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SEMI-W BEKLY THE WEISER SIGNAL. Smallest Issue Duriu* TToar 1801, llBO| Ii»r(est Issue, 8100. twentieth year. WEISER, IDAHO. WEDNESDAY. JULY 30, 1S02. No. 66 I! 1 J' r SPRINGS CO. PROMISES FORD OPERATIONS. TO RIYAL IRON For long years Washington County has struggled against every imugm Me adversity and drawback to get her mining industry on a productive Mineral, Ruthburg, Seven loniin?. [Devils and other districts have in H tur ,i shown prospects of being able |j!|H to hreak the bonds that seem to hold ■ us fast, and as regularly has some ■ unjust condition or fateful esuse set I the day of deliverance. It appears ■ that Dlack Lake, a district we never I mentioned until two or three years ■ ago, will be the locality to pull us I out of the mire and establish our Pfl mineral reputation on a busts that I will enable us to secure the capital ■ necessary to open one of the greatest Travelers Give Testimony on Thunder Mountain. Symposium by Several Sojourners, S S s s l te in the Review. Sokegraan-Review. J. W. Ross, who writes that he has just returned from a trip to Thunder Mountain, writes in defense of the camp, and he reproaches the critics of the camp witli whom inter views have been published in The Spokesman-Review. He writes: "To the Editor ot The Spokes man review: Thunder Mountain is not a fake as it was termed by a critic in not altogether a recent issue, and if that party had investigated and prospected the district ss some others have done, we believe that bis opinion regarding the camp might be a little different. A man that only tpenps two days in a section of a country within 10 miles spuare of Thunder Mt., one going one and one half miles up Mule creek from Roose rail to the Dewey mine and one «hoeing horses for the return trip knows very little of it and his opin ions are worthless. "J. Colmorgan and I left Spokane on May 24. "On arriving at Thunder Mountain City, we found it to consist mainly of tents, about 40 in nutuner, some of which have been replsced by log cabins and business houses. Four miles south from there mid up Mon vimenlal creek we came to Roosevelt and found it much like the former town. Tents could be seen in every direction wiib here and there a log cabin. Mirny of these tents have also been replaced by more substant a 'l structures, and in two or three mtances wbipsawed lumbee was used for flooring, counters, benches,etc "On prospecting in the imn.ed>ae vieinity of the Dewey we found it to nearly allstakid, bu> on prospect ln g farther out we found some very desirable locations. Any parlies wishing to go in there need not be »Laid but what there is just as good a showing still open for location as what is already staked. ''The country is more or less a lava formation with large dykes of gold bearing porphyry. The ore is most be ly low grade, but very soft, making H very easy to mine a< d mill. "In the article previously referred to, the writer says, 'that he did not mineral hells in the west. The Fords have the honor of placing the first complete mining camp in Washing ton county ami next season they will astonish the mining world. Tliev now have one million dollars worth of ore on the dump, thousands of tons blocked out for sloping and de velopment for opening of new bod ies going on. They will get the irsmway ami pipe line in fora short run this fall but not until next sea son can they have a fair opportunity to prove the mineral pre eminence of Black Lake. The Iron Springs Mining Co , op erating at Paradise Flat, bids fair to bring a second group to the same I see a prospector but what was dis gusted with the camp.' The trouble was he met too many tenderfeet, trail prospectors that never leave their campfires, End close their eyes at night with the expectation of seeing upon opening them at a very late hour, huge boulders of glittering gold that have rolled down the mountain side. "There are also complaints among many that they can not get colors The main trouble is they do not pound the rock fine enough. "Thunder Mountain will in time, make a big gold camp. At the present time the cost and inconven ience of transporting freight and machinery, which will be necessary to economically work the mines, are too great. What the country wants to bring it to the front and rank with some of our greatest gold producing esmps, is a wagon road,railroad, or both, and when that is accomplished, whsch will take some time even if immediate steps are taken for the construction of the same, the camp will stand on the foundation of its own merits J. W. Ross. Jones Is Jubilant Another Colorado man, Mr. 1. T. Jones, is condemning the condemn ers and in a two column article iu the Colorado Springs Telegram, he takes to task men from his slate who made flying trips on top of the snow to Thunder Mt. and then went back to Colorado to pronounce the country no good. Jones says: "The future of Thun der Mountain is very bright—so bright that we are all contented to ileny ourselves the pleasures of fair Colorado for an indefinite period and cast our lot here, coming our way from Boise today, and when they reach u* the sense of desolation and isolation will surren der to the charm ot communication." Telling of his experience over the Boise trail, he says; "After leaving the transfer station in Bear valley and taking the trail, Elk Summit, Mails will be which is at tbe source of Elk creek,a tributary of tbe Salmon river, is first encountered, and tbe north slope is la covered with snow and slush, prominence, while important transfers of other property show that Black Lake is now on a roail to fame, and there are no present indi cations of a hreak in the proceedings or any financial adversities to con tend with as in other dist'icts C. F. Macey, snpeiintendenlof the Iron Springs Co , is in Weiser pur chasing supplies for the mines and he thinks several cars of machinery, hoUt«, air compressors, steam drills, etc., will be ordered this fall and that a complete milling plant will shortly follow. Mr. Macey is now building a wagon road from Black Lake around to Paradise Flat one and a half miles, in order to facilitate de velopment, A force of seven men are now on the group of a dozen claims owned by the company. The laigest tunnel is 250 feet and the greatest depth is 185 feet. The force will be increased and work continued all winter. The president of this company is J. E Neveu of Youngs town, Ohio, and other Youngstown people and Pittsburg parties are in terested. Story of a Frontiersman. Once upon a time there was a merchant who who thought himself the proper stuff. He had one whole sale house he favored with all his making the trail very boggy and slippery. The same condition pre vails on tbe first summit north of Pen Basin, but aside from these there is nothing difficult in the trail aside from the usual things to be encount ered in passing sharp points and at taining stupendous heights and depths on a 14-inch path. To those only who have never taken such a trip, I have a word of advice: Either do not attempt it, or nerve yourself to to look into the Jaws of Hell, pass through the Devil's Kitchen and camly survey the cauldron of Hades. If you cannot do this do not start. So late in the season you are not likely to have any unusual hardships, lest, of course, you should call 'hit ting the grit' for 200 miles and more in iiaelf a hardship." Of the knockers he remarks; "Up on nearing Thunder Mountain we met various pack trains, most of whom were headed for various points to prospect, and two or three who were discouraged and leaving pre maturely. There is, of course, the usual diversity of opinion. The professional placer miner (and that genii abound in this state) can never become a quartz miner; the Cripple Creek miner looks for his porphyry granite contact,and failing to find it, condemns. The Californian looks for white quartz and failing to see it, packs bis mule and after a two days' sojourn departs in disgust. Mean while tbe innocent tenderfoot looks for gold, stays with it, and finds it. It is here beyond question, and two or three years will find Thunder Mountain district a very large factor in replenishing the gold supply. The Dewey mine has enough low-grade ore in sight to keep their 200-ton mill producing for 100 years, and about two-thirds of the mill is now on the railroad track at Nampa, They are patting men to work as fast as they get them and find accommoda tions for them. By July 10 they Tbe can will be employing 300 Fairview company is producing good men. and the Tiger group of claims ore, has opened an extensive deposit of $600 ore. It remained, however, for an ignorant Dane, fficiently wise to locate tbe discov ery, hence had to give half of it who was not su business. 01 course that house treated him very nice and called him a good fellow and made him believe himself a favored customer. Any way what did it matter to him, for if he paid too much for his goods, his customers had to pay the cost of his folly. But this way of doing business did not last long. Pretty soon be bad compitiors who bought their goods from houses that sold_ the cheapest and therefore could un dersell him, so he had to do likewise. Farmers, you are just as foolish as this merchant was if you trade with one special store regardless of price Rest assured the store you are trad ing at buy their goods where they can get them the cheapest, and you ought to do the same thing. The Leader doesn't ask you for your trade unless we can sell you gocAe as reasonable as anyone else, only way to find out is by comparison. Compare our goods and prices witli others and we do not fear your de cision. The Harader & Morton are now getting the lumber on the ground for the erec tion of their flour mill. The site finally chosen is a piece of property on the river bank at the west end of Payette The properly was recently avenue. purchased from David Mcilveen.who will remove his residence to Melcher's addition —Payette independent away for advice as to making his lo cation, to discover a ledge which runs $2000 per ton. This happened on Thursday last. "The most discouraging feature to tie average prospector is that the country is all stakes for many miles in every direction. But to those on the outside who grub staked irre sponsible fellows at an early date, I must say you must look to jour laurels. There is not to exceed one claim in ten which is not fatally de fective. And so defective are they that our advice to those who are at present prospecting in earnest is to utterly ignore the snow location. The camp suffered untold injury from this so-called 'snow-boom,'and many an unwary investor has purchased a claim located by blazing one or two lonely pine trees and digging an as sessment in a convenient snow bank. "This is severe, but it is the pen For alty for reckless investment tuuately for the camp these high-bind ing, grub-staking knaves have all gone home to tell to their principals their discouraging stories of hard ship, loneliness and want, hoping thus to excuse themselves for the disapointment sure to follow; and the persistent, industrious prospector who has come to stay will reap the reward. "Mr. Wallace, of our party, has located eight claims about three and one-half miles south of Roosevelt, west of Monumental creek, and is very jubilant over the surface showing upon two of them. He has arranged to begin bis assessment work tbe last of the week, and believes the work will make a remarkable show ing." Robertson's Revelation. A New Mexico man who knows a thing or two and who don't like knockers is J. F. Robertson of Santa Fe. He arrived in Boise the other day after three months in Thunder Mt. When approached by a Capital News reporter, he shouted: "It is the discovered on going greatest camp ever God's green footstool!" In speaking o f tbe development on at present, be said: "In 1 $500 TO CITY WATER WORKS AND $500 TO CITY PARK. "Now they are shouting!' 1 said the lion T. C Galloway to the Sig nal man Sunday. "When they be gin to discuss a first-class reservoir system and a plant designed to sup ply 10,000 people from the start, they suit me exactly. I believe we will have more than money enough fur that kind of a system but we can't have too much, and I am going to give $500 to the water works fund if the city puts it iu right—a complete reservoir system 1 believe we should plan for a town of 10,000, as Weiser will have that manA before we know and it is bet ter that we do not have to do things over. The reservoir above the to every part ot the camp the prospect or seems to be engaged in work. The Dewey and Sunny side manage ments have a large force of men at work and the Dewey mill is dropping 10 stamps night and day, on what I am informed is high grade ore. 1 am told that the Dewey plant is go ing to make a 30-day run on'some I a of their best ore to show the doubt ing world some of the wealth that is to be found in the mountains of the famous camp. "As to the jumping of claims," Mr. Robertson says, "the reports have been greatly exaggerated The prospectors themselves are largely responsible for most of this trouble. They did the work in a careless manner and in many of the instances the property was open to relocation. The camp organization of miners has investigated numerous cases and in variably it has found that the proper location work had not been performed. But these things are now all adjust ing themselves and in the future work by prospectors will be done in the right way. There has been considerable wild-catting done in the district, and men have been in the camp for months trying lo find prop erty paid for but can't find located in the district. Tins condition is not general, but has occurred alto gether too frequently." Mr. Robertson s.iys be has heated some promising property on Profile and Monumental çteek«, which he will develop for a New Mexico syn dicate. men at work on the cla'ms, and af ter a brief visit in Denver he expects to return to the district to remain until snow flies. If the development is satisfactory men will be kept on the property throughout the winter season. He has placed a force of a Brassield Believes. J. Brassfleld is a Portland man who located nine lode claims and a large tract of placer ground for a Portland syndicate. He tells the est country he ever visited. In speaking of the new mining dis irict, Mr. Brasasfield said he consid ered it the richest country be had Boise Statesman that it is tbe rich Academy would be very desirable an it would furnish water to the Acade my and grounds and to the cemetery. Besides the $500 1 will give (« the water works, if they are put in right, I will give $500 towards a oily park—perhaps I may give the land instead of the $600, but it will be one or the other. " None who know Tom Galloway-* with-his impulsive, generous way of doing tilings, even to the way ia which he opposes you when oo tba other side—will be surprised. It ia just such a thing aa be Is likely ta do at any t'me. The land be would give, should be to decide would be of several limes the value of %6M. ever visit d. He has been mining since 1882 and has visited every im portant camp in the west which has come into prominence since that time. He staled that the mineral belt was the most extensive he had ever beard of, being at least 50 miles wide and probably 200 miles in length His locations were made about 3$ miles west of Thunder Mountain pro per and on the contact between the porphyry and granite. On the H"ly Terror, one of the lode claims, there is exposed a veia of four feet, four inches wide, which will asssy from $600 to $1000 to the ton in gold. Every indication, said Mr Brassfleld, points to its being a true fissure ve n Mr. Brassfleld has had two mining expens examine and report on the properties he has located. R. E Rogers, who spent several years ia Alaska, returned from a trip to the claims recently and in his report to the Puitiand parties it is said be stat ed that witli the amount of work done, the indications were indeed very promising. A. L. Minor of Port lund was the other expert to examine the properties, and his report is said to be even more flattering than Mr. Rogers'. Mr. Brassfleld stated that a for os ot four men would be kept at work during the balance of the year and that if present indications were borne out a company would be formed which woo d install a large plant next > ear handle and reduce the ore. Mr. Brassfleld will return to Thun der in abAut weeks. / Calàfôrni a mina Terrence owner lias just arrived in Boise from Thunder and informs the Capitol News tnat ■ here are about 3500 people in the district and that Thunder Mt. city »mt other points are booming. "Idaho has an enormous mineral zone," »aid Expert Owens, "and If located in any other stale a large area of it would have been developed long ago. Where the coyote and deer now roam undisturbed jom would have s'amp mills, poÿulattoa and school houses. Thunder Monat* (UaadBMS aa ClffcU Pm«« )