge of the arrange for the entertainment of the ment» visitors, who will include many promi nent bankers from surrounding stutes. Mrs. Sarah J. Wheeler died at Idaho Falls, May 17, at the age of 96. Mrs. Wheeler was born in Caledonia county, Vermont. December 6. ltfi-1. and went to Illinois In 1858, where her husband died in 1874. She moved to Evanston. Wyo.. where her son was located in 1875. and had lived in Idaho about 15 years. . Bid» for the construction of seven miles of road on the North and South highway between Lapwai and Jacquez, Ne* Perce county, will be oi>ened b.v the state highway ovmnission June 5. The road is being built through the Lapwai highway district. J. E. Ellis, veterinary inspector on tuberculosis eradication of the United States department of agriculture, bu reau of animal industry, will be in Boise for some time for the purpose of Inspecting the livestock about Boise, particularly the dairy herds. R. A. Jones, for several years private secretary to the late Senator Brady, left Washington last week for Coeur d'Alene, where he will enter the prac tice of law. Since the death of Sena tor Brady he has heeu an attorney in the office of the ciien property custo I ditto. A Word of Precaution. r ST wherein lies the reason for the use of vegetable preparations for infants and children ? Why are any but vegetable preparations unsafe for infants and children ? Why are Syrups, Cordials and Drops condemned by all Physicians and most laymen ? Why has the Government placed a ban on all preparations containing, among other poisonous drugs, Opium in its variously prepared forms and pleasing tastes, • and under its innumerable names? These are questions that every Mother will do well to inquire about Any Physician will recommend the keeping of Fletcher's Castoria in the house for the common ailments of infants and children. Children Cry For Set Contents 15 Fluid Pracht* ! --o / dTiTilTTÜS I ...3S s i'S'Z \Ï0 tz : - 4 -X;*- gn RIA 5 ? jf r alcohol-3 PER CEi-T- ^ 1 AVc^ciabtePreparÄonL f ^j t ' simiiatû^lherotNlhyB^" 1 * I 5 tm§the5taaacfcsafidß»«ki ^ || Thereto' Promoting P Cheerfulness and SestCosU» y neither Opiutn.M'srp^! 1 ' ! j I Mineral. yoT >ABC QXK, JhxptiaSMi jtUSran AoWS- Jjö jMÙfSeed 2 if ;; 2 P X g g m giS5- f Letters from Prominent Druggists addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. * t ■ *- S. J. Briggs & Co., of Providence, R. L, tay : "We have sold Fietcher's Castoria in our three stores for the past twenty years and consider it one of the best preparations on the market. " Mansur Drag Co., of St. Paul, Mian., says : "We are not in the habit of recommending proprietary medicines, but ve never hesitate to say a good word for Castoria. It is a medical success." Hegeman & Co., of New York City, N. Y., say : "We can say for yotar Castoria that it is one of the best selling preparations in our stores. That is conclusive evidence that it is satisfactory to the users." W. H. Chapman, of Montreal, Que., says : "I have sold Fletcher's Cas- toria for many years and have yet to hear of one word other than praise of its virtues. I look upon year preparation as one of the few so called patent medicines having merit and unhesitatingly recommend it as a safe household remedy." àm iJm* OmtMSV? I A helpful fientedy-wr GonstipaliMi and Diarr^M and Feverishness ana i Loss OF blÆEP" . - resett ing mjtefro ra^;." 3 ^ ■ I Fac-Similé | > ( r * V*r f - it: rC ! lEECESTACa N1WV VQRKj, & C" GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS BEARS >7 5 I I the B . t v - Signature of V Exact Copy of Wrapper. j Cuticura Stops ; y ^ Itching and Æf £ Saves the Hair c T-( S—2St. flât—t 2Sc »I 50c ■'^ (YN fl Kill All Flies! THEY SPREAD DISEASE Ramiaarwtera. DaiarFiy Kili*rattrurtau>dkini noient ant ctoe W t—i »liKÎT r T Da ' 3 y f *y Klllar s. —y—. ^ Ima m2 » at OMtaL os ' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ] l I __ NO TIME TO SELECT WEAPON Bridget Had little Trouble in Explain S Help« So «r* dxau« 4o » i r aflL fe. *od $1.« *t Drurrirt». . ing Why She Had Used Poker on Her Hubby. - Bridget was before the magistrate upon the charge of beating her hus band, who stood near the desk with his head bound up in a mass of band ages and surrounded by an odorous cloud of Iodine, indicating that he had undergone extensile treatment at the hospitaL The magistrate called the wife to the bar of Justice. "Now, madam," he said, "can you explain to me why you struck your husband over the head with the poker?" Bridget laid her hand on the bar and leaning far over so she could im press her answer upon the attentive officer of the law, replied : "Shore, 1 hit him with the poker, your honor, because at that moment I couldn't lay my hands on the broom sack that I most generally uses." j FRECKLES U Get Rid at TWm Ugty Sped There-» oo tenter the »Hthteet need ot feeitn* whamed ot rxmr fir ckle*. «s Ûîàiae — «JoaMe strpO£tb— hi guaranteed to reæove :h©*e homely spots. Simply »et stress'll — from your «ircggist. and apply a little of it aiffct and mom;ay and you shooM soon see that even the worst freckles hare bc*tm to dis appear, while the lighter tirely. It Is seldotn that more than is needed to completely clear the shin and gain a beautiful clear c'onsplexion. to ask for the double stren»*b Othjne. as this is sok! under guarantee of money bach if it fail« to remove frech lea.—Adr. NnrUtktTh of Othioe—double hare raalabed ea Many a man who poses as a public benefactor never thinks of giviug his wife a dollar for her own use. When Your Eves Need Care Try Murine EVe Remedy Soutnin» — Jr?st IPre Comfort. SB «ente «t tsnlL Writ-» for Free It? Bcoh. KVBl>K ETE REMJEDX CO.. CHICAGO How to Win a Seat. Here is a tip for Pittsburgh strap hangers on how to win a seat. It was j tried with success recently on a Broad way car by a woman who looked tired but couldn't induce any of the men sitters to give her a seat. She looked around pleadingly, but all those who had seats were absorbed in their news papers. The car had gone a block or two when suddenly a voice was heard singing, "The Star Spangled Banner." It was the woman who had just en tered the car. Every one arose. Then the woman edged Into a seat that had been occupied by one of the men. When the woman was seated the song suddenly ended.—New York Sun. He Understood. ] At a reception in Washington the l colored official who looked after the I autos was directed to call "the car of the Guatemalan minister. You under-! stand; the Guatemalan minister?" "Yes, sah. I understand puffectly. sah," he replied, and then shouted: S "The war fo' de watermelon minister." There should be a man for every maid, but some of the girls are clamor ing for a double portion, ing Z? * ' j HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You kne you have i distemper. through the chance in fifty to escape sale : protection. K ail you disease. ; r -'. '© IaS all It acta you will as a sure preventative, no matter ho Consumers may order direct from Send remittance with your order. ; *5.0« and *!«.«« they are ^ 50 cents and *l.*0 * lad. C. 9. A. ! ; ! * 1 w Ex-Senator _ ished Stomach r Trouble 5^1 hÆ ?>V Ï A Wonderful Testimonial Endorsing EAT ONIC Cwtlua i a : l bare md KATONIC tablet» in ax l family and find it a stoat excellent recaedy for dyspepsia and nil form feaügnätMO. Yocr? renpectfcRy. W. Y.SCLLiVAK. W. V. SULLIVAN t , FOB YOU»~STOMACH*S SAXËJ j Ai All Dro^gists Quickly Removes All Stc mack Misery—Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Heartburn, Sour, Acid and Gassy Stomach Here'* the »ecret EATONIC Drive* the Go* oat of the body—and the Bloat goes with it. Guaranteed to bring relief or money back. Get a box today. Costs only a cent or two a day to use it. owing to the increased cost of all kinds of ma terial the retail selling price of KOVERALLS R*ÿ.U.S.F»t.Off has been advanced to the Suit Excellence of quality and workman, hip guaranteed a* heretofore. j ; KOVE RALLS Look for this Red Woven Label =A- ZST LEVI STRUSS ACa soNraowcaomm., Levi Straou Sc Co.. Son Franciaco AwMGRAKO PRIZE «t P. P. I. E. ktfn. oi ' ' F rood am-A !U ' ' tka Mv W. N. Salt Lake Ne. 22-1918.