Newspaper Page Text
WASTED, FOH SALE, EH .lion. Royal Stanton. for Sate and we nick them. irrent a ! j VMRIJMi HEIFER. TAKEN CP A black and white Holateln heifer, j one ear «pltt, other ear part off No brand. Takan up on or about May. ! 11, 1*1«, at my ranch 2 mil*« south; and a half mile west of Ow ner can have same tiy paying art* | rerttatM and pasture bill. Meridian I R Mt'NIlO. \ I M'AMZIKU SHOP. C. It Wallace who came here re cently from Ravenna.Neh. has bought ont the vulcanising »talion at Mat. 1 lock'» Gara kind» Me ha» h tint da give satisfaction. Will also have livery auto, time, any place. and is ready to do all f vulcanising and tube 'work, four years experience In »hops and guarani ! i to Any C, R. WALLACE, State Highway, Meridian. Idaho. KS4TKAY NOTICE. j i tt Mnnh I, 1 mile On or nboi », on the tie»* tauch, Meridian, » Wee I., I 1 black gel'll of one ._, . , tooth mouth, branded It" on h*rt ; ,, ..... , . .... , , : ulder Weighs about KMIO pounds.!. mile. Owner can have i »perty by paying pa»ture bill and ; 1» now- at my ranch, a half north of Merlrtlat pn ir this notice tf not claimed In five eoka, proparty will be aold accord- j : j j lug to la O P HUKDKItNHOT June 21. 1918 Meridian, In the District Court of I lie Third Judicial District of the State of ! Idaho, in and for the County of Ada. ; Hay > tiulntiff. M'hlte, M htle.. Defendant. Allas Humiuou» for Publication. tira.» v» The Btate of Idaho sends greeting* iiotifh d I, to Ray M'hlte. the above named de fondant You ure^eeby that a complaint has been filed in the District Court of the Third Judi cial District of the Btate of Idaho, ir ; ! and for the county o Ada, by the above named*plaintiff This srlloit Is hrougkt to obtain a rtroree of divorce on the ground of extrem« cruelty, ant) praying for a decree of divorce and the bare, ran tody and education of their'minor child.' lo-wlt: Elmo M'hlte. Also Plaintiff prays for general relief, And you are hereby directed lo appear and answer the »aid com plaint within twenty daye of the »er I« vice of this summon«, it served with in »aid Judicial District, and within forty day» If served elsewhere, and yon are further notified that unless tou su appear and answer »aid com plaint within the time herein spec ified. the plaintiff will lake Judg ment against you as prayed in »aid • ompialnt Mime«» my hand an dthe seal of »aid District Court this l»ih day of June. 191» I Seal I a ! Stephen litter, Clerk By Tho» K, Powell. Deputy, c H EDWARDS, residing at Boise.; Idaho. Attorney for Plaintiff 7-«t IN THE PROBATE COURT nl Ads County, State of Idaho In the Matter of the K»tate or Mil-1 Ham T Handers, deceased Show Cause Why Order of Hale of Order to ! ' Meal Estate Should Noi be Made H L Tucker, ihe administrator of the estate of MiUism T Banders, de ceased, having tiled hi« petition herein praying for an order of sale 1 of all of the real estate of »aid do- ; cedent, for the purjw forth If I» therefore ordered by the court, that ail persons tnterei It j ; j therein iu Id j ed in ite «of ««Id deceased appear h* mid ProUaflM.'ouri on Fri *f July, 1B18, at [ In the forenoon of said* Court Room of »aid Pro-! County of Ada. •how e •«for* the 2«tit rioek the Court, that« of Idaho, to t>al * 'l*' 1 of *•»* granted to | itor to -'ll all ot I* d. j er ne pub for ant »00 tfa« dmini: the real mi And that • ttabert at li lews thau opv f,t e--k »ive our k* in « Tha Merb newspaper aid Adal and that suhl )»it>li hv, dart I'ubliKhei prii Mahn net five of July, 1 Dl N'LAP. j (trior to aat K H Judge 191* a iqttc 8-1 PIlow for little—:,4 It ,V N ta>b»r, Mallion nit.l Jark Itam, I««k Craitk a raise of aboi jun« 2.,ui Cent will tus « in lb« nation tat ineremw-u i 1 i epe-r Uili« oade u all freight rate Pi * wilt Jin fro Meridian Pressary as I «1.KANTNO, PHKhmIVG, ALTER ATION». j. i). miller, mm. Ph«n< 354, Meridian. front »treat. Meridian, Idaho. MERIDIAN NEWS NOTES J. M JackBon went to Boise Mn ! Wednesday. Mrn. Kart Tolniati visited Boise j Wedne»day. Mls» Kdna Rife was the guest of j j lolg „ friend» Friday, Mr. and Mrs. ff. F. Atwater visited In Boise Friday. ! | I J*»h Lyon» I« reported quite 111 Arthur Frazier transacted business on Black Creek Tuesday, Mrs Glenn Behern visited In Boise Wednesday. Mr». Earl Coleman wa» the *ttwtlj of Hoi 1 friend» Wednesday. Ford Watts and Clark Williamson were vlsitr» In Nampa Tuesday, Charles Onwller has returned from a husluess trip to Council. ! Mr». M A Hatfield, who ha» bean quite 111, 1» much Improved. The play "Captain Joe" wa» given at the Meridian theatre la»t night by i member» of the BoUte Y. W. C. A. ; G»o. E. Atwater Int» rented lit» j property here to Mr. and Mrs. W. i Calhiin, of Hin t county, Nebraska I 1 Ml»» Belle Halley returned Mod ; , .... : nesduy to Cascade, after a visit with , . ... . „ „ her brother, Albert Halley. i Chari«« Vo»« and son Rohan hive ; returned from a nextended vl»lt * lilt relative» at tiarwln, Iowa j : A party motored to Ketch urn Fri day, to »peml the week-end, consist j lug of Mr Hint Mrs. J L. M'uKKpuer, j Mi and Millie Cato and Ralph Beery. Mr«.*T H. Kisser and Mrs. James Ina Waggoner, Mias Floy ,4tni» ! Robertson entertained Friday at u ; birthday luncheon at the home of > Mrs Rinser. The event was comtnom orating the birthday of each of the ladle». Next Thursday Is the Fourth of Julv. There will be no public cele I, ra tiou in Meridluu but numerous picnics and other will give all a chance to enjoy the day. ; attractions hu» received Mrs. Ira Voorhe word that her brother, M'llson W. ! Harms, is at Garden City, N, Y., in the 21 Slh Aero Squadron, and ex- pects to go to France soon, Mrs. J. A Mows of Centerville,Iowa, I« visiting at the lioinp of Mr. Mrs. I. W. Pfoat. hood friend». Myon Dorsey, nephew- of Mrs. Ham VVIIIiamMOn.Juhu Williamson and Dan Raymond have entered the nn^-. en listing thia week. Mr. and Mr» J. W. Scarborough are at Georgetown, Deleware, where they have charge of a .Mill-acre farm. Mr» Scarborough was formerly Ml»» Led a La Tucker and Tho two are glrl Mi»s Hazel Hunt lui* returned from a visit with her ulster Mrs L A. Copeland, at Bozeman Montana.Mina Henna did not return but will re umin In Uoxeiuan. where ,g, has ac cepted a position a» book-keeper. The unusually hut weather for June ! ha» melted the show bark In the mountains, musing the rivers to run bank full The Snake river Is titt lusuallc high. a» I» the Itolse river and other »uiitller »I reams. Mord ha« been recelvkil front Or >f the Medical Corps who ha» been stulloued at Halt Lake for the pa »I year, that he ha» been ! ' Hie J ekaoti. ordered lo Fort Russell, Wyn.. for equipment, and this probably means 1 ; France " John Morrison, of Itolse. who re cently arrived from Brunswick. Me . j where tie has been attending the iloudoln college the pu»! three your», was visiting here this week with hi i sister. Mr* Allen M'ttcov He has ; entered thv military service and will j report at Han Francisco at an early j [ dat* Edward Bartlett, who 1» now all Camp Kearuwy, assigned to tho bak '«hap division, was In Meridian for a ' vixlt Saturday. aeenniRanled hy hi» | fatlierlttlaw H M P Reynold« Ha I* now stationed at Camp Kearney. j near Loiq Äugele*, where bo went from Cam)) Lewi» several months ago Glbben» ' For three year* A telegram via* received Tuoedav lug that M« J. B mother of Mr« \V. F. Tucker, died at ('nrson*. Kansa». June 22d. She wav! 7 year* old ltd Mr* Glblteu» lived in Meridian. j leaving here In 1915. and have alnte: taiument Medneadai evening con »fating of recitation». readings, uled with a «on at Parson«. K» The ladit 4 * and girl* Grove grange gave Locust splendid enter of sung*, iitatio solo*, flag drill, a tab-! lean The Season»", lamtomime 'Doing ,11 or Bit." and a dialogue. "Chat joyed by a good crowd ", which wa* much eu ... .... Mord comes (rout Halt Lake (lint nr former eltixen. Hoaeoo B. Gore has a tonannal parlor la Salt Lake! city, ami is working the same graft as he did here, at the expense of the! bwid-itoads. He claims a sure cure. and ih* customer pays $5 "Just to! try it out'.' In the aggregate many If.'s make a good income for; I Bosco*. Carlo» Marvin- Rhoad* wg» called Portland home from thl« week, where he wait einployaed a» fireman on a »teamboat plying batween Port land and Astoria. He Is at the home of his parents, 4 % miles southea»t of of Meridian where he wtlj visit til June JOth when h un 111 Join a ! draft contingent to Camp Lewi». He ! »ays labor is scarce in Portland, com mon laborer» arc getting |4,50 a day of i* hours und hoard Henry Taylor, local manager for > ttze Boise-Payette Lumber Co,, writes from 8t. John, M'ash., under date of un « j&th, a» follows: "We arrived 1 here Monday, Htayed over at Walla ! Walla Sunday, Had a very pleasant ! trip, except encountered some lew j stretches of very bad roads. Will j-eay this, however,' they were not In Made the trip lu three ; Distance 460 mile». Weather j ! here Is very hot. Crop« will be short | unies» It rain» »oon." I Idaho. i day». A patriotic meeting will be held at Locust Grove school house tilts g^'rUlay evening. June 28th. for the purpose of getting pledge cards signed. George Curtiss of Boise, will speak anil a program will be given. Everyone com£ prepared to »ign a pledge to buy thrift or war »avlngH statuigt a» the campaign I» supposed to close on this dale, hut we have till January 1st to puy up. HAUL MADE BY ROBBERS IN MERIDIAN FRIDAY NIGHT Robber» entered the O. 8. L. rail road depot, the Interurban traction depot and the Matlock garage aonie tlmo about 3 o'clock Saturday morn ing. The O. S. L. depot entrance was made through a window and the money druw was forced open, but no money was secured, a» the agent always deposit» each evening. At the Interurban dotait $22.till wus secured. They secured entrance thru the frieght depot window. At the Matlock garage about, 110 was taken from the cash drawer, and a Smith k Wesson revolver. Entrance wa» secured to the garuge ny breaking a window at the side of the alley. The robbery I» the first In Meridian ror a long tlmo. Although Sheriff Pfout wa» notified promptly, no trace of the robber» ha» been found. u CttOI'8 ARE LOOKING GOOD IN THE MERIDIAN COUNTRY Wheat and other small grain In thl» section uro growing fine and will yield well. The first cutting of alfalfa Is fair, and it is now mostly In I he »lack. Some showers during the punt week Interfered with hay ing. CLOSING OUT SALE OF SPRING AND SUMMER H UH at reduced prices. If you want a bargain in up to date Huts, come now and see its. a. Mllrt. J M. ANDERSON. IDAHO-VIRGIN!. Y PICNIC TO BE HELD ON JULY FOURTH p. p. The fourth annual picnic and re union of the Irtaho-Vtrglnlans will be at the Hadley grove in the north edge of Meridian, July 4th. nil celebrate our Natal Day ami reunite the old Domlnionlsts." Come, bring your friend» atnl renew old acquaintances. Good music, god »peaking and general good time. M'e a. p. a J. H. Newcomer. Prost J J. ('u Id well. Sec'ty. ! Ip. I GET YOUR LAUNDRY READY. I I Tho Troy Laundry, of Nampa, will I call each Monday morning for your | ; laundry, and return it Friday. Rougit j ! dry, 8c a pound- Feather pillows j and leather tick» thoroughly reno | vtitud 1- L. GRAY. Proprietor. .ir of to 1 j BIDS WANTED. Bill» will hg received up to Thurs day, June tO, 1918. for cnbdmlning i!* 1 '' Brade »chool building. (fe'c right to reject any or all bids J J. CALDWELL. Clerk Mr.*Bchool District No. 33, Ada County | Reserve 1 I Dr. K. 8, Roberts, veterinary sur- : j goon, located at he Palace Barn, in i ! Nampa, phone 127. has arranged to j j in? in Meridian each Wednesday, at ! J M Groom'» barn, on Idaho St , lu Meridian. Had 15 vear# experience, and 2 years in government service. ! ! ; DR. GKO. II. TAYLOR « - DENTIN T - [ Qualified aud successful In the treat mem of Pyorrhea ; forma of authesia. msurtug painless j Hl , rr | r4 ! •.ist» all the new i "las Fond Ha* It." j 1 thol^oxrrt Worfc «. K E Park. R L Johnston ! PARK Jt JOHNSTON, Barber Shop Careful Attention Baths in Connection. MERIDIAN. IDAHO. NOTICE or MEETING OK HOARD OK EQUALIZATION. The. I tour«! of county commlHKioiiers of Ada county. Idaho, will meet a» a board of equalization on the 24th day of June, 11*18, at 111 o'clock a.m and will continue In session from day to day up to and Including the fourth Monday of July In »aid year, for.the l«irpo»e of equalizing the asseBsmect of all property entered upon the real properly a»«e»»nient roll and deter* mining complaint» in regard to the as»e»»ment of mich property, and al lowing or disallowing exemptions claimed affecting the assesanient of property entered upon »aid roll, and must complete sncliNfeialne»» and ad journ a» a hoard of equalization on the »aid fourth Monday of July, pro vided that the hoard of equalization un a He day for of lew Will In may adjourn to anytime prior to the ; fourilimMoiuiay of July, when they j have completed all of the buslnefuaag | a board of equalization. I (H'S CARLSON, Chairman. Attest: Stephen Utter, Clerk. < «eal ) tilts the will a 2t w f.> .v* v* •a-. v V First fiv F. with SENATOR ATHERTON RE- - FORTH GOOD PROGRESS. , Hon 8. P. Atherton, candidate for •the nomination for governor, on the republican ticket, was calling on the Meridian people last Friday, report» his campaign as progressing very satisfactorily. Senator Atherton I» making very vigorous and effective campaign and expects to fever all jiarts of Id aho in the next few months Studebaker car. He was accompanied on his trip to Meridian % by Captain Rowe, former adjutant general and a member of tho G. Ar- R. He a in his of NEW TIME CARD ON THE OREGON SHORT LINE. The new- train schedule which be Short Line changes,as came effective on the . „ June 2,1^18, made several follows: a Outbound— No. 170 passes Meridian at 1:26 a. m. to çonnect with Nos. 17, west bound, and 18, east bound,at Nantpa. No. 176 passes Meridian at 12:06 1. oast p. m. lo eonnect with No. hound. No. 18 0 passes Meridian at 7:06 p. m to connect with Nos. 5 and 19, west bound, and No. 6, east bound. No. 174 (pony) pauses Meridian at a. m. for Huntington .(no 7:31 change.) Returning from Nampa— No. 171 passes Meridian at 4:32 a. in. utter connecting with train 17. west bound, and 18, east bound. laisses Meridian at 1:17 p. iif. after connecting with No. 4, east bound. NO. a ! No. I 77 passes Moriiltau at 8:53 Ip. lit. after connecting with No. 19, I west bound, and No. 6, east hound. No. 173 (pony) passes Meridian at a. m (no change.) I 10.69 I | j j NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Notice I« given to all taxpayers of •coud insta.l menl of 1917 taxes must ho paid on .ir before June 29, 1918. or will be come delinquent and a penalty of 6 per cent und also interest at the rate of 12 s#er cent per annum dated back to January 14, 1918. Adu county, that the | ANNA M. MOODY, Tax Collector. Midsummer and McCall Patterns offer excellent op portunities to com bine economy and good taste into the most charmingly warm weather clothes you could [pos sibly imagine. : in i to j at ! lu ! I : H I r. « ilclighttul i r*»„ so. McCALL PATTERNS ! For JULY NOW ON SALE 1*44-4 * The Racket Store BOISE, IDAHO. 1 % The Meridian State Bank M K M B K R \ Federal Reserve . SYSTEM LEGAL DEPOSITORY FOR THE KI NDS OF THE STATE OF IDAHO AND ADA COUNTY. I O SAFETY, SERVICE COURTESY x BINDER TWINE O First car load Standard Sisal Twine to Arrive Soon. Quality, Strength anil Length POSITIVELY GUARANTEED 4*+*.<+ +«♦♦♦•! *+*+♦+++*+ Ulace Your orders early 2t!c a pound. F. O. B. Caldwell, direct from the Manufacturer to you. Buy IV. 8. 8. with the difference you save in purchasing from Please tell your nelglihors. THE CO-OP. STORE Caldwell. •N ,0ur Wheat Problem Tanaportation will be inadequate to move all the crop at threshing time. The present elevator capacity is not stillleient to store tho crop, fore it is up to the farmer to build a granary. Sacks are high and hard to get. A permanent storage can be built for the cost of one year's sacks. We have a granary that has capacity of 1000 bushels that we sell at— There $ 97.50 » <V. P SEE ,T/ O Q. U a E. H. Taylor, 0"> Q X SALES MANAGER. -• MERIDIAN. Ma NUFAG TURCR3 Western Soft Pine This Thief is Robbing You r He's the thief that's stealing part of your milk and cream check every month. . He worries the life ont of your cows. Get rid of him by using Dr. David Roberts' Fly Oil C, n gives cows rest and quiet. To use it is humane. Use it for your cows' sake—for your pocketbook's -sake. II helps keep cows in condition and prevents flies carry- Then areovtr3500 tug contagious disease to them. It is harm- Roberts Atencies In less. Costs but a trifle. Sold by druggists. ÄÄ' Ask at your drug store for this and other urne us dtnet. Il p. Roberts Live Stock Prescriptions. DR. DAVID ROBERTS VETERINARY COMPANY,3K< W«.«« Am», WuM*. Wb. - FOR SALE BY - The Turner Pharmacy MERIDIAN, IDAHO, * Fresh Sirawherries • ON SALE Also Fresli Strawberry Sundae at our Fountain J. C. BEAM BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. * 3^£erid.ia.n., Id.süD.c \