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ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Sterling Butter Made from Pasturized Cream and Put Up Under Strict Sanitary Regulations. When Wanting a Delicious Dish, insist on having Sterling Ice Cream MANUFACTURED BY THE Dairy Products Comp'y, Twin Palis, Idaho. WEETER LUMBER CO., ALL KINDS OF Building Material LINCOLN PAINT GEORGE T. K1SLIING, Agent FENCE WIRE We have just received two car loads of the popular ELWOOD, AMERICAN ROYAL Rabbit-Proof and Hog-Tight Foncing ORDERS PROMPTLY FIL-LEID All Sizes of Galvanized Steel Irrigating Tubes I Frazer-Moore Comp'y Heavy &, Shelf Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Etc. JEROME, IDAHO r Imported Hackney Stallion Fortrey Active IMP. FORTREY ACTIVE is a chestnut; blaze and Sired by Halloo Garton Dane; dam, Fortrey Rose. William Gifford Butcher, Holywell St. Ives, Eng. Hackney Stud Book. i no other Bred by Registered in Ameri white. can Eortrey Active Will make the season of 1911 as follows; North Side Livery Barn, Jerome Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week. Balance of time at the DeVoe Orchards & Stock Farms Co Five Miles North of Jerome. This Horse has been inspected by the State San itary Board and found sound in every particular. TERMS OF SERVICE For the season, $12.00. $2.00 at time of service, $10 due Sept. 1st, 1911. To insure mare in foal, $1 5.00. $2.00 at time of and $13 due March I, 1912. If mare is sold or removed from county, money becomes due at Due precaution will be used to prevent accidents, but we will not be responsible should any occur. The De Voe Orchards & Stock Farms Co., Owners service once. W. A. AMBROSE, Attendant. J HOTEL JEROME GO TO THE WEST END POOL HALL and BARBER SHOP Under new management First-class Cafe in Connection For Fair Treatment Electric Heat CIGARS. TOBACCO. CANDY and LUNCH in Connection J. O. ADAMSON i Rates Reasonable H. N. SCHILLINGTON. Prop I A Brief Synopsis of Some of the Work Tlujtiglt a full and official report of the proceedings of the July session of tlie County Commissioners w ill appear in the Tints later on, we glean from the pro «.ceding» sum- of the principal matters that have been brought to their alien tion. THE COL'NTV COMMISSIONERS Of the July Session. A large amount of the time thus far has been taken up as a hoard of equali zation. After examining the assessment mils upon each aaewmiem the l»«ard pn» ceeded to raise the assessment on im provements on various lots in the dilfer ent tow ns of the county, those in Jerome being as follows; J P. HMfrw«y..Ai-n»a*> 1 Thos. Ja>o*\. Acr«A|v, . barney Noble. Ktoyd Norman. T. K Sarg**m. Ed «..11. W » Hêisâ. «k Aer J. K Kith J. L.< uwll H I Ni L. 1 tn$ < 0 . . lo TX». . saj. it» i*o. . 2ÜÜ. to JUD. . 14» 10ÜU. 1 -». to 250. . :«ju. to Oß> üä». ti JUÜ. i wd. A«ivi|p,.. . •I» 3UU. lo lu 'S*-. to I" I V« t®» Si 1 Roi. I - ay ilrt v.. r Miry li Nap ion. * Man II. N apt on. ' • T. N**ilv.n. :*■>. it» 70». 144 1 4UL». l o. to ; •» • 11 « bapin. tn»ie** Luts. K E K -. L« . il E. I r-lyke. . U» nha 1 » rnngton. .. •ionnan. J. A. Arm.-v.rong. J. M Ha;-. 1*. H. Karuk*». F. W I^Witl. J.W R. >. Kraz -r. E. r NVhvU, I. E N. V Henry over!» r^. (». HIM. L. M. l*uoritis. J. \V Law r» n»v, Jerome lauin^lrj Ci .»as. Kersey. B. A. <'«ilen. I. h. iVlTIIle. • »eo. Blt-.m. E. E. Kichel*«erger H». I lO KM. T V*, to Uwu. to I.V*. Sai. to U>. to 4 V*. : 14» 4tW 4«' o*A'. to K«.*. to i Vi 120 . to ! ••». : ti» ■ *). 4 *J. to 1(M). lii 1 t4 » -*"U. to IV». to VO. to 7 Vj. I.» io». u i Ed. I«. l*iper, Man Pa .-hore. Mvajiv. !<*•» to iJJu 1250. to 14*A' VO. lo Vo Itevd. O lo . * UtMliitraff. \N . H. MlirjfLv J. I» Nim>. Liont-n A henoavk K Ska*Men. T. I. Robinson. X. C- Fullr-r. A. .S. Leutny. E. U. Gerl»oih. M. V. Wolf. E. A. H»'a>i**y, A. W. Arp. J \V. Iaiv»r»»nce. t. A. ll«*asle>. P H. Vorhte*. . 32V to K«J I V». lo S*J. S*>. to •2ßJ. tO 40» JtO. IO 4U'. JO. ti» H».'. 750. to UU*. to >0. at», to 7oi>. no. to :Joo. to lo 2oo. In*», m Sjo. to :-5o. -X». lo Sfo Upon the verified application of tlie parlies intereste«!, the assessment on the follow ing st«x ks of merchandise were re duced : Great Sh« »shone ,V Twin Falls Water Power Company. Power Line jut mile from sinn» to ?S00. Power Plant at Shoshone Falls, from SÿOjOÙO to $(»0,000. Hower Pbnt at Salmon Fails, from $135,000 to $100,000. Ctstrander Lhr. Co. Yard at Jerome, from $12,000 to $ 11 , 000 . Y'ard at Gooding, from $10,000 tb $9,000. Van) at Hageniian, from $2,000 to 81,900. Morris-Rola-rts Co., ilagennan, fr«»m $1Ô,0<» » to $12,1 » «>. Jerome Hardware Co., Jerome, from $0,000 to 84.1«»». In the matter of furniture for County u •- ,i t, i . , J Poor Turin, tlie Board proceeded to open .. * , and examine the hula filed thereon, am • , . , , . , . it appearing to the Board that the hid of nl o , lhomi«»on Bros., of Gisjihng. I*ing the . * iv *ii i . . lowest and best hu l made, it iä hereby Ä « _ » » .i i • » i i • t . J ordered that the bid lie and is hereby ae . j • « t J cep ted in the sum of $32 um «>, The petition of A. A. Hartley and nine .. . . it*, , others to establish a public highway along] tlie line of tlie main canal of the Twin Falls North .Side Land and Water Co., through Sec. 2. T. 10 S. R. 20 F. B. M. was considéré« 1 ami by the board prove«!, subject to the rights of the Canal ai company. In the matter of the. petition to create a herd district at Dietrich, together with the rumonstranees heretofore file«l ami heard, this being the «lay si t for final u«'tioii ami a majority of electors of said ilistrii-t being opposed to the creation of such district, it is hereby ordered that tlie sai'l petition is« ami is hereby de nied. The application of the .Southern Maho Independent Telephone Company for liermission to construct a telephone line along tlie streets and alleys of the unin corporated village of Hagerman consi«Iere«i and is hereby granted. The bond of F. B. Hughes with the National Surety Company as surety in the sum of $1,185.00 to furnish and in stall the heating plant in the Court House was examined and approved. The County De]»ository Bond of the Fanner's State Bank of Hagerman in the sum of $10,000 with the Federal Union Surety Company as surety was by the Board approved and the bond heretofore and on March 3rd, 1911, ap proved by the Board is hereby ordered to be returned to the said bank by the Clerk. Tlie contract heretofore made and ccuted by and between the Board of Commissioners and W, J. Kessling and Beatrice Kissling, his wife employing the sai«l Kissling and wife as superin tendent and matron, respectively, of the county poor farm, was hy the Board duly approved. The petition of D. A. L'llerrison and 45 others asking for the appointment of O. Z. Burkhead as Justice of tin- Peace of Jerome Precinct was examined and approved. It updating to the Board that Bridge No. 4 as built by the Twin Falls North Side Land and Water Co, and hereto was ox fore aoivpteil hy Lincoln County as a County Bridge and to tie maintained <x ilusively by Lincoln County, is a part of the controlling works of tlie Main Canal of the said Cotujiauy. it is here by reconsidère«! and ordered that, with the compliance of the sai«i C«impany. the bridge be hereafter maintained jointly by the Company and Lincoln County. The petition of J. W, O'Connell and others asking f«>r the const ruction of a briiige acros« the North 8i«ie "High Line" ditch at a point where the Section line between Sections 27 and 34 T. 17 E. B. M. crosses said ditch was by the board denied. Whereupon the Board took a recess udtil Monday July 31st, lull. i; For Sale or Trade. A full-blood Chester White l«»ar for sale or tra«ie. Freu Roberts, Win«ly Cilen Haiirli. Trustees Meet The tillage tnistees met in regular session Tuesday evening w ith members all present excepting trustee Moore. After the adoption of the minutes of the former meeting tlie usual, monthly hills were allow,si. Trustee Buss»- on behalf of the com mittee appointed to investigate the claim of the school hoard for its propor tion of the lines citllected by the town, reported that the estimated approximate amount duo the school district was j'i;7. V>. This result had been arrived at after a recapitulation of the total amount of tines collected, from which w as deducted the ollicers fees and other expenses.incurred in colleeting the same. Messrs. Marr and Kirkdatriek, as rep resentatives of the Lam! Co., appeared before the trustees and aske«i that the sidewalk running north from Main street be bid on Lincoln avenue instead of Maple street, alleging in either event the burden would fall more heavily up on the company than any other property owner. The matter was taken under advisement by the trustees. It becoming cncumlient upon the mis t -es to elect a civil engineer, Messsr Fence and Adams«»n were appointed u committee to procure the servi«* of a coin)*tent ami licensed man for the position. A contract was awarded P. R. Kartzke «or for making a fill on Maple street the purpose of a sidewalk at 30c per yard, a like sum to be paid for any ex tra amount of filling. Trustee Adams» m of the street and hriilge committee, reporte«! that a re quest had been made from citizens of the east end of town for the establish ment of a public drinking trough at that end of the town. The matter referre«! to the committee and it is probable that the same will be place« 1 at the eonier of Ash street ami Avenue A. Upon moti.'ii the trustees adjourned until Thursday evening August 3rd, to consider the sidewalk ami other matters. Fstimate of Fxpenditures. .. • , ...... At a sjeeial session of the Board of ...„ village Trugtees, in compliance with . v . »... Xetion No. 22tlU, t oile of Idaho, the ..... .. follow ing estimate of amount nivessarv . . ,, 1 to cJelRiy the expoikH* of .Municn.a (iov / . . . f 1 ... eminent of the \ illain» ot Jerome. Idaho. .... , ' tnr the* k?val year enduis May 2nd. 1912 , J J ' *• vu made. ... .... , warrant RisliMiiiilum Ttiml. Kl,strie Lights, ,0)41.(41 su Water Hydrants. Salaries, Park Fund, Sinking Fund, Interest Fund, Streets and Bridges, Sundries, 900.(41 2,h«».f«i 5» 4t.(41 3(41.00 300.(41 1,5(41.00 1,(410.00 Total receipts from July 29tli, l!s ifi, to April'ith, 1911, as show n by the City $8,030.73. Passed i»y the Chairman am! Board of Trustees this 11th day of July, 1011. R. F. Bcpp, Clerk. Bookn. Notice for Publication Final Proof. I. Frank ( Pierce, of Jerome. Muho. who iiirt'le entry No. -jst*. under the |»rovi*iotiH of att of the u ifiGatun- of the stat*- of Main», com. rnonly known as the * < arny Aft." approval March 2 ti<l. 1KW. which»*m!>rafc> m. 1 » nu L jj ip t#îj . ranjff 10. L. H. M.. *lo hereby giv»* 11 « »tic*• of iuy Intention to make final pnn»f to eMuhli.ih my claim to the land above deM*riI>*»1. and that I pfft to prove that 1 have raided on. reclaimed and cultivated said land a* r»-(juir*-d hy law. he for«- K. H iruill. at Jerome. Idaho, on the 1 m day of September 19U. by tw o of the follow in« WTUHAWn f*x Gto.o. Wallace. M. Soxxioo.n Ch vh .. Cabl. Daniel O'Connor. all of Jerome. Idaho Krank C. Pierce. Fir*t P 1 h Aug. 1. 1.M1. la*tt puh. Aur ;;l. u»n Mi; Notice for Publication Final Proof. I. William T. V«*ïie, Of Jerome. Idaho, who made entry .So. 14» under the provisions o( an act of the lemslature of ihe suite ot Idaho commonly known as the "Carey Act." approv ed March 2nd, 1M4». which embraies w 1 -, «,«•, sec a tp 'J s. rature io and » -t'J see i tp M. do hereby give nor lee of my intention to make hnal pr«K.i to establish my claim to the land almve de»cril<ed. and that I expect 10 prove that I have r-.ided on. rwlalm cd and cultivated »aid land as regulrcd by law before K. R. Traill, at Jerome, Idaho, on thé st day of September. 1911. by two of the lolhiw. Ing witnesses; R. H. Frazer. Ralph Moore. Km. Buyrtte. C V Maooey. all ot Jerome. Idaho. «■«at* William T. Veazie. Fntryman. FirHtpnf,. Aujr. 3rd, la*t pub. Auk. a!»t lîR Notice for Publication-Final Proof. L E,n -?' A Burkin, of Jerome. Maho. assignee of fltty Thompson, who made entry No. fil t umlcr »aw isssi: âîS alxnc desarthed. an«l th. i I expert to prove thaï I have reside«! on, recla.i,...«i anil «'ultU stcd h land as rwtulred by law. l..iorc K. ji. -imill m Jerome Idaho, on the »ti, «.ay of Amnisi m V t7«J two of the following win,, sis; ■ »•***• *»y U. M. Kra/. r, Halpti M,,or , o ii (..„Vf. T Und, oil of Jerome Iiioix. •■rates, J. Lhxicmt A. Bvbkitt. First Pi»b, July 6th 1211, lost pub, Aug Jrd^löil, P R KARTZKE. VICE Pres c F. MASSEY Asst. Cashier R S FRAZER PBES w L. HUYETTE CASHIER ai Q ' 5 P _ E * 9 O fw, p far. ro. -0 <c Q <v Z 9 ft to. -4 o 'Oi o o -0 ro. v; 01 * Sl> O O 1 -4 o m CLOTHIERS < FARMERS 2 Va b -f A N tf) S 4% hi \r 4L G <5>. o <0 'ii o 9 0 M O <?■ ,11 f 0 <v t O I» * fi f ■a o o o -o A e 9 * O ? « ❖ «S' v A V < O u kP $ Ü c C £ s 5 Established January 2, 1 009. Notice!—Safity He [«os it Hums to rent al a very nominal elmrge. ICE ! ICE! ARE MAKING DAILY Deliveries of Ice. Patrons whose names are not on our Daily Call List and wish ice, call Phone 71 or notify our driver and we will fill your orders promptly. Jerome Livery Co. Phone 71 ICE ! ICE! Notice For Publication Final Proof, .»f a *• l,.^ij*l«iur»'4»f ill-Wt8t.-..f bull.» i-4.min4.iil> known b» the « tirvy Ai-t gpuruixl Mun h jinl, , Kang- hi K H M . *1«» h-r»-!»y giw noil»-- of niy intention to muk<- tinul prtNtf to iituMUh in) claim ti» th-lanil al»4>VL> «tescrüxKl. aid that I •'xpei't to prove that I hav»* r-niiliil ami cuinvatdl ^anl laid »« by law . fore K H. Traill, m J.-roin.- Main*, lay of Augu-t. Ivll. by two of the fol» witneswe»: H. l*. Sherman. A r Alexander. J L. Kol*ert-> f. J. < arlson. all of Jerome Mah<». Gao. H Haubri kkh. ... Kntryman. tiril pub July 1.1 lull. Iasi pub. Aug lü lull Notice for Publication-Final Proof. 1. RtuwII H Oriffiittu.of Jerome Mmho who moiily known as the "«'arey Act," approved Marek ^ ÄÄÄ Ä ."KWôUr mill that I e.p« t UI prove that I have r.oj.le.1 on reeittirae .1 « 0.1 euitiviius! mii.i lami «- re.imre.i hy law. h« (nre K H. Tnlll. at Jerome hlaho. on the Uh .!«> of AujC.-t mil. I.J two of the follow ing witnesses; Elmer Frost, f. O Tossell. Knp.-rl Aml»Mie «ielttiwl Amhrohe, all of Jerome Mali«» Kueot H. tlKirmus. .... ... Eniryinaii. Hr.t put. July fi. 1911. last pub. Aug :.rd HU. the 11th « lllg Sec r. Tp Idaho Southern Railroad Train Schedule Effective. June 23, 1911. I1AM.V no. 2 In p.m. 25 p.m. 4.» p.m. Lv. ;» :i«i p.m. Arr.3:30 p.m. D. C. MaiAV.vttkkm, V. P. AG, M., Milner, hla. F. S. Jackson, Supt., Gooding, Ida. T. Bcrtti, G, 1*. A., (iiMsling, hla. DAI1.T No. 1 STATIONS Lv »»ling Arr. tl;)»( p.m. Bennett Arr. 9:35 p.m. Wendell Arr. 5:2ii p.m. Appleton Arr, 4:.V> p.m. Jerome Lv. 4:4- r > p.m. I ii ,v. Lv TREES! A full line of Nursery Slock. Everything guaranteed free from disease and true to name, or, in other words, it bears the State In spector s Certificate when delivered to you. We refer you to any one who has bought goods of us in the past. * The Twin Falls Nursery •I. A. WATERS, Prop. I'.C. PIERCE, North Side Agent, Box 497, Jerome, Idaho. Gem Ranch George >é VI H. Stock m Lawshe \ Proprietor HOLSTEIN CATTLE Holds Worlds Record for Butter Farm Chester \v Hite Hogs Champion Dressed Carcass al 19|Q International Live Stock Show was a Chester White BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK CHICKENS The World i Standard Fowl Stock (or Sale Eggs lor Hatching i Ffiw Ra röR i n s Xm 1 v II JL/LLl TsIJLlllü Some of tin-owners Imviug to«i imiel littid ami some otliiTs with vari ous reasons, hence the fol lowing low price«: acres Jerome, $45.00 per rea dy for crop; small house. Think ... _ . of ,t! Takes $50 ° 10 handle '*• .„ . 40 acres 6 nules north-easi; all fenced and in crop; $85.00 per • I i i ■ ■ acre, crop included, and the . r ' IS fine 40 5 miles north-west of acre; 25 acres crop 40 acres 4 3-4 miles north-east, with 20 acres alfalfa, 10 acres pas ture grass, 5 acres orchard and 3 beans. Crop included, only per acre. This crop will make the purchaser $1,000 this year. Small house and barn, and acres $ 100.00 all fenced. 80 I mile west of Jerome, all in shape for crops, along the Idaho Southern Electric railroad, and within one-half mile of the Oregon Short Line depot. This i fine piece of land and suitable to acres IS a cut up m acre tracts. Only $100 per acre. house. This will make big money within a few Easy to water; small some one years. 40 acres one-half mile north of Jerome, $53 per acre. Good fruit and chicken ranch. 40 acres 4 I -2 miles north-west. $60 per acre. Small house and some land ready for crop. 80 acres six miles north, $47.73 per acre. Good land; easy to water. 40 acres 3 miles south, $60 pier acre. All the above prices include a per petual water right, and it only takes a little money to handle the most of this land, as the water right .... wihl for $35 pe r a( . re j n p, n ann unl installments at six percent interest, .and the purchaser can assume the «ick payments on the water as part of the purchase price. We also have some good bargains in city property. Write ns for « iHioklet of this tract. WII* Burkhead-Heiss Realty Co. Jerome, Idaho,