Newspaper Page Text
LINCOLN COUNTY TIMES •*v«*rjr Thunnlny ul , iiiulm. Kililor jool P !.. T. AI.KXANIIKH. r»»er. Subscription, $2.00 per year l >»•* limit.*r Man-h •». ni Hi«- |mw*I «»HUt* ut J«*roin**, Malin, uu.l.-r il„* «•I Murrli ;J. I'.UI. ii The lirst cutting of alfalfa will Is- com menced next week in various places. A Imhui to llu* fanner. 'The new irri gation hose at Akhki itoNo's. Mrs. Josephine Clark, of Milt. Ore., is the guest of her sister, Mrs, (t, J. Wilson. A g'ssl second hand gasoline stove for sale by G. J. Archer, opposite city hull. W. L. Ilnyelte, G. W. Griswold and F. F. Kichellierger, are all attending the hankers convention ut Boise, this week. (hit* ilollurx worth of Htuli«»n«ry for Ii tty cciitH, on Sat unlay at Thk Jichomk Dai i. ( 'o. The lia'ul market is now supplied with ahundalicc of home grow n straw lrrivrtiti«m 1 all hi/»*-, nia<l<* in .h*r at \n lii*r'H tin hI»*»|», • *|»|». « it) hall. an U*rri«*H. • une. A. W. Ar|is has the contract for the installation of a nuslcrn furnace in the t'. F. Massey dwelling Rev. J. M Anderson will preach in the I'nidiytcrian church. Sunday evening June IHth al s I*. M. Buy the Is-si Flour muiinfactunsl in Idaho A cllowstoiic S|s*cial tl to sack. R«r Mr. ii»*«». Maxwell ha> Mik lint the pant week, n«ve*f'itatin£ tin* ult»*inlaliee «»f a pb)-i«ian. hut we pU*aM*«| l«» Htate he in iinw i ni pr« *\ i i ■ I tout fail l*» jr«*l th«* I «ent buiyuin ever tiflen*«) in Htatiuiiery, at the .ler«»im Enitf ( '«•.. Satnr«lay «»nly. Mm. Jin* Krivuiiek «-aim* up from W endell I ai» I Saturday f«»r a w«*«*kn visit with her Hinter, Mm. Il I». t'*n»k. and her many friend*» hen*. A New lira in the hintnry «»f irriifuti««n. tall at Arnmtnni^'n and tpt the idea. \V. .1. Kinline ami wife, wh«» ha\« rv nide«l hen* f«»r a nh'»rt time, removal t*• SIHwhom* th«* limt «if llu* w«vk, Mr. K. Iiuh ae«vpled a |N»*iii«iii. \ few neli-el fanon ami aereu/e Ira« t at a Ku nlhi* if taken at «iim* tieiilam, hi* llunlwiek A ( ««inpany. The litUe m»d *»f Mr. and Mm \ 14*inay, w lm han niitl'ennl many ««»mpli eatioim an a n*milt « »f the tneanlen. in |m« rtml an improving «plite rapid!) m»w Any kiml «>f din*t metal w«>rk ma«U* to «•r«ler hy Arrher, the Tiiinmith. op|M»nite the rity hall. I, ill «>li the an* In n F.i par n Mrs. Vall«*y Fulton ami Mr- lla/«l Atkins of l>ix«»n. 111 . arri\«-l Sa l un I ay. to atl«'ti«l tlu* fum-ral «if tlu*ir hihUt. (iu* lut»* Mr» g L F« *oi»*. «'«unity Warrants n*»'« iu*«l «»>• «l» p**Ml First N itiov m . IUnk. Norman ('««.k l»*n tonlay f«»r Salciii. t »n*., in «|iu>l «»f a Ix'tti'r «*• »iinTry (ban Malm. Of von ns* In- will v«unv bavk sati-li«*»! that tlu n* is not. AUItoW KUMU is guarraiil»*«! to maki* llu* Ih*hI bn*a«l, »"»k«* ami pastry Ask Uivbnioii«l. at pur. The ladies .of the Royal Neighbor« arranging an .entertainment held at the veiling. hslge are and siH'ial function to I hslge nsims next Tuesday Idea in irriga llave yon ws'ii the Nei linn? Call at Aiivi«i iiov.'s. ell iudis|s>s»sl t )nr ai real serils- has I his last (light. and with John's nia it is hard to since chine out of ■ ■■ Immission, tell when the trips will Is' tvsnillisl. Dr. Matthew J. R.eislel has oltices and resideinv in F'irst Day or night calls promptly an Tel. 7)i. National Bank huild mg. HVVensl. 'The demand (or mowers this vus'k has laxisl ll»' supply of onr hs-al dealers, very signitieanl indication that there is some hay to Is- cut in this sis tion. Car of haying and culling machinery Do 1er your Mowers, Binders, Full line. Noinn Si UK \V vnnnorsi; ,V Covi. t'o. Monn A just in. Stackers and rakes now. Judge Bruner left yesterday b taillhullie when' he has pro|aTty inter esls, ami where he will remain lor some time.looking after the same. Mrs. J. II- Wilson and daughter. Mrs. Daisy Tompkins, mother and sister of u. J. and W. W. Wilson, arrived last Sun Walla, existing to ■lay from Walla lliuki* an« I «•\t4*ii.l»*«l vinil in tliin h«*» li.m. tried ARROW FMU It? i. for a five Have yon Ask the Richmond Mer. ( sample suck and make the acquaintance of really g .I Hour. w The new blacksmith shop of J. Isiwrenee is fust nearing completion and presents quite an imposing ap|"'ai'anee. Mr. L. ex|sx'ts to quarters the coming week. ARROW FLOUR takes away The dread that eûmes with baking day; It gives the housewife keen delight. For now her bread is while and light. remove to his new Mrs. K. F, Nelson and son Liver left Monday afternoon for Gooding, where they will s|s'lid a few days visiting Mis. Nelson's brother, family. A dollar's worth of protection may he the means of putting $ltK) into yuur pocket after the lire. See Hardwick vk Company for your lire insurance. Dolph Singer, and 'Ir«, l)oii McKay, of Orchard a Niilmrliiif Wendell, vihitorn <»n Tn»*H«iay. tlifir li« »in«* |or : hliHiMiiri* I* »r hcr Vullpy, " un aïnoux.)eniinc 'h WUH Ah (bin |il{ Hoiiit» lime, it i h alwayn lo iihh *1 old friemlH lien*. 11 an iti I Dalla« Cook, r 11. D. Cook Jr is iIh a announcement emanating from the ... Mr. and Mrs. II. welcomed the arrival of I'riday morning. D. Cisik, who il ynino Hon, All sizes ol metal irrigating tula's at G. •I. An-hcr's Tin shop, opposite the citv hall. 3 " ork has been commenced on the foundation walls for the Riddell building on Main street, under the Thin uork in Immiik «lorn* KlIJMTVisioil ||f If. T. ° ,,r |»o|»nlur Ht* »in* inuHon. <»n Saturday only, tin- Jerome Drug t'o. will sell yon a 7öc box of stationery and a automatic pocket jieneil for'sic. Frazer Moore Co. are in receipt of new and modern road grader this a week, of the i UM* I »lit I« * 1*1 » , wilicll \\ Uh unltTC.I by the County, ami which will !«■ used iu this immediate vicinity. It will he in active o|s'ration in a few days. I h«* linirwlii ii^t tonrben an* lH*intr pul «tu tin* n»*\\ l»ilihlin^r f«»r tin* l arnuTH iV M**r ' hanu Slat«* Hank. Tin* int«*rior lixtnn*N l»*«l l«» arrivi* any «lay n«»w, ainl th«' hank t x|HTtH l«» ('clohraU* llu* 4th of Ini) in ih«*ir new «|Uarl«TH. Mr. William McBride of Alden, Iowa, >|s'iit Monday and Tuesday at the home of his friend, Rev. R. Ilild. Mr. Mc Bride has a large farm, with extensive improvements, on Rock Creek, Kimls-rly, which h his tlms* sons. near Is'ing managed by Mr < •«*«». Naiut* ami Mr. Bob Me * an ii H«'1U*\ ii»*, visit«*« I t«»r a few «lays I hi»» wirk at ( In* Frank \««tkinaii bona*. Nuihv, win» han )MH»r h«*aith, in iruM-liiij* «»\»*iland, trying <lill«*ri*nt part« • •f the ruiintry. in M*ar« h «»f (tetter health. H*»th irenil«*inen an* old ae«|iiaintan«-i> ««I the \ MlkinaiiH. Mr. .ray ha splicing cabli-s and arranging the win-s leading l" the new téléphoné exchange in the First National Bank building, and the "dice will I«' moved from the hotel into its new quarters this w.s-k. George is right at home ul lids work, having fo| I it for years in Chicago. en busy the past week h i c l.i 'I i>. T. 11 Harris »n. ho n*Hi«l«*H in Jonathan Valley, will pin her faith I" the indicator hereafter. She hu« I a hen silting on ten duck eggSj which ahan doiusl her nest, evidently 1 ss'lliiling tirtsl waiting for results. .Id. Though the eggs Mr«. H, dns) up her incubator, and hatched out nine lively ducklings. Tlic ■'Idaho" is now located in its i lew and commodious quarters Muggins building, which is the handiwork ol Gi » , \ all«*y lant \ most pleasant uflern. in th«* Tlu* tu*i Hviii*ry. *. S br«H* • I« *r ««I 1 1 uh plan*, a«!«!- muvb l«» tlu* ap* Maiiag**r 1 larn«*SH a(tra«'tioiiH, • •liablvs him to | H*araii« - ** • «I tlu* stag«*, lirst-rlasH proiuiHi'H -in«*»* llu* « ulargi-1 stag»* m«w put ««n larger «*oinpal»i«*s. Mrs. Tlu«s .lay«*«*\ i*iit«*rtaiii(*tl tlu* Hus\ H«v 4*1 uI» « »I .loiiatliaii Thursday■. was s[«'lit with ibis most liospitalile lady iu card playing and other entertainments and a piano solo hy Miss N, Rreslon, of Washington, was a very pleasing feature and heartily enjoyed hy all pn-senl. Re ftvfreshinelils were served, and all O' |»irl a very enjoyable lime. A movement was sel ou foot last vvi*ek (.Hiking toward a celehrat ion here the 4th, hut iu view ot the fact that the new rail road will soon reach here it was thought Is*st to defer the event until a later date, when all the towns along the new line will Is- invited t .me and help ns pro |M-rly celebrate the great event. Jerome never did lielieve In doing things hy watch our smoke in the near halves. future. W'e always had ..pinion that the territory north of town was the most pro lilic of any on the tract, and onr ideas have IHt-ii coiilinued hy the arrival last wisk of twin hoys at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. .1 Carlson, two miles north. mueh for C. The shock was almost P J., but a s|Hvial messenger who left the • W4* >!«« t« » |»r»*Hs, rv|»«»rlH H4'»*l 14* jllHl I H*f* in«li(*uti«MiH luv« mil ill* t« » a H|M*«»ly Mirvi Well, here is eongrat val of the sh's k. illations to the proud parents and success to the hoys. 'The Odd Fellows hslge of this place fittingly olvserved Iks'oralion Day exer cises last Sunday, hied at their lodge rooms in the morning and marched in a body to the Christian Church, where they listened loan inter esting uddre After the address at the church, headed hy the hand, the march was resumed to the cemetery where theritualistie exerci vvere held over the grave of the lute .1. W. Thor|s', the only brother Odd Fellow being hurried there. 'The members asseui hy Rev. .1. W. Dislge. Butte F. C. Gleason returned from last, Friday. Igtving Iss u there for nearly a III, mill unending the hearing of his ease against the Missouri River Rower Co. for damages received from an electric shock vv Idle in their employ. This was the •olid hearing of the ease, the lirst trial resulting in a verdict for Mr. Gleason, w hich wasapis'iiled to the Supreme court and remanded hack to the lower court Mr. Gleason's claim for a n»-lu*«nng. for WMnni, and tlu* jury in tin* iv uwurdüd I iim a V4*r»li«*t for was cent ease $4,ôoU, together with Interest and costs. His friends here congratulate him on the successful termination of the ease. SEE THE SMOKE. Actual Evidence that the O. S. L. is l-ust Nearing Our Limita. A glance toward tin* weal will witness Muck curl« of smoke |ienetruling the sky, which einuiiatea fn»rn the engine of the eoiiatruetioii train on the new Oregon Short Line enl-olL The track laying crew reurheil Weinlell laal Friilay, anil a special train waa run over the line from Itliaa to that point, to enable the citizen« at the eml of the line to assist in celehrat in)» the event. The foreman of the track laying crew was in Jerome Ja«t Smnlay, ami asKim'il ns that the record for track laying would he kept up av.d that they «hoiild reach Jerome in ten days, which should bring them here about next Wed nesday or Thursday, it is intended to have the track completed to the connec tion about six mill's cast of here, trains can Is- run through on July Jlh. While no ollicial announcement has been made as to the location of the depot at Jerome, it is the general opinion that it will be located southwest of town. In fact this opinion conies from some of I hose high up in < ). S. L. railroad circles. So listen for the Pint of the lisaimutive, as it will probably Is- heard before onr next issue ap|>ears. that Hogs for Sale. Duns'-Jersey sow and six pigs $4 o.iki I' olaud China sow and seven pigs$45.mi Also three Roland China sow pigs at each. See R. S. Frazer for par ticulars. Wanted. Fresh cow and hogs. Jno. 1'. M'Inlyre, east of Settlers' ollice. A MODI RN ÜWLLLINU. One of tin- .Most Complete Residences Thus Far Lrected in Jerome. We hud the pleasure the first of the wis-k of lieiug shown through the new dwelling just U'iug eompleUs) on avenue B, by Contractor J. 11. Greuzehaek. The first glance at the exterior of the building is very impreesive, presenting as it d'«*s. the hungal its massive front porch, and u projecting cornice of three fret. Filtering from the front, through an elaborate door with an oval beveled glass panel reaching almost from top to luittom. you an' ushered into the living nsiiu pro|sT, .liotts room l"xl)lfts'l, which is conneel ap|s-araiiee, with a ('«»nun«» i *d with the dining room by a large arch way, at either side of w hich is encased neat hook shelves, with glassdisirs. Ras qs'iiing we liind sing through the ourselves iu another large, bright and riHim. An untonmtie double acting d.s.r I .mis ts the dining r.s.n, with thekiteh- ! c, and passing through, we lind 1 . .i • . _ . i i . ^ : ... 1 ImtliT h pantrv arraii^Nl with pr«»ti«*u*nt i 1 1 \ ... «i ..i ... 1 nlwlf nHiin uiul a ri*v«»l\mp II«mrInn, alM» . , , , , . , .. i a .(mu)» waiter wlimh U*a«1s to llu* tvllar. Tue kitchen is supplied will, all lllth i. Adjoining this is the I ... , . , i i i bathroom, wlnrbalso van lx* iva«lu*«l .... i i- .. .i., • tin* livmu r r«Hinn«r I**« In hums, llir«* „ ; i tin tin* stvoml II« m» r is I«* i'b*iiiilH*rs , ,, .... ^ oiN*ning from a ball. «Mi tins II« m »r as ... i i . ■ »- i>> b >•< A lurgi* bull'vl has lw*t*n «•btvrfnl r« m »in. built iu llu* wall. s«*paratiiig it from llu* kit«*lu*ii, U*low wbi« b is a largi* mirmr, wbivb wbvii rain***! n*v»*alH an tbntugb wbivb mvals may U* s**rv«*«| fn»m llu* kil« , lu*n without (*nt«*ring llu* «iiiiint! «(H'iiing I cru coiivciiiciices. from a smalt hall, rated ihn«' light and airy as lirst, i*a« HU*»*ping ,. » . i , , , . ^ ^ siipplu**! wlib amplt* fl**M*l spa»v. i IniUw . Hlalunuil m varn»iiH h^'Uoiih, for tin* .. .... 'Ihs! hue" to the are purpose ol conveying si laundry, which is I ment. aled in the hase decorations throughout. The interior are after the colonial pattern, and the linishings are of Oregon lir, artistically stained, to bring out the Is-st elici ts of The lunds'r (or the interior the wood. work vvas si'lis'tisl with mueh |»ersonal care hy Mr. Gn'iizchaek. and tin* Tunisie ing was all done hy hand, «fuwii Ann Sin«!;' 1 ''AVni .ut TÄ with I'oiinler-snnk lifts. The builders haniwan' is the Is-st to la* found in the market, and is of the same elulsirateness fr» mi front t« • rvar. Intact Mr. t.ivn/.v hack ha- span-d uo,x|-um' in the sel.s lion ol any «»I tin* mat4*rial that «*nt»*r»*«l into tin* 4 *oiiHtnivli»m «»I tlu* bniMin^:, un»! it is sale to say that the result ol Ins ahors is prohaUv the most modem ami complete ivsidem i's iu Jerome, and one the eolilraetor can well (siint I" with pride. The dwelling will U> hy a I'eonu all stis'l fiirnaee ol modern type, arranged to consume smoke and soot. It was installed hy G. J, Archer, and has a heating capacity enhie hvt. Apply at For Sale. >k stove. A s»*»*» «ii« I liât)« I »*« tbin «'lb««*. The Time--- Now. The Place—OSTRANDER LBR. YD. The— Hay Racks— All sizes at right prices. Call and look them Built on short notice. 1 make every thing needed in irrigating. over. H. J. LINKE. TME FATS AND LEANS A (lame Kepletc With lixeiting I .vents and Scientific Plays. As was intimated lust week the game of hall played lietween the Kats and Leans last Sunday proved a very inter esting as well as exciting event, count of the heat a concession w as grant ed the Fats, the game being called ut 5 dll I instead of As the two clubs faced each other gleam of determination could Is' de.rern ed in the eyes of each w hieb prot rayed business from the start, and events that followed came so ipiick and fast that it was impossible for our scribe to catch them all. No professionals were allowed but hardly had Skadden and Gott, the ( hi ar the diamond, a -i battery for the Fats got into action than the cry went up that they were proles sionals, but after witnessing the cork screw curves delivered by Massey, the! cry of "professional" ceased. John Gott exemplified his mattery of the bull in the pitcher's box, and the way he could roll after the ball wasn't slow, as was shown by his attempt to assist First base in stopping a grounder, was there with his big stick and thinks he has Roosevelt skinned a 41 i-acretract. Kd. Tacha did ellicient service on third, and it was at once seenj that no balls could pass him. 1'ele Dudley also showtsl himself to lie a star performer. Geo. Bloom had the honor of making the only home-run hit, though the heavy butting of Tory (jund was quite a prominent feature of the game. The game was called at the end of the seventh inning, the labs refusing to take the field again, lh*n. Hull the official score card having disappeared and a dispute having arisen, some claim ing the game l.S to lb in favor of the la-ans while other scores showed a rc.-ull of go to Is in favor of the Fats. No one sccim-d to U* sutislhsl, consequently an other game has 1 hsui scheduled for the coming Sunday to settle all disputes. Count Asheufeltcr in his capacity as ollicial umpire, though very aeeurate in his decisions was the object of censure from both sides, the Fats accusing him of selling out to the Iwaus, while the latter charged him with (avoriteism for fear s««me of tin* Fats would sit «»n him. Time « »f graine, '1 Imum ami -S niinuto. IU*««»r«l of I «um* hits, t'rr«»rs. <l«»ui»le plays, ele. «li>ap|H*un*«l with ««llirial s**«»n* card. Strawberries. Straw lierrieH «leliveivd l«» any part «*f town at prevailing market pri*t*s. Semi «»nlers l«» A. L. Si*k\km \\ vV S*«\. Norgard-Pry. The marriage of Mr. and Miss Rear! Fry. brief wliieh was made last vvivk. was ize.1 at the home of the bri ll's' parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Fry. at I*» G»** A. M. last Thursday. Rev. J. !.. Miimey of the K - , lmr '' h oH ' uiu,in » t - T1,, ' " i,s R'-'-f"''""''' "• Rresence o, only a few of the neighbors and most intimate trmmls of llu* **«uitra«Tintr paring. Mr. 1 rn*«l IVt4*r»«ni «mirtaUHl as 1 k*hI man, aii'l ... „ .... Miss Nt* Iu* Irv. sisti*r « »I tin* l»n«l«*. aM\ , * . . , . . . : |-"«rrasl .mt the functions o. bridesmaid. A . «mus vv.sldmg dinner was pre pan*«! by lb»* bri«les nmlliiT, w ho. by lb«* 1 * .... way, ban omu* a n*pntation in that 1« » ,r . . .... .. , «alitv l««r lu*r «'iilinaryability, alter w Inch J * * l *"' l'itrty «lr«»vi* t«* town, taking tin* afUTinnm train for K«lwar«ls, C'«»l«*.. wlu*n* tlu*y i*Ni«i*< t to n*snli*|H*rinaiu*ntI\. N. !.. N«»rv»ar i nientioii « »f S« »IlMllll , , llu* happy iotiplt* wt*n* llu* , 11 J .. . , many U*aiitilnl l«»ki*ns «»I esUvm . . J ... tbvir many trmmls. an«l tlu*y t*nlt*r np.»u , ilw . joun Vy (llllU . r lm «t favorable riivuiiistumvH, f«»II« *w a*«( by llu* wislu*s«*i tlu*ir hosts «»I frU*n«|H lu*n*. recipients of from - • - Riants for Sale. . . , Jon can get them any day in the at Frazer- Mis ire Co's, hardware. C. A. Min i:k. plants Wis'k It yon want eahhage or tomato Wilson Bros, haveenteivd into an agnx . . >"-■ •*' — "• land to Victor Thor|s'. tt|siu a eoiisidera ,j tlI1 ,,f one-thinl of the crop. Careful . t , )|( . j,.,., (u , m m excess ol ,1m tons. 1 he Wilson hoy, W4*n* not only aiihiiiv! tlu* lin»l ««n tbv t r a**l but lK*in^ r pra»*ti»*al an«l »*\|H*ri»*iu*4*«l , f „ , iaVt . 111( ,,t of their holdings | , ■ ■ . ■ . ] mnler cultivation, vvlneh represents am untold amomit of hard and ceaseless toil. The hoys feel that they have well earned v . u . uti<>|l , together will, their (am dies will s|« ud a portion ol the coming summet in the mountains, ex|ieeting to leave some lime in July. The New Irrigation Hose. It works while you slisp. For sale at A nvis-1 noxi.'s Richmond Has the Coolest Store in Town You are invited to make this your headquarters at all times, par ticularly these hot days. We have the finest line of Dress Goods, Novelties, Laces, Embroideries, etc., ever shown. Hose in all col ors, sizes and prices. Underwear for all. Many Bargains in Odds and Ends in Dress Goods. Shoes = -as usual, the best in town. Groceries, fancy and staple. More Dress Goods and Shoes due to arrive any day. Quality, Service, Price-—Right. Let us show you. At RICHMOND MERCANTILE CO. Satisfaction or Aloney Back. NORTH SIDE Construction Co. General Building Contractors Office in First Nat. Bank Building Room 6. Rat i R. K MiT/KK, Rrc-sident. 1 >. R. Retkksox, S»-e'y and Treus. Jerome Concrete & Brick Co., Ltd BUILDERS' SPECIALTIES Cement and Crushed Rock, Cement Sidewalks, Concrete Block bactory. Ornamental Work. .IKItoMI-:, IDAHO Farmers and Merchants State Bank JEROME, IDAHO Established January 2nd, R. S. FRAZER. President. P. R. KARTZKE, Vice-Prest. W. L. HUVETTE, Cashier. C. F. M.-ASSE^', Ass't Cashier. D1HKCTOKS R. S. Kiî vzkiî. Rn-st. Fiazer-Momv llanlvvare Co. . Rre»t. Burk head-1 leis« Realty Co. K. C. MixoiMi.WK, Adjuster Farmers Mutual Fire Ins. Co. R. R, Kvktzki:. Brest. Jerome Concrete and Brick Co. Joviceii SenNEi:nKuot;u, Farmer. R vi eu AhsiiiK. Secretary Frazer-Moon- Hardware Co. A. T. R.t'.i m i:. Diuctor Twin Falls North Side Canal F sers AssTi. \V. A, ID i notice: The above named Bank should be loyally supported by the residents of the North Side tract, because of the fact that the money invested in the Capital Stock of this concern is owned by the residents of the tract. They are always ready and willing to deal fairly with the farmer, the business man, the mer chant and the individual, so long as you present them any business proposition that is consistent with safety. fr M « fl -g « À % X i\ inrol 11 Cl I 411511 I C t B * £ . Jr ß & ä 1 Al M BO L. 1 * • J 1 J F mu 'â ^ I ( | | | « I -* ^ » » f / A . f v I -.Ml*,,-, \ r »•*■•**« ?» /* / ■n v\' Y 7 aVa » ~t> t r fm & •r V U ti; Explanation ol Map \ Copyright 1910 Lincoln Paint and Color Company CImute M*p White Symbol Formula Trunglf No. I Humidity 80 .\nd over Damp 6f> to 75 Medium Lane 50 to BO Dry Under 50 V ery Dry Blick ? S No. 2 I - u Cock No 3 G « No 4 - The First Climatic Map of the United States Ever Published. This map—the lirst climatic map of the United States ever pub lished—shows von, whatever part of the country you may he in, jnsl which formula of Lincoln Climatic Paint is especially adapt ed—or pre-acclimolcd to yottr use in the climate of your particular section. The formulas are numliered and symbolized—so there can be no mistake. ; 1 Wee ter Lumber Co. Ltd.r 41 I GEO. T. KSSLING, Agent. ï ÖYYYYY VVYYYVV WYŸVVVVYVVV- o— YY Y VVYYTYYYV YYŸ YYVYV Y YYY i