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L \COLN COUNTY TIMES Yhe FàiTnefs Paper of the North Side Tract The S e c t i o n W e n d e I 1 ocî 5 .'.r }Jb Work And Ad\crtismg. may be left iTi R-_ Estate o£cc cri Shcj-ard *t Barrett. T7 Eon - < j-£>. • - i «EVI'i i» JnfE : T . - V ljs-z T-j^xy iifuruing. - . :ig *ur _mi*- rrrr çjr-a»-. ne-*tif it :.ii* ■■"r"-ri .:j o. c zc ■isa.-aiy tb* xt. sc ,i> --e-r ~ r*:K * ÿ r-'. Tiit •• ni n£ *f Hit- ■ ~e *i Sn *n Luit-. riü efaraiiF Hli n LK TT n. HHLI lint-. HIT »UC1 H-it H-TTi'1 ' » —• tVk>. T' t £THi-l ûttk. U! it* 'Vi Jti-rKll' v j> tatriiif *l *ur inrurt •asy .Vrwrcii^lf. tii«. Hit i-.ii- Hi- ;j~ -*t r * ■cat* - - *X-T "HT — IL 1* 1 It v.ix fcxi: e «euer? iTnott. cl::i( .1 ' It-- ■ C-tHittr 2Li fT-fcS .• ■/•;.. E --7 ■><:; t st. 3—,ajf ç • «c jtüd ti«t- «jxrr d »>■- ç r—ju.tL 3 »Ü- g .ud X uni •uut ^êr* : iic t ist k*»r »toi •V -îl —■ ilttluBtt ii v.:t:ra;u. a.-.*â-r sei >h ( —. tu- t •■ •; *-_tig >: v► m»q ail* ii 5*a.' 5 *r W-;. j.-_ - fnscri-. Tip- 3~f'vtj— 'pigai al 5 B vit;, a "<a- ga::. o-_ K*ugui* -_c Fr.ç P.03 flat* ~Hi g~r . I-.-p- ti»*- «id >A zjjt üfKund - . _i • - - K W. >• •£.- aii. t At All : iT 1> Hl». C Hi*- ELl-rr \:jtH jig?- T ■;>- imz ' ir Hit '': n^. "X .. thip* tut ■ :..pir .jç»,.ii*c.t liai Kfwtdv au- tij - '.'rei after ii>- f'- j'iz ii.:.jng. At vu* •îür*: *T Hit pr fDBi Hit ^ -X r* ♦**£ ifc*. ar--t w ee.t up t _a-. 'z£ s^mta ska it tire tlird i r.rd redu-p-i v» i-'i. aftee tip- ead - d tip- gai.p- Tire • ,jr ~ jg tiat*. preise.*.-, tire graiii free ext» attTb'tk«. d ar. tu_p.?e irueE JUf » t* tip- far. that til- erp,-, .rt.lg TVJtoXr •£ 1*3 Ûj*T tCHL 1 -à . a r ."p Liiiidr. Afttr Hit 2TbJ_jt Hrtrt ITtTr HH r tTL. et'itiug .v T-e ai»i >æt r»-r Tbe eT-' <» i- od pei .-pie — iiec up c ettbee -pie c/f riaur rreet and waviied t?, ntrt- «id) a great tea. •f ei'-ite T» lift JtHr Tj-HaHT UaHJLT. liaij r.*ot »> far ill very -arge etace*. iiave beer, « >r. -,.r iort. ' ty <s Ÿ. N. tire OdeuD Tireaver » a- paokeri «itb tire «vsrd A pe>. p»e arid tbe orav.TT « a- iCarbbd vitfa a g»»i rpeecii 'y I>r. Perry, «-bo ar-rj-ei a great iea- d ei.ti .-ia-n ty Li- vivid pieUtr» dtbe prey er. te , of tbe N-rrtii eicie trat. Hex V. VVuoj* v.4d - d ib , lame.- exper. ete.-e- pi ..neeriiig. and -a.d ;e «a tietter eatbfjed «itb nir expmew** i irert tium in any of ti* other pla«- ! where be had tried to uIM up a borne awar fn«» tbe rail rud* | M.j FpdE.E»d^U.^ta. <* III. darn I» ™l «piûiiai. tone. He drew bamie for <«r pan-, pie from vaikxir eipem/iPe* be LavJ been thjoogfa, amilar to what »^ arewiw going tbrougf,, and *<,f riwtd tvxrtiu&rfAy that (r^phttk** tiiatfiefu^ made, and whieh, at the time were «woâdenvl a- some g .. .. . w more of Map Heed ? notait/* La3 ai ready been naliacsi in even- dt tail- Judge Fr e-t, of Seattle, an Old - par <4 the Major*. W looking over tbe in ^ field, n.ii/lea very interesting talk. From 9:30 to 11, Mr. jjtaatoo entertained the crowd. Hie work* liegan at'll o'clock, and for an hour and a half the dty «a- kenr lighted with Ror kete, Roman rand- ■ les, flower pit- and spin wW», and a literal supply of crackers let i everybody know that ttiere something doing all the time. Several of the rail road • vi men were! were present in the evening, and given the freedom of tire city, ami told tlrat their money va* no gvvl here. After the show was all over they voted Wendell O. K., anrl said they were coming hack here to live. A* advertised, the special excursion train arrived from Bliss at 6:30. The locomotive whistle down three miles out, and its ical note blended harmoniously with the other noises tlrat were going on. wa* tied mu* Mr. B. M. Coolege returned from Atlantic City, X. J., Saturday, where he lias been attending the General Assembly of the Presbyter ian church. imrfr ac Aarut. ba~ d tin i 'V-l Xli v •- twçar. mpoiti» -, g- - A Î-SV T —t- nr -.cur C lilt ;t i- :■ •!-> j*t TfcJtOH î4Iii*F 5vC Hit- c rik> :nç ^jciif runs- v lue. il Hit- «m > »n x zitt ^t.çùt- jl ßHMmZ it--. Hit in ;* - - iitaûtr oar Jierr u , J'H m^urm ; »i_ i ; * ir: * hr V fcy 12» <~i. V -_ tLH£ St- ri» -.1 'll ly - j >yj^ i, Tim lu.tvfflurSj" Mi— Ett. Nty £tr*y .c Ciarag V Ii **1 i. itl rfcu-iVtr* dadwiltt H-—*4 -•enTnfu! - « ■► :i .t—-- . Tin- oj4 ( vr*»ua-_ îiit SL > v imtsa: n- X ^ «. nrt^r T il i ii mit pr.OQ"Li û. Xr _n:ig a: .._ ç, g*x --a æ Si r ugxjr iai-; :y Ti**- r^mauo-*r c -ir- a'j. tip- yr e~a; v a- lujtdr- i j. •: rpa _ -ltg4 all! iLU-^'.O- 1.1lll. l i ty j.r-a. ^ ' xa.-* v ,nm ii : c «S . : ■£ --i.' Tr T_. fai- 1 . ■ ». - , 'V - 1 » <-—■ *r ii.ç-. WoniH Hüa^jjx 1 * rpa Ii ->' tp ■; tire tig'-t i-i *1*7 K tet fcT .'let tl>e »■. • ~rr aii t c i : - pi le, tip v t tn -re treatti-ft V-Ot H. L_ A p-- - l • :v- r~-L led -re. çr-±.z àesa $ rea —täte lut- i.ang :i'j> .i tire iH r-i v—t- aii i-ajsrsr d r-T-e v . ■ - 1 ■ - - •- ; ■ - b ■! t_iig TL. flTl^? rt^f rt *n? Hi *H. _ s r « à «- . a-- *H T lm * t * Tilire. A g • »t re_a ' » rk b r-e ear «kop. tVeier^- 1 .-. p end*. H K-r - f 'IT L__— "»Verrieb BkE» rn£A. hr J. H. ani r.-ig-..A. V - i4ele W .- .i. f Jer tae. a Wende-i Mr and Mr- Ata;r Liiete e-renb.-n.. Pbrsii-at ir iVeiriel rz.zr.oT- Tae-*iay There i- - ca-e talk d an exetir»» ■:. -.rain to Haley cm July 4tn. Mr- J.e Krivanek v«ot to Jer ,Æj * M,Jod *- r to Ur ek-k s«er. Mrs J '^ r ' Mt N «" * I*«T -aT -rday evening u. tbe y«mg pe - P^ *«iLwe< of town. »-'■■■«W 1 " «inmO., t. •PÄMtKwnmi«. /•*** î - > ' babil. Hit recti rit y HodcFowl. It keep* your -to.k l ****** Wcc: ' EA ^ C> T ^ T ' Cwßi'w, cf h « *** kioking over the tmt, with in ri ^ r <A " T «»ig. Vr \î*-îs/iri- 4,f ^i»ît Î û . IwteVny. i m UjWa ,fxvt *» mrmtmA > W ' ' ^ Jfr ^ N* *« •« ^«1 Monday eve-. n ^ n ®' ' **•' rep-n a heavy frei hmAuMAbers I^dand and Bar r **t'pent the day Thtmday vi^jt iri * Bajrrt * * T - **** CriV-hfield, of Payette, a ' A<f * u rMcmty a»l .-«rplay at teeing to Ids interest ^ r<f ' Mr. Frank Kuzkka, president of the WeocieO .'■täte Hank, went to Hoi-e Sunday to attend the State Hanker- Association, Mr. Win. Thompson, of Chicago, i!i ^ re l'»>kii.-g after tl»e devel<»p r<jWlt °f his fine farm northwest of town. Prof. J. E. Beeson, who is in structor in mathematic* in the Ogden High school, I» in Wendell looking! after hi- land interests here. Rev. arid Mr*. Koffer*!, Miss Mc Mann, Mr- Boy son and Mr. Hns.k are in Bol-e attending tlie state! Sunday school convention. A large numfjer of farmers taking out farm machinery tljese days. Thej-are gettmg r«*Jy u ,, -, u j harvest their alfalfa and grain crops. x 'is&UMS Jmmmuu Hit Fj>c Xi.u tiu^ 5*u: J. ▼ &IW M«K5*5 V c ' : - rCiZ » Hi—T.: *£ tii •~CL -2±L K tl iftC t Ulr-'^ '.»ir ^r*tc i. pout ? — * V. enael X* kl«_ >-• • i **rt ra A 7 L ▼ TH *3-tkli C kjtlHlb >. u •*>-. Si) . •{ >v L . ■ - l:i- j • i£_nr in ^**r*r c g-'n.jir ~ >li~ ij .rt •JC — 4 k-i* - :rt*v ht nr ua '«U Hi j;nr.:v'nr' :H. > Î i «2— j 1- —'•T '*"** 1 l».:~ ill . ; Tl> L- - ... . ji- v a- ar Tie- '.-.sin Æ ■-ga- .;_:ig i ■ d täjt i tr . . : > .- - ■. a' £■ an: ip t. V - w_ r~~. ' h Hit furnrt It a- art. {lUr L 3 <1P .: v i.-£ ti-f al_i tait Et*-7- lilt* tl H_:^ ils Hi- •• ' - -- - ' ;T it c ;.- can p --a-jl.r j-j .g ■ r >a . »1 Hi" 1 ÎU — r v l»r-: HtrJ ■'* »Ht - ■ v - Mi J - tart i a ■ _r • W*-;i>e-i M cuty. airi left Xn eg! 'n'e;.>—mr Î ■! Ltfa . V re t .;Je* win. A £ .-' ■g tii- Hagertaa:. Vaiieer 4 W-;.. i-„ î; i'll -ar£ -ai- .a f .. irry }j*t* ii-Æ bei I a-' - Ä .i r. 'Ujrr^tti ir: 4 -* pT *x:— 4 -~i \, >-•£; r*r 0 »D ever a-j- t: JU vVr-'rt-.. * . up ■witb tbe Va-.-ej. Nr. H. W. Melxw«l cd Jer ur. wti i* laa-ter I L-itt'-UT— 1 V t: - Jer .ir airi WeirieL «a*er« rk-. »a-» in Weirieb Motalajr. M '■!> .t ga,-. - n* — ü~îi«i n Mr rei_-jVei —re -:.g. - TT . . - emerge;.. .— aii H .1-t-rr F'.-r tbe j«a-t tv • year* ibe eiertric p v-r lea- 1 er-i. -teady that tbe aaiilliaiy «a»- f . ' -- - - . -* R-' • Tie lay ■ d ga~ .«Lire n-e. tte in aBtonjobiler. ■■Westward tbe «.vrjr—• d tUee Ler way,j ^ •• " Eunim to PocateBo. J—»l. " -in ^ „.r. Li, fc - f,-»™-' -jbG«oI P, *,» CooTtatkn. TVtrtr . Vi Jane isStb. see aaentr for rale, ani fatinr parneciar*. Itk<an-i by ^ rising nbo » to» x.- ua ««i Ihju th- hm*r «a» rimUe, tb moon tarimr JU < n »- 1 1/1 pr-ii ae tLk fdawotninai eflert Tlüt 1* m VCfJ IÄKr «fit, Mid W Älfr told ^ ^ ,^ tbn , «Lab/« by mo-mUaLt can —• ' PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS - Via Oregon Short Line. - •• - PaesSir Ocat*t prinu daring the ro-mtfi ^ May - Jnly ''V th U '°*'T h * =* "J ° »• L A ^ 1 «** fur ' \,m inond trip nu» u, var v«p LECTURES BY Dr. A. A. Brown wfjcr ha* traveled all ov«-r the world and ha* hsui a grater variety of exper iences tlian corne to the l..t c>f most men. You will 1# allowed to a-k question.* at any time. Lecture» from F.« lectures »1.00. Single tick ets, 2oc. tickets on sale at the Drug ritore. Monday, June 19 —to— Friday, June 23 INCLUSIVE Buy A Season Ticket C-» Bank National F i rst \V E \ D E L L O r . ' à ^ ÎIH A If p ? ; - 1 t; âÉ f'i > 3 Hi x - —l i. a ? ? % A. P. SCHRFCHMELD \le-Prc-Jcot. H L BARR* 1 Prpsamit H. D JACKSON Caa*-pr * I Surplus S 3.000 Capital. S 25.000. I General Banking; Business ^ » ► « I *T; TTL.P ? - J n. I'Hi . J \ a *p'. i a > * miL a tietVy »1 ■p- ;aiv L IrT i . ► aa: :jei*. la - ui M fta' -r-a- : V A : I. r j— ial - " • 1 U. - A ÎÉ-ae SÜ-- XfY :u: Mr ,^ia». JI T ert n » ... ■: . M' 1 p. tie ^.re? «it e srea: .eij lit. -:-rv ;z ill ii; ■> 1 . r-T » Tir. -u • ■; . . azai — ■ r M Mpv r WMbaa. E a iietrij-» <.4 ' Vr * ani Mr> sir-- >■ eî .4 Ottcu»'» •»rue a»l Mr <j < j ra j " .r: . lb -Lr-j_T E— -ay. • - - . . : - - ' r*>3 T -■ .- . •r -t IjlE Li>l SaJ kite».. Tie- fürerai <ri F » -Mf «a- ir M r- o L V >> ra: my afîenp . «. iv> J \V. - . ■ . . • ■ -v - . ,. -. ly i i* -arïv f»a iV SwTT'Wtli^ 11 T;j_ --t^t »j.- (; «Tth Ä rmers a- rn ireev oi Ur «,r ; ^ hemrigLb.-r*. tb o : it-il » H.K.« ill-i I, OT pobüdiwi at the i. «mer ir «m- ■ tbe i.rii viug regarJiny i^-r 1«..» Äl>3 Mr?. I a. Miiier «•: Jer i,! "' «,« « ■. U- fami.y 1. oh- i.-im *, ;i F<r !>.»> Thrv*- VTarv >ln* rnnWuiuLF-trial a little ..ter » y« r b«-> «•««'»•I t-Jer-na-. i.iah. - imitftri? wxni i.- rv>>-i\>«i iliai tlir N«i\ «"i bebmnght w. isxoo. Mr> F-k, man. and her .Watii i» a Mid T.«. *7 Vrirnt u/Piv" a«el ebecis-n frvTi iwalp he>-i l> nur»: a: - ■ » *me. [arvnip. u-u «a» M. TIh •mips» w.iPrt «ill be bp4i«i;t !.. I>i\..n, »a» an aoraoiplidwl an.i «... n. a For sale. of <lee<te<l land, .inly twomik» from new town of Jlaiuon in J.inatlian Jaliej. M-iii (or equity. All lillal.!. lamt. I^i-ily watere.1 tnuu one ,liuh F- F. Ihn.. IL i\ jm;, daho. hi'r.- Jercin»-. T. E. WEST Tin and Sheetiroa Work roofing Guttering, Comice and Skylights WEN DEI.!.. IDAHO \ FENCING DONE Three fool ralthit pm..f netting, ,-,,| ar p»U- aii<l twenty (it! .pan, on.- l.arUe.1 wire; inaUTial hmu. lu i an. I a J] alone in tlie very he. i ,,i »hape. for esc Per Rod JOE EATON. work Contractor At Our Fountain ! Ice Cold• ELgi Dnnks Strav»berrv CK>; .i'.e Nit PiDeapçée irid Cherr. Sundae Ice Cream Soda Nut Frapjie Sundae Bnck Cream Our Specialty R. E. DEWEESE, DRUGGIST THE BEST BY TEST! \X ceter Lumber Co., LIMITED e:. l_. fan. . Wendell, Idaho. Local Agont Deering Harvesting Machinery 1 handle the celebrated light-running Dcenng Idea! Giant Mowers, also Demng Self-Binders. Rakes and 1 wine A Full Stock of Repairs Constantly on Hand Moderate pnees and sadsfact Figure with you. Let ory service. me GEO. F. HALL Wendell, Idaho Orchard We have Tracts ! . . so î? c ^ the best ten and twenty acre Orchard Tracis in the «nn Nor,hwest for sale $500 per acre These tracts are ' / out 10 a fme grade of trees an< ri r T *° b j C cared for four years and delivered to tire buyer a Lar in« orchard. Only one mile from town, perfect northwest slope and .image. All money back be tween the third and fourth menis if at that time not absolutely salisfact Shepard & Barrett, at ray everything is ory. Wendell, Idaho