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THE NEZPERCE HERALD Subscription, $1.50 NEZPERCE, IDAHO, THURSDAY. JANUARY 9, 1919 Official Paper Lewis County Circulation, 1,400 Vol. 21, No. 32 t I REACHES ABRUPT END. ROOSEVELT'S CAREER National Leader Passes Away In Sleep Early Monday Morn ing.—Funeral as Plain Citizen. Oyster Bay, Jati(. 6.—Colonel Theodore Roosevelt died in his sleep early today at his home on Sagamore hill in this village. Death is believed to have been due to rheumatism, which affect ed his heart. The colonel suffered a severe attack of rheumatism and sciatica New Year's day, but none be lieved that his illness was likely to prove fatal. The former president sat up .most of Sunday and retired at 11 o'clock last night. He came to his home on Sagamore hill from the Roosevelt hospital on Christinas day, but a week later was stricken with a severe attack of rheumatism and sciatica, from which ho has been suffering for some time. The rheumatism af fected his right hand and it be came swollen. He remained in his room and efforts were made to cheek the trouble. Cable messages and telegrams of condolence, from fellow eoun trymen of high and low degree, and distinguished citizens of many nations, were pouring into Oyst on er Bay tonight by the hundred. Tim death of Colonel Roosevelt is believed by the physicians who attended him to have been hasten ed by grief over Quentin's death, coupled with anxiety over the ser ious wounds suffered by Captain Archie Rossevelt while fighting in France. Theodore Roosevelt was buried Wednesday as a plain American citizen, and not as former presi dent of the United States, in ac cordance with his own wish. Hi' ll od y was laid to rest in a plot of his own selection in the village cemetery not far from the Saga more Hill which he loved so well. The only funeral rites were the simple Protestant Episcopal ser pi vice, read by the rector of thé little country church where he had worshiped with his family. There was none of the pomp and circumstance associated with the passing of great men. Of Dutch ancestry, born in New York City on Oct. 27, 1858, in a house in East Twentieth street, the baby Theodore was a weakling . He was one of four children who came to Theodore and Martha Bijllodh Roosevelt. The mother was of southern stock and the father of northern, a sit uation which during the early years of Theodore, Jr's, boyhood was not allowed to interfere with the family life of these children the Civil days. A few months after his grad uation, Roosevelt (married Mliss Alice Lee of Boston. She died in 1884 leaving one child, Alice, now the wife of Representative Nicholas Longworth of Ohio. 1886 Roosevelt married Edith Kennit Karow York, and to them five children were born—Edith, now the wife of Dr. Richard Derby, and four sons, Theodore, Jr., Kermit, Arch ibald and Quentin. The public career of the man who was to become president began not long after he left col lege. His profession was law but the activities that were to come left him no time in which to prac tice it. In 1882,1883 and 1884 he was elected' to the New York state assembly, where his efforts on behalf of good government and civil service reform attracted at tention. When the republican national convention of 1884 was held, in Chicago, he was chairman of the New York state delegation. The Colonel 's military title was gained through his having organ I ized and being given the command jf of a regiment of "rough riders" f which had a brief but strenuous experience in the Spanish-Ameri can war. The organization of this regiment might be considered I a result of Col. Roosevelt's- acq uaintanee with western riders and their customs during his two years' ranching experience in North Dakota. Returning from the Cuban bat tlefields, Col. Roosevelt was made governo!- of New York state, and in 1900 he was elected viee-presi dent of the United States. Called to the White House in 1901 after President McKinley had been assassinated, Colonel Roosevelt, 42 years of age, be came the youngest president, the In Mi of New United Slates has ever had. Three years later he wag elected as presi dent by the largest popular vote a president has received. Thus Roosevelt, sometimes call ed a man of destiny, served for seven years as the nation's chief magistrate. In a subsequent de cade the fortunes of polities did not favor him, for, again a candi date for president—this time lead ing the progressive party which he himself had organized when he differed radically with some of the policies of the republican party in 1912—he went down to defeat, together with the republi can candidate, William Howard Taft. Woodrow Wilson, democrat, was elected. more, Ralph Brockman Killed In Action. Ralph E. Brockman is another old Nezperce boy who made the throw of Hunism. This sad news came last evening in the following brief note to John Gehrke and family, old neighbors of the Brockmans during their residence southwest of Nezperce: Creston, Wn., Jan. 6-18. Mr. John Gehrke and Family: Dear Friends : We received the sad message yesterday telling of Ralph being killed in battle. We don't know where, when nor how. Hope soon to find out something Y ours, Mrs. Win. Brockman. Ralph was the eldest son of Dr. W. O. Brockman, now of Texas, 3 -• Jfei ■fMfcvA m à&sr and a.nephew of Win. Brockman, and both families were among the best known and omst respected citizens of this community, hav ing formerly resided on the old Brockman homestead about six m-iles southwest of Nezperce. Ralph was one of the most pop ular students of the Nezperce high school during the two years he attended that institution and graduated with the class of M3, the other eight members of which We re, Misses Beulah K. iCarey, Genevieve Nelson, Myrtle L Mitchell, Mamie E. Stellmon, and Messrs. John M. Booth, Floyd S. „ _ „ „ YT ®°/ s ^ or ^. me ' ^ )a - v Linder, a former - czpei °e boy. anc ^ a member of the . s Eivision, cabled his wife in 1 ••os aer . ^ 11 •> tinder date of Januaii 2 that they were that day taking Map at Brest, France, lor lie good old L. S. A. ^ ls ne '' s > coupled vit i ie statement by the department that P 1 ^ 1810 ? was a ™ on g* e troops scheduled for early return ewis eount\**rela ' , n f the consider th is common . -.v ,, . ' . • " ealth has " lth 1hat ^ eat dmS ' lan ' __ Next week you will be asked ta contribute to the Armenian relief fund. Be ready with a liberal donation. Rowe, Vonley J. Miller and Les lie A. Baskett. He is the second son Dr. Brock man lost in the service of his country, a younger brother, Ivan Brockman, having died at sea of while enroute to pneumonia, France with one of the last con tingents of American soldiers. A Luncheon for You. The workers of the primary de partment of the Community church will serve a cafeteria lunch at the church on Friday, Jan. 10, fyom 5 to 7 p. m. This is for the purpose of purchasing chairs for the department. The following menu served : Meat sandwiches, 5c; scalloped potatoes, 5c ; salad, 5c ; baked beans, 5c; pie, 5c; eoffee, 5c; and jelly and pickles free. Don't miss this chance to get a good lunch and help the good cause. will be 1 CARROLL ROWE GIVES j LIFE FOR FREEDOM. Wounded In France Oct. 8, Suc cumed Oct. 9.—With Second Engineers.—Blow Falls Hard On Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rowe yester day received a message frôm the war department that their son, Carroll Lee Rowe had died of wounds on October 9. message, sent by Senator John H. Nugent in answer to a request for information, stated that the re cords disclosed that Carroll Rowe had been slightly wounded in ac tion on Oct. 8, and when the wires fateful A former yesterday conveyed the words, the blow was almost un bearable by the mother of the young here. Carroll Rowe was a member ol Co. E, Second Engineers, and went into the thick of (he fray with that organization in the ini tial American drive at Chateau Thierry the first of last June, here that Cecil Cox was killed June 7 and Bascom Billups was wounded on the night of June 11—both Nezperce boys. Il seems that this regiment was hold in almost continuous action right on thru the American advance to the grand finale before Metz. The deceased was one of the nine Nezperce boys who joined It was on as volunteers the old Orangeville National Guard company ujts be fore our nation entered the war. This unit of the Second Idaho was later merged with the regiment into the 116th Engineers, and on reaching France over a year ago (he 116th was divided up and all of the Nezperce contingent, ex cepting John O'Connor, was plac ed in E Company, Second Engi neers. The -record of this organi zation stands out among the fore most in hard finghting and valor ous deeds. Carroll L. Rowe was born June 14, 1888, in North Carolina and came west with his parents who settled first in the Palouse coun try, and then to Nezperce prairie, where they homesteaded their ranch northeast of town. He grew to manhood here and received his education at the district and Nez perce schools. Besides his father and mother he leaves four broth ers and three sisters—Arthur and Claude Rowe, of Delia, Alberta ; Floyd and Roy Rowe, Mrs. E. L. Schnell and Misses Blanche and Marie, Rowe, all still residents of this community. In the deep sorrow of this high ly esteemed family the community bows its head in silent sympathy, but thru the mist of tears we see standing on yonder shore another whose passage thence was the hero's—one who is glirified by Notice! account the ^ ea4 *i of Mr. Robinson, and in the interest of the immediate settlement of the estate, all bills and accounts with the Nezperce Roller Mills are due January 1. Please call on uS and settle on or before January 10. Nezperce Roller Mills. dertaking for humanity the world has known iscne Christ accepted the way of the cross. Joe Baldus Returns With Bride. Joe Baldus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Baldus, pioneer and highly esteemed farmer family of this vicinity, went to Portland recent ly and on December 30 quietly closed a ease in Cupid's court which had been pending on the calendar since Joe spent a season at work in that city about a year ago. The blushing bride was Miss Alma Brown, and the happy pair returned to the Baldus home here last Friday to take up their per manent residence. Since their return Joe has been confined to his bed by an attack of influenza, though no serious complications have appeared and his condition today is reported as satisfactory. Red Cross Workers Wanted. About ten sweater knitters and ten sock knitters are wanted by the Red Cross knitting committee. All work that is out should he finished by the first of February. This call is urgent and those who will help, the committee will be grateful if you call by phone and notify them. Mrs. J. G. Wright, Mrs. W. J. Smith, Com. 31w2. IN MEMORY OF BASIL YATES. Community Church Crowded Sun : day Night to Honor Dead Heso.—Address By Rev. Martin and Bascom Billups. Honoring the soldier who gave his life for humanity and in sym pathy for the parents who gave their boy to their country, the people of this neighborhood filled the Community church to over flowing Sunday night and heard two addresses that made the oc casion lastingly impressive—one by Charles Bascom Billups, who himself felt the steel of the Hun on the blood-drenched fields of Europe, and one by Rev. Claude B. Martin, who with equal zeal and loyalty did his best among those- required to remain at home. O. C. Pennell presided as master of ceremonies, and musical num bers which gave sweet tenderness to the solemn event were rendered by the church choir and Mrs. C. J. Skinner, with Miss Cargill as piano accompanist. Basil Yates, son of Mi\ and Mrs. Charles W. Yates, of this vicinity, died on October 8, from wounds received in the drive thru tlhe Argonne forest in FraiAe when the 91st Division covered itself with everlasting glory. ■emarks dej hatred by The Charles Bascom Billups on this occasion were more in the nature of a narrative of his and other American soldier's experiences at the front, but it wgs vividly and impressively told and absorb ed by the audience with intense interest. It will be given in en tirety in next week's Hearld. beautiful and merited tribute follows: Rev. Martin We pay tribute tonight to Pri vate Basil Yates, who was killed serving his country. We honor him. This community will always remember him as one of its he roes who fought in the great ar my of freedom against a giant foe who put might before right. We revere his memory. We are here to sympathize with his mother and father and brother in their ab sence. The mother and father, sturdy loyal, righteous, loving Alnerican citizens, have sacrificed all within their power to sacrifice for freedom and America. A son who was to have returned and given comfort in old age will not return. How great the price we have paid for democracy! But had we sacrificed a thousand tilnes the number (hat we did— had every city and village been razed to the ground—the price Would not he too great, if that sacrifice had left a few with the true American spirit—with a vis ion of brotherhood, democracy— moving forward, conquering the wrong and injustice in the world. How proud we are tonight to say, "1 am an American citizen!" From the time the Pilgrim fath ers set foot on Plymouth Rock until our "boys" smashed the German military machine, we have been fighting for certain ideals and standards. Have we Won these? If we have, Basil Yates' death is not in vain—that sacrifice is not too great. This war has cost us ten billion dollars and we have not gained a dollar or a foot of ground. What have we won? (1) We have won democracy and freedom. The ideal of liberty and freedom beats in the heart of every man. For a long time Amer ica had stood alone in saying, "All men are created free and equal and have certain rights— to enjoy life, liberty and the pur suit of happiness." Today the World is saying this. America was first to de clare that governments derive their just powers from the con sent of the governed. The world today believes in this democratic form of government. This we have won. ( 2 ) Nearly a hundred years ago Uncle Sam said; "No foreign power had a right to a foot of American soil." The world has caught the idea and is saying: "No nation has a right to molest another; nation, small or great, as long as that nation is minding its own business." (4) We have won justice and righteousness and brotherhood. ' (5) AVe have won permanent No son will ever again be (3) peace. called upon to leave the plow, to give his life for his country. The world is at peace. Nations will mould their guns into plow shares and their gun-carriages will dec orate our public parks. (6) We have taken a step to ward the league of nations. This must and will be accomplished. This war has taught us that all human kind is one community. We are all knit together—our in terests, our hopes are one. The voices of the world are saying to night: "iWe are people together and nothing that concerns human ity lies outside the interest of any one." The community of the world is a fact. The league of na tions is a present hope. The vic tory is won. Our part is to ma ture thq fruits of victory. The old world is dead and de stroyed. Basil Yates gave his life that this might be. ''He has fought a good fight; he has fin ished his course; he has kept the faith; hence is laid up for him a crown of life," The building of the ''new world" begins. May the building be as stalwart as the sacrifice. inc Nezperce..426 .-7 .230 Red Cross Christmas Roll Lewis County, Ind. Sch. No. 1 Winchester ...... Kamiah . 185 rio •I Vollmer . Reubens . Steele, (Central Ridge) Mohler . Sch. Dist. No. 26, SW of Nezp. 72 Russell !... .129 103 81 79 .... 67 No. 33, N. of Nezp... 61 Forest . Sch. Dist. No. 32, NE of Nezp. *. Sch. Dist. No. 18, E of Nezp... 26 Sch. Dist. No. 15 (Alpine). 24 Sch. Dist. No. 11, SW of Nezp 18 Sch. Dist. No. 19, E. of Nezp... 12 . 32 ) _ I Total . .1844 OUR FIGHTING MEN SOON HOMEWARD-BOUND. Official Announcement That Dist Di vision Listed for Early Demobilization. Washington, .Tan. 4.—Demobilization of the army is approaching its final phases with the breaking up of the pom bat divisions in Ibis country and the issuance of orders for early return of (lie first three.fighting divisions from Prance. General March, chief of staff an nounced today that General Pershing had designated the .10th and 37th (na tional guard) and the 91st (national army) divisions for early return home in the training camps 40,.500 men held intact, had been ordered dis charged. The three) overseas divisions with headquarters troops of Major General Heed's second corps, also designated for return, total 83,000 men. General March said that including these div isions, the total number of men avail able for discharge was while 1,379,000 nn<l that 40,491 officers and 030,3(50 men had been mustered out up to dav. vester* The chief of staff also disclosed that tlio war department was preparing to take into the regular army under the proposed reorganizaI i on serve and temporary records during the »war show them to be fitted for professional military life. Official records of the war depart General March H vision, plan those re officers whose mont announced by that the first regular the first unit to arrive in France, land show 1917, and that the last ed in -Tune, American division to land was the 8th, Between these dates n October last. ! ortv divisions wer 1 sent overseas, tin I advance elements of each being landed as follows; 2nd division; Septem 26th; November, 41 nd; December, 1918, August. 1917, ber, nd; March, May, 82nd, 27th, (ith, 33rd, 30th 41st; Februrary, 5th and 3rd; April, 77th; 35th, 28th, 4th, and 80th; June, 78th, 83rd, 89th. 92nd, yotIi, 37th 'and 29lh; July, 70th, 79th, 91st and 36th; August, 85th, 70th, 81st, 88th, 39th, and 40th; September, 87t,h, 84th, 86th, and 34th; October, and 38th. 3lst, for designated by General Per The 91st ■ division transportation boni" hard, sanguinary service Flanders and a number of its units t shmg, sa w 1] wore selected to accompany King Al bert into Brussels. The division was mobilized at Camp Lewis and after a period of training was taken overseas by Briga there dier General Frederick S. Foltz. The division is made up of the 181st 166th field and I82nd brigades, the artilliery commanded by Brigadier General Edward Burr, former engineer of the western department of the army, 326th, engineers, the 91st headquar ters troops and the 346th field gun It had a wartime strength ant western unit. battalion. of 37,000 men and was the prodomin NEW STATE GOVERNMENT TAKES OVER REINS. End of Mosesism Brings Sigh of Relief.—Republicans Control State Offices and Legis lature. The inauguration of the fif teenth Idaho legislature and state officials-elect took place Monday at high noon with simple but im pressive ceremony. It marks the passing of a democratic adminis | (ration of two years and the ush ering in of a republican one. The bourbons lose control of both branches of the legislature and the state government including all governing boards. During the next two years the republican party will be given an opportuni ty to demonstrate that it is able to give to the state a government that is satisfactory to the people as a whole. Republican power in the state government and legislature was first shaken for fnany years, four years ago and Governor Alexand er, democrat was elected gover nor. The republicans still held control however, but two years later with President Wilson at the head of the ticket, the demo crats were swept into power car rying with them both branches of the legislature and sufficient number of state officers to con trol the administration. The non partisan leaguers disrupted their ticket at the primary at the last election and the republicans over whelmingly and disastrously de feated the leaguers at the gener al election in November, again coming into power. The following are the state of ficials who took the oath of of fice at the inauguration before a joint assembly of the legislature Monday : Governor—D. W. Davis, Am erican Falls. Lieutenant Governor— C. C. Moore, St. Anthony. Seretary of State—R. O. Jones, Kellogg. Auditor, Edward G. Gallet, Pocatello. Treasurer—John W. Eagleson, Boise. Attorney General— R. L. Black, Goner d'Alene. Superintendent of Public In struction—Miss Ethel E. Redfield, Lewiston. State Mine Inspector—Robert N. Bell, Boise. The relative strength of the two parties in the two houses stands as follows ; Senate, republican 29, democrats, 12; house of represen tatives, republicans, 45, demo crats, 19. Officially the republi cans are credited with 30 senators, but this is due to the fact that Senator St. Clair of Owyhee coun while elected the republican ticket, is a democrat and will af filiate with that party. Arranging- for Lewiston Packing Plant. Harry ('. Cranke, our auctioneer returned Tuesday of this week from Grangeville where he was in consultation with Seth Jones and other prominent stockmen of Ida ho with a view to getting every thing ready to commence floating the stock and securing ground for the new packing plant to be built at Lewiston. This will be the big gest asset Camas and Nezperce prairies and the lower country have ever had. The stock will be sold to the stockmen, farmers and business men of this country and an expert packer will be employed to man age the plant. The main reason of this move Is that shipping live stock so far and paying heavy freight rates, standing the heavy shrinkage in shipping and bruising will be eliminated, and also that when these state highways are in we can take a truck load of hogs to town and be back in half a day. Every one in this country is in tcrested in the project and great praise is due to Seth Jones and his launching such 'an undertaking. Address Public Tonight. W. P. Pritchard will deliver an address at 8 :30 to-night at the Community church on behalf of the Armenian relief fund drive which extends through next week. Music for this evening's meeting will be furnished by the Brethren church choir. Everybody is urged to go out and hear the story Mr. Pritchard has to tell. It's very much worth while.