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Troy weekly news. (Troy, Idaho) 1897-1933, February 15, 1907, Image 6

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89055106/1907-02-15/ed-1/seq-6/

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(Continued from page 5)
The Treasurer's books show credit to the different funds as
7144 49
26442 90
2528 42
2360 00
48 45
26 00
Warrant redemption.
Current expense.
Estate of neter Incellman, deceased
Henry Bower, deceased.
Wm. S. Steffin .
Rumina Cwens.
Es tray fund.
Tax redemption fund .
Road districts.
Bond redemption.
Road .
Bond interest.
44 33
634 46
27 11
1252 66
63 43
423 32
2 06
5137 29
9128 34
1018 33
307 72
$56640 68
The above interns are balanced by the following accounts:
School institute.
Real estate.
44 73
115 20
10206 78
46273 97
$56640 68
NOTE.-Warrant Redemption warrants include ''Hospital," "General
County," "Current Expense," "Road," "Bridge," and "County Sheep Bounty"
warrants prior to April 7th., 1906.
I, Pauline Moerder, Treasurer of Latah County, Idaho, do hereby certify
that the above statement of the receipts and disbursements from April 9th., 1906
to and including January 12th., 1907, is true and correct to the best of my knowl
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 24th. day of January, 1907.
By G. A. WALKER. Djputy.
Bonds of Kitts & Hall, Schmick &
Polk and M. II. Christie for liquor
Thursday, Jan. 10, 1907.
The Board of County Commissioners
in and for Latah County, Idaho, met
this day, pursuant to adjournment.
Present: George W. Anderson, chair
man: Rees Pickering and James E.
Lamb, commissioners, and Axel P. Rara
stedt, clerk.
licenses, each in the sum of $1000 00,
were examined and approved and retail
liquor license is hereby granted to the
said Kitts & Hull, at Moscow. Idaho,
for the year ending December 20, 1907 ;
to the said Schmick & Polk, at Troy,
Idaho, for the year ending January 1,
1, 1908, and to the said M. H. ChriBtie,
at Troy, Idaho, for the year ending De
cember 22, 1907.
Bond of Ferdinand Francl for liquor
license, in tiie sum of $1000.00, was ex
amineil and approved and license to sell
in toxica'wig liquors, not to be drank in,
on or about the premises where sold, at
Moscow, Idaho, is hereby granted to the
said Ferdinand Francl for the year end
ing December 31, 1907.
Application of Wells & Doyle for re
tail liquor license, ao Viola, Idaho, was
examined and rejected.
At this time the Board adj 'timed to
meet tomorrow, Griday, January 11,
1907, at 9:30 o'clock a. m.
Board met this day pursuant toal
examined and rejected on account of not
being legal claims against the county, as
follows :
jonrnment, present as before.
Claims against Latah County were
On the Current Expense Fund.
D B Mackintosh, administering
oaths to election officers.
Peter B Baniho dt, juror, jnsiiee
court ...
George Clem, juror, justice court.
J W Olson, medical treatment, in
Thomas Howard, witness fees,
justice court.
Frmk Haggerty, witness fees, jus
tice court.
Harry Rockwell, witness, justice
W P> Mait.n, witness, justice
2 00
32 00
7 00
7 CO
5 20
A M Ci nig. constable fees. 9 00
J T Dendurent, witness fees, jus
tice court. 5 20
Sehool District No. 60, rent, elec
tion. 7 n0
Claims against Latah County were ex
»mined and allowed and the auditor is
hereby directed to draw warrants in
settlement thereof as follows:
On the Current Expense Fund.
H C Childers, registrar.$47 10
Don Randall, registrar, Four
Mile Precinct.. 21 10
Minola Morris, registrar 8. \V.
Moscow Precinct. 52 70
M Klüver, registrar of election.. 22 80
Mrs L Fieldm -u r, registrar. 20 60
Vesta M Fiel, registrar ol elec
<4 J Mi-Bane, registrar. 36 90
D II Peterson, arranging place
of election. 1 00
Martin Christensen, fixing up
booths,election. 3 00
.1 .1 Anthony, election booths.... 100 00
Potlatch Lumber Co, lumber,
election purposes. 1 40
D F McGlynn, rent of room for
election.. 5 00
$ 1 65
. 2 (0
5 20
Depends on two things—QUALITY of
leather used and the WORKMANSHIP
that the manufacturer puts into his liar
ness. That is all there is to harness,
and that is why my harness stand the
test of time.
Good Harness
•• i
Geo. Saad.
School District No 40, rent of
room for election.
School District No 6, rent of
room for election, etc.
School District No 26, use of
room for election.
School District No 69, rent, elec
tion .
J E Blalock, rent, election.
Augusu Anderson, election ex
penses ...
M B Pierce, election expenses...
Eddy Brigham, election supplies
Clias Power, printing ballots.... 456 11
203 85
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
10 oo
3 00
1 00
Clias Power, printing.
J H Kirkwood, Balary and actual
J N Clarke, salary county physi
LD Jameson, salary and actual
116 00
expenses county surveyor
71 25
26 50
150 00
expense coroner.
John Otnes8, salary, janitor
C W Wallace, typewriter repairs 35 50
Tennis & Thompson, drayage. . .
Hill and Stanton, livery, sheriff. 4 00
Doctor G W Libby, medical serv
ice, district court.
Motter-Weeeler Co, supplies, in
Tiie Bee Hive Dept Store, sup
plies, indigent .
Tiie Bee Hive Dept Store, sup
plies for indigents .
David & Ely Co. Ltd, supplies
F E Dicus & Co, drugs, indigents 16 95
W M Hughes, drayage, indigents
125 00
4 81
18 00
40 00
38 79
4 00
Grice & Son, burial, indigent.... 24 50
E Anderson, burial county poor. 57 55
Horae Finding & Industrial Assn,
care of dependent children.... 50 00
At this time the Board adjourned to
meet tomorrow, Saturday, Jan. 12, 1907,
at 9 o'clock a. in.
Moscow, Idaho,
Saturday, January 12, 1907.
Board met this day, pursuant to ad
j mrimient, present as before
In tiie matter of the petition of Erneiy
Jenks, et al for a public road in road
district No. 32, the consent and deed of
right of way of William Benner, 8 H
Fry and Lonesa F Fry having been filed,
it is or dered that the viewers'report be
approved, the petition granted, and the
new road is herebs ordered opened and
In the matter of the petition of T E
Miller, et al. for a putilic road in road
district No. 28. the deed of right of way
of Lewis Jain and Adelia E Jain having
been filed, it is ordered that the petition
he granted and the new road is hereby
ordered opened and recorded.
In the matter of the petition of John
I lleick, et al, for a public road in road
district No 30 the deed of right of way
of Johan K. I.uvaas and Ohrte Luvaas
l aving been filed, it is ordered that tiie
petition be granted and the new road is
hereby ordered opened and recorded.
In the matter of tiie petition of Johan
E Lind, et at, for the establishment of a
public road in road district No. 39, it
is ordered that the petition be grinted,
and the said proposed road is hereby
declared a public highway and ordered
opened and recorded.
In the matter of the petition of Trov
Lumber & Mfg Co, et al, for the es
tablishment of a public road in road dis
trict No. 25, it is ordered that the same
be rejected.
In the matter of the petition of Elof
Martenson, et al, for the establishment
of a public road in road district, No. 25,
it is ordered that the same be rejected,
In the matter of the petition of J. N.
Pfeffer, et al, fur the establishment of a
public road in road distric No. 24, it is
ordered that the same be rejected.
In the matter of the C B Cromwell
road in road district No. 47, it is ordered
that the eame be recorded.
In the matter of the public road south
of the city limits of Moscow, in road
district No. 10, it is ordered that the
same be recorded.
In the matter of the application of D
TA Mackintosh for cancellation of cer
tain taves for the year 1904, it fs ordered
that the same be rejected
It is at this time ordered that the sum
of $100.00 be, and the same is, hereby
appropriated out of the general road,
fund for the opening of the Emery Jenks
road district No. 32.
In the matter ol the petition of VV G
Connor for the opening of a road in road
district No. 49, it is ordered that the
same be place be placed in the commis
sioners' files.
In the matter of the application of C
A Gilbert for cancellation of taxes on ac
count of illegal assessment, it is ordered,
that the application be granted and tax
sale certificate No. 213, for the year
1905, is hereby cancelled.
It is further ordered that taxes for thq
year 1906, appearing upon the assess-'
ment roll of 1906, vol 1, page 115, line 2,
be, and are, hereby cancelled as follows:
State and county tax, $8.00; school dis
trict No. 41 tax, $2.00; road district No,
35 tax, $2.10.
On application of R. B. Vaughan, As
sessor and Tax Collector, it is ordered
that taxes appearing upon the assess
ment roll of 1906 be, and are, hereby
caucelled as follows: Vol 1, page 28,
line 2, state and county tax, $10.00; vi 1
1, page 36, line 11, school district No. 62
tax, 21 cents; vol 1 page 109, line 3, state
and county tax, $5.60, school district
No. 52 tax, $1.68; vol 1, page 133, line 9,
school district No. 10 tax, 87 cents; vol 1
page 140, line 3, state and county tax
$10.10, school district No. 48 tax, $2.53,
road district No 36 tax, $2.52; vol 1,
page 164, line 8, state and county tax,
$20.00, school district No. 92 tax, $10.00;
vol 1, page 190, line 4, school district
No. 75 tax, $5.58; vol 1, page 195, line 8,
state and county tax, $10 08; vol 1, page
215, line 12, school district No. 9 tax,
$2.38; vol 2, page 1, line 5, school dis
trict No. 64 tax, $4 93; vol 2, page 12,
line 8, school district No. 47 lax, 36
cents; vol 2, page 17, line 5, state and
county tax, $3.40. echo 1 district No. 72
tax, $2.55, road district No. 35 tax, 84
cents; vol 2, page 43, line 7, school dis
trict No 44 tax, $1.18; vol 2, page 46.
line 6, school district No. 37 tax, $10.46;
vol 2, page 47, line 3, school district No.
37 tax, $2.52; vol 2, page 54, line 8,
school district No. 49 tax, $9.28; vol 2,
pige 59, line 12, state and county tax,
$20.00, school district No. 84 tax, $3 00;
vol 2, page 67, line 10, state and county
tax, $2 60, school district No. 2 tax,
$1 95; vol 2, page 86, line 11, state and
county tax, $7.60, road district No. 34
tax, $1.89; vol 2, page 101, line 6, state
and county tax, $9.60; vol 2, page 108,
line 3, school district No. 51 tax, $3.58;
vol 2, page 109, line 3, state and county
tax, $8.40; road dsstrict No. 38 tax,
$2.15; vol. 2, page 149, line 13, state and
comity tax, $7.20; school district No. 48
tax, $1.80; vol 2, page 177, line 2, City of
Troy tax, $10.o0; vol 2. page 196, line 6,
City of Troy Tax, $25.00: vol 3, page 18.
line 2, state and county tax, $262 00,
City of Moscow tax, $323 20. school dis
trict No. 5 tax, $151.50; vol 3, page 57,
line 3, City of Moscow tax, $4.45; vol 3,
page 130, line 3, state and county tax,
$7.20, City of Moscow tax, $11.52, school
district No. 5 tax, $5.40. live stock tax,
27 cents; vol 3, page 172, lit e 2, state
and county tax, 50 cents, City ot Ken
drick tax, 25 cents, school district No.
24 tax, 38 cents; vol 3, page 176, line 2,
City of Kendrick tax, $14.00; vol 3, page
233, line 6, school district No. 31 tax,
$1.35; vol 3, page 246, line 5. slate and
county tax, 70 cents, City of Juliaetta
tax, 35 cents, school district No 43 tax,
p2 cents.
In the matter of the application of
Mary Brooks, Roena Coverdale, M C.
Dertnott, Mrs. E Dailey, Mrs. John
Freeze, Mary G. Kauder, Mary Mulal
ley, Mrs. T. <1. Mulkey, Violet ïlcCown,
Minnie Wendt, Mrs. X. .1. Hays, Johan
na iStiolitn, Kate M. Taitt. Mrs. C. A.
Watkins, .Sarah E. Wyckoff, Almira
Aldrich, Henrietta P. I'atman and
Susan Richardson for cancellation of
taxes for the year 19u6, on account of
widows'exemption, it is ordered that
; tlie applications he granted and taxes
lor Gie year 1906 are hereby cancell d
upon the assessment roll of 1906 as iot
lows: Noll, page 33, line 9, state and
county tax, $1.20, school district No. 9
lax > 24 cents: road distiict No. 41 tax, : 1
cents; vol i, page 43, line 5, state aim
! county tax, #20.00, school district No. 16
j tax $3.(JO; vol 1, page 64, line 11, stale
und county tax, $20 00, school district
No. 2 tax, $15.00; vol 1, page 68, line 5,
state and county tax, $7.56, state live
stock sanity tax, 4 cents, school district
No. 9 tax, $1.51 ; vol 1, page 96, line 3,
state and county tax, $20.00; vol ), page
175, line 11, state and county taq, $5 2»,
scqool district No. 58 tax, 78 cents; vol 1,
P a t? H 205, line 8, state and county tax,
$20.00; vol 1, page 214, line 8, state and
K*ounty taxf #13.00, school district No. 5
! tax, $9.75, road district No. 30 tax, $3.54;
i vo * F P a tt e 225, line 11, state and county
tax, $10.20; road district No. 3 tax.
j $2 65; vol 2, page 110, line 2. state and
«ounty tax, $19.80, school district No.
* ^ tax > $7.92; vol 2, page_ 178. line 10,
state anc county tax, $6.50, Town of
Troy tax, #3 25, school district No. 31
tax, $1.63; vol 2, page 194, line 2, state
and county tax, $2.00, Town of Troy tax,
J $ 1.00, school district No. 31 tax, 5o
j cents; vol 3, page 117, line 1, state and
J county tax, 84 00, Town of Moscow tax,
! $6.40, school district No. 5 tax, $3.00:
i vol 3, page 122, line 45, state and county
tax, $16 00, Town of Moscow tax, $25.60,
school district No. 5 taxf $12.00; vol 3,
page 237, line 1. state and county tax,
j $4.90, Town of Genesee tax, $2 45, school
district No. 2 tax, $3.69; vol 3, page 239,
I line 5, state and county tax, $7.00, Town
of Juliaetta tax, $2.30, state live stock
sanitary tax, 8 cents, school district No.
43 tax, $4 20; vol 3, page 248, line 2,
(Continued on page 7).
' t,
1 sell the best ranges on earth for from $30 to f60,
and you will believe me if you will call at mv store and
give my stoves and ranges the most critical examina
J0I717 Botter).
x |x|x|x|xfxixMx|xTxïx
Consider Carefully
The spending of every dollar. If you do you
will leave some of your cash at "our store.
For the holidovs we are prepared to supply
your wanns. We have suitable preseuts for

C. A. Broman.
—You Can Get
Square Meal
When in Troy at the
Enterprise Cafe
SQUIRES & LEE. Proprietors.
If You Want Estimates
on anything made from lumber call
and see us. Nothing is too difficult
for us to turn out.
Good Workmanship
is guaranteed, and our prices areal
ways satisfactory,
equipped as to turn out all work
with neatness and dispatch.
are so

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