Nezperce Herald NEZPERCE. IDAHO, FRIDAY. APRIL 26, I9M. •1.00 PER YEAR. VOL. 2 NO 2 Special Sale of o4 -OF— FINE CROCKERY THIS WEEK Call and be posted. At the OLD STORE. J. T. ORBISON. J. A. Schultz. O. M. Collins. at BANK OF NEZPERCE. at Nszrerce. Idaho Will Transact A General Bankino Business. J. A. Schultz. Cashier. Cl* Bowlby Pharmacy Nxxrxarx, Idaho. Pvt Bran, RHfldMt. PotMNff, CoHct Mi ■mn - amJ mMt Armaa|a||* BumBmIaa yMif ® FINE IMPORTED AND DOMBBTIO CIOARB. I*li y tirions* Pres cri ptions Carefully Prepared. Ofllos, Dr E J Wsbb. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Best Uk of Cifan Ir Towh. Prunes, while they lest 16 pounds far $1.00. Sugar, 13 pounds far $1.00 Bulk Pickels, 50c per gallon. A FINE LINE OF STRAW AND CRUSH HATS at prices lower then ever before known in Nezperce. Paul Johnson. HE Mi! Stove in Which Dynamits waa Being Thawed eut Blown MIRACULOUS ESCAPE Of the Orrepenti el the Howe— Dynamik Under Pi One of the luckie-t explosions of dynamite on record occurred at the bonis of Mike Muckier in ibis eity on last its turd« y morning. Quantities **f dynamite bad been thawed out in Hie kitchen store lor the pe»t few days, this being u-ed for blasting purposes in a well now being sunk on the pro perty. At the time of the accident it was nut supposed that any of the ex (Jueive yet remained in the stove. Mr. Daily who bad charge of the well blast ing is an caperl in the handling of ex plosives, and is considered by all who know him as a crank in carefulness in this respect At the u pluaMi Mr. Muckier and Mr. Daily ware both down in the wall. Mrs Muckier and the baby were in the room at the time of the explosion and it is a wonder bow either escaped being in stantly killed, as the pièces of iron flew of the ex tbs tu ssive* in the walla of the bouse. A bote was blown in tits fl-or beneath •he stove and it la a mystery bow the five sticks of dynamite under the for ward part of the store, withstood the concussion and did not explode. Had ibese espl-ah-d (be ImuHi sod occu pants would have been blown to atoms. Mr Daily think* a small quantiay of lb# explosive muet have broken off and rolled down pel ween the board* on which be placed the powder to thaw out and this becoming bested suffi ciently, caused the explosion. B. L. Parker received word Wednes day that be bad been selected by tbe board of county commissioner* to rep resent Net perce county as expert accountant to determine tba indebted I mod by Clearwater county and to adjust other malien under lb* law cresting tbe new county. nos* to be A disastrous fire is reported from Peck, in which tbe Bkey and Peck Mercantile establishments wore both co n se nt ed with all their contesta. It is nods reload that Mr. Skey carried no insurance and that the Peek Mer cantile Co, was partly insured. An Invitation It eordislly sxlendsd te all Modem Woodmen el A merle* in good te Join tfee Royal Haleb bars Oamp at Kee per**. Camp msel * every let and ltd Tues day nights of seek oostk until Ostebsr IsL Mas K. 8. Boom, OruM*. Mas. Inas M. Davis. Bsoordsr, THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Thres inches of «now fell Saturday Bight. Chas H«Ulead wag, an arrival in town Wednesday. Jack Greer, the ferryman, waa in tbwn Wednesday. E E. Carter baa rented the Murray property on the bill. A fine line of ruga to be closed out at Murkier and Parker'«. J. C. Carlaon, of Carlson Bro'a, Greer Idaho waa in town Tuesday. Ben Kiiverman the merchant tailor left tor Cottonwood Tuesday. Nelson carries a full line of prepared paints, lead, oil, mlor and Ac. John Busko made a trip to Denver Tuesday returning Wednesday. Born—to the wife ot 6.1 Dogge U on Monday loreuoun a twelve pound girt The infant son of Clarence Wallers died Saturday night and was buried on Monday W. W. Downie, of the Hex Perec Abstract Company waa a visitor to the prairie Tues da y. Bbaeflar A Cnuier shipped out by way of Eamiafa on Monday over 400 bead of bogs to Seattle parties. Mrs. Bert Bowlby will leave about lb* first of May on a visit to bar old bom* in Forest Grove Oregon. W. J, Hemsy is banting lumbar for tbs o( a naat oouags t* be nmd by him as s owl de nos to to enilt at the math end of Oak street. W* are «siting Bowen end Ferry assda. Um bast on tbe market Ail irssh and war raatsd. W« carry no old stock of inh. J. T. On aos. Mrs. Grace Day will tax* tbe place of Mrs. Bert Bowlby in tbe postoffice during Um absence of the latter bom town. Parker A Muckier have enroule a large stock of furniture, carpets, lino lium and everything nsmsesry in up to-date house keeping If you have any slock In pasture Jessie B. JHfori«, ty mi. north-east of town. Good grass and water, good fence* and price* r easonable. Tbe quarterly meeting of tbe Net perce Publ-c Library Amooiation will be held Thursday, May fed, at seven o'clock P. M. in CoL Hammell'a office. TIm N ex perce Band at their last reg ular meeting decided to give a social in about two weak* time, for the pur pose of raising fund* to purchase much n eedsd instrument*. H D. Harris Ibis week purchased lota on the hill oast of town boot tbe Murray property. It is Mr. Harris* intention tont mm sreot a suitable residence to bo occupied by bis family. The now ad of the Nos Perm Coun ty Abstract Company appear« in this This company is composed of O. W. Williamson and W. W. Downie, both competent ab stractor*. They have n complete set of book* and am up lo-date in nil mat ters in their lias. issue of the Hbralo.