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C. F. ANNETT JfSTICK OK THE PEACE Office at F. Anm-tt A Son's W. R. FORBES ;age, Express and I ransfef PACKAGE DELIVERY Courteous Treatment Prompt Service. I-eave orders at Tacha'» store Phone 45 H. T. PUGH STONE MASON Stone Houses a Specially All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory Jerome. Idaho. Box 400. Coppdale Contracting Co. Blowing, Harrowing. Leveling. Seeding, Ditching. Building. Anywhere in Jonathan \ alley Box 7, Comi.u.E. Idaho. Wm. A. PETERS LAWYER NOTARY AND CONVEYANCING First National Bank Building Idaho Jkkomk Hkxkv M. H.u.i. Adam B. BARCLAY &. HALL LAWYERS Practice in all State and Federal Courts Jerome, Idaho J. S. HARTSHORN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Idaho Jerome J. F. GRINDER VETERINARIAN Office at Foster's Barn, IDAHO JEROME DR. E. D. PIPER Physician and Surgeon Office at Jerome Drug Store Jerome, Idaho Ross B. Haddock JereC. Martin MARTIN &. HADDOCK ATTORNEYS AT LAW In un i Jerome OR. J. F. SCHMERSHALL Over Jerome Drug Store Main Street Idaho Jerome P GEHRMANN BROS. Will Contract Clearing, Plowing and Leveling by the Acre Jerome, Idaho Addre: H. J. LINKE PLANING MILL Store Fixture Store Fronts Window Frame ALL KINDS OK MILL WORK At Ostrander Lumber Co. Yard A. B. STEVENS C. E. LICENSED SURVEYOR Irrigation and Municipal Engineer Idaho Jerome Dr. LEON G. PHILLIPS DENTIST Hours, 51 to 12 —2 to Gorman Bldg. Phone 80 E. B. TAGE LICENSED SURVEYOR Practical Irrigation Engineering and All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory Office at Jerome Drug Store. L. R. ASHENFELTER MERCHANT TAILOR Complete Line of Spring Suiting» Cleaning and Pressing a S|iecialty Jerome, Idaho Gem George : Ranch H. *■ v Stock I Lawshe J, Proprietor Farm HOLSTEIN CATTLE Holds World's Record lot Butter Chester White Hogs Champion Dressed Carcass at 1910 International Live Stock Show was a Chester White BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK CHICKENS The World's Standard Fowl Eggs (or Hatching Stock (or Sale [Coppdale has a doul'lc header this week, the copy for last week reachim; us Coppdale. after we had gone to press, thanks to our etlicientl'.'I mail service somewhere. Fall The Varna Varna Whist club, on Mar. •_'4th.. held its last session of the season, there being lb present. Mrs. tieo. Uiwshe got the first prize and Mrs Cline tis>k the "small" end of it. while the gent's lirst was copped by John Haight, and tieo. Gray won the booby. After the cards and lunch was over it was voted to dis pence with the cards until a later date. Tom Nue/il has just finished fencing his 4U acre ranch. Besides his own 40 Mr Nuezil will work a 40 for Mr. Junes, of Chicago, and says he is going to have the so acres in crop by May loth, and will do all the work himself. i,, Do you know where the Times office is on Main street, in Jerome? Well the next time you art' in town, step and meet Mr Alexander. A nicer man can't lie found anywhere, and he would like to meet all the farmers. When you have a little news just drop in and tell Mr. Alexander about it and he will tlx you up. say. the funniest thing of the season will be when the married men of Jona than Valley play the single men a game of baseball Sunday, April bth. Berry Dodil is captain of the single men and would like to hear from all of the single men of the valley. Just drop him a postal card and tell him w hat you can play. While on the other side Geo. G. Gray is captain of the married men and he would like to hear from all the mar ried men of the valley. Address Gray at Coppdale and Dodd at Jerome. Make this a holiday and everybody come and see the single men get trimmed. The game will take place at 2:3n o'clock. G mile south of Geo. A. Whitehead's i tier in Coppdale, on Dodd's grounds. Be sure and get your name in early if you want to play, but whether you play or not lie sure and lx- a rooter, either for "Dodd's Colts" or the "Coppdale Kids." Don't forget the date, Sunday. April bth. Berry Dodd had a bid on Geo. Langer IP to play with his colls, hut Mr. 1-anger fooled Berry by getting married last week so that he could play with the CopiMlale Kids. That will mean another rooter for the Kids. The Oregon Short Line is nut at Copp dale. They are bridging a Coulee known as Gray's Coulee. After erossing this coulee they will start on the ( Vip(>dale The rails for the siding are now lie thrown off at the siding. on cars ready t< beginning of tlie siding. Geo. 11. Lawshe, road overseer around in the road for the He is grading tlie main Jerome and Coppdale, has been past week, travel*-1 mad lietween Shoshone Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Dewhirst and Mr. Dodd called at tin- Ridge Ranch last Saturday evening and after Mr. and Mrs. Gin. G. Gray played several pieces on the piano and zither they left well satisfied. Sine*- March the Winona Ranch, of which Guy G. Towle is manager, has plowed, graded and seeded over acres, 40 of this going to orchard. Towle is sun ly a hustler. He also has over bOO different kinds of check boxes IUI Mr. ready for irrigating. The moving picture allow at the Copp dale o|iera house did not night, owing to the power lines down, running sha(ie now . week is, "Seven Buckets of Blood or the Mystery of Who Stuffed the Sink." (i**n Monday wind blowing the but everything is in The program this Still they come to Jonathan Valley. The writer was unable to get the name but a young man and Ins sister has just taken ii(i a piece of land south of Geo. A, Whitehead's ranch and north of the He is seen daily in the Miller ranch, field, so he evidently is going to get in some crop this year. Mr. and Mrs. N'euzil s|ient Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lick ley, at the Ridgi ranch. After a very enjoyable day they left about 10:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lickley S|ient a very en joyable Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. Geo. Hogshire last week. Mr. Lickley said if it hadn't been for ids cow they would have staynl all night, they had such a grand time. On April 7 Mrs. Haight is going to give her pupils an entertainment, this day being set for the last day of school at Coppdale. Come and bring your friends and help make this a success. Don't forget the hall game April 9 Coppdale Kidds vs. Dodd's Colts. Mr. and Mrs. AI. Lickley s|s-nt last Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Stein hack. Mrs, Walter Copp spent Saturday at Twin Falls, going over in the afternoon and returning Sunday on tlie Coppdale stage. Everybody is invitul. J.C. Osgissl returned from Shoshone Saturday last, where he has in-en serving as a juror. Mr. Osgood made hisdepar lure Sunday night, "after a fan-well to his sweetheart," to Is- on deck when court iqs-iinl Monday morning. Mrs. Cline, who is employed by the Towle Land Co., is the first in the valley to have hahy chicks. Alsiiit six weeks ago she set her incubator working, and got inn chicks from 125 eggs. She re-set her incuhatqr with 5nn eggs and the last n-port finds her with over 450 chicks, all alive and kicking. Mr. Geo. A. Rogers of Tacoma, Wash., and uncle to Hurry Dodd and Geo. H. Lawshe, left last Friday tor ffiis borne, 'If- Rogers -pent most of his time with his nephews in Jonathan Valley and saiil that this is one of the littest coun tries he has seen for a long time. Rogers will return some time this sum mer to huy land in Jonathan Valley. Just one visit to Jonathan Valley is all that is necessary to convince anybody that this is the place, and I'm not a real estate man either. hook tor » its», laiwshe. Mr. He is out for road tax. in Coppdale road district. Mr. Mis. Geo. Gray had the time of their lives at the Firemens Ball last Friday night. Mrs. Gray said she en joyed every minute of the evening im mensely, and wished the Firemen would have a hall every night, hut Geo. said, "the dnee with the dog-gone halls. That music and slick lloor nearly made me dance my legs off." Fred Roberts, manager of the Windy Glenn ranch, lost a cow .last week, the animal dying of bloat from eating alfalfa. Mr Roberta said she was one of the liest cows on the tract, and he would not have taken $150 for her. The Varna Vania Whist Club and the Jonathan Valley Farmers will hold a picnic on Faster Sunday, April Iti, at Shoshone Falls. They would like to meet the ranchers of Auger Falls and Arcadia Valley. Come out and get ac quainted. Wii.i u; Live. For Sale Cheap. 4o acres. 5 l a miles northwest of town, li room house; furnished if desired, barn, wagon shed, hay barn and other build ings all new. Team, 2 sets harnesses, new linn lier wagon, new spring wagon, farm implements etc. Fenced and cleared, 10 acres plowed, $72.un worth of small fruit and commercial apple trees go with the place and other things too numerous to mention. Call or address, th„ Times. For Sale at Cost. Forty acres of deeded land in Copp dale. Enquire of John W. Shulsen. Jerome, Idaho. A rcadiagrams. Can't stay away. Hey Walts'! Walter Read of Chieago is hack for the ensuing year to look after his twenty acres of or chard, Walter Clark, another Walt, has taken up his n-sidence on his ranch summer. Clark "winters" at for the Appleton with Mr. Henning. Mr. and Mrs Grant and family, rela tives of Mr. Thus. Vipham, will arrive s. m iti to (nit their place under cultivation. C. K. Buhner lias taken up his resi dence on ins own ranch. He's an Ar cadian and don't eare who knows it either. Tlie Editor just passed the remark that tills was "slush." tie*-! I guess lie can bring one down from the airy heights, alright. 1 was getting the impression that I was a "Garden of Rhetoric." Should not, for me. Brof. and Mrs. Massey are taking ad vantage of our pleasant Sundays, and were out driving, incidentally looking over the "White Bigs" in the Valley. Oh! I guess we are all sorry that we lia ve our alfalfa sown. What was that rain worth? Did some one say Five Hundred $ $ $ and then some? There was a "Glimmer of the Glims," and a burning of midnight oil in Arcadia in tin- wee hours of Saturday morning last. An- we studious you ask? Oh yes we all n-ad tin* Times, hut that was not i^a most delight Wi the reason. S|S-I fill evening at the Kin-mens Dance. That's the reason. Mrs. ('has. Rent has been indisposed the past week, having unfortunately turned tier ankle. Howard Vipham is assisting O. H. Alllsi- to complete Ids Bungalow. Mrs. Alliee and daughter w ill arrive in a week or so, hence the mail. Clyde Porter lias just coinpleRil a green house. That's the way to apis-ase tin- ap(ietite for something, and cuts short that wait for the garden to "come arroMi." The (it v. Barber Shop for Sale. Thru- chair harlier shop for sale at a bargain. Best location in town. Reason for selling: Proprietor has made his stake and wishes to retire. For particu lars call or w rite F. B. Horn, Jerome. Select Early Ohio Sini Potatoes $1 per hundred. F. E. Si/k-um, 3 mi. north, 1 mi. west. Some Pie, A siiliscrils-r hands ns tlie following account of a large pie that was recently cut, hut fails to slat*- whether he hel|sil eat it or not: "A sea-pie weighihg one and a half hundredweight, with a three inch crust, divided into bulkhead com partments, containing six rabbits, three ox kidneys, thru- sheep kidneys, 2»llw of steak, 4M lbs of tnrni(>s and carrots, ."Slllis of (sitatiM-s and 2»llw Brussels sprouts, was served at an annual ban quet at Gorleston, It was cooked by a North Si-a skipper." How would a Jer ome |>ie taste, made of North Side pro ducts? Sale. One K-f<sit diHc drill, I McCormick grain hinder, I slip scraper, 2 wagons. Tills machinery lias been used only one season. Tw o work teams and harm-ssi-s. Blue stem si-ed wheat. Ball barley seed. This barley ts beardless and hull-less. Morris & Garvin, 1st shuck north of school house, Jerome. Rushing Work. I. Hull, manager of the Southern Idaho Independent Telephone Co., was in town Friday attending to matters eonms'ied with the building of the new line between here and Hooding, staled that the work was being pushed as fast as possible, hut he found it al most impossible to lind help enough to push the work along with the rapidity he wished. I.inemen art- now at work stringing the wires from the other end, and tin- (Miles will soon In- in (usition at this end. With this line completed the service will )>e much more simplified than at present, as the Co. has a working ar rangement with the Fell Co., giving lie much more direct and consequently more speedy connections with the surrounding towns. In their arrangement with the Kuhn Co. this new phone Co. have the privil ege of installing a telegraph office at Jerome and Wendell, and it is not un likely that such an office w ill lie estah It is eer here at no distant day. tain that a telegraph office would be welcomed here, and cannot help hut prove profftable to the company. Mr. Hall informs ns that several new phones will lie pul in here, also at \Vi-n The toll rates will remain the dell. same as at (.resent. FIRE! Insure your building ami stocks in such companies as the (il.F-NNS FALLS OIUKNT, ami CALKIN >N IA X. These companies had insur ance on the Overherg building and Mr. Wals' fixtures anil stuck. The Overlterg budding burned on the morning of March 20th, and we w ired tlie different companies of the loss and in 24 hours Mr. C. 1«. Kerns of the 4dens on Falls Co. was here to adjust the loss for his Co. and in 4s hours Mr. Calvin of the (.'alnIonian was here to adjust the loss for Ids company and the Orient Co., and claims tlie third day the m were adjusted tin- satisfaction and Mr. Walz, from tin- time of the tin- we received to tin* CU of Mr. Overherg and in ten days if tin- Companies to pay (Iverherg Orient tlie money the loss, Mr. the receiving tin* from amount that the carpenters tigured that it would take to put the build hefon- the ing in as good shape as tin-. i from Mr. Wal/ receiving £■ tin- Caledonian and (Siens Falls Co., that U-ing the amount that he tig ur*il he lost. We feel proud that we represent such companies* as the altove. long as your buildings do not burn you do not want if they should happen to burn you want the money for the insurance. \Ve also represent tin- German Am Concordia, Fire Place if tin- alsive These As any damages, hut Atlas, er lean, Association and Continental. your insurance in any companies and he protected, companies pay their losses prompt ly. BURKHEAD-HEISS REALTY CO. Jerome, Idaho CITY MEAT MARKET Where will U-found every thing usually kept in all first-clans markets, at liv ing prices. Proprietor J. R. ELLIS Phone Bö go TO THE WEST Elto POOL HALL and BARBER SHOP For Fair Treatment CIGARS, TOBACCO. CANDY and LUNCH in Connection J. O. ADAMSON HOTEL JEROME Fmler new management First-class Cafe in Connection Electric Heat Rates Reasonable M. G. BRENNAN, Prop. 4 4 There with the Goods W H O? Ostrander Lumber Co M Ltd. The \Vm. O'BRIEN, Local Manager. JKKOMK, IDAHO. Fairst National Bank Jerome, Idoho li careful, conservative, yet vigorous management in a bank appeals to you and you desire every detail of your bank business given careful attention, we invite your patronage and will be your sympathetic jrersonal ally to the degree allowed by sound banking principles. LHSTHR B. WOOD, Pres. C. W. Gl RMOIM. Vice Pres. (i. W. GRISWOLD. Cashier. When you think of HARDWARE think of the JEROME. HARDWARE CO. Dealers in all kinds o( Shelf and Builders' Hardware Stoves, Paints, Machinery, etc. Satisfaction Guaranteed Jerome. Idaho Wm. Waiinkh, President Howard \V. Finch, Vice-President .1 P. IJllM.W \v, Secretary North Side Warehouse & Commission Co., Ltd. -DEALERS IN III*< î< S IKS, WAGONS, IMPLEMENTS, WIND MILLS, (i.\S( »LINK ENGINES Everything in the Une of FARM MACHINERY HAY, CRAIN, FEED, COAL AND SEEDS Custom Grinding and Chop Feeds Orders for Coal, F*-*-d and S*-*-*U at our new Main Str*-«-t Office. 1 „ea vi Main Street office Phone, H!I Warehouse Phone, G'J Jerome Blacksmith Shop JAMES KERSEY, Proprietor General Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing A Specialty of Diseased or Crippled Feet AI-SO CARRY A FILL LINK OK Farm Implements, BUGGIES. WAGONS, ETC. IDAHO JKKOMK, Time Shows the Quality Two and One-Half Years in Jerome Standard Lead and Oil and Acme Quality Interior Finish and Calsomine stands the test Patronize the man who uses nothing else and is on the job with a clean card BURROUGHS. THE PAINTER