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LINCOLN COUNTY TIMES Pntilisliinl overt 'ITnirsiluy at Joronii*. Malm. MV lOtlilor mul l*rn|i*r !.. T. Al.KXANIlKit. $ 2.00 per year Subscription, Alfalfa seed at the Klevalor. If. S. Fra/or was a Shoshono visitor Tuesday. $1 Tnf-Xnt IJ loves at Aiimkthom.'s. Mrs. J. T. Krivanok. of Wendell, is visiting in Jemine this week. Call at The Kuoket for stone mill, pans, jugs, ehtirns, orooks, water founts, In an pots, mixing bowls and (lower pots. A little rain Tuesday morning «as of untold lienellt to early grain that has hoen sown. Paled hay at the Klovator. Messrs. Fullerton <V Hygurt, two htisl* line real estate men of t ioodine, «ore Jerome visitors last Friday. Onion Sots, The North Hide Warehouse <V Commission Co., Carlo I la/.olharth, who enleivd on a -to northeast of town, arrived last week and «ill proceed at once to prove up. (■anion seisls at the Klovator. (denn T. Massey, deputy Count) Treasurer, eame over from Shosliom* to s|H*nd Sunday with his parents. The Is'st ."S t cent work shirts at a position during AKMs-iKiiM.'s. Tin* weather |H*rmitting. the tors ex (set to linish the hriek v the new seliisil house this «iek. Ifumsey Harrington left for Wendell Tnesilay, where he In the summer. eoiitrae ork on Treat your grain and with Formaldehyde. Tin* Jerome Hrng I potatis-s Co. gnarrantie theirs to U- lull strength. Miss Hazel Ifohh. the genial and atluhle elerk at the Ifaeket st.ire. tilled to her h< »iek. Fnizer-Misire Co. have mi exhibition a jsirlahle alfalfa meal mill, also samples of the meal, and if ymi an* interesleil drop in and investigate them. Hr. Matthe« .1. Beislel lias otliees and residence in First National Bank build Hay or night calls pr**mpll) all Tel Tli. has Is . I rule >■ with illness the past : nitf. HWlTlsl. hr. J. K. S* hiiHTf'liall if* al I'. »ix- lliih \urk atti'iidin^ a nuiTiiitr «♦ M élirai i*xumiiu*r>. *»f uhi«*li In* if* iiu*n»Ur. Try **ur ladi***' I'k* li«»f*i*. f tli«* Slat«* ;( I nr. ii \» k kt. A *|*eeial train was run over the Malm Hm.lhen. last Friday, distributing tele-1 pis me (Miles for the new telephone line Is'ing ens tisl ls*twien here and < i.siding. The Is*st f-i.'si slua* in America, at Ahmst in im.'s. Il F, Barrett, proident of the First National Bank of Wendell, was in town a short lime Tnesilay, attending the meeting of the hoard of dire, tors of the ( anal I sers Wn IL I. Smith, a hmtln*r-in-luw «»I .î. II. Knfinaii. arriv«**! hu*l w«*«*k fmin St«an»s. Mont., with a car •»!' hIim W. and tanning uUiihilf*. in^ hi* thiiur* «»vit In»in then*. \V«» an* in tlu* market l«» I my a few He eame via Shoshone, hanl acreage tracts. Bl I!KIIKA II-i I KIS« Bcvt iv Co. Sn-rels The ciiinlition of Mrs. J. has ls*eiiuie such that it was thought ad visable to remove her to a hospital, and accordingly she was taken t** Boise Sun day. accompanied hy Hr. J. !•" Schtner shall. F. Messrs. A. L. Johnson of IVuveralid J. S. (irimesof Tulsa. Oklahoma, who an* conversant with irrigated «fiions, have I*een looking over the North Side tract this wit*k. with elimitiotis. II. J. Linke, tin* planing mill man. is just now busily engage*!, making head gall's. for w hich he has numerous orders, and it you are in the market for these articles lietter see what he has to oiler you. favorable in i' 1 ry Herbert Sein tent hal, of the Jerome Hrng Companywas called to Lincoln. Neh., yesterday, to the Ifdside of his father, win. is quite ill. The old gentle man is ('>".• years of age and his condition is considered quite serious. Bridge gangs are busily engaged creel branch ing the bridges on the O. S. 1 between here and Hillsdale, and expect to have them all completed hy the time the tract laying crew reaches hen* from the west. promised us hy July 1st. Huy a $1.771 Covert pant at Trains an* now positively AhmstiioNi.'s. Bev. J. II. Burton, of Boise. Idaho, will preach at the First Freshyleriun Church, morning and evening, Sunday, April ttfh. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all. He will also preach in the afternoon of the same day at Auger Falls church. M. K. K. Beatty, President of the B. Kelloggi'o,i of Three Hiver» Mich, arriv in town this week to superintend the preparation and planting of his acreage tract of 'Jl! acres, adjoining the town on the north. This company are exclusive growers of strawberry plants, hnt will experiment in nursery stock to a great II extent here at Jerome. It is the inten K tion of the company to supply their en tire northwestern trade from their Jerome branch. ' K any oui* doubts the advisability of •k al near where iIh> mi 1 «! «as wiwii un lia* top of tl i neb. -s ni Hiinw . ami in now «■'lining up 1 1 in ■!}. A lew si'll'fl farms sowing alfalfa curly, they should I. liulpli Moore's • 'XI » -ri ■ I ii-ii i a I Held tlii' stole and acreage I rai ls at a saerilii*!* if taken at onoo. tionlars, s For par ■ Hard« iek ,V ( 'ompany. I'., (i. (ialtss, ot the Ifaekel store, •hough kept pretty hnsy, linds time do a little larinim.* on the side, and has ■n put I i ii|* out ten this spring they ex|s*et to put ip t! in addition to the orehard. al to ■ • •I nn lia r l Tnfn*!li<*r with his trnunl. a<*n*s of I he hoard ot Trusties Tuesday evening to eauvass the I (allots east at the met elert ii in that day. business and allowing the regular month ly hills, the hoard adjourned until Fri day evening, April 7th., when the newly dieted Trustees will he inaugurated into olliee. After transacting this Athletic Flk Hide siloes, at All« STKoNI.'s. Mr. F. V. F.llington, win address hefon* the farmers iiislilule last ek. was a college student with Mr. K W. Ifiee, delivered an « III! here, and it is gentlemen talking nv entertained him while sale to say the young greatly enjoyed themselves college days. el* Buy your Formaldehyde of the Jerome Hnig'Co. The) guarranlis* theirs to Ik lull standard strength. II. H. Cisik and J. W. Walker were at yesterday attending a county of tin* Model'll Woodmen. They went as delegates from the Jerome Camp, and «hile the day was a very disagreeable one. they tool «ell repaid lor the trip. Shoshone ,.invention Hiawatha Nut and Lump t **al at the Lieval**r, Mr«. Alla T. Misin* eiiteriaiiusl a largi tiiimlier of lady friends yest, rda) aller uiug, llie hours heing from Cl to à. and Irom .'. to T F. M. It termed a ( l.ililielter party, and the ne« game «as pl;.)e.I with i on-i.ier.thle /.I «1 hy ali pré«, nt. Mm- I nur) «inning f. i—t prize. Hainty retreshments hi re m-i and tin- ladle« all repoii a lion « as i'd. -I elij* *) able lime. A dollar s worth ot prulei'iion tnay hi the means of putting > |m into |M«'kel alter tin* lire. Company tor ymir lire insni'aine. y«»iir S*«* 11 urdu iek iN ^ |*r«nniH**| to In* tjuiu* a lin pn \( niid laM Sm»«iay iiinriiitm !•> liimdj and a« liv«* work l»y llalnii Mimih* Will* and gatden Kd. I«*»yn<»l«lf*. with tin* aid ««f a liofM-. Stiiu* aroinnl a ham. n »viilly va**at«*d l»> Mr, Sh<*|ilar, , m . iu M1I1 „. , llv .„. r „„ K illl|y llin . a „. m "| , ll( . .|, v ,,|„.l [ | )arl , „j ; ; „lj, unit, g caught aimer, and imi that of Mr. I pdegralFs An alarm was turned in. hut ( the assistanie ot the. department «as imt requited. In Buy Yellowstone SjHiial Flour your merchant. Fver) sack giiar.nilied, Mr. F. F. Heilendort of »malm, win» Nvii a oi In-' I »r« *t Imt lin», and of whom mention «.is made last after a thorough investigation ot the North Side, could imt resi«l the tempta tion ottered, and aeeordingl) g* k *.« home jiossessisl ot a line -tit acres, one mile north and a mile west o| town, adjoin ing the Bi*ed pro|«-rty. Aimtliei spring will .«ie Mi. 1*. one ot um hustling lai eel;. mers. Have you wen that display of new spring suit.« at Armstrong's'.' J. C. Mi lstren. wife and two sms ar rivisl from Chicago Saturday and are he ilig fed and pro|«'ily cared for hy the former's daughter. Mrs. B. C. Sherman. Mr. Melsireii is llie owtier of a list two miles north <>f town, and while here will devote his time to putting mil !>t acres of orehard, U*sides a large nnmlK*r of hat he al l if eotirse we all shade Infs, in addition t** ready has set out. knmv Me. would enjoy being with us all the lime, hut then hi* are glad I" sis* his I'easioually. smiling l ounleiiaiii'i* Bifleaned sif.l Barle) sl.Tô |«*r hun dnsl. Noiitii Sun: \V vnriiot si: ,V Com. Co. Bev. Thomas Faekanl of Beadshoro' Vermont, who has come to he pastor of the Baptist churches of Jerome, Wen dell and Hooding, will preach next Sunday at the Baptist ■ Inin h of this place. Mr. Faekanl will endeavor to make his services both interesting and helpful. He has for many years made a s|«fial study of music and is an associate mendier of an Fnglish college of violin ists. The services next Sunday will he as at In a. in ; Sunday preaching service al II a. in.; C. at IB.'to p. in.; evening service at All an* cordially invited. foil* .« s : B. Y. F. tint' carload of stoneware is here, tie! yon want this week and next at a Tnt: B v. ki t. J. C. Faucher has associated himself with the Jerome Hardware Co., and is already in the harness, and hard at work becoming familiar with his new vocation. Since the departure of his brother, (ierhoth lias had more to look after than he could eonvienlly attend to. and his friends feel he has made no mistake in ussiH'iating himself with Mr. Faucher. The latter gentleman has l«*en among ns only a short time as manager of the Ostrander l.ninlier Yard, hill being p.*s sensed of pleasing manners and business ability, lie has made many friends who will lx* pleased at his determination to lM*eome u permanent resident of Jerome. Success to the new linn. special price. Mr. The "hubby's" Banqueted. Tlir ladies composing a aorii'ty known as till IV K. <)., f whatever that is) have sot an example that other snrii'ly ladies «ill liuvi* t<> follow if they «ant to ktep their "linldiy's" from gelling "grouchy." Wo have roforonoo to 1 1 it* huiiipiot tho I . m • .a tin- uliove «H'ioty ira vo i" iloii linsliamls on Momlay evening. Tho •inred at tho North Siilo Inn, plates Is-ing laid for III oonplos, ami a siini) tiin:s onnrso iliinior was served, wliioh «as followoil hy toasts, Mrs. <i, Heed, who is president of tho society, oltieialing astoasl inistn*ss in a vory affa hl>* manner. After tho ooinpaliy had foast od and lalkod to their heart» rontont an adjonriieinonl «as lakon to tho homo of Mrs. .). M. Munnoii, when* tho fun roal ly oonniionood, and Homo time was s|s'til initiating the men into an atixilliary or gani/ation whieh was ohristonisl 15. I. L. I whatever that is I and w o have found none of tin* gentlemen as yet who oan interpret it. Of outline tho Isiys an' all mum as to tho proceedings, and none of Ihoni oan* to relate their ex|jerieiiei> at "riding tin* goat," hnt they are all loud in their praise of the royal manner in w liioh they won* entertained. Mrs. Munnoii favored tin* oompany with sev eral piano solis'tions, and withal, tho m'rasion was one of mnoh enjoyment and ■momhero.l hy all «hose fortnne it was to Is* present. Wanted. Position hy oxjiorionood, willing or eliurdist and ranohman from Yakima Valley. Steady work preferred. State «.U s, Address (>. oan* TlMl>. event K. W ill long he Notice. April II, 1011 . Any help that the citizens of Jerome can givi . in priming the tries in their dilleii ni I alllie.*, «ill he appreciated hy the hoard 'll trusties. .1. II JosKfltsOX, f hainiiaii. Married at Shoshone. Hr. .1, I S hinersliall siip| m-H quietly mu of lown last week, ostensibly to at « n i a meeting *u (lie stale hoard o) leiiieal L.vaiiiiiiiT« at I'uiisi . Now. we tie- hoard plaeiTiiday are ii.*t aeetlsmg tin- Hr. ot any disep tioii in llie matter, hut the secret Is out allil his e 1 >]ki|i meeting was "il'iwed h) a uiui ii more| ini|K>rtant en nl win» h taki at >hiisholie, where he lia*ls to the altar, iis- \ glu-s Miller, a l imier .li nune y.iung lady. Wlnie this may' eoine us Hr. 's friends lu re, as however. wise ehoiee. I tit telephone op ; no <nrj»ri.'e I » tin i ha . th.-v. it. fin iniM • 1 « (iiuratiil.ito Iiim n„. W.I.- tl,. I, ... j, n , , tor ot two upwaros resideme here h «ill Ik The eon dining hot made man) warm irletids «h pleasi.l I*, weleolue her hack, pie «ill lake a snort wedding trip, and j «111 probably* ret int some time next «is k. and «ill l*e at home in tin- Kri-' vunek resideun*. a tew IliiH'ks llolth of j the laud ollii e. Tut:« joins with ] !- m h .nt) I .iigratnlationsuud Us! i m!i ; L ' islies. : i j For Sale. Tin* (torman htiilding. opposite the Nurlli Side Inn. at (irsl cost. A g.K»l tnvestmetit. A. nagi trai l No. 71 it, «ell improved. k| growing orehard, at less than com pany price, improvements considered. A good residenee, facing the park, at lirsl eilst, st riel ly modern. The above properties an* gissl buys and I want to sell. J. ( ioitw vx, Jerome. Ida. The Flection. oil' very quietly and |«*aeeuhly on Tuesday, no blood slusl or strife marking the event in any way. Then* was only tin* one ticket in the field, and aeeordingl)' little interest was shown, as the gentlemen eom|iosing the ticket were all eunsiden«! ivpresentative and Fleet ii ill passed j progressive citizens. It to votes east as lollows; There was an even i|.. . lialph M'kiiv. i. i ialtss. B. L. Felice. Jr.. J. o. Adambm, Frank A. Busse. Several scattering volt's were also east. The newly elected Trustees will meet Friday evening of this vvifk and |K*rf*s t an organization, and elect a elerk and town marshal. K. <17 7;i 71 Fggs For Sale. I have some choice thoroughbred White Wyandotte eggs for sale at |K*t setting. II. !.. Morris of lh<* linn of Morris A teirvin. who vvitli a four horse team was taking a load of supplies to Wilson Utke, stopped enronte ami pitched camp for) the night. The next morning it was found li tt one of his horses had gotten ■ during the night, and though dili gent search was made for the animal no trace of it could he found until Tuesday, when one of the ditch riders tor the Water Company found the animal lay ing dead l«*si.le one of the laterals, with no apparent cause for the demise. As the horse was one of the littest owned hy llie hoys, the loss tails quite heavily up on them, especially at this season of the year. s I. No I ). /. Bl KKIIK VO. le Christian Science Services. Services held every Sunday morning at 1U:46 Main street. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Ii ::io to 4:30 o'clock. Hale's Hall. at on Beading room open BUj Fr.RI). Saturday livening, April K, From S to A I h*im*Iîi supper, of tin- I toy a I of !«• holil in tin* Alton building on Main street, opposite Herhoth's hardware store, on Saturday evening ot this wn-k Tie* malo iiioiiiImts of this l.slge ami their gentlemen friomls w ill Is- waiters, Ihnn Viviiniis Juennde Justiqiie vivi What do yon think of that, you luetic hro«i*d slantheads? Words like thoso and Horse loap l" tho front when tho linyal (iorge of tin 1'oyal NT■ i^1 1 1•*<r.- is to Is' di'SiTilxsi. This is to ho pm on at tin* Alton building Sat unlay niyflit from 6 to H. ies and nu*ro homos «ill be that oi iasion, and why not, when they are going to have a Nipponese fete, Indian orohostru, a Tyrolean siagerlitm.l. j a Dttteli l.nm h (expurgated ). a From-h ■ menu and a Havana .igar list and |s r haps some Irish «aitors in Now Kngland kimonos? And, talk ahoitt spreading olass, this menu is our idea of somethin*,; toni|s*rmonlal in food : M O'clock. ii h« I« * r tin* aiiH|»ir< Aiiii*ri<*a. will liiil>. Deal lieaner lesi-rted in. alt MI.M . .si..n|s*s Aux Huîtres Alois (I rille Mulligan and sustemenee amputated Wormselly and l at Bmief Xante a la t ashen ( iigot He Mi niton Bouille Sauce An\ < 'apres ■lamhoti Braisi* An Maden* Honey and Sardines w ith Sage Tick Imeks Beindeer, Snow deer. Hear Me, Heurkyd and Stlltled Mule hoofs Fried laingnid l.iver. Carter's Liver Fills Kpinards Aux (teufe Fis hes ( "armies Nouvi*lli*s Saul«*»* lîiiern* < 'hampiguoiis a la i Biitumi-s de Terre Fetis Fois with strained rahhiteyehrows U< Ki lts, .up Sage Brush Fxtraei t • yon «ater spikeless Nearlser The following will serve: mer. Judge .Martin. Toney timid, Hr. Fhilli|is, F'leteher Belding, Bill Bundolph. Hammond, Aslietifelters. L'llerrisson. Balpl) Misin*. Fmf. liiee, Charley Mas-j sey. Bill Hnyetie <iittidehinger, J. M. j Hale. K. (I. t iaiiss. Fyle, Zahn, Thomas, Bailey. Melntire. j Fetors. Uverlierg. Linke, Is'May. Jim mie Beams. Are Joiinsmi. t has. Fal Cnilehtield, t; ( si. Kissling. Vie Skadden. J.k* Bell, Billy (t'Brien. Norman C.K.k. Jack ; <iyjie and Abysmal Ike. Adult». I IT' ■ ; Children, 2*V. Hon't forgi*t day and date. r.Lik. • . I il« *• »in , F.asler Opening. Mrs. Maxwell ante I •M'eningof Millinery. Thun«lay, Frida) a,1, l Saturday. Apr. Il, 7 and sth. times lier Faster Hr. M. Collins, of Oxford, Kalis., has Rooms for Rent. Nicely furnished nottis with hath and use of telephone. F.nqttire at the Shore residence. Flumes, t en among tts tins week, gns*ling old friends and meeting new ones. The Hr. owns a very desireahle quarter section, J mile« west of town, and is putting In FJ'* acres of allaita this spring. As he ex presses it. while some may think he is taking desperate chaînes, he fiels that he is pursuing tin* right course. As have said before there is no we î la tiger ot raising nmeh alfalfa on the North side, and if any one is credulous regard ing it let them get the opinion of some of the largi- sheep owners in litis section. Fjtgs for Sale. Fun* White 1-eghornVggs for hatching. SI. .«( |«*r hi or so.i«t )s*r hundred. ( '. B. K vv, Jerome. Your spring suit is now ready at A RMSTRoM.'s, Mr. W. 11. O'Brien assumed the man agement of the Ostrander Limits*!' Co. yards at this place the lirst of the month. Mr. J. C. Faucher having n*signedto iHfome as's.H'iated with the Jerome I lard wan* Co. Mr. O'Brien, or "Bill."as he is mon* familiarly known, is no stranger to the jieople of this stvtiou. having been loeated lien* until a siiort time ago, when lie was assign)«) to tin* management of the Company yards at Filer, from which place he was transferred to Jerome. His many friends here will he glad to wel come him hack and congratulate the Co. on their tangible nvognitiou . «I the merits of this young man. j For Sale, Cheap. tiood saddle and riding bridle. Imptiiv at The Tim es olliee. - - ♦ - One of the most pleasant events of the season was the second annual Firemen's liait, held last Friday evening. Notwith standing the hnsy season, a large number Iront the surrounding country were pn* setil and all seemed loenter into the enjoy ment of the occasion with a zest. Har ing the evening an exhibition drill was) given hy the tireman under the command of Boland Annett, which was much en joyed by all present, and relleeted great credit upon llie hoys. Jerome can well feel protttl of her volunteer lire depart ment, not only front a dress parade standpoint, hut from the prompt manner in which they res|«>nd to the rail of duty, and the eliieient work done. The hoys will net $17. Sô as the result of this hall. Straw hau for the ladies, straw hats' for the babies and straw hats for men. Tlir K.ukkt. O*«' >aoo< »a ' J fjf Our Line of FIELD anti GARDEN SEEDS. IS COMPLETE See Us Before Buying Jerome Milling & Elevator Co. ! R- L. PENCE, Jr., Manager. PHONE 77 ► OODSt bo I. II. .InSKIMISiiN A. ANDKHSON north SIDE Construction Co. General Building Contractors Office in First Nat. Bank Building i Room 6. * Ul'n*«* phoiu* No. 7' • Work* I •! I« tin* No. * h. t •I ElînMK, IDAHO DO YOU WANT A Second-Hand GASOLINE or Oil. STOV'E • OEO. J. ARCHER Has some bargains that are well worth consideration. ( IpjHisite City Hull, a fTTTTVfTYYTTYVVVYfTYVYTY YYYVYVY V YYYYY Y YYYY' J .1KROME, IDAHO Here's Good Building Material -« ^ ► YOL R building troubles will be few indeed, if you select the timbers, joist, roofing, flooring. siding, etc., from our thoroughly seasoned stock of FIR AND WESTERN PINE RED CEDAR SHINGLES Our lumber is of a quality that satisfies and our ser vice prompt. Come in and examine our stock, per haps we might help you with plans and estimates 1 ! ? Weeter Lumber Co. Ltd. GEO. T. KISLING, Agent. >■ ? » I* l > t Fvii B. kvitrzKX. President.* • >. B. Frit i:-*n. Sei \ and Tn a Jerome Concrete & Brick Co., Ltd BUILDERS' SPECIALTIES Cement and Crushed Rock, Cement Sidewalks, Concrete Block Factory, Ornamental Work. JEROME. IDAHO