Newspaper Page Text
July, 1911. Session ot the Board of Commissioners of Lincoln County, Idaho l, n> 1,1 Jul > , s ' "nni ano. Jul> n-ft. i.iL . ' " ll 1 daj of . . , suan Statute tile Bearn el Commission ers ol Lincoln Lvunly, Siale el lua i»0, met in regular session as a Bs.ard of Liiuain.atien. Present, A. L. tpcakiiian, chairman; 0. C. be ; sill and (-. A. *-*.alcsii. Coin missioner»; and Harry W. Ander > 11. Ll«-ik. llie Board proceeded to examine, the Assessineiii Hulls name by name together, xx ill, the valualions placed. Upon said rolls by the Assessor. Whereupon the Beard ol BAiual ballon look a recess until 2 p. m. and thereupon met m regular ses aion pertaming to county matters, In the matter ol the steam Beal lug plant for the Count y court Louse, the Board proceedeo to oper and examine the bids filed thereon, and it appearing to the Board that tne bid of K. B. Hughes of Wooding, iuaho, for the sum of ÿ 1073.00 to furnish and insiaii said plant 111 accordance with spec,..i*auuiis now in file in the Clerk's office, being i«,e best anu lowest bid mime, it is Lereby ordered tnut said bid be. and is iiereny accepted, aim a con ■ •I cioodmg. . 1 .- ; list par., anu Ballon took a recess unlit 9 a. 111 . tomorrow. Second Uay of July Session auTy am, 1911. pur»u-. * V iiiirü uki\ t>i ôoMuii. Juivimn loll 4 * * 1 1 ', s Uii liouru me l Liilô Uu> puiau tu^t lu aujuui taiieiii; ike Boaru pruceeueu to examine Ibe Assessment noils upon eacli assessment. Whereupon Ike Boatu oi Kauai katiou looK u recess uniii a a. m. tomorrow, ant* me Boaru ot com-; n*issioners went out to the county ! July 13 Uj, iyil. f'ull Board met this uay pursd- ' ant to adjournment ; Ihe Board proceeded to examine ; ÄÄ .f"-'" ..*.• .. ", mu. g claims upon 1"* Current Kxpeute fund Were ex aminwn and auuroved anu ... Au mr 0l mr i sS. t ' u lü . . as »•&.1 . - me following claims oa the uoau Wfd^riugc .".m .■. eft e. and... t. auu appro*, eu and tne Auailor m structeu to issue Warrants lor tue J "*Lr 1 '"i.j 1 .* X"J"* K. f. Burea,'Lanur "l'oadK, 00 . 1324^ ' L ' i/isuhuwed b >0 ui) UüaUS ' John Wix 1er, L'aUor' uöads, .. »U.2o A. B. Slater, Banur Roads, .. »u.uo J. K. W Human, Labor ftoaus, »ü.uo, Will Bnillipps, Lahor iloaus, »O.tW Lu Welhcrny, Kanor Roau». 2 «.oo J. A. Baxter, Lahor Meads, .. 12.00 J. M. Church, Lahor Roads,.. 2.30 . J. M. Church. Lahor Hoaus, Disallowed, $32.00. John Jones, Labor ttoads, .. «b.ou ! Leo Würden, Lahor Roads, .. tlo.uo Wuy Worden, Labor Roads, 109.2.J . L ^; fcltiaSSÂT RSÄÄk* Sit e''îÂ;.. 1,0 L7tov 4 "° sÄte''» am. »!*• TLeo. Baldwin, Labor Hoads, ^Gü.oo i J. W. Greenstreel, Labor \ «oads 220 (X* «WÄ »MS J, H. Wilferth, Labor Roads, 3(5.00 Biobert Ward, Labor Roads, 10.00 L. F. Davis, Labor Roads. 20.00 T. L. Woff, Labor R .ads, . 3.00 tract is hereby entered into be tween !.. i». Huches i .ah.. the Boarn Liiit't'iii County, lualiu. party ol the secoliu pan, sain steam heating plant to he nuiit iu accordance xxitn »: >. t int a. .. ii'.-xx • .. Die and niude . a part lierecu. iiiiti a suiety houtl 1 *. tile amount tù 00 pel* cent of the contract |..*lt*e for the sum ol •nlSO.OO >- Oe liietl as a guarantee for the protection ol Lincoln Loun . .naecessury «relays, and lull completion o* installaliuu ol saiU heating plant, as per contract enteren into inis day with Lincoln c. -mix, \\nit* i» is hereby approved. Whereupon the Board ol Ltjual ization conx eneu and roceeded to examine the Assessment ilolis, name by name, together with Hie xaiuatiolis placed upon sain Rons t v tile Assessor. W hem.poll Die Board ol Lauai i ui. Board met inis a,.. ,o adjourn, lient; nur lies appeareü before Boat u Horn xarloUs towns m tne the Wounty anu uiscusseu matters per taining to xaiuuuons, anu me board Being idny auXiseu, continued Id examine the Assessment Boils Upon each assessment. Whereupon me Board ui Ladai Bation took a recess Utiili 9 a, in. tomorrow. i our l* arm to examine same. fourth Uay of July Session. James ti. f reenian, Labor Hoads. Robert !.. Smyth«*. I..iIm.i H oa«ls. .. . . ... 131 :S> Labor Frank F rei-tnari. (i. It« no Is, II. B. W . no:. Lalior Hoads. .«• U. !.. .-XX■ . I.apof lloaus. W. !.. 1 ».>or Hoao-. .. ll.oo . 25.5 3.30 11.0(1 o : s I, a... , . !».:m • *."l* « • U ' - ! . I . In !• lilMO. i' I. U, i . Laiioi Hoads, 20.00 ids, loti Labor A Hd\V. CO. Lunibe 1«werten L i ilsaiioxx e i. . .ling >t..; Co. Supp . * Hoads. fan •:-••• Sup - Hoaus..•■•• •• •• L 1 : 1 ■ 1 ■ ' ipphes Hoads, . oy ., imrison-Mv«i*i ew Lbr. Co. Lumber Hoaus.275.$o Weeter Lnr. Co., Douviing. Lumber Hoaus. IT.56 low a Lor. C.. ooouiiig, Lum bei* ili-ails.113., 3 Meyers Bres., Supplies Hoads 15.50 J, .',1. (.liui'i'ii, team feed, Hoads, . 12.00 Trullinger A Bower, llepair Head fools.. .. 3.TÔ W m. fabler, llepair Hoad bools.. 3.30 oslratiuer Lbr. Co.. Bliss, Lumber Hoads. 37.Ü2 c. F. Borden, Lumber Bridges.114.20 Ai Kvans, Repair Hoad Tools .30 Hilpert Lbr. a Hdw. Co., Lumber Hoads, .. . J. \v. Hid, Repair Too,s,. lieybui'n Lbr. Co., Lumber Hoads. .North Side W lise. A com. Co. Supplies Hoads, Weeter Lbr. Co. Jerome, Lumber Hoads, .. .Nibley-Channel Lbr. Co., Je rollle, Lumber Hoaus, .. 11T.30 (i.-ir.inner Lbr. Co.. Jerome, Lumber Hoaus, .. lolioxx mg Were d'..S'. -, flow. Co. A si.,». - a Transita . 29.23 Hoad .. .. 12 . »0 . 132.0» .. 31.00 .. 19.50 pl 'V"iV : reports . yi.i« Huud UNer?eei> uxuniined and ap i lu , J. it. >i*urbruugh, Dist. .No. 1. DAS» 2 T. A. i'ieuô, Dist. '.NÂi. 7.' KW' Wréensireel, ^Disl loi Luke Williams, Dlst .No. 11 . Wien it.* Âe I ü, liisL , ' t '.\ï'l 1 L J. ii. W iiierlh, Dist. .No. 13. L, T. Duxis. L'isl. Âo. IT! James h. freeman, Dist. Ao 20 i. W. Wilson, Dist .No. 23. M. J. Bridgman, Dist. .No 27 L. L. Pettyjohn, Dist Ao. 31. John ilexaney, i'ist. Ao. 32. Win. K. Hm, I »ist. Au 2 d fhe petition tor a wagon bridge at Die northeast corner of sec J l T. 8 S. It. 1$ K. was considered anu' ,'am ox er pending mx esllgatlon. il,e Boal ' u continued the mves t*l petition to create new school districts on Minidoka pro ject embracing Districts Aosi 22 23, 24, and 23 until October ses sion. Whereupon the Board look a m " s i """ " - Juiyluh, lull, i:uii Bouia met liiii ua> puisu ant to adjouruineul: me l>oaiu pruceeueii lu examine lUc •■Mssessaieiil Itoii upon eacli itsiuddiiicilt» vv .» n . . ■ , . ' üereupuii tiie Luuru ui Lcjuai lzall on look a recess unlit 9 a. in. ^'j!". 1 ' 1 ' 0 "' ailu thereupon met in fv^n-nik '.Üf Renaming to coun l > malteis. Hie petition ol A. B. Hartley and nine- others to establish a puoue hignxvay along the une oi the main canal ol liit i win v llP »h side Luna ana xxauV^onâpany iliroliKii fcec, Z 1 iu s a 2 U r L wab coiiiiueieu auu uyiiie Luuiu approxed, subject to llie'rigkts ol f canal company. 8 01 The following n ,m.* on tha » "ï" ... -■■■ ■ ' ?• ...... ««« f auu« "■ Ual ^ -, - Weeter Ln r " ' K,. V 7' . " ' u *^ 'L" — »"««»one, C'ub'io" ." Tilth Day of July Session. -**^mi'Li:*.:;: C'ub'io" .■-' j. m era,mail' RL/an L 1 • -Couit Sliosliuiie Llgiit'v w'iiLp",', -**' 0 " m V L b x . V ,i " tv* r Waie*> W. H., .. 1D.0U 1 „"LL" *'T : '—**> awM ämtÜSS: sw ' ''"''uu". ieuui j;fk>*r A Bloom, ieam'ilViL, 2-iliU Kj'ri 1 ' UluU,n ' leam Uemli gton ' 'i''vri'i'writ.'*ä' 11 *, Äa* s fxoe writer ' 3 ,n. Loust fyuewritei* Sun, ,'t i*n' W oiiice süi n iL 10 C children's Home f imiinV Sn ' ' Cure children ' lln * &0 -> . ; (j W sulherlantl ' Kxn ' i'.,*n ' Ü ' J Uly Sheriff ' P ' P ' » ,* Midland C iem 't o - ' SinndiVV 1 ' oid Ciiem. Co., supplies Woi,,, McRae" Brintiric. , ««te" :: 1 - M. »: -kiï .-coï M.|JÄ;*öi n *oV6ip2 st "Œ œ , *" b ' °»* ùm« ' 1 S»* »» ^ Andrew i' J**n\Vn *ri* nf m buoÄ * üf " ir u; PL ^ es, ri. 49.65. °* iuÿjsE^'^" r« Idaho Stat'v A pV> rn" 120 0 ° steel Filina rahinni °'' io~ nn VV M Massev (nfie»'cl,» ' 120 00 plies ° ifiCe Sup " Qrt<1 P 6S . 3 *°d .... 90.00 nti.i N I U. J. Brennan. Burial i'au |iers, 1'. A. L'Henssi.ii. Rip'ial Pau pers. J. U. Burrouglis. Kent l*au 1 >. tiers . ttU.-lulg A <■ UftlCe Sllp .0 piles. . 1. 11 ISS Buna; Paupers, ... 1 rank. 5. in. , . ■ I. Paupers. 3(i.i «o Isaa» 1 , - ' »PI lies Paupers. Lx...:- Wee..:. 12.1-'. lies Paii 11... mi A llel'l; - Im id «*. t Lixerx As .ixerx. .. 21 . 1 « ■ * * - J . . fax i..- . ... 3 '.i(ioo . Vallex Si ■ , nu: Svi-hern" lüu'ln« Hextexx* Printing \ H KLleii CoiintV "ptixM cian . . ' i. i ï 11 * o J 11 C(*utitx limes I'rnit m s \ ll sifVeii* B \n Co li,*i c.**rate l M ZÙc Ext» <hêi*iif' iki'V»; L \1 Zug Team inre ' -'w oiaivnce Wheeler Km, ' lieu " SheriJl ' M - 1 epl 1 m Ro'ani' PriLVn'oi-V 1 " V Marshhli lienntv i ' ' se««or' ' pui ' A "' a C HuiideUôn l lêiiütV \V ' 1 ' uu w 1 ' 1 epul> A ' L. Co sf-s. ;. . I- berg l'\; . a L. li ... is'". ■; v 103.00 . o''. A* 57. a' i|i 1.20 .... 12.73 29.00 095.30 131.10 sessor, .. Chas. J Lisle, L'epuly As sessor, .. 42.00 Ihos. Jay cox. Lieputy Asse or.'. ... W. P. Kenedy, lieputy As . >30.00 • 72.00 sessor. J. li. Wilferth. Deputy As 2,5.00 J. A. Plowman, Deputy As . 303.0" sessor. J. A. Plowman, Deputy As -.•>sor. Disallowed 53.10. L. I-. Dux all. L'epuly As or, . V. V. Bower, L'epuly As or.132 Co J. L>. Lundsfiorougli. Kxp. As .. 126.1KJ n - "'"itwu'f Ul "' Li,bür s R w ' ^ W hereupon tile" * Board ' took a Ï to ™ or ^ w - ' 1X1,1 ,,U -' " l Jlll > , ,- . 1 1 . . . . " ul > F.'ll. , , Fouit, met this uay putsu ant io adjournment; , lile BouI ' 11 proceeded to examine ! nt ' a -'^ssinent roil upon each a ''\v-u' niiÜT' ,1 ». , . ,. Whereupon the Board ol Ltjuul }f.„ *" 11 ^■ li . . a , l 1 ' e »l e , s ? untl1 ü a * "• L J, oi » ow, ana tbeieUpon met in '.r.;'^ S!iK ' 11 pt ' rlamill $ 10 tuU1 '- , Chims continued on -he , i L. "" 1 ! 1 " 0,1 - ne Fui ^i.. ûarv ^ .«-m/'*, »• Fare ,'r , ' ,ui ' J p , <K,t ' ••*.*.53id.du *'!F* Jensen Co., Ol xx- V/'ÄV 11 ^',.;." ;• " 6 * IJ0 ' /*' b " Ufc ,!' & , Ilnp ; '...b«.. . . „* Ldw. S 51111th, special Ser calms' coniinuêcl' ' on 'Ihe Road ai.u Bnugt* iunu: J. 1 . case Threshing Mch. ! Cu«, J Hoad Urader», ..M' Edxv. S. Smith, Kngilleering ?i*r\ ii'cS o fiA I L klr, *••• , • *• *iytden f iiuaii oraüer, oJu.üu B razel-Moort CO.. Road Wrauer, . . . ...3id.(Xc L,J " • f • &m,th . BxpeiiseS Roads, ...... . .. *b.i* , 'mV-iib-H Statement ol the i ! tn^^niViî^v nfi; 0 ^ ' ' N °' |,J( J 101 Luuuiy uiliccr* »alaries L/.â the « uart ^ July iU. exammeii aud appro\eu t > aaU loliuwmg bumiüary or *u'' ltU bUbhshed: Uari '>" Anderson, Clerk i u U1 'o .corder .> »30.00 ■ f R - er. Clerk Recorder 2D5.'bO Agn«,* Holman, Clerk lie confer, . l - 450,00 r. \ - Deputy . s *' e V". 1 i.3i*O.0U * Uar- W J u ;„ . .. 2 m. w. Xsenpi ig. Ak.-e.-'ur, .. ,3u .OU J* F>. Landsborough, Deputy Assessor, .. i iu. ! * " , Ä r ; . ;rf '," As - " :Z **"«Ä-^'* *"* A Kh''»' Helinun,' Clerk Assess ! ùah ' ' M,' ' Buriisltle * ' Sunt' ^''OcJs,.'. 23Û.UO 1 ^ess Burnside, Clerk Supt. w fc 5 ,lü x°. 18 .-'25.00 L,' 1 ,' -'Wisset, creasuror. 223.00 j J : L FitHei. Brokate Junge, 23o.uo V' *' Fk-rk Brokate, 225.00 «{ am es R. Bothwell. Attorney, 300.00 J;j, " L ' s L Both well. Steno g , gr 2 phor >. v. 130.001 v n' L Surve y«r, . 73.00 \ . II. Killen, Coftmer.L.3U Fnder Section 852 of ihe sta a,?V"S^ "Z'itS" - um " vm.|.o,su«i| r .33 ,»iii«Bfl m HW.«,' .'SS Villaire ui \\.*n'.u. 4 ' ,0d ; I u Ï . ^ Illüge oi .Mnudoka, ... bemg the lowest and best bid made if 18 ordered that the <arne be an<J hereby accepted in the ^m of $320.00, and the AudZr s hereby authorized to issue a war I Apens «* 1 rant upon lue i-uial milie sum Ili.ixerx el lunnluii a in said bid. \\ liefe upon ( • •1 SL'oii' upon spei'J* lexl the Beard M* - > ***.' tox'ix a Ja x SS l.lltl. .. t;. mu. .1 July Seventh I*.ix 1 Uil l>Uili Ü iKiJOU' • 11*5 tnein : 1 lie 1 .lie As* x 1 ., ,1k \ , p it...-: .... re.nil ..11 nan • . s - w , O uo I .'I. surgênt, Lois 3 A Ö. Acii age A-iSHi, Jerome, Imp. raised from gttuo to.loco Lu cun, Acreage A-U'T, ! Jerome, Imp. raised from •Slôo. to. \\ \ Helss. Luts l-i Act* ge 111«.gW ax . Ac.* age A-i JiroUie, In.,. . x-ii* lO. 11 1 L'?, \l. JciVUic, l*np. i*ui5CU A- IM, >-.0(, to. 1 urney .Ni bu-, hl. 1, Ac»*ea A-l5o, Jerome, Imp. ruis from i'ioXd ,0 to. .Norman, fxxm ran.*. Acreage A-HS., Jerome, hup. raised iroin 5-00 to .. 30 300 *yg me. A-199, Jerome Imp. raised Jrom godo to . liOO J. 11. Hlclimoiiu, Acreage A 22», Jerome, Imp. raised iroin >3oo to. .. ourwetl, Acreage A-270 Jerome, Imp. raised Bom 5200 to.... il. B. .Nlius, Lits 1 A - Bi& 17. 3oo J, 1 . .5N.I "Jerome. *. >*',u .J -- u . . ^heia*., Lot t. Bia. . .. '■'L Loi 11 . i.fin Blip. raised 52 Nl i.. 1'. Cur, toi.. Lu o Bik. 17. Jeloute, >300 to Imp. ii'u.lj . Ü J. 1 Liii?. LvI 11. I L:«y. i ,u. -.0 - *U Bis. o9., .aiscu iroin Mary ii. A it[*îun, Lv* * 2 , Jerome, lmp, ra >.,0 to . Mary li. .Nuplon. Lot 13, B,a., 12 . Jerome, lmp. raised trou» 5 7 00 to .... 5. 5. Aieisou, Lot 12 B*k. 39, Jerome. I 1114 .. raised iron, «»oU to. 5 . 5 . .Nielson Lot 13. bis., 39, Jerome, Imp. raised iron» 1 u ' ' , ... -5(1 Chas. H Chapin, Dusle. , i i-ois 0 ami G, 14 k Oo, Jerome, Imp. raised Horn 5»au to . sou K. K. fee, Lot 11 Blk. 01, Je rome Imp, raised from $300 n lo , '. M u j™,7,r ei,u3 t 22î ,t ,kS 5273 to ., . U 'fffl''finp' nnset? Iri-rn ^ ' aoo 1«, B.*. npu iron. 3*o . .. 1000 boO Mou t< » , J. Woman Le'* ÎÔ'Bik '&■■ jê luiue lino lai-eu u'um ''Uhi t 0 ' P ' Dolo vdUO i . «' ..! * *** * ■ ■* A. Ai-iiij.liuii^, Lut *U, Lia. t j Jerome, l*:iu, ruined I rum 53o0 to !....... .'- uilullJ .. W kereupon Ike Board oi' Bqua* 1/allon look a re- s* until 3 a. ;.n tomorrow. . L, « ,,U ' •»«.' «•» Jul J M'smuii. Julylöth, 1911. l-„ii u ». au { U ," ^ÄimenD i »... . f.VV. 111 *, . . ^ l n r eXtl,ma . e assessinent and raiLd L°n mxung aiLsnents* Ihe lot-... vj dl »m I » "uu, >a, i - -* > J "w ti V " i " V,i. '" u flOOur*,"* UuU0 >« Lt,t M» Flk. tw '-L'; 1 »..'.!"" j If Vkk ' V' " A ' . '** * i |' ' 1 f *■ 1 ' * '"'k i L , i vV v, L L.L * ** |U "1 falls Aorlh side Invest äüä ä "> »Sn'Ä«i«iriM'»i'is2 ^ Jerumc, i „i*cd ,i m u *, 11,| l> l-hl >3, Bi kV «3, jenrniV, 4 L 1 ' 0111 ;.' iu u> * ■ 'V,»7 L fefc ir ' l 3 J i "" 1,J l ' Imp raised . vv , 'L JU , 10 .*. l-o» L' , 7 , L ° l *•> 1,1K * L'.'iï ' 1 ' ajs, ' u ,r om ixfU .. I.,.." i 1*0111 33" 77 ," iLm,- t L'.. " . loU J [pi u*» 1 "} ° ,J U., Kol 23, 1, 1,,,p * '"aised j ,' s k L'', '.W J L *V Lot ^'-Blk. so, rJi t,V p ' 1 ' 1,setJ h ' ul " a» * , ïïlr f *v"•• i r:isa'a '«>î*n»» 0 ffi : ' tii .' i *, i ¥ ; «•■» i V^Ti.™ ' '** !"^ e / i ra «eü from . 500 ÄSn? Jerome 1 -' V"i s'Iiki n lp ' lals,,tl froir * 19, h, .. .. i**i .<.. 300 800 900 1000 . DUO f u mi-B 7 37. Blk" f Î'* and 3 - f r0 rn *1 250 to ' ImP rai ' sed 450 450 1 •ini ..'.II i »00 •ill I • Lol 1 », Blk. Inn . raised I fi iss l poegrall. Jerome, ion. Iroin 1! ml ms l ot ,. nu mi. w Iroin Jt-i on nip. II. N - L. , I. UU ! . rais' d , \ e 1 1 ■ : . .all. 1. 1 "! s 7 Jeron e. Imp, • I • IV. t'»l. 2. 1 %. K'2 V . K > Blk Lot . Bin. 1 o2. li Let li, Blk. Its.,. . .d'cd iivin !. I ! >. lbs !.. (I. ll .1er. 111 . s;,ixi iu \ . W . , Lui« I" ..nd 11. HU. 121. Jerome. Imp raise • from s 2 'o to..... .. .. L. A, He as ley. Lot 12. Blk. 121. Jerome. Imp. raised I mm »<•!(.* . A W. Arps, Lot 10. Bt >. 122'. Jerome. Imp. raised Bom >2.iO I". J. W. Lawrence. Lut* 13.1 i, 13 Hlk. 133. Jerome. Hon. raised ^ from ÿltX'Ui .... .. ... . F v Heasky. I ". •. Blk Ji , Jemine. Imp. raise, from u*. d : • • ' 1 1 (HI .»«•«' , i.'iO .131,1 '■'* i JI H 1 .0 K. H. Noorheis, Lots 13 and Id Blk. I IT,. Jerome, Imp. raised from A. I*. Williams, Lots ln. ll, 12. Blk. 2, ..ling. Imp. raised from $500 tu . Jacob Myers, lads 9 and 10. Blk. 13. Wooding. Imp, raised from 52.3o to . Harry Bennett. Luis ll ami 12. 33o .7,0 to. . 5(Hl 3(NI j Blk. 13. ..mi Imp. raised from >3oc 1«. . 3.3(1 I'. H. •su.ite Tu;** \ • !.. L. ll ! ; • . l; , 12 17 Imp. • '1 11 11«*" i'» b M\ Lots , ni. I 5 . i* - I up. , ii-.-d Lo t s '13, V» , ■ b < I" »dll e Imp. ■:u 51(53 In . !*l. Lols 11 and 12 i.iitling. Imp. nil- ■! li'iard . ,i r«.i*«.*s null. 9 a. in. i;i x, i.s ; !» * * ♦ ti 1. 15.S6. L rai 21 N I • ii i*. Hu * Blk. 33. » . I K.juaJ .5.'»« I .n*rn >*.»u lo 55 : renpoi 111 1/llt lnr, tin. toinorri.xx. noils .. each assessment, anu raised the follow* mg assessments: Ninth Day < «I July X-svinll. July Itfth. 1911.. full Board met inis day puisu-i anl to adjournment; file Board proceeded lo examine Ihe .Vs— --meat acr.-s .a**. u ...i * , MlJe.m.. Boiant., Loi 3 , Ù-" ...... ^ \\ \ i- ■ ^v\ i u-e-io 00 âcres suhV. .. ' Us ' u,,l, ' ïlu0 " fowà- Bam Co N l 2 - 9 I 1 V, „ 5200 to l ' * u,.. ."''S. Bom 5l »00 Bi'k .1^ . . - b 7 Bots i.i-i, Be. • 401 'Iwu lu 1 «.hju » ., Lot* I-., „.«•. Ot, Ouuuiukf 1 iiii > i fi h I, # V '> * ■> -HH* „n u ' or n.- i'" t ' • i '''' ' * ' . / . I« V'. i iI .' ' >;a •* , 1, U1I , P'o.* >•• o *md Bn„n* t'' t\, h, i ua * i '" l,< 'b ' ^ V * l * 1 ' ut '- ... .„.Li ' ' I,':"7° v >*lu.»lion * k u u,i lîixame prupoj iv M. W-Uheeli. W 1-2, ,-5-13, 320 .120»C ; al i-,, raised from ijoo ,jl N * to and lb,'. . . . bill" the lo. I lie ol ^ and aske?U lu f '* "1 suni valualion, \\a 0 reluaed u> '-'iubi\ Board ol Kipiail/.ulion, -wit; i-H.meris Company', ,' l5S * B,aln., urm.-i y Land and i i)..* Boar«! ,i uulion took . recess .. " !,> r. i.' ; , K •»«i n ,;i i lo aujuui iiinojii ; 1 be Loaro ■ i'n i'i'tM e»'üeu to • A.iiui .»• ruilo i n. .is-' .-.-.nenl upon • ■-.•ssineiil, and raised the lug assessments; u T • Bail. W endell. Slock impieiii.Tit-, from $éoo to Baton Bros., Wendell, i'dioxx 5 lab" iiiiplein« nl - and Hdw 55»a; to . VV cinberg ,v Son, •Hock Aids«irom ., J. L. Arkdosh, (Jooding d * i V. .. 1,1 l80" •5t"i*h <,,,.. 1 . i, >oo froni 5150 " to Bnpnjmenls, Baugh iiuw »o sj; f " •«"" " »lock How., iroin %mtT' "Our vv H. Baugh, Slock Drugs ' Irom >18"" to .. ., K ' . .... W . H. Baugh, f urniriirê ' ati»j '* liAiun-h (drug;, iruiu shim» lo .7. i ; stockgrovv. i - Mere. Co.' >hôl shone, Stock .Mdse irom . , 2001 , Ikolmon Ha.uware Co.. "shL siV'.iK»"*» >t,,, K m,1m '-« Bom kA w v u . Ü5U0 1 m ». i" 1 "" . Shoshone, sl .rr b -Jl'r- ll ""' * 3,, °" to Good • tanh.s Drug More. Shoshone : »»ru " ••rug,-:, irom $2500 to 30"" Whereupon Hie Lourd uf Vmu.i Ion»'? ,w5k a r4mSu® , ö t 2 U Är* :,r "' met hi ! lg0 ar Iron, .oise. Horn -2230 to .. ; Blillgll Implement (. shone. ! : ^s'on pertaining to coun •' maltcr8 * creä.i h n Petition to luicfLr TJ dlfilnct at Dietrich, (ogi ther with remonstrance here '•«re Died and heard, "his being ,?* Bay set for final action and a jn.ijonly of electors of saio oistrlrt being opposed to the creation 'Sf such district, it is hereby Sered lliut ilic said |M'I il ion l,e 1 hereby domed. rin' appln-alion nt llii' Soul h, Idaho | mlepemleiit I •'Co piiiix Im* pcrmi>sioii io conslrtc» i ,1 telephone llllr along till* -.1 1 -,.. • s • ;:i| . il I < • > ~ ni lilt* uiiiiii'iir|Hii'u!H, j village nl llagi-rimui was ■ i■ » i,i, .uni i* heivlix granted. 1 in luaring of tin* ih*Iiiioii VV . II. Smith anil i,trough Section I I, 1. o 5. II •\l mi i g I rum I In- west •orner in ilii' east «luuiTei i| - liai sert ii in having he Im In.lax li i- final hciiriliu • Una; u I • mg lolly ami is i . •• i 'I' r ui r -I ■ nd t„u • OIMsed. 111,. s ..jJ - lii-relix granted. Hoard pel ll It'll W tu I etipl'l. Hu I . . ** until ; in. tiinmi 1 mi . 1 . Lies en) h Day id July N, svj,,,, July 21 si, lull Imaid met Ibis day anl 1 11 adjournment : I'n. Board proceeded u, h»' assessment rolls j assessment, and nu.- .i>M.--nieiits: H .1. .o ilptMl . it U Hit- |,»|J 4 v . , i'IIX.T .Nicely, Loi ,. Blk 3, shushoiie. Imp, raisuil ii-unl î* I• iik) to .... >1 I I'lllilllln ,N I'lllildlll, Lots 13, 11 17, Blk. 3, Shoshone, raised from $7,1HI to . . Mrs. I'. W . Horton, Lots 11 and 12 , Blk. i. Shoshone, raised from $100 to . 1 T. ,1 \\ » 100.4 g, Luts 17. (s H'. 20 . K 10 ft. of Hi. Blk, Shoshone, Imp. raised frun'i 53 to. Frank I. Disney, Lots, *\ 311 i 11 . ul 1«, 111, 21'. Blk. », Sho shone, Imp. raised from spin Imp. s o Imp. - 0 -) >. > Mr.* I W . Huriini. laits 1 1 and 11. Shoshone, Imp. * iisi il from 5.3oo to ... 1.3. Ill j ) Mm. li. W . Holton, Lots 17 and I nni. I*. Blk II Shoshone, raised from $3m» to.. 0 lIllllM'll, Blk. I ,. I nl I t.. H 5|| i ralsi-il I ruin > nu to me. him.. up. ) I, Li.Ill.:,-' lilt. : .tinI >. i, >li..-lii.ii.., Imp. r.ii*. li 'in >3i ■ A. «L \ v.: , . I.mI- ll k . 11 ». m.. .>!,«. m*. liiip. ruin •' al*i is. •B 1 A. W a l.k Imp. . .ns« <I ! j u < u 21». BIU. Jff raj>i .I «II . 1.4. isi j 2n. >l I« «-Inin« Ti*. in >1» Un« i " - > 1-2 17 I,. 5lnisliAiit*. Dm«, ruin s.Ii'ni I«. i Hi !.. I ■> C. 1* !;< •■.it-i i .* i i Blk rai- *«l ; roio 1 . I XI. AI. inn, La. I 1, Blk. !.. Sh« •* b« .ii.*, lmp. rai-i(i from $430 in . Alfred and Fre»l Wxiinun >w 1* • SI I t, .** ! j >\\ Sec. 11 AW i , A 1-2 AW l-i. ! SK l-i Sec. to A F l-i AK 1-, raised , im . Imp. -ni'iii*. I- - AL l -i. • isi: i-, 13. 71-13. Iroin ¥»"oo to..., .. .. W. ll. Kelly, Lots l-(i im*. iilk. '*'>. (footling. Imp. raised from 5 ; (no to. - c. I Borden, Stock Alachin ery, >lio-h(iiii., from $*to(> to > Slock .Mdse. $12iM> to F. Borden. Sh"sti»'ii,., irom 15 . f|'i,i $1«" t»c »\ I »r»I« n • Ihe Bi'rk i- in-triit-l, d ;<• an ■ S ■ . . . ' - F I'. Bail'. y linplernenl Co., Wendell, rai-.-d >*'..* A Aid — Si , , Stock I *"I•'*"ini-i 1 1W '-nd..II. rai —.<| from $,ioo to .... Dr. II. F. Lamb, X .. It' ll. oi Lots 7 S. 9, In Blk 12. Sho "I. Imp. i ai- d from Mod * Ü .. " I ' V reileiibur*gb, 23 11. in Lots 7, S, 9. 10, Imp. Shoshone, from 5 j i n » m . ° J Brninan, 23 x 12" fl m laits 7. 5, 9. in, Blk, 12 >ho >hone. Imp. raised Bom >loo to. I . T. 1 »isiicy , S i X 12" But. raise" 12 - .4 ■ •> It. 7. s. 10, Lots 3 ami (5. Blk 12 . Shoshone, Jon Irom $ in" to.. ,. r. usdiI H.«r .ill» « t a (J can , »• D • • 1 • 1 1 11 «. .Ton oi anu i xx m - .lieu nx Bill, txa ai lor (I. i uii < • If i UitUOri ' . at p« . 'a ' il lu cbüU pu i * iatil al bliusiioiit I'fuUiTd in ! 'I,*,''*,) t .ii Lowei -■■ntriA al ÿlJOjüUU roUUre 4 v\m • une Liiis .* ii ui ,'oxx I .'••11111(111 l alls, *la .- pH' I lie verified applicant.ll Uni ■ raiiuer Lumber Co., by («. W lx. nm Ih, as til« <i I, y (he Clerk , .F * A , L* • B'll, was and | e Board, after uu.- delilieralioii, s*r. dits (he Billowing ni.ucl.ioii» m xaluulioii»: ■■• ->i*(j at $ 12,000 renuced to $11,; itiniliiT* m Uoouing yard aâ -eased al $|0,uyu reduced to $9,«uu, Bnnb. r in Hageriiian yard assessed ^ r,d,atd L " *'•**>• \i,m tB l i lf, S d ''PpBculion of the 'k" 1 is-llohcrls Co., hy P. K. Du ncV, 'on'. 111, 0 b >" U| e Klerk July j; 1 *• war considered ami tlm Boar",alter due deliberation.grants '' :, 'lh>vvmg r.-duclioiis in valna Uons. Alerehunoisc at Hugel'inuu L'to'Ii« 0 ut ^'â.Bod rdf need lo * U .' IUW - *'«« v '' rl V', d application of G. B. i .h W O h ,lteu *»>' Blerk July o . Vn 1111 ', was '•«bsidere.l and the IrL m^V n du,: Boliheration. l,1 '' ^Bowing reductions r °" s 'Bnprovehients upon 4 *** *! V* *-**/jrk 36, Gooding, as n,T"rr ü at r « d «ced lo $3.000. 1 1 î,° 1 . V î;" f f , T ü , u V pllcat *0« of A. M. 2ütb* *p»n* J ed 1,y H 11 ' Fh*rk July Honr.i *• B as ««»Wered and the Lr',. il' n af duu deliberation, vai .,in 10 owing reductions in Ini' V b 'i i Improvement« upon s.'s-ed •"'«•» L »£» Fiooiliiig, as 3*h } % reduc Be to *3.000. n, n7ul u ed application of Jc mm Hardware Co.. If c. W. Oor 19th o»M ,ll ' d by ^ 1,1 Flerk July •Mil, ion, wa8 considered and the luiliiiei* III Jerome x aid III