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LINCOLN COUNTY TIMES hiblliM fviTf Thnnutay ui Mulio, lL(lit«»r mid l*n»|»r. 1,. T. Aij<xani»ki«. Subscription, Si.00 per year Entered as M'ismd-i'luis» nmtter Mure), s. e.iii, UI lis- IHW.I oil lee u 1 Jerome, Mutio. tlliilel It.,. of March a, W7». el Summer dress goods at reduced prices. Zaun Kuos. Miss Zelphiu Plummer s|>eiil last week w ith friends on the South Side. 11. R. Stevens has accepted a position with the Jerome Mercantile Co., and i will remove to town for the present. New stock Just received, at Jerome Ham Co. I jewelry Mrs. C. K. Palmer and children spent ' portion of last week the guests of .hie ! Krivanek and family at Wendell. U All kinds of camping dishes and stove! tops made at Archer's tin shop. A drinking fountain is lieiag placed Main stn-et at the First National Rank corner, for the lienelll of («-deslrians. ! Farmers are busy this wi-ek with their' second cutting of alfalfa, and all report a I oil g.ssl yield. . , C. \\. De\ is-, who has already done | considerable threshing, informs i.s Hint j (Ik* average yield «»f grain in |in»\ing wry ; natinfuctory. A baiyuhi in a g* frigerul«»r, al»** in*\v ohm al 1.' Hi Hilsts, (Ik* Furniture man. Humor wcnrreiil *the change in man arment oi um» »if uur hlackiitnilh »hop* though no definite arrangement has rearin'«I um yet. The «•onlruclon* an* |*r» rapidly on the lie* Hiddell »tort* building on Main alreel. The wall» have rear he« I the mvoikI ulory. e ! .1 eond- liand ■ i A f*»re«* of iiK'ii amt team» an* htinily engaged making a till tin the eu»l aide ot Maple »invl, preparatory l*» the laying of a »idevudk along thi» thoroughfare. elect farms and acreage trai ls A few at a saeritice if taken at once Oculars. For par e Hardwick A Company Parties returning Irom Bine Isikes re eing Hon. W. J. Bryan, with I j I».rl pole in hand, enjoying the pleasures .>( angling (or trout in the waters there. Geo. Vanium, an attorney of lienver, who has large inlenwls on the Salmon Tract, has lss*n visiting ids brother. Rev. Varnmn and family during the past week. Don't forget to bring that cat) to town and have Archer pul a new bottom in it, or bring the cover and have a new can made. U. Z. Rnrkhead has (ilbsl up a new of fice at the corner of Main and Ash stns'ts. where he will Is' glad to meet his friends and esjss-ially those seeking life insur ance, A goisl second hand sewing machine for sale at a bargain. L'Hkkishon, the Furniture Man. The school Issinl al their mix-ting Friday evening will lake up tin- qniwlion of the location of a district north of Jerome. All intervstisl .Id atel hool house in the are invited to is- present of course you want to six- your name •k Is'ing ixmipiUxl hy •iely. If so send a copy of your favorite rixx-ipl to Mrs. J. K. Bri'Wer, I»ix Jerome. Dr. J. K. Si'hmershuU in.mpaniisl R. !.. Hammond to Boisi* hist wix-k, when* the latter w ill undergo an the remoxal of an olistmi'lion to the ear, (mm which he has Ux*n snllering for some time. in the new cook h the ladies of the M K. jieratioii for and ..flic. Dr. Matthew .1. Beistel hi residemx' in F'irsl National Bank build Day or night calls promptly an Tel. TU. mg. swenxl. Judge A. T. Bruner rdiinnxl to Je rome tlie lirsl of the wis'k alter an ex visit to Mouiilainhoine, and tended says In* is glad to gd hack on the North Side tract. Mr. R. K. Tliomi>s..n, having driven Hi' was accompanied hy overland, "(tiH«l morning Nellie, how does y mir hum now?" mother's gasoline Stove "Mother says it hums and acts just like \ relier cleaned and u new stove since repaired it." Mr. W. Hlieplor and family departed Sunday for Monroe. Wash., where they ex|HX*l to remain teni|s>rarly for the pn Their many friends here regret their ih'partun* and Its»k for Iheir earl) sent. return to Jerome, where Mr. S. f ha pro|s*rty inlenxits A dollar's Worth of protection may !«• the means of putting tl 1 * 1 into your pocket after the lie". Company for your tin' Mr. Fairl I)avell|sirt and Miss Hazel Robb drove to Hugerman Tuesday to sjiend the day with the formers parents who reside near there. Six' Hardwick A insurance. As tlie young schedule. people did not return as per they were evidently ao engrossed enjoying the scenery enroule that they forgot to follow the nxl apple. Gov. Hawley bus appointed Fred W. Gooding, A. J. Newman and W. J. Wallace us Commissioners for tlie newly organized Shoshone highway district It will at once Is* noticed from these appointments that the highway district question was not so much of a political «eherne us some of tlie politicians lien* would have us believe. 11 ih eldoin (hui closes III! arriMin) .,) •>Ut such iH the an establishment much business, use with John Adamson restaurant business had lux' such that it U win I onu* u? * a pliyHiral i tu |h mni I »i lit y it without 'A «•ontimn In* has Ih*cii Im ln- ha« ei« »net I (hi to itrtiritMit h<*l|>, niiuhl«* to * sain»* («*iii|»orily. •I \. Armstrong relnrnisl hist w,x-k from his eastern trip, and the arrival a large shipment of ne later explainisl his mission east. if Is a few days Work men are now busy remodeling the store adjoining his present location, w gl riMiin and Mr A. informs ns that he anticipates ..l»'ning of his dry goods department within a couple of wis-ks. leave repair work on watches, elis'ks, at Jerome Dki'o Co. i''le. Mrs. Geo. Gray and little dgughterde I'uHed hist week for an extended visit will! the former's parents at Chicago I he is nearly crazy, but it •rves him right a» he h: '■ «iys Iss'ii working in tow n for some time, w hile his little wife has hix' good n sii|NTvismg matters She now on the ranch, even, and we don't blame her. pn »|»i t « i ■I. M. I tali returned from Camas of the week and has remodeling his building recently vacated hy the Far.. A Merchants | !a „k, whieh will Is- devoted to the real estate business. Iiiitcntion to 1'rairie the lirnt I »et'n exclusively il irt Mr. enjoy a week or two when he of himiing in the niolililai will return |. Jerome thi* real estate business. and devote bis time i* Svn'tary Gycox oi tin Mi'Ioli liro* rahlt' 4'r»' Ah»'!!. U in nvt'ipt ot wry tu v«i rrjH»rtJ4 from ihr fanner» legarding t ht* condition» o| tin* <TOp, u ii« 1 h»* al thaï Il»»* outlook for a mark«'t 1 « slatcn them It is liin desire thaï m very encouraging, ihr farmiTn keep him fully po»t«*d regard ing the progrès» of the »Top, that arrange ment* ma) Im* made for handling them udvaiitagi'oiiidy, < loing at bargains, slimmer dress goods. Mr. t Shirt waists and /.MIX Hit' is. i S hnssler, of Heyhurn bus Iss'ii the guest ol his brother,!'!. A. here this wis-k. George is a ii'ine artist of and has produced many quite line paintings **l scenes along the Snake enow Ii uk on a painting of P.lue laikes, whieh will Is* followed later with a iniieh larger production of the Shoshone Kails. We are informed riier, and is now al that a I'ollis tioii of his paintings will Is on exhibition at the land shows in the east this full. Gill A Robinson, the transfer men, congratulating themselves upon the re covery of one of their largi-st and ls-st truck horM-s from a severe pneiluioiiia. The horse w as placed under the care of Dr. Grinder, the Veterinary, who resortisl to the labstl treatment of an infusion <>f mediealisl water into the jugular vein, with most Is-netieial tvsiills. The Dr. is nxx'iviug many eompliments over the suc.x-ss of his treatment Binders and himiing twine. I'laee your orders now. S|ss*ial priis-s and a O' :iU;n k ol terms on Dis-ring and Cham pion hinders. ( all and six' them. Noktii Sing \V IHKIIol si; A Com. Co. Mr. Arthur Cutis, who lives a short distance norklieaut of town, us a sample of ,»>tuliss* of the variety, yesterday, that are equal to any we have -ss'ii grown on the tract this They are of a large and uniform While Pearl season size, and would lind a ready market any w here. Mr. Cults says lie lias I acres of them in his orchard, which were plant.-d about the middle of May, from culls that were practically thrown away last fall. He has lux*» using these polal.s-s (or a month, and says TA |s'r cent of the yield an- equal to the sample. Get your Jewelry at the Jerome Drug Co. New sl.s k just received, Sheri(f Zug has Isx'i) busy rounding uji of horse rustlers who have Isx'ii a gang carrying on sin rounding country, of ..I the gangs was I. their depredations in the The headquarters caled near Rn etUx'tive work on js-rt, and after some the purl of the slierifl', two iiieinls-rs of tlie gang wen* arrested, and have lsx*n tnrnixl over to the ..IliixTs from other It cannot Is- asccrlaiucd that stales. this«' fellows committed any depnxlations Lincoln county, though several horses in missing recently have in that have b The ridding of the never Ihx'Ii lis'alixi. country of lids gang, however is a meri tori oils piix'c of work. »Iliii» i >n SrplfMiiUT 1*1 11»* Mccrrtary s of the Tw in Falls North Side Land \ Water Co. will !«• nunoved to Miliner, eonsolidulixl with tlie w here it will I •lierai ollice which has always l«x'ii ■relary having aiuluinixl there, the lux'll stationed here since the o|«>ning of the tract for the Is'ller aeconushilion of With the oisuiing of the in the settlers. Salman river tract and the installation of the pumping systems, business matters thought could U- I «'tier conserved ■titrai ixation of the offices. it was hy the While the community is loath to have • ' Mr H. IInrle haus, the efficient secretary from its midst, there is some consolation j n the fact that lie will continue to pay periislieal v isits to Jerome. Notice who have not paid road All (sTsons poll tax for BUI are hereby notified that . may Is» paid to the City Clerk or tlie undersigned, and that if said tax More August 16th, sane to is not paid on collection will lie enforced by due pro J. D. Gott, or cess of law. Collector. The Last Spike Driven. Tin* last spike on till* Ki 11 x rl - HI ihh eut "II uf the Oregon Short Une was driven yesterday morning. It was expix'Uxl to make the connection the evening previous hut a few rail« were found lat'kint; Tnesday morning the passenger train wan run up from Rupert, carrying rail* enough to close up the «"In and it in now possible in run trains from Rn |>ert to Bliss, and it is the rumor that the initial trip will lie made to to-day. Il is further stated that the line will Is- turned over to the operating depart ment the Ifith of the present month, after which we may look for some local train schedule, although it will probably require a month or more to put the road lied in condition for operating the heavy through trains. It is the universal opinion among rail road men around 1'oealello that the reg ular Salt hake Hoise passenger will lie run through here, instead of over the main line between Minadoka and liliss, which would give us direct connection with I'.i lise. The committee on the depot site had thought they had all the details complet ed. and the i ieeds, properly ex ecu till, had lieeu returned here, when it was found that a small fraction of the land extended on the pro|sTty Is-longing to Mr. hikely. This error will necessitate defering operations for possibly a couple of meantime the company are already get ting material on the ground for the de pot, which we are assured will be rushed to completion as soon as the company comes into possession of the land. How about that Kleid Hay Jerome was to inaugurate on the completion of the line, l-'tit il about time to gel busy? the new depot weeks. In the Hinder for Sale. A MeCormiek Hinder in condition fe (or sbs-k. first-class sale cheap, or will trade W. T. VkaZIE. Jerome, Ida. Pull uf Confidence Mr. C. H. Gallenline, of Morrison, HI., has Iss'ii a visitor on the tract the past wis'k, and we acknowledge a pleas ant call yesterday. Mr. Gallenline is one of the heavy investors ot) the tract, having some ôoo acres lying two miles north, a little over inn acres of which are in cultivation, including an on-hard of 4«l acres w hieh is pronounced one of the model rules on the tract. He has never lost confidence in the enterprise here, and Ids annual visits only serves to strengthen his ts-lief that lids section is destined to Iss-ome one of the richest valleys in the northwest. He lias tins year about 6n acres in potatoes, which lie says lie will continue to plant each year, which together with alfalfa and hogs, wilt yield a handsome revenue, during the lime Ids orchard is coming into hearing. Mr. Gullentine is a con servative business man, and has hy close personal attention to all details built up a most prosperous business in growing cucumbers and tomatoes, at Ids home town, for the winter market, and Ids judgement of conditions lien 1 must Is' taken with considerable weight. Mr. Galleutiue's business interests here have lss*u under the careful super vision of Mr. G, B. Hawlieeker. situs' the first and the results of the latter's work cannot help but Is- pleasing to the propreitor. - • - Kami Wanted. I want to buy or trade (ora good Jo SO on North Side. Write and descrilie or what you have. Ds-k Box :57. Bcllairc, Kan. Sale of The Weetcr 1.umber Co. The dispatches of hist Friday give de tails of till- sale of tlie entire holdings of the Weder l.umlier Co. to a syndicate of eastern capitalists headed hy Mr. Is'vvis Curtis, of Clinton, Iowa. The deal is the largest merchantile transaction ever negotiated in Idaho, and includes all the holdings of the Weder Co., both real estate and st.s'ks of lumber in South involving a transact ion of The ern Idaho, Is'lwixMi Stoo,i»Ni and jCsHj.illlO. company has yards in Lincoln County at Jerome, man. Bliss. Shoshone, and Kden, and Mr. Wix'ter is authority forlheslalenii'iil that no change will Is* made either in the general management of the in the managi'rs of the local yards. This announcement will Is* gratifying to the many friends of Mr. lîeo. Kisting. who has managed the local yards hen* since their installment, and whose friends are Wendell, Gooding, Hager Co., or legion. For Sale. Good horse, buggy and harness, for ftlti.iio. For particulars enquire of, K. M. Gbboo. Fractured a Limb. Mrs. Adolph lloehmler, who lives near Appleton, was tlie victim of quite a pain ful accident last Monday. She was driv ing to town in company with Miss Hen ning, wlien the horse became frightened and ran into the sage brush, throwing the occupants out, Mrs. Bochmlcralight ing in such a manner as to fracture her thigh. She was brought to tow n and mistical aid summoned and her sufferings relieved. Tlie unfortunate lady is at present liv ing alone. son came here recently, hut later the husband returned to Sumpter, Ore., and the son departed for Chicago. Boehmler is being tenderly cared for by kind friends. Her husband, herself and Mrs. The Water Situation Some uneasiness was OVCT flu* tract IumI wiH*k \vln*n tin* wut4*r in Mom«* of tin* lutterai» and «lilcli»*» Ihn*uiim* low and tin* rumor wan »(«read lliat tin* wat«*r wan to U* tnrru*d off. A representative of the Times immedi ately set forth to ascertain the facts in the ease and inquiry at the ofllee of the company here at once set at rest any alarm that might have Isx'n occasioned, as we were assured that the slight inter ruption was caused hy the regulation of the (low of w ater preparatory to adopting a system of rotation for the mon* eco use of the water during the re mainder of the irrigating season. Mr. 1). f'. MaeWatters, Vice-President anil General Manager of the North Side project, not Is-ing in the city, was sought out at Milner hy telephone, and when askisl regarding the rotation system of water deliveries, whieh would Is' inau gurated after August 1st, stated: "There is nothing about the water sys tem, so far as water deliveries are eon eerntsl, to cause the slightest uneasiness. In adopting the rotation system, we are simply carrying out the arrangement or iginally contemplated' hy the state con tract, and also provided for in the Cni ted States and State laws, which require the careful conservation of water and the lienelieial use ol same, avoiding all un necessary waste. The rotation system will undoubtedly Is* adopted within a very short time on all irrigated tracts, from the beginning to the end of each season, as the continuous-flow system re sults in an almost criminal waste of wa ter, and is not a good thing for the set tler nor for the land. An examination of the North Side canal system will convince all the settlers that there is an abundance of water which we projiose to deliver to the eulti vated lands under the rotation system, and cure tlie most satisfactory results." Mr. MaeWatters further added that il was the intention to keep a continuous flow through the system sufficient for do mestic pur|sises, the irrigation periisl to Is' allernatisl weekly lietweeii the Jerome and Wendell districts. From all we can learn this arrange ment will meet with hearty approval hy the settlers. He|sirts from the main ca nal last night showed that il was within a few tenths of a foot of its normal flow. Peaches Are Now Ripe at F-'ar View. 4 Cents Per Pound. Kirst ranch on the way to Hugerman. Take the Wendell road and follow the Red Apple. Returning from Boise Sunday, we for (unalely fonnisl the acquaintance of Mr. Mrs. 1*. S. A. Bickki.. J. F. M. Connor and wife of Chicago, who were returning from an extended trip through Alaska. Mr. Connor is a meiulsT of Clay Robinson A Co., a large Chicago Commission house, and his trip combined liolh business and pleasure. They were enroule to Twin Falls, and also w ished to view the great Shoshone (alls, and through tin- instru mentality of fir. Schmershall, were per suaded to come via Jerome, and after viewing conditions in this immediate vicinity, Mr. Connor expressed himself as much surprised, and pronounced it as tine a stretch of country as he had seen in Idaho, and only his limited time pre vented them spending a day or so here. Mr. C. and his estimable wife are both interesting conversationalists, and they have promised to make this section an other and more prolonged visit. Church Announcements. PKESItYTEItlAN CHI HCII. Rev. J. M. Anderson, Minister Regular services every Sabbath. Sabbath School at 10 o'clock. J. A. Armstrong, Superintendent. Preaching at II o'clock, prompt. Sermon theme: "A famous Church and its work. Open air Union services at 7:150 sharp, on Main stnx't near Gauss block, Rev. Mr. Dodge, Pastor of the Christian Church will sjM'iik. Bring chairs and song books. CHRi-STAIN SCIENCE. Services held every Sunday morning at 10:46 o'clock al Hales Hull, on main street. METHODIST. Sunday Sch.sil, pi a. m. Preaching hv the jyistor, 11 a. m. F.pworth Is-ague, . p. m. Vixqs'r semis's on the slnx'ls S p. in. Probationers will lie received into full conmx'tion at the morning. Rev. Minney will preach at Cherry vale Chajs'i next Sunday at :5;:5n p. m. Who Can Beat This? F„ F.. Vance, who lives on Blue Lakes Isiulevard, reports that from 17 rows of straw! «Tries 111 feet long, and planted three feet apart he sold FJ-Vl worth of berries, besides having all the family could cal. The lierries were of the Magic Gem variety', which were produced by Mr. Nance. Tile area covered hy the berries was about one-eighth of an acre. At tlie same rate an acre would yield an income of'$:5tKM.- Tw in Fall Chronicle. Resolutions of Sympathy. Our esteemed Neighbor, Mill nie 'Duncan Cox. has liecn removed from our midst hy the disjieusiition of Divine providence: and Whereas, The cloud of sorrow has visited the home and cast a deep shadow upon tlie devoted relatives, therefore, he Whereas, i! Resoi.ved. That Sunshine Camp, No. fittbl, R, N. A., extend to tlie sorrowing relatives of mir deceased neighbor our heartfelt sympathy in their sad and sor rowful bereavement, and I«* it further Rksoi.vkd. That tlie charter of this lodge Vie drain'd in mourning as an ex pression of our grief; a copy <•( these resolutions be imhished and spread upon the records of this lodge, and a copy sent to the bereaved family. By order of Committee. Now In Our New Building J. W. LAWRENCE, GENERAL BLACKSMI THING, Wood and Iron Work of all kinds I* now located in his New Iron Building, opposite Concrete Works All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention I Richmond Has the Coolest Store in Town 1 You are invited to make this your headquarters at all times, par ticularly these hot days. We have the finest line of Dress Goods, Novelties, Ibices, Embroideries, etc., ever shown. Hose in all col ors, sizes and prices. Underwear lor all. Many Bargains in Odds and Ends in Dress Goods. l Shoes- "as usual, the best in town. Groceries, fancy and staple. More Dress Goods and Shoes due to arrive any day. Quality, Service, Price——Right. Let us show you. At RICHMOND MERCANTILE CO. Satisfaction or Money Back. W.M. W AO NEK, President Howard \V. Finch, Vice-President .). P. KlDtiWAV, Secretary North Side Warehouse & Commission Co., Ltd. .fJKAI.KRS IN. REGGIES, WAGONS, l.M ELEMENTS, WIND MILLS, GASOLINE ENGINES Everything in the Line of FARM MACHINERY HAY, GRAIN, FEED, COAL AND SEEDS Custom Grinding and Chop Feeds Leave Orders for Coal, Feed and Seeds at our new Main Street Office. Main Street office Phone, 89 Warehouse Phono, (59 Pad. R. Kartzkk, President. U. R. Peteksos, Sec' y and Treas. Jerome Concrete & Brick Co., Ltd BUILDERS' SPECIALTIES Cement and Crushed Rock, Cement Sidewalks, Concrete Block Factory, Ornamental Work. .1EKOME, IDAHO J. 11. JOSFP1 ISON A. ANDERSON North Side Construction Co. General Contractors JEROME. IDAHO Room 6. First National Bank Building, Everybody! Listen! Yesterday is Dead. To-morrow you can't Figure on. T O DAY is the day to do those little repair jobs that you have wanted to do so long. Repair Your Home, Stable, Cunal, Fence, anything that needs repairing, and let us furnish you the Right Material At the Right Price. Perhaps you are ready to huilil a new home, ham or something—if so, we are glad to know it, and will appreciate a eall from you and will he glad to talk it over and give figures Ostrander Lumber Co., Ltd. ? Phone 72. U.L.L O'BRIEN, Local Manager,