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The Lincoln County Times The Farmers* Paper of the North Side Tract Subscription; and orJers for Job Work and Advertising, may be left the Real Estate office of Shepard & Barrett. Wendell Section at GEO. Ü. BARRETT, Editor. Office with Shepard & Barrett WENDELL IDAHO, AUGUST 3, 1911 Plans of the Fair The Board of Directors of the Lincoln County Fair have gotten down to business in good shape and many arrangements have been com pleted. In the neighborhood of 8600 have been raised by private subscripton in the town of Wendell and besides this the Village trustees have appropriated a neat sum to ward the event. An appropriation from the County Commissioners lias been asked for and the proposi tion met with favor at the hands of that body, although the exact amount has not been set. This is a County affair and will do a great deal to advertise the county, and the display of products and stock that can be made will open the eyes of most of the people here as to what the country will produce. It is proposed to make this Fair a movable event and to pass it around to different towns on differ ent years and it is right that the County as a whole contribute to its support. A commitiee on advertising has lieen appointed consisting of Messrs George Smith, George Hall and Fred Clark. This committee is getting down to work and we will soon see the effects of their work in the County papers and otherwise. Honorary members of the Board of Directors have been chosen in each town, who will be expected to forward the interests of the Fair in there respective communities. The Fair will be held on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of October. The first day will be known as the Idaho Irrigation Co. Project day, the sec ond day as the Minnidoka Project day and the third day Twin Falls North Side and Hagarman Valley day. It is expected that these various communities will make a special effort to be present and make their respective days lively. The place of the holding of the 1912 Fair will probably be deter mined by the showing made at the 1911 Fair by the several towns in the county that desire it. In de* termining the location of the 1912 Fair, both the attendance and the number of general premiums won will be taken into consideration, It has been decided to have bands from different parts of the county for each day. There will also be a ball game each day between teams from the different towns of the county. There will be a dance the first and last evening, and on the second evening there will be a vau deville play. Mr. J. M. Staples has been elect ed Supt. of the live stock exhibit; A. D. Milligan, Supt. of the fruit exhibit; II. E. Barrett, Supt. of grain, grass and vegetable exhibit, and E. L. Ean, Supt. of the domes tic science department. The following committee's have been appoint«!: Amusements: Joe Krivanek, Ed Gale and Geo. Smith. Contests: M. G. Kappel, Jas. Wade and Wni. Davis. Mr. Davis is to have charge of the horse races, Mr. Kappel the base ball games, and Mr. Wade will attend to any other contests the committee puts on. The following cutting from the Evening Capital News, shows that the rest of the state has begun to set up and take notice of Lincoln County: ''Several precinct fairs are to be held in Lincoln County before the October fair at Boise, and the premium exhibits from these fairs will be shipped to the Intermountain fair. There will be some surprises in store for other counties from Lincoln county this year, for the people over there are boosters, and a concerted effort will be made by them to carry off first honors here next October." S. Tauber is backing his faith by work. He has employed an expert orchardist for next year, and is going to put 85000 in buildings in addition to what be has already. Lincoln County Fair st Wendell. Oct. 3, 4 and 5. COUNTY SWEEPSTAKES FOR LINCOLN THE INTER. MOI NTAIN FAIR. BREVET1ES Dr. H. E. Lamb, Physician and Surgeon. Offices in the 1st Natl'. Bank building. A. L. Pyle is over from Jerome on business. The Bruneau tract is going to open this fall. Wendell is a good supply point for that territory. If you are in the market for land see Shepard A* Barrett, Wendell Idaho. Dr. .1. R. Silverthorn, Physician and Surgeon. Mr. R. .1. Coates has charge of the Wendell drug store in the ab sence of Mr. Deweese. J. B. Ellsworth says he will get four cuttings of alfalfa this year, and his trees are prize winners for yearlings. Messrs. Eustice and Rand were over from Buhl looking over the North Side tract with the idea of buying land. Bert Barton is limping on both feet. He mashed one foot and run a nail through the other last Tues day. Harvey W. Hurlebaus was in Wendell this week. He will be lo cated in Milner instead of Jerome after August 10th. Bob Burkhalter was over from D. C. Mac Watters ranch east of Jerome looking for a good milch cow, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Deweese left Mon day evening for a trip to Salt Lake City, and will be back Thursday of this week. Joe Krivanek, the popular mana ger of the Wendell water works, has the reputation of having the finest lawn on the tract. Chas. Anderson returned home last Saturday from the hospital at Boise, where he has been taking treatment for# a broken leg. He will be going without his crutches soon. Some Wendell married men and women went out to Bert Schuitman's "swimming hole" Tuesday evening and enjoyed a cool, refreshing plunge. They were amply chaper oned. J. L. O'Rourke brought in a nice sample of alfalfa which is seeding nicely. He is very much enthused over the alfalfa seed crop which is being tried by a large number of the farmers around Wendell this season. Dr. E. L. Simonton of Wamego, Kansas, and Mr. Joe Bohner of Bellevue, Kansas, arrived in Wen dell last Saturday. Mr. Simonton has extensive property interests here and came on a trip of inspection. M. Bohner is looking for a place to locate, and so far thinks quite fav orably of the Wendell district. Water Master Ed Eoff, and Fred Bates of the Salmon tract, were in Wendell Saturday and Sunday of last week visiting friends- They report everything over at Hollister coming along nicely. Mr. Eoff is is very well pleased with his forty acre orchard which he planted east of Wendell last spring. The ladies will give their Booster ette Banquet August 9th. The toasts will be given at the Odeon and the banquet at the Grill restau rant. All ladies of the town and country are invited to be present and help boost Wendell. The plates will be one dollar each. Names of all persons who are going to be pre sent should be handed to Mrs. H. E. Barrett on or before August 8th, so that ample arrangement can be made for all. EXCURSIONS EAST Via Oregon Short Line—Union Pacific. Special low rates to Cheyenne, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and many other points. Tickets on sale May 20th, 24th, 26th, and 27th, June 3rd, 7th, 10th, 14th, 17th, 21st, July 6th, 22nd, 26th, August 16th, and Sep tember 2nd and 6th. Limit October 31st, with diverse routes and stopovers. See agents for rates and further particulars. ; There has been a great deal of late in the papers of the county in regard to a tendency that has existed in the different towns of the county to knock other towns and other projects. It has to be admitted that there has been more or less of this throughout Southern Idaho, but it is generally admitted that this tendency is a thing greatly to be discouraged. A knock on any particular tract or town is a knock on the Twin Falls country in gener al and any advantage gain«! by any one section of our country more or less rebounds to the pros perity of us all. We take a reason able pride in the knowledge that Wendell is as little affected that way as are any of our sister towns and perhaps less so. Not long since we heard a Wendell booster talking to a prospective land buyer. The stranger mentioned a feature of the Wendell country which he consider ed a fault. The Booster suggested that the other purchase land around Gooding as that certain feature was not found up there. We believe that the spirit shown by this Wen dell Booster is one that will win for the entire Twin Falls Country, liet ter and more quickly than any oth er. It seems now that the opening of the Bruneau tract is an assured fact and that work will begin upon it immediately. It appears that the proposition is backed by the bank ing house of Kuhn Loeb A- Co., of New York. These backers probab ly control more money than any other company in the world and there will be no trouble whatever with Kuhn Loeb & Co. behind the Along with this good proposition, news comes word from J. Stuart Clark that the outlook is rosy for the Hagerman Valley and Wendell Electric line. Mr. Clark has just returned from the east where he has been financing this road and also the Boise Valley R. R. A. B. Leach A Co., of Buffalo N. V., have sent their engineer here to check up the surveys and if they are found to be correct the road will be built. The opening up of the Bruneau will mean that this road will lie extended aero: river and give Wendell the best the connections with that country of any town in Idaho and will give us an excellent market for all produce. Wendell citizens can make no take in landing every enery to get the Hagerman Valley connections at this time. mis FIFTEEN DAY Personally Escorted All-Expense Tour. From Ogden and Salt Lake City to Chicago, New York, Washington, Ni agara Falls, etc., via Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Northwestern Lines, leaving Salt Lake and Ogden August 16th. The rate will be $175.00 including all penses except meals at New York and Chicago. Proportionately low rates will be made from other Short Line points to Ogdep for those who desire to avail them selves of the benefits of this tour, further details, complete itinerary and reservations, address, General Passenger Agent, Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, Salt Lake City' Utah. ex For h. E. Burley, The Rainmakers or Idaho Irrigation Farmers, ing splendid crops of every kind, while the farmers of the Middle West standing idly watching their crops burn up before their very eyes. Mr. Farmer of the drouth stricken region, what would you give if you could go out to morrow morning and by lifting a.head gate send the life-giving waters rush ing over your fields? That is exactly what the Idaho farmer will do and he will reap a harvest the like of which you never dreamed. are rais are FOR MORE INFORMATION, WRITE SHEPARD & BARRETT, Irrigated Lands and Orchard Tracts. Wendell. Ida. •in* J'**' | ^ j , j , First National Bank w e: N D El L_ L_ ( ) o F " I 1 ' L I ■Si nr - ■ HUyij jf ' r M . ; Jllm t . :■ m '■'ft 1 *, . i -i A. P. SCHRITCHHF.LD Vice- Pressent. H. E. BARRETT. President. H. D. JACKSON. Cashier. u Surplus. Capital. $ 25 . 000 . $ 3.000 General Banking Business Assistant Engineer Robinson, ofj the O. S. I,., met with the City! Council Friday evening and gave out the plans for improvements that his company intend to put in at Wendell. He was given the assur ance that the people of this city would give him every aid in their power. The deed for the land that l the O. is. L. asks from the city has r 1 ®® 11 received. C °uiu'il has been «nable to get a >n the iand and So far the City reasonable priee have not seen fit tu purchase it. Mr. Robinson gave the assurance that the Short Line is ready to put he-j tween 815,000 and 820,000 into im provements as soon as they get the concession they desire, have been given from headquarters ro push the work as fast as possible and get everything completed this year. It is to lie hoped that the city will lie able to do its part in securing these needed improvements. Orders Attention, Horse Owners. The Old Governors hig Percheron stal lions will make the balance of the season at the Jerome Livery hum Monday and Tuesday of each week, nesday and Thursday, and Gooding, Friday and Saturday. These horses are Wendell, Wed amon K thl ' larp>st on th ® ,ract an,i Ane animal». For particulars cull and see me at the Jerome Livery ham on aliove dates. ai* F. It. Goodind, Owner, Geo. Shaw. Attendant. T. E. WEST, Tin and Sheetiron Work ROOFING, Guttering, Comice and Skylights WENDELL, IDAHO, ►«►o At Our Fountain ! Ice Cold Drinks Egg Drinks Strawberry Chocolate Nut Pineapple and Cherry Sundae Ice Cream Soda Nut Frappe Sundae Brick Cream Our Specially R. E. DEWEESE, DRUGGIST Be a Camel— Get a Hump on now, and buy lumber and building material from the Build WEETER LUMBER COMPANY L. E A N , . Wendell, Idaho. Local Agent lIVTTTyrTYVmTmVYtWVYyoOOTVVWVY V t VT TV VV VVYVVTWtO Graded Morgan Stallion, . t TEDDIE I - DF_a RIP 1 ION : Chestnut Sorrel, with silver mane and tail; stands 1: 1 5 3 * 4 hands hi « h i wei 8k 1.225 pounds; good style and action. The best of disposition. Was sired by Frank E; first dam. Old Dell. Graded Mammoth Jack, ; • : !; I»* - li: : | ' \t - If • it Honest Bob - ^ B ' ack Jock, black, with mealy and belly, stands 14 3-4 hands high; weighs about 950 pounds: tionally heavy bone, splendid head and neck action than any Jack in Southern Idaho. - nose excep and has more style and rhis Stock will make the season at the North Side Livery Barn, Jerome This horse and Jack hav Board and been inspected by the State Sanitary pronounced sound and giMKl. 7 TERMS: — S5. 00 at time of for season. c a- m * «• t service; 85.00Sept. 1st, 1911 t- m».r- ma*' in lî""K!""'"- 1 ' '■ zz"™*- •« "»P»-*'« aar any Geo, w. H EDRICKS. Attendant. «■». .1 a. «■» pu^„ h ïr de p " ch "" " ** *• 1 0 insure mare in foal « 16.00. iàAMMM M M.tdMUl CHAS. HEDRICKS, Own«,. ROSCO, ■ 1 ER MS F or the season, $12.00.