ABSOLUTE SECURITY. m V - M CL I LCw I • »saw w • «%•«« I alTTIfl JL1V0P r lllS . Ä ' •' '• va* Genuine Hum I s m •Ignatur* ml [CARTERS mnmum. m CMSTIPATIM. fMUUJV mu. Irf&l OWW« HOC MKA 0 A 0 H». BESTFORTHE BOWELS vxt. X f .«s<» <■•<**»* iTt3 * t»», *» %***■» *M CANOV CATHAimC tUN tSL i. ». m Üfip» »ftp e.w The "Cyclone" Thresher rr k. 1«. KEEP YCÜR BLOOD CLEAK IT LEADS THEM If You Bur a New Thresher, Engine, HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of Course Vairt the Beat. Writ« for Catalogue and Prion. RUSSELL A CO •f PoHt«nd snd 8po* »?UN, I* FCff», T Med inn MONEY ! m he W ■alssaf Oates B at S ls r, whs bsautsadsd tasa SsfiSssrSar 1 mn m. mmrr, waapfgass, m. m. I, boat lima m sues Catarrh, RronchIU* and Con ,n lagt ton raatedy t, ruarap la ed, |l P. O. Mes ITI. Our w. i. sum i go., iitfiK n. r. New York—Brailutreet's report lor last week «ays; Crop end trade advices alike contin ued favorable. The seat of greatest strength was in the iron and steel trade, while textiles evince the most Irregularity. Despite the uuquestiun ably qutner tone of expuit trade in manufactures it was to be noted that Americans are still reaping some ad vantage in superiority in «mi« lines of iron and steel. Retail trade baa been helped by better weather in most sec- ; Uous. and while spring jobbing I* smaller at several markets, improved retail trade conditions are expected to help reorder business i The low price of cotlon is atlii a de I téraient to trade at the south, and talk ! of restriction of the anticipated in- ' ! crease In acreage is beard. Planting is. however, being actively pushed and 1 i retail trade, for this reason, is still,! j quiet. Northwestern trade advices are : quite cheerful and large numbers of j buyers are in the towns On the Pac!dr at, Alaskan trade 1* active and gen j era! trade from near by points is good At the east trad# is better at retail, while wholesale lines are quiet. Wool is quiet, and some weakness In washed : woo) is noted. Iron and steel were aggressively strong Despite the fact that pig iron production Is close to the maximum of last year, stocks are still decreaaing. : flood sale* of iron and billets are noted »I Pittsburg at last week - « prices, fis ; Ished products are active and most j mills are sold ahead beyond July. One j order for a large quantity of rails, said ' j to be for South America; an order for rails fro«n Glasgow Is also noted; a } 1300 ton order for structurai material i for a dock In Japan has gone to Pitts burg New bridge and "sky scraper" ■ construction will take a large quantity <>f material. Plate, are higher and an «wSvwnp» In l»ra it noted from St. j lovuis Copper has sympathised with 1 ( the slock market and Is reported high * ! er abroad. WIm I«. I Portland. Ore.—Qolaliona are nomi nally unchanged, with STOST^c the usual quotation for Wall* Walla. and unchanged. Tacoma—Quiet bluestetn, 6*c; club. 56t|c . . . . , P^IO «dv uung s general «mender *• in Mttgmt* snd delivery of »m» »nd iheir «c ierptanee of American sovereignly is raus lug comment. Official, of tbe ,«r depart I Mil «»CM their fulfil in General Mac U • v « ,n.-.,.. v. .... . .. , ,_.• ,, OH. derived address. Agulsaldo ha. de .mended cecum omdition, ss « preliminary lo this action, snd a dwr-uwlon hs« oe curie.1 on the [»ilnl* which he hs, nenie.) liefore the address {* issued it i« expe.-t.vi if will be raided in full Io the secretary of *, ' ' ' ' , h „^7. d L, ,1 *il) lie amended by the suthoiilic* here ll , amendment Is desired. j ,, IK .. __ „„„ Ws-hmgt n. April IV *1.'. ^ i ed «1 the burr-«. yard, and dock«, navy , deps riment, fnr ih# const nu l inn of sn equipment building si the Ihigvl Sound naval sla I inn. The low ral bid w a* Out of j I j I New Ymk. April 15.-GeSeral Daniel n.itierfirld one of ihe most dislingi iahcd surv iving officer, of the civil war. U Iving dangerously ill .1 hi. home in this city. II* i* il«aMa'« MMoiffNiltt. A «pcrùl to the New York. April IS Herald from Wsshlngtun «y»: Vguinaldo - » delay in iwvuing the mini 1V«T«I Stall»« for V*««e< *o«n4. R A. (♦Hrf*« q( ( hi(*$mo At The rootAd not yei Im*«*« «ward*d. Ofdfnil R«(trrflfl4 III. fTcring from « recurrence of the (li nes. which prostrated him in the summer of 1809. V*rl»»«i*r«i RpIpmvI. San Frsnci«co. April IS, —An order hs, been i«ued by President McKinley direct ing (hat the prisoner, at Alcatraz belong ing to volunteer regiment, sentenced for minor offense* be released. At Cchoecbrunn, tbs Austrian am peror's palace. Is the finest collection of orchids In the world, numbering II, 000 plants. CATARRH THIRTY TEARS. A •» ^ Remarkable Experience of a Prominent Statesman. CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON GIVES PE-RÜ-NA A HIGH ENDORSEMENT. % Si wm * a 3 > HJI CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON. OF OHIO. | not only In bla own state, but through- ' out America. He began hla political | career by aorring four conaecntlre terme as mayor of the town in which bt llTM during which lime he be , , mc widely known as the founder of the Meek I son Bank, of Napoleon. Ohio. He was elected to the fifty-fifth con Kress by s very large majority, and it the acknowledged leader of bis party in hit section of the state. 0n! y on(> fl , w m , rrw j tb( , otherwise complete success of this rising states mon. Catarrh with its Insidious ap proacb and tenacious grasp, was his only unconquered foe. For thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy. At last Peru na came to the rescue, snd be dictated the following letter to Dr. Hartman as result : "I have used several botUes of Pe-ni and feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that If t use It a Bhort tj mc longer I will be able to eradicate the dlaeaae of thirty years' standing. Yours truly. "DAVID MEEKISON." ! Many people can tolerate slight ca tarrhal affections. A little hoarseness, a slight cough, a sold In the bead, or a trifling derangement of the dlge-.tlive organs do not much disturb the aver age person In his business. But thia 1* not true of the public speaker or stage «list. His voice must always be clear. P«***- dl *** tlo ° ""'»«'«'•bed. ; n« FREE TRIAL 30 n DAYS For the next 30 days we will ship this ffiO machine on 30 days' free trial in your own home for $21.75. Send this ad and' vour name for full description and our FREE TRIAL OFFER. We also sell $40 bicycles for $20.25. Write today. This is a chance of your lifetime. BOX ante PEOPLES SUPPLY CO., SEATTLE, WN. Hence the popularity of Pe-rn-na among the leading acton and sc _ Ira-ases of thia ft^'vVk-Yh ooontsy They JL _ _ . __ VTSjfajM " yard Pe-rn*nt as indes pensable to their success. Their nmfea.ion is h .t it eo exacting that 1» d»«-. reomre. y e rf ec t health in every particular. They *regard Pe-ru*nsat MinCsr.lr Thorns, their friend and safeguard. Many letters are received from this claas of pople. Miss Car' rle Tbomaa. in speaking of Pe-ru-na. says; "I have uaed Pe-ru-n* with splendid results. Would not be wlth out It. No money would hire me to have a sealed cold or chronic cough. or hoaraenea*. Catarrh is the most dreadful thing that could happen to one of my profession. Pe-ru-n* Is my shield and protector against this most undesirable disease." Carrie Thom«*. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna. write at once to Dr. «art man, giving a full statement of your case snd he will be pleased to give you hi* valuable advice gratia, Address Dr. Hartman. President of The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, 0