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The Lewiston teller. (Lewiston, Idaho) 1900-1905, April 11, 1905, Image 5

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

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To Cure a Cold in One Day
T) & Laxative Bromo Quinine tma.
MBBon kam uMh ^at 13
(S.Cfcdfr i
■w Crtp
Two Day«.
on «vary
box. 25c.
0 here and THERE O
0 0
The Tuesday evening Card club will
ine ,.. with Mrs. F. D. Culver tonight.
jL g. Sasse is now having erected a
)ian( j so me new residence in Clarkston.
The annual encampment of the Idaho
nation 111 guard w, ll be held in July
near Boise.
Senator W. B. Heyburn is expected
to arrive at hlB WaIlace h °me shortly
after May 1.
The Tscemtnicupi club will hold its
regular meeting Saturday at the home
0 1 Mrs. Vollmer.
jellunt & Jones, the well known as
ters, have moved to quarters in the
new Means building on Fourth street.
w jj I
A new ferry boat has been placed
the river at Alpowa and Mr. Don
!LÏn now clealms the best ferry on 1
» !
the river. j
The suit brought by J. K. Dow, of j
Spokane, against the Masonic Temple :
has heen settled out of court and the|
suit dismissed.
Kit Chitwood, formerly «. i
K m thi. f. i
vnown character in this section, is
Kn !
now a prosperous mining man of Gold
" x- " Am
fields. . eva I
Kjos' new handsome delivery wagon
has been placed In commission and the
firm is now prepared to deliver goods
to all parts of the city. I
Clara Louise Thompson has made
arrangements to put on her Katzenja
m er Firme at Colfax in the Ridgeway
theater Friday evening, April 14.
The I nited States Smelting com- :
pany. of Salt Lake, Utah, is actively
soliciting business from the mines of
Idaho. The company's add appears in
another column.
Attention is called to the add, in '
another column, of the Spokane Bro- :
kerage company,- of Spokane. The
firm makes a specialty of Buffalo j
Hump stocks.
The Lewiston National bank has
brought suit against the big Idaho |
Mining and Development company to
collect $1.903.65, clairded to be due j
for borrowed money.
Ham and bacon at the Boss market
at 12V4 cents per pound. Lard in five
and ten-pound palla 11 cents. This
•tock is of our own manufacture and
ia the best the market affords. * tf 1
E. A. Cox has removed his law office ;
from the Vollmer building to the office J
Just vacated by Dr. J. B. Morris in
the Lewiston National bank building.
Dr. Morris has removed to a suite of j
offices on the second floor of the new
Welsgerber building.
By request of the people of Asotin
the bahd concert and dnnee by. the
Lewiston Military band will be given j
Wednesday night instead of Friday
night as previously announced. The j
steamer Mountain Gem will leave
Lewiston dock for Asotin promptly at
7 o'clock. Everyone is welcome.
The clerks of the city have accepted
the challenge of the cigar makers and
butchers to play a match game of base
ball in this city. The game will be play
ed a week from Sunday and both
teams are preparing for the test. An
nouncement of the line-up will be
made in the next issue of this paper.
Mrs. J. K. Riordan died at 1 her home
in Spokane last Thursday of Bright's
disease. The deceased was a daughter '
of Rev. Henry Brown, formerly Meth
odist minister at this place and is
well known to many friends in the city.
The body was taken to Walla Walla
for interment at which point her fa- I
filer is now located. i
The parliamentary club met rester- J
day at the home of Mrs. Needham, j
The principal business of the session
was the election of delegates to the.
district federation which meets in
Moscow in May. Mrs. Needham and
Mrs. CllfTord Riggs were chosen as
delegates and Mrs. Stacy and Mrs.
Sehuldt as alternates.
The Lewiston Military band last
Saturday night grave one of its de
lightful open air concerts which was
greatly enjoyed by the residents of
Lewiston. The evening was pleasant
and a large crowd was present. The
band intend to give weekly open air
concerts in the future.
Fannie Havernick has been selected
for first honors in the senior class of
fbe high school and will deliver the
valedictory at the commencement ex
ercises May 19. Ora Howard has been
given second honors and will be the
"aiutatnriaie- The contest for second
nlace between Mists Howard and Lou
iaeMorrison was very close.
Captain K. A. Hicks and wife, of
Lewiston, visited the. early days of
the week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Love
of this city, says the Moscow
Mirror. These f. mi lies were for 'Id
years neighbors in Grant City. Mo.
^Ptain Hicks and wife were also
Pleased to meet many more of the
'"""'-u io meet many more or rn**
»rant City colony now residents of
F' Ovaid. of Portage. Ohio, has
Petitioned Judge Lukens, of the pro
eourt. to have Attorney Taylor
e"t. of Kendrick, appointed :id
'"Inistmtor of the tstate of Fred Ov
4I<1 ' who died at South wick, this state.
?? March 23 last, says the Moscow
TTOr - The petitioner is the only
R tv
"on and only heir. Property is an
SO acre farm in Nez Perce county,
some lots in Lewiston, and a lot of
mining shares—say about 135,000—in
the Gold Syndicate and the Jerrico
U H Kennedy, many years chief
engineer of the O R.* NT., has re
signed because of failing health, and
G. W. Boschke, assistant engineer of
the Southern Pacific, succeeds him.
years ago and is one of the foremost
civil engineers of the northwest. He
is ill at the home of his sister in
Pittsburg, where he has geen confined
many months.
of the present month with a view to
I promote the dairy and creamery in
r»r. Frank Nourse, cousin of Dr. R.
I*. Nourse. is here from Lewiston,, says
j the Boise Statesman. He settled in
the latter city recently, having come
from Indiana. Some months ago the
* V ' 8it !° COUSi "
T'* ™* 7 T *" Ind ' ana looke<1
1 \ t ™ returneA a "<*
! he determined to pack up and come
j to t j,is state
: A meeting will be held at Weippe
s time between the 10th and 15th
i - ...
i teresta of that section. Professor
i?eon„i, « ., __
! French, of the University of Idaho,
, , ,. ,, : '
an<i A Arthur Hanson, of the Lewis
I ton o eanier y pompany, will be pres
ent and address the assembly, says
the Pierce City Miner, The definite
date of holding the meeting will be
I announced in a few days
s D. Taylor, editor and proprietor
of the Herald left Sunday for the
Clearwater country, where he is se
Iecting Iand for thefstate from the
: public domain, says the Bonner's Ferry
Herald. Governor Gooding recently
appointed Mr. Taylor as state land so
lector, for the state of Idaho, which
position will be quite a long one, as
' the sthte has made very few selections
: in these northern parts. Mr. Taylor
is at present near white Bird. Idaho
j county.
Captain Harry C. Baughman, mas
ter of the government dredge boat
| Wallola, which has been tied up here
awaiting funds for operation, haR re
j signed his position and accepted a
position as captain on one of the
steamers belonging to the White Pass
& Yukon line running on the Yukon
river in Alaska. Captitln Baughman
has had cosiderable experience in
1 Alaskan w aters having been employ -
; ei * h >' the company in a similar ca
J pacity before.
J. E. Hood, superintendent of
Great Northern, and J. M. McClel
j purchasing agent for the Great North
ern Steamship company, were here
from Seattle during the past week
proving up on their timber claims.
These gentlemen were located by F.
j B. Reed last fall on fine quarter see
tions of timber lands in the Fierce
j country. Mr. Hood is greatly pleased
with the. appearance of Lewiston as
a city and is confident that the future
will work wonders here.
. - . __ T u.*.
' COUft PflSSCd SCfltCflCC 011 lilTCC
I _.
J I- 1 »he district court this morning
j Judge E. C. Steele passed sentence on
three convicted men who are now con
fined in the county Jall*^
Convicted Men This
received a sentence of six, years. Lem
Tuey was sentenced to one year and
three months and V» m. Rowland re
ceived a sentence of one year and six
months. "Ruhe" Robbins, traveling
guard at the Idaho penitentiary, is in
the city from Boise and will probably
I leave tomorrow with the prisoners,
i The Jury in the case of A. V. Mc
! Ca. thy vs. the Northern Pacific rail
i vva y las* evening brought in a verdict
for ,ll,J defendant. The < ase i
! w here the plaintiff allege
a number of hogs near Ellensburg.
Wash., while shipping stock from this
country to the Bound. McFarland &
McFarland appeared as attorneys for
plaintiff and defendant was represent
ed by Attorney J. K. Babb.
There is a day or two of Jury trials
after which the time of the court will
be taken up for ten days hearing court
matters. Court will convene again here
June 6.
Special rates to the National Con- j
vention Woodmen of the World and
Women of Woodcraft. Los Angeles,
Cal. Apr,I 13. 1905 Lew.ston to Los
Angele, and return. $48.80. Date, of
j sa j e April 11. 12 and 13. return limit
inth. For further particulars call
June 10th. _
.. p y u mount, g. a.. o
on or write. C. W.
R. A N.. Lewiston, Idaho. 3-28 4-18
Spring Plowing Done
If you want your lots plowed and
harrowed in good shape call on Jake
Sharroh. Phone 2294; residence 712^0
o o
I. J. Taylor, of Orofino, is in the city.
W. Wellman, of Orofino, is in the
J. S. McDonald, of Ilo, is in the city,
the city.
O. Slate, of Colfax, Is visiting In
the city.
Inspector S. F. O'Fallon is in Boise
on business.
Dr. F. P. Nourse has returned from
a trip to Boise.
Starr J. Maxwell, of Lapwai, is a
visitor in the city.
W. H. Hill has returned from a bus
iness trip to Spokane.
C. W. Mount was In Kendrick on
business last Saturday.
W. F. Kettenbach has gone to Port
land on a business trip.
Mrs. C. M. Arant. of Spokane, is in
the city visiting relatives.
A. W. Kroutinger was a business
visitor at Asotin last week.
Mrs. E. Johnson, of Kamiah, was
visiting here last Saturday.
Dr. F. L. Hinkley has returned from
a professional trip to Spokane.
Representative Len Magill was in
the city Saturday from Peck.
J. Moritz, a business man of Oro
fino. was in the city yesterday.
J. D. McGary and Mrs. McGary, of
Moscow, visited here Saturday.
W. J. Jordan has returned from a
short business trip to Spokane.
Joe Alexander Jr., was, in the in
the city from Jullaetta Sunday.
Congressman B. L. French aAd Miss
French have returned to Moscow.
Indian Agent F. Glenn Mattoon was
in the city yesterday from Lapwa'.
Captain J. G. Wright, of Culdesac,
is transacting business In the city.
Fred S. Beckwith, of Kendrick, was
doing business in the city Saturday.
Colonel Allen Miller, state immigra
tion commissioner, is here from Boise.
Mrs. D. J. McGllvery has returned
from a visit with friends in Asotin.
J. H. Schildt spent Saturday and
Sunday at Lenore visiting relatives.
Chas. Leeper has returned from a
trip to Twin Falls where he acquired
John Green, the well known attor
ney of Culdesac. is in the city on bus
Mrs. George H. Rummens and Miss
Steen, of Asotin, were in the city Sat
Commissioners S. Hollenbeck. J. C.
Profitt und George C. Watson are in
the city.
A. E. Eitzen, of Nezperce, was In
the city last Friday and Saturday on
business. M
Stanley E. Hodgin. the well known
Whltebird merchant, is in the city on
Miss Cora Coburn spent Sunday at
Asotin the guest of Mrs. George H.
Judge M. M. Godmnn. of Dayton,
was here Sunday en route to Asotin
to attend court.
J. O. Vnssar and Mrs. Vassar are in
the city from Pomeroy visiting their
son, C. J. Vassar.
Henry Wax and Mrs. Wax arrived
here yesterday from Orangeville en
route to California.
T. B. Saltbnber. of Nampa, has ar
rived in the city and will be employed
at the H. * K. cigar facotry.
Fen Batty and Mrs. Batty, of
Orangeville, were in the city yesterday
and left this morning for Los Angeles.
A. F. Pardee and Mrs, Pardee, of
Orangeville. arrived here yesterday
and left this morning for Los Angeles.
Conductor W. F. Smith, of the Clear
water run, is on a vacation at Spokane
and is being relieved by George Phil
F. E. Miller, of Spokane, represent
ing the wholesale paper firm of Gray
Ewdng A Co., was in the city yester
O. L. Latimer and Mrs. Intimer
went to Orofino Saturday to visit with
Mrs. Joe Payne, Mrs. Ijitimer's sister.
Mr. Latimer returned to the city yes
O. E. Guernsey and Mrs. Guernsey
have gone to* Dubuque, Iowa, where
they will remain for a time. Mr.
Guernsey is senior member of the firm
of Guernsey & Newton.
Mr. G. M. Stiles, of Salmon City, has
moved to the city with his family. Mr.
Stiles was formerly employed in the
George L. Shoup merchandise store at
Salmon City and has accepted a posi
tion with the Kjos store.
Mrs. B. F. Sears Still in Spokane Hos
. . pital but Improving. ..I
Geore A. Lovejoy, the Elk who con
tributed nearly two square feet of his
epidermis to be grafted onto :he body
of Mrs. B. F. Sears at St. Luke's ho«-,
pital March 25. was released from the;
hospital yesterday morning as practl- 1
«■ally recovered from the operation,
says the Spokesman-Review. Others j
who donated cuticle for the same pur- j
pose were F. R. Sears and H. P.
Knight, of Wallace. Idaho, husband
and brother, respectively, of Mrs.
Sears. Mr. Sears and Mr. Knight were
discharged from the hospital several
days ago, as they both gave up only
about one half as much skin as did
Mr. Isivejov, and the recovery was in
consequence much more rapid.
The Operation, which was perform
ed by Dr. C. P. Thomas was more suc
cessful than the surgeon expected.
Every portion of the skin grafted onto
the woman's body adhered and has
grown fast, and in consequence she is
greatly improved and suffers compara
tively little pain. The skin was burned
off her body from the small of the
back to the feet, through a fire in her
home at Lewiston, Idaho. All of the
surface of her limbs has been cover
ed by grafting, and by another opera
tion it is intended to repface all the
skin burned off her hips and back. This
operation will be performed upon the
return of Dr. Thomas from his trip
east, which is expected about the lat
ter part of the present month. In all
something like three square feet of
epidermis will have been grafted when
the second operation is completed.
Lighter Side of Life at the Nation's
Washington, April 10.—E^-Senator
Billy Mason had a guest in the sen
ate restaurant for luncheon, and that
afternoon Senator Dubois, of Idaho,
met Mason and accosted him with:
"Who waB that friend of yours from
Chicago at lunch with you?"
"He was not from Chicago," an
swered Mason. "That is a man from
St. Paul. What made you think he
was from Chicago?"
"I saw him eating his soup, and
heard him clear across the restaurant,"
answered Dubois.
Speaking of Dubois reminds the
writer of the last election of that
statemafi to the senate In 1900, soon
after which election he came to Wash
ington to select a residence, nnd the
narrator met him in the capitol with
this greeting:
"Say, Fred, you told me you were
never coming buck to congress either
to the house or the senate. How came
you to change your mind?"
"Well, we've been having some hard
times out west, and I struggled un
successfully, and finally told my wife
that I would have to go Into politics
again. She objected, actuajly for
bade it, until I told her I must take
her to Washington with me as the
wife of a senator, or take her with
me to the poor house as the wife of
a pauper, and then she srfld that, as
between the senate and the poor house
she would prefer the senate because
it was a little more respectable. And
so I went after the Job and got It."
It Will Be Select and Will Be Nicely
Housed in Portland,
Boise, April 10—The educational ex
hibit of this state at the Portland ex
position will rival that of any western
state. In deed, It Is doubtful if any
eastern state could show a higher class
of work.
The Idaho exhibit will be nicely
housed. A special section has been
reserved for it which wilt have an
elaborate facade supported by six
columns, into which transparencies of
school scenes will beplaced, and sur
mounted by a globe bearing the word
"Idaho." Below will be the Inscription
"Our Schools." and the following mot
to will extend the entire width of the
main front panel: "From one example
judge of the rest."
Several of the transparencies have
already been received by MIsh Scott,
state school superintendent.
Exhibits have been received recently
from the Pocatello academy and pub
lic schools of Ammon, Bingham coun
ty; Caldwell, and Idaho Falls. The
Ammon exhibit includes some very
fine raffia work.
If You Need
Get the Best
Lewiston Furniture and Under
taking Company
J. C. Harding Dessie E. Harding
Funeral Directors and
Day Phone 821
Night Phone 823
The Lewiston National Bank
Ctnwr d Main m4 FmHIi Sts
C. C BwhwH, J. Alexander, j. D. Morris. W. P. R Ut lliAs d l, R. C.
Oeergt N. Kester. Gran Pfafffin Ksttenb*ch|
"Sight Exchange raid on a I the principal cities at the United Mata* and
California Wine House
Tha plaça to gat your winea and liquora for family or ntodioiMl «Mb
Coll and examina our goede and prioee before buying el ae who re. Oeode MB*«
erred to any part of the eity. 'Rhone SI
1 Savinas soften
! the Pillow
There is better sleep by night ,and better
cheer by day in the family whose head
has a savings account. We receive sav
ings deposits. We assure saving people
a pleasant reception and pay them inter
est on every cent.
Idaho Trust Go
i»e*«*i»«»»*a >ase
CFO H I AKF f ewclry * Watches, Silver
VKLrVfa 11* LilllL ware. Engraving and
316 MAIN STREET Repairing
Railroad Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silver
wear, Clocks and Art Goods.
Full Line of N.P. R. R.
Haviland China. Watch Inspector
^P^Phone 300$, Lewiston, Idaho
Fishing Tackle
we sell was selected
by an experienced
angler. It
Gets the Fish
Ours is the only place that can han
dle Spaulding Bros, sportirg goods in
Surety Bonds
Lewiston-Clarkston Co.
(Succeeding Lewiston Water and Power Co.)
Clarkston, Wash.
Lewiston, Idaho ;
Water-elertric power, all purposes
Electric Lights in Seven Towns
Manufacturing Sites
Lewiston-Clarkston Bridge
Clarkston Water Wort»
Irrigated Fruit Lands
Residence and Business Sites

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