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< AT THE SIGX OP THE BIG GLOGK" 44 The Wallace-Griffin JEWELRY STORE For fifteen years we have been trying to please you. Come in and see the store and see if we have succeeded. The larg gest stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware in Northern Idaho. WE BUY GHEAPER-WE SELL CHEAPER APPLE PRICES GOOD IS EXPERT'S PREDICTION SPOKANE, Oct. 12.—Apple grow ers In California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Colorado and other western states need have no fears that first class orchard products will go begging this season, according to E. H. Favor, associate editor of the Fruit-Grower of St, Joseph, Mo., who says In a communication to the man agement of the fourth National Apple show In Spokane that it is now ap parent the crop of the United States will not exceed that of last year, ; when it is estimated the yield amount ed to 24,000,000 barrels. Continuing, Mr. Favor says in part: "Those who have a crop of apples, especially if they are free from blem ishes and worms, need have no fear that they cannot be disposed of, no matter what the fruit buyer may say just now. "It is always the buyers purpose to pronounce the crop the largest and finest ever known. It helps beat down the price. GREEN CAPS DECREED^ STUDENTS MAKE LAWS The assembly at the state universi ty yesterday was student assembly, and among the things done were the adoption of a set of rules to be ob served by the students of the univer sity. After October 16 all freshmen boys at the university will appear with little green caps—tnat is if they do not want to meet with the chastise The ment of the upper classmen, rules adopted are as follows: 1. Every male student of the uni versity shall raise his hat to the President, or if in uniform shall sa lute. 2. All male students of the univer sity shall stand with uncovered heads during the singing of "Alma Mater Idaho." 3. All freshmen shall wear green caps with a pearl button after October 15. 4. The painting of class numerals shall be limited to the freshman year. SEEKING SLEEP HE FINDS DEATH KANSAS CITY, Oct. 12.—Harry Sut .ton, 34 years old, native Chester, England, In search of a place to sleep last night, entered a frame building containing about three tons of loose black powder at the Excelsior Powder mill at Holmes Park, just outside Kansas City. Ignorant of his danger, he struck a match and an in stant later the powder exploded and the building was transformed into a mass of flames. Sutton rushed screaming from tho building, his clothing on fire, and died a few minutes later. of Man RIBBON HIDES VICTIM. Hair-Bow Causes Death of Chicago Woman Under Electric Auto. hair CHICAGO, Oct. 12.—A girl's ribbon was responsible for the death of Mrs. William Kirkton of Evanston, who was run down Monday by an electric runabout driven by Miss Ger trude Morley. At the Inquest Miss Morley testified that she did not see Mrs. Kirkton at all until after the woman was run over, and that her vision was cut off by a large hair ribbon worn by a girl friend who sat directly in front of her. The jury found that Mrs. Klrkton's death was accidentlal. Main Street Is Pared. Colfax Commoner: When this issue of the Commoner reaches Its readers the paving on Main street will be re "In some localities, (eastern), un sprayed fruit has in some manner escaped serious damage by Insects and is fairly good, but as a whole the worms have consumed the bulk of un sprayed apples so that they will be unfit for storage. "The bulk of the space in eastern storage houses has not been contract ed for, and very few apples have gone into storage yet. The amount of storage space still available is a good indication of the amount of fruit that will be harvested, and It will certainly pay a good profit to hold all apples that are In any way of good quality." Heads of commission houses in eastern and middle western cities have been sending out statements during the last 60 days, urging the growers to sell their apples. Intimating that the crop of 1911 would be the largest In 15 years; but reports to the Fruit-Grower show that the crop will not even equal the 1910 yield. 5. Derby hats shall be strictly for bidden to underclassmen on the campus. 6. No Idaho student shall be allow ed to smoke on the campus. 7. Freshmen shall not wear dress suits at any college function. 8. No high school caps, sweaters, or pins shall be worn on the campus. 9. The privilege of going bear headed on the campus shall be limited to upper classmen. 10. No one shall enter the assem bly more than five minutes late. 11. The seating order at assemblies shall be as follows: first two rows for faculty; on left, back of faculty, shall be seated the seniors; on the right, back of the faculty, shall be seated the juniors; immediately behind the seniors shall be the sophomores; be hind the juniors shall be located the freshmen. 12. No college student shall cut across the campus when a walk runs parallel to the course he is taking. ceiving It finishing touches and by Saturday evening it will be completed. The crew will then go to Mill street and the cross street, which will be ready for the big steam roller and the surfacing crew oy the time Main street is finished. Everyone who has seen Main street pronounce it the best paved street in the Inland Empire. The work has been well and rapidly done. No time has been lost and the contractors have worked it so that there has been little inconvenience. A portion of the street was paved at a time so that traffic was not stopped. When Mill street and the cross streets are paved Colfax will have the best streets of any town of its size in the west and will have taken a long step forward in advance of all towns in its class, if there be any. SIX HOURS WED =KILLS HIMSELF SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Oct. 12.— Scarcely six hours after he had mar ried Miss Gladys Caruthers, Second Lieutenant John R. Lynch, Third Uni ted States Cavalry, killed himself at Fort Sam Houston today. The mar riage was performed at 11 a. m. No cause for the suicide has been determined. It is thought that Lieu tenant Lynch's father and sister live In Los Angeles. Dodged the Ruins. Mr. Cleverton —You saw some old ruins in England. I suppose? Miss Struckett Rich—Yes, and one of them wanted to marry me.—Princeton Tiger. GOES TO FRISON ALONE SINCE GUARD WAS SLOW COLFAX, Wn„ Oct. 12.—What is be lieved to be the first case on record of a man buying his own railroad ticket and going to the penitentiary with his own commitment In his pocket and asking to be taken in to serve a term in that institution, occurred at Colfax, when Eugene Ray of Lewiston Junc HOBO PHYSICIAN RICH Falls Heir to English Estate While Working In Yakima Hay Fields. NORTH YAKIMA, Wn„ Oct. 12.— Alfred Ernest Bartman, a practicing physician of Calchester, England, who has been "hoboing through the western part of the United States and Canada and through Japan and China for the last five years, with the intention of returning to England to write a book about his experiences, has received word that he is heir to a fortune of $15,000 and will immediately return to the mother country to establish his right to the inheritance. Bertram has recently been engaged In the hay fields on the reservation and will spend the time until his departure for England sorting potatoes in a local warehouse. STATE LAND SALE. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, October 16, 1911, the following described tracts of land belonging to the State of Idaho and situated in Latah County, will be offered for sale at public auction at the Court House at Moscow, Latah County, Idaho at 10 A. M. of said day, to-wit: Description. Lot 4 (60.61A) SWX NWX NWX SWX SWX SWX Lot 1 (59.92) Lot 2 (58.88) SWX NEX SEX NEX Lot 3 (57.84) Lot 4 (56.80) SWX NWX SEX NWX NEX SWX NWX SWX SWX SWX SEX SWX NEX SEX Price. $10.00 Tvrp. Rge. 38N, IE. Sec. T. S. 19. Ex. '22 3 4 NWX SEX SWX SEX SEX SEX Lot 1 (55.63) Lot 2 (54.29) swx nex SEX NEX Lot 3 (52.95) Lot 4 (51.61) SWX NWX SEX NWX NEX SWX NWX SWX SWX SWX SEX SWX NEX SEX NWX SEX SWX SEX SEX SEX Lot I (49.63A) Lot 2 (46.96A) SWX nex SEX NEX Lot 3 (44.29A) Lot 4 (51.79A) Lot S (49.68A) SEX NWX NEX SWX Lot 6 (49.50A) Lot 7 (49.32A) SEX SWX NEX SEX NWX SEX SWX SEX SEX 5 6 NEX NEX NWX NEX SWX NEX SEX NEX nex NWX Lot 1 (48.97A) Lot 2 (48.27A) SEX NWX NEX SWX Lot 3 (47.63A) Lot 4 (46.99A) SEX SWX NEX SEX NWX SEX SWX SEX SEX SEX NEX NEX NWX NEX SWX NEX SEX NEX NEX NWX NWX NWX SWX NWX SEX NWX NEX SWX NWX SWX SWX SWX NWX SEX NEX NEX NWX NEX SWX nex SEX nex NEX NWX NWX NWX SWX NWX SEX NWX NEX SWX NWX SWX 7 12.00 8 10.00 12.00 10.00 9 SEX SWX NEX SEX NWX SEX SWX SEX SEX SEX NWX NWX SWX NWX NWX SWX SWX swx NWX NWX SWX NWX NWX SWX SWX SWX NEX NEX NWX NEX swx nex SEX NEX SWX NWX SEX NWX NEX SWX NWX SWX SWX SWX SEX SWX 10 IS 17 i tlon, left Colfax, for Walla Walla with a commitment of from six months to 16 years for receiving stolen prop erty. Ray was convicted of receiving stolen wheat at Lewiston Junction. Rather than wait for a guard to come after him, he bought his own ticket for Walla Walla this morning. TAKES BETS ON ANY OLD THING LONDON, Oct. 12.—Llyods Is betting five to one that the Dubar will take place and tens of thousands of pounds are being handled dally. Lloyds bet that there will be no mishap to the British royal family, no outbreak of cholera or plague, no change In the political situation or any other even sufficiently serious to warrant a change in the plans of the royal fam lly. Here is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long experi ence, viz., Mrs. P. H Brogan of Wil son, Pa., who says, "I know from ex perience that Chamberlain's Cough Description. NEX SEX NWX SEX SWA SEX SEX SEA NE A NEX NWX NE A SWX NE 54 SEA NE A nex nwx Lot 1 (46.22) Lot 2 (4S.30A) SEX NWX NE A* SW A Lot 3 (44.38) Lot 4 (43.46A) SEA SWA NE A SEA NW A SEX SWX SEA SEX SEX NWX NWA SWA NWA NWA SWA SWA SWA NEA NEA Sec. T. S. 19. Ex. '22 17 Twp. Rge. 38N. IE. Price. $10.00 T. S. 15. Ex. '22 IS 39N. IE. 10.00 20 NWA NEA SWA NEA SEA NEA NE A SE A, NWA SEA SWA SE A SEA SEA NEA NE A NWA NEA SWA NEA SEA NE A NEA NWA NWA NWA SWA NWA SEA NWA NE A SWA NWA SWA SWA SWA SEA SWA NEA SEA NWA SEA SWA SEA SEA SEA NWA NWA SWA NWA NWA SWA SWA SWA NE A NEA NWA NEA SWA NE A SEA NEA NEA NWA NWA NWA SWA NWA SEA NW A NEA SWA NWA SWA SWA SWA SEA "swa NE a SEA NWA SE A SWX SEA SEA SEA NEA NE A NWA NEA SWA NEA SEA NEA NEA SEA NWA SEA SWA SEA SEA SEA NEA NEA NWA NEA SWA NE A SEA NEA NE A NWA Lot 1 (40.19A) Lot 2 (40.13A) SEA NWA NE A SWA Lot 3 (40.07A) Lot 4 (40.01A) SEX SWX NEX SEX NWX SEX SWX SEX SEX SEX NEX NEX NWX NEX SWX NEX SEX NEX NEX NWX SWX NWX SEX NWX NEX NEX NWX NEX SWX NEX SEX NEX NE X NWX NWX NWX SWX NWX SEX NWX Terms of sale are as follow per acre or less, one-tenth of the purchase price and first year's in terest on deferred payments, cash on day of sale; the balance in eighteen annual installments at six per cent interest. On all lands selling for more than $25.00 per acre, two-tenths of the purchase price and the first year's interest on deferred psyments, cash on day of sale, the balance in aixteen annual installments at six per cent interest. On all lands selling for $25.00 Land sold subject to the Timber Sale Certificate. By order of the State Board of Land Commiaaioneri. GEO. A. DAY, State Land Commissioner. First Pub. Sept. 7, Last Pub. Ost. 12. Remedy Is far superior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excels it." For sale by the Owl Drug Store. O <msb <o. § & u* m & *5 %/yrv^ rzzvypqwtm. lyCnyakji Jlalffona/, 'Zir\c Gtchmjjs.Cuff f, <Prtrrfin$J~luKy fronf Ptfotas & Drau)iq$jJur Soakjçtj, Profpecii, (Staloguej Slapj, Isvfterifeaf/jrJmÿajiriçf tMeabpapecf, ant ^ oUpurpose; PKone IXlain 6434 'cfpo/frn&JV<rJ(&£na*ftf£ Go Notice Deaths from kidney disease have reached nearly 90,000 a year. Com petent authorities declare it becomes Incurable about the sixth month. Call for free diet list and pamphlet that may prolong or save your life. Alward's Corner Drug Store. •PRIVATE TRAINING Means Confidence Training COMPELS Success. The man with a specialty knows that his services are in demand, and that there is always room for the trained man. Are you a specialist in your chosen line of work? If not, you can easily become one in your spare time through the help of the International Correspond ence Schools of Scranton, leaving home, work. No age limit, to buy. Every month upward of 300 students voluntarily report sal aries raised and positions bettered through I. C. S. help. Marking the attached coupon puts you to no expense or obliga tion but it chance to te succeed. No No giving up No books ives our experts a you how you can Send the Coupon TODAY. International Correspondence Schools * Box 888, Scranton, Pa. plain, without further pi on part, how I can qualify for the position, trade profession before which 1 have marked X. Automobile Running Poultry Farming Bookkeeper Stenographer Advertising Man Show-Card Writing Window Trimming Commercial Illustrât*? Industrial Designing Architectural Drafts. Chemist Civil Service Electrical Wlreman Electrical Engli..,»,. Mechanical Drafts. Mechanical Engii Telephone Expert Stationary Engine».. Textile Manufactur'g Civil Engineer Building Contractor Architect Concrete Construction Plumb., Steam Fitting Mine Foreman Mine Superintendent ♦ ♦ { Spanish French German Italian Languages ♦ ♦ Banking ♦ ♦ ♦ Name ♦ ♦ Street <3* No, ♦ ♦ ♦ City. State. ♦ SWAIN'S BACK ACHE AND KIDNEY PILLS For kidney and bladder troubles, sciatica, rheumatic pains, neuralgia, headache, weariness and sleeplessness, "that dragged down feeling." EXPEL THE POISON MAKE LIFE A JOY Acting directly on the kidneys these mild pills give almost instant relief because they not only act as a tonic but clean the kidney tissue of impuri ties and expel the poison from the system. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR SWAIN'S PILLS So marvelous and universal are the results obtained that these pills are fully guaranteed. Every druggist has them. In 50-cent boxes only. If not satisfactory—your money back. Don't delay — don't run the risk of Bright's Disease. Get Swain's Kidney and Back Ache Pills today. SWAIN MEDICINE CO., Inch Kansas City. Mo. Alias Summons. In the District Court, Second Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and f »r the County of Latah Dora Krewson, Plaintiff. vs. Stephen Krewson, Defendant. To Stephen Krewson, Defendant. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OP IDAHO SEND GREETING: You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the State of Ida ho, in and for the County of Latah, at Moscow, Idaho, the complaint of the above named plaintiff in an action brought against you, of the nature in general terms as follows: vorce on the ground of desertion al leging that on or about the 15th day of October, 1905, in Latah County, Ida ho, you deserted and abandoned the plaintiff and ever since said last nam ed date have continued to desert and abandon her and to live separate and apart from her without any sufficient cause or reason and against her will and without her consent. For di You are hereby directed to appear and answer to said complaint within twenty days after the service hereof, it served within this district, and with in forty days if served elsewhere (ex clusive of the day of service.) unless you so appear and answer, the plaintiff will appeal to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the State of Ida ho in and for the County of Latah, this 5th day of September, A. D. 1911. (SEAL) And HOMER E. ESTES, Clerk. By ADRIAN NELSON, Deputy. MORGAN & MORGAN. Residence Moscow, Idaho, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Sep7-Octl2